Mental Control of the Energy Field (by Manly P. Hall) Lecture

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we have already mentioned somewhat the problem of magnetism but this evening it might be well to go a little further into this subject for certain practical purposes that may ultimately have a considerable bearing upon the practice of therapy in the modern world we are all becoming increasingly aware that what we call the science or art of medicine is coming inevitably to a dead end this does not mean that the physician will no longer be useful or that they will no longer be need for healing from various levels of human needs the dead end is a
materialistic limitation upon the concept of therapy it is not going to be possible to continue to lock from our consideration those parts of man's constitutions which are real though invisible nor shall we be able to indefinitely neglect an investigation of those forces around us which though unseen have a continuing effect upon our lives it is astonishing that our research is and electricity have not done more for us in terms of open research into the field of electrical energy we are still without an adequate definition of the word electricity itself and we are certainly without an
adequate understanding of the nature and substance of this energy assuming that such knowledge is not available to man we have contented ourselves to define horses according to their actions all the consequences which they produce and have been willing to remain indolent so far is exploring this actual nature of these forces perhaps under the general assumption of an annette inevitable defeat that we may not be able to know these substances or energies due to the inability of our own faculties to grasp their meaning or to explore their operations and laws yet from early time men have
intuitively sent that which they were not always able to rationally describe or explain and among these were possessed intuition on this subject a quantity of knowledge has come to be accumulated this knowledge is largely true but this is one of those so-called unfortunate truth for those who have held to such truth are themselves persecuted humiliated or ridiculed like Paul they are burst out of time they belong to a generation of greater enlightenment than our own researches into the nature and substance of magnetism or related matter bearing upon this may be traced as early as the
time of Pythagoras in the West and will certainly known at a still earlier date in India in China yet it was not until comparatively recent time that any serious effort has been made to apply the principles set forth by these earlier thinkers to the living problem of modern man one of the pioneers of this unfortunate truth of magnetism was the celebrated Anton Mesmer miss month had an unfortunate personality and this can often complicate the attainment of even the most brilliant and sincere person being somewhat of a controversial is belligerent and quick to anger he brought
down upon himself a great deal of unnecessary trouble in an area where there was sufficient necessary trouble to have occupied his time as the result of his own somewhat theatrical bearing and flair he opened himself to considerable ridicule and persecution yet substantially his findings have been sustained and more serious quiet and demure persons have carried his work far beyond the degree which he had attained why mesma should have originally placed most of his essential concepts in cipher and cold is not perhaps entirely clear he may have had a mercenary intention where he was not above
such consideration he may have decided that this type of information should be circulated only among those who were his students and to whom he would supply the necessary key to the cold fortunately of course the cold has long since been deciphered and we are in fair knowledge of his essential findings Mesmer advanced his principal beliefs in what are called 27 propositions these unfold more or less sequentially his findings and to read them is to recognize his indebtedness through the earlier works of Paracelsus 109 there is also a legend that the mysterious count saint-germain assisted Mesmer
in the formulation of his doctrine in any event and his findings were based upon the earliest concepts of magnetism that have descended to us from primitive peoples and from the oldest recorded time it is not necessary for our purpose to examine all of the 27 proposition what the sake of accuracy I would like to read to you the first and second proposition which I do think has a bearing upon our problem receiving if I have any trouble in reading it is because I scratched it hastily and I'm not always able to decipher by own cryptogram
but I will do the best that I can his first proposition is there exists a mutual influence between the heavenly bodies the earth and living bodies that is what he calls his first proposition the second is the extension of this to the field with which we are concerned a fluid universally diffused and continued so as to admit no vacuum whose subtil 'ti is beyond all comparison and which from its nature is capable of receiving propagating and communicating all of the impressions of motion is the medium of this influence so these are here two basic propositions
or hypotheses he follows as we have said the concept of Paracelsus and the errors that what we call the atmosphere or the intervals between planets and Suns on luminaries that this entire area is filled with a mysterious fluidic substance this perhaps is the famous ocean of Baileys upon which he believed the earth floating and according to him earthquakes were caused by someone rocking the boat now this might again be closer to the truth than we know if we consider this field of magnetic energy motion is already suspected the seismic upheavals may be due to electric
or magnetic causes this also may be the mysterious scene described by Heraclitus who declared that souls coming into generation first passed into a strange humid substance moist but invisible we can close the earth and which to a measure at least communicated itself to the earth through the precipitation of rain this humidity carried by water was however separate from and superior to the fluid in which it was carried the properties described water as consisting of a mass of Manute solid dry units and that the flow of water was the falling of these you it's over each
other in an endless concatenation all of these speculations carry us likewise to the belief that the Sun was the principal source and regulator of the magnetic fields of the solar system and that by extension all energy or magnetic motion arose from the Sun and that its alternation variation polarization fluxes and in fluxes were due to motion tides or various changes upon the Sun or within the construction there are we would be inclined to go a little way along this road in recognition in recognizing the effect of sunspots which would represent therefore some change upon the
surface of the Sun which produce mark modification on the earth and among the creatures that inhabit the earth when we know that sunspot Maxima are carefully and eternally noted in the rings of trees we can also realize that this phenomena does have certain terrestrial significance Mesmer then went with Paracelsus to the theory that as all forms in nature exist within this humidity magnetic field that all these forms likewise have a magnetism of their own have their own magnetic fields which are subservient to that of the earth and the Sun and also are subject to a
certain modify negative influence from that solar light which is reflected from the surface of the Moon which forms a different kind of magnetic energy that the human body should be thus supported by a magnetic field was evidently known to people also in the past many individuals have existed who possess some degree of native psychism who had a measure of vision beyond that of the more conservative humans these have recorded continuously through the centuries the appearance of a light vapor or field of energy surrounding the human body which has come in mysticism to be called an
aura but which might just as easily be regarded as a magnetic field under certain conditions almost anyone can to a degree perceive this aura or can become aware and sensitive to its existence and it is quite possible that this magnetic field is very important as impossible means of communication between man and other forms of life in nature which communication up to the present time has been considered impossible the magnetic field of the human body has st. Thomas Aquinas pointed out possibly basing his researches upon those of his teacher Albertus Magnus as he is fused in
