How Much Money You ACTUALLY Need (Surprising)

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Iman Gadzhi
How To Start & Scale A Profitable Marketing Agency: Six Fi...
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so how much money do you need is it $10,000 a month is it $50,000 a month is it $100,000 a month that is what we're gonna be addressing in this video now the reason that this kind of comes about is I was talking with one of my one of the students within my mentorship programs and he was listing a number that he thought he needed a month and he actually came up with the number of a hundred thousand dollars a month and I'm like doo doo doo doo slow down can you expect her why like
why do you need that and he's like dude like a hundred thousand I know that is what I need for my ideal lifestyle and I basically made him go through an exercise that is taught within a amazing book Tony Robbins money master game I basically made him go through an exercise that I've done that I actually did a little while ago now I did this in I think April I'm gonna try and find this for you guys yeah he's just trying to find inside is this April and April was like you know I had just
been getting into entrepreneurship for I'd been in it for like four or five months sort of properly and that in April I made 5,000 won I don't know if you can see that five thousand one hundred pounds after tax so that's roughly six thousand five hundred dollars after tax that is and yeah so uh that was kind of like my starting point and I was only six months ago and then to get to where I am now but one thing that I wrote down which was quite interesting is I actually wrote down that my ideal
lifestyle would cost me like I'm talking like financial abundance here what it cost me and secondly pull this up I'm trying to do this one-handed roughly okay so it cost me eighteen thousand five hundred pounds I don't know how well you can see that eighteen thousand five hundred pounds is how much like my ideal ideal like financial freedom financial abundance would cost me and I wrote that six months ago and I thought hey like in two three years I'll get there and I made this actually much more than this last month so six months later
and that's kind of an amazing feeling but my point is I was able to do this because I broke down a realistic number and I'm actually gonna jump on my computer here and we're gonna go in through this exercise together and I'm gonna show you realistically how money do you actually need for your top top-tier because allah you guys are losing by the fact that you're making up all these huge numbers and then they're not they're not attainable at all or you just get discernible but you did you get discouraged why focus on making a
hundred thousand dollars a month when you haven't even made ten thousand dollars a month so i'm gonna see you guys on the computer right now and now we're gonna go through this exercise and i'm gonna freakin blow your mind and show you you know how much your idea lifestyle will realistically cost you and how close it is so let's jump on so guys let's break this down right now how much money do you really need is it twenty-five thousand dollars per month a hundred thousand dollars per month may be half a million dollars per month
there are people who I know who literally like dude I need I need I need to make like 10 million a year and let's let's break this down you see the problem is is that so many you guys are making it such a like esoteric like for far-fetched thing your ideal lifestyle Euler you're like in you know in five years in ten years I could have my ideal lifestyle it's so much closer than you think and with the just all the financial vehicles and everything we have all the opportunity that we have in front of
us it's possible within the next year and you literally saw that by the fact that like everything that I wrote in this book like you'll see basically there there were slight adjustments but my ideal lifestyle and I'm talking like dude this is like once I got this lifestyle like for me I have everything that I would like want and need I've done that I wrote this in April end of April six months later Here I am I have like I don't like I haven't bought everything on there but like I've made that amount of money
right so one thing that I was very clever about is like just don't make this far-fetched thing don't think you have to make ten million dollars a tenth yeah ten ten million dollars a year or like even a million dollars a year like it's so much closer than you would ever ever possibly imagine so let me just break this down so living costs / sort of the boring rent four thousand dollars I know for a lot of you guys like that seems like a lot I'm actually in the process right now I'm right after this
I'm heading off to the real estate agents because I'm actually about to pick up a place within the next like 45 days it's a bit hard because it's Christmas and stuff like that I'm actually gonna pick up a new apartment and my apartment is gonna cost me roughly apartment or hopefully if I can get like a small Mews house or something that my apartments gonna cost me roughly five thousand dollars a month I think five thousand to five thousand five hundred dollars a month so here I am six months later literally like living my dream
lifestyle so yeah my new place is gonna cost me roughly five thousand five thousand five hundred dollars a month I know it seems like a lot but I live in London I work at home you know like to me it's it's literally the most important thing in the world um and yeah literally read a read a book called happiness hypothesis basically in that book it breaks down that of all the money can buy you happiness but of all the things that money can buy which brings the highest increase in happiness it's where you live it's
