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Healing Soul
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powerful prayer to St Michael the Archangel this prayer is a beacon of spiritual light that has transformed many lives those who dedicate themselves to listening to it until the end witness true Miracles and receive Abundant Blessings Now in this special moment I invite you to stay until the end of this prayer in the end you will join a powerful stream of light and divine protection it is important to remember that those who leave the prayer before its completion may find themselves more exposed to Life's adversities as they interrupt that sacred Bond of protection as a
token of gratitude for the opportunity to participate in this moment and for connecting to this stream of blessings do not forget to leave a like on this video this shows your commitment and gratitude also comment below with the words St Michael intercede for me and my family before God share this prayer with the people you love the strength of prayer grows exponentially when we share it extending this stream of bless blessings to more hearts and strengthening our network of love and divine protection now let's pray together oh powerful St Michael the Archangel defender of God's
children I come humbly before you in search of Liberation and help I recognize your grand presence and your role as a Celestial warrior in the battle against the forces of evil at this moment I place before you all the bindings and chains that imprison me whether physical mental spiritual or emotional with confidence and faith I ask you to wield Your Divine sword to break and destroy all the chains that keep me captive oh powerful St Michael the Archangel Warrior of light and protector against the forces of Darkness I turn to you my heart and my
plea I stand before you to ask for your powerful intercession to free me from any evil that may lurk in my life and my path may your Divine Light illuminate the darkest corners of my existence dissipating all the Shadows that try to settle strengthen me oh Archangel so that I may resist Temptations and overcome the challenges that arise in my path I ask you to expel all negativity all harmful thoughts and all evil influences that try to Lodge in my mind and heart may your presence be like a protective shield keeping away all evil and
guiding me towards Divine Light I ask that your powerful intercession free me from any trap that Separates Me from God's Sacred Plan allowing me to experience true freedom in Christ being renewed and restored by divine grace oh St Michael Heavenly Guardian envelop me with your protective wings and guide me away from dangers both known and unknown may your strength be my strength and may your courage Inspire my own Journey of Faith every Dawn renew in me the strength to face the challenges of the day with courage and Faith protect me from the traps and temptations
that may arise along my path under your watchful eye may I walk safely free from all evil that seeks to harm me I also ask that you be by my side in times of Challenge and weakness give me the courage to face the trials confident that I am not alone for I count on your help and divine protection may your sharp sword cut all the ties that prevent me from following God's path may your light dispel all darkness and may your presence be constantly felt in all aspects of my life oh St Michael the Archangel
I Surrender myself completely to your intercession trusting that with your help I will be able to overcome all obstacles that arise in my journey you who are the commander of the Heavenly armies I ask you to march by my side strengthening me with righteousness and Truth May Your Divine Light dissolve the Shadows that try to darken my spiritual vision and guide me with your heavenly wisdom so that I may make decisions aligned with God's will may your sharp Sword of Justice destroy all the change that prevent me from fully living the freedom that God desires
for me I ask you St Michael to protect not only me but also those I love extend your benevolent Wings over my family friends and all those close to me so that we may experience the peace and Harmony that come from your divine presence guard my family St Michael with your luminous sword defend my home from all negativity envy and adversity may peace Harmony and love reign within my home and may Discord and evil find no place Among Us may your intercession reach not only my personal Liberation but also that of all those who suffer
under the weight of oppressions and enslavements may your powerful help extend to all those in need bringing Liberation and renewal St Michael the Archangel I trust in you as my heavenly protector inspire me to live a life of virtue love and service to others may your constant Pres pres in my life be a source of strength and inspiration bringing me ever closer to God protect also oh Celestial Prince my work and my activities deliver me from harmful people and situations that may compromise my integrity and my principles may I prosper in my Endeavors always Guided
by your light and protection in this moment of fervent prayer I open my heart to you seeking your help to break the chains that imprison my soul and keep me away from the fullness of life in God humbly I acknowledge the weaknesses and limitations that afflict me and I place before you every burden I carry may your sword a symbol of justice and divine power penetrate the deepest areas of my being rooting out all evil that has infiltrated my life grant us the wisdom to recognize good and choose it in our decisions help us to
