Women Can Smell the Retention on You

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Captain Sinbad
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[Music] what is the most powerful the most attractive quality that you could have as a man when i was starting out i thought it was just good looks that was like you know the first initiation that i saw that separated like boys in high school the better looking guy got the better girl and i began to realize there were other qualities that made someone attractive as time started going by the other elements that make a guy more well-rounded started mattering more in la i felt that even more strongly out of college i like was a
good looking guy i was six feet tall i had a lot of these uh i would argue in terms of like the looks portion of you know the manosphere's regard of what makes a man attractive looks money game status i feel like i had the looks the strongest i ever did in that phase of my life in the city where people are chasing their dreams their sharks they're trying to like one up each other in that place looks didn't hold as much weight you know i didn't have any status and because of that i was
not attractive to the world it was around that time in my third year of la where i first discovered nofap like many of you i saw a bunch of like nofap videos show up in my feed and i was at a place in my life where i was completely broke man i was trying to find something to get myself to the next level it's like my life lacked so much momentum and there's this funny trope about actors anyone who's pursuing a dream in hollywood really all we need is a sense of community in fact a
lot of people who are chasing after superficial things like money and status if they just were given a great sense of community great loving relationships they probably wouldn't be chasing after so much status and yet that was where i was at in life at the time it was like not even women it was the world at large was not interested in me i was invisible to the world and so i found semen retention it was kind of a cult thing back in 2017 and since it's kind of grown into the mainstream cultural zeitgeist but i
gotta say as soon as i started practicing semen retention in 2017 it's as if i became attractive finally like that was the biggest thing that made me attractive to women it's like women could sense that there was something in me and everyone else good too even my hollywood agent he's like there's something special about you i think that quality that makes a man most attractive is his desire despite what like the buddhists may say about desire being this terrible thing you know desire being the source of all suffering that might be true in like some
grand philosophical way but you know in terms of people who like live in the world desire is very attractive like the guy who just wants it more you hear so many people talking about it like where does hustle come from the capacity for a man to do work to construct skyscrapers to get after it in life comes from his sexual energy comes from like the deepest source of our desire and the problem with so many men in the modern world is that unknowingly so many of us since we were like 12 years old had been
killing that desire you know through pornography through masturbation and so while nofap might come across as like a meme it's something that i've actually come back to now in my late 20s i realize now it's one of the most powerful things i've ever done for myself and the greatest no fat benefit that quality that people can literally sense emanating off of you is desire is biological desire the other week i was pacing around the gym in between sets and one of the other boxing coaches coach thomas he texted me and he said i see a
hunger in your eyes that i just don't see regularly like you walk around this gym like you're ravenous like you're so hungry and i think you're gonna go far this is something i feel more strongly than ever because my story with this practice feels like a renewal it feels like a rebirth in many ways in year four of captain sinbad i feel like i'm going back to my very first year or my first big year in 2019 where i was just doing all these disciplines back in the day because i was just that much hungrier
and for some reason that hunger has come back in my life this year and you could probably sense it from the tone of this channel like there's something less polite about this channel this year and it's something i really like and i'll be honest with you a big part of this came back into my life because i started practicing retention again in this video i want to break down four things that happen when the desire that extra for life that you get when you're on retention what it does for you the first thing is more
eye contact man a lot of these ideas i hate the fact that they can't be backed up more scientifically but they are just very at least anecdotally you can't help but notice like different things start unfolding in your life and the very first thing that happens to me when i get a streak back up to around seven or ten days is that i just get stares and i feel this more than ever because i'm training for my first marathon and we're getting to the final leg of it we're like we're five weeks out from the
marathon so sometimes i'm out there running for like three hours straight and if you follow me on instagram you'll see me just [ __ ] getting after it like you enter this state of like sheer delirium where you're just kind of telling yourself to go on and go on and so i'm sure i look crazy in the eyes but one of the strangest things is that of course as i'm out on these long runs in parks or on the stone arch bridge there's always so many people there because i'm running in these attractive places and