the body were subject to time were subject to motions of one kind or another our Bertus Magnus pointed out that the fluids in the brain were controlled also tidally by the motion of the moon thus it is conceivable that at least three probably more types of pull or push pressures may be found operating magnetism one of these of course is the Sun which in its motions and in its various internal mutations certainly affects magnetism affects the earth in many ways and it is probably the magnetic field rather than the actual light which is responsible for
the phenomenon of the season there is also a mutation or influence resulting from the refresh a reflection of light from the Sun on the surface of the Moon and its final descent to the earth this type of magnetism has been noted to be noxious and according to old magician's was used by sorcerers in the attainment of their diabolical end the third type of influence might arise directly from the earth itself which has its own internal motions and mutations and is subject like all other living creatures through gradual alternation of magnetic polarity plus we today recognize
the two poles of the earth one Geographic and the other magnetic the magnetic field of the earth has been considered to some degree we are not entirely unaware of it nor have we forgotten what the Chinese learned when they experimented with the compass we know that magnetic currents of some kind do exist but for some reason we have never directly attempted to apply them to therapy except in the case of a few extraordinary and regarded as the range researchers the magnetic field of the body itself may therefore be similarly described as that of the Sun
namely that it is a the Witek material fluidic to our comprehension we're probably not fluidic in its own nature it gives the impression of a fluid but it is far more subtle than any fluid that we know I think Messmer's turned it fluidic because he perceived within the substance of its certain tidal motion certain a being and flowing which we associate with a liquid of some kind but it might just as well be associated with these magnetic patterns which seem to lie beneath the surface of frost pictures on a windowpane this more was convinced that
this magnetic material form not only a natural field around man but was the large major the basis of a certain protection in other words a person in who the magnetic field was strong and was normally sustained apparently had greater resistance against the dangers of infection or many ailments which might otherwise afflict us the reference to contagion and infection is rather important we must assume that all forms of bacterial life regardless of their size or structure are also magnetic units this does not mean they have no other existence but it does mean that anything that exists
does possess magnetism as they mean not only of its existence but of its animation thus also infection may be said to have a magnetic existence and the corruption of flesh is a magnetic process just as surely as we might regard it as the result of poisoning blood poisoning or something of that nature if therefore a person's magnetic field be strong it is quite conceivable that it would repel the magnetic fields of bacterial organism causing some degree of immunity is not complete immunity and there are numerous records which cannot be explained a person immune to ailments
who may even be carriers of those ailments but will not be affected by them there are also many interesting evidences and records such as that referred to by Sir camel and Digby one of the great positions of the first Elizabethan period in connection with moons and the development of his remedy the weapon saw by means of which he was able to assist the healing of a wound by destroying certain magnetic substances from the weapon causing the wound such may seem to be highly exaggerated report some of them probably are exaggerated but once man gets hold
of an idea he is very likely to abuse it particularly when it is so abstract that the practical checking is practically impossible in any event however the possibility of the magnetic field of the human body serving as a protection against evil is possible and quite probable also that this magnetic field is further divided within itself so that miniature fields around all the principles vital organs and parts of the body and that this magnetism in the marrow of the bone and that it also flows through the nervousness these points are worth noting Mesmer himself directly associated
magnetism with the nervous system requiring that it definitely circulated through the body by means of the nerve and that they contain within themselves this mysterious semifluid substance invisible and entirely absence absent in the dead but are available in the living and controllable by those who know knew how to operate the magnetic law the Mesmer went still further in affirming that the principal source of derangement within the body might be claimed to have magnetic origin he of course gives us some further moral suggestions and others have also supplemented this and we will come to that in
a moment we are dealing now merely with the mechanical aspect of the subject thus it would follow that the human being is not only subject to the law of nature but is subject to the polarized activity of solar magnetism perhaps this is what Plato implied when he declared that the earth and its people pass through alternating periods of fertility and sterility and that these periods correspond to the ages of the Ancients these periods may likewise correspond to the UGA's of India the divisions into various degrees of spiritual fertility with which of the ancient brow measured
the duration of the world in periods of sterility as Plato points out not only does vegetation and all of the natural qualities of the earth languish to some degree but there is a marked deterioration in the life of human beings in periods of sterility he points out there are not many great and true leaders there are not many enlightened mystics and philosophers there are few indeed great artists musicians and creators in these periods of magnetic sterility the human being loses something of his overtone and therefore finds the struggle to solve the mystery of his own
existence far greater than in more fertile periods when however the solar system moves into an era of fertility all things flourish and the vegetation becomes more abundant and with the vegetation but consciousness of man becomes more notably elevated and he is more creative and productive not only in the physical matters of life but he knows which relate to the mind the heart the emotion and the soul in such periods in the magnetic field and may be related to the Sun it is likewise evidence that there must be lesser cycles moving within this greater one one
such cycle would be that of the moon another of the earth itself and still other cycles imposed by the very duration of the human structure and by the various seasons of life has referable to the seven ages of man and to the clime actrix which marked the various divisions of human life the specimen tells us the available magnetism at any given time may not be the same as at some other time these currents with their various tidal motions may bring abundance or scarcity and we might wonder perhaps the possible relationship between this humid or peculiar
subtle fluid and the researchers now being carried on in atomic fission it is quite conceivable that if there should be damage or danger rising from the development of these of electronic and atomic explosive but this danger might lie in their disturbance of the magnetic field if they succeed in disturbing the magnetic field of the earth the effect will very likely be conveyed to the magnetic field of man therefore he will not experience his difficulties from the outside but will experience them in terms of his own available energy and it has been noted even up to
now that experimentation in this field has been accompanied by notable D vitalization among many persons and has permitted ailments to advance more rapidly due to the D vitality of the patient all these matters must sometime come to general light although they are now obscured by an indifference on the part of most of our learning people considering the problem of magnetism still further Mesmer pointed out but just as the year has its seasons so likewise there are seasons within the life of man he is not only subject to the winter around them but the winter is
