F-Rank Boy Activated The System After His Death & Absorb Power Of The SS-Rank Monster - Manhwa Recap

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AniRay Manhwa Recap
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Video Transcript:
The story began with a white ball in space shooting a beam straight at the ground. It happened completely out of the blue. A danger warning popped up on the phone; someone's voice said that representatives of an extraterrestrial life form had invaded the Earth. They were extremely strong. People watched in fear as tall buildings were engulfed in flames. They asked everyone near the point of invasion to evacuate to the nearest shelter. A large dragon with blue stripes was destroying the buildings of the city. Suddenly, Kuroshi appeared in front of him and said, "It is finished,
monster!" For 15 years, he had lived proudly, facing problems head-on. But that day, the dragon grabbed Kuroshi in its mouth, and his stubbornness destroyed him. Ten years ago, people watched in amazement as multicolored beams flew across the sky. A swarm of alien monsters called IBA flew to them from space. Tens of thousands of IBA filled the Earth, and human weapons were useless in the fight against them. People ran in fear from the three-headed dragon and the flying monsters. It seemed that people could not avoid extinction. But ironically, the IBA themselves brought them salvation. When in
contact with cosmic matter, the element of stars, people began to awaken special abilities. The man in the blue T-shirt decapitated a monster with a hand from which fire emanated, and the confrontation against the IBA began. Meanwhile, in their time, the students were heading to the school building. This is the 8th Special Purpose School, also known as School 8. Children from 15 years old with the most outstanding skills gather there. The school has the best program that will make outstanding fighters out of them, and he is one of the students of this school. Kuraboshi looked at
the building with delight when suddenly an iron can flew into his head. More precisely, he worked there as a part-time cleaner. The guy with the bag called him off quite happily and said, "Without skill and rank, here is your job," and ordered him to clean up. Each person is assigned a rank depending on their ability. This system was invented to respond to the IBA invasion faster and more effectively. Well, his ability never awakened. Kuroboshi looked at the iron can that hit him with displeasure. He was not even assigned an F rank, and without a rank,
they do not accept students in the school. He picked up the can and said, "Whoever made a mess must clean up. This applies to any rank." Kuroboshi thought that he was not going to give up so easily. A few seconds later, he was lying on the ground with bumps on his forehead. The guy with the bag grabbed him by the hair and said with displeasure that if an A rank gave an order, then he should obey the unranked idiot. Suddenly, fire appeared in his hand, and he said that he saw that middle school did not
teach him anything; abilities decide everything. If he cannot remember this, then he will burn this rule on his body. Suddenly, the fire in the guy's hand turned to ice. Kuroboshi was surprised and thought, Did the flame freeze? The boy turned around and asked with displeasure, "Who did this?" Standing in front of them was Orin Hea, an S rank known as the Ice Wall Witch, considered the most outstanding student among the first years—an elite among the elite. She said that abilities should be used to fight IBA and asked what he was doing and how he was
behaving with a civilian. The boy said that he did nothing and asked if she had not used her ability on him. Orin picked up a jar from the floor and said that he also shouldn't have objected to those who were higher in rank than him in an emergency. If he was accidentally killed by someone higher in rank, he would get away with it. Kuroboshi smiled and thanked her for her help. He gave her a thumbs up and said contentedly that he had no rank or ability and he judges people by their actions. Now it was
time for him to do some cleaning. He waved his hand at her and said that his job was to maintain cleanliness for the students of School 8, who protect their world. Orin looked at him in confusion and asked, "What a strange guy. Isn't he too naive?" Eight years ago, the girl in the yellow dress asked, "Is he crying again?" Little Kuroi said, "Mom, everyone at school thinks he's untalented and laughs at him." The girl said, "It's okay if he doesn't have abilities. You shouldn't judge a person by what they have but by what they do.
That's why I want him to help people to the best of his ability." Kurobashi asked, "Not by abilities but by actions?" He smiled and said, "I'll try, Mom." She wished him luck. Sometime later in the hospital, his mother was lying on the bed, and Kuroshi was standing next to her. The man in the white coat said that his mother's body was too weak for her ability. Currently, there is no treatment for this yet. The woman with the folder in her hand said she heard that this patient's child never awakened his ability. The girl in the
white T-shirt asked, "Is she kidding? So he also has no rank? Both mother and child are completely useless!" Kurobashi asked, "What is ability? What is rank?" He turned back in order not to dare to evaluate him and his mother in this way. A person is defined by his actions. At present, Kuroshi quickly swept the floor, wiped the windows, and cleaned the toilet. Then he exclaimed, "Great! I finished all the work for the day!" In the morning, he picked up a bucket with a bag and asked, "Maybe I should clean up the outside too?" In the
meantime, the man said that they would begin a practical lesson. Kuroshi watched the students' lesson and said something was coming up. The man in uniform pointed to the cage with monsters and said that this was IBA Class One. For each student with rank B and above, they were gathered here; they would defeat such a weak opponent in a minute. In order to begin, the cage opened, and monsters began to come out of it. Orin used the ABS (Absolute Fire) ability at the same time as the guy who used the Absolute Explosion ability. The guy in
uniform exclaimed in admiration, "In one hit? Amazing!" He asked for an S-rank; this should be easy as pie, right? Kuroshi watched from afar and said he still had to throw up the trash. Suddenly, a blue beam from the sky hit the ground. Kuroboshi covered his face with his hand from the strong wind and asked what was happening. There was an alarm throughout the school building: "An IBA attack near the ETH Special Purpose School!" A large dragon with blue stripes appeared next to Kuroboshi. Someone's voice said, "All fighters of rank C and above, go on alert!"
Kuroi asked in surprise, "What IBA?" The student shouted that the thing didn't know it would run into the best in the ranking—what an idiot! The guy in uniform asked everyone to finish it off. Orin told the guys to wait and said that they were not ready for a real fight yet. The students ran towards the monster and said they would decide for themselves; they would finish him off and rise in the rankings. The guy with the magic fireball in his hands used the ability Maximum Explosion. A yellow magic ball, Thunder Arrow, appeared in the hand
of the guy in uniform. The students used their abilities together and attacked IBA. Someone's voice shouted, "It worked!" and ordered everyone to attack at once. Suddenly, there was an explosion. Kuroboshi was blown away by the wind from the explosion and flew to the side. The students of the school began to rejoice when suddenly IBA spread his wings and howled. The guy in uniform asked in surprise, "What? Not a scratch? But they shot at him with everything they could!" Suddenly, the monster began to accumulate energy to attack in its mouth. Orin ordered everyone to stay behind
her and used Absolute Ice Wall. A wall of ice appeared in front of her when suddenly IBA attacked her. Orin's strength began to disappear, and the wall began to crack. She was thrown to the side and lost consciousness. Kuroshi peeked out from behind a rock onto the battlefield and asked in surprise, "Did he defeat all of the top ranks?" The girl in uniform said, "This strength and size—it was he who destroyed Tokyo eight years ago, the strongest IBA!" The guy fearfully ordered everyone to run away from there. Orin looked after the fleeing students and shouted
that they needed to fight together. She asked who would protect the civilians if they ran away. The guy in uniform fearfully called for help when suddenly IBA grabbed him with his mouth, crushed him, and swallowed him. The monster looked at Orin. Orin asked in horror, "Did this IBA eat a person?" Suddenly, a tongue and sharp teeth came out of the monster's mouth and began to attack her. Kuroshi threw a bag of leaves at the monster and ordered, "Try this!" He grabbed Orin and ordered her to run. He opened the lid in the ground and said
that they would hide in the sewers; he knew all the tunnels inside and out. IBA stopped in front of the sewers and stared intently. Meanwhile, in the school sewers, Orin asked the janitor why he would risk so much for her—he didn't even have an ability. Kuroboshi said that he did what he could; you don't need an ability to help people. Orin looked at him in surprise and thanked him for saving her. Kuroshi said that there should be an entrance to the shelter at the end of the tunnel and that they needed to hurry. After a
