10 Reason Why Most Salespeople Fail Their First Year

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Patrick Bet-David gives the 10 reasons why most salespeople fail in their first year. Connect one-...
Video Transcript:
I've been in sales since 21 years old let me tell you it's very hard it's demanding it's taxing it's frustrating there's so many days for the first couple years three years five years are going to want to quit it absolutely sucks there's 15 million of them in America sales organizations spend nearly a trillion dollars every year on their Salesforce yet 75% of sales people fail their first year and there's a reason for it why I'm going to give you 10 reasons today why salese feel miserable if you get value out of this video give it
a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel let's get right into it I'm on a flight 6 weeks ago Sam is sitting next to me we're talking about the difference between Insurance organization BDC our Consultants are salespeople some of them are 1099 some of them we W2 and he says Pat the the difference between sales people that are W2 who are fed leads and those who are $199 that have to find their own leads is the following both could be Lions but one lion the W2 that gets salary and our fed leads there are lions
who live in a zoo who are fed steak and meat every day you still need to feed them and then there's the lions that live in the jungle who have to go get their own meat their own food they're both Lions one is fed every day the other one has to go hunt if you're planning on making it long-term in sales I don't care what company you work for they give you a salary great benefits great 401K great leads Non-Stop and you refuse to hunt eventually you'll be replaced I'm just telling you if you are
watching this and saying saying well what's wrong with getting the leads and if you're part of the community that always about leads not being good you're not going to have a long career in sales because in sales there's certain Seasons that you go through that leads get back I'll give you an idea right now there's a lot of insurance companies that all they relied on was mortgage leads and they're doing 50 million a year 100 million a year 10 million a year 90% of their revenue was coming from mortgage lead 95% of refi drops for
2 years that means 95% of leads is gone that means you go from doing $100 million a year in Revenue to 5 to 10 million that means you go from making $100,000 a year to 1020 Grand a year making a half a million a year to 50 Grand a year why because they were just waiting on what on leads if you want to make it long-term in sales and you refuse to hunt you refuse to find your own lead clients forget sales it's not for you number two this applies to a lot of people that
are selling today so it's very easy to be lazy and just text with your client just email your clients just DM your clients just everything is audio audio audio audio everything is that right versus if you want to compete with the other guys the other guys will say how you doing Johnny how's everything I'm going to make the phone call and even better 74% prefer today doing video zooms with their clients lowest level you got email correspondence then you got text then you got phone call then you got Zoom face to face then you got
face Toof face physical those are the tears most sales guys don't want to go to the higher level they just want to be like ah I'm just going to be lazy just text me back don't pick up text me back don't pick up text me back just want to communicate there that person is going to find another person that's willing to get a little bit more closer to the client willing to pick up the call willing to drop them a jingle willing to talk to them willing to do video zo and willing to get with
them face to face if you're too lazy in this area because of there's so many tools and faster ways to communicate with them you're going to lose your best client if you're watching this and you said I got some questions for you Pat about sales or maybe you're developing other sales people you want to ask me you email me I won't respond you DM me I will not respond not on LinkedIn not on Twitter not on Instagram I only respond on man NE us the place because shows that you value my time you're willing to
pay for it I'll respond back to you in audio 100% of my messages I respond back to you audio and our response rate anybody you talk to a man is roughly 94% if you haven't yet downloaded a man click you to download the app and start manting today number three if you're getting into sales cuz you're like I'm going to give sales a shot for 6 months don't get into sales I'm going to try this thing for one year I'm going to give it two years I'm going to give it three years really let me
tell you about a guy who's in Dallas works for a big company called Goldman he calls me sends me an email saying hey I found out that you're hiring the most people in your area and the staffing company I talk to say you're placing people more than anybody else do you mind if we get together I'm like who's this guy I check the email no it is an email from them yeah sure let's come together he comes to the office with his partner we sit down and we talk I'm like so what's your outcome here
no I'm just trying to see what your vision is longterm with your business probably we're going to sell the business and we're going to go Xing okay great how can I help I said what do you mean how can I help I don't know how can you help well do you have kids I do have you looked at estate planning have you looked at this have you looked at that can I give you any kind of contacts and re yes and I said how do you make money doing this oh I don't I'm just here
