Why Moses Body Was Not Found (Biblical Stories Explained)

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Grace Digital Network
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why was moses body not found the exodus was moses time and exodus is the account of the greatest escape in history over two million slaves flee from one of the world's most heavily protected countries it's an incredible story with a series of miracles including some of the most well-known in the bible at the time the israelites were led by a man named moses he witnessed more miracles than abraham isaac and jacob combine with a number of miracles occurring one after another as god interceded on behalf of his people some of the miracles appear to be magic such as when moses rod changes into a snake but the majority are obvious natural manipulations as god demonstrates his power over all he has created for the welfare of his people moses was a man that evaded death at the time of his birth the pharaoh had ordered all male children to be thrown into the river the majority of people are familiar with this story the nile river was teeming with crocodiles and the egyptians believed that extermination was necessary to successfully diminish israelite numbers this is how the baby moses should have died but like joseph moses was brought up at court and given the highest education at the egyptian university thanks to god's providence for the jews moses was the second greatest man in the old testament after abraham his time as an egyptian prince came to a sudden end however when he lost his temper with one of the egyptian slave drivers and killed him after which he had to flee for his life moses life statistics are fascinating to read he spent 40 years grazing sheep in the wilderness at the age of 40. before returning to live among the israelites for another 40 years god's hand was plainly at work moses encounter with the lord through the burning bush is likewise fascinating if not for the burning bush itself but for moses justifications because he was on hallowed ground god commanded moses to remove his shoes first then he told moses that he would be the one to lead the israelites out of egypt moses came up with five reasons why he shouldn't do it first he said he was insignificant next he said that he was ignorant and had nothing to say his third excuse was that he would be impotent to convince the people that god had met with him and told him to lead them god said that his power was going to be with moses and he would perform miracles then moses said that he was incompetent at speaking having a stammer which would prevent him from putting words together so god provided his brother aaron to be a spokesman god has not chosen to reveal much to us about the circumstances of moses death there are three references in the bible to the death and burial of moses and each of these references lends to a sense of mystique surrounding the life and death of the great prophet it is being determined that he was 120 years old at the time of his death deuteronomy chapter 34 verse 7 moses was 120 years old when he died yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone despite his age moses was still in his prime when he was called home moses died alone with his back against the rock on the top of mount nebo looking across the jordan to the land that had been promised but in which he would never set foot moses was barred from entering the promised land because of his disobedience at the waters of mirabak kadesh he led the israelites to the very edge of canaan and was given a glimpse of the land but he was not permitted to enter it god gave moses a glimpse of the land he had fled egypt for near the end of his life moses climbed mount nebo from the plains of moab to the top of pisgah there the lord showed in the whole land numbers chapter 27 verses 12-13 the lord said to moses go up into this mountain of abarim and see the land that i have given to the people of israel when you have seen it you also shall be gathered to your people as your brother aaron was god explains why moses was not allowed to enter the promised land in deuteronomy chapter 32. verses 51-52 this is because you broke faith with me in the presence of the israelites at the waters of miraba kadesh in the desert of zinn and because you did not uphold my holiness among the israelites therefore you will see the land only from a distance you will not enter the land i am giving to the people of israel god was true to his promise he showed moses the promised land but did not let him enter in numbers chapter 20 records the incident at maribor kadush's waters the israelites arrived in the desert of zinn near the end of their 40-year journey the community turned against moses and aaron because there was no water moses and aaron went to the tent of meeting and knelt before