If you've heard me talking about this, you'll have to forgive me because I need to repeat it to make sure everyone knows about it: there is a very magical and wonderful thing called 'estado de fluxo' or flow, 'state of flow' . This is the name given by a psychologist to this mental state we get when we are doing an activity that is very pleasurable and, finally, you know that feeling that you haven't seen time pass? That you get lost there in the activity?
This is the flow. That's why I'm so passionate about talking about hobbies and creativity, because when we're creating it's so much easier to get into that flow, that state of mind. And it's extremely therapeutic.
When we are there creating, whatever it is, we are in the present. It's that moment when we give our mind a rest, you know? And we really live the moment, that activity, that creation that we set out to do.
That's why I always say that a hobby has to be something you enjoy, that you want to do without any pressure. Because anything that takes away the lightness, like, from the activity can end up losing its meaning. So a lot of people say: "ah, but Fe, I give up on my hobbies all the time".
Like. . .
No problem, you know? You can test several of them. After all, this is already the third hobby video, which means by the end of this video you will have 90 hobby ideas.
So there's no problem, in my view, you know, trying different things until you find things that actually have this therapeutic character for you, you know? That you, that day, manage to be immersed and I hope, finally, to have fun, you know? It's like playing!
So now that we've even named this good feeling that hobbies bring us, we can actually go on our list. And in case you want to go deeper into the subject, understand a little more, you're curious to learn more about creativity, don't forget: I am launching a book with my sister — I'll leave the links below —, it's called ✨ 'Creative Awakening ' ✨ and it has everything you can imagine, everything you might want to know about the creative process. About art, about hobbies.
Anyway, I think you'll like it. By the way, there's even have a part written, there's a hobby in a chapter, and also there're ideas. But anyway, these videos are really the most specific ideas in the universe.
That you guys really helped me in the comments of past videos, so thank you so much and you can keep commenting. Because the list, guys, it can go on. It has no limits.
Without further ado, number 01 on today's list: Handmake bookbinding. I haven't tried this hobby yet but it's beautiful! You know hardcover books, that thing that feels good to hold?
The smell is wonderful. . .
It wasn't supposed to be an advertisement for the fact that my book is hardcover, but. . .
What a coincidence! Oops! The fact is, you can make hardcover books by hand!
There are a lot of people who do this, it's a beautiful job, you can also make notebooks, whatever you want. The sheets that you put inside are your call. There are the simplest versions, just with a very simple seam in the middle, a notebook.
But there are people who actually bind entire books in that old style, and I'm going to leave you one here that I was blown away by. It was even a follower who sent me this post on Insta and I was in love! Apparently this artist, her kids ruined the cover of her book, which was an illustrated edition of Harry Potter, so she made a new cover and it was very beautiful, very creative.
I loved seeing the materials she uses, those things to make the 'foil', which is the gold thing, you know? Lots of things I hadn't seen before. You already know, right?
I'll want to get into that too. 2. Create 'zines' Basically, 'zine' is a.
. . It came from the shortening of the word 'magazine', which we all know what means.
So imagine that in the past, right, people didn't have the internet, the media platforms were very traditional and centralized. So independent publications were a way for you to get your message across and 'zines' became very popular, of course, in the hands of punks. They are my reference for this, I imagine it existed before.
But in fact the punks did it with collage, everything by hand, you would then do it by hand, very DIY, in your zine and then you would make a photocopy of it, several copies, fold it and deliver it. The goal was to be a inexpensive, easy publication and today we have a series of examples, many artists make their poems, poetry, texts, stories and illustrations. I have some.
. . I didn't find what I did for my class, that we did some really punk style ones, but I found this one, look, that I think I even was gifted once.
I don't remember if It was gifted or if I bought it together with a comic from another artist, here, it's by Pedro Leonelli. So here, look, it's a story. It's basically a comic book, this one of his, but I would call this a zine because it's a publication, look, very practical.
It's stapled, very simple. And a very common shape is this one that you can make by folding an A4, you cut it in half. Which I then used in my digital file.
Which I have. . .
In which I sell, right, the silhouettes for fashion design. One of the graphic pieces I made is this one, look. That you can kind of put together a collection.
