2025: EVERYTHING CHANGES FOREVER! A 1-in-12,000 Year Cosmic Shift is HAPPENING NOW!

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Amrit Sandhu ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
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Video Transcript:
in the next 15 months all of the outer planets are going to be changing signs but if you add in the dwarf planets I can't find a time in history when that's happened we also have a conjunction at the most important degree in the Zodiac the Creator degree that hasn't happened for over 12,000 years the peak is happening this year so it will be turbulent it will be fast it will be dynamic we really are shifting to a very different state of being a very different reality linear time density is dissolving our chromosomes were changed
by Galactic beings now our 24th chromosome is coming back online which will open up our multi-dimensionality in a way we've never known it before we are in Paradigm shattering times I'd already intuited from the astrology that there would be some literal metamorphosis for us as Humanity we're on an accelerated Ascension path it's undeniable this is split right now the closest I can get to is ancient Loria because it seems to be a big year of transition massive biggest in our lives I would say there just so many convergences I think whether you're looking at huge
cycles of time you know the end of the processional cycle 24,000 years whether you're looking at the the fact that the Earth is moving through the galactic current sheet that only happens every 12,000 years give or take 500 the fact that we're the end of the descending Yuga cycle which is also 12,000 years the the fact that c Yuga you know the age of darkness is going to is going to end according to bibu Dev misra who's a great scholar with this in March in two months time um whether you're looking at solar Cycles which
are smaller you know 11 to 12 year Cycles where at the peak of solar cycle 25 whether you're looking at the fact that in the next 15 months all of the outer planets are going to be changing sign that hasn't happened for 300 years but if you add in the dwarf planets that are changing sign you know deep space planets I can't find a time in history when that's happened we also have a conjunction between Saturn and Neptune at zero of Aries the most important degree in the Zodiac the Creator degree that you know the
very first beginning that hasn't happened for over 12,000 years at Zer degrees of Aries so you know you start to put and many more so you start to put all of these layers together these convergences and um it just becomes quite mind-blowing and then and then you've also got the game changers like I think we're going to have a lot more Galactic connection that's indicated in the um astrology we also are going through I think a huge biological shift to become What's called the new human or the future human that's another huge game Cher which
again is unique in our in our history as Humanity so you know you put together all of these things and they're all converging principally in 2025 this is really quite remarkable so the peak is happening this year so it will be turbulent it will be fast it will be dynamic it will be at times chaotic it's got white water rafting through all of these changes but it's very exciting because we really are shifting to a very different state of being a very different reality but it's us that makes it happen it's us that makes it
happen and we have more of a blank slate I think than we have ever had before because in our lives there was a very you know predictable you goes School you'd go to college you'd meet someone youd get married you'd get a good job you'd have kids You' have a house it was a pretty predictable kind of Life map that's up for grabs now it's not going to be that way in future it's going to be very different and so all of these things almost every aspect of our life is changing all at once both
individually and collectively and so you can look at that as kind of that's a really that's a really really big scary thing you know and very destabilizing or you can say we're on the ride of our lives this is so exciting you know we came for this our souls chose to be here for this moment we have front row seats of what's going to unfold as the new human it's really fascinating as well because I've been through some shift and we were talking about them recently and I I can feel the frequency of of nervousness
in in my field sometimes I can feel like oh I'm I'm nervous about what's next and I literally have been playing this game cuz we've got um Paul Che coming up on the podcast tomorrow morning and he's got this really beautiful yin and yang coin that he has and he's handmade it a little bit and it's got this certain weight to it and he does this game with himself where one side's black and the other side's white and he literally just flips it over and he uses it as a neurological remapping tool um true pche
fashion and he goes just flip it over and notice excitement and just flip it back and it's nervousness and just flip it back and it's excitement and it was like and I've just been playing and I don't even have the coin I'm just visually doing it in my mind and I'm just watching how I can play with the frequency that is a spot on am in fact I was saying that I think just a few days ago um in an interview with someone because it's it's the same kind of jazzed up jazzed up feeling and
with Pluto and Aquarius Aquarius is a very jazzed up sign it's it's higher mind but it's very intense and it's very fast so yeah you can either get mentally jazzed up with all of the input there's going to be so many distractions and zigzags and look where the here and look over there and you know a lot of input coming in or you can just say I'm not going to listen to all of that I'm going to refer to my own internal compass and I'm going to be excited about what I create because that's where
we're at right now much much greater potential for manifestation and creation you mentioned also that it's a fast year and so there's a lot of these frequencies that are coming through at a rapid rate does it also mean that we experience time moving through faster like at the time of this recording I'm quite a surprise that A month's already passed in 2025 yes yes yes so am I yes it's moving very very quickly in fact way back in um March 2023 when Saturn was moving into Pisces I did a video about that um and Saturn
is linear time and Pisces dissolves and so one of the reasons we feel that time is moving faster is as we are shifting out of 3D linear time density is dissolving and that's why we have these feelings of that things are speeded up ultimate you know we know that in the the real world as it were there is no time know things are cyclical there's only ever the present but the other reason we feel time is speeding up is the the outer planets are all moving from earth and water signs heavy slow dense you know
to do with permanency into air and fire you know think a plane goes faster than a boat air is quicker than you know so so air and fire are fast they move really quickly so the fact the energies are much more linked to Air and fire as we move into the next 15 months also speeds everything up you know in our old lives we'd have a job for Life a home for Life a long-term car that kind of thing that's all changing partly because of AI and Robotics and those repetitive jobs are going to be
changing that changes the whole socio economic structure as well with big questions as we move forwards but it's a feeling of experiences are going to become much more valuable Innovation novelty um those kinds of things are going to be much more important than I'm in this job working at the bank 9 to5 for my life and it's a very different set of experiences coming up with all the convergences and all these different experiences coming up it's interesting because I remember last time we spoke the the impression that was left upon me was just the language
of astrology and it it was so profound the impact that it left on me and thank you for that and that was such an incredible episode even if I can share in myself it was great I think it was my best ever actually touch would thank you you're too kind the um the interesting thing around there is I remember you're also saying we there's a lot of predictive analysis that occurs from looking back in the past but when there's so many things all C Lessing at the same time how do you look back and how
do you even use predictive analysis as a thing well in a way that's that's kind of like economics or meteorology that you can look back and say the previous the previous time this is what happened and in the past myself included in this all astrologers do that so we look you know if we take something like Pluto in Aquarius Pluto has a 248e orbit as you probably know Amit so you can get you know I did a big historical analysis of going back to the 1200s and then the 1500s and then the the latest period
when Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1798 so you look at all of those periods and say okay what are the what were the commonalities what were the similarities in every case there was a sense of the abuse of power from the top whether it was the church or an autocratic monarchy or whatever and ultimately because Aquarius is the sign of Revolution and freedom and Humanity humanitarianism people rebelled I mean the most it's often spoken about the most dramatic example of that was the French Revolution in 1789 July 1789 when the peasants who
couldn't even afford to buy bread stormed the uh the bastial took down the monarchy the Monarch was beheaded and that was the end of monarchy in Europe you know in France anyway and that began a process of democracy across Europe so you know we can look at this and in a way we're going to have some similar things happening this time around but because other things are happening it isn't just same old same old we're going to have a lot more Galactic connection that's happening already a lot more Galactic communication there's some beautiful examples of
that you know we're Galactic beings as well we're reuniting with our Galactic family we are changing biologically that hasn't happened in many many lifetimes I think possibly ever to the degree it's going to happen this time around so you've got yes you can look back to Old cycles and and take the themes of those which I've done and say let us make an in intelligent educated guess to what's going to happen in today's society but because you've got the game changers you're dealing with a different landscape now and you've got to take those into account
