being disciplined is easy, actually

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when I was around 15 I experienced for the first time in my life the power of self-discipline I was running regularly for 20 minutes a few times per week and one day when I was into kilometer 1 or two a thought popped into my head what if you just keep running to the next big city simply keep running and only stop when you arrive at home for some reason this thought has eaten its way into my head so quickly that I couldn't let it go and the longer I ran the more I talked myself into
this challenge this idea of giving up got so quickly so painful that it fueled me to run the entire distance it was a hot summer day I had nothing to drink and after a while my legs and feet hurt like hell but then finally I arrived home and I ran over 2 hours and 21 km this was the first David gogin moment in my life and it showed me for the first time what my body is capable of when my mind isn't in my way but this onetime event wasn't the real challenge the real challenge
is to get your mind on your side every single day if you are not disciplined you are not free you are a slave to the lizard brain the part of you that is lazy and only wants to do things that are easy and fun the lizard brain wants you to stay complacent but this is not the real you you are the part that thinks about your future selves across time and this part wants to overcome temporary discomfort to do meaningful things if you don't have your your lizard brain under control you are in fact like
a 2-year-old what you want to do right now is more important than what happens tomorrow and if you don't control your lizard brain you will pay a very big price by making the lives of your future selves much harder and the longer the time span of life we are considering the higher the price will be you choose the pain of regret over the pain of discipline in order to understand how to fight the lizard brain we need to understand what it's fueled by surprisingly it is bad mental health and a too big ego let me
explain you are either at the beginning of starting a new habit or you slipped after making good progress already but instead of gradually improving one step at a time you compare yourself to the ideal version of yourself or to other people and this is stupid the planning you sets two high expectations the acting you collapses under the pressure and your future selves across time suffer the consequences of self-hatred without any accomplishments all just because your ego doesn't have the humility and patience to gradually increase the load there are two unbelievably useful rules compare yourself to
who you were yesterday not to who someone else is today and treat yourself like you are someone responsible for helping if you had really abided by these rules 6 months ago you would be unstoppable today but you didn't this perfect day where you wake up and be a completely different person will not happen overnight you have to become this person Day by Day One Gym session and one work session at a time that's part of The Human Experience you've won the sperm Lottery with a Chance of 1 to 400 trillion and now you have this
problem or how I see it this challenge being undisciplined is a gift because you have the chance to get disciplined and create your dream life all the other sperms who lost the race didn't get the chance to play the game but you're the lucky one you can improve your character step by step in the process of making this video I saw this edit from the YouTuber Hamza and he has something very profound to say do whatever you want do whatever you feel like no we won't do whatever we feel like because we know exactly what
happens when we do that we hurt ourselves and we hurt other people we hurt ourselves and we hurt other people it is so true being disciplined is utterly important and as I said you will be unstoppable if you slay your ego and have patience you got this
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