god god instructed moses and aaron to assemble the people and speak to the rock water would come forth moses gathered the men and took the staff then seemingly in anger moses said to them listen you rebels must we bring you water out of this rock then moses struck the rock twice with his staff numbers chapter 20 verses 1-13 and the people of israel the whole congregation came into the wilderness of zinn in the first month and the people stayed in kedesh and miriam died there and was buried there now there was no water for the congregation and they assembled themselves together against moses and against aaron and the people quarreled with moses and said would that we had perished when our brothers perished before the lord why have you brought the assembly of the lord into this wilderness that we should die here both we and our cattle and why have you made us come up out of egypt to bring us to this evil place it is no place for grain or figs or vines or pomegranates and there is no water to drink then moses and aaron went from the presence of the assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell in their faces and the glory of the lord appeared to them and the lord spoke to moses saying take the staff and assemble the congregation you and aaron your brother and tell the rock before their eyes to yield its water so you shall bring water out of the rock for them and give drink to the congregation and their cattle and moses took the staff from before the lord as he commanded him then moses and aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock and he said to them hear now you rebels shall we bring water for you out of this rock and moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice and water came out abundantly and the congregation drank and their livestock and the lord said to moses and aaron because you did not believe in me to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of israel therefore you should not bring this assembly into the land that i have given them these are the waters in meribah where the people of israel quarreled with the lord and through them he showed himself holy water came from the rock as god had promised but god immediately told moses and aaron that because they had failed to trust him enough to honor him as holy they would not bring the children of israel into the promised land the punishment may appear severe to us but when we examine moses actions closely we notice several errors clearly moses disobeyed a direct command from god god had told moses to address the rock moses instead struck the rock with his staff previously when god brought water from a rock he told moses to strike it with a staff however god's instructions were different in this case god wanted moses to have faith in him especially after they had been so close for so long moses didn't need to use force all he needed to do was obey god and trust that god would keep his promise also moses took the credit for bringing forth the water he asks that the people gathered at the rock moses seemed to be taking credit for the miracle himself and aaron instead of attributing it to god moses did this publicly god could not let it go unpunished and expect the israelites to understand his holiness 1st corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 and drank the same spiritual drink for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them and that rock was christ the water-giving rock is used as a symbol of christ in 1st corinthians chapter 10 verse 4.
the rock was struck in exodus chapter 17 verse 6. just like christ was crucified once hebrews chapter 7 verse 27 unlike the other high priests he does not need to offer sacrifices day after day first for his own sins and then for the sins of the people he sacrificed for their sins once for all when he offered himself moses speaking to the rock in numbers chapter 20 could have been meant as a picture of prayer jesus was struck once and he continues to provide living water to those who pray in faith to him when moses angrily struck the rock he destroyed the biblical typology and in effect crucified christ again when the lord instructed moses to strike the rock in exodus chapter 17 he intended to establish a picture of christ as our redeemer the bible says repeatedly in psalms and isaiah that christ is our rock and cornerstone struck for example killed for our sake and he will bring forth streams of living water for example salvation moreover hebrews says christ died once for all and no further sacrifice for sins is required so the lord intended moses strike the rock in the desert only once in the scene from exodus chapter 17. thus picturing jesus sacrificed once to bring a salvation the lord later instructed moses in numbers chapter 20 to only speak to the rock in order to preserve the image created in exodus chapter 17.
