South of the Border

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Bedtime Stories
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thus far our exploration of Supernatural occurrences on the US Southern border has been limited only to cases which have taken place on us soil but there are just as many if not more haunting tals which have originated from the southern side of the same territory join us for more Tales of high strangeness as we head south of the border [Music] in previous episodes we have explored several stories of high strangeness all of which have been recounted by retired or serving US border patrol agents at the same same time similar incidents have apparently been experienced by
those trying to evade capture at the hands of these officers migrants so desperate to gain entry into the us that they undertake hazardous Journeys putting their lives at risk in the process in doing so they have apparently encountered very similar threats to those reported by the agents who pursue them but these dark and malicious forces seem to pose a far greater Danger than any human as salent it would appear that spectral figures strange beasts and demonic entities see the mountain and desert ranges of the US border as their own private hunting grounds the city of
nois is located in the Mexican state of Sonora and lies directly opposite the arizonan city of the same name situated on the opposite side of the US Southern border prior to the 1920s the City's population was split between those residing within its urban center and a series of smaller communities which lay a short distance away but with the creation of the American border wall residents who had previously traveled between the two countries to work could now only do so via the city's Central checkpoint as a result many situated in the outlying areas chose to move
into into the city itself leaving their old settlements to slowly Fade Into Obscurity in one such Community residents learned to coexist with a bizarre and haunting phenomenon which occurred during the warmest months on cloudless evenings when the moon was at its highest in the night sky at this time the streets of the small town would suddenly empty with the doors of the few remaining houses being firmly closed and locked then an eerie commotion would drift down into the settlement from the nearby Foothills which sounded like a chorus of mournful voices before a small group of
shuffling figures emerged from the darkness and entered the streets moving from house to house their fingers scratched at windows and doors their raspy voices requesting assistance from those inside the individual features of their FA had long since been lost to the sons of time replaced by learing schools their slow Journey Through the settlement lasted only a few minutes before they returned to the mountains where they had died many years earlier they had apparently been denied food and water by the town's residents whilst on a perilous Journey as a result of failing to secure the necessary
Provisions in such a harsh environment their bodies had never been found returning from their place of death every year they seem to either be desperately searching for help from the people of the settlement or accusing them of directly contributing to their deaths either way it serves as a Sinister and Supernatural reminder of the dangers that await those Brave or desperate enough to undertake such an Excursion Luci an Torres was born and raised in the suburbs of Shad huarez not far from the checkpoint leading to the American side of the Border she and her sisters had
grown up hearing stories about the dangers present on the porest boundary between the two countries and like many other young Mexicans she had also heard Tales of another dangerous boundary the one which separates the land of the living from that of the Dead while she had never been involved in any paranormal encounters she had spoken to many who claimed to have come face to face with terrifying [Music] apparitions one weekend as a teenager she had set off as usual to visit one of her aunts who resided a few short blocks away the route she had
undertaken was a regular one with the locals she passed being very familiar to her at the halfway point of the journey lay in H assuming residence where an elderly occupant lived alone for years there had been rumors that the woman had dabbled in Witchcraft and black magic when she was younger leading most of the community to shun her on this day as Luciana passed the house in question she noticed someone standing between it and the adjoining dwelling stopping in her tracks she stared in bewilderment at a haunting figure which was situated just inside the narrow
gap between the two buildings it was far taller than a normal person with its head reaching just above the roofs of the houses its thin body almost skeletal in appearance one of its slender arms hung down by its side almost touching the ground whilst the other appeared to be reaching in through one of the open Windows of the old woman's house having observed this terrifying Apparition for a few seconds Luciana soon came to realized that it did not appear to be moving which led her to believe that it must have been a decoration of some
sort having been left there following the recent Day of the Dead celebrations but then ever so slowly the tall figure's head rotated to look directly at her a pair of glowing light blue eyes fixed upon the teenage girl gripped by an intense wave of fear Luciana immediately walked on towards her aunt's house where she decided not to speak of the encounter several hours later on her return journey through the same neighborhood she again passed by the house in question noting that the figure she had previously seen was now gone at once the door to the
