How To Conquer FEAR Before It Destroys Your “Manifestations”

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Nero Knowledge
Whatever you fear will manifest. That's not an exaggeration, it's a spiritual fact and it's because...
Video Transcript:
fear is ignorant Faith why does it always seem like the things we're worried about the things that we're anxious about the things that we are afraid of seem to materialize it's because fear is a very very powerful attractive field and it's ignorant faith faith in Reverse but still has the same capability of attracting the very reality that you don't want and throughout this video I'm going to explain to you why it doesn't even matter if you're a good person you do everything right spiritually you're still going to materialize the very reality that you don't want
so long as you have not yet overcome destroyed and conquered fear which is exactly what I'm going to show you how to do in this video as you can see our boy Angus over here fell down to his kns because of the fear need he's a good guy not uncle rockus but this guy fell down to his knes so relax you're going to get some I don't know if your drawings are getting better or I'm just understanding your drawings better I think they're getting better somebody was saying that people don't realize the effort I put
into these drawings real talk you need to be fair you know what I'm saying like I remember once I drew a horse and people said it was a cone n not horse that's one thing I'll never understand don't leave me go oh please stay with me somebody was like you're 23 how do you know know our songs the are [Laughter] songs to also said what you're 23 and youve been studying for eight years when you're a 15y old mom 15 years old I remember I remember being in the ends telling the mandm to meditate and
telling GMS to meditate like guys meditate my boys were hey yo anyways all right cool Focus no more now lock in so fear as I said is ignorance and it's ignorance for one thing cuz you've made a particular mistake and until you can Rectify this mistake you're going to continue to keep attracting the worst things because you're seeing reality through the lens of a human and anytime that you perceive reality through the lens of a human understanding that humans inner themselves are confined within this third dimensional realm and this third dimensional realm is the realm
of Illusion and because it's the realm of Illusion an illusion is another way of saying something that isn't what seems to be in essence a trap which means that your progress in this third dimensional realm in reference to materializing your desired reality will be trapped you need to stop seeing reality through the lens of a human and begin to see reality through the lens of the universe which means that you are above the illusions that reality gives you and fear is one of them now on an evolutionary level fear was very very useful because it's
exactly what kept you alive fear is quite literally the only reason from a point of evolutionary psychology were kept alive flight or flight but when you now step into materializing your desired reality which is the only Point you should be in any form of spirituality because as I always say spirituality without the ability to control your reality is nothing but vanity so and also make sure you take notes and leave them down in the description as always but going to my point fear is no longer useful to you unless you're trying and survive and the
aim isn't to live life by the default is to live life by Design and the only way you can do that is by transcending the default which is survival which is you elevating outside of fear because that's what's got you right now and it will continue to mess you up so long as you are there now to the point of what I was saying here fear is the biggest indication that somebody is trapped within this third dimensional realm illusion one illusion in particular and that's polarity and the reason for that I shall explain right here
you have bought a very very dangerous lie and that dangerous lie is the idea in two Powers you bought into the LIE of God and the devil good and evil and whether you realize this or not this is the source of exactly why you would hear to fear and fear then aderes to creating you the absolute worst scenarios possible let me show you what I mean have a baby mom baby be I don't play no games so when I'm in that thing all right cool like I said you Bor into a particular line that is
the idea of good and bad well specifically good or the devil this is the whole reason of fear fear can be us categorizing things that worry us things that the idea of fearing of itself is always rooted in the idea of something going wrong or something going left whatever you want to conceptualize it as this is the base permise and you have to understand that this is born out of the idea of this particular idea of God which is considered good and devil which is considered bad but this is a lie in of itself and
let me explain why I mean by that you make that you make the mistake in believing that things can go wrong you make the mistake in believing things can go left and it's because you have not transcended polarity and polarity is an illusion and in order for you to materialize your desired reality you need to transcend Illusions which means you need to go above polarity and what I mean by this is this so often times most religious systems have the idea of a devil and there being a God but only God exists pay attention to
what I'm saying and this is said esoterically in Romans 131 Romans 13:1 it says God is the only Authority throughout the world and throughout the universe so on and so forth and it's because there's only one power one Authority but we have been sold the idea of a devil so we think there's something to be afraid of things can go bad things can go wrong so on and so forth but let me explain to you why God right and the typical religious rhetoric is the idea that oh God has to have an opposite right right