within him he has not only affected for the great cycling motions of the universe but by smaller cycles based upon the fact that he is himself a miniature world a microcosm in whose constitution all larger processes are reproduced in miniature there is also a sense a sympathy between these larger processes and their miniatures in man so that all of nature is bound together in one vast pattern and governed by rules for which there are no exception the magnetic field of man is also we are told by the ancients particularly subject to the moods of man
and just as it is possible that Universal mutation are due to universal moves moves of aspects of cosmic life or mind about which we have no comprehension so it is more immediately demonstrable that the various changes in the attitude and dispositions of human beings are immediately reflected in the magnetic field of the body and that this reflection perhaps is the very basis of the operation of the law of compensation as this is applied to these activities and conduct of mankind if then these magnetic field can be distorted from their normal function their motions their rhythm
their endings and flowing disturbed by man's own contributions in form of mental or emotional intensity it must naturally follow that we have here the basis for a morality we have the basis for probably the most essentially certain code of conduct which it is capable for us to know what's possible for us to know for example give any attitude results in an unfortunate mutation in the magnetic field that attitude must be wrong so far as man is concerned any thought or emotion which is harmful to his energy resources must be contrary to the intentions of the
law by which he is controlled or directed for all such negative mutations must contribute ultimately to sickness and possibly ultimate death thus if man's conduct is under the censorship of its effect upon his magnetic curve then we begin to perceive a means of clarifying or organizing a code which not only must apply to the relations between persons in this world but must also protect the the energy resources of the individual performing various actions or holding various attitudes this in turn points up one of the strongest positions in the magnetic Theory the moment it is conceived
to be possible that man's energies can be influenced by his conduct we then begin to approach a field of therapy for we have established a valid law a law by which we can develop certain propositions beliefs ideas method for the practical administration of that law we mentioned before this idea of the river and the water for yours and that's someone discovering the tide of emotions or the flowing of the river resolved to improve his own estate by putting a wheel there and allowing the waters to turn his wheel and thus activate certain instruments or implements
which in use in the same way once we become aware of the laws of magnetism we are able to use this substance for certain advantages these advantages we hope will not prove to be economic but they can very definitely contribute to our well being or to advance some form of our way of life if these fields can be more thoroughly explored we shall then begin to recognize a number of practical working solutions let's must suggested a few and based upon his concepts we can point out his idea that each person having a magnetic field and
two persons coming close together if these fields are sympathetic the magnetism flows not from one person to the other but through both person creating thereby a sympathy or an ability to be near with comfort if however these magnetic fields are antagonistic then the magnetism of each person is turned back upon himself the result being an instinctive antipathy a failure of friendship or a failure of a desire to become acquainted with someone it is also suspected that so-called inanimate objects have magnetic field and recent experimentation with certain hypnotic drugs by means of which temporary psychic vision
was artificially produced show has shown that certain things which we regarded as inanimate do have a life or energy of their own but therefore we may discover magnetism in rocks that we may find it in wood even after it has been built into a table that we will discover it in foodstuffs even after they have been cooked that we shall find traces of magnetism everywhere and that this magnetism may also be traced in terms of sound hashish eaters of the Near East and India those using this drug report that they can see words coming from
persons mouths and that these words have form and energy radiations the power or the creative expression of the spoken word or the creative word of a p.m. may thus have more validity than we have been inclined to recognize any unit of vibration has a magnetic equivalent and this may go still further it is it is conceivable that ideas have magnetic fields that archetypal pattern whether in nature or in man are magnetic that dream experiences are more or less sustained by magnetic energies and that many a very subtle thing are actually magnetized in one way or
another Paracelsus pointed out the magnetism of geometric forms patterns and solids and other experimenters have found the magnetic emanations related to color and have also been aware that colors create certain areas of conditioning within a magnetic structure so does music and practically every expression of art as its magnetic equivalents thus the subject which seems to start as a rather small and perhaps highly specialized one develops gradually into a large and general theme for the moment however let us consider the possible effect of the intricate psychological pattern of man's behavior upon his magnetic structure and man
has moved these moods may be likened to the moods of nature around him within man there may arise tempest there may be terrible volcanic eruption there may be periods of dharam there may be exceedingly high temperature or low temperature all kinds of things can occur which influence the climate of the human personality all these influences react upon the magnetic energies available to the sustaining of the body if these reactions are excessive or if man's mental or emotional pressures pollute his magnetic reservoir it is obvious that his body may in time be corrupted thus habits may
be measured in terms of their influence upon magnetism all the possibility that their regular turn or reoccur may cause the gradual depletion of the energy available to certain functions of the human body Paracelsus was convinced that the diseases of man constitute a formula that this formula means that there is a relationship an exact and specific relationship between the various aspects of man's consciousness and the afflictions which burden his flesh he did not feel that we could merely say that man's attitude poisoned his magnetic core and then this poison merely distributed itself through the body wrecking
havoc here and there he held that each attitude as a particular event and that this effect in turn will be symbolically set forth through a particular function process structural organs within the human body thus all intemperance of all their complex and diversified orders and kind may be directly related as causes of ailments and the appearance of certain ailments may thereby by reverse procedure bear witness to certain intemperance ease in the life of man whether these intemperance 'iz are recognised or not out of this thinking has come a doctrine which is somewhat reminiscent of that of
the Indian yoga namely that salvation for all things lies in non-interference the moment man blocks our obstruct the processes of the universe he is sick if this sickness does not immediately affect his body it affects his emotion causing him to be unhappy or to suffer stressed or stream these likewise being forms of sickness then therefore must in the greatest degree possible maintain the harmony of those attributes of his own nature by which the fields of energy which surround him can be over influence the old mystics reported a considerable color symbolism in the magnetic field and
this has been sustained by the findings of dr. Killman it is therefore possible to say that the moods of the individual result in color mutation in the magnetic aura or energy field that these mutations may also take on geometric or symbolic form that every attitude of man has a kind of existence in magnetism as an artist artificially created creature on such creatures were the Elementary's of Paracelsus as distinguished from elementals elementals were to him the nature spirit Elementary's were beings created by the intemperate seas of man and given a survival or existence within his own
