I've been working on a secret project and that project is win one shot now uh this was just more of a backend thing no you can't like go out and buy it and and get it or anything the big thing with win one shot is it's my fail safe plan for when Microsoft decides to mess with stuff and it's something that I've kind of held close to my chest and developed over the past year and it's turned into a really cool project but it's not ready for prime time but I want to show you what the future looks like uh in case Microsoft pulls that rip cord on me I you know always trying to think ahead and you might be thinking okay Titus what what what are you talking about exactly why do you need win one shot you already have the windows utility and that works pretty darn well right you are but I want to just launch this real fast actually let's launch it from Powershell today we're going to just go irm and launch the web we'll do the development Branch now this right here looks like a program I've lied to you it's not a program it's a script this is a Powershell script it just looks like a program and it compiles but at the end of the day I've essentially just made a big fancy Powershell script when you click this to install Chrome let's say that's running when install Das e google. chrome. exe or whatever it is and it's installing uh wigit when you're running the tweaks in here when you disable Telemetry it's going through and grabbing all the Telemetry from the registry and doing set Dash item property in Powershell and it's really important to know these now I keep up with all this and I've developed this project it has almost so far this year over 3.
5 3. 6 something like that million runs so we're averaging I think 20 or 30,000 runs a day and that's a lot of traffic but I worry about what happens if Microsoft tweaks Powershell or makes it real exclusive or locks things down could cause some problems and that's when win one shop kind of enters the picture so this is what I've been working on wind development um but inevitably Microsoft a lot of the things and the the theming of this is just to make your life easier when you're using Windows and the whole purpose of this but I always think of hey there's always another way there's always another way so I'm thinking what happens when Microsoft inevitably does something to Powershell I don't like well for the past year I've started developing something a little bit uh cleaner faster and doesn't use Powershell at all and that's kind of an interesting thing but I don't want to reinvent the wheel right we spent years almost 5 years now developing all those tweaks with all those commands I've done a compatibility layer basically that transforms those Powershell commands into directly c. net libraries and then executes and those tweaks through a different method so instead of doing them through Powershell it'll just do them directly uh through C so what I did was I created an entire C library called win onot and this is just the the project file but if we go to the main program file um essentially it's grabbing tweak.
Json from when youtil it's reading them in deserializing and then kind of categorically going through and grabbing the tweaks we need to make Windows good it first grabs these tweaks from it so it's grabbing the location tweaks the app history tweaks the Telemetry tweaks Wi-Fi UTC and then also DVR TW weeks because we're going to have to translate some of the shorthand to uh instead of using Powershell into using it directly through net and that means like hklm and hkcu needs to be completely transformed to the actual respective registry entry so we do that and then it runs all those commands now I can add things in here and we can modify that tweak. Json file but I just wanted to say hey let's just grab what's on wiu till we can modify this and do whatever we want and then we got the services portion of it this is where we clean up a lot of the processes running so it's instead of having like a a gajillion different processes we're we're tripping that down then we have the task scheduler portion we're just kind of cleaning up some of those redundant tasks that are running in the background all the time like Edge update and things like that that are just kind of pointless and then we have the Deep blo app section so when you're you're pulling up your start menu it's not just full of a bunch of junk so that's the thing uh unpin menu this is something where I could clean out your entire start menu and there's a couple different ways to go about doing that uh but that's the gist of it and then I've slowly built out each one of these uh classes and then pulling all this in now I've done this over the past year and I kind of wanted to see what Microsoft's update cycle looks like and different like long-term support because that's what uh this is intend to be as a fail save so it actually was originally developed in net 6 I've done a translation to dra Net 7 and then even updated it lately to Net 7 8 actually and and net 8 has like different like serialization issues and uh it changed qu quite a bit of different things and then some of the trimming changed as well uh but from a high level perspective uh I just wanted to make sure I can constantly take this to the latest version ofet or even put it back to an older version of net if I so wanted to and the answer is yes I can do all those things things so great we've got it all programmed we've done all the backend easy part right actually that's about a long one year something process to make sure we have it but I want to run it uh we'll just run it on this machine first and just see what happens uh it creates this one binary and what it does is it looks for tweak. Json locally first if it doesn't exist locally it will go out and download and retrieve a tweak.
Json and then it automatically goes through and runs all those tweaks from there sets the services cleans up task scheduler goes through the app library and goes hey uh we're just going to go ahead and remove all these other junk apps from here so it'll strip out all this uh I went through and saw there's anything in there that was you know really important I think there's a couple things users ask for like your phone and I think Xbox some people use the Xbox app as well but everything else is pretty much just getting rid of like Tick Tock and blow Candy Crush all that garbage so that's it it's done all the tweaks are run it's meant to just be a one shot you click it it grabs it and you can sit here and modify these tweaks now that you've seen the back end and then go to do it a whole different way but if this doesn't exist it goes into GitHub and grabs those tweaks from the wind you tilt so we don't have to reinvent the wheel we also have a nice little log file let's see what this did so from here you can see all the different registry entries that were per formed most of this is all Telemetry based you can see going through here like not using like the task view button um and then just kind of cleaning up some of the services this is all according to the tweaks we do in wuil and you can see all the services that were changed most of it gets put to manual or automatic uh the only time I really I don't really disable almost any service because if you do have like a dependency and you're needing to launch the software I don't want that to fail for you so it will launch these Services if they are needed by a certain application that you have uh or you know let's say another Microsoft product and then we have all the apps that go through and uninstall and sees it sees if those are there I kind of wanted to just show this as like a fail safe uh I could do better I think I I'm going to tweak it a little bit more and keep working on it but I wanted to show hey even if Powershell just got completely removed from the actual using of Windows utility we have other methods the cool thing is there's always another way and I kind of want to show this secret project today just to show you hey if we had to completely not use Powershell we could still make every tweak we need make and uh I'm currently making all this if you want to try this out uh it's very very Alpha stage this is I think version 0.