avoid the traps and deceptions that evil places in our path may we always discern what is right and just and may our choices lead us to a future of prosperity and peace I ask you St Michael to expel all negativity anxiety and fear that have taken root in my mind and heart may your Divine Light dispel the Shadows that darken my spiritual vision allowing me to see the truth and beauty of God's plan for my life may your protection extend not only to me but also to my loved ones bless my family friends and all
those connected to me keeping all evil sickness and affliction at Bay oh powerful St Michael the Archangel be our Shield against injustices and inequalities may your presence be an invincible Shield guarding us from spiritual and emotional dangers St Michael guide me with your heavenly wisdom to make decisions aligned with Divine will may your strength strengthen me enabling me to overcome adversities with courage and determination confident in your intercession and divine grace in every step I take in times of uncertainty be our certainty and our guide do not allow fear and doubt to paralyze us give
us the confidence to act according to Divine will and May in every step we feel your strengthening presence keeping us away from all evil oh powerful St Michael the Archangel may your sharp Sword of Justice break all the ties that prevent me from growing may my life be a living testimony of your powerful intervention glorifying God in every aspect St Michael the Archangel may your protection reach not only me but all the children of God who need your help may you reach The Afflicted Hearts bringing Comfort healing and hope manifest the power of your intercession
in situations of suffering and despair so that all may experience The Liberation that comes from Divine love in our personal relationships help us to be sources of light and positivity may we be instruments of your peace treating everyone with kindness and respect May the words and actions that come from us bring healing and comfort and never pain or suffering guard my health St Michael and keep me away from diseases and physical ailments may I have the necessary strength to fulfill my tasks and responsibilities give me the Vitality to work for my dreams and for a
better life for myself and those I love protect my mind and my heart from anguish and sadness oh powerful St Michael the Archangel may your light dispel the shadows of depression and discouragement help me maintain a positive and hopeful Spirit enabling me to see the blessings in every situation even the most challenging ones in my travels and movements be my faithful companion guard me on all the paths I pass through so that I may reach my destination safely and return home without incidence always under your Celestial protection in moments of leisure allow me to truly
recover my energies may my rest time time be blessed and renewing free from worries and external evils help me recharge my strength to continue my journey with renewed Vigor May every learning be a brick in the construction of a Fuller and richer life may the acquired wisdom always be used for good and may I never cease to seek more knowledge and understanding in my finances St Michael I ask for your protection and guidance deliver me from financial difficulties and Lead Me On Paths of stability and growth may I manage my resources with prudence and generosity
and may Prosperity accompany me allowing me to help those in need in the management of my daily responsibilities give me diligence and efficiency may I fulfill each task with dedication and integrity without letting myself be overwhelmed help me organize my activities so that I can be productive without sacrificing my spiritual peace protect my thoughts St Michael from negative and destructive ideas may my mind be a sanctuary of positivity and hope where fear and doubt have no place inspire me to maintain a firm focus on what is good and uplifting strengthening my spirit against adversities in
my efforts to help others be my inspiration and guide may my actions reflect your kindness and compassion help me see the needs of those around me and respond with love and Effectiveness becoming a true instrument of your Divine will in my spiritual practice IES and moments of prayer connect me more deeply with the Divine may my faith be strengthened and my connection with the sacred be clear and constant May each prayer and act of worship bring me closer to God and his infinite grace in facing legal or bureaucratic challenges grant me patience and wisdom may
I navigate these issues with integrity and Achieve just and favorable outcomes protect me from falsehoods and misunderstandings and may truth always Prevail in my Affairs when I feel lost or confused illuminate my path with your guiding presence May each decision be made with Clarity and conviction knowing that you are with me guiding my steps toward the best path may I not stray towards Paths of uncertainty or danger in my interpersonal relationships teach me to be understanding and empathetic may I listen more than I speak and understand more than I judge May empathy be the basis
of my interactions creating strong and meaningful bonds that enrich my Human Experience when faced with the temptation of selfishness or materialism remind me of the true riches that are not accumulated in bank accounts inspire me to Value relationships experiences and spiritual growth as the true Treasures of my existence may my pursuit of prosperity never stray me from the values that truly matter protect my dreams and aspirations St Michael May the desires of my heart be aligned with the Divine Purpose and may they be fulfilled in ways that make me grow and bring me closer to