magnetic field and these in turn became parasites living upon the magnetism which should have been directed to the pursuit and development of useful functions these so called thought or energy forms have been to some degree classified and examined and it becomes increasingly certain that man can cause vortices or structures within the magnetic field and that these vortices and structures can never decided an important influence upon his life next in the importance in this consideration is one which perhaps we should all think about after an thrombus month of past from the stage of Public Interest his
successors and followers continued to examine his theories with considerable thoughtfulness and care and gradually the various instruments or implements which he used in the production of magnetic crises especially his celebrated magnetic tub came to be discarded it was evidence as pointed out for the French Academy in the last quarter of the 19th century that no such implements were necessary that magnetism required no devices required no machines for its operation that it could be most successfully operated by the simple action of the human will and that where this will was directed the magnetic currents could be
mutated or caused to change their general course and direction I'm using the word mutation here in the sense of Nesmith and not according to certain modern usages mutation meant to the ancients a change or modification within a structure in this meaning then mesmo created a system and supported that system by means of certain instruments it was later decided that these instruments were important only because mesmo thought they were he created devices because he was still bound the concept that therapy required machinery that there had to be some physical structure for the controlling and directing of
the magnetic agent he accomplished this direction not by the instrument but by his belief in the instrument not by the machinery but by his own mental activity in which he preconceived the effects of his own treatment thus he was actually using mine but the machine which he devised became a catalyst for his attention an object upon which he gave faith or importance and as a result of that used it to focus what might otherwise not have been a sufficiently intensive belief in the value of validity of his process as soon as it became evident that
it was no longer necessary to use such instrument it was then rather obvious that the magnetic agent was strongly under the influence of the mind this again would go back to the older theories because in the Greek and classical philosophy the mind the controlling mind of the universe was the mind of deity and it was through the medium of magnetism that certain mental energies of the deity were disseminated or distributed as through currents or as by means of channels by which the energy could reach into the most remote areas of space magnetism assumes that this
energy is not strictly pre moving but while it is everywhere and in everything it is channeled and that within space itself are certain processes or channels by means of which the free motion of energy retains a form or a kind and is not dissipated we have the same concept today for in broadcasting a radio program we know that the program does not pass in its visible or audible form from the sending station to the receiving station but that it is transformed into waves of energy and that these waves of energy retain their own organization they
are not like another drop of water dropped into water that is instantly dispelled whether it seems as though they might be drops of water dropped into oil where they remain isolated and retain their own form and structure or perhaps we can liken them to the grooms on a photograph record or without these rules without this systematic process by means of which the sounds of vibrations are held in this case upon the substance of the record they could not be reproduced thus in nature the magnetic substance also supplies this medium of carriage and later became associated
with the great so called medium of science the hypothetical substance ether which was used without much understanding to explain other mysteries still less understood in the development therefore of this concept mine was able to direct magnetism mine was able to direct magnetism from a person to another person and for all that we or Mesmer could know this mind was capable of projecting magnetism to an indefinite distance this indefinite distance perhaps constituting the sympathy which has been recorded between persons at a great distance who still were conscious or aware of the actions of other as in
the case perhaps of a death of Lord Nelson where at the time he died at Trafalgar Lady Hamilton fell in a swoop in England declaring that Nelson was dead this sympathy according to Paracelsus was due to the possibility of the projection of the mind in the field of magnetism and would simply be a very rarefied attenuated of parallel to our concept of radio transmission magnetism may then likewise be controlled or directed within the body of the individual by the mind of that individual meaning that magnetism can be intensified in one part of the body or
another according as need may arise this stuff will subtle substance but therefore be molded as a child moulds sand in the sandbox that it could be directed by an action of the power of the coalition of the animal will and could be caused to be greater in one part of the body than in another or could be reduced in one area so as to affect whatever remedy might be needed nature apparently has done this itself and here is an interesting theory about which we may hear more sometimes here militia consciousness and mind are the peculiar
agent by means of which magnetism can be drawn then in all probability nature has set up pain mechanism for that purpose in other words pain causes acute awareness pain causes the individual to turn his attention upon the area where the pain exists pain accompanies many forms of injury and pain seems to be a subconscious natural remedy by means of which healing materials are drawn to the area with the attention of the sufferer pain sets up a local voice a local vibratory rate and to this area with which we have become peculiarly aware through pain energy
as a tendency to flow as an example of the truth of this particular point we can mention that hypnosis will cause the person to be unaware of pain in an area or become aware of a pain in some other area where it does not exist therefore pain is essentially a mental phenomena this phenomena furthermore has to do with the need of energy and wherever this pain occurs or is set up the person gains a greater awareness of that particular area in the old researches as a simile is through the man who hits his thumb with
a hammer so that instantly magnetism moved into that area actually for a moment the individual forgets himself and remembers only as done his consciousness centers upon is thumb and with the center of consciousness moves the energy or magnetism therefore a very heavy congestion of magnetism containing necessary elements of energy gather at this point as the pain reside resides the individual unless aware of this particular area and is no longer conscious that it is giving him problem other things besides a pain can cause the gathering of energy if these other things are not relevant if there
is no real need of energy in the area to which it is suddenly drawn in an exaggerated way it will set up tension or hypertension we know in the pharmacopoeia that there are certain medications which if taken by healthy persons will make them safe but if taken by persons suffering from certain ailments will assist to remedy that ailment or will bring immediate relief it is for example rather well noted that a person suffering from extreme pain may use certain narcotics with comparative safety but if he uses them without the pain he is very likely to
become addicted to narcotics in magnetism the same principle seems to hold true wherever man turns his attention particularly within his own body he is apt to embarrass this rather shy and retiring structure for instance the man will become stomach conscious or who becomes too much interested in some function of the body is likely to disturb that function by going to it energy which is not required a singer becoming too conscious of the structure of the throat and the technique of voice production will have difficulty in singing and will lock his voice whereas if he becomes
