Muse: The deadliest villain in Marvel

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the villain Muse has been announced as the main villain for Daredevil Born Again In the MCU so we're going to cover the story with him so this opens up basically with just a gigantic mural on a wall and initially it doesn't seem like that big of a deal right it seems pretty innocuous but what we find out right off the bat from Daredevil is that this entire mural is painted in blood now there's just this guy right who's just laying there next to the whole thing something I do also want to point out for a
second is that there's a kid here who's named blind spot right his name is technically Sam Chung and he actually wears a suit that's battery power that allows him to go invisible he's kind of like a sidekick to Daredevil if there was such a thing in this day and age but the fact remains like Sam doesn't really understand how dark things can be when it comes to the world of Daredevil because when you're talking about street level villains right guys like jigsaw you know Tombstone Lonnie different things like that you're talking about some some pretty
hardcore villains who do some pretty hardcore stuff but even Daredevil himself hasn't seen anything like this because normally villains are fairly two-dimensional they want money or power or something like that but it's like Michael Kane said some men just want to watch the world burn and so while they're talking about calling the cops which of course they do the question that's asked by blind spot is how much blood do you think it took to make this and that's where Daredevil kind of sniffing around realizes that not all this blood comes from the same person and
he realizes it actually comes from at least 113 people now at that point you switch over to What's called the deran gallery and in fact it's kind of this Gallery that's done based on the painting and all that kind of stuff where the general public can come and see it and Court put a gag order in place that kept it from happening and so on and so forth the people who did it will become important later on in the story at least relatively important but what is important here is once they get to the mural
the whole thing's been painted over with the words you're only as good as your last performance and an address right this is an invitation because what it does is it leads to Matt Murdoch and it leads to Sam basically you know getting a police escort getting to that location in the Bronx and when they get there there's a whole bunch of Inhumans that are all dead now this takes place following inhumanity and for those of you guys who were unfamiliar with that during the events of Jonathan Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers blackbolt got absolutely dominated
by Thanos which makes perfect sense because blackbolt sucks but prior to that point blackbolt had detonated something called the ter bomb and we ended up learning that secretly all across earth were all these Inhumans that nobody knew about and so these all started activating and so on and so forth the fall out of that came Post Secret Wars going into all new all different Marvel even continuing here which is that all these in humans just kind of exist out there in different capacities some join the royal family out in N tillan which nobody knows why
You' want to do that and then some decide to stay out here what's going on is that this guy right Muse basically has killed these Inhumans and in turn positioned them as almost kind of caricatures performing mundane tasks and that's what's so crazy about it is what we're going to find is this guy does this as a kind of work of art because even this shows just kind of the mundane nature of life people just doing things that people do because we're people and that's just what we do right and so that's one of the
crazy things is because Sam's never seen anything like this so it totally blows his mind and even Matt Murdoch right seeing his besti can is pretty Blown Away by all of it but for those of you guys who are familiar with Daredevil this guy's always paying attention to what goes on around him right it's second nature just kind of him being on the streets for so long so on and so forth and so what he does is he picks up a heartbeat and the heartbeat has a bit of a flutter a nervous heartbeat and he
realizes someone's watching so he asked the question of one of the cops right he's like are there any private spots around here and this guy says sure the whole building's vacant the owner just finished a big renovation he was planning to start leasing the floors next month just pick a floor and so Matt Murdoch goes to the rooftop and as he follows this heartbeat right it gets louder and louder the closer he gets he finally comes face to face with Muse the first question this guy asks do you like my work now what's crazy about
this is that we get this kind of perception of muse from Matt Murdoch's Viewpoint to a degree in the sense that this guy kind of operates like a Vortex right and what we're literally told sense sounds it's like he's drawing them into himself like a black hole of sensory information and what it does is just kind of disrupts the nature of Matt Murdoch's Powers right because remember echolocation using his different senses to compensate for his blindness in order to kind of quote unquote see everything around him and so this is right off the bat a
weakness that Matt Murdoch has he can't directly see this guy and so what you get is this conversation between the two of them where Matt Murdoch ask the question who are you right and that's the cool thing this is like this is why I love the character of muse right he says haven't you seen the papers they're calling me Vincent Van Gore I don't like that though it's low undistinguished I've been toying with the name Muse but that could change reinvention is one of the keys to a long career because what this guy does is
