Michael Singer - How to Let Go of Your Past

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Seats of Contemplation
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gig gous sometimes things that seem strange mystical obtuse turn out to just be simple they're just too simple for us and our mind can't see them I find Zen is that way the Deep teachings of Zen so for example you could go to a zen master a great Master doesn't have to be Zen and they could say to you something you will never understand things are neither good nor bad they just are to the Western mind that is why did I bother why did I climb the Himalayas to hear that things are neither good nor
bad they just are and eventually you catch out if you grow deep enough that things are neither good nor bad they just are what does that mean the way I like to approach that from a western level of intellectual understanding of logic it's not illogical it's not weird it's just the truth is as follows I like to get everybody's Ira by saying there are no problems Su days people want to talk to me but can we talk personally about a particular problem I'm having and I pretty much always say no it's an emergency or somebody
really needs to I'll feel that but generally I don't why because there are no problems and the Very fact that you're calling it a problem is the problem so the fact that you want to talk to me about this problem this very personal special problem you have means that we can't talk because you want to talk in Chinese and I speak English it's they're just totally different languages all right so what does it mean that someone can say there are no problems you have no problems you have no problems you've never had a problem there
are no problems no one has a problem what is a problem what do you mean by a problem I'm lecturing so I get to tell you but you can disagree later all right what you mean by a problem listen to me before you react is that something is not the way you want it to be that's what a problem is every problem something is not the way you want it to be and we can prove it very simply right what if it is the way you want it to be then is it a problem what
if you couldn't care less how it is you're completely indifferent about it then is it a problem okay there's only three things it can be it's not the way you want it to be you couldn't care less or it is the way you want it to be there's a real clue in that in other words ever hear the expression it takes two to 10 Tango it takes an event outside and a way you want it to be your preference your view about it the combination of those two things are required for a problem nothing in
and of itself is a problem nothing nothing nothing nothing in and of itself is a problem it's an event it's something that happened a tree fell down in Madagascar and nobody announced it to anybody nobody even noticed is it a problem no to anybody no a tree fell down at Madagascar on top of somebody's house you don't know them nobody told you about it is it a problem to them a tree fell down on top of somebody's house in the midst of the most ugly War of the Jones's whatever it was called divorce all right
and she was going to end up with the house or he was going to end up with a house house and you hated it and the judges did the ruling and that night after the ruling the tree fell down and crushed the house didn't kill the person just crushed the house is that a problem not to you it's it's a miracle it's a miracle that that after all this that that could happen the night of the divorce you decide what it is going to go very slow tonight I don't normally go slow you decide whether
it's a problem or not it's your decision you're getting engaged and your beloved brings you a ring is it a problem if it's a small stone is it a problem it's a really big gy stone is it a problem if it's not even it's something he made by himself in the shop it's wood uh she lit up thinking wow would he do that for me I'm was just saying you decide you are deciding these things your mind is deciding whether this is going to be a problem or not so if you had a dream the
night before that your prince charming rode up and gave you this big diamond and and people were starving in the Kingdom because you had this big diamond and so he took it away and brought you this little one and fed all the people and that that day your beloved came to and engaged to and said I thought that this was appropriate and it was a little diamond oh your heart was just melt he Sprint Charming do you understand that and if you had a different dream it would be a different way you are doing this
you are doing this things are events they are things that happen somebody walks up to you and gives you something somebody walks up to you and doesn't give you something somebody walks up to you and gives you something that has great meaning to them that it's kind of like you know like that little finger painting that the 2-year-old made look Mommy look what is it she says to you little kid you have no idea what it is you know how to answer I was like what is that hear me it's just like either you see
it as beautiful it's just this beautiful thing that your child made okay or you had enrolled your child into Prodigy Art School and this is what she came home with for what you're paying I like it's yours I could just do this all night with you it is yours so let's start that way you decide if something is a problem you can just as easy decide that it's not a problem it's an event I love when I see these it really inspires me people who have serious issues you know we we have some people in
in the group have terminal cancer you would never know it ever never you know you talk these people that are filled with light and joy and happiness and laughing and that's all there is to it right and so on you look at that and you realize now this is most people would call a serious problem and this person is not defining it as a problem they're defining it as what happened next got stage for cancer right wow who would have think it okay well deal with this we'll do the thing that's very inspiring to me