the [ __ ] eye contact bro like the amount of people who look at me it's not just women although women do look at me now and there was even a time when i was out on a run where two girls they looked like they were like 19. i was running and they just were like hey like they were they're looking like hey like stop you have to [ __ ] talk to us and uh i was so delirious i didn't even really fully register until i was already like half a mile away from them
that they were like they're basically trying to stop me to chat which is something that has never happened to me in my life but even a lot of times there are children who make eye contact with me there was one specific time where like a bunch of kids just like looked at me and then they all there was like eight of them on a bicycle they all wanted to high-five me it's like everyone was smiling at me there was a picnic it seemed like a cultural gathering and these like 50 year old women were just
like seeking me out making eye contact and smiling at me everyone makes eye contact and then the dudes either give you a head nod and the ladies give you a smile it sounds funky it sounds like i'm making all this up i wish there was more research done on this as to why this happens because probably there is some science that could be uncovered there probably is a study that could successfully show like a man on seven days of semen retention will get more eye contact but it just [ __ ] is true bro i
also feel myself less inclined to look away from people when i do make eye contact in general there's also like more of an intensity in your eyes like seven days in the eyes actually look different i have tested this many times between having a streak running and then due to lifestyle decisions the streak falling off and the eyes do look different when you're on retention as opposed to when you're not there's more luster in the eyes i even feel there's more intensity in the eyes in general like there's more of a magnetic quality to you
overall that the world rewards you for well this has just been the longest run of the marathon prep 20 miles it took me a little bit over four hours but we got it done it's a mental breakthrough it's an identity shift to know that i can run for that long and there's so much i see in marathon training that has been relevant to my career as a youtuber i mean making it as a youtuber for me it has been a game of attrition i spent time learning how the game worked and then i decided a
long time ago like back in 2019 that i would simply execute on how the game looks for years to come and at the time on socialblade it said that in five years time i would have 60 000 subscribers and even that to me as someone who only had 5 000 subscribers when i saw that social blade list it i can't tell you how excited it made me feel like in five years i'll have 60 000 subscribers and that is if i don't get any better and i knew i was committed to getting better i say
all this because the sponsor of today's video is my own group coaching academy now the academy has actually started i'm very selective with who i take on so even though we've had hundreds of applicants at this point we can't accept everyone the people i want to work with are dedicated like they're genuinely psychologically committed to getting 100 000 subscribers in one year and you don't need technical talent up front you just need to have that desire that intensity and that willingness to get better with every video if you're on the other side of this and
you're trying to figure out the game of youtube i could probably teach you what i know that took me four years to learn i could probably get you there much faster depending on how hard of a worker you are i could get you the results of becoming a youtuber getting 100 000 subscribers in one year and then working on the back end of that to build a business out of your youtube channel getting it up to a five figure per month salary 10 000 per month i know it sounds kind of crazy to hear but
the truth is most people just don't put in the work like they don't put in the intentional effort with titles thumbnails market strategy becoming more authentic on camera delivering a message that is well scripted and concise and full of value so many people are just shooting in the dark one of my coaching clients said you know for him trying to make it as a youtuber before he joined the academy it was like playing battleship and hopefully as he's getting going he'll be able to like identify how to sync ships faster rather than just shooting things
out blindly you have to know how the game works if you're going to succeed at it so if this is something that you're interested in you want to learn how to grow on youtube there's an application form in the description box if you click that link you'll be able to tell me about yourself tell me about your goals how your journey has been going and then we'll see if you're a good fit for the academy to see if you're ready to put in the work to get a hundred thousand subscribers in one year that's the
plug for this video on with the rest of it the second idea i want to share here is the idea that your extra desire that you get when you haven't busted a nut for a while is that that desire gives you creativity and courage there's a great paragraph from the way of the superior man that i'm just going to read directly from right now david dida says the purpose of sexual desire is creation reproduction is but the biological aspect of creation as a man you probably have much more to give to the world than just
children just as beautiful women inspire biological procreation they also inspire artistic social and spiritual creativity when it comes down to it most men will admit that one way or another women are their muse and inspiration women moved them to create and serve humanity in fact some men would go as far as to say that if it weren't for women they wouldn't be interested in the world much at all i think this is true for me i don't know if that sounds superficial but much of what has inspired me to take action i think is the