while, Kuroshi opened the sewer cover and climbed out of it. He said, "Great! They're here—the entrance to the shelter!" The shelter doors started closing in front of them. Kuroshi asked, "Are they closing the doors?" He shouted for them to wait since there were two more there and asked to let them in. The guy in uniform shouted that they were already full; civilians from the neighboring houses were hiding there and ordered them to find another shelter. Suddenly, he asked, "Isn't that Hecka with S-rank?" He ordered everyone to move over since they had to protect her. Orin
and Kuroboshi looked at each other happily and thanked him. Suddenly, the guy pushed Kuroboshi out and said there was no room for him and let her come in. He asked, "Toply me? I don't have a rank; I saw him at school." The guy in uniform said they couldn't waste space on him; they needed to find another shelter. Orin looked questioningly at Kuroshi and exclaimed that after all, he saved her and asked to let him in. She said that if there was not enough space, then she was ready to give up hers, but he must go
through—this is an order as a senior in rank, or an order to let him into the shelter. Suddenly, the ground began to shake. The guy in uniform shouted in fear that IBA was coming there; there was no time to argue in order to close the gates. Kuroshi angrily clenched his teeth and pushed Orin into the shelter. He gave a thumbs up and said that ranks and abilities did not matter; a person is judged by his actions. The doors of the shelter closed, and an enraged IBA appeared in front of him. Kuroshi laughed and asked, "What
now?" His opponent was the strongest. For 15 years, he lived proudly, facing problems face to face, and this time he had to fight a monster that even high-ranking ones could not defeat. Kuroboshi grabbed an iron pipe and began to hit the monster on the paw. He ordered it to surrender and said that he might not have the ability, but he could defeat it with willpower. Suddenly, the monster grabbed him and ate him. Kuroshi laughed and asked, "Die saving people? You can't think of a better outcome?" He thought that it was all a lie. All his
life, he had convinced himself that a person is defined by his actions, but the truth is that he always wanted to get an ability and, with this ability, look into the eyes of those who mocked him and his mother. But this was no longer possible. Kuroshi was lying in a puddle and bleeding. Suddenly, a system window appeared in front of him and notified him that the death condition for activating the ability had been met. The Black Hole ability was activated, and a black and red magic ball appeared above him. The system announced that the hunt
had begun. Suddenly, black holes appeared in IBA's body; the absorption rate was 20%. A black magic ball appeared from IBA's stomach; the system announced an absorption rate of 40%. Suddenly, the black and red magic ball completely absorbed the monster, and the system announced that the decomposition and restoration process had begun. Suddenly, the black and blue ball began to crack, and Kuroshi appeared from it, his entire body covered in blue stripes. He asked, "Did I absorb the strongest, and am I still hungry?" The system notified him that the strongest IBA was successfully absorbed and asked, "Would
you like to use his unique abilities?" Kuroshi looked up at the sky and said that he was hungry, and then he lost consciousness and fell from the big black ball. On his hand, there was a black mark in the form of a circle. Suddenly, the mark on Kuroshi's hand began to suck in the black and blue ball when suddenly someone's voice ordered him to return his body to him. Kuroshi opened his eyes and asked, "What?" A voice in his head responded. The strongest IBA appeared in front of him. Kuroshi asked in surprise, "Is this the
strongest IBA?" The voice ordered him to return his body to him again. Meanwhile, Kuroshi jumped out of the hospital bed and screamed in fear. He looked at his hands in fear and asked, "Am I alive? Wasn't I devoured by the strongest?" When suddenly, he saw a black mark on his palm and asked in surprise, "Is that what a black spot is?" Suddenly, a creature flew out of the black mark and screamed at him to give it all back because this was his body. Kuroshi asked in surprise, "Who the hell are you?" and asked what disrespect
this was. "You don't recognize me? A human? These majestic horns, these sharp fangs capable of cutting metal in half? I am the king of the creatures that you humans call IBA. I am the strongest!" Kuroshi asked, "The strongest? But you don't look like him at all!" I pointed to the horns and asked, "Could anyone else have horns like that?" Kuroshi agreed and said that they seemed similar. I asked irritably if he still didn't believe him. "What should I do with you then?" Kuroshi asked. "I will tell you my true name; only a few are honored
to know me." He thought in confusion and asked, "Why can't I remember it?" Suddenly, Kuroshi punched IBA and began to beat him. He asked wildly how much pain he was causing. "So, you are seriously the strongest!" IBA ordered him to stop torturing him. Kuroshi grabbed him by the neck and angrily asked, "Does he even know how many people died because of him? He is the enemy of all mankind! Only death will atone for his crimes!" IBA replied, "Idiot! I am an enemy? Has he already managed to forget everything? After all, he ate me, and here
is proof! Now my body consists of the remains of his body!" Kuroshi looked at him in surprise. IBA exclaimed that he thought he had already digested him, but he began to eat him from the inside. "Now his body emits my smell! I am sure of it! I have to drag out my existence in this miserable shell, the lowest form of life! Even in human language, I have to speak!" Kuroboshi asked in surprise, "My body consists of yours?" IBA replied with displeasure, "How many times should I repeat it?" Suddenly, Kuroboshi heard footsteps behind the door, and
hiding his hand behind his back, he said that someone was coming. Orin appeared at the threshold and cried out with tears in her eyes, "G Kuroshi! He woke up!" Kuroshi said, and she was from school. Orin said that her name was Orin. Kuroshi smiled and said, "So that's how it is! Then I will call you Orin." Orin looked at him with disdain and said, "No respect for a senior in rank. Well, it doesn't matter now." He ignored her. "Order that time too! She will not allow him to do that again! It is the duty of
seniors to protect civilians!" Kuroboshi said that he did not intend to go against her order but simply did what he thought was right. Kuroshi suddenly trembled and thought about how the room had somehow become colder. An icy magical aura appeared around Orin. Orin asked him to be honest with her and said that a week ago, the strongest disappeared from all radars. She asked how they found him alive. Orin asked him to answer her question, as this information could help all of humanity. Kuroshi gritted his teeth from the cold and asked, "A week has passed? Has
he..." Slept for that long? Orin agreed and said that he was in the Hospital of School 8 and had been unconscious for exactly a week. She picked up the remote control and turned on the TV. Oren said, "And here is what is happening in the world now." The TV presenter said that the strongest IBA appeared as suddenly as he disappeared. The case is still under investigation. During the attack of the strongest, there was interference with communication; all cameras and equipment nearby were destroyed, and no recordings were saved. All they have is information from eyewitnesses in
the place where the strongest was supposed to be, but only one boy was found. This is the only information available, and the details are still unknown. They continued to broadcast. Kuroshi looked at her and asked, "Is the boy found?" Orin agreed and asked him to tell her about what happened that day. The strongest has enough power to exterminate all of humanity. They must find him as soon as possible, which is why she came to him as a representative of School 8 to interrogate him. A blue magic ball appeared in Orin's hand. She asked him not
to lie, otherwise she would have to use force. Kuroshi asked in confusion if he should tell the truth. Honestly, he himself does not really remember anything from that day; the strongest was his. Kuroshi did not have time to finish speaking as IBA hit him on the head and asked, displeased, "Where do such honest idiots come from?" Kuroshi grabbed his head and exclaimed "R!" On the head. Orin asked in confusion if he was okay. Kuroshi agreed and said that his head hurt a little. I said, "Well, go ahead, let him tell her that he ate the
strongest and created a new body for himself. People will finish him off on the spot." Kuroshi hesitated and said that made sense, but if he lies, it will only make things worse. He grabbed IBA with one hand and held his other hand out in front of her. Kuroshi asked Orin to listen carefully and said that he ate the strongest with his ability; here is the proof. IBA exclaimed, "Idiot! He will destroy them!" Orin looked at him in surprise. Orin looked at him strangely and asked, "There's nothing there. What is he even doing?" Kuroshi looked at
her questioningly and thought, "She does not see either the spot or the strongest. Did she even hear him?" An ice crystal appeared in Orin's hand. She asked them to take this seriously; as she said before, she is allowed to use force. Suddenly, IBA with purple stripes flew in the sky. I got angry and asked, "Is he already here?" Orin asked to answer her question because the life of humanity is at stake, and she will not let him escape. I said, displeased, "Idiot! We need to get out of there now!" Kurobashi asked, "What is the rush?"