and they're unknowns in a way they're complete unknowns for an astrologer because we haven't done this before so that's exciting that's it's exciting it's it's fascinating as well it's um I think what I'm deducing from there is the magnitude um of the shift is deducible the nature of the shift is still you know like many like some something can be deduced about it and yet a lot of it is up to hey what's what's coming next so you've mentioned our Galactic nature you've also mentioned biology as these game changers a couple of times let's let's
start with the galactic um nature of us what do you mean by that that we're we're tuning into more of our Galactic nature well I think origin we're made of Stardust aren't we I mean our bones are made of calcium that comes from the stars the iron and our blood also comes from up there even Professor Brian Cox who isn't a fan of astrology says we're made of Stardust you know we're made of Stardust and and and many gifted people Channel Galactic beings Etc and I had a a wonderful conversation about 10 days ago with
a a gentleman called Dr David Clemens who was originally a professional theoretical physicist specialized in string theory then he started to receive communication from Galactic beings who have guided him with his physics knowledge weaved that together to produce some amazing regenerative Technologies um but you know he just chats to his his Galactic connections he calls them the team on a moment by moment basis so gifted people like that are are showing us where we're going to we we're going to be headed but also as I understand from listening to Greg Braden who talks about this
also cryon talks about this that about 100,000 years ago um our our chromosomes were changed by Galactic beings and and chromosome 2 and chromosome 7 were spliced together to leave us with 23 chromosomes and that made us more human but it reduced our sense of multi-dimensionality now our 24th chromosome is coming back on line which will open up our multi-dimensionality in a way we've never known it before four so we are shifting from density as a being a human being into our much greater sense of Galactic reconnection and Remembrance with this sense of I can
shift between Dimensions you I can just flow and increasingly as we move forwards we're going to understand that our future is so much more valuable and what I'm really and J I've been banging on about this forever about the way way I look at astrology because I think there's still a strong sense of Fate with astrology people come to astrologist okay what what are the planets doing to me and what what's going to happen you you know what are your predictions for 2025 what are your predictions for t to but actually more and more than
we ever have we we are creating the future that the the and I think we're going to learn this to a greater extent that I've often talked about our birth ch is like a unique um sheet of music and it gives us the pattern it doesn't give us the frequency it doesn't give us we have latitude with free will we can you know butcher it with a couple of tin spoons and we can have the plate with a London film monic and have a big and magnificent life or it's like modeling clay you know it's
like modeling clay so it's just they give us the raw ingredients of the pattern but not the latitude to which we'll live it and I think more and more we will start to see the planets as as energy as particular archetypes and qualities of energy with which we mold our our lives in our future so what I'm hoping to do as I I was writing about this back in 2013 but you know ien sto bu that drum so that we are the PowerHouse we are creating the future we both individually and collectively it isn't it
isn't a film set that we step onto that's already there for tomorrow and next month and next year so I'm trying not to make predictions because actually this conversation we're having right now am it is changing our tomorrows that stuff trips me out but we are aren't we every every thought every emotion every choice we not we know it's changing our biology you know so much work on that molecules of emotion by Candice per groundbreaking but you know we know all this stuff but it's actually changing the timeline for tomorrow we are the power we
are the power one of the fascinating like Quantum you have a chat to a like some of these people that come on and have on the podcast and then chat to us about the quantum every time you think about your future you've altered it yeah yeah and it's like can you not do that to me like that just like that's scary but we are gonna absolutely we're going to be discovering our power again rediscovering our power and that's what's exciting and and it won't be in a kind of well for some there may be because
I think we're g to see a lot of Revolution this year but I I'd like to guide people not towards violence but towards sovereignty sovereignty autonomy recognizing how much power you have as a Creator and a manifestor quietly peacefully lovingly coming from the heart you don't have to be all shouty out there um and and the power of that we we are barely beginning to remember but we will start to remember it much more this year hey you there inspired soul I wanted to take a moment out to thank all of you that are subscribed
to the podcast thank you so much for your incredible love and support honestly everything you see around here is powered and empowered by your subscription to this channel thank you so much for your incredible love and support to all of you that haven't yet subscribed please do take a moment at the time of this recording 30% of you that are regularly watched this channel are subscribed and the rest of you aren't yet so please do take a moment hit that subscribe button below it helps with everything we're doing here championing love positivity and wisdom around
the planet join the movement hit subscribe back to Pam in today's episode there's a piece in there that you mentioned that implies that we're getting more and more of our potentially psychic or yeah for sure these sort of ESP sort of abilities do you think more and more of that is coming online for people 100% 100% you know many more of the cla's clear sentience clear cognizance clear audience Etc coming back online much greater psychic sensitivity people are remembering their dreams in a much bigger way um we're becoming more telepathic I mean this is star
to happen to people already healing ability being much stronger so and this is really I think signaled by the shift from the head to the heart that we are going to be feeling each other and ultimately I think um language will start to disappear where shifting from the head to the heart because we're shifting from the information age and these very short attention spans of Tik Tok and Twitter and x and to to a feeling and the feeling will come from the heart and so this is the shift that's that's happening and the more we
can live in the heart the more we will live a beautiful life and I think we're going to discover a huge amount about the heart physically physiologically but Also spiritually you know Lee Harris is talking in his channeling about the cosmic heart um David Clemens who I was just referring to is talking about the Sacred Heart and that the center of the Sacred Heart Is is the Infinity Point and you have a direct connection to Source from that we know the heart is our largest electromagnetic organ we know that the heart has the largest um
toroidal field in the body much bigger than the brains and the Heart sends more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart we know that heart math research and so not only is the heart the biggest connection to the cosmos because we're connecting to the electromagnetic field via our electromagnetic heart but also this sense of divinity and direct link to Source I think is going to be a big big part of this year that is going to be beautiful and more and more of us are going to start to live from the
heart in every moment and you couldn't do anything better than that I would have to agree there's three keys you said actually for this year one of them is heart centeredness which we're discussing now the other one being humility and the other one Integrity can you tell us why these three particular keys this year I think those are crucial to get to to higher um higher Dimensions because I think if you are in in ego or superiority or arrogance that's oldw World stuff I'm better than you when going to move into a much greater sense
of um equality with all human all that's the Aquarian energy all human beings are equal they all all beings or you know I'm a big animal lover all beings are equal we all have the same voice and the same the same right to be here so I think humility is is a huge one Integrity is vital as a sense of high principle honesty transparency because this is something we're going to be able to see in other people because we're going to start all of us not too far from now are going to be able to
read other people's energy fields and we're going to start to see if they're being dishonest you know there'll be kind of darker colors in the aura or whatever we're going to be able to see it so this sense of Integrity that I always act at the highest principle if I'm referring to anybody else's research or work I will be scrupulous about crediting them you know I won't claim it as my own so um that sense of purity of principle I think is is absolutely vital but the the real biggie is coming from the heart because
if you're coming from the heart automatically humility and integrity become part of that you can't act out of Integrity if you're coming from the heart you can't be arrogant if you're coming from the heart so really the the the foundation is the heart energy I love that have you come across this podcast called the telepathy tapes by any chance yes yes I've referred to it one of my recent videos total curveball in the conversation but I just I was fascinated by the fact that you know and is this can maybe you can take some time
to describe to us the age of Aquarius and maybe just what like Aquarian energy symbolizes in your mind cuz I think that would be really help ful um for people to sort of just settle into in their in their mind yeah so so many things um first of all in on a on a global scale it's to do with a big big age of of innovation and Technology um a lot of it will be linked to Aviation because um Aquarius is is ruled by the planet Uranus who is a sky God and historically there have