premises opened and two men exited carrying a laden stretcher covered over with a blanket which they took across the street to a waiting ambulance over the next few days the gossip in town was that the old lady in question had been found dead in her house that same afternoon lying on the floor right next to the window where Luciana had witnessed the figure her hands clutched to her chest and her face a mask of shock and horror this encounter LED Luciana to believe that she had somehow stumbled across an unwanted and unexpected visitor who had
traversed the boundary between the living and the dead to take possession of the old woman's Soul Ethan abara did not know the name of the abandoned settlement which lay a short distance from his home in the Border Town of AGA Preta he recalled his father saying once that it had served as a staging post for coyotes escorting migrants through the nearby desert and into US territory in the same breath he had forbidden his son from venturing amidst the small cluster of dilapidated residences particularly after Nightfall these were warnings that neither Ethan nor his close friend
Louise had heeded and they soon set up a small Den in one of the ruined houses is for many of their expeditions the only other visitors to the ghost town they ever encountered was the occasional ocelot or pummer which the boys had respectfully avoided then one evening after they had lingered a little too long at their den the boys were readying themselves to leave when Louise had suddenly grabbed Ethan by the arm as Ethan listened he became aware of a haunting and unsettling sound emanating from the far end of the line of buildings it sounded
like a woman's voice weeping her lamentation slowly growing in volume as she approached the house where they were crouching down the two boys stared at one another in fear having both been raised on stories of the ghost of Lerona the spirit of a mother who drowned her children when she learned her husband had left and spent the afterlife searching for their souls moments later a large shape came into view silently making its way down what had once been the town's Central Road what the boys witnessed from their hiding place was not a woman dead or
otherwise but instead a large feline creature far bigger than any of the mountain lions or other big cats they had seen before its torso was covered in what appeared to be sharp quills each looking as lethal as a short knife or dagger huge claws clicked against the rocky ground as it moved and its jaws worked back and forth in what appeared to be hunger as they looked on it came to rest outside the house a pair of glowing eyes moved from side to side as if in search of something then to their amazement the bizarre
creature threw back its head and let forth the cry they had previously heard sounding exactly the same as a wailing woman it proceeded to repeat this activity several more times stopping near a dwelling on each occasion and producing a sorrowful call after a while it pulled paused snapping its head to one side at once it took off at speed into the desert heading towards the nearby border wall waiting until they were sure the creature had left the two boys fled the ghost town and headed back home as quickly as they could the following morning the
pair awoke to news of army helicopters having been seen out near the border wall where the bodies of several migrants had been found having apparently been attacked by a mountain line whilst trying to cross into the us as a consequence neither of the boys ever went near the abandoned settlement or strayed beyond the town's boundaries at night ever again during the mid 1990s a young migrant named Mario successfully managed to cross the Sonora Desert into the United States settling for a brief period on the outskirts of Phoenix however having eventually been discovered there by local
law enforcement and deported back to Mexico he never again tried to cross the American Border due to a horrifying incident which had occurred during his last attempt which had nearly cost him his life whilst crossing the desert along with a group of about 20 other migrants all escorted by a lone coyote Mar I had fallen and twisted his ankle consequently he was placed at the rear of the small column of Travelers and ordered to listen out for any signs that the authorities might be in Pursuit with Knight having fallen the group were walking for several
hours and Mario was growing tired when he suddenly Heard a Voice in the dark just behind him a man spoke in Spanish telling him that the coyote was lost and was leading the entire group to its death stopping in his tracks Mario called out for whoever had spoken to identify themselves but received no reply he began to reason that he must be imagining things and just as he turned to walk on the voice sounded again this time coming from a completely different direction the Unseen man announced that he was trapped and injured and needed water
otherwise he would surely die again Mario requested that the man reveal himself only to once more be greeted by silence shrugging off the incident the young man had turned and limped after the rest of the group an hour or so later they had all sat down to rest it was during this period as Mario was desperately trying to get some sleep that he was unexpectedly roused by a worrying commotion hurrying across to the rest of the group he found several young women screaming and shouting that something had come out of the night and dragged the