God May each dream fulfilled be a testimony of your assistance and blessing in moments of making difficult decisions give me the courage to choose what is right even when it is the hardest may my Integrity never be compromised and may I be able to look back on my life with the certainty that I did my best under your guidance take care of my will and my enthusiasm for life may I not lack the motivation to pursue my goals and to face each day with energy and joy May tiredness and discouragement be replaced by a new
Strength whenever necessary revitalizing my spirit and determination in moments when the future seems uncertain Infuse in me a sense of purpose and Direction may I not lose hope or the vision of a better tomorrow always Guided by your protective Light May each new morning renew my confidence and may I face the unknown with courage and Faith when opportunity arise for growth and development help me recognize them and make the most of them may I not let any opportunity pass to improve my life and to positively contribute to the world around me May my journey be
marked by constant advances and enrichments in moments of action and decision-making be my breath of inspiration and confidence may my actions reflect Justice and truth and may I always be moved by a sincere desire to do what is right and good may my decisions be firm and just always Guided by the principles of ethics and mutual respect when I need comfort in moments of Anguish be my safe Refuge may I find in you the peace and comfort necessary to overcome adversities may my heart find relief in your protection and may I always remember that I
am not alone in my struggles in our celebrations of conquests and victories I remember to thank you first St Michael may my gratitude for each success be sincere and may I recognize your help and intercession in each Triumph may I know how to share the joy of conquests with humility and generosity when I am helping others may I do so with a pure heart and without expecting rewards may my help be a true Act of love and charity a reflection of the love that God has for all of us may I be a Channel of
blessings in people's lives spreading kindness and hope wherever I go in moments of prayer and meditation help me find a true and deep connection with the Divine may my spirit be lifted through silence and contemplation and may I receive the messages and lessons that are important for my growth and spiritual well-being in handling conflicts and disagreements be my guide for peaceful and constructive resolutions may I address each Discord with maturity and wisdom always seeking Mutual understanding in the maintenance of Peace may I be a promoter of Harmony in all environments I frequent in moments when
I feel weak or incapable remind remind me of my inner strength and the support I have in you may my resilience be strengthened and may I overcome each obstacle with the certainty that your protection and power accompany me May every challenge overcome make my faith and spirit even stronger in my moments of silence and Solitude help me use that time for reflection and personal growth May Stillness be an opportunity to understand myself better and to connect more deeply with my needs and desires May Solitude be enriching and not a burden in my constant search for
a greater purpose in my life illuminate my path with Clarity and vision make each step I take be towards a noble and meaningful goal may my life have a meaning that transcends the everyday and may it Inspire others to also seek a higher purpose in the giving and receiving teach me the balance between generosity and gratitude may I give openly and receive humbly recognizing the value of both actions may my exchange with the world always be fair and full of gratitude enriching my life and the lives of those I interact with when facing moments of
change and transition guide me with your firm and secure hand may I embrace newness with an open and adaptable Spirit seeing each change as a door that opens to new experiences and learning may my heart be resilient and ready for the Transformations that life presents me in my family relationships strengthen the bonds that unite us may love and mutual respect Prevail over any disagreement or difficulty help me cultivate patience understanding and affection among family members making my home a true Refuge of peace and love in moments when I seek reconciliation and forgiveness be my example
of mercy and compassion may I forgive as I am forgiven and seek reconciliation with sincerity and an open heart May forgiveness be a key that unlocks doors closed by resentment and pain in my efforts to build a stronger and more United Community inspire me to act with leadership and initiative may I be a catalyst for positive change encouraging collaboration and Community commitment may my presence in the community be a sign of Hope and a testimony of unity when I feel tempted by discouragement in the face of adversity reignite in me the flame of perseverance may
I face every challenge with determination and not give up in the face of difficulties May persever guide me through tough times and lead me to overcome and succeed in my practices of personal care and health guide me to keep my body and mind in balance may I take care of my health as a precious gift respecting the needs of my body and nurturing my mind with positive and uplifting thoughts in moments of interaction with nature and the world around me help me act responsibly and respectfully may I be a guardian of the environment caring for
