Facebook Ads For Shopify Dropshipping | Master FB Ads In 25 Minutes

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Jordan Welch
Facebook Ads For Shopify Dropshipping (Step-By-Step Facebook Ads Strategy 2021) Get a free generated...
Video Transcript:
facebook ads are hands down the best way to grow a shopify store but as a beginner they can be extremely confusing and hard to understand so after running my own ads for a few years and spending over a million dollars on just facebook ads i'm going to be sharing my entire strategy in this video and i'm going to make it as simple and beginner friendly as possible if you're new here my name is jordan and i'm currently documenting the entire process of growing my ecommerce brand with as much transparency as possible so if you're interested
in starting your own online store and you want to follow my journey make sure to subscribe down below for new videos every single friday alright let's get started now as a beginner there are a couple things that you need to know before running your first ads the first thing is that facebook is an auction based ad platform this essentially means that when you're running ads on facebook you are bidding against other advertisers for your position in the news feed so let's say you and another drop shipper are selling the same exact product and you're targeting
the same exact audience you're directly bidding with that person to get in front of your ideal customer so how can you win that bid and see cheaper cost and increase your chances of success the way that has worked the best for me and all the research that i've done has led to having a good product a good video and a good website we're gonna break these all down in this video but it leads me to my next point no matter what facebook ads strategy you're using you can have the best advertiser in the world if
you do not have a good product a good creative and a good website it is not going to work there is no strategy that you can use that can force these things to work and if you have these things you can use pretty much any strategy and see results so understand that because it is truly important i also want you to understand that you are going to lose a little bit of money when learning facebook ads it's one of those things that requires you to pay to play there's no way to learn facebook ads for
free maybe you could go intern at an agency or something like that but i wouldn't recommend it just set aside a budget that you're comfortable with spending and use that to test fail and learn this skill because it's truly one of the most valuable skill sets that you can have in this game so lastly you need to understand the platform and set up your columns correctly so you know what you're doing when you run your first ads so let's take a look at the platform here on an account that i've ran in the past you
can see on this account i've spent around three hundred thousand dollars and we've done some pretty good numbers with this as well it's around a 2.5 return so that means we doubled our money and then some and what i want you guys to firstly do is go through and set up your columns just like this so we're not going to break these down one by one what you can do is just take a screenshot of this right here and just set up your columns like this so when you're looking at your results of your ads
you understand what is working and what is not working because by default the columns that facebook gives you are not that good they don't give you what you need to see to see if your ads are performing well now the next thing i want to break down is that facebook ads are divided into layers so the top layer is the campaign this is where you're going to hold all of your audiences and your ads that you're going to be using to make money inside of your campaign you're going to have ad sets basically the ad
sets are the audiences that you're targeting for your product and then inside of your ad sets you're going to have the actual ads themselves which are your video or photos that you're going to be showing to your audience okay so now that you have a basic understanding of how the platform works this is a breakdown of my full facebook ads strategy so the first phase is optimization so that's going to be refining your product your landing page and your creative for the highest chance of success this phase is truly the most important one as a
beginner and if you just skip this and go to the other ones you're going to fail the next one is interest testing then we're going to go into mid scaling and then lastly we'll talk about explosive scaling which is what scaled me past ten thousand dollars a day consistently in sales so the first phase of optimization like i said without this it does not matter what strategy you use you have to get this right what i mean by optimize is to give your best effort and make each piece of your funnel as good as possible
so the three main things that you're going to want to optimize is your product selection your landing page and your video creative but first things first the product so i recommend you guys only focus on products that are already selling well on facebook and instagram because if somebody else has already been able to sell this product on that platform there's a high chance that you can come in there and do the exact same thing we also want to focus on products that have been launched in the last two to three months we don't want to
find stuff that was launched two years ago three years ago the more recent and viral the better want to find stuff that has recently taken off so that we can come in and ride that wave as well and the last thing arguably the most important thing is finding products that have room for improvement so they have perhaps a bad website a bad video ad where you can come in add a little bit more improvement like a better website better video and clean up where they're messing up at so if you can find a product that
has all three of these you've got a very high chance of having a winning product on your hands now the second thing to look at is the website itself now i have a full video that i made around i think three weeks ago on the exact web design template that i'm using so you can go check that out if you want but seriously you need to have a trustworthy branded website this is going to increase your success rate significantly and i honestly believe that if you don't have this it's like playing the game on expert