to understand that I think that's beautiful that means much more to me than looking at rich people's houses or beautiful cars or anything like that you're looking at a really high soul aren't you you're looking at a great being you're looking at a person who's living the teachings so even these terrible things that's what you want to say to me what about Terrible Things what if your house burns down what if your child dies what if you get terminal cancer okay nobody's saying you laugh nobody's saying you're giddy nobody's saying it's fun like that right
it's just not a problem it is the next thing you get to interact with in your dance with life life is unfolding it has always unfolded it unfolds everywhere always remember what is what is happening to you at this moment that looks so traumatic how many other things are happening in the universe at the same moment 100 billion zillion wherever you're standing I always wonder whether I can communicate this to you is it's how I see the universe wherever I'm standing I happen to see what's going on there if I was standing somewhere else I
would see what's going on there if I standing somewhere else I would see what's going on there has nothing to do with me so if if the house that I live in burns down look at all the houses that didn't burn down really lot I have to go somewhere else there's nothing all right do I need to deal with with it of course I need to deal with it nobody's saying that you're not dealing with it the question is are you defining it as a problem or are you defining it as the next experience in
your life someone you love with all your heart dies please don't walk around thinking I'm saying you're supposed to be laughing no of course you're not doing that of course your heart feels heavy of course there's a sadness and a sense of loss is that a problem it's one thing to be experiencing what's happening that's reality it needs to be dealt with it's another thing to Define it as a problem defining it as a problem means I don't want it I resist it this is not okay with me all right that you just took it
personal you already had a situation to deal with now you have a problem to deal with why did you do that you don't have to do that it's enough for me to to deal with the fact that my house burned down I need to find out where we're going to stay with the kids I need to get this whole thing together oh my god well I didn't think i' be doing this tonight in the middle of the night right it's another thing for me to be having a problem with it to deal with it is
different than having a problem with it one is a psychological thing that you did you resisted the situation you refused to accept the situation you refuse to define the situation as the next thing that happened it is by definition the next thing that happened how do you know it's the next thing that happened so I'm not questioning that life doesn't always unfold the way we expect it and that some things are more difficult to deal with than others of course that's a sport that's the game some plays work some plays don't go talk to a
running back he runs through he gets a touchdown or hits a brick wall say every all of life is this way all of life is this way there's the in and the young there's just the the balance of the unfold holding of creation and you are present for it the day you reach the point where you realize that's called interacting with reality the fact that you decide to resist decide to say no no no like a two-year-old no no no no no that's how they get all right don't they all right it's cute as a
button for a 2-year-old but a grownup especially a spiritual grown-up has their act together they realize I do not need to lay my psychological Neurosis on top of this situation that I need to deal with I can just deal with the situation that is spirituality that is what it's meant we'll keep coming back to that is what's meant by there is no right or wrong there's just being things just are you're the one who labeles them you're the one who goes out there and inside your head decides if they match what you want or not
and if they don't match what you want they're wrong aren't they and if they really don't match what you want they're really wrong and someone's going to pay for this yeah you you're G to pay for it all right because if an event took place do you understand what I mean when I say you're going to pay for it if an event took place then it actually took place I'm not talking about whether you can deal with ahead of time I'm saying an event took place there it is it's done okay if you cannot honor
that if you cannot respect that if you cannot accept its right to exist you are out of harmony with reality and you will pay a price how big of a price every day of your life you will ruin your life because you did not accept that if they took your blanky away when you were four and you didn't want it takeen away and you can't accept it go ask the psychologist it'll bother you for the rest of your life all right it doesn't need to if your ex-husband was very weird and you had a very
hard time with it but you divorced 15 years ago and you couldn't handle what the life was like with him it just totally unacceptable and it was a difficult divorce and a difficult situation and you did not accept that you did not honor the reality I'm out this is what happened then you will carry it around for the rest of your life you did not get divorced I don't know why you bother getting divorced the arguments are still going on in your head the resentment is still being felt in your heart every time you see
him or hear his name you feel ill and you're carrying around inside of you not the repercussions of the first marriage you're carrying around inside of you your inability to honor and respect the reality of the first marriage do you see the difference one you there's nothing you can do about it happened it's over the other not only can you do something about it you're the one who's doing it you're the one who's holding this inside of you you're the one who continues years later to sit there and say no I don't accept that that
happen and so what this is all about this deep stuff that there is no right or wrong there just is is a wise person reaches that state they really do where they realize I cannot control I want to take the easiest part for you I sure say I can't control what already happened can I you want to argue about whether I control what will happen then have fun you discuss philosophy with people I'm telling you no one can control what already happened can they all right it's the past it's already happened if you can't even