desire to acquire love and especially acquire the love of a beautiful woman in fact with some of my coaching clients who are now like their lifestyle coaching clients it's more personal development at large rather than just on how to grow a youtube channel one of the first advice i give them if they're not at a gym where there's like hot girls around go to a gym with attractive women not primarily to like stare at them and be a creep but literally because you are stronger around beautiful women this is something i would notice from like
grade school onwards in choir class the all boys choir was like a rambunctious crew and suddenly when we got with the mix choir when the girls came in like to do like sing a song together the behavior of the boys changed so dramatically like we all started peacocking so much more and like trying to sing better literally these high school boys would try to sing better when the girls choir would join us for like a collab and so to harness that energy and to use it to productive ends it actually is powerful to be in
the vicinity of beautiful women and to leverage that to your advantage dave adida actually says in his book that you should actually slingshot the appearance of beauty into something greater because what we're chasing from women is ultimately a form of fulfillment but that fulfillment is an illusion and anyone who's like gotten with the girl of their dreams sort of on some level understands this like it's never this magical fulfilling thing when you get with the girl that you've been wanting for a long time or something but it still is amazing but it's not like your
purpose right it's not the main thing but it can very often be a slingshot to your purpose it's that creativity and courage that emanates when you're around attractive women and this part of the research is actually backed up like there have actually been studies that show that when men are around attractive women or when a man is talking to an attractive woman his testosterone levels do go up that actually does make sense if you learn to discipline your habit and like this innate capacity within you to admire feminine energy instead of just releasing it but
rather harnessing that mental and sexual tension you can continually cultivate and magnify your inspiration you can wean yourself from the addictive cycles of just like being intoxified from sex and then releasing that energy and rather just kind of like um this is almost like dallas to like breathe it into you harness that desire and put it into a productive output the ideas that you get from it the creativity that you get from that is very strong it's very powerful you can make use of the native forces of sexual desire for your woman and for other
women and convert your tendency towards fantasy and lust into the force of inspiration the third idea i want to share here is the idea that desire is actually a symbol of the law of attraction working so if you are full of more raw primal desire if you find yourself i guess thinking sexual thoughts but also thinking about your goals in relation to your kind of lust i would argue that that is a symbol that the law of attraction is actually magnified in your life what is the opposite of being full of desire i would say
it's like being depressed the only time i feel depressed in my life is when i don't see any immediate goal that i can work towards that's actually there for the taking like all the goals that i would want to achieve feel so far out there that it feels even hopeless to pursue them or whatever is there for the taking i'm just not interested in so disinterest in your goals disinterest in your desires that for me is what depression looks like the polar opposite of it is having a ton of desire and the cool thing about
being like literally ravenous with desire is that it actually supercharges you past any fear or like mental blockages like for me i'll just be honest with you one of the barriers that i've been trying to break in my business is to break that 100 000 per month revenue income like monthly income to have 100k month now there were many mental barriers along the way to every income level that i got to so when i first got to like six thousand dollars a month that was a huge kind of mind [ __ ] where i was
like oh my god i'm finally making this much amount of money then five figures felt crazy and then five figures off of youtube like five figures from my like passion as opposed to my day job as a software consultant that felt even crazier and then of course there were other milestones along the way that felt wow this is a really big goal i don't know how we're gonna get there eventually the goal would be hit but the number one thing that has helped me break any plateau that i've been in whether it's financial or fitness
related is having more of that desire having more of that want it goes back to this quote by will smith where he says in a basketball game the guy who just hustles a little more the guy who like every time the ball goes loose he goes out there and he grabs that ball and he like pivots around he like throws it back in play the guy who's just hungrier he is usually the one who wins right and in effect desire is the law of attraction at work the law of attraction responds of course to like
detachment and the fact that you meditated and you visualized but a lot of that stuff just takes care of itself when you actually just want it more and if you haven't been busting for a while i mean do you know what that feels like to like want to bust and you haven't you just want everything more yeah i'm just laughing because it's funny that i'm going back to this this topic after years of uh being off of it we're back here man napoleon hill and think and grow rich had a great whole paragraph about this