to serve I said okay and what's your plan longterm I don't know if you have a big lifechanging events and financially I'd like to be able to help you by the way you can't go to Goldman unless if it's a minimum of $10 million cash so think about it they have a standard it's not like hey just give me $600,000 $3 million that's not how this thing works this is not BFA this is not Morgan this is not chase this is Goldman right I don't sell the business for 5 years this guy followed up with
me for 5 years and made nothing think about that do you think that long term he eventually got the client and he's got 50 clients like me you know what kind of money he makes very good money do you have that kind of patience to follow up or no you want it right now see there's a part about the sales think that if you think short term Kiss It Goodbye if you say I'm going to go longterm 10 years you choose an industry you love you treat your clients fairly you take care of them but
you think longterm and you treat them like that not just looking at them as a one night stand you're going to do very very well in sales all right this next one is weird most people don't like this sales it's a lot of repetitive stuff repetitive overcoming objections repetitive FAQ repetitive things people are going to tell you repetitive things you do before you go to your client's appointment repetitive things you do while you're there repetitive things you do when you leave repetitive things that you do monthly repetitive things that you got to do annually if
it's like oh my God I'm bored out of my mind the one thing that I love about the business is the people are not the same you may be doing the same tasks you may be using the same script you may be using the same software same technology same followup same everything but the families are different and the clients are are different so if you don't get bored with the same repetitive tasks long term you'll eventually create a lot of momentum that help you win but if you're constantly trying to be way too creative with
the repetitive tasks you're going to prevent momentum from being on your side and trust me in sales you want momentum on your side five this one's a very obvious one many salese just treat clients as a one night stand boom my Soldier hey oh my God great okay out got my $2,000 check or $300 check or $800 check everything's good client calls you you don't call them back client tries to get them you don't call them back you don't follow up you don't say hey following up on you hey happy birthday hey happy anniversary hey
what's thinking about you hey I'm in the area can I just stop by and say hi you don't do any of that stuff and eventually like ah this guy's just a you know one night stand type of a guy in sale type of a girl in sales clients don't like that it just doesn't work for you and it's probably not the kind of a business for you if that's what you want to do I'm at the Vault conference this last week one guy asked me a question about hey how do you guys manage sales and
all this stuff for it to work out I said here's the one thing you have to realize what sales I said so many times it depends on what we recognize and in sales if you ask somebody so what kind of money do you make in sales so I make $50,000 a month what they're telling you is that's the best month they've had the last 12 months that's not what they make the way I finally looked at it is don't let a big month for you I've seen so many people in in sales fail because they
make one month $50,000 cuz they got lucky and they go by $225,000 Rox they go buy a nice car with a $2,000 payment and then that 50,000 becomes 6,000 8,000 4,000 10,000 they lose the car they lose the watch a bad economy they're wiped out always treat your income as your lowest monthly income you make in sales commission in the last 6 months that's your true income meaning you make six grand this month 14 Grand 28 grand 32 Grand 5 grand 7 Grand 11 Grand your real income is five grand that's live off of that
don't live off of the 50 whatever income that you made here if you can live off of this longterm and keep increasing this number you'll be fine this next one's going to annoy some of you how hard do you think you work I'm talking to you how hard do you think to work I'm the hardest working guy in my office really let's quantify working hard is not 60 hours at the office 80 hours at the office here's how I Quantified it when I realized what it meant to work hard whatever Behavior you have identify and
quantify how long it takes to do that behavior for example to make 50 calls how long does it take you to make 25 calls you may say 1 hour okay so now we know what 25 calls equals 1 hour okay how long does it take you to make your sales presentation to a client you may say 1 hour great how long does it take to do a second appointment with the client 90 minutes cuz it's recommendation all right how long does it take you to prospect clients I did this my sales guys who would always
say they work very hard they told me and they Quantified oh it takes 1 hour to make 25 calls it takes 1 hour to this presentation then I said give me your schedule book give it to me everybody hands it over everybody's nervous and I said based on the number you gave me you only worked 14 hours last week oh you only worked 8 hours last week no I didn't you know I didn't why are you getting offended this are these what yeah but I was here and I was working on this listen you're a