accept the reality of what is by fact unchangeable then there's something wrong with you and that's how you have to look at it this is not a luxury item this is a psychological problem if you can't accept the reality of the past you got some work to do you need to understand this is not a joke if you are carrying around inside of you scars due to past experiences that have happened happened to you the scars are not there because of the experience wait let get very strange be very logical an experience that already happened
and isn't happening anymore cannot scar you it's not even there what mommy did when you were five is completely irrelevant you're 55 years old it's not happening anymore how can it be bothering you how can it be something I mean if something is bothering you that's not happening I'm telling you you need to go to a doctor trouble is there aren't enough doctors for us and the doctor need doctors because everybody accepts that that which is not happening still bothers them don't they they don't even know that they have the right to not all right
and all that your spiritual teachings are saying to you is come on right what did Christ say and there's something the Bible system like let the evils of today be sufficient unto today or something like that that is the teaching be here you see Ros wasn't the first one to say be here now be here now what is going on today the problems the issues of today are sufficient the fact that you are carrying the things from the past how can something that's not happening be bothering you I just want it to sound so logical
that you're embarrassed right how can something that is not happening be bothering you there's only one way you're doing it you are inside yourself in your mind in your psyche deciding to continue to be bothered by it even though it's not happening okay you need to stop this that is what spirituality means just because everybody else is doing it doesn't make it right just because you've always done it doesn't make it right you do not need to be bothered by that which is not happening it's enough to deal with what is happening but boy if
you're being bothered by what happened before you got work to do let's just stay on that for a second because you know darn well you are being bothered by what happened before people talking about what happened in high school what happened in junior high school what their first boyfriend or girlfriend did what their parents did why are you even thinking of such a thing it doesn't even exist every moment that you let that occupy your Consciousness you are missing the reality what's unfolding in front of you now it's not real it's just that you haven't
learned how to let it go you need to let it go now when we're done you're welcome to argue with me about how important it is to have a collect album of every single thing that happened in your entire life that bothered you if you think that's necessary you're wrong so people say to me because they try to be intellectual but aren't I supposed to learn from it if I let it go how will I learn from it very good I don't know exactly what you think you need to learn from your blankie when you
were six or from Mommy and Daddy getting divorced I don't know I don't know what you think it is but in any event here's the answer to that from a spiritual point of view you do not have to hold something in your mind to have been affected by it to have learned it in fact when you hold it in your mind you limited how much you learned it it is when it passes through your mind and merges into your being that you learn it we call it he knew it by heart he can play the
piano by heart he can recite it by heart you know what to think there's nothing going on with the mind it's just it just went deep enough inside your being into the chi into the shuy that it recalls itself it's just naturally part of your being if you touched a hot stove once you don't need to be afraid of stoves you don't need to never cook again you hear me just because you got burned by a stove when you were eight I am telling you you got burned when you were eight you will know not
to touch it again you learned that it became in you don't have to think oh remember when I was eight I got burned I better not touch this Stone again nobody does that it is a natural part of your being now maybe when you at you didn't know when you never experience that it's understandable you don't know once you do know then you know knowing is deeper than mind mind is memory that's too slow you sit to remember these things I'm telling you when the experience comes all the way through passes through your senses and
passes past your mind it merges into your being this is where a spiritual being lives every experience they feel it come all the way back and then pour into their being like water falling into the ocean and they never think about it again but it's there instantly in it's like it's so int becomes intuitive that's where it's intuitive not memory not logic it's intuitive I used to when I would teach I used to try and or tutor or do something with my friends it's like I didn't understand they tried to learn it by memorizing I
never did I would sit there and get it until it made sense to me to where it wouldn't matter if I ever remembered anything I read I could refigure it out by myself I don't care if it was Freud I don't care if it was this or that whatever the heck it was you just embi it until it becomes part of your being then there's nothing to learn there's nothing to know there's nothing to study you you invented it you could invent it just like they did that's what it means to let something all the
way in but we don't do that we hold it at the psychological level and then it becomes a scar then it becomes something that actually interferes with your ability so right now you didn't do well in algebra but you were good with some other stuff but you remember the quadratic equation was a big problem to you so now you're sitting there doing something 30 years later and somebody says I really think that algebra could do this you get weird you start closing down you know I I don't know how to do that I even 50