the Earth with love and awareness may my my relationship with nature be one of Harmony and gratitude recognizing its beauty and importance in my life when I seek spiritual growth and greater understanding open my paths to Enlightenment may I explore the depths of my faith and expand my understanding of the Divine may my spiritual journey be rich in discoveries and full of moments of deep connection with the sacred in my expressions of creativity and art inspire me to create with authenticity and passion may my Works be Reflections of My Soul and touch the hearts of
those who experience them May Art be a channel for expressing my unique vision of the world and for sharing Beauty and inspiration when I face important decisions that will shape my life provide me with discernment and Prudence may I weigh all options wisely and make choices that reflect my truest values and sincerest dreams may each decision bring me closer to a prosperous and fulfilling future in moments when I need support support and camaraderie bring good and true people into my path may I form strong and meaningful alliances that enrich my journey May friendship and mutual
support be pillars in my life providing comfort and strength in times of need in my quest for justice and Equity be my Advocate and Defender may I strive for a fairer and more equal world where each person is valued and respected may my actions contribute to the promotion of justice and may I be an active voice in defending the rights of all in moments of introspection and self-awareness illuminate my inner being with your wisdom may I Know Myself deeply recognizing my strengths and areas for growth May self-awareness guide me towards positive Transformations and towards a
Fuller and more authentic life may I always be in tune with my true desires and aspirations working to be the best version of myself oh Archangel St Michael defender in times of battle you who are The Protector against evil and The Traps of the demon help me with your Divine strength guard me under your light and always lead me on the path of justice and Truth May I feel your strengthening and protecting presence with every step I take in the Silence of my doubts and fears be the voice that encourages me and guides me towards
what is Right remove from my heart all ill intentions and envy filling me with love and peace may your sword of light cut the ties of Temptations and free me to move forward without fear in my family bring Harmony and unity protect my home from dangers and Discord be the firm guard that prevents any evil from entering May pure love and understanding re in my home and may harsh words be softened by mutual respect in my daily Journeys be my infallible guide illuminate the paths I must follow and the dangers I must avoid May under
your watch I grow in virtue and wisdom help me recognize opportunity ities to do good and to steer clear of negative influences St Michael guard and strengthen my faith May in times of trial I find in you the courage to continue and in God the hope of a better future may my faith be my shield and your presence my safe refuge in my work life open Paths of prosperity and success may I perform my tasks with excellence and dedication always seeking the common good help me overcome obstacles and grow in my career with honesty and
effort may my achievements reflect my commitment and my willingness to improve each day in my emotional life protect my heart from negative and harmful feelings fill my being with love compassion and forgiveness may I live in harmony with others and find peace Within Myself May each emotion be an opportunity for growth and for drawing closer to God Archangel St Michael Prince of the Heavenly militia be my constant protector may your strength accompany me in every battle and your light illuminate my path May under your mantle I always find the strength to face life with courage
and hope may your Celestial light dispel all Darkness around me revealing the paths God wishes me to follow inspire me Archangel to live according to the teachings reflecting the image of God in my life St Michael I pray that you not only release me but all those who seek help and Liberation may your powerful help reach The Afflicted Hearts bringing Comfort healing and the promise of divine Liberation humbly I accept your guidance oh St Michael trusting that with your help I can overcome adversities and conquer the challenges that arise in my path may your Divine
strength be my strength and may your courage Inspire my own Journey of Faith may your sword of justice Guided by the Light Of Truth dissolve all falsehood deceit and illusion that try to settle in my life may your divine intervention renew my mind purifying it from negative thoughts and leading it to Inner Peace help me be generous in Sharing what I have may generosity be the Hallmark of my life knowing that by giving to others I am also enriching myself may I offer my time talents and resources to alleviate the burden of those who suffer
in moments of Joy remind me to be grateful may my happiness not make me forget those who still struggle for Better Days may I share my joy generously making it even more complete by sharing it with others when the fear of the future weighs on my shoulders Infuse me with the certainty that I am not alone may I trust that you are by my side in every uncertainty guiding me to face tomorrow with courage and hope help me cultivate faith that not only sees what is ahead but also the Divine hand in everything in my