salesperson if you don't do these behaviors if you don't make the calls if you're not sitting in front of people that don't own a product that you're selling or you're sitting out to get referrals you're wasting your time and you're delusional you're stuck on Instagram you're stuck on Tik Tok you're stuck on YouTube you ain't working stop telling me you're working now what would happen if you actually did 60 hours of this type of activity in a week you know what would happen You' be the number one person in your office if not you'd be
competing for the number one place in your office within 90 days to 180 days but you know why you won't do it it's because 75% of sales people fail they don't want to do that they just want to be at the office thinking they're working hard they're not all they do is they talk to existing clients cuz those are comfortable calls to make because they already bought from you they don't want to talk to people that didn't buy from them so quantify your activity your behavior and let's see how hard you work this next one
is the guarantee success long-term in sales so if you knew what your clients thought about you and I as salespeople did you know 91% of customers said they give a referral to the client but only 11% of salespeople ask for referrals that means only one out of 10 sales people ask for referrals why cuz like oh I already made my two grand I'll already made my 1,000 I'll already made my 500 I'll already made my 250 or 10 grand just oh my god look how happy am versus the prolific the professional guys like hey how
did you like the way I treated you the service what we do here for families oh loved it perfect the way I grow my business is through referrals okay and I noticed earlier you mentioned your sister and what they do and you mentioned your best friend and you mention your cousin and your aunt and this how comfortable would you be with me sharing with them what I shared with you oh very would you be comfortable sending a group text introducing me to them we're dropping a phone da d d da and then next you know
I walk away with 19 referrals and you make those phone calls the guy that does that the guy that doesn't they're not even the same league when I tell you're not in the same league you are not in the same league it's very very hard to compete with a salesperson who knows how to ask for for referrals versus one who doesn't the one who doesn't sales isn't for you go or customer service if you don't know how to ask for referrals this the next one is basic mentally weak if you're mentally weak you're going to
be destroyed Every Day sales is very hard it's constant rejection it's constant no it's constant I want to think about it's constant not form it's constant somebody else came and told me it was cheaper than yours it's constant it's nonstop and it will drive you insane if your skin is thick and you're constantly offended and if you're constantly worried I'm rejected all the time till today you think everybody we ask to be on the podcast says yes no you think everybody we consult for does an engagement with us no you think in every possible you
think everybody I went to when I wanted to sell my business said yeah I'd love to buy your business no you think every investment banker no it's constant nonstop when we raise the first 10 million bucks you know how many people said no to us when I raiseed the first million you know how many people said no to us a lot of people but you got to go through it so the thicker the skin and you're constantly working on yourself by reading the right books and developing your identity increasing your identity eventually you're like yeah
I got this longterm I'm going to win I'm going to be fine and your client will feel how poised and confident you are and clients generally want to do business with somebody that's very poison confident this next thing here was an edge for us we started creating content and my content wasn't direct sales my content was talking about what I know what I value what I'm about stories about me my family my background sharing some knowledge sharing what work what didn't work and eventually they're like wait a minute who is this guy interesting that brought
a lot of leads and it was an x- Factor you don't do it for shortterm that's purely for long-term play the moment I started creating content it wasn't one year I said I'm going to create create content for 2 years and then after 2 years I'm going 10 years and that's exactly what we did and then next thing you know oh my God I saw this oh wow oh let me share this your the clients that buy from you when somebody ask who is he or who is she now they can say oh here's the
Instagram look what he said here look what she said here you don't know behind closed doors what you what your customers are doing but they're working for you because they're sharing the content of you speaking and they follow you CU now they're a customer of yours that's the stuff that happens behind closed doors but if you don't create content they're not going to be able to work for you and share referrals with you while you're not doing anything value out of this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and if you've
not seen the video about improving your sales process and increasing business I did this8 years ago it's got a million plus views if you've never seen it click you to watch it take care everybody bye-bye bye-bye [Music]
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