I said that there is no time to explain and ordered him to move. Suddenly, IBA flew into the building. Orin covered herself with her hands and asked, "What is this?" I exclaimed that it was too late. Orin used the ability Absolute Ice Wall and covered them from IBA's attacks. Kuroshi asked in surprise what he was doing there. IBA angrily ordered him to run away from there and said that compared to him, what they call S-Class is nothing, and he came there following the trail of his scent. Kurobashi asked, "Sent in what sense?" IBA said that
he had defeated most of the local IBAs back on their home planet. It was clear that he sensed that he was weakened and had come for revenge; in other words, he had come there to eat him. Kuroshi looked at the monster in surprise. Suddenly, IBA grabbed an ice wall with his mouth. Orin said that the Absolute Ice Wall could withstand attacks from even an S-Class IBA. Suddenly, a bit through the ice wall, Kuroshi pushed Orin away and ordered her to run since he had come there for him. Orin looked at him with displeasure and said
that she didn't know what was going on there, but he wasn't the one to give her orders; she was an S-Rank, or in HEA, and it was her duty to protect civilians. She used the Thousand Icicles ability and attacked the monster. Orin happily asked how it was for him; with this, no IBA would be a problem. Suddenly, there wasn't a scratch left on IBA's body. Orin asked in surprise where her icicles had gone; he had melted them with his body heat. She said that things were bad and ordered him to hide behind her. I said
that he was distracted, and while that flying chicken was distracted by that girl, they could escape. Suddenly, Kuroshi jumped into the monster's paw. IBA asked in fear what he was doing. "Brat!" Orin shouted that he had no abilities and ordered him to quickly run away from there. Kurobashi smiled and said that he was doing what he could; he was his target, and he had to fight him. He turned around and asked what next. He noticed the edge of the building and ran in that direction. Orin said that they could climb down this tree, and she
would take him away from people. I furiously asked what kind of idiot he was if he got to it; this was actually his body. Kuroshi said that he knew that without it, and he must do it, and exclaimed that he was a complete idiot. Suddenly, the floor under Kuroshi's feet gave way, and he jumped out of the building. He asked in surprise how that was, "Is he flying?" Kuroshi happily said that it was an amazing feeling. He asked, "But how is he supposed to get down?" Suddenly, Kuroshi started falling. He started screaming that he was
falling. I ordered him... To calm down and concentrate on his feet, suddenly there was an explosion on the ground, and Kuroshi landed on his feet. He opened his eyes and asked if it hurt. How was that possible? He had fallen from such a height. I said with displeasure that he should thank him for that. Kuroshi looked at him questioningly. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the building, and IBA was heading straight for them. Kuroboshi said that this monster had caught up with them; they needed to get out of there quickly. He started running from the
monster. IBA said that he had convinced him and they would make a deal. He ordered them to switch bodies with him immediately; if he did this, he would defeat this chicken. If he refused, all the people in the area would die. That was easy for him. IIA looked at him with a crazy look and asked if he would let him die or give him his body. Kuroshi asked, "Switch bodies? What do you mean?" IIA said, displeased, "Literally, he will take control of his body; after all, it consists of the remains of his body. I'm sure
he can handle it." That time, he jumped and landed successfully because he used his power; without it, he would have already been smeared on the ground. Kuroshi ran from the monster as fast as he could. A ordered him to think faster and asked if he wanted to die. Kuroboshi thought about giving his body to the strongest, and then he said, "No way! He will switch bodies with him, and he will do something else there. He still hasn't forgotten what he did to School 8 and the students." Suddenly, a purple magic beam shot out of the
monster's mouth. Kuroshi dodged the attack and exclaimed that it was dangerous. I said that this chicken would not let him go so easily because the monster knows it's his body; it wants to burn it to a crisp. Suddenly, the girl in the wheelchair screamed. Kuroi asked in a female voice; someone was not evacuated in time. IBA ran to attack the girl in the wheelchair. Kuroboshi exclaimed, "This is bad!" He switched to her. He ran next to the monster and began to tease him. IBA ordered him to stop showing off and quickly give him his body.
Kuroshi thought that it seemed like his body really was made of the flesh of the strongest. Suddenly, he waved his hand and hit the monster. Kuroshi asked excitedly, "What? Not a scratch? How come?" AB said furiously that he already said that he could only use his power if he lent it to him; until then, he was a very ordinary person. Suddenly, a purple magic ball began to form in the monster's mouth again. I said that he was repeating himself for the last time and ordered him to switch bodies with him because that way he could
finish him off. He ordered him to think faster and said otherwise this hospital would be raised to the ground. Suddenly, Kuroboshi squeezed IBA and said that he was talking too much. For starters, it was his fault that he was there, and it was not he who would use his body, but he who would use his power. Suddenly, a monster attacked them. I angrily asked, "You thickheaded idiot! Did you think about dying?" Kuroshi smiled and said that for now, this was all he could do, but if he lent him his power, then they would both survive.
The strongest IBA was a threat to all of humanity. He asked if he would take him with him in his body, then he would only be thanked. Would he agree? IBA exclaimed that this idiot would kill him. He ordered him to give him his right hand and said that he would allow him to do so only this once. I climbed into the black mark on his hand, and suddenly Kabi's body began to glow. He thought about how he felt the power spreading throughout his body; now he could do it. Kuroboshi waved his hand and said
that he had to get rid of the monster without hurting people in the hospital. The system announced that the power of the captured strongest had begun to be released. Suddenly, a blue magic beam shot out from Kuroboshi’s hand, which collided with the purple magic beam of the monster. Kuroboshi exclaimed that the monster's power was pushing them out; the strongest should try hard if he didn't want to be eaten. IA discontentedly ordered him to shut up and not dare to underestimate his power. Suddenly, Kuroboshi's magic beam hit the monster. The girl in the wheelchair happily watched
what was happening. The dead body of the monster fell to the ground. The system notified that the release was complete, and it was switching to normal mode. Kuroshi looked at his hand in admiration and said, "Amazing! They were able to finish off that giant with one blow! So, this is how strong he is," and admitted that he was wrong. Suddenly, Kuroshi's strength ran out, and he fell to the ground. Orin ran towards him and called out to him. She stopped and looked at Kuroshi in surprise. Orin asked, "Is this I's corpse? How is this possible?
Could it be that Kuroboshi did this? But he doesn't have any ability, does he?" Meanwhile, Kuroboshi was sitting on a chair, unconscious. After a few minutes, he woke up and asked, "What was this? It smelled delicious." Rean stood in front of him, pouring a drink into a mug, and asked, "Is he awake, G? Kuroshi, would you like a cup of tea first?" Rean placed the mug on the table in front of him. Kuroboshi asked, confused, "Who is he?" Rean apologized for not introducing himself right away. He said that after defeating the IBA who attacked the
hospital, he was in critical... Condition, and they decided to take care of him. This is the underground training ground of the E8th High School. During the IBA attack, it is used as a shelter for high-ranking officials. It boasts the best defense known to man and is able to withstand attacks from both inside and outside. He is Regan, S-Class Commander of the Eth Special Forces Squad and Principal of the Eighth Special Forces School. Kurobashi was surprised and exclaimed he had heard of him before: he defeated the strongest IBA who attacked Tokyo eight years ago, the strongest
special soldier in the country. Rean smiled contentedly and said from now on he is his superior. IBA asked he ran into a nasty guy; where can he escape from him? Kuroshi asked why they were in an underground training ground. Suddenly, he saw Orin in front of him, and with a smile on his face, said that he was glad that she was okay. Orin smiled and said that she was too. Kuroi looked at Yunagi questioningly and asked if she was attacked too. Yunagi waved her hand and said that she was. "Senri Yunagi," she was about a
rank. She thanked him for saving her. Kuroshi smiled and said that while she was in the hospital, they were attacked. He asked, "Isn't this the uniform of the 8th High School? Is she really a student there?" Yunagi said that everyone there except her was a high rank. Nishiki pointed to the table and said now that everyone understood the situation, he asked them to get started and help themselves to some cake with tea. Kuroshi was surprised and thought cookies in the shape of animals were so cute and began to quickly eat the cookies. Rean said that
he would get straight to the point. He asked if he absorbed the strongest IBA. Did he hear that he can use the element of stars too? Kuroshi spat out his tea in surprise and asked where he got that from. "That's not true!" Orin looked at Kuroshi with displeasure. Rean asked not to blab as they were watching him. The star element is a mysterious material brought by the IBA from outer space. It is the source of energy for the IBA and the special abilities of humanity. It cannot be seen with the naked eye; even the highest