no and let me explain why God and when we say God I mean this outside of the personification the anthropomorphization that we've given to God in our ability to try confine God we have attempted and this is the funny thing a god defined is a god confined that's a barrow that down anytime that we try to define God or conceptualize God we're doing that from our finite minds and we can't do that because God is infinite which means if I was just to say God in this instance as the infinite intelligence or in other Traditions
is characterized as the a you have to understand that God is above illusion above illusion and polarity is what an illusion which means if God is above illusion and polarity polarity is nothing more than a fancy way of saying duality it is nothing more than a fancy way of saying things are split into two that's all polarity is it's the energetic pairs of opposites that things come in energetic opposites masculine feminine um happy sad Rich poor negative positive good bad ying yang energetic pairs of opposites but God doesn't adhere to that because God is above
Illusions considering that God is the infinite which means means he's not confined by the Illusions now if God is above Illusions and this illusion in particular is polarity that means god is above polarity which means god is above the idea of being split into two so it is not possible that God can have an opposite so Li there is no opposites which means the devil in the religious rhetoric of God has to have an opposite right no no God doesn't because God is above Illusions the only things that have opposites are things that are trapped
within the confinement of this third dimensional realm God being above this third dimensional realm means that God is Not confined to having an opposite which means the idea of the devil doesn't exist and I'm sure I made a video about this is it the Antichrist video something like that yeah we did one of the First videos one of the First videos yeah yeah and in that video I probably explain that in more depth but just so you understand right now this particular ideology that you've bought into things going wrong stems from the idea of this
inherent adversity in the universe that want things to go wrong for you that wants things to go bad for you I swear I love my grandma with all my heart anytime something goes wrong and she's Jehovah's Witness anytime something goes wrong she's going to be like it's the devil each and every single time and this is a microcosm of a macrocosm in terms of how Society perceives things inherently the only idea the only reason we buy into the idea of being worried about things or things going wrong is from this inherent idea that there's two
powers in the universe left or right good or bad no there's one power in the universe and that one power in the the universe exists so long as we are elevated outside of this third dimensional realm in terms of our level of Consciousness which is exactly how you should be moving you should be thinking fourth dimensionally and all I mean by that is that you should be thinking above the constraint of space time in terms of how you're perceiving your desired reality so whereas most would say oh I know one day I'm going to make
it no you need to understand that time is nothing more than an illusion on this third dimensional realm and in order for you to elevate outside that's the only way you're going to materialize your desired reality so you should be seeing that reality as something that already exists and this all comes back to my definition a manifestation that took me a very long time to get to this and it say manifestation is internally shifting to a degree to which you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change so now that you understand and as
I said you'll see demonstration of the scripture in Romans 131 the idea that God is the only Authority in the universe and in fact there is no devil cuz now once you start to see that then you step into the true idea of and what is being shown in quantum physics which is everything being a particular degree of Oneness and this is even mentioned in the babad Gita at the start when Arjuna is relying on Krishna for consult and you know they're talking Krishna says a whole bunch of deep things if you haven't read the
bav Gita then make sure you go do that but one thing that he says in particular Krishna which is exactly a testament to what I'm describing here is the idea that he says something to the effect of he says something to paraphrase he says those wise are those who are the same in pleasure and in pain the same in pleasure and in pain which means you have transcended the idea of duality in of itself and you are one each and every single time no matter the particular circumstance of reality that's what Krishna says which is
a testament to the idea of what I'm saying right now the idea that things can go wrong the idea that things can sway you is only coming from this idea that things could ever go left and has this guy at the origin without understanding that this is nothing more than a metaphysical ES IC representation of a particular Duality that is within you once you transcend that Duality you step into the one knowing thing which is the idea that nothing can go wrong which pay very close attention to what I'm about to say someone said every
time you say Uncle Ruckus you need to say no relation like the white reporters in in b no relations he even says himself he unus no relations which is crazy cuz he's really got a whole family by the way guys I finished watching Hunter x Hunter and I have to say be honest don't don't violate it started off very well it got dry during the Middle the chimra ants they were they were they were okay they were I told you the ant serious I told you the ant art would get good but the ending was
so underwhelming what do you think about his death got the worst death like bro like gone is such a good kid that even though his dad was a piece of he still loves his dad is the definition of dead beat like bro made him climb the tree and said hm you took you took long to get here I was going to leave I was like what he's a funny guy now once you've come to the understanding that there aren't two powers in the universe there aren't two paths in the universe there's only one path this