years later all right that didn't help you that left a scar inside of you so what it is that you learned with your mind I'm telling you is a problem because you will always think from your mind and it will give God it's so deep I can't even talk about it if I were talking to surgeons doctors here you diagnose somebody you look at somebody you look at their symptoms there are 50 different diseases that could cause those symptoms you just saw a patient and you diagnosed it correctly others got it wrong but you got
it right okay and you went through it and it was this was the one that it was so that symptom was this particular thing do you understand that if 3 weeks later you walk into a room and there's a totally different patient in a totally different place you're visiting somewhere right no association your mind is going to tell you that that symptom is the diagnosis that you got to last time somehow it won't be one in 50 that one will carry a larger weight and guess what your mind is wrong there is no difference the
fact that that turned out to be that that time but it left an impression on your mind this is a problem that is what you've done with all your situations and your life you have let them stay in your mind and so now they're they're like votes and they say that everything's about them it's not true the situations that are unfolding today are not about what happened to you before they're about what's happening right now but your mind because you held it at the mental level is going to always freely associate what is you're experiencing
with what happened before especially things you didn't like and things you did like if you watch it you'll see that's what it's doing all the time it's just oh I like that it reminds me of my sister it's not your sister it's so stupid well I don't like that the last Paul I went with oh God was he a loser I don't I don't want to go out oh you just missed your soulmate but I'm telling you you're going to do it that's what the Mind does and so you get to the point where you
understand I'm just taking the past now as we take this things are neither good nor bad they just are you need to not do this with your past you need to see it's serious about this it's nice talk but this is serious you need to be done with your past you need to be done with your past if you want to have a beautiful life if you want to experience the flowers if you want to experience the birds if you want to experience people if you want to experience giving of yourself you want to experience
life you can't have anything about your personal past going on inside of you because it's going to steal your Consciousness has anybody noticed that everything will start to look like it's associated with that you'll be driving down the road I know you never do this you'll be driving down the road instead of looking at the trees and the flowers and different things you'll be thinking about what happened three years ago even though it has nothing to do what's going on you'll finish conversations with your parents who are both dead I know it's true it's frighteningly
true you are missing your life by allowing your Consciousness to participate in the Neurosis of your past in the craziness of the fact that you let stuff build up in your mind instead of pass through into your being so I showed you two reasons that's bad one is it never made it back to you so it didn't embibe itself as an intuitive understanding to the depth of your being that's one problem and then the second problem is you didn't like it or you liked it so you held it in your mind that required CH shockd
and now everything has to pass through that Veil to make it to you and it's going to tinge and distort everything that's happening to you pay attention this is not a theoretical discussion this is how you destroy your life and then you end up worried and scared and but you're all you're doing that because you're past if I asked people said I'm very nervous why I don't know I've been that way since high school I just felt PE there you go there you go I was okay till high school then I just started feeling judged
and what are you doing you're 52 years old what are you doing being a affected by something that happened when you were 16 or 17 but doesn't it sound stupid I want it to sound stupid I swear to God I we could talk about how to stop doing it but you're never going to stop doing it when you think it's logical to do it but the minute you realize this is stupid why am I smoking why getting lung cancer it it just doesn't make any sense and guess what's else stupid to eat candy for breakfast
lunch and dinner okay he's stupid he's not healthy he's not good for you he's not going to do anything any good all right so that's how you feel about your body why are you with the psyche why can't I talk to you the same way if there's something you're doing that has zero benefit only harm and it is destroying your life why can't I tell you stop doing it why does it just make perfect sense of what benefit is it to have all that past garbage inside of you bothering you and D storting the reality
of your situation and eventually you will look at it through witness Consciousness you'll watch it and you'll say he's right there is no benefit of this it's it's driving me crazy and it's rooing my life I am going to not carry it inside of me you just start saying that I am not going to carry this baggage this garbage this anchor of my past inside of my psyche all right how do I not how do I let it be all right how do I do that you are interacting with something you're a conscious being that's
what it means to be mindful and you notice that this sweet little past with its beautiful Aroma has returned to compete with your Consciousness all right it gave you Daran it showed up all right and you're having trouble interacting with reality because it's trying to steal your Consciousness your heart is hurting your mind is remembering things you're getting nervous the the way she's standing that that's that's where how Sally sat before she broke up with me is she gonna break up with me it's so funny the person you're dealing with now is not Sally even
