People Have No Idea What's Really Happening

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in the United States Society is increasingly divided into two main political groups Democrats and Republicans as we enter another election year this divide becomes even more pronounced campaigns debates and the media all seem to drive home the idea that the most important question for Americans is whether you lean left or right whether you Embrace conservative or Progressive values and who you believe will be the best leader for the nation it's a polarization that touches every aspect of Our Lives from the workplace to the dinner table we see these divisions creating tension in our communities causing
people to choose sides sometimes with such Zeal that friendships and families are torn apart the conversations become less about understanding and more about proving who is right with all of the noise surrounding political ideologies it's easy to get caught up in the idea that this is the most important division of our time we hear over and over again that what matters is whether you're a Democrat or a republican that this defines who you are and where your values lie and many Christians sadly have also been swept up into this current of political identity placing their
hope in policies platforms or human leaders to fix the Dee rooted problems we face as the nation focuses on another intense election cycle names like Donald Trump and kamla Harris are constantly at the Forefront of the media's coverage these figures are often portrayed as symbols of the two competing ideologies let me present to you a different perspective one that transcends political parties and looks beyond the superficial divisions of our society God is not a Democrat nor is he a Republican his kingdom doesn't operate on the political framework of Any Nation including ours the divisions that
dominate our culture and politics are not the divisions that God sees or that the Bible emphasizes in First Corinthians 1:18 Paul tells us how God views the world for the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God the real division that God sees is not between political parties or ideologies instead he sees two groups those who are perishing and those who are saved there are no gray areas here the Bible doesn't categorize Us by race nationality or political affiliation it
divides Us by one crucial Factor our response to the message of the Cross while the world around us may focus on temporal divisions God calls us to see things from an eternal perspective the question is not whether you vote blue or red but whether you have embraced the gospel and are living in light of it in the grand scheme of Eternity it will not matter which political party was in power at any given time what will matter is where we stood with God did we respond to his message of Salvation or did we reject it
in this sermon I want to challenge you to rise above the noise of the political world and remember that God's focus is far beyond Earthly governments his kingdom is eternal and he calls us to be citizens of Heaven first and foremost we are called to align with Christ in his mission not just with temporary political agendas regardless of who is in power whether it's Trump Harris or someone else Our Hope and identity should rest in Jesus Christ the only true king you see the Lord God Almighty is above us he lives in a realm that
a human mind cannot comprehend and one thing about God we need to understand is that he sees the world in two distinct groups he doesn't see the world in 10 different groups uh we as humans tend to cherry-pick groups of people and put one group of people here and then put Baptists over there and then place pentecostales over here and then place the fests over there and then Roman Catholics over here and so on but that's not how God sees the world even our society separates people into different groups and classes there is the upper
class the upper middle class the middle class working class and so on however it is important to know and to remember that the Bible and God always always divides the world into two 1 Corinthians 1 18 for the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God to two groups were named the perishing and the saved within the spirit world there is a dividing line a dividing line that separates those who are perishing and those who are saved I tend to
live my life thinking of this dividing line that God has there is an invisible line te take for instance a bus that is full of people it is a daunting thought to know that there is an invisible line that separates one group of people from another take for instance the office you work in there is an invisible line that goes straight through your office an invisible line that separates those who are being saved and those who are perishing Ponder this thought anytime you see a large Congregation of people know that God sees these people in
two distinct mutually exclusive categories now what a truly sobering thought is that even in churches in churches across the world the uh this line exists the line that separates the ones who are perishing now and the ones who are being saved this same dividing line even separates husbands and wives parents and children and so on even within the sacred bounds of family where love and kinship intertwine this Divine line infiltrates segregating the redeemed from the lost the Sanctified from The Condemned it is a grave contemplation one that should stir our spirits to Earnest prayer and
Resolute action that we may cross this Divine boundary from perishing to to Salvation and encourage our Brethren to Traverse this Celestial divide with us into the Realms of eternal glory and divine Fellowship Corinthians 1:18 for the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God what a wonderful verse this is because it reveals to us that in a world that is sinful and that is perishing there are some people who are being saved isn't that wonderful the Apostle is saying that
here in a world that is full of Darkness there are people who are being called by the light and coming to the light isn't that wonderful the Apostle is saying that here in a world where people deserve to spend eternity in the very depths of Hell there are people who are being saved isn't that wonderful right now all across the world there are actual men and women boys and girls who are listening to me right now who are being saved they are not perishing I've seen many election Cycles in my lifetime and I'm sure many
of you have as well but if you're anything like me you can probably sense that something feels different this time around it's not just the candidates it's not just the policies it's the depth of the division that has taken hold of this country it feels as though the lines are more sharply drawn than ever before and the stakes seem higher in the minds of many we're not just talking about political disagreements anymore we're talking about deep personal Rifts that are tearing apart communities friendships and even families we've reached a point where if people from either
side of the political divide discover that you support Donald Trump or kamla Harris they may refuse to associate with you it's no longer enough to have a different opinion in many circles to align with one candidate or the other is seen as a moral flaw a character defect or even a betrayal social media is Rife with this hostility you can hardly open a news site or log onto Facebook without seeing people tearing one another down over their political affiliations we have lost the art of civil discourse and in many ways we have allowed politics to
become an idol taking center stage in our hearts and Minds now I am not saying that you shouldn't vote in fact I encourage everyone to vote but my message today isn't about which box you check on Election Day my message is about how God views the world and let me tell you he does not divide Us by political parties he is not concerned with whether you are red or blue left or right Democrat or republican God doesn't view the world the way we do his perspective is so much higher than ours and the way he