just kind of fall rank file with the nature of people who commit these kinds of crimes it's one of the reasons why like whenever you see movies and I don't know if it really happens in the real world but they'll put out a kind of name for this person that they will take offense to and it's an effort to draw them out or to get them to create more you know Reckless crimes and make it easier to find them of course by doing that you willingly more or less sacrifice people but you know at the
end of the day I guess that's just a price that cops are willing to pay I don't really know but this guy he says don't make beg tell me if you liked my work and that's when Matt Murdoch begins to kind of put it all together and he's like the people you murdered like what is like what what kind of work is that supposed to be and the thing that Muse responds with is he says murder that's a funny little word is it murder if the person wants to die I don't think so I think
that's a gift and it creates this really interesting moral philosophy if a person wants to die is it really considered murder of that person right I mean I guess according to the court systems sure but what about that person's agency right what about their desire to no longer live do they have no real ability to influence that or do we just kind of handwave the ideology that well they're not uh they're they're not rational they're not sound because no rational sound person would do that for no other reason than the fact that we as people
have just kind of shoulder shrug decided that and so it's one of those really interesting moral quandaries that sort of comes in with a character like him but at the end of the day he realized okay Matt doesn't like it he's like then my next work will be better and so when Matt asks like why are you doing this like why are you killing he says I am an artist my friend and as an artist I hold to a strict code never explain and never apologize for example then he pops a grenade and Matt Murdoch
immediately bails this guy just flees for his life the whole thing goes off and that Murdoch realizes there's no heat and no pressure it was likely a flashbang it's not a real thing and so following that he basically picks up with a phone call that comes from Sam and the reason why is because the next day Sam contacts him because basically this guy Muse has shown up in a courtroom right and he literally says do you like my knife I carved it myself I believe you can find beauty inside just about anything for instance my
knife was once inside a woman named Carolyn Stringer not a very attractive lady it has to be said but just look at her now and so it's one of those things where he sees himself as improving there right it's like uh what is it red dragon right like Mrs leads evolving do you see like it's that kind of thing right so again a very twisted and screwed up perspective but he's not your normal run-of-the Mill villain right which just makes him so cool because one of the cops jumps up points a gun at him and
says lose the knife he's like sure thing and like throws the knife at the guy hits him right in the throat so it's just like dang dude this guy is dope right immedi he grabs the judge and bails Sam jumps after him the whole time he's on the phone with Matt Murdoch right and like literally Matt's just like I heard a scream what happened and he's like Muse right he killed a cop and then he ran he took the judge he was so fast Daredevil it all happened so fast I didn't even have time to
move and where Daredevil asked the question where is he now where is Muse the response is Sam I don't know but I will and so what you do is you get to the outside and literally it's just like all these cops outside the courtroom right SWAT the whole nine yards right let the hostage go we can talk about this right his response oh no I'm not much of a talker it's something to notice here this guy doesn't panic this guy doesn't get overwhelmed now that's kind of like a Hallmark of just like being a psychopath
or a sociopath sure you feel emotions but for the most part in moments when like you're actually bringing harm to people what you're doing doesn't really matter to you in reference to like how it affects the other person it's irrelevant right so the fact that he's surrounded by cops and all these people have guns pointed out and M is kind of like I mean I'm not really much of a talker you know it's not really my thing and he says I prefer to let my work speak for me and what he does is he pulls
out a Detonator because the guy had rigged the court to blow the entire Courthouse he rigged the whole thing right detonates it all it all goes off right one of the cops requesting back up emt's and bomb squad to Center Street right Daredevil's on his way out there as fast as he possibly can beaten feet while all that happens literally Muse just grabs the judge and Baals in the sewers and then in turn Sam goes after him all the while on the phone with Matt and Matt says do not go down there if you do
I'll end up losing contact with you now for Matt Murdoch this is a big deal because Sam is untrained this is a guy who has joined alongside Matt Murdoch on his journey but doesn't realize how hard and fast things can get and how dark and screwed up they can get and so what you do is you switch over to things from Sam's perspective right he's like why did I say that I'm not letting him kill anybody else who do I think I am I just want to impress Daredevil it sounded like something that he would
say and he says do I really mean it how far will I actually take this so he's kind of figuring out his role of a superhero as he goes through all this stuff and even then like when Muse lays the judge down he sits him around all the other people that he's kidnapped and he simply says time to create and so we get this really cool explanation here as he's talking to all of them right he says ultimately though this will be my work you should know that I consider you to be essential parts of
the team I couldn't realize my vision without each and every one of you do you think the symbolism here is too overt a judge a politician and two cops the entire legal system start to finish more specifically councilwoman Pearson officer Scott and Menendez and of course judge lar the four members of the legal system who conspired to shut down the Public's access to my beautiful blood mural these are the ones specifically the councilwoman and the judge who issued the order to shut down the Public's access to his mural right he takes personal offense to it