the body language isn't the same what are you doing you're being neurotic right but that's how we are isn't it and so you look at it and you decide the next time my beautiful past decides to come up up inside of me I'm going to let it go you don't have to go look for it it will come up by itself it will show up when you driving down the street it will show up when you're eating something will remind you of something when you were little do you understand that when it comes up don't
yell at it don't fight with it just give a little kiss on the forehead and say God I'm so sorry you were trying as a mahishi from Tim used to teach his people The Beatles including that everything was coming in and it was passing through the universe but it had to pass through you to continue its Journey Through the universe as that song Across the Universe right everything's just coming and going it's just passing through but it doesn't make it through you does it it gets stuck it's like fly paper in there and so this
poor little thing this poor little event is trying to finish its Journey Through the Universe and you stopped it so it's not its fault so when it comes up and it appears you know the bad dinner you had and now your worried is going to be bad again what are you doing you just look at it and you say oh I'm so sorry you have to start really if you do stupid things you need to apologize even to yourself like if you stop smoking apologize to your lungs those are cells in there they're alive they
were doing a function they were trying to take care of you they were trying to take in oxygen and pass it into the blood Supply so the cells could be fed and you decided to fill it with smoke any way you look at it and you're doing it right you decided to just fill that with smoke so that they're choked and they can't do their function so if you stop smoking at some point you sit down and you apologize they are living cells you just look in there and you feel remorse you feel a sense
of I am sorry because of my neurosis and my nervousness that made me smoke I I have abused you I didn't take care of you you were a gift that was given to me get that way with your organs you understand that get that way with your body you should be saying saying thank you to your body talk about not being grateful there's trillions of cells trillions some people say what 10 12 14 trillion cells in your body every single day that are carrying out these complex functions they're chemists they break chemistry down oh my
God I talk about it right when was the last time you thanked them because if they stopped doing what they were doing by the way if one of them stops doing what they're doing they call it cancer if it doesn't divide properly right any of them stop doing what they're doing you're in big trouble and you just take it all for granted you thank your body you thank the cells just like you would thank anybody else all right so we get that taking care of physically psychologically you do the same thing you think I'm kidding
you need to change your entire relationship with yourself and so when something comes up from the past that is creating disturbance in inside of you you let it go you give a little hug if you need to you give it a little hug you kiss it on the forehead and you apologize people say how do I let go of this that's how with love you apologize I am so sorry that I have kept you stuck inside of me for 35 years this little don't think about the event don't get back into it or you'll get
sucked in just I'm sorry that's a whole new relationship that you can have with this past junk you're carrying inside of you you apologize for keeping it stuck inside of you and then you pass it on you help it on on its way through the universe it's just trying to merge with everything you understand that it's not trying to stay inside of you it's got nothing against you you're the one that couldn't handle it so you stopped it inside of you so I'm saying to you the next time it comes up no matter how small
or big it is you kiss it you apologize and you offer it up so it has the right to continue its way what if it comes back do it again but what if it comes back do it again you can't lock a kid in the closet for three years and decide oh I probably shouldn't have done that let him out think he's goingon to be fine right I told him I was sorry why is he being so weird is the same thing with your psyche you broke it you broke it by keeping all this stuff
inside of you so you get to the point where you start having these healthy relationships with yourself you sit there and realize events unfold in this world that's beautiful that's not bad that's neat and the events that are happening in front of me are just 1 billion trillions of all the events that are happening it's not a big deal whatever it is it's fine it's just my experience of the moment of reality and then you let them go and you you put your being into it if you haven't let them go in the past and
you haven't you've stored them inside of you then you start letting them go but people come to me and say but I don't know how to do that I love it to say to me come to me and say I can't do that and all I'm going to do is correct your English a little bit I'm just going to change it to I haven't learned to do that yet that's different than saying I can't do that I haven't learned to do that yet it's like anything else you haven't learned to do yet learn it I
hope I've convinced you this is pretty important stuff isn't it this like the mo this thing about the past when I talk about it I get very inspired hear me there is nothing more important than letting go of your past it is an anchor that is destroying your life it's just this oh my God so when this thing comes up be grateful that it came up if you start thinking about what happened when you were little you think about what your sister did you think about what the first husband did you whatever heck it is
good wonderful wonderful you wouldn't if it if it wasn't in there it wouldn't be coming up all right and so it comes up and I'm telling you get to the point where you've done enough work on yourself where you are glad it came up you throw at a party that's what I want I want to feel welcome I want it to feel welcome on its way out all right here it comes come on come on it's time for a party come cleanse and you kiss it on the forehead and you apologized I'm so sorry I'm