ranks can only feel it slightly. It cannot be measured by any human instruments, but Orin Yunagi has a special ability; she can see the star element and even analyze it. So he asked her to watch him. Kuroshi said that it was not an accident that he saved Orin in the hospital. He asked if he really wanted to say that they were checking him. Reagan drank tea and said that the strongest IBA appeared alone in Tokyo eight years ago. His destructive power knew no equal; his attack was comparable to dropping a nuclear bomb. Recently, the IBA
is undoubtedly considered the strongest creature, the most dangerous. Rean suddenly appeared behind Kurobashi and put his katana to his throat. He said that they must eliminate any sign of danger; it is his duty as the strongest S-rank holder in the country. Kuroshi gritted his teeth in excitement and thought how did he appear behind him so quickly? Just a moment ago, he was still sitting in that place. Kuroshi looked at the empty chair where Rean had been sitting. Nishiki said angrily, while he was absent, the strongest IBA specimens had attacked the students who had a great
future; he had to protect them, and now he would definitely exterminate all the strongest specimens. Suddenly, Orin asked the principal to wait. She said that if someone whose strongest power was comparable to a nuclear bomb appeared, then it was likely that a third and fourth would appear. It was better to be friends with someone who could wield the strongest power. She asked, "Isn't that the hope for humanity?" Rean sheathed his katana and said for now what she was talking about was just a fantasy: how nuclear weapons are used against nuclear weapons themselves, so the strongest
force must be confronted by itself. But it is impossible to let a 15-year-old boy have a power comparable to a nuclear bomb, and they must test him. Rean asked Yunagi to measure Gay Kurobashi. Yunagi rode up to Kurobashi and said then they would begin. She grabbed his hand on which was the mark of the strongest. Kurobashi, she asked in confusion, what is she doing? Yunagi said that a small strongest specimen was found recently; he changed beyond recognition, and now his star element is zero. Kurobashi looked at her in fear and asked who she was. Yunagi
stretched and said, "I wonder why he became like this? Anyway, without the strongest measurements, she will no longer recognize." Suddenly, Yunagi took off the bandage from her eye and said that each person is a universe. Kuroshi looked at her eyes glowing with a yellow light in surprise. Yunagi asked, "Well, what kind of universe does she see inside him?" Yunagi used the ability astronomical observation. She suddenly plunged into the starry atmosphere and happily said, "So this is what is inside Gay." A black celestial canvas is hidden in his body, and the twinkling stars are the element
of stars. Although she was told that he did not have special abilities, he still has the element of stars, much less than other people. But suddenly, a black abyss appeared in front of her. Yunagi looked at it questioningly and asked if the element of stars was moving. She was horrified and exclaimed, "It can't be! I am being sucked in!" Yunagi began to be sucked into the abyss. She said, "So's special ability is a black hole; it is sucking me in too! I can't get out of the flow!" Yunagi screamed in fear that she can't get
out. A few seconds later, Yunagi found... Herself inside the black hole, she opened her eyes and asked, was she thrown out? So this is how strong the gravity of a black hole is; no living thing can get out if it is sucked in. Yunagi gritted her teeth in excitement and said that such a special ability exceeds all human capabilities. Now she will find out what his true nature is. She shouted forward to the very depths and flew down. Suddenly, she saw a magic ball in front of her with a monster in it. Yunagi asked, "Is
this a black ball? Is this the strongest IBA?" When suddenly, IBA woke up and began to attack her. Yunagi screamed in fear and canceled the ability of astronomical observation. Yunagi woke up in horror and grabbed her head. She asked, "Is she alive?" Orin excitedly ran to her and asked, "Is she okay?" Kuroshi was surprised and asked, "Is she finished already?" Rean handed her a cup of drink and asked her to drink tea first and calm down. Orin said, "Director, water is better." Now, a few seconds later, Yunagi was drinking water from a glass and was
still terrified. Rean asked, "And how are the observations?" Yunagi looked at Kuroshi and said that his special ability was a black hole. She saw a black ball inside his body, and it seemed to be absorbing his own element of stars, so they mistakenly thought that he didn't have any at all. Thanks to his ability, they can confirm that he really absorbed the strongest IBA. Yagi's hands were shaking, but she continued to say that she was sucked into his black hole, and there she saw the sealed strongest IB. Rean asked what was the state of the
strongest IB. Yunagi shouted that he attacked her. Suddenly, Rean held his in front of Kuroshi's neck. Orin asked, "Director, what is he doing?" Rean said that she saw Kuroshi's ability and heard everything. Now, if the strongest IBA inside him awakens, there is a possibility that his ability will activate, and he will become the enemy of all mankind; therefore, before that happens, the danger must be eliminated. IBA angrily shouted that he would finish him off himself. As soon as he gets the power, he would decide everything. Yunagi said that the small strongest IBAs said that if
he got the power, he was going to kill them all. Perhaps it could be called a soul in their understanding. When G absorbed the strongest IBA, he separated his soul from his body. She suggested that defeating the strongest IBA and sealing him became possible only because his body was placed in a black hole and his soul was sent to the outside world. Rean said that even if the strongest IBA was sealed, the threat did not disappear because the soul succumbs to the temptation to use his power. He got angry and said that no owner of
a nuclear bomb should think about using it. Suddenly, Kuroshi grabbed the blade of the katana with his hand and said that he had come a long way without any ability; he knew exactly what he had to do. Kuroboshi squeezed the blade of the katana, and blood flowed from his wounds. He said quite happily that he would not give in to the temptation to use his power, which was guaranteed. When suddenly Rean swung his katana and attacked Kuroboshi, he said that this did not guarantee anything. Suddenly, the small IBA became angry; a blue aura appeared around
him. Kuroboshi's entire body began to glow with blue magic. Yunagi said excitedly that G's body was secreting an IBA's S+ rank star element; it was growing. Suddenly, a white magical aura appeared behind Rean. He said that everything was heading this way. G Kuroshi was classified as the strongest IBA and ordered him to be destroyed. Yunagi said that the amount of star elements secreted by the strongest IBA had increased dramatically. If this continued, his body would turn into the strongest IBA. Rean took out his katana and said that this would not stop him; he would cut
him into pieces before he could even understand anything. Rean swung his katana and released a white beam. Yunagi covered her face with her hand and said, "Wow, the director's sword strike was strengthened by the star element!" But for G, it was just that Rean was confused as he saw the attack pass through Kuroshi. Suddenly, the magical silhouette of the strongest IBA appeared in Guay. Rean was surprised and said that his amount of star element was off the charts. Even he, who does not have the ability to see the star element, could see it. He swung
his katana and began to attack Kuroboshi. He said that he would achieve his goal before he became even stronger. Orin was surprised and said that even such a barrage of attacks was nothing to him; she should cover the director. Suddenly, the strongest IBA began to crawl out of the mark and asked, "Come on, is this really all he can do? And he is still one of the strongest?" Rean smiled, swung his katana upwards, and said it was time to give it his all. A white magic vortex appeared above Rean's sword. The IBA silhouette said he
was funny. Yunagi said the director's sword had collected all the star elements that were nearby; it was dangerous. Orin shouted for Kuroboshi to wake up and asked if he was the one who said he would not give in to the temptation to use his powers. Suddenly, IBA's silhouette emerged from the mark and attacked Rean. He ordered them to have fun. Rean and the strongest IBA's powers clashed. Suddenly, Rean's katana broke on the strongest IBA. Rean looked at IBA excitedly. IBA exclaimed, "What fun!" and attacked him. Orin and Yunagi exclaimed in fear in one voice, "Director!"
A few seconds later, the smoke cleared. Here is the text with perfect punctuation: "And the strongest IBA was lying on the ground. He asked what was going on and why it was so dark when suddenly the IBA's silhouette began to be sucked into the Mark again. Reagan frowned and asked, 'Is he the strongest IBA or Kuroshi?' Kuroshi smiled and said, 'He said he wouldn't give in to the temptation to use the skills of the strongest.' He exclaimed, 'He is gay, Kuroshi!' and it took him some time to get his body back because he kept knocking
him out. Kuroshi pulled I's spirit towards himself and said discontentedly, 'He attacked someone again.' He was told that he ate him. He asked, 'Does he want to do it again?' I looked at his face without eyes and fear and wondered what happened to his eyes when he was eaten. He felt I be remembered the holes in his body after the battle with Kurobōshi. He said fearfully that he understood and was leaving. Ibe only asked not to scare him like that again and asked, 'Is that a deal?' After which, the strongest IBA hid in the Mark.