completely absorbed in his view and becomes unaware of his own existence he will sing with relaxation these seem to indicate not mere tension but tension drawing materials and these materials not being necessary cause a super abundance which in itself becomes a difficulty if however these materials are desperately needed for some remedial process then the search centering of energy brings with it relief and help we might go so far as to suspect that egoism or egotism excessive self-centeredness upon the concept of a goal or upon the concept of self may cause tension in this area and
maybe and maybe one of the causes of why the egotist is seldom a happy a well-adjusted person centering energy where it is not necessary where it literally and actually does more harm than good energy to be is to be centered only for emergency and when it is otherwise centered it is a little value also the magnetic field becomes an immediate carrier of mental impulse much more rapid much more powerful than any conscious process can be a good example of this is learning to play the piano the individual must go through a considerable preliminary period of
training the purpose of the training be to gradually eliminate hand consciousness as long as he must guide his hands by an active process of volition he will be slow and stumbling in his music whenever he reaches the point where the hands react automatically to the impulses of the mind and will so that they become have the comparatively unknown to him but serve him effectively then he becomes a more satisfactory artist it seems then that and mental energy can be carried almost instantaneously to any part of the body where it is needed and that this subjective
method of communication with the parts of the body is more necessary and more important than any conscious willing of these parts to perform a specific action the next point again follows from these and that is that the mind being able to direct energy is subject to certain limitations and infirmities of its own by means of we the direction of energy may be wrong or may miscarry or in the case of the magnetic Gila there is always the possibility that a preconception of the nature of the ailment a faulty diagnosis and in man for the use
of energy in a certain way may bring the patient difficulty rather than improvement it is therefore true in this as in all other things that the energy field of the patient must determine the patient's need and not the intellectual attitudes of the physician this is subtle and takes away from the field some of its most interesting aspects we are curtail in our glorious privilege of exerting mind over matter we are no longer set up as arbitrary determinants of what others need we have so long attempted to diagnose by formula by tradition by precedent and by
certain schools of technique that it has not occurred to us that the magnetic field of the patient is a living diagnosis at all times you may remember of course the charming story a Cesar's column by Ignatius Donnelly in this story which anticipates the progress of man into the future with something of the spirit of Edmund Bellamy but perhaps not quite so optimistic and invention his describe resembling a watch which the individual can wear as he would a watch and can look at it whenever he feels like it look at his watch and say who a
little bilious today that this magnetic instrument small but powerful will enable him to tell at any time the condition of his own health the operation of the instrument of course depends upon magnitude this has not yet quite been perfected we might have done it by now and we not been more interested in reaching Mars or one of the other members of the remote solar family but it is still conceivable that such a device could be devised and it is even more important to remember that the magnetic field of the body must always present the true
and inevitable condition of that body therefore it is not the mind of the individual who is judging nor is it the mind the patient who is explaining his symptoms it is actually the state of the electric current of the body and their relation to the needs of the occasion thus the tendency to create a highly arbitrary system of therapy is to a measure checked and we begin to consider the various moral and ethical involvement the individual can recover only when he ceases to cause his own sickness if he ceases to cause it he in all
probabilities will be gradually relieved of its symptoms unless the damage has gone too far then he may be assisted or he may be beyond the systems as the case may be but certainly the condition of the body is the result of a certain psychic pattern pressed upon the body by what daily calls a seal the seal of the composite archetype of the character itself the magnet is approaching this as only one of two or three courses open you must either develop that kind of internal sight by means of which he can read the magnetic field
accurately and this particular ability is not always possible he has a second rapport and that is to merely provide the body with an additional amount of energy derived either from his own body or from some adequate source of magnet there is a third possibility and this is perhaps the one that can come the closest to our present comprehension and that is that it is conceivable and possible for the individual to feel or to sense without see to know as though intuitively the condition of the magnetic field of another person he thus is given the impulse
it may come into him and be interpreted with extraordinary clarity in some cases magnet ist's have actually actually experienced in various parts of their bodies the very pains from which their patient suffered more than usually however it is a kind of mental recognition a recognition like a flash of inspiration a recognition which is a sudden knowing which would seem to imply in turn that the magnetic field of the other person was capable of sending a message or transmitting a message which flowing into the magnetic field of the physician was transformed into a mental idea many
so-called magnetic healers of modern times have described their abilities to diagnose as being this intuitive method or this extraordinary circumstance of suddenly feeling in the corresponding part of their own bodies the ailments from which the sufferer complain this type of cognition is itself apparently a transmission of magnetism to the nervous system the next interesting phase of our problem begins the study of what can we do to take the place of thinking in order to control by the mind or by some attribute of consciousness the function of the magnetic field either our own or someone else's
early in the 19th century it was pointed out that certain broad general attitude seemingly caused broad and genuine changes within magnetic structure and entirely apart from their interest in theology these researchers came very close to the opinion of st. Paul as expressed in Corinthians for it was learned through experience that the three most powerful emotional or mental projections by means of which therapy could be attained in the magnetic field were the three attitudes of faith hope and love these were therapeutic ain't destroyed love restore faith is built or created fear or lack of faith destroyed
Oh were they create a despair the destroyer no another conscious living these various attitudes tumble about in almost constant confusion at one moment we are hopeful in the next we are fearful in one moment we have faith and in another moment we are faithless but let us assume certain principles and see whether they make sense perhaps better sense than we suspect during the last fifty years perhaps a little more the civilizations which have led the world for centuries I've gradually developed a powerful materialistic complex or culture until today the leaders in our various walks of
life are very often persons of little faith they have not recognized the importance of strong constructive belief in terms of health having lost much of their religious Anchorage and having no firm ethical structure to take its place or to even help to compensate for its loss we find it quite conceivable that the general the general lowering of the level of simple faith paid in good faith in right faith in true faith in God that the losses in these forms of faith might very well result in a general dilemma relating to magnetism if the absence of