the area you live in and it's the area you live in and it's also you know what does your physical house look like so for example you know my place the new place I'm gonna get there have a few options for five thousand five hundred dollars a month like it's not huge like I you know if I'm sure if I go to America or a different part of the UK or something I could literally get a house like a detached house but I live in the most expensive area in London which is the most expensive
area which is the most expensive country like in this whole like this whole country so I couldn't be around more multi millionaires multi billionaires and that's the environment that I want to be around so it's quite a lot or whatever so four thousand dollars I'm actually five thousand five hundred now but let's just keep it 4,000 that's what I wrote down before utilities that's just like like phone bills stuff like that $750 food $600 at the beginning of every week I literally go to Whole Foods or Waitrose once again I do caralho about nutrition and
I just pick up like 10 meals pre-plan hi you pretty much the same every week you know it's always sweet potato egg it's always a tuna steak it's almost actual steak with sautéed vegetables like I take care of myself but it's so much cheaper when you plan stuff stuff ahead and you like you you actually cook for yourself so 600 that's like food if I'm scraping by Anna not really going out okay so out ers seven this is the fun extravagance stuff honestly I'd love to get an Audi rs7 I'd love to get a Jaguar
f-type but I'm still 17 years old and there's no way like I can buy the car but I'd there's no way I'm ever gonna get insured so how do our s7 that's you know that's further down the line but if you finance it and stuff like that it'll only cost like $1500 a month yes I could go for like a Lamborghini or a Ferrari but I want to say like I'm still young this is this would literally be my first car so you know I I don't really feel need to do that sort of stuff
travel $1500 it's cold as in London right now and unfortunately I literally can't travel I have a project a big campaign that I'm working on this company and I'm legally not allowed to leave the country for the next four weeks until this campaign is done because it's worth a lot hopefully a million dollars in four weeks so travel liked it to me that's super important like even in London right now you know you don't have much sunlight stuff like that like vitamin D you know just that that's exposure to Sun is so important so travel
that's another thousand five hundred dollars clothes / gifts that's a thousand five hundred dollars already bought the iPhone X it's in the other room like that or that call that alone cost me like whatever like $1500 you know I'm almost buying my stuff for myself what no I'm actually very clever with my money clothes once again I'd like to spend money I actually you know I don't buy the item you know as a type of person to buy like the Gucci stuff you know I don't really give a about the Gucci flip-flops or like having
the designer wall and stuff like that but I like to like dress well simply because in a business environment I think it's a huge advantage so I like to go to places like Ralph Lauren and Massimo Dutti hack is these are just like you know they're all Gucci but like they're actual like nice clothing for a reasonable price so that's another thousand five hundred socializing that is a thousand dollars once again that's just kind of like going like I don't drink so it's to pay me I don't I don't pay for much I drink and
then when I go to clubs and stuff like that I know promoters and I know people who like oh the owners of clubs and stuff like that so I don't ever have to pay for like bottle service and stuff like that especially because I don't drink so socializing that's like a thousand dollars and the future giving $1500 I never talked about sort of giving because I don't I don't think that that is like I don't I don't I think if you're talking about what you give or you know the sort of the the noble stuff
you do then it's not very noble in of itself but definitely a lot higher than this number at this point so giving $1,500 a month self-education $1,500 a month once again that number is a lot higher physically now it's funny as I said I'm wrote all of this stuff down last April and then Here I am in November literally like living this life plus more so it's a total of sixteen thousand dollars 850 per month so now all you have to do is you have to pick your financial vehicle you know you can do personal
brand you can do affiliate marketing you can do social media marketing you can do Amazon FBA you can do drop shipping I do three of these and I'm gonna get onto Amazon FBA next year as well you know I do three of these already personal brand affiliate marketing and social media marketing and literally from one financial vehicle in of itself you can get to that point so you know I a lot of you guys are losing before you even get started you know so my personal brand vehicle alone enabled me to do this my personal
brand made me my personal brand made me twenty-one thousand dollars last month I believe it was this month I haven't tallied up and we're only halfway through right and my personal brand is like my second business my main is my social media marketing agency you know so um just pick pick a financial vehicle to get you there and do you see how 16 thousand dollars per month isn't as big a stretch now for example in social media marketing you know if you say you're doing a couple Facebook ads you outsource a bit of social media
