Watch this BEFORE You Buy a Laptop!

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The Mysterious Tech
Hello, I am The Mysterious Tech. In this video, I have discussed the important factors to consider w...
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you know a month ago I uploaded the watch this before you buy a PC to YouTube thank you very much for your interest and for your comments by the way I'm reading them all but in the comments many people ask me to make the same video for laptops so I decided to make this video I will try to give you all the information about laptops in the video but if you are not computer related you can take note of what I will tell you it may seem a bit confusing to you then let's get started [Music] now first of all let me tell you what you will experience if you try to buy a laptop without knowing about laptops you got up in the morning and went to the computer store to buy a laptop upon arriving at the store a store employee greeted you he asked you what you wanted you said I need a powerful laptop for work or play he recommended this laptop model to you you looked at the laptop in detail you saw that the graphics card was something with MX you thought it was a very good card then you looked at the processor when you saw that the processor was i7 you said okay this is the laptop I was looking for you didn't look at the price in other stores because you were too impressed with the laptop you bought the laptop and then went home and installed the programs and games but you didn't get the performance you expected the performance you get in games is very bad and the rendering times in programs take a long time but you still think you're getting the best laptop you can get for this price because you don't know about laptops is the processor model of the laptop good is the graphics card good is the ram capacity of the laptop enough you don't have the slightest idea actually you could have bought a better laptop but you bought a weak laptop model that is not enough for you it's not just these because you didn't do price research from other stores you bought the laptop for 150 more than its normal price welcome to the club of overpayers so what should you do to avoid joining the overpayers club actually the answer is very simple you need to have some knowledge about components such as processors graphics cards and RAM and laptops in this video I will explain the components to you as much as I can but first we need to agree on a few things One desktop or laptop if you have a budget and you plan to buy a computer in this budget desktop PCS that you can buy for the same price are more powerful than laptops because the engineering work of the components in laptops is more costly than desktops as a result laptops cost more than desktops therefore if you do not travel a lot and do not need to move the computer building a computer is much more advantageous than buying a laptop I think you understand this two purpose of using the laptop you need to decide on the purpose of using the laptop let me put it this way we have several scenarios in front of us in the first scenario there are laptops for gamers if you're going to play games the most important component is the graphics card of course the processor is also important for you but you do not need an incredible processor when we move on to the second scenario the laptop will be used mostly for performance requiring tasks such as 3D modeling video editing and rendering so these laptops will be for rendering the important component for us in this scenario is the processor but now you also need a good graphics card for these tasks but why we know that while playing games we can get higher performance according to the performance of the graphics card but why is the graphics card important in rendering let me explain it to you this way until a few years ago render engines were able to render mostly using the cores in the processor but now render engines use the cores of the graphics card instead of the processor cores although this is a newer technology especially in the 3D rendering industry many of the render engines can now render with the graphics card in addition rendering using the graphics card takes much less time than rendering using the processor that's why I find the graphics card as important as the processor in this scenario by the way let me give you another important information for this scenario you need to choose a laptop with Nvidia graphics card because the core is called cuda in Nvidia graphics cards are very performant in rendering you may be a little confused by this point but don't worry you will understand it all let me also say this in this first and second scenario they both have the disadvantage of short battery life due to the high power consumption therefore in these two scenarios we use the laptop mostly plugged in in the third scenario there are laptops that will not be used for gaming and rendering less power and long battery life to be used in the office you have to choose a scenario that matches your purpose you have five seconds now let these three scenarios stay here we will come back to them let's take a look at some components one processors if you looked at the laptop models you may have seen names such as I5 i7 ryzen 5 and ryzen 7 in the title these are the processor models found in laptops ryzen processors are produced by AMD the processors on the other side are produced by Intel the performance hierarchy and Intel processors is as follows I3 includes entry-level I5 mid-range and i7 and I9 high-end processors the same hierarchy exists in amd's ryzen processors we understand this info but I see some numbers and letters next to the processor what do they mean for example let's take the processor in this laptop as an example and examine it now we look at the fourth and fifth digits from the right these numbers will show us the generation of the processor one two three four and five as you can see the fourth and fifth digits show the number 11. so this processor is an 11th generation i7 processor so does the performance increase as the processor generation increases actually that's not exactly the case but of course there are newer Technologies due to the later release in a newer generation processor we understood the processor and generation connection let's continue to examine the processor in detail now listen carefully to what I have to say this is very important here as you can see there is a letter at the end the letter H what does this letter mean at the end of the processors you will see things like H G1 G7 Y and U these