great whole chapter about this where he talked about how the human mind responds to stimuli and it can be keyed up to high rates of vibration through any of the great stimuli the number one stimuli that will key up your brain is sexual expression this is why so much of marketing relies on sexuality you know because the desire for sex expression comes at the head of the list of stimuli which most effectively step up the vibrations of the mind and start the wheels of physical action the human mind responds to stimulation even the law of
attraction responds to stimulation and the greatest most powerful of the stimuli is the urge of sex when harnessed and re-transmuted this driving force is capable of lifting men to the status of a genius this brings me to the final point i want to make here which is that you get luckier the desire and the momentum that you get off of semen retention you will find yourself accidentally like legitimately off of instinct making better decisions this is all part of like being a more high vibration person and when you tie this into like you do other
great things with your day and your life like you regularly sweat out the poisons you work up a sweat every day ideally you meditate every day i've also gone back to doing affirmations and more like deliberate visualizations where i just like think about wanting to achieve my goals and i realized getting off of nofap was one of like the biggest things that stunted my growth because over the years of like 2020 and 2021 as i moved more towards productivity and cinematography youtube and away from i would say like the more unsavory men's personal development topics
i found myself you know it's like if something is not directly in your mind you don't you forget the importance of it that's something that happened to me and just as a visual reference i would encourage you to go back and watch videos from my channel in like 2020 or 2021 and then just compare them to the tone of the channel today you probably would notice there has been a return of an amount of vigor that wasn't there before i guess that's the best word i can use to describe it vigor aggression intent clarity and
i have received dms and comments from people saying like oh something about your channel this season especially this year especially it's like you came back to something the videos have been extra on point this year it's because i've gotten back on semen retention now my longest streak in this new season of my life has only been up to 25 days reason for this is just because there's women in my life now and so like that hard mode streak i haven't done as good of a job maintaining but i gotta say i do everything i can
to keep the streaks as long as possible and my intent now is actually to get back to like 100 days of hard mode like retention and beyond because man desire desire is the number one nofap benefit is something people can literally smell off of you like i don't know if pheromones are a thing but women can genuinely just like feel it off of you now i don't think being on retention will create desire from women who aren't already interested in you so if a girl isn't gonna be into you she's just not gonna be into
you even if you were on retention but if there's even like the seed of desire just slightly there like she actually has a little bit of interest in you it will be magnified when you're on retention and that doesn't just go for women it goes for everything like your career your finances your physical fitness the creative expression in your life i'm maintaining this now this is the number one thing this is the number one discipline and you start here you add in everything else like working out and working hard like genuinely working with deep work
on your goals and life becomes exciting again progress becomes more readily there for the taking and like you're gonna see it on this channel because a level of intent a level of [ __ ] getting after it has come back in my life and it's because i'm practicing semen retention and more anyway i hope you got some value out of this one if you're new to the channel my name is nick hill this channel is a combination of personal development topics primarily geared towards men although all are welcome alongside lifestyle challenges comedy sketches the watches
one series is now back on like a monthly basis and more with a little bit of a focus on filmmaking and cinematography in there as well if any of that appeals to you then subscribe to the channel hit the bell icon because every video is going to be an effort every video is going to be made with intent if you're like me and you're a staunch believer in nofap check out my app i had launched an app back in may that has now had many updates called transmuted you can find it on the app store
alongside google play and transmuted is like my passion project it's a habit tracker that also has a new element called journeys basically you can keep track of your nofap streak which there's a sword in the ground that comes out that's your nofap streak and then also you can build out other habits over a certain period of days that you want to do there's a journaling section in there it's a fantastic app and lastly i do also want to plug my newsletter there's a weekly newsletter that i'll be putting out on productivity creativity entrepreneurship how to
make more money how to be more attractive to women in the world at large how to make your mark on the world if any of that appeals to you check it out but with that being said for those of us who stay on the path of retention stay on the path of sexual discipline to us i say greatness is coming see you next time
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