management and gross you can easily charge your client two thousand dollars per month you just need eight eight clients guys and you can autumn eyes things like people keep asking me yes I am gonna come out with a social media marketing course in probably like January or February because people ask me like you know do you do a lot of work for your social media marketing you think no I don't like I autumn eyes everything so that's literally like it's eight clients you know eight clients and you can automat and you can easily make sixteen
thousand dollars per month guys like that's you know that's a bit of coaching that's a bit of that's a bit of coaching maybe a few digital products maybe a few mastermind groups like it's not that hard and affiliate marketing guys once again super easy especially if you're running it through a personal brand I mean that said like this this number 16 thousand per month I've done that for my personal brand I've done that from social media marketing agency I haven't done that from affiliate marketing I'll put my hands up so I'm not gonna say it's
super easy but I know it's very attainable so the one thing that I do want to keep in mind here is I'm sitting on the other side of this and I'm you know I'm going guys like it's so easy blah blah this is that like in all fairness I was I was on I was in your position where I would sit on the other side of the computer be like dude off like I made $3,000 per month stop telling me it's easy but all I can say is you know I've been there I've gone through
that path and I can say like it's possible and it's a lot closer than you think and the way you feel right now is the same way when I talk to my business mentor you know and he goes emailing like this is how you make a hundred thousand dollars per month and I go off dude like like stop being pretentious like you know like hey thanks a lot for telling me it's easy you know like for me it's not easy so I understand that you know we're all at different stages and whatnot but what I
want you to do is I just I just wanted me I want you to make it a bit easier for yourself guys like rather than going I need to make $10 10 million dollars per per year like where did that number come from where did a million dollars per year come from you know look at everything for $16,000 per month and look at everything I get you know look at the sort of lifestyle I have do you know how what a million dollars a year is it's eighty-three thousand dollars per month you know eighty-three thousand
dollars per month that's like five times this amount five times the sixteen thousand per month you know so all I want you to all I want you to do is I want stop holding yourself back and I want you to start like let yourself have a chance of winning you guys are losing before you even get started by the fact that you're going for these weird like esoteric numbers and by the way before I got to this $16,000 per month I started off with hey like like you see that I basically all of this stuff
I got it's over there but all this stuff I thought was from a money master day game Tony Robbins is a great great book look I start off with just living call slash boring and I go I went okay let's get to this amount first and then I go fun extravagant and then I went to the future you know like so like you stack all of these things and then you eventually get to this sort of like dream lifestyle and offerings for a lot of you guys like for all you guys you will generally need
a hundred thousand dollars per month from me personally like I don't I don't need to fly a private jet you know I don't need to stay in an extravagant mansion it's gonna come I know it's gonna come but like those are just sort of things that I personally don't really care about as much you know even things like I know a lot of you guys want to you know talking about socializing all all you guys want to go out and you want to get that bottle service every weekend you know you want to buy a
table every weekend for $3,000 stuff like that isn't as important to me a lawyer you guys like you guys need the latest designer Gucci stuff like that stuff like that's just not as important to me whereas stuff like giving self education is super important to me so it's all just kind of where you're at board so if there's one takeaway from this is break this down step by step start with like go three tiers top top level which is this go what is um you know like financial security what is financial abundance and then what's
financial sort of like extravagance of that makes sense so you know you see these three tiers here living cost boring start off what's that then stack with the phone next rubbing and then go future something along those lines or if you want to be really clever about it go to Tony Robbins money master the game it's the thing it's like fifteen dollars or something the book just order on Amazon and that book is incredible and will pretty much teach you how to do all this stuff and then just pick a financial vehicle this every single
one of these can easily make you I would save thirty thousand dollars a month hundred and then the best part is now you can start mixing and matching and stuff like that so I hope you really took something from this if you have please leave a like and make sure you subscribe I'm doing lives every three times a week and you get here and a questions answered live in time real person so turn on post notifications if you haven't already and guys let me know once again this isn't who has a bigger dick competition let
me know below like once you jot it down all these numbers and stuff like that what is your ideal lifestyle or your abundance lifestyle what's that number what's that figure looking like and how do you intend on getting there let me know in the descriptions or in the comments and yeah thanks for watching guys
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