when moses chose to strike the rock again he shattered the picture painted in exodus chapter 17. had god not corrected moses error he would have been baffled by the distorted picture concluding that jesus the rock had to be sacrificed struck repeatedly for our salvation as a result god rebuked moses to ensure that we understood the image of the rock preventing him from entering the promised land correctly during the process the lord created a new image to support a correct understanding of salvation by excluding moses from the promised land the lord demonstrated that we could not enter salvation that is the promised land through the works of the law meaning moses but only through the work of jesus for example by joshua which is the name yeshua or jesus moses punishment for disobedience pride and the misrepresentation of christ's sacrifice was steep he was barred from entering the promised land numbers chapter 20 verse 12. despite this we never see moses complain about his punishment instead he continues to lead the people faithfully and to honor god deuteronomy chapter 34 verses 1-6 and moses went up from the plains of moab under the mountain of nebo to the top of pisgah that is over against jericho and the lord shoot him all the land of gilead unto dan and to all naftali and the land of ephraim and manasseh and all the land of judah unto the utmost sea and the south and the plain of the valley of jericho the city of palm trees and azor and the lord said unto him this is the land which i swear unto abraham unto isaac and a new jacob saying i will give it unto thy seed i have caused thee to see it with thine eyes but thou shalt not go over thither so moses the servant of the lord died there in the land of moab according to the word of the lord and he buried him in a valley in the land of moab over against beth pior but no man knoweth of a sepulchre unto this day despite being punished for his lack of obedience moses died in faith and honor moses was honored as the only man buried by the lord however a dramatic event occurred later in the word of god at this location but we'll get to that later in the video the 30-day morning period exceeded the normal morning period of seven days most of us dislike saying goodbye to those we care about separation is difficult whether at a school or a cemetery we believe that it is appropriate for us to weep as god's children that there is no need for us to despair because we know that we have pain here and the departed have no pain there we may be struggling here but the departed are not we know that the departed are at peace in the presence of god right now centuries later we read in the gospels that moses spoke with jesus on top of one of the mountains but he never entered canaan in his earthly life he was also buried on mount nebo though not by his fellow people in the new testament according to several commentators god buried moses in secret and without a grave marker to prevent the grave from becoming a shrine or a place of worship this seems plausible given the israelites proclivity for idolatry another mystery involves jude chapter 1 verse 9 where we learned that when moses died the archangel michael contended with a devil over the body of moses this story covers moses and two other characters the first is satan satan is described in the bible as an angelic enemy of god and by extension the enemy and opponent of those who follow god although everything god created was good genesis chapter 1 verse 31 satan chose to rebel against the lord and many other angels followed his rebellion ezekiel chapter 28 verse 15 and isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 to 17.
satan tempted eve to sin in the garden of eden and adam followed her into sin plunging the whole human race into a curse genesis chapter 3 verses 16 to 19 and romans chapter 5 verse 12 pictured as a serpent and dragon in the bible genesis chapter 3 verse 1 and revelation chapter 12 verse 9 satan is a murderer and the father of lies he promotes false doctrines and craftily seeks to keep unbelievers in spiritual bondage first timothy chapter 4 verse 1 this beard clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons concerning satan the bible gives the following information satan is a personal being with a mind feelings and a choice as seen in job chapter 1. he is a made being and is not equivalent to god ezekiel chapter 28 verse 15. satan does not rule hell hell was created as a sentence for satan and his demons matthew chapter 25 verse 41 neither does satan live in hell as the bible describes how we can enter heaven and roam the earth job chapter 1 verses 6 and 7.
the devil can only do what god allows job chapter 1 verse 12 satan is not everywhere but he does oversee a horde of demons called the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms ephesians chapter 6 verse 12. he uses this network to tempt and deceive people he vigorously works to negate the effect of the word of god in people's hearts matthew chapter 13 verses 3 and 4 and he blinds the mind of those who do not believe so they cannot understand the gospel second corinthians chapter four verse four the second characters archangel michael michael along with gabriel is probably the most well-known angelic being in the bible we know michael is an archangel but what exactly does that entail what has he accomplished what are his duties and how does he fit into god's heavenly host michael is the name of the archangel that name begs the question who is comparable to god many jewish and non-jewish parents who named their sons michael have no idea what the name means jude makes no further mention of this passing reference which has sparked debate among biblical scholars we don't know when this angelic debate took place but it was most likely during moses burial we also don't understand why the devil and michael are arguing over the body the devil was standing on the other side of moses when the angel arrived the devil claimed ownership of this man because he murdered an egyptian but the archangel michael told the devil the lord rebuked you and the angel buried moses it was an incredible end to an incredible life before crossing the jordan the people mourned him for one month despite the mysteries surrounding moses death and burial we do know a few facts one is that god's word is true and his prophecies are always fulfilled another is that sin brings god's discipline and no one is immune furthermore god does not always explain mysteries in his word but here's the truth precious in the sight of the lord is the death of his faithful servants psalm chapter 116 verse 15.
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