sorry I kept in the dark down there and that hole called the subconscious like a dungeon I kept you locked down there I didn't even let you come up and say hello to me I don't have nothing to do with you I just kept shoving you back down every time shut up shut up hear me I just don't come on and so you decide to change your entire relationship with that and I'm telling you if you did nothing nothing in your spiritual practice but what I'm talking about with the path you would reach the highest
state that could possibly exist with your past right if you stop carrying your past inside of you I'm telling you that's like 80% of what's going on in there is you got all this junk you've built up over the years and now you're looking out into the world and it's stimulating your junk and then you're interacting with that instead of interacting with the world all right that's the reality what's going going on and you wonder why you're having so much trouble if you will get rid of this stuff from the past you will free 80%
of your Chi of your shaki and it will start going up instead of down and you won't have to maintain all this garbage inside right which would you rather do every single time somebody comes into your house you have to make believe it's clean and hide the stuff that's dirty or just clean the thing clean the house then people can come visit you don't have to hide everything you don't have to go neurotic every time somebody comes it's the same thing inside yourself clean it clean it and so you just start learning to let go
of your past if you let go of your past then the stuff that's happening now won't hit your past it's an amazing thing in the third Zen patriarch that deep writing that starts with the great way is not difficult for those who have no preferences it's one of the deepest spiritual writings ever written there's a line that says when a thing can no longer offend you it ceases to exist in the old way way when a thing can no longer offend you it ceases to exist in the old way if an event can take place
outside and not hit your stuff then it's a totally different thing than it used to be isn't it because it used to be the thing that hit your stuff that's what it used to be right it used to be that two tango thing right it moved you jumped you flinched you got scared you desirous it hit your stuff so now there's a whole different relationship between you and that thing but what if a thing can no longer do that to you it just a tree is a tree a woman is a woman a man's a
man an ex-husband's an ex-husband they just are what they are right they're not hitting anything inside of you then they cease to exist in the old way isin't that beautiful so when a thing can no longer offend you it cease to exist in the old way that is equivalent to saying things are neither good nor bad they just are why because you label them as good and bad because they hit your past the moment an event can unfold in front of you and not hit your stuff guess what it does it touches your soul the
moment events can unfold in front of you and not hit your past your stuff your personal reaction they make it all the way through and I'm telling you they touch your being it's like God's hand reaching in and massaging you you have moments like that very few maybe your first child you hold this child and you're you melt there's none of you there it transcends your personal self somebody you've always loved and been attracted to all of a sudden you're in the Embrace and it's the first kiss that first kiss is like woo magic it
made it past you and it touches like your whole being it touches you at such a deep level I would say you the sunet you turn the corner and this beautiful Sun is setting totally unexpected it's like a Divine experience a spiritual experience that's because it made it past you everything will be like that you will start to live a life where everything is intimate moment Mao talked about self-actualization when the peak experiences start happening that's what he's talking about there is this thing called the peak experience the peak experience is when the reality of
life no matter what it is no matter what it is comes in and you don't resist you are neither resisting nor clinging you are just there and it is free to pass all the way back into your being I where it feels like a river pouring into the ocean as opposed to a dam that's trying to control the river see the difference imagine what it feels like to the ocean to have all those Rivers pouring into it it must feel good hear me they just come in they merge a't that beautiful just fresh they've been
through the whole cycle and been purified by the Earth that's what life is supposed to feel like to you all these different events just come in and they bit AE over you and you become wiser and holer and every single day you're a greater being than you were the day before because the day before you hadn't had the experiences you had today man that's the bottom line isn't it okay every day you are a greater being every single day you are a greater being than you were the day before because you experienced what happened today
and you had by definition not had that experience yet that's what's supposed to happen happen that's what it means to return to the Garden that's what it means to live in the garden you have to work by the sweat of your own brow It's Just Happening naturally you're just like little children you're experiencing the beauty of the learning of every experience let there be one just one that you resist and you're dead because then it will stay inside of you and then every other experience has to pass through it and you'll say well this wasn't
as bad as that but it could be well at least it was was better than that understand that you'll look at everything from that point of view and then you look around scar that'll happen again right it literally just one if you just one that's again the third Z patri I told you do zenite right he says one line make the slightest distinction however and Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart make the slightest distinction of good and bad or right or wrong or like or dislike make the slightest distinction and Heaven and Earth are
