I've beaten Elton ring I've beaten sakiro and I'm getting close to done with bloodborne so today it's time for me to play the game that started it all not you yet Dark Souls one that's right I've never played any of the original Dark Souls Trilogy before so today I'll be taking my first step into Dark Souls I plan to do a full series on this game so if you're new here subscribe and see how it all plays out and as always enjoy the video oh wow okay we get to make a character you know what
that means it's time to make the most deformed human possible let's go for tiny head class probably just Warrior my head really is Tiny oh my god oh we got full facial customization okay fantastic he's absolutely perfect it was perfect Perfect all right let's get into this game it's time for my suffering to begin this is where I come in oh there there I am show me that beautiful face I want to see that piercing gaze oh hey that that guy's the Dark Soul that's the knight from the title screen can I okay I have
a broken sword on me that'll get the job done oh yeah yeah cool I'm actually just gonna go back in my cell now see you later oh my my first bonfire are you actually get an achievement for that I'm glad I don't have to fight whatever that giant demon was down there don't tell me they're gonna make me fight that giant demon anyways I see a lot of blood stains oh okay there he is hello yeah I'm doing two damage at a time take my life not come on seriously crunch thank you wait what wait
no no no this can't be it's supposed to teleport me to the next area maybe I can open the door can I just leave it's locked what oh there's an exit okay get me out see you later stinky wow um we're just gonna scratch that death from the records this is still a zero death play through okay ooh a shield [Music] oh what's she gonna do now I have a shield why are you running come back here oh there's backstabbing interesting all right you stay there okay I'm gonna go see if this other item is
a sword oh thank God yeah you're done for now seriously that's what I thought through the dungeon why does this look like a boss door I thought I just escaped the boss telling me that I have to fight him yo are you good in there bro is not good in there hello Bozo oh I actually just got jump scared by a ball great you know I should have known since this is Dark Souls the whole game is just gonna be out to to get me you'll know well I might be a little hollow inside thank
you no thank you sir for the wonderful Estus flasks really they re-lock the door all right I got this this time for sure do I have to jump down what's up bozo he jumped up when I jumped down oh he's got Wings on him you can fly with that fat body a little damage I missed oh like how the attack animations sound like the puffer fish OG oh oh it's all about timing in this game I see you're Dawn for kid Asylum Demon easy peasy all right get me out of here that's a big bird
I'm a bird Take Me Away In lordran level up and Kindle at bonfires all right let's just start with strength and vitality that's that's the way we do things around here what is up my guy two bills of Awakening one in the church and one in the ruins at Blighttown I don't like the sound of Blight Town I mean blanketown just sounds like poison and blight and disease and rot I have 10 Estus flasks that's crazy well let's start by going up because down sounds bad is this water safe yes is this chest safe yes
I guess I'll try going up this way oh a foe well this isn't too bad yet maybe I'm gonna eat my own words in a second but Dark Souls easiest Souls game convert off the entire map okay I take it all back I'm going on to that bridge I saw an item oh okay easy does it let's go ring of Sacrifice what does that do lose nothing upon death but ring breaks I will probably use that when I get to another boss see it's these tight hallways that you can't trust one second you're just walking
through the hallway the next second a ball comes at you out of nowhere and you're down for it's over Undead Berg [Laughter] they just name the town on deadburg see you oh great literal trash that I just picked up off the floor has no value Phantom why why does it exist what's the point it's actual rubbish not is that another boss door no way fine I'll Traverse the Mist the white light sorry there's no boss in here what's the big idea item ahead facts that is so true oh I almost made it too oh I
wonder if you can make that I'll try one more time try one more time the nice running start no I don't think you can make it all right my brother in Christ I thought the Dragons Were Dead the game said at the start the dragons are dead was that all a lie or is it the dragon's Redemption Arc what the heck is this oh is that a companion summon oh you know what I know what I need to do I need to kick him that's probably how you take down Shields calm down yeah there we