and so of course he rolls out his tool kit right his bag of goodies and he says so I thought present the work down here with everything else that's gone down the toilet symbolism is tricky it's a fine line too little and no one gets the point too much and it's just obvious art should never be obvious so again this is one of the coolest things about him right when you look at deevil villains especially somebody like Bullseye as awesome as Bullseye is and as ridiculously underrated and underutilized as he is in Marvel Comics he's
still basically your run-of-the-mill villain outside of stories like Shadowland right where he just fought an Army of Ninjas by himself which technically should just simply be impossible because the hand are an almost indestructible ninja Clan even looking at guys like Kingpin who almost kind of seem larger than life they're still basically run-of-the-mill seeking power seeking recognition seeking fame this guy is just kind of wanting to create art he considers himself an artist and he wants the world to see the the work that he's cre creating but he's not really doing it with a clear message
it's not as though he's telling them you guys represent corruption and I'm going to show Society what corruption it's not really anything like that right for him he's just performing what he considers to be art and he says that said you guys are not the public you're part of the work so it's important that you understand the intent of all of this I think it will help inform your stylistic choices as we move forward and he says oh I don't know I just don't no I feel like I'm missing something this is a challenging piece
I have to tell you and so what he does with his knife he just grabs one of the cops and cuts their ear off and he was like yeah sometimes that's just the only way to approach something like this sometimes you just need to start cutting and that's when Sam shows up literally saves these guys on the spot right and so what this guy really what new realizes is this guy's the missing piece right like the legal system is only one part of the equation right right we have superheroes so I need a vigilante somebody
that represents modern Justice right and that's when he decides to go after Sam now for his part for his part as untrained as Sam is and is in over his head as he is he actually plays it pretty intelligently right dodging bobbing and weaving using his suit to make himself invisible getting out of the way of muse hiding out different things like that right using the Shadows to his Advantage the guy pulls it off incredibly well because what he does is he literally leads Muse on a merry Chase and then doubles back goes back to
the hostages and cuts them free so it's like this is really really smart I was impressed I was like dude this guy I love the way he's written here like it's solid and he even tells them like I'm GNA get you guys out of here the whole time right like Ms is just screaming at him like there's no way blind spat you're not going to allow it right you belong to me now little man and and that sort of thing and as making their way through the tunnels because the judge and because you know the
council woman never come down here right they're rarely even ever on the street level and if they are is because they're traveling from one Ivory Palace to the next right so it's just things they observe but don't really see themselves as being a part of they don't know how to get out of here so fortunately for blind spot he's able to kind of help them get out because if he wasn't here and they were to somehow free themselves on their own I mean it'd be fish in a barrel right I mean there'd be no way
they'd make it out of here in one piece and so by getting them all like pointing them to safety and telling them where to go he doubles back again and then allows Muse to kind of follow him around in order to offer himself as a distraction while the others get away the problem with this is that partway through his battery dies and so he comes to the realization that if he stays down here he could just kind of move through the sewers and maybe he'll survive maybe he won't but Daredevil will never find him so
he crawls up one of the ladders opens a manhole calls Daredevil and leaves his phone sitting there so Daredevil at least knows he was down in the sewers when he was last seen at that point Matt Murdoch is incensed one part because this guy Muse of course in his mind is a criminal and needs to be dealt with but twoo he's made it personal by going after someone that Matt Murdoch cares about the other part of this is guilt that Matt Murdoch bringing Sam on told him not to necessarily get involved but maybe there was
something more he could have done right that kind of situation and that's when we really get this kind of clear recognition of the weakness that Daredevil has when it comes to Muse the fact that this guy sucks in all the sensory information around him makes it impossible for Daredevil to locate him but that's when Daredevil switches it on his head right he's like okay if this guy is a black hole of information then stop looking for information and look for where there's no information look for where I can't see right a blind spot a hole
out there in the city somewhere when he does that he tracks this guy down now what you do is you switch back to Muse Wally has blind spot and this is where things get brutal because he drops them off and I feel like we get just this perfect understanding of muse more so than we have before right he says welcome to my Garrett blind spot every starving artist should have one now technically you shouldn't see any of this it's a real look behind the curtain there's this Mystique about art a shared fiction if you will