So it's like that. And you fold. So this here is nothing more than a zine format.
I think it's amazing. Be happy, you can put whatever you want in there, print a bunch and distribute it. (Or not, make it just for you.
) 3. Create moodboards. They're nothing more than dashboards for you to communicate an idea, quite a vibe, really.
A feeling. So it's used a lot in design and fashion. Anyway, I have an example here of mine.
So here are just some collages that I made and I call this moodboard because besides the collages I was also writing and here I had this intention. I managed to communicate to myself, in this case, some ideas. So this feeling, this vibe.
You can do on whatever subject you want, you can do it digitally. As a designer we have to do a lot of that and it's one of my favorite steps in the creative process. 4.
Create a visionboard. It's basically a moodboard, the idea is very similar, but here the images are intended for you to sort of visualize, manifest or put as goals in your future. So it's something even sometimes connected with spirituality if you believe.
I really believe that actually visualizing your goals helps you stay focused. And there's this side of the manifestation that I also believe, which is: if you can look at these images and actually feel that you already have that, well, then it's a more vibe, like, universe. Search: visionboards.
I haven't done it yet, I'll make one for myself. I really like the idea. 5.
Make your own hats. If you lost, guys, please. That video was wronged because it came out together, on the same day as a live.
But like this, look: please see me making these hats! Because it was so much fun and it's magical, you know? Hats.
Why not? 6. Make broochs/pins.
Here's an example of all the ones I've made! I don't know, on a beautiful weekend I said: "this is it! " and I got really excited and did it all at once, except for the one that is bought.
That, I believe everything else was made by me. So these chains I just put on a safety pin. Here is a 'bottom', like a button that I capped.
I put on some ribbons. Lots of ribbons, lots of security pins. Ah, this one wasn't me either.
Ignore the pins and the brooches were made by me. Ah, there are even several with political messages, so here I cut out words. Two very important ones: "Ele não" Here we have a mini Marielle in a frame, which turned out really cute.
I am proud of it. 7. Review books and movies Very common in the blogging era, many people had it.
But what I thought was also really cool is that at TikTok there are a lot of people making entire notebooks, like Journals, with books. With what they think of movies, and then they mix collage and drawing. Anyway, I loved it, it's super beautiful.
8. Exchange letters. I've already talked about this on the channel, it's called PenPal abroad, which is you having a kind of friend that communicates through letters.
There are also people who put so much effort on it, it's super cute, they decorate the envelopes and letters. I've already started such a project here on the channel a few years ago, but it got out of hand. To this day I haven't been able to answer everyone and then I had to pause.
But who knows, we can think together on a way to connect you, who are interested in sending letters, so that we can do this. My dream would be to have it on my website, you know? Type: "put your e-mail here and we'll find you a pair for correspondence".
And then the system would magically send the email from one to the other matching preferences, maybe. Ideas. 9.
Paint porcelain. Of course they have those super complexes and really with proper inks and it looks beautiful, but you can also buy a pen. Pen made for porcelain.
And finally, drawing, painting and writing on mugs, on cups. And if I'm not mistaken, the only thing you have to do afterwards is put it in the oven to actually fix this pen and this ink. It seems to be a super, super interesting thing.
10. Build model scenes. We've already talked about miniatures here, but anyway, mockup/model is a very wide universe that you often don't need to buy ready-made things because they're very expensive.
As in architecture, of course, you have the usual beautiful one. But you can also make mockups of subjects you want and, finally, of rooms and scenarios of your favorite characters. I've seen it on the internet, for example, the apartment from Monica of Friends.
And you can actually use whatever materials you find. Mockup: each person really does it the way they want. I took this class in college, it's a big 'gambiarra' and it's really cool.
But it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. We tried to make a scene of Aladdin and it was similar if you look from a distance. Far away.
11. Build with Lego. Lego was a very present toy in my childhood and I played with it with my creativity, really.
I think as an adult, right, Lego became something, like, "I have to follow the instructions on the box". But, anyway, there are even incredible competitions and fairs. I've seen a lego exhibit that was also a lot of mixed creations.