faith is a loss and if criticism in the place of faith is little less than a destroyer of energy then negative attitudes as they become more prominent should cause us to be more exhausting and I suspect that if we have a very accurate poll taken at this time more persons with complain of being tired than ever before in history this tyre is not due to labor or we have never probably had as great a possibility of leisure as we have now our exhaustion we credit through psychic fatigue and recognize it as a major ailment if
the fatigue itself bears witness to a depletion or a wrong tidal motion or even to the reversal of the current of a magnetic field we may then assume that the tremendously increasing sense of doubt of insecurity of downright fear combined with a loss of a natural tendency to cultivate sensitive constructive attitudes that the direct machinery by which our attitudes affect our flesh may be through the magnetic field we may also assume that a collective magnetism where millions of persons holding certain negative attitude create a common dilemma might go so far as to affect adversely the
magnetic field of the planet while we cannot assume for a moment that man suffers alone we have to also assume that his negative psychic and emotional attitudes affect the other kingdoms of nature around him and we are even now concerned with various circumstances resulting in loss of harvest in the failure of trees to bear good fruit in the failure of many natural processes we have assumed various causes but it is possible that among these causes will be found the genuine of the general inertia or depletion resolving from the collective effects of our own attitudes upon
personal and earth magnetism this may sound far-fetched but it is no more far-fetched from the radio sounded 100 years ago and anyone dared to discuss such a possibility we are in an age where we are becoming aware of the sensitivities of life around us this awareness must open us to considerations of substances facts not hitherto regarded as legitimate or important if then hope faith and love are therapeutic attitudes it becomes evident that we have a scientific reason for faith we have the proof that faith developed in man at some remote time because he intuitively recognized
the need of faith the faith came not from the imposing z-- of the clergy but came originally from the interior need for comfort not spiritual consolation alone but simple physical comfort that the individual then began to organize these primitive impulses to the formations of creams and cold this we can accept but because all primitive peoples make use of various magical form involving the control and directing of magnetism even now we may suspect that they were aware of the important facts we talk of the importance today of a good attitude we think of it however long
we as a platitude we have the feeling that if we have a good attitude other people will like us better and we will be more popular this is no doubt true but is this friendship that results from better attitude merely based upon this external situation or is it based upon the change in the magnetic field which can be intuitively recognised by others we know that persons of various temperaments have had adventures in life which would signify or indicate that their internal natures affected those around them it is a common problem for example that does not
infrequently arise that certain physicians and nurses have better effects upon patients than others this effect cannot be based upon appearance for one maybe as prepossessing as another it cannot be based upon efficiency they have all received more or less equal training we may say that it could be based upon the attitude of the doctor or the nurse but in some instances they are at least certainly not aware of their attitude and are very hurt and disappointed when the patient does not respond favorably yet it is almost a certainty that if we leave a certain nurse
with a certain patient he may not recover something is wrong but cannot be corrected by efficiency kindness cheerfulness or anything that we know there seems to be an antagonized an antagonism on level of the magnetic field the certain persons in all relationships can be fortunate or unfortunate in terms of their own magnetism does this mean that such magnetic magnetic attractions and repulsions are inevitable does it mean that certain persons will never be able to get along together does this to a certain degree reflect itself in the comparatively high rate of divorce from which we suffer
today is incompatibility at least in part an element of magnetism I think it can be in a good many cases there are also indications that there are people who cannot get along together will not be able to or will never be able to make a sufficiently great adjustment in their own characters that they will be able to become compatible this occurs not only in the more intimate Association but also in business and in social activities there are people that will never be drawn to each other that they are accidentally brought together there is no spark
of friendship or recognition there is only at best an indifference now the problem of indifference also plays a part in our magnetic theory energy moves with interest it moves with concern it moves with all kinds of active attitudes it does not move however from indifference indifference is the ultimate degree of detachment it means that there is no sympathy no relationship no common ground it does not necessarily stand for an antagonism in the magnetic fields but it very often prevents any interest or direction of energy by means of which an acquaintance or an association can be
improved so in the religion mysticism philosophy in these situations indifference has never been regarded as a virtue and when we refer to a certain kind so we say of detachment we do not imply indifference indifference is so completely lifeless that it calls and draws nothing and quiet you for the suspension of attitude is not indifference indifference represents failure to report any stimulation or any activity of interest whereas man seeking to relax or to obtain freedom from pressure is not working with indifference it to make a virtue of indifference would be equivalent to making a virtue
of ignorance or to assume that are not knowing is good in nature not knowing is never good false knowing is also bad right knowing is very important indifference is not relaxation indifference is not protection and the individual becomes indifferent or attempts to get out of a situation by departing from it physically and psychologically will gain little benefit for himself rather than indifference there must be a strong but perhaps rather impersonal sense of values again this term is a little dangerous for the impersonal individual may be without sympathies and sympathy is the principle upon which magnetism
moves therefore detachment must not and should not be unsympathetic it becomes therefore necessary to refine and regulate values to the end that we hold the proper attitude toward ourselves and to all other creatures that this attitude cannot be assumed merely by an action of the will or a determination of the mind is also evidence the attitude must become a total part of the life itself the attitude must arise in consciousness and be communicated therefrom directly into the fields of energy which support the body researchers by mesma and others have shown beyond doubt that the magnetic
field to operate best must be in a state of tranquility tranquility simply means now normals nothing more than or less excitation or the tremendous upsurge of intensity is not normal depression or the reduction of energy to the state perhaps of inertia is not known and one of the horses or circumstances which causes the greatest animal in man magnetic structure is uncontrolled an excessive emotional outbursts these cannot do any good on any plane and on the psychic plane they do much harm this causes people to say but these outbursts are natural to us we might also
say by looking at the available text particularly the World Almanac that sickness and death are natural to us very few of us get out of this world alive at least in terms of our physical existence things that are commonly done habits that are commonly practiced may be common but not natural and we would not be in the difficulty we are in today if things commonly done gain virtue by the common doing they do not things done badly never become a virtue even though every other living being does them that way so everything which causes explosion