mode it's so much harder and it's going to waste a lot more of your money i would say the most important part for advertising is the actual landing page itself so on your website you have a bunch of products but when you click on the product you have the landing page which is the product page so this is an example of a product page template that i like to use so we have a nice clean title okay we put our product on discount on sale so the customer has this offer to purchase we have really
nice clean images that show the product in different environments that show the product by itself i usually include this right here to incentivize the customer to buy more we add some type of headline just to give them a basic understanding of what the product is i add a gif i add a basic breakdown of the product and then i add an image and just break down the benefits of using this product along with another image i also like to use these add to cart sticky buttons so this is just a basic breakdown of a store
and landing page setup that i use so if you're looking for some inspiration there you go now a good product and website are super important but a good video creative will make or break your success with facebook now when i say creative i mean the ad that the customer is going to be seeing when you advertise the product so the entire focus of your ad should be to hook them in and get them to click to your website to get them hooked the first five seconds are by far the most important part the typical flow
of a winning creative goes like this so you show the problem and you solve the problem and we're going to look at an example in two seconds then you show the benefits of the product you show some social proof like reviews or somebody using your product and then you give them a call to action to click and go shop on your website so this is actually an example of a winning creative that i saw on my feed you can see right away they showed this problem about neck pain they show this girl with her slouched
back they show the solution which is their pillow then they talk about the benefits of using this product how it aligns your spine at a 65 degree angle they show you the problem with traditional pillows and that their pillow perfectly aligns your neck and your spine and then they just keep going through they give you this guarantee so pain free or your money back and then they just do the call to action so 30 night free trial 50 off today and then you can click the link and go to their website so that's a good
example of what a winning facebook creative looks like in terms of their copy it's pretty simple says meet the perfect pillow our revolutionary pillow is back in stock we sold out in just three days they're basically going off the scarcity angle usually with copy i don't do exactly this but something along those lines will work just fine i recommend you guys make a list of like 10 viral ads you see in your feed and just study them and see what's worked best for those people so there's two ways to make these video ads the first
way which is what i would recommend is studying successful ads just like i told you make a list of 10 successful ads and learn how to make them yourself based off that template this is harder and it's going to take some time to learn but everybody that i've seen really scale with ecommerce and drop shipping knows how to edit videos or they learn how to edit videos there's a real correlation between a good video and a scaling drop shipping store so it's one of the best skills you can ever learn you can also pay someone
to do it for you if you want to do that i recommend hiring bands off ads they make really good videos i've worked with them in the past and also i have a service called viral vault where we deliver products directly to you with video ads that are already done so you don't have to make them yourself but seriously forget all of that learn how to do it yourself that skill is going to pay off 100x in your journey all right so once you feel like you've got that first phase down now we're going to
get into the interest testing this is showing your product to an audience that is likely to buy it to gauge interest and see if people are going to purchase now the goal in this phase is to find a couple profitable ad sets and interest now before launching your first campaign you need to understand your numbers the two most important things to know are your break even point and your break even ross and let's calculate those together for the product i just showed you all right so on aliexpress this product cost around 10 to ship and
send out to the customer and as you can see we're selling it for 30. so to calculate the break even point we take 30 minus 10 and that's going to give us 20 so that means that we can spend up to 20 dollars to profitably get a customer on this product now the next thing we need to understand is our breakeven row as which is even more important so we're going to take the sale price which is 30 and we're going to divide it by this number so we say 30 divided by 20. and that
tells us that our break even return on ad spend is a 1.5 now that might not make sense to you right now but just make sure to write down both of those numbers for your product because you're going to need them once you start running ads and it's gonna make it so much clearer if your product is successful or not so once you've got everything optimized and you've got your numbers written down it's time to launch your first testing campaign so what i recommend is you make a campaign with 10 ad sets at 10 to
20 dollars per day each ad set is gonna have one to three targeting options inside of it and overall your audience size should be over one million usually i like to just stick with one targeting option per ad set but if you can't get over a million with just one targeting you can add another one or two to get over a million i would recommend targeting broad audiences that are closely related to your product and using the suggestions tool that facebook provides to come up with more ideas for targeting as for the settings on these