And people made high mechanisms. Anyway, amazing. You can really let your imagination fly.
12. Paint with pastels I even searched but I don't have a very good example here but I'll show you quickly. .
. I've already mentioned how, for me, right, the materials are different languages. That's why it's like a different hobby.
Because I think pastel chalk is a really cool one that isn't always talked about. And in case you are ever in doubt, lost, "Oh my God, but oil pastels or dry pastels? " I will explain it quickly.
Dr pastel gives this effect which is what you saw here, which is kind of almost like painting with smoke, a "cloud" thing. You can of course use a lot of techniques, but you can make this thing softer and well blended. And I think the oil is really cool too, but it's more for you to paint in faith, you know?
It doesn't forgive. This one you can erase. This one with oil you won't be able to erase, but you can get much stronger colors, much more vivid, intense.
And you can also do a lot of cool stuff with it. 13. Tie-Dye Tie-Dye is a big fad that has come and gone over the years.
I made a t-shirt when I was there for, I think 13 years old, and now it's back in all its power. Now I think it's already leaving but, anyway, I really think it's cool and creative. I just ask us to be a little careful because, after all, dyeing clothes is dealing with chemicals.
This is something we don't always talk about. We don't have our own place to discard, so I remember that at the time, as I imagine everyone does, I played on tap. Which I'm not sure would be the right thing to do.
The rest of the dye. Anyway, just be a little careful, research a little about it. Also wear gloves, stuff like that.
It's a pity, right, which I think is the worst, that happened in the United States, with this great Tie-Dye fashion, a lot of people made these clothes for fun and never wore them, threw them away, so they polluted so much at the time of dyeing how much actually that clothes that were produced, textiles pollute a lot at the time of production because you have to, finally, plant, then transport, that whole thing. And in the end for the person to still go out there and throw it away. Not support.
So I just wanted to leave those parentheses. But still Tie-Dye is an artistic technique yes, you can make a lot of different patterns. So it's super interesting.
And if anyone knows more about this, about pigments and dyes, or if you have any tips, like: "no, Fe. If you use the ink it's safe", please comment below. I'm the girl from Travel Journals.
I hope to be remembered for that as I have a lot of videos here on the channel. So, like that, I've already made several different variations. It's a way.
. . It's nothing more than a travel diary, right?
So it's a way for you to record your adventures around the world. And finally, the process is super fun, you can make collages. I have already used an old book as a base here, then.
And you can see the video of all these here on the channel. Here it was from my Femingos Jalapão Expedition. And, of course, it's also super cool for you to write, it's also another way to record your adventures around the world.
Liked it. Your travels. Oh, and if you are interested, stay tuned at Empório, I hope that in November something will be ready that will help your future travel journals a lot.
My God, how did I do it! Art Attack once taught, who remembers? But basically to make a pompom you just need cardboard and wool.
Because we make wheels with cardboard and then you go around it several times, then cut, tie and you have a pompom. But, in addition to you doing, like, one by one, you can make decorations out of them later. This here I found, which I made for Christmas and I put it in my mother's gift wrap.
So, look, it's a pompom with other mini pompoms. And it was supposed to be a polar bear. I always like to bring examples of things I've done because, right, it makes it more tangible.
Show how it's possible. Fast, convenient and fun. Anyway, it's my resume, right, my portfolio.
That little pompom stuff. Oh, and still going back to my childhood and pompoms, me and my sister we freaked out one summer and it was a lot of fun. We were very small.
We were making several mini pompoms and putting, like, little eyes. And some were, like, parents. Human type.
And others were like dogs, cats and then we made cardboard houses for them. Finally, creativity. She is a wonderful thing.
It's a hobby that's been very popular on the internet, especially I've seen it on TikTok. You can make a lot of resin, because it's a kind of plastic, I believe, right? Polymer.
So you use it again, you have to pay attention that there are a lot of chemical things. I know because my sister used to make her terrariums and it was the part she did like a water. It gets really hard, right, it looks like an 'acrylic'.
And the smell that was in the house, guys, of some of the components she had to mix was bizarre, very strong. So just pay attention and, again, this sim cannot be ruled out anywhere. You have to be very aware.