been all kinds of connections you can track with um developments in aviation you know hot air balloons first glider all of those things track back to strong Uranus strong Aquarian energy so we will see huge developments in aviation I just saw last week that a hemp plane hm is now been built which is 75% hemp in its structure and the fuel is a biofuel of hemp and so this kind of development there's something else called the hybrid air vehicle and it can just lift off and travel at huge speed because it's partly propelled by helium
so it huge innovation in technology Aviation is one big area the out there the out there we can see this with the recent drone activity whatever you think about that but the developments in Galactic ships arriving that kind of all of this is very Aquarian medical Innovation healing Technologies Aquarius is linked to youth so we will see a lot of anti-aging Tech technologies that will bring greater longevity as well it's linked to Revolution it's linked to um it's linked to electrification and and and unstable geom magnetics as well so for instance the Earth has never
been more electrified than it is at the moment Wi-Fi smart meters zillions of satellites out there never to the scale we've had it before and that's very destabilizing for the geom magnetics everything's connected right through to the you know we humans and to the core of the earth so that is going to become a big issue in the coming years as Pluto stays in Aquarius until January um 2044 um it's also connected to well Revolution as I've said every time every time you track back in history there have been huge revolutions last time French Revolution
as I said American Revolution beginning with the Industrial Revolution so we are going to see a lot of revolutionary Energy across Europe across the world because it appears that governments are becoming more right-wing it appears that they're becoming more autocratic but it's because the old order is getting louder but more Hollow and people are going to start to push back so we're going to see a lot of that it's linked to youth as I say and genius out of the box ideas ideas ahead of their time and it's also linked to people who have been
kind of pushed to the periphery who don't who aren't mainstream who don't fit in with the mainstream and so often you get these kind of crazy genius people who just couldn't fit in this is their time and on a daily basis often several times a day um I'm doing this on on Facebook actually I'm posting Innovations from young people often school children school children of 12 years old who are developing these incredible Innovations where they're taking vegetable waste or Co you know coconut husks or whatever and turning them into something incredible as packaging or fuel
you know free fuel I mean just mindblowing stuff and I'm doing that on a daily basis to say to another great Innovation another great Innovation so with the telepathy tpe aquar Pluto and Aquarius is is very linked to a period of Paradigm shattering discoveries and events one of the previous times in the 1500s was when cernus discovered his heliocentric theory that the Earth went around the Sun not the other way around that was Paradigm shattering the average bloke in the street so we are in Paradigm shattering times now I think fade Austin's work is Paradigm
shattering the telepathy tapes of Paradigm shattering for so for those of you who haven't heard about these um this was uh this was started I think by an American female psychiatrist who is working with largely nonverbal civili artistic people young people and she was discovering they were absolutely genius and extremely telepathic Dr pow yeah yeah so she was she was dismissed of course and struck off and um but a film director uh became very interested in this whole project and she has produced the telepathy tapes which are a series of very um stringent tests where
the young tele telepathic Auto Artis young person there's no way they could cheat there's no where they could see what they're being tested on and you've got to listen everybody out there has got to listen to them if you haven't already they're free to find on the internet online and it is stunning the level of genius with these um with these cever autistic people and they can communicate with each other across a kind of web globally they can often speak several languages do Advanced algebra my favorite of those was the telepathic parrot actually in episode
six I don't know if you heard that one the telepathic power it's insane wack me up that was a study that Rupert sheldrake did he flew all the way to America to study this telepathic parrot which just touched my heart actually but so that is a great example of Aquarian energy because it's it's genius it's youth it's don't fit it's you know shoved to the edge of society put in homes drugs you don't fit and yet they are coming to Blossom just as Pluto has moved fully into Aquarius in the first couple of months so
it's beautiful oh please continue sorry I didn't mean to interrup no no no no it's just beautiful to see that more these people who are considered kind of Oddball are going to be revered and they are going to they're calling these these young autistic people that they are our teachers and they're calling them savants you know Wise people and these are the people increasingly the young people the innovators the progressives are going to be The Visionaries these are going to be the people who are our leaders not in I'm telling you what to do top
down way but they're going to be people grouping around them who say I want to help that I I I want to do that thing with you because I love your idea and so we're GNA that's the way Society is going to move so Capricorn energy when Pluto was been in Capricorn from 2008 until very recently um last year it moved out in November that was that was the old gray beards because it's ruled by Saturn which is old age so that was the old gray beards and the the unequal structure and we're telling you
what to do and rules and regulations we're done with that we are done with that so it will be a much more Grassroots up type of society as we move forwards we're going to be communities will be very strong people getting together in community either living in community and growing food or even connecting online to find a tribe finding your family of frequency will become more important than it's ever done hey you there inspired Soul Lumen being I want to tune in with you and ask you what are you taking away from today's conversation join
in on the conversation in the comments below let me know what you're taking away any questions you've got for Pam should be back in the future we'd love to ask your questions of her in the future so leave those in the comments below I do read through those and I'd be honored to ask some questions on your behalf so what are your biggest takeaways what would you like to ask Pam I'd love to hear from you in the comments below with that back to P in today's episode have I accidentally stumbled us into the next
point where you were talking about the biological shifts that were coming as well are we there in this conversation right now yeah for sure yeah I I mean I I'm getting very excited about this because I've sort of been anticipating this with all of the astrology there's a particular in fact I did a video called metamorphosis for Humanity question mark and um I presented it last autumn in glassenbury I was doing a retreat with vade Austin which was just pure delight to spend time with her she's an Angel um and because I'm starting to look
as you probably know amitt much much more at the dwarf planets and there's a very powerful configuration right now astrologically which will continue for the next few years because these are all slow moving planets between Pluto which is a 248e cycle Square to a dwarf planet called hir so 90ยฐ to a dwarf planet called H and let me talk about H for a minute H is the um she's linked to the goddess of fertility um linked to Hawaiian Hawaiian goddess of fertility she is able to birth babies from all over her body not just the
normal places she can regenerate herself from an old Crone to a young Maiden um she's able just to summon wild food from the land and seafood and even if the land and the seeds have been laid waste that she's a an incredibly regenerative principle so she's a great symbol for New Earth so even before I heard about the 24th chromosome and Richard Rudd with his dragonfly you know Gan ke55 and Lee Harris talking about the new biology as well you and other people popping up I'd already spotted this in the the astrology firstly with hire
also um Pluto is going to be in aspect and hom are going to be in aspect that like a wonky Triangle really to the furth St dwarf planet we know called sedna and sedna is really linked to the um the goddess of the Arctic seas the deep seas and she has an 11,400 year orbit she's coming to her closest point to the Earth it won't it won't be exactly at the closest point until 2075 but that's a drop in the bucket if' got an 11,400 year or bit so in her myth which is a bit
Grizzly she um she married inappropriately and she begged her father to come and rescue her he came in a canoe and but a big storm blew up so this is a very abbreviated version in or and and so in order to save himself in the storm he threw his daughter over the out of the canoe patriarchy does not come well out of this and when she tried to hang on to the canoe he chopped her fingers off and she just sank yeah yeah yeah great great father nail in the coffin for this Dad absolutely so
she she sank down to the Deep of course drowned in in the state that she was but she became her fingers became Exquisite sea creatures of turtles and whales and dolphins beautiful new sea creatures new creatures for the sea and so because this is very strong geometry Pluto hom sedna and it will continue for the next few years but it is a it is at its closest in 2025 and 2026 I'd already intuited from the astrology that there would be some literal metamorphosis not just a transformation but a metamorphosis a change in state for us
as humanity and I was getting that very clearly from the astrology just from those three orbiting bodies because For Hire and sedna they could completely change their state and so I was thinking okay my antenna are now alert to what is going to be happening in spirituality in science in medicine to to feed me the information that's going because I always know from the astrology it will give me accurate symbolism that I then start to see manifesting in the world I I just trust it so much and so now we're you know that was within