set infinitely apart so this is not a game this is your life and so you decide I'm going to change how I live I'm going to change the whole relationship I have with myself I'm going to wake up in the morning and say oh boy I get to be a greater being than I was yesterday cuz I'm going to have the experiences of today and I'm going to challenge myself in boy is a challenge to say that if I get out of the way every experience is growthful every experience has something to teach me every
experience can touch to the core of my being and shake me and vibrate me and fill me even what you call bad experiences they are just experiences that I hadn't had before and I didn't expect them but man I am going to embrace them I am going to let every single thing pass into me all right and people misunderstand that doesn't mean that you don't deal with life I like that I get a lot of writing in the new book people say to me but how can you say yes to everything you can say yes
to everything how do you know we're not to say yes all right it is not about saying yes to everything it is about what I just said it is about letting go of yourself if in the beginning in order to let go go myself I started saying yes to things instead of listening to myself that was always saying no then yes that's a spiritual technique but when it's said and done it is about letting go of yourself it is about this part of Mickey that I have built up by collecting my past is not going
to ever again affect one single thing that happens in my life it's not his life I am living life's life he's in the way he's like a tail that I don't need anymore right I have absolutely no interest in what he's got to say well if you can let go of yourself then what then you interact with life life will come and you will know what to do it will be so obvious it's ridiculous it will come to you and you will dance with it and there are times the dances that you will help somebody
get what they want there are times the dances you will lead somebody right away from what it is that they want that they shouldn't be dealing with right you will know what to do I don't know how to tell you the only reason you don't know what to do now is because you're in the way it is a confused mess in there why is it confused because you had all these past experiences some of them you like some of you didn't you kept them all inside of you and you label them there's nothing saying that
the blue on your little blanket that you took away too soon so now blue is bad it's not the same blue that your boyfriend came and gave you this beautiful Shaw when you were 40 30 years old and you loved it more than anything you love him more than anything and happens to be blue now you got two Blues stored in there one bad one good well how do I know who's going to show up I don't know nobody said that it makes sense in there you've just had tons of experiences at different times of
your life and they all got stored in there was a confused mess it's just so beautiful to see it's because nobody said it's going to make sense nobody said it's patterned they're just experiences you had that you decided to like or dislike and you judge them accordingly so while you have that veil of your personal self built inside of you you can't do anything you can't see anything so figure out your own way how to let go of that thing I shared my early path was to say I ain't listening to him well what do
you listen to I'll listen to Life it was fun hear me if you are no longer listening to it and it's no longer interfering with anything it's not even like there's a struggle anymore life is unfolding and you're there with it okay somebody looking at you it's not going to look like you said yes to every single somebody walks up to you and says here have a drink no he no I don't drink why you said you say yes to everything here shoot up with Heroin right and they're literally writing me like that so you
should say yes no you just don't understand it is about transcending yourself let go of yourself learn how to do that use whatever techniques you need and then it is going to be so easy it is so obvious it is so straightforward what it is you're going to be doing you're going to be doing life and you will know exactly what to do there will never be one decision you have any difficulty with there will never be any confusion ever again for the rest of your existence your Veil is the confusion life is not confusing
you are participating in the unfolding of the universe and it's a totally natural thing to do but you can't do that while you are carrying this garbage so I focus on a couple of things of the garbage the biggest one is the past I swear if I didn't lecture on anything else ever again I would like to teach you to let go of your past and guess what I already did but what are the techniques to want to you do all kinds of things you want to do you figure them out pretty good for yourself
how can you not want to do this it's ruined your life and so you decide if my past comes up I'm going to find find a way to let it go I gave you a cute way right give it a little kiss on the head apologize take ownership don't blame it because then you're going to push it back down or you're going to get mad at it apologize that you weren't conscious enough at the time to let it go about its journey and pass through you so it only bothered you for 10 seconds or whatever
it is or even for two months cuz somebody you loved die yes it's a problem POS but then it's over things are over not inside of you are they right and so you don't build this thing inside of you you let it go let it pass and you can offer it offer it up but it hurts when it comes up that's because it was stored with pain it's going to come up with pain oh I forgot to tell you that if you stored it with pain if that was a traumatic experience you had when you
were little and you st it down there but can't you make it so it comes up with no pain no no because the growth that you need you who's in there is how to be able to relax and release as this birth of your soul is taking place and therefore you let it go it's it's not pain it's friction because of your resistance there's no pain there's no pain there's no nerves in there don't you dare call that pain pain is what happens when the nerves get stimulated and send messages back to the brain what