It's a very adult hobby, I would say. Who remembers the legendary scene from Toy Story? I think this, for sure, was one of the scenes that most impressed me, like that.
It was one of the movie's favorites because it was very magical, anyway, right. Adjusting Woody there. Although from the toy's point of view it was a little nerve-racking.
Anyway, I went too far. If you want, I saw that this is something that the guys even work with. So sometimes there are people who have historical and very old toys , and then you give them to someone who restores them.
It's super interesting. When you start researching something on the internet it 's a black hole. It's endless.
And you can get going, but anyway, this is the hobby that touches your heart. Because at 18 it's the same vibe, only now it's restoring furniture. There are people who buy, so at thrift stores, antique shops or, finally, they get it very cheap.
Or take a closet that's pretty rotten and transform. Paints and leaves in a much better state, manages to do super cool things. So again I think this is a hobby with a lot of potential, even if someone wants to specialize in it.
I saw on TikTok some people who actually buy very cheaply and then sell more expensive furniture that is now much more beautiful and renovated. And I thought: "look at this", another one of the thousand options I have in my head of things I might do one day. The 19 is simpler, it 's for those who came here and said "man, no.
All this is a lot of work". That's it: Lipsync is nothing more than making those little videos dubbing, well TikTok. That's how I got started on the internet, ok?
So before you belittle and underestimate — which was Musical. ly — it's a really fun thing. And as it's a hobby you can make it and keep it just for yourself, but don't belittle it.
It is very fun. Besides that another big hobby of mine is putting the music really loud in the room and performing like it was a show really. Here's another type of lipsync.
Number 20 goes especially to my dear Potterians, which is making Harry Potter wands. Something I've done too. It was with my friends and, guys, it was a really fun day.
Again, around 14 years old, there are many works for you to do. There are people who actually take the wood and go there sculpting, it looks really beautiful. But we did the simplest, most humble version, which I think was like a bamboo or whatever stick you can get.
You can use hot glue, I think we used that one, like, which is a Durepox putty, something like that. It was also modeling, then you paint. It's fun.
And, of course, it could be from a generic witch. It doesn't have to be just for Harry Potter fans. There are also people doing it with crystals on the tip and more witch-like things.
Very cool too. Very specific because, again, it came from my experience. I did a video once, I believe, that I drew as part of the Scooby-Doo gang.
Because yes, I love Scooby-Doo. And I wanted to be a part, so resolved. I've also drawn my Lizzie McGuire version.
So why not? Before you say this is the craziest hobby ever. Sometimes some of us would just like to live in parallel realities, ok?
Sometimes some of us would like to dress up and cosplay without having to dress up and cosplay. So I just draw myself. If I'm not mistaken, it's in crochet.
Okay, no, I don't know. Anyway, I know it has this specific name for those very cute little animals we see. That there is an infinity.
They are extremely cute. Never tested, if you do you can tell us here in the comments. I know it got quite popular a few years ago.
It's nothing more than a graphical process, so a way of you. . .
Let's call it 'print'. But as I went to design college I didn't want to get the terms wrong. But anyway, it's a graphic process.
It's the way most shirts are made, so anyway, it's a series of steps but in the end you get this canvas engraved there, your image and then you squeegee the ink and, bye, you have An image! Anyway, you can take courses on this and become a professional. Because traditional screen printing does require some more complex materials and processes.
Or you can have a silkscreen but handcrafted. This one is a kit I bought from Coticoá. It is an independent Brazilian brand and is, in fact, nothing more than a set to make stencils.
With the screen on top. So you make a stencil and then here came some paints, the squeegee you need and this canvas, look, it's a mini canvas , so this is the screen printing canvas, right? Which is a very closed network, very thin.
So I can put my stencil down here, right, the design I want. And pass the ink like that. Anyway, I wanted to show this very specific thing because I think it's really cool.
I've had so much fun. Even, as an example, look: using that thing there, I did it here with my friends. My friend drew and we spent an afternoon doing it.
And anyway, it was super fun. Another graphic process, there, super professional, chic. My teachers will want to kill me, but the way I have to say this to you is pretty simple: it's a stamp.