a few months we're starting to see indications of that happening and with Richard rudson I've interviewed him about this that beautiful genan key 55 um sort of myth of the dragonfly and how it goes from a kind of gray boring Predator water nymph underwater to this iridescent beautiful creature of the air that is the kind of scale of and he's talking about this very widely now that is the scale of the metamorphosis of the changeful humanity and Richard is also seeing this I think Richard is seeing it we we had a ation about this online
um he's seeing it as 2027 I'm really seeing a lot of the big well we're in it now I mean you can't push the butterfly back into the caterpillar you can't push the oat tree back to the gay you know we're in the Pro we're in in that process of metamorphosis already it's begun and I'm seeing the big big year of transformation and transition as being this one 2025 it it settles more in 2026 because all of the planets will have moved into their new signs so it settles won't have as much back back and
forth and turbulence and certainly by 2027 I think we'll be in a very different place from where we are right now I I mean that the speed of this is is remarkable because we're on an accelerated Ascension path now and and Humanity has created this Humanity through raising our Consciousness has accelerated that Ascension path we've called this in yeah yeah for sure so people beat me up for being too positive you shouldn't be so positive they do they beat me up it's outrageous that you're so positive but and it isn't that I don't have a
massive heart for the you know the horrors that are going on in the world the you know I I I've been in tears with emails people have sent me from the Californian fires and and and obviously the wars it is unimaginable that this is still these extremes are still happening in our world but it does help me or the collective if I if I just dive into the horror of it because that takes my frequency right down I feel it deeply and we all feel huge compassion in fact it will birth a great deal of
compassion for Humanity but because our focus is our superp power as the wonderful Buddhist author Paul Levy says our focus is our super power if I focus on the world I would love to see everybody happy nobody hungry everybody joyous grateful um living in peace you know Shimmer every everything is in heightened shimmering life force we can communicate with trees and animals and plants if I focus on what I want to see in the world I am much more likely to see it in my reality than if I think oh my God the world is
is just in total Despair and there's no hope that's not going to help me or anybody else so it isn't that I don't feel immensely for the suffering because you know there by the grace of God go you and I it could have been any of us who lives in California and lost you know just horrific but I must I must have the strength to say okay what can I do so I'm doing a nightly meditation you probably know it's a free 15minute meditation no Tech everybody just joins energetically and we're saying okay let us
put the people and the animals who are in extreme suffering in the circle we all connect with our heart put them in the circle and please don't focus on the problem be aware of the problem but focus on the end result you want see these people healthy happy joyous because that's how the quantum model works so and and we're doing it because we wouldn't have accelerated the timeline so much if we hadn't been successful as a Humanity in raising our Consciousness we're doing it we're rocking it I'm almost nervous to ask this at this juncture
but it it is incumbent at this point there does also seem to be I don't know I I don't want I don't like using the word split I've got an A version to the word split but it does seem like there are two distinct timelines that are opening up at this particular juncture in time can you elaborate upon that please I I hate using the word split I'm sorry for doing that the analogy I've used a lot amett and and this may help is we're an airport one group of people on Fast Track the other
have chosen Fast Track the other have chosen slow track and that doesn't mean to say that that's a Judgment of Fast Track is better in fact Fast Track may be the route where people take the more synthetic technological AI route because they see it as a shortcut you know they can get the virtual reality goggles or whatever and they can they can jump into multi-dimensionality apparently that may be seen as the you know the quick route and what are you slow coaches over there doing you know grubbing around growing vegetables But ultimately you know I
believe that what nature wants what the Earth wants is an organic natural transition and ultimately Consciousness and our Divinity and our big hearts will win the day so I do see a split I see people who are following the narrative and finding it's convenient to have a chip in their hands and little nanobot that go around their body and clean up the damage is isn't that a cool great wizzy thing and you know never get sick and so they will take that particular route um I personally won't um so there's a much more natural and
organic group who who are saying no I'm sorry I I'm I'm going to take this route and in my heart I know that's the correct route ultimately we're all going to get on the unity Consciousness plane we're all going to end up at the same point it's just which road are you taking in order to in order to get there and so yes I think it's undeniable this a split right now I I think it and one route is based on fear and being helped by external authorities and external devices and the other route is
based on love and know I'm going to create my reality from my heart and my inner power center it's going to be internal I'm going to Live From the Inside Out not continuing to live from the outside in and the gadgets and the gadgets are still external Reliance I'm relying on something outside of me to fix things and I think the way nature and God and the the universe wants us to operate is is organically and it's almost erupting from us you know this is the dragonfly emerging this is the butterfly emerging from us this
is this is the time for Humanity when that's going to happen yeah I've um I've heard various different spiritual teachers caution against this chipping technology that's coming our way and like you said it probably brings with it a lot of 3D benefits um but it's just the the immediate benefits and then there's just potentially Downstream consequences that you know after you just may not you may not see or may not hear seems to be the consensus yeah it's interesting and I think it's because they're not essentially the human being is um is about the heart
and it's about our sense of divinity and I don't think the convenient route feeds either of those I think it shortcuts Cuts with some cool advantages short term I don't think you know get shopping fast or buy your train toet F I don't think it feeds your your heart or your Divinity and at the end of the day that's that's who we are as as as human beings there's a there's a level of discernment there than that's incumbent upon us to some degree because it feels like with Aquarius you earlier in the conversation did mention
Innovation being nigh um but then at the same time it does require maybe this is again where the heart really comes into it um but there seems to be a level of discernment that is our responsibility absolutely spot on am spot on uh it really is because we are going to have to be very fine in our judgments because they're going to be some wonderful Technologies like the um anti-aging Technologies the longevity technology for me it's always a question of um my my my boundary is my body know it's my skin so I don't want
anything invasive but they going to be some I mean there are already some beautiful healing Technologies out there there's the harmonic egg there's the tachon chamber there's the iare W you know all kinds of wonderful frequency energy and frequency Technologies and Edgar Casey predicted this didn't he that energy and frequency would be on medicine so there's some beautiful healing Technologies out there but they don't then they don't become an integral part of me within my body so for me that's the dividing line so I think yes we will have to use great discernment I think
there will be some very beneficial Innovations as I say in aviation um could it could be in medicine but it's more the en I think it's the real recognition that everything is energy and frequency and that will be the way we go in terms of creating heart coherence and coherence not only for us as individuals but coherence as as groups as societies as Nations as a collective it will Ripple out because that heart coherence is actually infectious and heart math talk about this as well you infect people with your heart coherence you infect people with
your love and your joy um and so that's where we're headed but the recognition of frequency and energy is going to become a very big part of this Aquarian energy so yes you're spoton we have to use so much discernment in terms of this wizzy new whatever is this for my highest good and we have to check in with our hearts then yes absolutely it's interesting because I here on one level it seems like you mentioned before 2027 is really where we land somewhere it seems and 2026 potentially maybe we just get a grapple hold
then um 2025 again back to the beginning of the conversation the year of the transition I guess um you also mentioned at some point we're we're switching from earth and water which are a bit more well my doer is is Earth so so I I can probably say it comfortably bit more stagnant a bit more bit more you know rusian let's just call it that um and yeah but then as we're moving into something a bit more um well more wind and more fire um um it's it's more redo right and so in there with
the lack of Earth and it being a year of transition I guess questions around how do we support our eles during this particular time in in your opinion yeah a really really good uh question Amed absolutely because there's there's very little Earth we have we have Uranus in an earth sign in Taurus up until July this year it dips back at the end of the year and then in April 2026 it moves fully into Gemini into air so we have very little Earth happening in the astrology and Earth is stabilizing but Uranus is the planet