are very important for you to choose the laptop you will buy processors with the letter U at the end are processors designed for low power consumption these processors are not very performant but they provide long battery life this allows us to use these laptops for a long time without being connected to the charger so if you see the letter U on the processor of a laptop know that that laptop is designed for low power consumption let's move on to the letter Y processors with the letter Y consume even less power than processors with the letter U so they are ultra low power consumption the letters G1 and G7 indicate the level of the internal graphics card in the laptop the internal graphics card of the processor with the G7 is more powerful than the processor with the G1 of course the processors I have shown so far are not very powerful processors we can't get a very good performance if we are doing things that require performance such as playing games 3D modeling and rendering we need to choose processors with the letter H at the end now let's put these processors in the scenarios I just showed this is the current state of the table right now if you remember I just told you that the processor is very important for rendering so how can I compare laptop processors according to their rendering performance first of all I go to Google and type laptops reviewer cinebench R23 in the search box and search I go to the site laptopsreviewer. com after scrolling down a bit I click on this option and in front of me are the laptop processors lined up the rendering performance of these processors decreases from top to bottom let me explain in a way you can understand better for example a laptop with a 12 900 HK processor gives better rendering performance than another laptop with a 6800 H processor you can take advantage of this list of processors when choosing a laptop that fits your budget let me even tell you how to choose the laptop let's choose a processor here as an example I choose the 12900h processor I am searching for i7 twin 900h laptop on Google it lists laptops with twin 900h processors for me I check laptops but these laptops are out of my budget I go back to the list and select another processor at the bottom of the list I do the same search for this processor and I find these laptops fit my budget so the best laptop processor I can buy at this price for rendering is 12700h but there are two different laptop models that fit my budget so which one will I choose here you need to choose the graphics card two graphics cards first of all know this there are two most preferred manufacturers for graphics cards one is AMD the other is NVIDIA if the graphics card has RTX GTX Quadro in its name this card is produced by Nvidia if the card has RX in its name this card is produced by AMD RTX series cards developed by Nvidia are known for Technologies such as Ray tracing and dlss Ray tracing is a technology for creating realistic images that calculates Reflections in the image if you are interested in this technology and you say it is indispensable for me what would I do without this technology you have to choose laptops with Nvidia RTX cards because this Ray tracing technology does not work very well on AMD cards at the moment it even works pretty badly on the other hand if you are interested in rendering you still have to choose a laptop with an Nvidia card because if you remember I just told you that the course called cuda in Nvidia cards are very performant in rendering therefore it will be much better for you to choose Nvidia cards so how do we compare graphics cards how can I know which card is more performant first of all know this in a video card series the higher number of video cards is more powerful than the other for example 3080 is better than 30 70 and 3060 is better than 3050.
so there is no list of it of course there is I typed laptop GPU Benchmark list in the search box and searched I clicked on the site laptopmedia. com when I scrolled down I saw a list of graphics cards the performance of the graphics cards here decreases from top to bottom if you have noticed there is the letter W next to the graphics cards this tells us the maximum wattage consumed by the graphics card of the same two graphics cards the model with higher wattage is more performant and consumes more power than the other as you can understand from here not only the model of the graphics cards is important the watt values consumed are also important you can find out this consumed watt value from the specifications of the laptop now let's go back to the render laptop if you remember we were undecided between the two models as you can see here one has an RTX 3050 TI and one has an RTX 3060 graphics card the laptop with the RTX 3060 inside is more powerful I choose the laptop with RTX 30 60 and add it to the render category in the table we chose our render laptop now let's move on to the gaming laptop category as I said before our first priority in a gaming laptop is the graphics card not the processor so I go back to the graphics card list and here I choose a graphics card from the top of the list for example we can look at the price of laptops with 30 70 TI graphics cards I found a model that I can afford and I'm adding it to the game category by the way you can play games on the laptop we chose for rendering you can also render on the laptop we chose for the game in other words there is no rule that rendering is not possible on a gaming laptop it's just a matter of preference for whatever purpose you will use the laptop you can choose it well I understood everything so far but other components like Ram SSD and laptop screen are not important of course they are important but because the options are more limited and it is easier to choose I want to tell them all together quickly three Ram for today's games and programs you have to buy a laptop with at least 16 gigabyte RAM I even think that after a few years even 16 gigabyte RAM will be insufficient even now I can get insufficient Ram errors in my detailed After Effects Works therefore the laptop you will buy must have at least 16 gigabyte RAM it is true that you do not need high capacity RAM and games but when it comes to rendering even 16 gigabyte RAM can be insufficient but 16 gigabyte RAM is enough for entry level 4 SSD my advice to you is to buy a laptop with at least 512 gigabyte SSD the size of today's games and programs has increased a lot so buying less than 512 gigabyte SSD may be the wrong choice over time you may have to delete something to free up disk space 5.
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