go why is my character taking damage so sensual the enemies were so easy up until this point and you give him a spear and I lose my mind oh I can have a spear get out of here I was killed oh didn't actually think there would be a passage here hold up so this is how you get into the lower section yo I almost attacked this guy too are you a merchant I like this guy all right what do you have for sale throwing knives fire bombs dried fingers Mmm delicious that's a delicacy uh I
guess I'll take the residence key first I don't really need to manage any items at a bonfire yet I had a feeling I thought there was gonna be an item back there not an anime but item I could try to jump across now oh baby first try I did it yes we did it comrades we did it oh I just walked them dumbass I'm not upset you're upset okay let's try this again foreign now everyone's upset okay yeah that's perfect fantastic nailed it now instead of going down what is up here oh a crossbow you
know what I bet if I break these barrels yep that's another item boom all right no more getting sidetracked I would like to find a new bonfire before fighting that Drake oh huh what a nicely placed bonfire good luck that's not promising at all yeah I'm not gonna trust that chest for one millisecond real not in this game let's see you're not a mimic all right black fire bombs all right hey the residence key what's going on up here fellas what are we looking at all right whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
whoa I'm not no no I'm stuck oh my God I lived I squeezed down somehow um that's what we say not even close where I come from I tried to go after me how'd that work out for you buddy doesn't look like that worked out too well why did I take what I'm just gonna leave him be I think a little bit of Eternal suffering is a better punishment for you than giving you the sweet release of death all right see you around hang in there oh that's a big guy don't mind me I'm just
passing by nothing to see here Crucible night is that you oh God okay hold on hold on I'm stuck on Terrain don't mind me I'm doing piss for damage against this guy I need to kick his shield but like oh come on that's fine that's fine it's back on that Undead Burg grind that guy sucks for early oh secret secret don't mind if I do okay is there nothing there is there really nothing tough enemy I have three Humanity no flask oh [ __ ] oh I know what this is I think I've seen this
fight before are you serious nope I'm dealing with you first oh I can't slide down ladders that's so sad oh there he is yeah what you gonna do I'm under your toes boy I rolled too soon that time sure Taurus demon I'm in between your legs buddy you're never gonna get me like that oh oh we staggered him I rolled too soon nope we're good we're good oh we're good we're good well did I just no hit that I think I genuinely just beat that boss no hit zero flasks I feel pretty good about myself
after that tough enemy ahead I don't know about all that tell me there's a bonfire down here I could really use one that's not a bonfire but it's a friendly dude I think oh my this is the praise the sun guy is he looking at the sun no of course he is you can say there is a very subtle glare effect I guess uh um I can go this way I really want to find a bonfire before I get murdered okay not going this way anymore not doing that nice bonfire what does reverse hollowing do
offer Humanity in Reverse hollowing yes am I not gonna be a ghoul anymore oh my gosh I'm a human now fantastic I'll level up first little endurance a little vitality little decks a little strength a little more vitality all right oh that gives me extra Estus flasks okay I like Humanity oh God no no no that would happen you know what it's fine I lost my Humanity but I still have my 10 Estus flasks so is this a helper invade world of great alert oh this is like a fight that I have to do there
we go invading world of a gravelord servant as spirit of Vengeance I'm gonna take him down you're done for kid oh my God these are other people these aren't other people that's a Luke Goblin wait that Luke Goblin is another person baby okay I'm dead now what was the point that guy's name was Lou Goblin so I thought like it's like oh that must be a loot Goblin hey what dude just pull down this is flask uh okay didn't know that could happen I'm gonna try using the crossbow on this guy to get him a
little bit lower uh when this Shield's up it doesn't really help much he's too powerful surely he can't fit through that door oh Lordy he can oh you swung too high you swung too high did he just jump down all right stay down there for a second 20 damage is massive 24 wow a little penetration there I see okay I'm a little cornered at the moment okay he's almost dead I did not mean to do a jump attack yikes no no I gotta retreat oh okay nice Titanite chunk I'm pretty sure that's for upgrading weapons
and a blue tearstone ring well boys I am gonna end that one here thank you all so much for watching if you do want to see a full series let me know down below like subscribe and I will see you all next time peace [Music]