is what I want you to keep mind anytime reality showing you a particular degree of resistance and this is the true definition of being high frequency high frequency isn't about eating siie balls and wearing baggy clothes that let your balls hang and whatever other these spiritual try to tell you it's about it's not about those things it's not about particularly what you eat you have to understand what frequency is frequency is an energetic signature that expresses itself in our human lives as a particular degree of awareness so your frequency is your awareness it's the lens
to which you see reality hence why if you're on a different frequency to somebody you don't see the same thing remember one planet 8 billion worlds because there's 8 billion frequencies so to be in a high frequency is to have a high level of awareness which means to see reality from your God's eye instead of your human eyes understand this anytime reality showing you a particular degree of resistance and don't worry I'm going show you why you think oh if I be a good person then things are going to go right no fear doesn't give
a about nothing and scarecrow said this in Batman he said there's nothing to fear but fear itself now say that one of the presidents of America said that think it was Roosevelt I think it was Scarecrow mate but I'm this is a idea that you need to keep maintained whenever reality seems to be taking you down a particular path that would make you think otherwise all paths lead to one place and that place is di not the Dominican Republic for the Hoy your desired reality all part lead to to one place regardless of what reality
is showing you you feed into the idea that when something goes wrong or you're getting some resistance that you're being things are going wrong or things are going left you have to understand nothing you won't go left until you believe that you're going left due to the fact that there are no truth in reality other than what the subconscious mind accepts as true you make the laws of your reality and when you step into the understanding that something is going wrong you then actually create a wrong without realizing that you going off the path isn't
you going down the wrong path it's just a detour to take you to the same destination so long as you maintain that within your Consciousness that's a borrow that down now like I told you listen God's most loyal servant in the Bible he got cooked he got cooked absolutely cooked regardless all because of fear and I'm I'm going to break down this story to you so you can understand the true esoteric nature because when I was young and I was reading the Bible it this story kind of pissed me off because I couldn't understand and
conceptualize why God's most loyal servant went through all the that I'm about to tell you that he went through regardless of being God's most loyal servant guy got cooked but it will make sense esoterically now just to reiterate esoteric comes from the Greek eological origins of the word esotericos which simply means the Inner Circle the inner information if you see like this there's an inner circle and then there's a Outer Circle the Inner Circle pertains to the esoteric which means the information I def spelled that wrong but hey who cares you get it esoteric yeah
there you go P it and then the Outer Circle is exoteric which comes from the eological origins of the Greek word exoticos which is almost like exoskeleton is the outside and you have to understand what we're about to do is break down the esoteric explanation to this story which you might not have heard before now God had a loyal servant who was a wealthy man job job was a lovely lovely man he had a family a wealthy man one of God's most loyal servants he's described as God-fearing shunning from Evil he was a quote unquote
good person he done everything that you're actually supposed to do from a point of worshiping God back in those times in particular now the thing about job is this one day and this story pissed me off when I was when I was Christian especially the devil and God decided to have a bet the devil's like I can turn your man's paesh sounded a bit mad that sound a little bit Mad God and the devil were having a bet about job's loyalty the devil said I can I can get him to F I can get him
to F and God's like nah not my guy not my guy so they enter a bet they quite literally enter a bet to terrorize this guy's life and this isn't me reading it in a you know unfavorable way this is quite literally what it was it was a BET right God even says you know you incited me to destroy job even though you know he hadn't done anything to me and it's because we're not understanding what God is you have to understand that God is the most high level of Consciousness that resides within you align
that with acts 10:34 God is no respector of persons so even though job was worshiping God in the way God wanted to be worshiped a wealthy man taking care of his community he still got now let me explain to you what happened his wife got killed his children were killed I believe he had seven children I believe but either way his wife got killed his children got killed his livestock got killed he was hit with boils like on his skin quite literally all for a bit between God and the devil all for a bit and
it's not until that you come across a particular passage and that is job 3:25 that job actually characterizes exactly why despite being a quote unquote good person and this what you need to get out your head you need to take out your head that God you know rewards you know good people in this particular idea of karma unfortunately reality doesn't up hold to that because if a beautiful amazing baby found itself on top of a building it would meet the same fate as the most evil you know if you stuck a fork into a socket
electricity isn't going to do a crb and a credit check before it shocks you or decides to let you go or not you have to understand the energy of God the impersonal energy of God and this is spoken about in Isaiah 457 right I make the peace I make the Calamity suffering calm I the Lord do all these things I the law the law of Consciousness which is the idea that there are no truth in reality other than what your subconscious mind accepts as true which is exactly going to do that now despite all of