They will want to kill me. That's it. A linoleum board can be used, wooden boards can be used as well.
So you sculpt your engraving there, you apply the ink, put the paper on top and when you remove it, you have your engraving. And that's a super-old printing technique. That's how they used to do it when there were no printers.
So it's super interesting and a lot of artists work that way, because you really get a look, a very specific texture. Which is super beautiful. Which I explained, it's okay, it's not a stamp.
Everyone understood, it's not a stamp, but. . .
The idea. . .
Okay. Guys, you can stamp everything. Including potatoes.
Which is what I once did. So you can just cut the design you want on a potato, apply ink and that's it, it's a stamp. Christmas season, you want to do some wrapping, it's super.
You can also take things like a piece of wood, wind the thread, and then you can leave this pattern. And finally, stamping. There are people who even use rubber pencils, the pencil eraser.
Anyway, you know those little erasers you have at the end of your pencil and, finally, go stamping. If you want, everything can become a stamp. Dammit, let's reflect for a moment.
Anything can become a stamp. So there is this little device that is a pyrograph, which is nothing else, so imagine a pen — it looks like a soldering iron — but, anyway, it has a tip that gets hot and so you can, there, burn the wood and make your drawings, your illustration. If I'm not mistaken, it's called pyrography.
Another option, it is also very used for engraving, right name on some wooden things. or, finally, make mashups. One thing that's been so hot on TikTok to the point of.
. . I don't know about you, but I think it got a little out of control.
These days it releases a new song and it already has, like, 37 mashups of the most bizarre songs being combined. But anyway, it's a lot of fun. And you can learn that and mix, remix whatever you want.
I also love it when there are like memes and songs. Maybe you have a shoe there, you can paint it, leave it with a new face. Use your creativity to make art.
29! I can't believe I didn't mention it yet here is Scrapbook! Which is nothing more than a form of collage too.
You know I love it, but here I'll bring you more specifically with this idea that normally, right scrapbook started to be a photo album. So it's a way for you to keep your memories and then you also have Scrapdecor to make things for the house. Anyway, this one is one I made, look, from when I lived in São Paulo.
Tickets, memories, photos, theater, many things. And I love having this here that, wow, I'm going to take with me for a lifetime. Lolapalooza!
And this one, look, I haven't done it on the inside yet, but this cover here my mother made for me to store Feminguistic things. One day I'm going to put them all, there, photos of events and things from the channel. And anyway, if you want I have a video here on the entire channel talking to my mother and showing some things she does.
Because then that's what my mom does! She makes scrapbooks! So she accepts orders, inclusive!
If you're lazy or don't want to do it, you can also order it. I'll leave her Urges down here, you can also look for inspiration. She makes a lot of albums, anyway.
The book club idea is wonderful! I was even talking to my brother these days. It's a dream, right?
I started with a project once and it didn't go any further because things happened in my life, unfortunately not so good and then I kind of, you know, forgot the idea. Who knows. .
. Never say never. Start one there with your friends if you feel like it, book club is a wonderful concept.
And just like that, here were 30 more hobby ideas for you to get inspired and maybe get motivated to try something new, get inspired, like: "hm, I'll give it a try. This could be my new therapeutic activity". Anyway, the goal here is always to make you awaken your inner creativity.
And bring moments of joy and fun into your life. Anyway, sorry about that. That's it, again reinforcing a mild advertisement for my book because I'm super proud of it.
And he's about all of this here, so I think it has a lot to do with it. "Creative Awakening", now available on the links that I'll leave below. I can't wait for the books to start arriving at your house.
And in the future they will be on the shelves of physical bookstores. And it will be magic! That's it, guys, thank you so much for another video, for being here and we'll see you in the next ones!
Can you leave more ideas for hobbies, huh? Lists can go on! Bye Bye!
Today's post-credits scene: I won't always have something interesting to say. I won't always have a joke to make. So take advantage of your time, which you stayed here, to continue my campaign: "Wear hats so I can wear hats too".
Because a person wearing only a hat is weird, weird. But if several of us are. .
. then we'll support each other, got it? It will remain weird and weird, but we have the support, we have the community, we have the love, we have hope.
Those (laughs).