ad sets i recommend using the big four countries which is us uk canada and australia using automatic placements and one day click attribution once again these things matter but not as much as having a good creative product and website i cannot stress that enough if there's one thing you take away from this video let it be that so you're going to want to let each ad set run until the break even point and kill the ones that don't have a sale at that point you could also kill them early if it hits any of these
metrics so the cost per link click is above 250 the cpm is above 50 dollars and there's no add to cart after 15 spent if you see any of these it's a pretty clear sign that that ad set is not going to work so i would just go ahead and kill it to be honest so if you did everything correctly and the product has potential you'll find at least three ad sets that are profitable and consistently making sales every single day and you might be on to a product that can scale to that next level
so you should keep those winning ad sets running and move on to the next phase all right so the next phase is mid scaling and retargeting basically we're gonna be introducing more audiences to scale to a thousand to five thousand dollars a day in sales this is really the difference maker at this point you need to make sure to do this because it's literally going to double your chances of success and honestly like this is the secret between the stories that scale and the ones that don't so there are a couple minor optimizations into your
website they're going to make a massive difference the first one is a faster load time the second one is a better conversion rate the third one is upsells and the last one is email and sms marketing so if you take the time to work on these things it's going to make running ads so much easier because your customers are going to have a better experience shopping with you you're going to make more money per sale and you're going to make more money per customer when you hit them with sms and email marketing to use upsells
i recommend using one click upsell by zipify they have a really good app i make a lot of money from it every single day and then for emails and sms marketing you can use clavio and sms bump if you can afford to spend more to get a customer you're going to be able to consistently outbid the people that are competing with you and scale your products much further so hopefully that wasn't too complicated but i'm telling you this makes a huge difference all right so this is how you're going to go from 100 to 500
a day to over a thousand dollars a day pretty quickly so the three main methods that i use for mid scaling are horizontal retargeting and basic look-alikes i also want to mention that at this stage it's super important to make your own video and not use footage from the internet because your chance of getting banned is very high because you're scaling the product a lot of people are seeing your ad and all it takes is for one person to report your video and your whole ad account gets shut down so you can order your product
from amazon and just recreate your winning video ad with your phone just make it simple clean straight to the point and you're probably even gonna see better results with that ad than the one you were running with other people's footage at least that's what happened to me alright so horizontal scaling is simply launching more ad sets to find more winning audiences so this is really simple to do just launch three to five new ad sets every single day with new audiences in your testing campaign no sales at the breakeven point we're gonna kill it no
link clicks at two dollars and fifty cents we're gonna kill it and so on and so forth but if you're lucky and your product is good and everything is optimized you're going to be finding more audiences and more winners and now you're going to be building this machine of profitable ad sets that's going to consistently generate sales every day the next step that is super important is setting up your retargeting campaigns so retargeting campaigns basically allow you to advertise the people who have already interacted with your store these are always going to be your most
profitable campaigns you're not going to be spending a ton of money on them but they're going to bring in the most profitable numbers every single day to set them up you need to go into the audiences tab and create custom audiences for 50 video viewers view content add to cart and check out so the most important part of retargeting is the creative that you're using in those campaigns so there's two main types of creatives i like to use when doing retargeting the first one is a simple image with a discount code on the photo and
the other one is a customer review now for that you can just have a friend do it just have them film a video of them talking good about your product both of those type of ads do extremely well because your person that was going to buy the product was interested right they came to your website they clicked on your video but maybe they got distracted or something so you need to give them some incentive to come back and social proof or a discount is a great way to do it and if you can combine the
two you've usually got a winning campaign so to do the next step all you need to do is launch a cbo campaign with a 20 to 50 a day budget you want to create four ad sets with each of your custom audiences separated as the targeting so one ad set for your video viewers one for view content one for add to cart one for checkout and then you want to take your two creatives that you made and duplicate them across each ad set now one thing i forgot to mention is the actual copy of your
retargeting ad so what i like to do is just saying we're running a limited time sale or we saw you were interested in this we're about to run out click the link to get 30 off 40 off this works extremely well for the reason that i said before they were interested and we're just kind of walking them back through to buy the product so now also in the mid scaling phase you can launch some basic look-alike audiences these are the things that are really going to take you to that fifteen hundred to three thousand dollar