of destabilization so we have the planet of D stabilization in the only potential Earth sign we have which is a tricky thing so that's why I think we're going to see a lot more seismic activity um this year particularly and and next year a lot more seismic activity so the way we we find stability is you know I just think it's such simple stuff that we um we develop very simple daily practices whether it's grounding bare feet on the grass bare feet on the earth if you live in the UK I know that isn't a
great option with our winter right now but as often as you can bare feet on the grass bare feet on the earth breath work um candle gazing hugging a tree um just imagining that you have this um this radio dial in your solar plexus and you are operating from there and I did a 10-minute video on my YouTube channel called the yogic belly breath which is incredibly simple how it's a yogic breath you just drop your breath into your belly and slow and deepen the breathing and that is incredibly grounding incredibly calming and you're changing
your physiology and biomarkers and your blood you know with every moment of doing that um also breathing into the heart um imagining that your heart is your lung as it were breathing in and out of the heart that is very grounding so I I think there are many incredibly simple ways that we can ground being in nature as often as you can being in nature meditating breath work yoga is another great one taii chigong all very good grounding practices but it doesn't have to be complicated I'm a very simple being and so just any anyone
any one of those will serve you very well keep it simple turn inwards turn off the news don't look out at the distractions particularly with the governments we have right now and you know it's not a bowl of cherries in the UK either um that there going to be so many distractions of whiplash of and and and also so much on social media that can potentially divert you and alarm you turn inwards there's one thing to focus on if you turn inwards and that's your state of being so make that your absolutely top priority with
grounding hey there inspired Souls grounding and earthing is an incredible medicine for our body it's natural healing we charge up with electrons throughout the day through devices energy coming off the sun all day every day and then our rubber Souls can keep all the electrons and all the energy bouncing up and down in and around our systems and all it takes is for us to take our feet and put them in the bare Earth but we don't always get the opportunity to do that with modern day living and that's where Clint obber and the team
at earthing.com have partnered with the inspired Evolution and it's really exciting to offer you guys if you want to get grounded and there are some really great earthing products at earthing.com I'll put a link to the website below for a 10% discount on any and all of their products you plug in my favorite is the mat um at this desk there's a mat underneath my feet and you can plug it into the wall the wall outlet for the socket and uh it's grounding it's the same as being out there on the earth with your feet
on the grass effectively so all the electrons charging up from the lights in the shooting all that sort of stuff that are hitting my body are going back and returning to the Earth and the profound piece in there that Clint talks about in his episode is actually that electron energy that charge energy is fire energy and that is inflammation 101 and so you're actually detering all of that inflammation by earthing and getting grounded so once again earthing.com 10% off with the code Inspire the first word inspire links to that in the description below and with
that back to Pam in today's episode yeah we have a um we had Clint obber on the podcast earli this year the earthing.com he did the documentaries and it was extremely profound actually watching his again sometimes you just watch lot people's Journeys and the myth that they're living out in their in their archetype like he was an electrician and then was raised by Indians and then came to grounding and earthing and you're like dude are you serious right now like this is just beyond perfect one of the key things in there that you're espousing is
the Simplicity and again I couldn't help but reflect on you know just that coin that I was visually sort of flipping in my mind as well from going from excite like uh anxious sorry nervous to excitement nervous to excitement and it seems like you've also mentioned heart-c centeredness quite a bit and also seems our focus is key and potentially the split that we mentioned earlier like love seems to be this real like it's a real time to show up put on your rubber gloves and roll up your sleeves and focus on love like you said
um and then with transitions though because there's so much uncertainty fear has a natural sort of propensity to sort of creep in and hence why I think it's especially profound that you're espousing something simple uh wherever possible because I reflect back on my background as a meditation teacher and one of the things I'd find clients doing is consistently they'd try and sit for a long period of time it's like oh an hour meditation is really good and you know they might get around to it once a week and I was like it's way better if
you just do 5 minutes every day you know and short effective doses more regularly actually the science is in have a much more profound effect on you and your gray matter but I imagine the stuff we're talking about on your life um than you know long uous sort of oneoff hits right yeah absolutely you know and I will do that just several times a day the yogic belly breath just droping you know if if I know my days are becoming too crazy with so much stuff coming in at me I'll say okay just take time
out take time out take three minutes out five minutes out because otherwise I can get fritzed just with a tonnage of of emails that come in at me so um so that's that's always my anti an um antidote and also if I'm reading something because people send me stuff all the time obviously so if I'm reading something that I know is taking my frequency down and I'm starting to go into fear I'll just say stop it just just stop how do you even know that's true how do you know that's true and even even if
it was true we can change it because it's almost that there going to be lots of potential you know scary timelines appearing to emerge but they only I did a a video called ghosts in the theater some time ago and I was talking about how the the there two potential plays going on at the theater that night and and so you you go and watch the kind of promo for each of them and one of them is a really dark scary thing you know ends horribly in lots of death and the other is a really
joyful loving heart-based has a wonderful ending but each and they they're moving like Ghosts across the stage like thought forms across the stage but each of the plays only takes form and starts to become a narrative and a story and take form and color before your eyes is if you give it if you give them your attention and you turn on the spotlight in the theater and those ghostly for forms start to manifest and it's the same with timelines that there are lots of potential lines which are appearing like kind of an architecture of light
so of shimmering but if we don't feed them with our attention they'll just dissipate they'll just you know like a wet sparkler they'll just dissipate and fade know our power with our Focus but if we give it our attention we will make it manifest we will make that big scary thing manifest if we give it our attention and so so that's why our focus and attention is so vital we have to be so masterful with that because otherwise we keep manifesting what we absolutely don't want and then blame it for giving us a hard time
you know it's a ridiculous Circle so we have to be much tougher about and it it's also I think important to say that is the most important way we can help the collective because if I'm looking at these you know I I I just can't bear to look at some of the situations in the in the world with war and I think how can I help I can't be on the ground practically they're thousands of miles away I can't deliver Aid um how do I know money that I send is definitely going to go to
the people and not to some kind of slightly dodgy organization what can I do to help those people thousands of miles away well what I can do is I can meditate and see them en jooy and health and peace Etc and because a lot of people following my meditations and you know probably thousands of them every night doing this that group energy is magnified and that we can all do for free at home we don't have to go anywhere you don't have to pay anything you don't have to switch on any Tech all of us
for free can add to that beautiful energy of love and joy and peace to help the collective get out of these these unimaginable Horrors I think in the this Century it's I I just can't conceive we are still doing this kind of thing so then you can feel that you're contributing and doing something loving for the world that is is really going to and Lin mtag has got 10 tons of evidence for that and so is you know Joe despenser you know there's so much evidence out there doesn't need little old me to um to
prove that to you and and people know this now so that we can do to help the collective it's the most one of the most powerful things you can do if you can't be on site helping in a practical way I love that you mentioned thank you for that I love that you mentioned those two individuals because it also seems like what's coming to the for now is well we've all been living in Consciousness um time in Memorial or time interesting anyway I'll stop doing that um but the interesting piece in there is the science
of Consciousness is really going through this emergence thing can you there's a nodding head can you tell me more about your insights on that yeah this is really exciting isn't it I mean it really is um because it's linked to this understanding of energy that everything is energy and frequency but with it's understanding it in a bigger way than than we ever have so it was really um what took my understanding further was this conversation with Dr David Clemens about 10 days ago because what he has he has moved from a world of solidity and