Kuroshi exhaled heavily and said that his special ability is called the black hole, but he does not understand how to use it at all. At least the strongest IBA hid himself. Yunagi said that now his element of stars is greater than zero. Reagan smiled contentedly and laughed. He said that it was magnificent and amazing; from a seriously injured person with loss of consciousness, he turned into someone who has the consciousness of the strongest IBA. Kuroshi looked at him in surprise. Rean asked not to harm anyone since the strongest IBA was sealed in his body. Rean
extended his hand to him and said that he was accepted on behalf of the director; he allows him to transfer to the ETH school. Kuroshi asked in confusion, 'Accepted transfer? What does he mean?' Rean said that he passed the test. If there is a possibility that the strongest individuals will continue to attack, then in the future, they need power comparable to them, but this power must be controllable. So he tested him to see if he could beat the strongest IBA. Kurobōshi put his hand on the wound and said with pleasure that now they are constantly
testing him. He said now the next step is to transfer to the ETH high school; previously, he could not enter this elite school where only the highest ranks were admitted. Kuroshi asked if he will test him again. Rean asked, 'Is he complaining?' Kurobōshi extended his fist forward and said with satisfaction that he will just do his best, so he will enter the ETH high school and fight for everyone. Even if he does not have the ability, he will still support the people who fight for the sake of all mankind; he would give it his all.
Rean smiled and said, 'So that's how it is. He has a kind heart.' As the Headmaster, he says, 'Welcome to the school!' Suddenly, he grabbed Kurobōshi by the shoulder and ordered him to show his wounds; he will heal him with the ability and apologize for hurting him like that. Suddenly, Rean saw the wound that had healed and asked, 'Did he block his blow? It doesn't look like he'll need medical attention.' He thought, 'So this is how the strongest IBA's ability affects the body. Either way, it's still dangerous.' Rean called Hea and said that from now
on she's in the same class as G. Kuroshi. He ordered her to watch over him as the class representative. Orin said that she understood and would do her best. Rean said that Yunagi was transferred to another class and is now in the same class as these two. He ordered her to watch over Gurabi. Sry asked, 'So she has to watch over the strongest IBA?' Sry exclaimed happily, 'What luck! She knows that she scared him a little, but now he won't take his eyes off him!' The strongest IBA said in fear, 'This sorceress is scary.' Rean
and Orin watched Kuroshi and Senri talking on the side. Rean said that things would get interesting soon. Orin agreed with a smile on her face. Rean took out a thermos and asked Orin if she wanted some tea. Orin declined the offer and thanked him. Rean drank from the mug and apologized. He said that he would tell it like it was; if the strongest IBA inside gay Kuroshi got out of control, he ordered her to use her ability so that G Kuroshi and the strongest IBA would be destroyed. Orin looked at him in surprise. Rean said
that, of course, if he was around, he would help sort it out, but he is often not there since he deals with IBAs of S rank and above, so she would have to deal with it. Orin said, 'But against the strongest IBA?' Rean interrupted her and said that he heard that the strongest IBA broke through her ice wall, but she has the ability Ice Star. It seems she can handle gay Kuroshi until the consciousness of the strongest IBA takes over. He asked, 'That she could have used it earlier if she wanted, right?' Orin hesitated in
place, worried. Rean said that the veto was over, so they would protect their homeland; there were only 10 of them, S rank. Orin looked at Kurobōshi and remembered how he saved her from the IBA. She said that she understood that if the strongest IBA inside G Kuroshi got out of control, she would destroy it before it could harm people. It was her duty as an S rank. G Kuroshi saved her, and she would repay him in kind. Rean smiled contentedly and said, 'That's better.' He called Kurabi and released white magic from his hand. He asked,
'Can he feel it?' Kurobōshi watched the magic in surprise." "And said, 'There's nothing.' Rean ordered everyone to listen and said that he was giving them a task. Before Kuroshi was transferred to the Eighth High, he asked them to tell him about the element of the stars and said that it could restrain the strongest IBA. But it seemed that he did not know anything about the basics of abilities. Rean exclaimed, 'This mission is very important for the survival of all mankind, and failure is not an option!' The next day, Kuroshi found himself in the forest. In
his hand was a piece of paper. He looked ahead with satisfaction and said that this was a training ground. He came to the place that Orin showed him. In front of him was a high fence with "Ansen Marachi" written on it. Kuroshi asked in confusion, "Is this an Ansen?" Kuroshi reached into his backpack to look for a map and asked if he had mixed up the meeting place or apologized to him for making him wait. Kuroshi looked at them in surprise. They said, "Welcome to the training center for special soldiers of the Eighth High!" Anen
Marachi. Senry waved her hand at him with satisfaction. Kuroshi asked if they had already swum, that is, trained. Orin said that this was training. She asked him not to say that as if they were cooling off. Kuroshi was surprised and said, "But they were simply languid from the water." Kuroshi looked questioningly at Cry and asked if her legs were okay. Yunagi smiled and said, "Thanks to the Director's ability, they were as good as new. It was just a fracture; it healed instantly." Kuroboshi squeezed IBA in his hand and said, "As expected, his ability is incredible,
and he will soon learn to use it too." Senri approached Kuroboshi and looked at IBA with loving eyes. She said that she would conduct a study of his ability. Kuroshi looked at her questioningly and asked what she was talking about. Sry looked at the mark with satisfaction and exclaimed, "He is the strongest IBA!" IBA fearfully ordered her not to look at him like that. Suddenly, IBA hid in the mark and said, "How scary he is in the house!" Sry said contentedly that it didn't matter because this time she was interested in the mark. She grabbed
Kuroboshi's hand and asked him not to move; she would study it properly now. Kuroshi asked, "Study in what sense?" Sry stuck her fingers into the mark. Kuroshi blushed and said that he didn't feel well. Yunagi exclaimed, "Two fingers went in so easily!" Kuroshi, displeased, ordered her to stop playing with his body. Orin asked if she could stick her finger in just one. Kuroboshi asked in horror what they took his body for. Suddenly, IBA bit Sry's fingers and said, "Displeased, enough of this obscenity! Worthless; this is his home!" Sry said that the strongest IBA got angry.
