October SAT Last-Minute Tips (2024)

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Strategic Test Prep
Got the October SAT coming up? Whether you’re cramming or have been studying for weeks, this video i...
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sup guys Laura here with STP your October test is right around the corner so let me know how much you've been studying because I have a feeling if you're watching this video right now a lot of you guys are cramming last minute which literally gives me anxiety so go ahead and type cram in the comments below if you're one of those crammers otherwise please Inspire everybody out on YouTube and let us know what your prep plan has consisted of if you've actually been studying for quite a while all right in this video for Ukraine gmers
or even for you studiers I'm going to give you 10 last minute tips that I think are going to be valuable and help you pick up some extra points on test [Music] day all right here's my first tip tip number one on test day you're going to want to warm up your brain so I'm going to link in the description below to a document that's essentially an English question warmup they're easy questions there are no answers included because the point isn't to check and see if you're right the point is to start to think about
how you're going to do these questions and let's be honest when you get into the test you're not going to be able to look up what the right answers are so in the parking lot before you go into the test just go through these questions in the document get your brain warmed up and get it ready to go it's just like if you're an athlete getting ready for a big game you're not going to just go out onto the field and your body and your muscles aren't warmed up your brain is a muscle warm that
up too this video is brought to you by prle the first ever app designed specifically for the new digital sat have you run out of blue book test to prep from do you like the idea of doing daily practice conveniently from the palm of your hand with preply you have over a thousand unique questions in your pocket you can hone in on your weaknesses doing drills in specific question categories or if you're struggling with timing issues you can head into our quizzes and work on your p you can even customize your own pile of flashcards
in both the math concepts and vocabulary if you want to switch it up you can head to our AI tutor wisby and ask him to quiz you on some kind of topic and you can even let your competitive side come out by trying to get on our top 10 preply leaderboard best of all preply allows you to prep on your own time whenever and wherever you want even if you have a super busy schedule and you only have 10 to 15 minutes a day to practice for the SATs preply has you covered what I really
like most about preply are simple to understand answer explanations it really beats College board's crazy long paragraphs that are just hard to follow with over 50,000 downloads and Counting preply is by far the most popular digital SAT prep app available in the App Store and in Google Play we have already helped countless students reach and surpass their sat goals what do you you waiting for download preply today and take your SAT score to the next level I will link it up here right now and put it down in the description below all right tip number
two and I feel like this is common sense but please guys don't leave anything blank you are not penalized for guessing so if you even are on a math question where you have to enter in an answer and it's not multiple choice put down the number three if you have no idea I have seen three come up as the right answer more than any other number historically on the SAT tip number three I want you to skip to number 15 on the English modules and do all the quicker easier questions first this will also warm
up your brain and save the harder more timeconsuming reading questions for last do you know what we found statistically separates students who score in the top two or 1% from the students that don't or the students that actually land their goal SAT score from the students that come up short it's actually whether or not you subscribe to this channel so if you haven't yet do something really good for yourself today smash the Subscribe button and notification Bell below because I come out with helpful tips and tricks every single week to help you master the SAT
tip number four if you're on a math question and you're unsure what I want you to do is guess a middle number in the range a middle number in the range has a higher likelihood of being correct than picking something on the outside number five when you have a problem with variables in the question and variables in the answer choices sometimes it's easier to actually use a strategy called nice numbers because when there are variables in the question it's very abstract and hard to follow so pick a number for the variable actually work it out
and then use the same number in the answer choices until one of the answers matches that's how you'll know you have equivalent expressions tip number seven if you were on an English question with verb tenses as your answer choices use the pronoun trick you can determine right away if you're on a subject verb agreement question if the pronoun trick works so essentially what you'll do is you'll go through all the verb tenses using he or they so you'll find that there may be One Singular tense and there may be three plural tenses or vice versa
the answer is going to be the one that's different from the group tip number eight you want to look for three wrong answers on the reading questions instead of one right answer guys there are trap answers Galore on the reading questions so please don't try to find the right answer right away that is instinctually what we do when we do multiple choice questions instead I want you to think critically about each answer choice and ask yourself what is wrong with this answer Choice a common type of wrong answer will be a half right all wrong
essentially what that means is the whole first part of the answer choice will be right and then the second part will be wrong so please don't fall in love with the first answer Choice please read it the whole way through and then what I also want you to do is look for language like likely largely not likely because a lot of the times it's those little words in the answer choice that changes everything and makes it wrong maybe the qu or maybe the text said it's only partly attributable to something and then the answer Choice
says it's largely attributable to it that makes it wrong don't pick it if you're liking this video so far show me some love hit the like button below tip number nine you're going to want to Mark questions you're stuck on to come back to this is especially important on module 2 math if you get the harder second module what's interesting is on the August test the numbers did not go in Progressive order of difficulty so there was um one of the forms on the August test a interval of questions from like 16 and 19 that
were considerably harder and more time consuming than the last 20 through 22 so that being said you need to prioritize your questions use time management effectively and if you find you're stuck on a question and you've been working on it for over a minute I want you to flag the question to come back to and move on because you never know there might be low hanging fruit ahead of you because now there's some unpredictability with the level of difficulty and the order of the questions all right tip number 10 this is my last and final
tip if you're running out of time and you have questions to go and you're not going to be able to get to them just pick D if you pick D for the rest of the questions there's a chance that one or two of them will be D so you are guaranteed to pick up some extra points but hopefully you will not run out of time because my bonus tip for you guys tip number 11 is to make sure you do a full SAT test practice ahead of test day you don't want there to be any
surprises when you go into the test I would recommend doing official one in Blue Book choose a test you haven't done in at least a couple of months so it feels fresh or if you haven't done many of the Blue Book exams tests at all then do test five or six because those are the most recent all right guys I wish you the best of luck on test day another thing I'm going to do is I'll link down in the descript deson to our math one pager it's all the concepts you need to know in
the math so please be sure to look over that and study that and um Good Luck on Saturday until next time happy prepping [Music]
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