measurement as a theoretical physicist into a world of what he has called the science of living Consciousness the science of living Consciousness and so from his perspective aided by his Galactic team he is seeing just everything as flowing energy and even Joe Des spener many years ago was talking about you know if you if you fly through a human being with a camera taking photographs all the time there'll be almost nothing on the film when you get to the end because we're just vibrating energy there's this illusion of of density and so the quantum level
everything is actually moving and malleable which means that we can change our state of consciousness more easily than we think because it's shifting and moving all the time and I think so much is going to be discovered about about Consciousness the consciousness of planets because I think they are all not just rocks orbiting in the sky but they are essentially probability waves of Consciousness that have a particular quality each of them I think that's going to be discovered and that every everything in our universe is ultimately one Consciousness and we are merely fractal unique expressions
of that Consciousness with our own souls and the science of understanding that I think is going to be one of the big breakthroughs that we have in these in these coming few years and that is going to be immensely exciting because it's actually very unifying it's actually really unifying isn't it and so people doing work like this that really have my attention because they're Leading Edge of where we're going um because Consciousness is such a you know woo woo vague abstract ethereal you can't grab it you can't measure it you can't pin it down but
that's the life force that Source intelligence at work that's the life force of what makes everything work in the world and and make us live as individuals so it's really exciting I think yeah I love it when um even just you know we do see sometimes Consciousness as woooo but you speak to like scientists that have really gone deep on it and there is this thing called the hard problem of Consciousness it's just like they can't you know this you know and it's it's fundamental to one of the fun like assumption sets that drives so
much of of Science and it's called the hard problem of Consciousness and it's it's it's in there it's in their awareness um and it's really cool well just even like you said what's coming up in the next little while um thinking about where Quantum Computing takes us what that teaches us you know maybe we don't solve solve it but we we definitely will be learning a lot more a lot yeah absolutely inv Vader's beautiful work you know she talks about water's living Consciousness and condensed light and it's light that carries all the information into the
water and I mean her work is every time I look at V's work it's taking another giant leap forwards I can't keep up with her but she's discovering so much about Consciousness through the water and um that is going to be absolutely fascinating because the water seems to be our our primary evolutionary impulse our primary evolutionary Force to to really change as beings and to have a greater understanding of Consciousness and her work is is so unique and beautiful in doing that yeah I remember when I was talking to yourself and talking to her on
the podcast it it seemed one thing to be able to mirror our own thoughts into water and have it reflect back our intentionality back at us but through her work it's almost like water's communicating to her um and she's learning to listen that is quite profound it almost sounds Pagan but it it's it's quite profound in terms of what it implies in terms of intelligence around us and maybe this hearkens back to your point before around it all sort of becoming frequency um and we're becoming much more dialed in and aware of this and now
whether we like it or not to some degree going to start tuning in you said the Claire's I like the way you put that the Claire's are coming more and more online as well and this seems to be quite the well you use the word revolution a few times as well and I wanted to just double click on that and get your thoughts because Revolution can mean many things on many fronts and we've covered a lot of different revolutionary things in terms of um the self yeah but uh in terms of the World At Large
I mean Revolution is normally associated with freedom is there a is there a frequency of Freedom around Aquarian energy oh oh big time that's one of the key words for Aquarius Big Time Freedom sovereignty autonomy big time and a much greater sense of equality so yes I think yeah thank you for that am uh I think there's going to be revolution in a very kinetic Sense on the streets in many places I think that I see that coming up in Europe um but also it's a revolution of Consciousness just as we've been talking it's a
revolution Consciousness in terms of our understanding it's a Revolution of Love because we're going to be understanding the importance of the heart and living from the heart in changing our reality in a beautiful way so it's going to be a revolution in dramatic ways but it also in beautiful ways and they're all going to be happening at the same time at different levels with different people but the revolution of Consciousness and the understanding of it I think is one of the big Paradigm shattering pieces that's coming down the road very quickly at us what does
a world post patriarchy look like in your mind I mean it's a big question I know because it's what we've known for so long but it does feel like that's one of the things that's disolving here as well yeah I felt very strongly and and conversations with a few other people have reinforced this that it it the closest I can get to is ancient Loria that's the closest I can get to and I have sort of strong Affinity with that world because they lived in a state of Oneness they lived in a state of um
being very telepathic very beautiful healing ability and they used to build their healing temples as crystals on the top of mountains because they they knew that that was the strongest energy on the Mountaintop um they didn't kill for food they didn't eat animals um in fact they ate very little only once every few days from what I can understand researching it and they had great love for each other uh they they lived in the light body much of the time and this is also where we're headed as we shed density and it was just a
very abundant loving harmonious harmonious society and you know this sense of heart coherence and harmony with all living beings strongly connected to dolphin and whale um frequency as well it's very linked to lamoria so I think as we go forwards we can use some of that as our template I think we can use some of the way that the indigenous the beautiful indigenous people live with all of their amazing wisdom and connection to the Earth and understanding of Nature and they don't use money to operate in a society they're just one big extended family you
know within an indigenous tribe I think they can teach us so much that's another part of it I think another part of it as well is we will see some big Earth changes going forwards in the next few years and that will mean that we see land masses at times coming up from the sea that are new for us but they are going to have pristine you know pristine um Earth on them they'll be they'll be unpolluted many of them they primary water we're going to discover a lot more about primary water which is under
the uh mantle of the Earth but is very pure unpolluted water very mineral Rich so I see and it may be something to do with the the melting of the glaciers and places like Greenland starting to emerge with with you know very fertile areas which we haven't known before because it's been under the snow it's that kind of thing there's going to be new land emerging for various reasons whether it's eruption or ice melting and we may even migrate to those areas of Greater food productivity where we can grow it very easily where other land
has been laid waste you know the home air principle and form communities there and they will be much more heart and spiritually based certainly than we've had in this lifetime so that's the kind of feeling I'm getting and there will be love for all living beings love for all living beings we we'll communicate with the trees as well as the animals the birds and so people may think I'm just Mary Poppins and Pie in the Sky but if I have some glimpse of that I have more chance of creating it than if I'm gloom and
doom because other people are are thinking in similar ways to me I know they are because I talk to them so and the more we can make that manifest by coming together and holding that Vision the the closer way going to get to something like that I'd like to double click on togetherness um Community it seems you've in many videos actually of your recent videos you've been talking more and more about this um seems to be I don't want to use word antidote um but it seems to be a medicine probably is is a good
word to use I think um that's right for this time just your thoughts um and why you're espousing so much around community at this present time yeah it's partly the aquarium and energy that's very community-based because it's a much more horizontally um structured Society than a top down um but it's also I think through the the real challenges we've had over the last four or five years we're very aware we've had some very big challenges um I'm in a group that has come together because of those actually because we said do you know what I'm
just not buying into this I'm just not you know I'm just not doing this so um a group has come together of like mind we're incredibly different people people at the sort of 3D level um we all have very different backgrounds and ages and but nevertheless we're we're on the same frequency of of of really having a common understanding and a common understanding of where we would like to take take our reality and they're groups like this all over the world all over the world and they're beautiful and whether they're doing wonderful things for the
environment for nature whether they're growing their own food whether they just have a common view a common world view and they're coming together on that basis more and more it's going to be people opting out of what has been mainstream Society because it's just not working for them anymore it's it's just not working they're not buying into that um that top down power structure and I think when surveys are done there's less and less trust in governments and authority figures that is really fair and that's completely understandable with this transition from Capricorn to Aquarius that's