a day level so you wanna go to the audiences tab and create a custom audience for video viewers view content and website viewers if you haven't already done that so once you have at least 2 000 conversions for that objective you can go ahead and create your look-alike audience now what i do is i make five look-alike audiences per objective with this setup so i do one percent one to three percent three to five five to seven and seven to ten this gives you five new audiences that you can use to test in a brand
new campaign which is great because if three of them work now you have three new audiences that you can scale with right so i like to use cbo campaigns for testing with look-alikes because i found that it performs better so you want to make a new campaign with a hundred dollar a day cbo as a minimum you can always spend more with five ad sets and instead of using interest for targeting you want to use the look-alike audience that you created so one ad set is going to have the one percent another ad set is
going to have to one to three percent another ad set is gonna have three to five all the way up to seven to ten so we wanna keep all the settings the same as your testing campaign the only thing i recommend changing is the location i like to separate look-alikes by country so i have more audiences to test so if this phase is a success you will now have three to five new campaigns that are each spending around a hundred dollars a day your interest testing campaign will have a bunch of winners and your retargeting
campaign is gonna clean up every single day and this is gonna take you past a thousand dollars a day in sales if you did it really well you should be around three thousand dollars a day in sales and if you're consistently getting results with this it's time to scale big and you can use the explosive scaling methods i'm about to share with you now so these methods are how i was able to scale to almost twenty thousand dollars a day and how i will get past thirty thousand dollars a day this year which is my
goal some products do have a cap and they can't scale past a certain level but if you're consistently getting results with mid scaling and you have room to grow which is you know some decent margins then try this out so at this point you need a custom video and you need to optimize website or it's just not going to work out but if you feel confident and you have those things then let's get into these strategies so the first one is a scaling cbo basically you're going to take your top interest and duplicate them into
a new cbo campaign at 500 a day you can always do more i usually do around a thousand dollars a day but i'm being conservative here this is going to become your interest scaling campaign and the way that this works is that you're constantly testing new interests in your testing campaign and you're duplicating the winners over to your scaling campaign so you create this machine where you test you take your winners and you keep cycling in new audiences to your scaling campaign this works like a charm and this is where you're gonna see a lot
of your success coming from the next thing that you need to do is hitting every single look-alike that you have so using that same look-alike testing that i showed you before you want to launch every single look-alike that you can on your ad account and i'm not exaggerating when i say every single one all conversion objectives all countries because the goal is to find as many winning audiences as possible that's all we're trying to do here and with lookalikes we can literally tap into thousands of audiences when you start getting into different countries 25 video
view three second video view there's so many different variations that you actually have hundreds of audiences to play with and if you find 50 audiences that are working really well congratulations you just added five thousand dollars a day or more in revenue to your business so it's a no-brainer to test every single look like in your ad account and the last thing that i use to really scale high this strategy alone scaled me past eighteen thousand dollars a day is super look-alikes so you're gonna set a new cbo campaign at a thousand dollars a day
with five ad sets and then you're gonna take your top three performing look-alike objectives and combine them into one ad set based on their percentage sounds confusing this is how it works so let's say across your whole ad account the best performing look-alikes where your view content look-alikes your add to cart and your video views you're gonna make a new campaign where in one ad set you combine your one percent video views one percent view content and one percent add to cart then you make another ad set where you combine the one to three percent
of all of those then you make another ad set where you combine the three to five of all those basically you're combining your top look-alike audiences into this ultra powerful campaign and giving it free range to spend a ton of money this is an insane strategy for scaling and it works extremely well so honestly scaling high is simply a matter of optimizing your funnel and testing as many audiences as possible if you do that you'll be able to scale past ten thousand dollars a day it's not going to be easy but it will work as
long as you stay dedicated and you focus on optimization at scale you can get away with doing all types of stuff like one of my top performing ad sets right now literally has no targeting in it at all because i've spent so much time optimizing the video and the website itself alright so i hope you guys enjoyed this video and the strategy wasn't too complicated i tried to share everything that i do inside of my ad account and make it as beginner friendly as possible so if you found some value from this video feel free
to drop a like and let me know in the comments down below sorry if my energy's a little off in this video as well i'm really sick right now but i had to get a video out for you guys every week because i made that promise to you stay tuned for a new video next friday hopefully i'll be feeling better then and my energy will be much higher and comment down below if there's any other topics or video ideas that you guys want me to cover thank you guys so much for watching i hope you
have a great weekend i'll talk to you soon peace you
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