She licked her fingers and said that now she knew that her hypothesis was basically correct. She asked if he felt anything when she stuck her finger in. Kuroshi said that it was just ticklish. Senri exclaimed, "She knew it! Unfortunately, if he continued like this, he would never be able to use his powers." Kuroboshi was surprised and asked, "That he would never be able to use his abilities at all? How so?" Yunagi showed two fingers and said that she wrote out the element of the stars when she stuck her finger in. "If he does not feel
something like this, he can easily die during a battle." Yesterday, the Director said the same thing. Kuroi asked in confusion, "To begin with, what is the element of the stars? Is it any different from abilities?" Orin said that the element of the stars is energy necessary for the use of abilities; it is like fuel. The element of the star is a cosmic substance that the IBA brought during the invasion of the Earth. Now it is scattered everywhere. It is also abundantly contained in the bodies of living beings. A yellow magical aura appeared around the bird
in their bodies. The element of the stars enters through breathing and food; they constantly study it, forming an aura around the body. Yunagi said that if he does not feel it, then it can be a big problem. "It is impossible to use abilities if he does not recognize the element of the stars, the elemental fuel." Kuroboshi scratched his head in confusion and asked seriously, "He's no good for anything now, but he's okay. Orin and Senri are going to teach him now." Orin and Senri smiled contentedly. Yunagi picked up a wooden ladle and said that they
would conduct training aimed at recognizing the element of the stars. Kuroboshi asked in surprise about the source. Yunagi handed Orin a ladle of water and said that it was her turn now. Suddenly, a magical aura formed around Orin and transferred it to the water. Yunagi said in surprise, "This is powerful!" Kuroboshi asked in confusion what they were up to. Orin said that she transferred a large amount of the element of the stars to this water. "If he drinks it, he will definitely learn to sense the element of the stars." Yunagi happily told him to taste
Orin's element of the stars, which she kindly transferred to the water. Orin, displeased, ordered him to stop, saying that it's not quite like that. Sry said that the Ansen in this area has always been rich in the star element, so it is much easier for people there to sense it. Kuroboshi took a ladle of water in his hand and said that it is easy to sense the star element there. He thanked Orin and Sry. They smiled slightly and watched him. Kuroboshi drank the water with the star element and immediately grabbed his throat. He asked in
fear, "What is happening?" Sorry, said contentedly that such a strong star element is poisonous to some people and asked him to be careful. Kuroshi held his throat and asked how she could forget. Sorry asked, "He is transferring to the ETH high school starting tomorrow, right? If he can't figure it out by tomorrow, he won't be able to speak on his first day of school." All the students go through this hot water training; the goal is to take in the strongest star element and increase its power. Kurobosh wiped his hand and said that he did not
expect this. He smiled and told them not to worry; he will overcome all difficulties with a smile on his face. He will enter the ETH high school and protect humanity. Orin and Sorry started to cheer him on together. Suddenly, a magical aura of the star element appeared around Kurobosh's body. He looked at his body in surprise and asked, "What kind of feeling is this? Is this really the star element?" Orin exclaimed happily, "He did it! How wonderful!" Kuroshi looked at the area in surprise and was surprised. He said that there are so many star elements
in this place, even in the hot water and the trees too. Orin said that there are a lot of star elements in nature; this place has a particularly strong concentration of star elements, so it is a special training ground for the school. Kurobosh looked at himself and asked in confusion, "Did the star element disappear?" Yunagi looked at him and said she thinks it did happen after all. Kuroshi asked, "What is she talking about?" Sorry thought about it and said that she looked inside G with her astronomical observation ability and saw that there is a black
hole inside him. In other words, G uses his ability and inhales his own star element. Kuroshi looked at her in surprise. Yunagi said happily that it turns out he is like a bucket with a hole; the star element never accumulates in his body. Kurobosh asked, "Does that mean he will be able to use his abilities?" Orin said that she has one idea. She raised her index finger up and suggested that everyone take a bath in a hot spring. "The water is full of star elements; maybe something will change." Yunagi was happy and said that this
is a great idea. Kurobosh said in confusion, "This is his training." Senri said that he can consider this part of the training. Orin said that they need to go to the hot spring since it should help. Meanwhile, Kurobosh was sitting in the hot spring and asked, "What is this? He wants to tame the hot spring; he is sure it will not be easy." He was lying on his back in the water and taking water into his mouth. He said that he deserved it; he is so talented, so much star element—what a perfect place! Iay asked,
"Does that mean you can use your abilities here endlessly, right?" He smiled widely and told Kuroshi that he couldn't use his ability. Kuroshi hit IBA in the forehead and said that he was really worried and asked him not to exaggerate. He took water in his hands and said that he was right after all; even though there was a lot of star element in the hot spring, he couldn't do anything—nothing at all. Kurobosh turned his head to the side and washed his face. He said that he shouldn't give up even when there was the slightest chance;
he would do his best. Meanwhile, on the women's side of the hot spring, Senry said excitedly that even though they came there, even if he felt the star element, she wasn't sure that he would be able to use his ability. Orin said that their ability also depended on their feelings; G really needed their help. Yunagi winked and said, "That's right; everyone's ability was different, as were their abilities with the conditions for their use. If she told G about her thoughts, it would be a blow to him." Orin smiled and asked her to believe in Kurobosh
and wait; she thought he would succeed. Meanwhile, Kuroshi was trying to create the element of stars. He said that nothing was working; it was a complete failure. Failure, since the element of stars was not accumulating in him. Kuroshi exhaled heavily and said that he would start by saying that he did not like hot water. He looked questioningly at his hands and asked, "Until now, there was a lot of element of stars, but the energy was constantly decreasing." He threw out the water from his hands and asked in surprise, "He was sucking in the element of
stars? What kind of ability is this?" He said that it must be his ability, but he cannot control it. The system notified that more element of stars was accumulated than required for sealing. He looked at it in surprise and asked, "What is this?" The system notified that the star elemental jet can be used; does he want to use it? Kuroi asked, "Jet? What is this?" Suddenly, Orin and Yunagi noticed something in front of them. Orin asked, "What was going on? What was it?" A yellow magic beam shot out from the men's zansen. Sorry said it
was on the G side. A few seconds later, the door to the men's zansen swung open. Sorry asked if he was okay. Kuroshi was standing in the middle of the hot spring. He turned around and apologized to them for scaring them. He said that when he was bathing, the system notified him that he could use his ability. Senri and Orin looked at him questioningly. After some time, Kuroshi came out of the apartment and said, "Well, finally!" He was looking forward to this, Hatchy High. Suddenly, someone's voice wished him good morning. He looked to... The side
questioningly, and Orin and SRI were standing in front of him. Sry said that the uniform suited him. Kuroshi wished them good morning with a smile on his face. Sry said sheepishly that yesterday at the hot spring, when she saw him naked, she thought he looked very interesting. Kuroi asked in confusion where she was looking. SRI asked, "So what were they talking about that beam of light? After he released it, what happened next?" Kuroshi raised his hand up, and a magic beam shot out from the mark. Ibe asked fearfully, "What is that?" Kurobashi scratched his cheek
and said that he himself did not fully understand. Senri said that it was indeed an unknown ability. Kurobashi said that an element appeared in the window; it was marked with a star. More star element was accumulated than was required for sealing. Oren asked, "So this ability simply absorbed all the star energy and released it?" At this time, all the star elements disappeared from the female side of the hot spring. Orin folded her arms in displeasure and said, "Well, thank him! She did not even have time to learn anything." Kuroshi bowed to her and said that
he was very sorry. Orin looked at him in surprise and said she was just joking. Kurobashi asked, "Orin can joke too?" Orin said displeased, "Of course! She is also a human." In any case, Kurobashi feels the star element. If the Alpha's restrictions were really lifted, then they would study hard and grow together. Kurobashi smiled, then bowed and exclaimed that he would not let them down and asked them to believe in him. Orin asked in surprise, "Is that so?" Kurobashi said that he wanted to thank them; he thanked them for helping him with training. Orin nodded
her head contentedly and said that she was glad that he had matured. He immediately looked like a student at Hatchi High. Kuroshi waved his hand at them and said that he couldn't stay late and that he had to go. Orin asked what business he had. Kuroshi ran ahead and exclaimed that everything was fine; he would make it in time. Orin asked if she had said anything unnecessary. Senri smiled and said that it seemed so. Some time later, in the hospital, Kuroshi sat in front of his mother. He apologized to her for not being able to
come to her last week due to some circumstances; he didn't succeed. He adjusted his clothes and asked her to look at this uniform. He decided to enroll in Hatchi's school, and also he was able to use some of his abilities. He would use them to help everyone. After a few seconds, Kurobashi said that he went and would be back. AIA watched what was happening questioningly and asked if he felt something for a second, but maybe he just imagined it. Well, it's okay; it doesn't concern him anyway. Meanwhile, Kuroshi ran down the road as fast as
he could. He said that he was late on the very first day; he wasn't even told that the school would be moving to another location. He asked how he was supposed to guess. After a while, Kuroshi ran to school and said that he barely made it in time. Suddenly, he hit something. He quickly bowed and said that it was an accident. A guy with a bandage on his face stood in front of him and asked what he was doing there. Kuroshi looked at him in surprise and asked, "Is that the voice of the fire eagle?"
This bandage—was he okay? The boy gritted his teeth in anger and asked, "Are you okay?" He grabbed Kurobashi by the collar and angrily exclaimed that yes, he was mocking him. He had not fallen so low that he should feel sorry for him. Kuroshi excitedly apologized if he had offended him. He happily exclaimed for him to do it. Kuroshi said that he did not mean to laugh at him; he was grateful that he had fought bravely for them all back then. The boy with a bandage on his face remembered how IBA had attacked the school and
dealt with the students. Kuroshi extended his hand to him and said that from today on, he too would be transferring to Hatchi High. He would be happy if they could fight together as friends. He pushed his hand away and asked if he was offering to fight with him. A large magical fire appeared in his hand. He said, displeased, that they were all acting like fools; he would burn this uniform. Kuroshi looked at his hand with the mark and then at the boy. Meanwhile, at Hatchi High, the guy in the uniform ordered everyone to look over
there; there was a fight. Orin pushed through the crowd of students and said that she was a member of the student council. She apologized to them and asked to let her pass for just a minute. Suddenly, she saw Kuroshi fighting a student of the school. She said, "On the very first day of school!" when suddenly Senri put her hand on her face and told her to wait. She apologized and said that something interesting was coming up and asked her to look at it. Orin looked at the guy with the headband and asked, "Is that a
fire eagle?" Sry said that everything would be fine. The guy attacked Kurobashi with fire, but he deftly dodged. Senri said that since the guy became a student of Hatchi, he should be ready for anything. Kuroshi ran away from the guy's attack and asked what he should do; if this continues, he would lose and the jet most likely would not appear. He looked at the mark on his hand and asked about an ability. The guy with the headband used the magic fireball in his hands and said angrily that he was finished. He used the maximum explosion
flame ability and ordered it to turn into ash. Kuroboshi put his hand with the mark in front of him and said that he would absorb the flames into the black hole. IBA dodged the attack and exclaimed, "This is dangerous!" The fire reached Kuroshi and knocked him to the ground. Orin exclaimed in fear, "Kuroboshi!" The schoolchildren encouraged him and shouted that the outcome was already decided and that he had to show them he could still fight back. Kuroboshi grabbed his hand and, through the pain, asked why he couldn't absorb the flames. I got angry and said
that he almost got hit by it; if this happens again, he will kill him. Kuroboshi asked, "This flame is Hashimoto's element, right? He thinks that's why the hold does not absorb it. He uses the element of stars as fuel to create flames and does not use the pure element of stars." IAY said that's why the alpha can't absorb him. He smiled slightly and said that's why he'll lend him his power; with the Alpha's help, he'll be able to use his abilities too. He asked, "Will we do it together? It's really nice to burn people, huh?"