those things despite action I need you to understand this despite all the particular actions that somebody could do to be a good person and do the right things and be a good person in the community fear ultimately trumps your actions each and every single time each and every single time if God's most loyal servant was getting cooked because he had fear what makes you think you're going to be different and I'm not saying this to be particularly abrasive I'm saying it so you can come to an understanding that Consciousness in of itself is the substance
of reality your mind your imagination Consciousness your frequency these are the things that arrange your reality and until you can begin to remove un of fear the fear that you have in your life will be a particular attractive field because this is what job said in job 3:25 he said for what I have greatly feared has come upon me I repeat for what I have greatly feared has come upon me and this is the understanding that fear sets a beacon of light in this universe for what you don't want to come and find you when
you're afraid you're basically saying come get me come get me come get me don't know why this pen wasn't trying to close come get me that's essentially what you're saying regardless of everything that you do so all the meditations that you do all the affirmations that you do like a psychopath in the mirror I'm just playing all the dieting that you do and all the fasting all these things that we do to elevate our particular degrees of Consciousness to come to a better control in our reality reality is ultimately trumped by this right here e
and every single time I repeat if God's most loyal servant got because he had fear what makes you think you're going to be any different nothing for I have greatly feared has come upon me and this is a testament to something about fear that quite literally has most of the world trapped in a particular reality to which they don't want to be in and let me explain what that is somebody was like what kind of push-ups have you been doing Jesus Christ you know guys people some people are always commenting that I'm getting bigger like
physique wise but I don't know man I don't see it I just do what I do I'll tell you guys the truth he does 50 push-ups before we start recording he's lying my mom's life is lying pretty impressive where would I even do pull-ups um you got it to your door why would I do that why would I do that someone did ask for your workout split though I have no idea what a workouts players like what do you train do you do people accuse me of only training shoulders I agree don't just train should
well I actually go gym every day I know there's someone in the comments that's going to be like you shouldn't do that leave me alone so what do you train push pull upper body lower body right or you just freestyling out there surely not surely you don't go to the gym and say I'm going to do chest I feel like doing biceps too I'm going to do biceps then next week it's chest chest I'm going to do legs as well legs and chest surely not Ed fear is Faith and this is exactly why so long
as you have fear you will begin to experience a particular reality that you're afraid of you will begin to attract things that you're worried about you will begin to attract things that make you anxious and it's quite literally due to the fact that fear is Faith now we have to understand what faith is outside of this kind of religious idea and what we've been given as to what faith is and you have to come to the understanding of what faith truly is and I say this almost all the time faith comes from the eological origins
in Latin of the word feeders feeders meant confidence it was a reference to a particular state of conviction two of the most powerful words in manifestation there is no manifestation without conviction confidence is the elixir of manifestation and you have to understand confidence and conviction are strength they strength in what frequency they emit a particular strong frequency the stronger that frequency is the more clear it is the more clear it is the more potentiality it has of eventually becoming a reality that is why Faith attracts each and every single time and this is outside of
the religious idea of trusting there's a lot of that claim to have faith will say that they're the child of God but they act like God step CH like honestly and you have to come to the understanding that Faith isn't trusting because anytime that we have a particular degree of trust trust always has the potentiality or the element of doubt and doubt is ultimately what tends to corrupt and alter the frequency of the reality that you're attempting to materialize so this is what true faith is true faith is conviction because think about it the process
of manifestation in of itself outside of my definition of internally shifting to a degree to which you're no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing reality change you can just think about it like this manifestation is a mental and emotional equivalent whatever your mental and emotional equivalent is will ultimately be out pictured into the world around you in a onetoone copy now understanding that let's look at the emotional side of things the moment that you're afraid of something you begin to feel the emotions of fear you felt an extremely powerful emotion emotion is energy emotion that energy
emotion emits an energetic signature we call that a vibration a vibration builds momentum it becomes a frequency a frequency becomes a reality so if emotion if emotion is the origin point if it is the beginning point of reality and it's not your thoughts and I need you to understand this this is why will pray in church church for prosperity for success but they're crying tears of pain and suffering and ultimately that is the prayer that is truly heard because prayer is about mental conviction but mental conviction is always shadowed by your emotions ultimately and you
can see this scientifically due to the fact that the heart math ins Institute concluded that there's two electromagnetic fields produced one of the brain and one of the heart the one of the heart is 60 to 100 times more powerful than one of the brain so stop thinking like what all these manifestation people tell you the idea that it's all about your thoughts it's all about your thoughts more often than not it's about your emotional state hence why even though when you try to control your thoughts they're ultimately overshadowed by your emotion and this is