this is called is resistance what this is called is there's an energy they're trying to pass through you and you have decided is not going to and therefore you push against it it creates heat it creates disturbance all right that's what it feels like to resist reality you get really weird and it gets very uncomfortable well the answer is very straightforward stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it and you just do it as much as you can and don't worry as many times you need to do it you just relax and release
relax and release welcome it welcome it and boy are you going to see a change in your being and then someday a big one's going to come up the little ones are easy Once you want to do them you start getting more energy and your enthusi tired no wonder you're tired all the time how could you not be tired all look what you're doing you're you're stopping all these things for your entire life from passing through you of course you're going to get tired and get Spacey and have ADD and all that kind of junk
you let go of this stuff that stuff's going away you let this go and the chi the shuy will feed you and you won't get tired like that and all this then something big will come up I don't want to lay it I don't need to find out about it all I know is it's bigger how do you know you know it starts to feel foundational that's the word I use it's structural it's always been there you've never ever lived where it wasn't there it was what was underneath everything it built your entire personality anybody
know anything about that it's a foundational structural part of your psyche the point is you don't want that in you don't start are telling me Oh then that's who I am I'm this no no no no no no that's not who you are you are the self who is noticing that there is this thing inside of you you do not want to identify with it you do not want to Define it as okay you want to sit there and say this is going to be fun was it gonna be like I pass kidney stones and
I ain't pass that What's it gonna be like to pass that don't worry about it none of your business all you have to do is be willing that's all you have to do and way do you see it'll break into a pieces this will happen or maybe there will be a really hot moment but it will go and you will then never be the same for the rest of your existence by letting go of one of those at that level you will never ever be the same again right it just released a whole foundational level
of shuy of energy that then Finds Its way and rearrange ranges your entire chakra system your entire Energy System right literally you were there and you were a little bit heavy and then all of a sudden once this thing passes there's literally sounds of shuy pouring out your sahasra and your Ain chakra you didn't do a single thing day and night that's all was happening because you pass that why it was blocking the sh it was blocking your spiritual energy so this willingness to let these things go this is not a minor talk this is
your life the entire purpose of your life once you do this as the third Zen patriar said you will look out on the world and guess what you'll see not me now when you look out of the world you see you you understand that because it hit your stuff when you let go of enough of this stuff all of a sudden the world is totally different it's this dance it's this beautiful oh my God it's art it's just unfolding the days are bringing surprises and different things are happening up down left right cold hot oh
my God there's so many yinong that's what they talk about with Yin young it's just coming and going and passing and and you start enjoying it even the hard things they're like oh we're going to do that today and you don't have a problem with it you deal with it there's a difference between having a problem with it and dealing with it I taught that to you didn't I all right and the next thing you know there's no good and bad there's no right and wrong that not meaning you go out and do wrong things
but it's not like this shouldn't happen and it should that's what it means when it says no right or wrong doesn't mean you become immoral you know has nothing to do with what you're doing because you wouldn't do anything anymore right it just means you're not looking outside saying you're right you're wrong okay you're just looking outside and seeing what's there so you transcend that and all of a sudden there's no success there's no fa you wouldn't know how to define success or failure it's just fun and all of a sudden you reach the state
I started with things are neither good nor bad they just are not so weird anymore is it right but you have to be done you have to be done with you done as it means to be done there's no more personal stuff in there or at least you're not paying attention to the personal stuff you're not hanging out with it there'll always be something but it hits it you let it go be grateful all right it's just an opportunity to get closer to God it's an opportunity let go once again so this is what it's
about do you understand that all we did was take a simple saying things are neither right nor wrong nor good nor bad they just are makes sense now doesn't it happens to be true all right get there get there enjoy the process of letting go of yourself and for God's sakes if you heard nothing else from this teaching are you willing to stop carrying your past inside of you is of no benefit to that so stop putting things in there now never put another thing in there accept whatever happens and let it go then deal
with it and the stuff that comes up from the past throw at a party welcome it kiss it offer it do not ever push it back down do not ever complain that it came up don't do that you want to release this stuff and you're going to see changes so fast do you know a true Yogi is not the same from one day to the next they literally see a change in their being on a daily basis they're a different person every single day because they had more experiences they're better at things and because they
let go more of the stuff they were carrying inside so now you walk in the next day like an expert more of an expert and then you'll be another one you'll be another one it's a beautiful process all right work on these things inative
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