an artist presents a piece to the world in its finished form and pretends that it's simply appeared that way effortlessly birthed from his genius both artist and audience prefer to believe that's the truth it's nice to think that the really good creators have some direct connection to the Divine but it's a lie it's a really really cool Point that he's making here because he's kind of drawing this comparison between like artistry and magic and depending on who you're talking to some will say that it's one and the same right you have an audience who's sitting
there watching a person perform magic they want to be tricked they want to believe that there's something greater going on here than a person hiding a card up their sleeve that there's just something they don't know some kind of of Supernatural element there they know there's not but they want to believe there is and so he says in reality it's hours and hours of missteps frustration and bad ideas that gets sliced away to reveal some kind of truth it's never easy in fact it's Agony and removing this guy's blindfold inside this Warehouse is just absolute
Madness human brains body parts the whole nine yards it's one of just the darkest things that I think I've ever seen and he says so what do you think of course Sam responds you don't have to do this and this is where we get this awesome explanation right he says wow man don't you think I told myself that and he says after that first one it was a woman just someone I picked up I made her into something abstract told myself I shouldn't that it was wrong but it didn't feel wrong the truth is kid
when I'm making I'm strong I am right but people don't really understand what I do they object to my preferred medium if you get my meaning I only have so much time to work before someone managed just to stop me I need to use every moment so yes blind spot I have to do this if I don't who will so it's almost kind of like this Joker type concept with his character right and he's like what's caught your eye down there do you see something that you like and he says oh yeah tin fingers I
liked him thought he had potential and he did as you can see right so it's just kind of using people and not really even seeing them as people he doesn't see anybody out here as people he sees them as the eventuality of his art pieces and really nothing more because he literally says that right he became art just like the people who contributed their blood to my Singularity piece and so in the midst of this whole conversation right he tells Sam like the question to ask is what am I going to make out of you
and that's when Daredevil pops up and Daredevil is forced to watch as Muse says okay sure whatever and then he says you know I think I just figured it out suddenly I'm feeling inspired and when he says that he plunges his fingers into the eyes of Sam and blinds him right and Daredevil's just like no right he's like forced to watch this and the response of muse you see it don't you blind spot right it's beautiful and throws them off a ledge right throws Sam off the ledge this guy's just the most callous sadistic psychopath
that I think has ever been introduced in a daredevil comic but it's written so well that it almost kind of makes you want to cheer for the bad guy even though you know you're not supposed to and so what Sam does is he tells Daredevil something that MW said he still has the people here the ones he took for the blood mural I think they're still alive and he's like don't let anyone else die so Matt Murdoch chases this guy down and when he gets to him what he realizes is that the mural that was
painted in the beginning yes it was the blood of 113 people but they're not all dead they're being drained for their blood they've just been snatched up by Muse at some point just missing persons and they're all just hanging upside down dripping into a bucket it is crazy right and so you have Muse again just very Cavalier very just Devil May care and he says why do you care about these people don't you realize they're better off their lives mean something now it doesn't matter if they die here they're Immortal and then he's like you
know what you just wouldn't understand and then he just cuts the Rope right and all these people are getting ready to plunge to their deaths and so Matt Murdoch is able to basically lock down this device and keep all these people from falling but his concern is he's going to lose Muse in the process the funny thing about this is once Muse gets to the rooftop all these cops are waiting on him and so Matt Murdoch approaches him and Muse kind of Beats him to the punch right he's like yo here I think I can
help and he breaks his own fingers right he's like this is what you were looking to do right something like this make it impossible for me to create art ever again and he's like don't worry I'm happy to do it it's better for the story right because these art pieces that I've made I can never duplicate I can never do it again now they're one of a kind right my story is singular self-contained never to be duplicated in any way way and so Matt Murdoch asks him he says what are you and he pulls his
mask off only for us to end up seeing this extremely twisted and pretty disfigured face and he's like I'm just a man and a mask nothing more than that and that's what so cool is because you almost kind of get this idea that like there's almost something Supernatural about this guy something Beyond normally human but the reality is we don't know his name and there is nothing special about him he's just a man in a mask and that's basically it so of course Sam is effectively carted off and that sort of thing and taken to
the hospital where he's left to recover and of course Daredevil tells him that he saved all the people who were basically injured that kind of thing and so the response to Sam is like well you know it was worth it losing my eyesight but the reality here is this guy is seemingly down for the count but that's the story of muse guys let me know what you think about him down in the comments section and does this story make you excited to see him in Daredevil because it does for me but we're going to bring
this to an end thank you all for watching and I will catch you all later peace
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