where it all begins this is why fear must be conquered this is why fear must be overcome because until you do that and this is why Roosevelt said there's nothing to fear but fear itself because that is the central point of a lot of why a lot of the reasons why people are stuck because even though you have made you may have good intentions you may do the work you may apply for those jobs you may try to get these clients in your business you might even want love but ultimately all of these things are
overshadowed by the frequency of fear which goes out to attract the very thing that you don't want because you've already felt it and because you've already felt it that indicates to reality that it's already happened and because you can only have what you already have but what you have is that feeling of fear the universe then gives you that fear is Faith but just ignorant faith and it's ignorant on the basis that there's two powers of the univer two powers in the universe but there's not there's one Romans 131 the understanding that God is above
polarity God is above Duality God is above separation and because God is above separation God can't have an opposite and because God God can't have opposite there's only one power in the universe if there's one power in the universe that means no matter what reality shows you there's only one particular PA that you can go to and that always leads to your desired reality even if you may take a detour until you then conclude in your head that no something is going wrong then you actually create something wrong then you actually create a detour as
opposed well not even a detour a root to a completely different location that doesn't even exist if you're not going to listen to me listen to job for what I have greatly feared has come upon me this is why conquering this is why conquering fear is important don't worry relax you're going to get some you're going to get it I promise h okay by the way Guys somebody made a 1 hour video of me wiping the white Bo all of you who are all of you who are under that video I've seen you all you're
all exiled all of you we need to start exiling we have to I'm going start calling you L by names all right cool so H and as you guys can see we got some new pens out here man you know the thicker the better pause now we have to understand fear in of itself now I feel like a lot of people have the wrong idea of what it means to overcome fear or conquer fear and as I said until you can do that you're ultimately going to be overshadowed each and every single time and that
reminds me 610 perfect sorry something just came up so we have to understand that fear energetic polarity and I'd probably conclude it to be courage the thing about fear and courage and this is this can be extrapolated for all polarities and yes I know some of you are like oh he said extrapolated idiots I actually don't realize how much I say that word until you guys pointed it out but anyways fear encourag is the same energy the only differences a particular degree of vibration if somebody's experiencing fear and fear encourage of the same energy their
only difference is their rate of vibration what's the only thing you'd have to change from well to move from one side to the other vibration if you can just change your vibration you'll shift from one side to another how do I change my vibration Nero relax you're going to get some vibration is always determined by one word and remember it because it Rhymes and that's concentration concentration will focus when you're in a state of fear it is because you are focusing on something that either reflects your fear resonates with your fear or implies your fear
now I can't tell you what that is you're going to have to extrapolate whatever your fear is not everybody watching this is going to have the same fear but I'm sure you're more than capable intellectually to do that you're focusing on the aspects of something that R bre you're a jaman oh you know when you start like I don't know if you guys know this but guys like in guy groups mandm when you start when you start in front of mandm it's you're just getting violated BR get flamed serious that's why I had to catch
myself out but anyways you're focusing on something that reflects resonates or implies and I'll give you some examples that I can think of off the top of my head so let's say in the context of relationships right let's say you want to attract a particular partner you're worried about that partner potentially cheating on you leaving you so on and so forth before you even before you even got with that person to begin with OR while you're with that person you're focusing on aspects that suggest that there's something to be worried about things that reflect something
to be afraid of something that resonates with being afraid of something that implies that you have something to be afraid of and it's not until you can alter your concentration or your focus to focus on the aspects of your life where there is a particular degree of Courage already will you begin to do that now whether you realize this or not and this is going to be a process that's going to be quite intricate so you're going to have to please extrapolate this to you in particular there's going to be an aspect of your life
that you have courage in we're not all courageous in all aspects of Life some more than others but I need you to understand that those emotion that emotion of Courage is something that you can tap into at any given moment so long as you realize the aspects of your life that you're already courageous in and this could be this could this this could be as simple as you even Having the courage to take a test because that requires a certain degree of Courage but your mind doesn't write off like that your mind doesn't categorize it
like that and because it doesn't it can't draw from that frequency you're going to have to focus on courage and my definition of the way that I look at courage isn't the absence of fear it is to act in spite of fear that's a borrow that down I don't think it's any particular degree of not feeling fear ever because nobody's not ever nobody's not never not going to feel fear I just don't think that's the case but in instances of your life where it is somewh intertwined with your desired reality you have to have the