friendships and interpersonal relationships be the bond that strengthens the ties of love love and loyalty may I be a true friend a loyal companion and a brother on life's journey May honesty and transparency guide our interactions creating lasting and meaningful relationships when I feel tempted to give in to despair Breathe Into Me the breath of Hope help me remember that even in the most challenging times there is always a path to be trotten towards the Light May hope be the flame that never goes out in my heart even in the severest storms when life offers
us surprises whether good or challenging help me accept them with Grace and courage may I see each new event as an opportunity to learn and grow and may uncertainty never hinder me from moving forward confidently in moments when I am called to help others whether with words actions or simply presence may I do so with an open heart and an extended hand may my help be a reflection of your love and compassion and may through my actions I bring light to those in darkness Archangel St Michael I express my gratitude for being the tireless protector
of my loved ones and for always being ready to offer us your powerful assistance may your light guide and protect us in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen May Justice illuminated by truth eliminate all falsehoods deceptions and illusions that try to infiltrate my life I ask that your divine intervention revitalizes my mind cleansing it of of negative thoughts and bringing me inner peace may this be true not only for the present moment but also for the future that God has planned for me may your guidance be clear in every
step I take and may your presence guide me to fulfill the Divine Purpose of my life may my faith be strengthened by the certainty of your help May the light of Archangel St Michael guide and protect us in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen may your Celestial light dispel all Darkness around me revealing the paths God wishes me to follow inspire me Archangel to live according to the teachings reflecting the image of God in my life St Michael I pray that you not only release me but all those who
seek help and Liberation may your powerful help reach The Afflicted Hearts bringing Comfort healing and the promise of divine Liberation humbly I accept your guidance oh St Michael trusting that with your help I can overcome adversity and conquer the challenges that arise in my path may your Divine strength be my strength and may your courage Inspire my own Journey of Faith may your sword of justice Guided by the Light Of Truth dissolve all falsehood deceit and illusion that try to settle in my life may your divine intervention renew my mind purifying it from negative thoughts
and leading it to Inner Peace help me be generous in Sharing what I have may generosity be the Hallmark of my life no knowing that by giving to others I am also enriching myself may I offer my time talents and resources to alleviate the burden of those who suffer in moments of Joy remind me to be grateful may my happiness not make me forget those who still struggle for better days may I share my joy generously making it even more complete by sharing it with others when the fear of the future weighs on my shoulders
Infuse me with the certainty that I am not alone may I trust that you are by my side in every uncertainty guiding me to face tomorrow with courage and hope help me cultivate the faith that not only sees what is ahead but also the Divine hand in everything in my friendships and interpersonal relationships be the bond that strengthens the ties of love and loyalty may I be a true friend a loyal companion and a brother on life's journey May honesty and transparency guide our interactions creating lasting and meaningful relationships when I feel tempted to give
in despair Breathe Into Me the breath of Hope help me remember that even in the most challenging times there is always a path to be trotten towards the Light May hope be the flame that never goes out in my heart even in the severest storms when life offers us surprises whether good or challenging help me accept them with Grace and courage may I see each new event as an opportunity to learn and grow and may uncertainty never hinder me from moving forward confidently in moments when I am called to help others whether with words actions
or simply presence may I do so with an open heart and an extended hand may my help be a reflection of your love and compassion and may through my actions I bring light to those who are in darkness Archangel St Michael I express my gratitude for being the tireless protector of my loved ones and for always being ready to offer us your powerful assistance may your light guide and protect us in in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen May Justice illuminated by truth eliminate all falsehoods deceptions and illusions that
try to infiltrate my life I ask that your divine intervention revitalizes my mind cleansing it of negative thoughts and bringing me inner peace may this be true not only for the present moment but also for the future that God has planned for me may your guidance be clear in every step I take and may your presence guide me to fulfill the Divine Purpose of my life may my faith be strengthened by the certainty of your help May the light of Archangel St Michael guide and protect us in the name of the Father the Son and
the Holy Spirit amen
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