The guy with the bandage walked up to him with fire in his hands and asked, "Is he still alive?" He exclaimed, "It's time to end this! I'll destroy him from close range so he can't dodge. That's it; he's finished!" The guy attacked Kuroboshi with magical fire. Kuroboshi smiled contentedly and asked, "Did he really think he'd roast him?" He grabbed the guy's hand and said that the outcome of the fight is decided by willpower. The guy ordered him not to resist; he'll burn anyway. Kuroshi exclaimed, "He's already lost!" Suddenly, he began to absorb the fire, and
the guy with the bandage's hand went out. He looked at his hand and asked, "What? Why did the flame go out?" The system announced that a small amount of the element of stars had been received. Jet can be used once. A system appeared in front of Kuroshi, and he asked, "Is this window again? But the one at the hot springs is too dangerous." The guy put his hand on his chest and asked, "Did the element of stars disappear in his body?!" He swung his hand and angrily asked, "What did he do with it?" Kuroboshi put
his hand with the mark in front of him and used the jet ability. The magic beam shot straight at the guy and threw him up. A few seconds later, the guy with the bandage was lying on the ground unconscious. Senry happily raised her hand up and said that he was great, as expected. Orin exhaled easily and said that Kuroshi was able to use this ability. The student asked in surprise, "Fire Eagle lost! Who is this guy?" IAY said that the energy splashed out on its own; he did not even give a signal. Kuroboshi looked at
his hand in surprise and said, "What kind of ability is this?" Meanwhile, in the ethereal special school building, the teacher said that this was their new transfer student and asked him to introduce himself. The student asked if he was the one who defeated the Fire Eagle that morning. "Is that him? Why is he so tense?" Kuroshi said excitedly, "Well, my name is Kuroshi!" He exclaimed, "Nice to meet all of you!" The teacher said that his punishment for the fight that morning was that he was forced to apologize a hundred times. He asked the class; "This
will be a lesson for you too, got it?" The guys agreed. At the same time, SRY happily said, "As expected of Kuroshi! He did such a thing on the first day of school!" Orin, perplexed, said that she couldn't believe it. Senry went up to Kuroshi and greeted him. She said that in the morning she defeated the air runner; she ran 10 laps. "It was a brilliant debut!" Kuroshi said awkwardly that after the incident in the morning he was called to the principal, and there he lectured him so much. SRY smiled and asked why he came
so late. Orin suddenly exclaimed, "What nonsense did he do this from the very first day? Such behavior is unacceptable for school!" A magic ball appeared in her hand, and she said that from now on she would monitor his every action in school; if she sees such a thing again, she will freeze him. Kuroboshi hunched over in fear from the cold and apologized. Senry looked at him lovingly and said that what he did in the morning was amazing; she was glad she was there. She showed two fingers and said, "Apparently, Alpha has two abilities. The first
ability is the so-called black hole; it puts a star element aimed at Kuroboshi. The second is jet, with its help he can release a powerful charge of energy accumulated by the black hole. Also, the black hole can absorb the star element around; you can compare it to inhaling air. The ability jet perhaps came from it." Kuroshi scratched his head and said, "Alpha? He thought his ability came naturally, but he still can't control it." Kabuka held a white rag in his hand and asked if it was him who was mopping the floors in the building next
door. Kuroboshi agreed and asked why he was asking. He thought, "Why is he wiping his hands?" Kabuka smiled contentedly and said that he knew it was him; he was doing his best to keep the floor insanely clean. "It was amazing!" So, he remembered. Kuroboshi happily thanked him and said that he was glad someone noticed his efforts. Kan Auku extended his hand and introduced himself. He said that he was only a B rank, but he hoped that they could get along. Kuroshi shook his hand and said that he... was Gu Kuroshi, and that rank didn't matter;
he was glad to meet him. Abuka asked in surprise, "So he was unranked, but his abilities were much greater than his?" He asked, "Or would he be given a rank later?" Suddenly, the hand of the Fire Eagle grabbed Abuka by the head and asked, "Are they having fun here? It's easy to be friends with low-ranking people. Are they playing friends here?" When he came to Hatchy High, he was surrounded by such low-ranking worms. The guy with the headband wanted to throw a bku when suddenly green magic appeared near him and threw him out the window.
Kuroshi asked. The Fire Eagle suddenly flew away. "What happened?" The guy appeared in front of them and asked why he came. They were all a complete failure here. He exhaled heavily and said that the principal invited him. "The thing is, he's like a mascot for the first year. It's so boring." While he was gone, the S-ranks were subordinate to the IBA and met strong opponents. One of the classes was wiped out by the Fire Eagle, and all the others were wiped out too. "At this rate, humanity has no future." Auku and Kuroshi looked at him
in surprise. The guy smiled and said that he was going to take the selection exam and they would be participating too. The guys looked at him questioningly. The guy said, "IBA hunting. There are five A-rank IBAs for every person." "What about a stripped of his rank and expelled from school?" The guy in the school uniform exclaimed in surprise that most of their class would be B-rank. The guy asked, "How are they supposed to wipe out five A-rank IBAs each?" The guy asked, "Is that why you guys are so worthless?" He pointed his index finger at
Kuroshi and said, "He's there too, the one who apologized a hundred times today. It seems the director gave permission for the transfer. He knows him. He asked the boy who was at the epicenter of the disappearance of the strongest IBA. Is it him?" Right meanwhile, the students were running, running on the treadmill. Kuroshi said that he had been running since early morning. Senri caught up with him and asked him to try his best; she believed in him. She said, "After all, it's so inconvenient. You have to run to the exam venue yourself, and there are
three hours left to run." Kuroshi said that there should be a city here, but it is abandoned and there are no people in the city. Orin said, "The thing is, this is a defense zone. When the IBA began to invade, people began to flee their homes. Only large cities remained. Now people live only in large cities and expand agriculture. Since the land and sea are under the surveillance of the IBA, movement between countries is almost impossible. There is another reason: all the cities are isolated." Abuka said that he heard that after humanity got the ability,
they were not able to fight back against the IBA. Sry said that these are all just fairy tales; only people above B rank understand this. Eer Ross drew attention to himself and said that they were almost there. "If they do not want to be expelled from school, then they all need to try harder." Kuroshi said, "S-rank Idasen." After that, nothing special happened. If everyone finds out the truth, then he will be destroyed. Kuroshi looked ahead in surprise and asked, "Are Orin and Sry in front?" He said that they need to hurry. After a while, Kuroshi
was breathing heavily after running, and they found themselves in the forest. Someone's voice asked, "Where is the exam taking place? It's just a forest." Kurabo she asked, "Maybe they should take a break?" Orin happily said that they train every day to become stronger; they can handle it. Kuroshi gave a thumbs up and said that he didn't have any abilities before, so he trained his body to increase his physical strength. "It must have been worth it," Orin said proudly. "That's right; you can never give up!" ITA ordered them all together and said that he would explain
the conditions for passing the selection exam. Kuroshi said, "They just ran here." ITA said, displeased, "It's just a selection exam. You need to climb the mountain and eliminate five IBAs!" ITA shouted that the mountain is full of A-rank IBAs and ordered them not to return without a victory. "Those who are not capable of this will be expelled from school." The girl in the school uniform said that this is some kind of nonsense. The guy in the uniform asked them to wait and said that most of them are not higher than rank B. ITA quickly tore
the badge off the guy's jacket and broke it into pieces. The guy looked at him questioningly and asked, "Does the rank say—?" Kuroshi was surprised, in thought: his badge? When did he have time? ITA ordered them to listen to him with displeasure and asked, "What would happen if an IBA who was higher in rank than them appeared on the battlefield? Didn't they learn anything from their previous attack?" I smiled widely and said, "Man, he hadn't seen his power!" Yeta asked, "Without their abilities, what could they even do? If they couldn't do it, they would die!"