sees the human race is far removed from our obsession with political labels in 1 Corinthians 1:18 Paul makes it clear that God divides the world into two groups those who are being saved and those who are perishing that's it these are the categories that matter these are the lines that are drawn in the sand not by us but by God himself it's not about what side of the political aisle you sit on it's about whether or not you have embraced the message of the Cross and friends I believe that if we got even the smallest
glimpse of hell if we could just see for a moment the horrors of Eternal separation from God we would stop seeing the world in terms of political groups and start seeing it the way God does we wouldn't be so quick to categorize people by their support for Donald Trump or kamla Harris instead we would see them as either lost or saved and our hearts would break for those who are lost our urgency to share the gospel would increase tenfold let me give you some perspective on the gravity of this roughly 110,00 people die each day
worldwide without receiving Christ as their lord and savior that's a proximately 69% of the 160,000 people who pass from this life to the next every single day and for those who die without Christ their political affiliation is the very last thing on their minds as they face eternity they are perishing in Everlasting Doom they have entered an eternity without hope without salvation and without God the Bible tells us that the fate of the perishing is an eternal separation from God a place where there is weeping and nashing of teeth a place of utter darkness and
torment brothers and sisters as Christians how can we be indifferent to this reality how dare we live with an attitude of Heaven for us and hell for them the Great commission that Jesus gave us is not optional it is a command we are called to go into all the world and Make Disciples of all Nations this means that our concern should not be primarily with the political affiliations of those around us but with the state of their souls are they perishing or are they being saved that's the only question that truly matters in light of
Eternity the Lost are not just statistics they are real people people you pass on the street people you work with people in your own family and they are heading toward an eternity without Christ if we don't step in and share the gospel with them we have a responsibility a sacred duty to reach out to those who are perishing we cannot afford to be distracted by the political noise of this world when the Eternal Souls of men and women hang in the balance so yes vote engage with the political process but don't let politics become your
focus don't allow the divisions of this world to Cloud your vision of what really matters remember God is not a Republican or a Democrat he doesn't see the world through the lens of political ideologies he sees it through the lens of Salvation And if we are truly his followers we must do the same we must prioritize The Souls of men and women over their political affiliations we must be about our father's business which is the business of saving the lost because when this life is over there will only be two groups those who are with
God in eternity and those who are forever separated from him let us do everything in our power to ensure that more people are in that first group the group of the saved there is a dividing line at times I think of a loving couple a husband and wife who spend their whole lives together in a loving joyous marriage full of laughter joy peace and love yet throughout their whole marriage the two are on opposite sides of God's dividing line and when they die which they will for death comes for all men and women and one
of them will go into heaven and the other will go into Eternal Darkness there is a dividing line people have no idea what's really happening people really have no idea what is happening right now as I speak to you there is a dividing line in your place of work in your local church in the people who are watching this video and even in your very own families there are those who are being saved and those who are perishing one of the most satanic teachings in some Churches and in the world is that there are more
than just two groups God and the Bible only say there are two groups there have always been two groups those who are heading for Glory and those who are heading for Destruction those who are forgiven by God and those who are not forgiven by God those who have the full wrath of God on them and those who do not the Bible is clear there is no middle ground it's either you are worshiping God or you are worshiping the devil there is no such thing as spiritual neutrality the Bible clearly sets up a dividing line notice
how the Bible in Corinthians 1:18 did not begin to list different denominations two groups were named the perishing and the saved within the spirit world there is a dividing line a dividing line that separates those are perishing and those who are saved the Bible makes it clear you and I can know which side of this line we are on and furthermore people can even tell which side of the line you are on in the spirit world there is a dividing line Paul the Apostle is dividing the world into two the Bible always divides the world
into two there are no subcategories in the eyes of the Lord you are either his or not his you are either saved or perishing Matthew 7:13-14 andent through the narrow gate for wide is the gate and Broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it broad is the gate that leads to destruction make every effort to walk on the narrow road the reason why the road to Salvation is so narrow because there is
only one way and that is Jesus Christ but there are multiple ways a person can go to gehenna we need to know that many have been swept off already and many are still falling away you must be deliberate about your service to God you must be deliberate about your choice to follow Jesus you must be deliberate about your choice to walk on the narrow road because there are few who find it although we are seeing the great Falling Away unfold before our very eyes don't allow it to happen to you hold on to your faith
and hold on to sound doctrines hold on to your Bible you should not allow your faith to stand on the Integrity of anyone because they can fall too Hebrews 12:1 says we should always look unto Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith if you then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sth on the right hand of God set your affection on things above not on things on the earth foundationally it's all about the Lord Jesus Christ salvation is a person the person the Lord Jesus Christ
Corinthians 1:18 tells us what exactly the dividing line is correct for the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perish ing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God essentially Paul is expressing that the significance of Jesus Christ's crucifixion is perceived differently by those who believe and those who do not for believers the cross is the symbol of God's power love and sacrifice it signifies Jesus Christ's sacrifice where he being sinless suffered and died to atone for the sins of humanity this act of unmar Love enables Believers
to be reconciled with God receive forgiveness and attain eternal life it is the embodiment of Hope and Redemption showcasing God's mercy and Grace to all who accept Jesus as their savior however to those who are perishing those who reject or do not believe in Christ and his sacrificial act the message of the Cross is perceived as foolishness it contradicts human logic and wisdom appearing as a symbol of weakness and defeat to them the idea that one man's death could offer Eternal salvation to all of humanity is incomprehensible and absurd the message of the Cross challenges
conventional wisdom and human understanding illustrating the profound contrast between Divine wisdom and human reasoning it serves as a Divine invitation to all uh urging people to look Beyond world perceptions and embrace the Eternal truth and salvation that come only through faith in Jesus Christ the message of the Cross is thus a central and transformative truth in Christianity denoting God's ultimate Act of love and Redemption for Humanity
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