in the energy fields of the body will have an effect similar to an explosion in the earth or to the explosion of a bomb such as was dropped at Nagasaki or Hiroshima these explosions caused tremendous Cataclysm and in our energy field they are nearly always followed by intensity player depletion or depression after one of these emotional outbursts the victim simply says to his friends neighbours and enemies I feel terrible tired out worn out and ashamed of himself this type of attitude again represents the waste of energy and as energy is life the waste of it
is bad especially bad when there's waste as in the case of an excessive outburst immediately reacts upon the body injuring its fabric and thereby hastening its ultimate dissolution in the same way excessive grief excessive worry and fear for the immediate damage and all irrational or unreasonable attitudes attitudes that are unsympathetic critical defamatory attitudes which are known in conscience not to be right all have been proved to be magnetically bad it then seems to be indicated that help to the individual can be very often greatly changed or helped by his own ability to direct energy man
is not yet so completely endowed with understanding self control organization the ability to remain a fair and reasonable and temperate in all his attitude that he is able to escape all of the ravages due to the we will say the corruption on his magnetic field he can improve their they said by Milton to be the last great enemy and it will probably be the last to be overcome but man may certainly enjoy better years and have a greater sense of security as he gradually and in an orderly manner and according to his ability unfolds temperance
within his own nature by so doing he reduces the wear and tear of life to its possible minimum so far as he is concerned in this respect like life we recognize that certain attitude having certain effects and results may be associated in the correction of various ailments of the body records at an early time pointed out that there was a very strong and important magnetic sympathy between a mother and child this magnetic sympathy was polarized through the thymus gland by means of which a very powerful magnetic pole of the mother remain in the body of
the child active and operating till about the seventh year up to that time maternal concern for a child and have greater effect and more immediate consequence than any other period of life and there are definite cases in which a mother confronted with a child desperately ill as practically brought that child back to life by the immense concentration of its own devotion upon child there are also cases by reverse action or it is by this sensitiveness of this glass the child is psychically aware of the most secret emotions and thoughts of the mother and may therefore
be subjectively effective it is in this case particularly important that the parent maintain so far as is possible a good attitude a peaceful and tranquil attitude at the time in the life of the child when the parent is most tempted not to have such an attitude due to the burden and pressure of the occasion thus we may say that Parenthood becomes a great task in magnetism and we can't expect to perfect results but any improvement will be appreciated by all concerned because the child at that time bound to the thymus gland is practically like an
identical twin with the mother and almost any thought or emotion of the parents will move into the child's mind the child at that time is far more receptive to these thought and emotion pressures than to any word or visible example which the parent may give actually there's the thymus gland becomes symbolic therefore of a kind of psychic umbilicus between parent and child so as the human being grows into his physical and intellectual maturity most of the connections between his physical body and his magnetic field are associated with the other glands of the endocrine chain the
thymus gradually becomes non operative in the normal person and where it remains operative too long it produces serious consequences the particular area of the magnetic field in the human body is the spleen found in the area of the spleen these currents focus or center from the sources of energy supply from the spleen they form their own central Dynamo and begin to radiate outward to form the magnetic field of the body most of this magnetism is therefore centred as we pointed out before in the abdominal area and from this area it spreads depletions of energy may
therefore be most immediately recognized in digestion assimilation and excretion and the effect of tension stress or negative mental and emotional attitudes upon these areas up is particularly notable for among the first tension of indications of tension is the disruption of the digestive procedure to restore that again is to release or breakdown tension areas in another phase of our problem the magnetic healer is sometimes confronted with an obstruction or a blockage in the flow of magnetism to one part of the body or another such obstructions may rise from several causes they can be psychosomatic for each
part of the body as Leonardo da Vinci pointed out has a certain relationship to all other parts one of the most simple analogies lies in the old distribution of the signs of the zodiac and the planets among the sections of parts of the body as set forth the familiar old cut-up man of the Almanac who is shown usually with the constellations grouped around it this association however can be carried to much more intensive and definite degree where ever magnetism is blocked there is either a derangement or there has been a fatigue which has resulted in
a process of crystallization this process of crystallization inhibits the continuance of magnetism even after the fatigue has passed this means that to meet this kind of a situation special pressures or concentrations of magnetism may be necessary as many obstructions in their earlier states are not attended by much noticeable pain that type of warning which we find in connection with the outer surface of the body wounds the scar boils the things of that time this type of warning is not available there is however always some kind of warning and the most common warnings are failures of
processes such as digestion and assimilation minor disturbances of the heart sense of tension nerve or stress the gradual loss of the use of a member or part or the failure of its function in the general biological economy wherever such situation arises the magnetic healer as the tendency to try to exaggerate temporarily the current of magnetism ended up in the body of the patient thus we must assume that a successful magnetic healer must have considerable magnetism available to him if his own supply is highly limited or if he is unable to form a channel to the
general source of magnetism he will not be successful long or if he is will deplete himself and perhaps wreck his own health experimentation is the only way in which the magnetics can determine the degree in which he can expend energy with safety also of course as energy is expended as in all the habit processes of nature it is apt to increase therefore the use of energy may cause the magnet issed to find an ever-increasing supply that is if everything be right in the proposition by sending energy specially into areas where it may have been depressed
or where the natural currents of the body are not able to break through the magnet issed can break up congestion can stimulate sluggish functions and can open the body to the remedial use of its own energy thus the person having been relieved of the obstruction may then be able to take over with his own energy fields now we have mentioned the most common and universal sources of this magnetic force we might however point out that there are certain other sources which can be and are important to the individual one of the most common and familiar
of all sources of magnetic energy is respiration but by means of respiration energy is taken into the body and is distributed by the heart through the entire arterial circulation another important source of energy is nutrition we are not certain that direct exposure to the Sun is as good a source of energy as with one suppose the present tendency is to regard this as not the best form and it is frequently accompanied by fatigue and too much exposure seemingly causes certain structures or materials in the body to be stimulated to an exaggerated degree the best sources
of energy for arise from the mixture or the normal life of the person in our normal living under normal conditions we have certain resources supplied by nutrition by respiration by light air and Sun we also have certain relaxations and repose and it is during the period of sleep that the magnetic field does most of its repair work upon the ordinary wear and tear of the day if the person therefore lives a relatively normal life his energy supplies will be reasonably adequate or will respond very quickly to any form of specialized therapy today the problem of