ability to me not only mentally but physically and spiritually act regardless of feeling that fear and the only way you're going to do that is if you can call upon the aspects of your life and remember the aspects of your life that you already have a certain amount of courage in and it could be the smallest of things even crossing a road which I know sounds funny but I'm not even trying to be funny because there's so many different aspects of your life that you exercise courage and that you're not already aware of but you
wouldn't write off like that because it's normal to you to even voice your opinion in front of people even if it's a group of your friends these are things that requires a certain degree of courage and you will find that now to really build upon that courage there's only one path to doing that courage is also quite similar to confidence and confidence can only be built from exchanging it with the currency of self trust and the issue is you don't have a lot of self trust in yourself because you don't follow your word this could
be as simple as you saying I'm going wake up at 7 tomorrow and I'm going to do this it's going to be oh I'm going to do this next week I'm going to get this done I need to do this there's certain amount of things that you know you should do and there's things that you know you shouldn't do the more you do the things you know you should the more that you build up self trust and then that self trust can be exchanged as a currency for confidence that confidence can then be exchanged for
the currency of Courage which makes it a lot easier but if you don't even trust yourself to guide yourself then it's not it's like it's just going to be difficult right which is why you have to understand selfmaster is a prerequisite to master over reality and I'm sure I've got a video on this um what's the video called I think something like manifestation muscle or something like that which I would say is one of the most important videos that I've ever made right because that video actually gives you the foundations on how to actually begin
building this which is very very important now the final thing f w bro giving up B of good good wipe good good wipe somebody was liing to me y' and I'm past life use Deo a cleaner I said that's where she motivated all right cool so two particular scriptures that explain esoterically let me use a different color here let me use orange then my Muslim friends keep saying to me like yo can you um break down stuff esoterically the way you do with the Bible listen you ain't slick bro you ain't slick you want me
to get flamed and smoked by the Axe n not me you do it you guys is hilarious cuz they know they know you should do it huh you should do it n that's not me man now you'll get CAU and plus I haven't read the Quran I've got the Quran and I read the Quran from time to time but I haven't read it and I don't know it the same way I do with the Bible that I could you know call things off the top of my head with context so on and so forth so
as I said fear originates from this particular idea this false idea this ignorant idea and the belief of two powers and we have to come to a particular understanding when we're discussing these things that anytime that we are operating from our human s we always going to encounter a a particular degree of suffering in order for you to truly kind of remove fear in a sense or in instances where you feel it you need to operate from God and the only way that you can do that is through identifying with God and there's two scriptures
in particular that speak about this and that's Psalm 4610 be still and know that I am God anytime that you're in a particular degree of fear the first thing that you need to do at the first moment you can is to First enter a particular degree of Stillness this could be you this could be through you quite literally sitting down and just closing your eyes and allowing those emotions to particularly settle right this could be you laying on your bed just in harmness the point being the only way that you can know God is first
if you're still and anytime that you know God then you're above illusion which feeds beautifully into Matthew 19:26 which is with men this is impossible but With God all things are possible to be in a particular state where With God all things are possible first have to know God and the only way you can do that is if you first reach a particular degree of Stillness the thing about fear is that because it's an evolutionary emotion it the moment you feel fear your dreaden Ling kicks in your cortisol levels go up so on and so
forth and you want to do nothing except move around you want to do nothing except Jitter because this is evolutionary how while right and I've read lots of books on evolutionary psychology you should actually do that because it's actually a study of the quote unquote lower self or the Primal self that you need to transcend but that's a topic for another day but you first need to kind of move away from the default in what you're supposed to feel in fear and calm yourself down because the moment that you do that you then have the
capability of knowing god be still and know that I am God when you know God all things are possible then the moment that you reach that particular degree of Stillness reiterate what I said to you earlier which is the idea that all paths lead to one place things can't go wrong things can't go left they can appear to do so and they won't until you believe that they are but you will only believe they are so so long as you're operating from this and not from this you need to be above the Illusions by transcending
Duality and understanding that there's one power in this universe and stepping out of fear which is nothing more than ignorant Faith which is not the less and attractive field despite all the hard work you've been doing you might be a really good person it doesn't even matter now conquer overcome and Destroy fear
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