that's that's absolutely to be expected and so that's the way we're moving so it's it's really I like to call them a family frequency so whether it's whether it's online like this we're doing it right now amirit or whether it's in person and you get together and you hug and you laugh and you have a good time and you think oh it it's been life-changing for me actually it's been really life-changing for me whichever way it happens you are connecting on the basis of your frequency which hasn't really been done before it was your you
know the your colleagues at work or the people in the local neighborhood it wasn't based on frequency but incredi increasingly going forward so that's how it's going to be I think some people tuning into this podcast um are going to want to know where to start when it comes to community I know there's a lot of great content online but sometimes it can feel like quite the stretch especially in such a digital age to reach out any advice for those people that are feeling um a little bit more isolated than than usual I mean one
of the the things that that I've been involved in um during the early years of the um the pandemic there was an Australian um chap I think his name is Brady gun and he just had an idea to start at what he called a stand in the park um very Aussie Name by the way yeah isn't it great and he just suggested that all over the world people could gather at 10:00 in a Sunday morning for free and just it was just social you know if they possibly had a different view of things so um
and it's all over the world he has a website and there's a Facebook page with locations as well as the website no they're just all over the world and so that is a good place to look um I'd also suggest things like permaculture groups um People's Health Alliance uh in the UK we have people's food and farming Alliance that you can get involved in support the local farmers because they're having a very hard time here and in many countries whatever your particular interests are you know if it's anything to do with food growing that would
be a good place to go if you have any ability in the um in the health area if you're a therapist or practitioner People's Health Alliance I believe is now all over the world groups all the standing the part groups and also say to yourself set a clear intention I am connecting already with my perfect family frequency I'm connecting already present tense with my perfect family of frequency and it just happens it just happens and I use the infinity wave of Hope Fitzgerald you know to ease the flow I use aona Pono a lot you
know and that that works miracles I have to tell you so it eases the the challenge of day-to-day life to have these little things in your toolkit but certainly just setting a clear intention I live very much by intention through my days as well that you're going to link together with your perfect family frequency that that's a good way to go yeah Dr uh you Len passed away not too long ago actually the hon Upon A Prayer um such a beautiful and powerful prayer yeah the reason I ask as well was because um this podcast
I don't think many people know this but was actually birthed out of um some time ago now um every every two Fridays I would invite people over to my house to just shoot the on spirituality philosophy personal development uh Yan philosophy archetypes we' discuss all sorts of all sorts of things we'd sit we'd open with a meditation and just go to it and it was the only thing was it was chai chats in community um we'd given up alcohol and it was just and people were looking to just hang out and the chats were kind
of going all right now you and I are participating in some of those chats and it was called mandala moments and uh yeah sometimes it's just opening up your house and and and I think we often over complicate it you know and everyone I remember even running mandala moments now other people have their own chapters um around Australia running their mandal moments but really it was some part of me was a bit saddened and I probably shouldn't say like that but you know the fact isz I'm Indian it's just come over for a cup of
tea it's just it's just chai you know and it's just but it's a recurring chai um that everybody could just you could just drop in on um and the fact that we needed to sort of chapiz it to try and get people to connect in you know but nonetheless it's it doesn't have to be so complicated no it's a beautiful idea mandala moments I think it's a beautiful beautiful idea so yeah things like that if you connect to people in your local environment you just get together socially once a week or whatever but it lifts
your heart to think you human connection is one of the biggest things that the pandemic taught us was was so valuable because we were cut off from Human connection many of us who lived alone or whatever and that human connection is so precious and that's what that's what any kind of group will do bring you back to human connection very preci there's so much there's so much magic in it thank you I can't let you go today without looking at okay so we're moving into there's all this transition happening and then maybe it's just me
because I'm running this podcast but surely it's not the awareness around astrology also seems to be shifting for the collective I need your thoughts on that I would like your thought Aquarius it's very Aquarian because Aquarius is linked to astrology and it's ruled by Uranus the planet which is also linked to astrology so yes astrology will be going through a a boom time also frankly because people are going to need more guidance in all of this turbulence and change and endings and Beginnings they're going to need more guidance and there's a sense that astrology is
is more of a science um in terms of guidance than than perhaps other things and not to do those down I think some beautiful beautiful um people out there doing some beautiful guidance but astrology is seen as as more of a science because it's based on the astronomy um and so yes I think there there'll be a real blossoming of it and I think it's important to for the practitioner to have studied properly I mean I've been involved in a ology um taking all my qualifications for for about 50 years now and I'm still learning
I am still a student of astrology so you can't do a weekend course and kind of wing it um it's just too vast it's just too complicated and and and and also with the dwarf planets I'm learning more all the time about more of the out there and it's getting further and further out there so I think being properly qualified in your language and understanding is really really important because I see a lot of things on social media where I'm thinking I'm not I'm not so sure I'm not so sure so I because it you
have great spiritual responsibility I think as as a as an astrologer because people really do listen to your words and Words are Weapons and so I I just have a great sense of spiritual responsibilities but yes astrology will become a much bigger area of study and practice during the next 19 years for sure with Pluto in Aquarius yes for sure and it does offer wonderful guidance it's extremely practical hey there inspired Soul Pam has referenced heart maath a few times in this podcast and it's one of the things that I've been certified in amongst the
Jean Keys eart toll School of Awakening mind Valley positive intelligence so on and so forth one of the things I support people with is spiritual mentoring and Entrepreneurship coaching helping people live actualize their greatest purpose here on Earth it's an absolute blessing to be able to support people on that path I would love to help you if you feels like it might be something you might be interested in you don't have to take my word for it here's a few people that have transformed their lives through working with me oneon-one am is a fantastic coach
in a few sessions he got to a depth that I'd only experience before working with certain medicines he's gone through a lot of the struggles that you're probably facing and amit's been a really strong supportive figure in my journey in control of myself I'm kinder to myself I actually have that vision and a purpose I do feel like I'm a better version of myself already amazing energy he was easy to talk to which made me easy to trust him working with am at 9:00 on a Saturday morning and really always Bing out of bed whenever
I get off the calls with am best money we've ever spent I would not recommend him because I don't want everyone to know about him and then I won't be able to book him if he gets too busy I won't get my turn I would say absolutely there's no way you can work with amirit for a period of time without being transformed so if you're considering him as a coach do not hesitate cuz you won't be disappointed and so if that feels like something that's inspiring your Evolution onwards upwards and inwards then feel free to
book in a call with myself no obligations it's just a call we can have a chat amirit sand.com call that's amirit sand.com SLC and yeah if you're feeling cold I'd love to see you there and dive in even deeper and for those that do want to go deeper and like you know I'm sure some people tuning into this podcast are probably itching to want to dive deeper into whether they want to understand astrology but how do you recommend they they go about that part yeah because everything's sort of online there um I mean I studied
at the faculty of astrological studies in London for eight years then went on to do a master's course which was brilliant um the chap who was teaching that is no longer with us sadly but you can either do something like the faculty of astrological studies that is very traditional it's highly respected very traditional they now have an online course there is the um astrology University online run by Tony Howard that's excellent you can take oneof podcast or do a whole curriculum the London School of astrology run by the brilliant astrologer Frank Clifford that's online now
um and I I think again I'm not sure he offers oneoff podcast he may I think he does actually but also a whole curriculum so those are some very good online options of very high quality that I would I would easily recommend to people there others there the American Association of astrology but I'm I'm less familiar with that those three I've mentioned I am familiar with and I would really recommend thank you so much for for that I think that'll be very useful for some of the people that are tuning in and are inclin to