normal living is becoming a very serious one and most persons do not feel today that they are living normal and contented lives as a result there is continual depletion of energy without adequate replenishment and one of the processes of the body of course which requires a great deal of energy is the support of the intricate structure by means of which the mind operates upon the brain this energy requirement is much greater than that necessary for the use of a pick and shovel but a more refined type of energy is required and as this rust must
be refined from grosser forms of energy it is evident that the refined part will not be as great in quantity as that from which it was refined thus the need for the control and direction of energy resources particularly at different periods of life failure to adjust adequately and properly to the changing pattern of years can results in serious energy depletion having once come into a general understanding of the theme or subject under consideration we can practice in a simple and ordinary way a great many health provoke promoting procedures we can for example watch again such
intemperance 'as as maybe corruptive of energy we can control to the best of our ability mental and emotional acceptance and also negative mental and emotional attitude we can seek for that tranquility which is normalcy a function every sacred book of the world as preached man's interior peace this inner peace does not mean stagnation it means adjustment with life acceptance of the will of heaven the recognition of Dahl which in Tao is philosophy becomes a kind of cosmic magnetism or a universal energy which moves through space through the fields of the magnetic currents if as the
result of certain specialized problems we may have certain attitude the magnitudes will tell us there are things we can do that will help one of the ways in which magnetism has been controlled particularly in Asia is through visualization visualization is a process of imposing upon the consciousness the picture of the state of well-being visualization then in connection with a wound is the inner process of becoming aware that the wound is naturally and normally healing if this is merely stated as a platitude it is comparatively meaningless but if it is held as a fact in consciousness
it will affect the availability of magnitude for the magnetic field will accept the pattern and move to fulfill it just in the same way they person inwardly experiences by a suspended but purposeful effort the tranquility of his own consciousness if he will visualize himself as in a state of adjustment with life he will find it easier and easier to attain this state in his outward experience thus visualization means to see the thing as it should be though we may not always know just what it should be and our visualization does not have to be ultimately
our visualization of a Boyle would be fairly easy we know what it should be it should not be there as far as our comfort is concerned but it is there because of a cause therefore visualization does not frustrate cause because not to assume that the foil has no right to be there it cannot do this and accept natural law but it does visualize within the person an attitude a condition a state of being in which the suspension of negative factors removes the cause of the foil and results in the visualization of that kind of peace
of soul and peace of mind which is not likely to cause boils or if they do exist we'll most quickly promote their healing by removing the as a negative factor and also by that complete relaxation which permits the energy field to move into the area of the boil and do the remedial work it is also possible for a person or a magnetic healer to temporarily stimulate the energy field around the boil causing more magnetism to gather there and in this way to hasten the processes of recuperation this hastening is not an unnatural or an abnormal
one it is simply a hastening of the natural curative processes of life itself in alchemy one of the ancient formulas was that man perfects nature man working as the handmaiden of nature cooperating with all natural processes obeying to the best of his abilities all natural laws releases in his own life and in the lives of those around it all of the energy available in his constitution this energy moves like a cleansing ocean magnetism burning up corruption clearing it taking it away returning it to the great mystery of the solar power in which it is incinerated
and removed this energy if given all possible and reasonable support by man will do its work better more quickly than it can accomplish this work if it must at the same time fight against a group of negative reactions thus therapy begins with tranquility it begins with the gradual development of this consciousness of hope faith and love by means of which the person achieve a rapper with life itself and this life thus coming in without interference or interruption without being wasted or lost through excessive expenditures that are meaningless this life accomplishes its perfect works and it
was one of the beliefs of the ancient magnitude that God and nature intended man to be well sickness is not anymore a natural state of man than war is a natural state of Nations or crime a natural state of society sickness is the result of man being unable as yet to perfectly understand the rules governing health or in one way or another or selfish or even unselfish reasons violating those rules such violations they appear to be justified as in the case of the position who may exhaust himself sitting up with the sick or it may
not appear to be justified as in the case of intemperance and general waste of energy but whatever be the cause the energy that is used in one way cannot be used in another the more on legitimate demands upon energy may be the more heavily our profession or our life calls upon our vital resources the more we must protect these with our attitudes the individual who does nothing might have greater Liberty to make mistakes than the person whose energy is constantly required but by the proper direction of energy through attitude particularly through these attitudes recommended by
Paul faith hope and love than living in these moods in these ways and achieving a certain tranquility in nature will find that his energy is greater and that when emergency arises in the recuperation is more rapid that he is be less likely to infections and corruptions of the flesh and also less likely to create those emotional and mental situations which must require still more expenditure of energy to mend or correct rusts magnetism becomes a kind of conscience a censorship upon all action and for those who keep its rules by obeying the principles of the powers
which move in direct energy it becomes a kindly and helpful friend a source of life and sustenance but if it is outraged it turns upon the person who breaks its rules not because it does not like them but because they have set up obstructions to energy and in religion to set up an obstruction to energy means to set up an obstruction to God to set up an obstruction in the body means that there will be somewhere an inadequacy of the soul so in these thoughts and in this type of thinking magnetism becomes a field for
science also for philosophy and for religion and it becomes one simple key to how the average person can help himself if he is so minded in many small ways and if he can do this successfully in many small ways he may prevent part at least of the need for having something done in a big way as often these small causes contribute together to some serious and consequence so the correction of small mistakes will help to maintain the grand economy of the complete person well I think our time is up and that is all we can
do for the now we're going to give you two weeks vacation on Wednesday evenings and then we're going to start a new series here which I hope will prove of get general interest to all of you I don't have a program of the series at the moment but I know what they are about we are going to deal with the problem of Roman dollars the meditation disciplines diagrams and symbols of Eastern people as these are used in various religious philosophical and mystical researchers conditions and devotions and we believe this will be one of the most
interesting series we've given so we hope you'll all be there and we thank you very much [Applause]
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