2 meters 115 kilos Serious? They come up with anything for me man Light, loose Plinio: Cause you know what bro? The stones that fall over our heads are the one that teaches us Because the secret of life is not the tressure it gives you.
It's the journey to get to the tressure. Ups and the downs you know what I mean? The downs teach you more than the Ups But you put all together, all bad things happen to you shapes you into strong person There is a reason why coach produces world champions Demsey: I was going to say, what kind of training do you want to get done today?
Bit sparring? Plinio: 4 rounds of sparring but not hard Demsey: Yeah tech sparring What 1 week? No point going too hard Plinio: I said lets do sparring next week, week after cardio.
Do pads Today be a good time to, adjust time and distance Demsey: Got like one week training Plinio: Want 4 rounds good pace, but no power You know, you professional Demsey: For sure, definitely Plinio: I want him to feel he working you know what I mean But not get hurt like he's really working Definitely, no point. 1 2 weeks training left Sometimes just got to take the fight. Not like he still, he has been training everyday with us You know better than me, you can be training everyday for 6 months.
When you book a fight it's like this So he just has to focus on the fight, but his cardio fine Sometimes last responsibility just go Next week go to Las Vegas. Going to sit in the hotel, just go to the fight How long you here for? When do you leave?
Tomorrow Tomorrow, you leave tomorrow Good thing is we leave tomorrow, tomorrow we land in America So we get there Sunday after noon, we will have the whole week Get all those hours back from the flight What time you leave tomorrow? 10 in the morning I was going to say you guys can use the gym tomorrow, but if you're leaving its fine 40 hour flights Yeah rest up before then! Man you tall, how tall are you 6 foot 7.
Close 6'6 How much do you weigh? About 115 Little round in the moment 115 kilos, modern heavy weight Not like daddy at the time was big daddy Throw punches at everyone. Good thing I retired If I had to fight against him I would be done Alex: First training after knowing about the fight Some sparring, 4 rounds.
That way, light, loose Famous loose. That guy bigger than 2 meters no? 2 meters, 115 kilo Serious?
2 what? Damn, you guys come up with anything for me Demsey, professional boxer Former MMA, Muay thai fighter also He shows a lot the time to throw a hook His straight is faster, got to be careful Then Plinio says, "Just can't let him get you" I said damn man Plinio: Be loose Alex: What is it for? To motivate me, what is it Old dude, got to send the real man They understand me wrong.
Went to the guy said, "Poatan you can be calm" "This fight won't be as bad as you think" So I have to run the whole time How will he get me He slow, carries the punch, could see everything Heavy weight is heavy weight At times when he is throwing the hook, he goes down. Get a straight on the way out, get it with 2 Instead of one, throw one more 3 deep ones There you go. Just breathe man 2 more rounds He is feeling your pressure, you noticed?
Alex: Put it on him too, quick Put a little on him too Put on him too Sorry, sorry It's all good 3 deep breathes 1,2, there. Breathe, there Just breathe. Beautiful, won the 3 rounds.
It's beautiful Got on my sack too man. I know I saw, it was strong Man, a lot of things, you are winning Was good Plinio: Broke his nose For the people who think Poatan sitting on the couch preparing for the fight We travel but we train man Ian: When did we find out about the fight? Discovered the 13th, 14 took it, 15th we here sparring with the best heavy weights in Australia We are professional.
Poatan can be traveling to the moon we will be training in the moon Understood? That's a fighter always ready. 4 tough rounds.
Sparring Best heavy weight, promising athlete in boxing, from Australia 2 meter 7, 115 kilos There, Chama in 2 weeks Alex, this my friend Chris. Chris this is Alex If you need anything out there in America let me know Said if we need him America for sparring let him know Beautiful,beautiful Could we get a picture Picture everybody Grown men work Alex: Very technical. Was able to control the distance well Was able to see he is a lefty.
Throwing the jab there, wasn't getting him, but when I did it would just scrap Something I do good, waiting for the other punch Always with the vision ahead. That's the difference Good/ tough sparring. Guy has a lot of experience Sparring of a ranked boxer.
Good training, 2 weeks left from yesterday. Plinio: 2 saturday's from today 2 weeks till my fight. Did some sparring, going to program my trainings.
Going home tomorrow Go back to Connecticut, Glover's gym Doing all the preparation, strategies there. Feeling very good, think it will be a big fight Big opportunity that came to me.