to dive in [Music] deeper Sam so overarchingly the message for 2025 is it's an exciting time it's an it's a time of transition I'm also hearing that there's a lot dis integrating there's a lot emerging um it's yeah it's going to be a tough time to sort of stay grounded in but that it makes what we need to do for ourselves to basically come back to our spiritual practices and stay grounded am I summarizing it somewhat effectively what have I left out what would you like to say um before we thank you for that that's
a great summary um I I would really say Let It disintegrate don't give it your focus and attention let it disintegrate don't give life support to what is already dying and meant to be dying so that we can move into this much much better world so let it disintegrate put all of your focus into creating and creating from the heart that's what will that's what will bring us the better World faster the beautiful new Earth so yeah but it was that was a beautiful summary thank you am I think you summarized that really well for
those that want to connect deeper to your work p obviously the YouTube channel is abundant in Rich information and it's one of my favorite places to to just crawl away and hide on the internet every now and then so obviously I'll put a link to the show notes below uh to your channel in the show notes below anything else that you recommend um if people want to tune in to more P that's the main way I'm really focusing on my YouTube channel um because videos can reach a large number of people very quickly um and
so I feel I can support people best that way so I've backed off a lot from the writing for the moment so yeah YouTube channel is the way to go I'm very active also on Facebook two pages on Facebook but I'd recommend the videos principally you know I'm doing them really regularly at the moment to to help to support everybody so yeah I've noticed I've noticed and thank you so much for doing that because I know you can feel it emanating from every video it's a total labor of love um and I think maybe it's
just me um back to where I started today's podcast I feel so much love emanating from the videos and it feels very person like I I receive a lot from it personally um but then as I was sharing to you earlier there's a lot of great people in my community that also you know have a really really soft spot for the work that you're putting out into the world and that is to say thank you obviously for today your time your energy sharing yourself so abundantly with us but nonetheless it'd be I don't know how
to else to say it just PS and comparison to to what you're doing like you said this is 50 years probably some lifetimes in there as well this is your heart's offering and just sharing it with us so abundantly I'm so grateful for you as always Pam thank you so much for you I've loved the conversation am you always ask great questions and and you share from the heart too so bless you it's been a wonderful connection I've really enjoyed it today thank you so much for the opportunity thank you much love everybody thank you
for being [Music] here just really looking forward to it am lovely you you're too kind thanks for putting up with me another time the the conversation we had last time I think was my best interview ever ever because of the questions you asked I I truly thought it was the best interview I'd ever done it was because of the questions you asked so I truly you know straight up so um oh my goodness that's the peak of my day you just you ask great questions and you're also a great listener you're a great listener so
you let me just brain dump so um I I live for you I live for your brain Dums and it's it's it's um one thing I will say is it's really remarkable watching how many different like especially with the topic of Innovations how many different things are in so many different fields and yet it's almost like you have an elemental understanding of things and you pull them together and it all like it all makes sense it's like ah well that's intuitive when you when you describe it that way but it's not to the lay person
at face value and I find in the conversation I'm I'm surfing that quite well with you it's but it's profound as it's happening the astrology is so helpful because it gives us the kind of pillars of meaning that underpin our individual reality in our world it gives you the deeper pillars of meaning you know beneath all the froth yeah that's why it's so helpful hey I didn't know you doing so much work with Vader and in fact we got Vader on the podcast thanks to I think you and I were chatting about her in in
their last podcast she sees water as God Consciousness God Consciousness you know phenomenal Primal it's underlying Absolut abely every piece of evolution in in the universe I I think she's astonishing it was wonderful to spend four days with her and um but she's now this year she's going to the Egyptian pyramids to test the water there she's doing some work she's trying to get water from Antarctica yeah um and that will be fascinating because done so far she's picking up the same symbolism in the water in the crystallography from Antarctica that she is in ancient
Egypt and she hasn't even got so that's some very interesting stuff I mean she's just mind-blowing so um yeah watch this space with Vader she's beautiful yeah definitely and it also seems like you're picking up a lot from um Dr David Clemens that seems to have left quite an impression on you too huge and I stumbled across him I I don't know how I even found him and because he's a he's he's extremely quiet little humble English guy you know he's not a loud person and he was just burrowing away in mainstream Academia in the
UK theoretical physicist and he'd done his PhD on string theory and then his life started to to change as the galactic being started to connect with him and he became very very good at remote viewing and he can bilocate now so he goes up on the ships and he talks about this in incredibly humble ways I you'll find the video on my YouTube channel it's the last one I almost the last one I did and the Technologies he is developing with Galactic Health are regenerative you can buy them have them in your home and they
because you know so many of the electrification things that are happening are so degenerative for us but his devices are regenerative and so but he is just going in Leaps and Bounds because he's even getting beings from Far star galaxies way beyond our own Galaxy that are now coming in to speak to him and guide him and they give give him a kind of quantum monad a Quantum dump concept of what they want him to build and then with his physics knowledge he has to borrow away and sort of unravel this this this monad that's
been given to him to develop and they guide him along the way and he also does some Exquisite um free meditations on his patreon channel to help people connect to Source by the Infinity Point in the Sacred Heart and he he he's all about empowering people he never wants people to say oh but easy you know you can do this and you've got all G galactic no if I can do it you can do it and so he's empowering people in every moment he's he's a beautiful man I mean the the comments I've got on
that video are just stratospheric because because he's so authentic you know he's so authentic and so humble I imagine we might actually I'd be open to that actually that we share the Earth outside of our visible and auditory frequencies but I just don't know but I I could believe that you know like that's for I mean a good friend of mine who's an American astrologer Martha alter Hines she channels the inner earth beings what are in Earth beings well she would give you a better answer than I would but you know they're almost Tolen type
type beings you know we've got Galactic beings out there and we've got the inner earth beings who who live deep in the earth she Channel beings who are under mount Chasta and again extremely advanced intelligence um way ahead of us and they live in kind of crystalline World crystalline trees crystalline food inside the earth and she communicates with them all the time and this is going to happen more and more that we you and and they've always been there but as you say am we're losing the veils it's not they are new it's that we
are shedding the veils to be able to your work is so important because you're Connecting People you are creating your family frequency you're connecting people this is absolutely what you're doing and so these these online communities are so important so Aquarian Network and so important right now because they're part of the evolutionary picture so you know God bless you for what you're doing because you're a big a big voice a big part of it inspired Soul Lumen being you made it through to the end of another incredible episode thank you so much I truly love
Pam's Vibes and I can trust you do too because you've made it all the way through to the end of this episode thank you so much for your Inspirations to evolve it is such an honor to be your brother walking this path by your side now to all of you that are subscribed to the channel I just want to take a moment out to thank you thank you so much for your incredible love and support like I say everything around here absolutely everything is powered and empowered by your subscription to this channel thank you so
much for your loving support to all of you that haven't yet subscribed please do take a moment as I'm saying the words subscribe the Subscribe button below is lighting up in the colors of the inspired Evolution please hit that button hit the Bell notification icon join the movement it helps everything we're doing here championing love positivity and wisdom around the planet your support is invaluable thank you so much now in today's conversation with Pam we discussed a lot of incredible things Vader Austin and her insights on water and God Consciousness Richard Rudd and the 55th
Jean key and the prophecy there that's being lived out between 2025 and 2026 7 and Greg Braden and the intelligence of the heart we've done episodes with all these incredible guests on the inspired Evolution podcast and they're on screen for you now so go on take your pick make your click and I will see you in the next one inspired to evolve onwards upwards and inwards I'll see you there come one
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