coyote away locating the missing man's handgun and torch which were lying discarded on the ground Mario and two other men walked a short distance in search of their chaperon but there was no trace of him anywhere to be found the group hurriedly packed up and headed north just as they had been advised in the event they became separated from their escort hours passed with Mario continuing to rear guard before he suddenly became Frozen to the spot in Terror once again a voice drifted out of the darkness telling him that the group was lost and walking
to their deaths but this time it sounded exactly like their missing chaperon speaking with the exact Cadence and intonation of the first voice shining the torch into the dark desolation around him Mario still couldn't see anything the same voice came again repeating that he had fallen and was trapped and that if he didn't get water soon he would surely die with a shriek of Terror Mario turned and hobbled after the rest of the group only for a shadowy figure to come bolting out of the darkness behind him a pair of strong hands gripped his legs
and hauled him to the ground attempting to drag him back away from the group with a series of Screams he kicked out at his attacker fighting with all his strength to try and avoid being taken as he did so the torch beam swung this way and that Illuminating glimpses of a Savage reptilian face with yellow eyes and sharp fangs leathery arms covered in tan scales clung to his legs the sharp fingernails cutting deep into his exposed flesh in an instant Two Shots rang out behind him the man holding the Coyote's gun screaming in Spanish for
the creature to let go The Reptilian as salant had simply hissed at him and then spoke once more in the missing man's voice they were told in no uncertain terms that they would not survive another night in the desert and that the flesh would be picked from their bones it then flared into the waiting Darkness as two more rounds were fired after it the group horridly treated the Deep lacerations to Mario's arms and legs before lifting him from the ground and then struggling on into the morning light when taken alone stories such as these could
perhaps easily be dismissed as urban legends or Fabrications to dissuade others from attempting such dangerous Journeys but when put alongside similar experiences as related by border patrol staff out on the ground in the same areas as these Witnesses they become more unsettling every year a growing number of cadavers are recovered along the southern US border the bodies of those who have lost their lives in their attempts to cross over the question is whether they died as a result of the all to present dangers in our Earthly realm or something else lurking Beyond the Veil I'm
about to play you the trailer from an incredible new podcast but before I do a quick note about it as you guys already know this Channel and ball and Studios aims to deliver the best in storytelling and always with a strange dark and mysterious twist and we're always supporting one another that's why I'm so excited to tell you about the newest podcast from band Studios that's available to listen to right now it's called redacted the classified Mysteries with Luke lman you may already be familiar with Luke from our amazing sister Channel wartime stories and his
podcast of the same name but his new podcast redacted is blowing my mind and personally I can't stop listening governments and military services around the globe have always cloaked themselves in secrecy but history shows that when you try too hard to hide something it only makes people more curious and we love nothing more than real stories with shocking secrets from covert government experiments to bizarre assassination attempts redacted covers it all and Luke has a way of digging into these Hidden Truths and bringing them to life in a really engaging way and making me ask myself
how have I never heard about this before I truly can't recommend redacted the classified Mysteries enough redacted is available wherever you get your podcasts just look up redacted to classified Mysteries with l l Mana or you can also search for Borland Studios and it should pop up and now here's the trailer for redacted Declassified [Music] Mysteries behind the closed doors of government offices and Military compounds there are hidden stories and buried secrets from the darkest corners of history but the truth is persistent and eventually Finds Its way to the surface from covert experiments pushing the
boundaries of science to operations so secretive they were barely whispered about each week unredacted Declassified Mysteries we pull back the curtain on these hidden histories 100% true and verifiable stories that expose the shadowy underbelly of power consider Operation Paperclip where former Nazi scientists were brought to America after World War II not as prisoners but as assets to advance us intelligence during the Cold War or the unsettling connection between notorious cult leader Charles Manson and the CIA a web of covert operations that suggests his Infamous crimes were part of something far darker these aren't just old
conspiracy theories they're thoroughly investigated accounts that reveal the uncomfortable truths still shaping our world today the stories are real the secrets are shocking follow redacted classified Mysteries with me Luke lman on the wry app or wherever you get your podcasts and start uncovering the truths they never wanted you to know for early ad free access join wry Plus in the wry app or on Apple podcasts start your free trial today what they've hidden in the shadows we will bring into the light [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] time glorious
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