The guys ran to the battlefield and said they would do it. The students said that they are elite students of Hatchi, so they can do it. Kuroshi ran after the others and asked if he could do it; he would do his best. Sry said this, and everyone ran away. Oren asked how many people would be able to pass the exam. She said that one A-rank IBA was equivalent to one military tank. On the other hand, a B-rank has... The fighting strength of an infantryman. Senry spread her arms out and asked, "That's impossible! How many people
would even survive?" "I wonder if they would be able to come back," Orin said, "that she would save them if necessary. They are a great team." ITA appeared in front of Orin and Sry and said that they were taking a special test with him, and they would be in the rear. Senry asked in surprise, "Seriously?" Now she was starting to doubt whether they would survive at all. Meanwhile, Kuroboshi was walking through the forest and said that he had started running after everyone, the A rank. "How should he find them?" he asked. IB flew out next
to him and exclaimed, "Hunting! How exciting!" He asked if they ran into an IBA; he would let him kill, right? His paws were already itching. Kuroboshi looked at him with displeasure and thought about how, from the first day of the transfer, he had gotten into an unpleasant situation. Kuroboshi was kneeling in front of Rean. Rean asked if he was having fun. Then he said, "But it was a pity to give him punishment. If what happened to the strongest IBA was revealed, he should take into account that he would be destroyed immediately." Kuroboshi gritted his teeth
and said that he was surrounded by dangerous people. He refused IB and said that he did not need his strength this time; he could handle it with his own hands. IBA sighed and said that if he had any problems, he could always tell him because he was his ally. Kuroboshi moved away from IBA and said that he smelled like fish. Suddenly, Kuroboshi heard a strange sound and asked what was happening. The ground began to shake. What was going on? A huge one-eyed monster was standing in front of the student. Kuroboshi exclaimed, "There he is! IBA!
So huge!" Kuroboshi gritted his teeth and thought, "Is he in a class? He is gigantic! Can't believe IBA is in a class." Suddenly, IA attacked Iuka. Kuroboshi asked fearfully, "Connie, he has to save him!" Kuroboshi ran to meet him and thought that, however, now he did not have the opportunity to accumulate a star element. He could not use the jet; this was the only thing he could do to help. Kuroboshi touched IBA with his hand and ordered him to absorb the star element from IBA. A black hole. Suddenly, nothing happened and IB attacked him. Kuroboshi
flew to the side and hit a tree. Abuka looked at him in fear and asked, "Kuroboshi, is this all because of him?" Kuroboshi spat out blood from his mouth and thought that it seemed like he broke something. He thought that if it were not for his body created from IBA, he would have died already. Then suddenly, IBA appeared and said how weak he was, since such a beast could defeat him. He ordered him to just use his power. Kuroboshi smiled and said he was making too much noise. He did not need his power; he would
show him how to defeat this boar. IB said, "Idiot!" and asked him to think about what he was doing. If he loses consciousness, he can do whatever he wants. Kuroboshi ordered him to shut up and watch. He rushed to attack and thought that he can defeat him; he should at least try. He'll just do his best. Kuroboshi's jet ability appeared from his hand and shot straight at IB. He thought about how earlier, when he touched the boar, he felt something—it was the element of stars. He didn't know if it would work or not, but he
would take the risk. Suddenly, the attack had no effect on IBA, and Kuroboshi asked, "What? It didn't work!" He gritted his teeth and thought that now his element of stars had dissolved. Suddenly, bubbles appeared around IB. Kuroboshi asked if they were soap bubbles. Suddenly, IB was distracted by him and started to attack. Kuroboshi dodged the attack, and IB crashed into a tree. Abuka released soap bubbles from his hands and said that now was the time to—Kuroboshi said that he understood and ran straight ahead. Abuka caught up with him and said that he was glad he
was able to survive. He wiped his tears with a handkerchief and said that he would never forgive him if he died because of him. Kuroboshi awkwardly thanked him for his help and said that this IBA was really dangerous. He asked if it was an A class IBA. Connie said that its size was equivalent to the element of the stars; it was definitely an A-Class IBA. Kuroboshi smiled and said that it would have been difficult if it weren't for his soap bubbles. Connie looked at him questioningly and said that these soap bubbles were non-lethal; they had
no use. He couldn't even use them during the surprise attack. Suddenly, a soap bubble was attached to Kuroboshi's clothes. He looked at it questioningly and asked if his soap bubble was attracted to him. Kuroboshi picked it up and said that it was stuck to his fingers. Connie said that he was really useless; he had no talent to fight. Kuroboshi thought about how he was like a soap bubble, but it didn't burst, so they could pass through the fibers of clothes. Connie said with tears in his eyes that he only realized now he was thinking of
abstaining from the exam. Kuroboshi said that Connie's ability was amazing. With his ability, maybe they could defeat that IBA. Connie was surprised and asked, "What? Are you serious?" Kuroboshi and Connie stood in the middle of the forest, breathing heavily. Kuroboshi asked if they managed to escape. "That boar was crazy!" Connie agreed and said that he almost died. Kuroboshi asked if he wanted to say something. Connie said that he was leaving. School, and he was serious; he was leaving because he had no talent. Kuroboshi asked, "What is he talking about? His talent is so amazing that
he was accepted into the Hatchi School." Connie held his hand out in front of him and said, "But his ability is just so... bubbles with sticky properties, and they are useless. Their school appreciated the abilities of the Fire Eagle and Orin Hea; they have deadly abilities." His classmates always laughed at him. Connie looked at Kuroboshi in surprise, who was touching a soap bubble, and asked why he was playing with soap bubbles. Kuroboshi said that he thought his ability was amazing. He tried to stick it in the sand, but even the sand around him was saturated
with the energy of his soap bubbles. Usually, the bubbles fly in the air. He smiled and said, "This is amazing! This can definitely be used to defeat IBA." Connie asked him to stop. He had been working hard all this time, but nothing worked. He asked if even Kuroboshi's ability did not work and how he should do it. Kuroboshi smiled and said, "Of course I failed, but a person's value is not in his ability, but in how he controls it." He put his fist in front of himself and said that’s why he believed they could defeat
this boar. He said he had a plan and asked Connie to lend him his strength. After a while, Kuroboshi watched IBA from behind a tree and said, "There's their boar." He said, "Really? The bubbles that were absorbed there have already disappeared." He took a stone in his hand and said that it didn’t matter. Kuroboshi threw the stone at IBA and shouted, "The boar is a killer! His dinner is already here!" Suddenly, IBA rushed toward him, and Kuroboshi ran forward. He exclaimed, "This boar runs fast! I will do everything I can!" When suddenly, IBA touched Kuroboshi
with his horn and threw him aside. Kuroboshi thought that a little more, and he was almost there. If this boar went there... Suddenly, bubbles appeared around I’s paws, which glued the monster to the ground. Connie shouted that his feet were stuck to the bubbles. Kuroboshi praised Connie. Connie said that he was slow, so he couldn’t go with him, but he would do his best. After all, in his eyes, he saw faith in him. He could do it! Just a little more, and he would do it. Kuroboshi thought about how Connie’s ability would slow him down.
They would do it! Kuroboshi ran through the forest with all his might and said that he believed in them. This was their trap. Suddenly, Kuroboshi jumped into the air, and IBA fell to the ground. Kuroboshi jumped right onto his face and said that this boar was not going anywhere. Connie's bubbles attracted the boar into a trap; no matter how strong he was, they had cornered him. He would not be able to resist. Kuroboshi put his hand on IBA and said that he did not have such destructive power as he did. If he used his ability
to the maximum, he could achieve a lot. He would borrow a star element from him. Kuroboshi used the black hole skill and absorbed IBA’s energy. The system notified that enough star element had accumulated; the jet could be used once. Kuroboshi used the jet ability and attacked IBA.
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