David Icke talks conspiracy theories - BBC News

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BBC News
David Icke is asked about conspiracy theories around 9/11 and lizards in Buckingham Palace. The form...
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would you describe yourself as a conspiracy theorist well um I look at what officialdom tells us is happening and check it out and if you can back that up with information it's not a theory and there are situations where you think I think this could be this or could be that that that could be happening that's a theory but much of it is backed up by hard factual information and interestingly when you look at the dictionary definition of the very word conspiracy we're drowning in them what one one is the action of plotting or conspiring
I mean that's happening all the time give an example of a conspiracy at the moment well um ironically we've had George Osborne this week um trying to ridicule conspiracies involving the EU by likening them to believing in the Loch Ness monster and in the same week we've had the Daily Mail exposing the prime Minister for conspiring in effect with big business to frighten the public into staying in the EU while publicly to Parliament as well saying that um he would come out if the negotiations renegotiations didn't work that's a conspiracy is that a conspiracy or
is it just politicians doing the time oner thing of being less than honest with us well if you're telling the public that you will U have the option of coming out if you do not renegotiate with the EU the way you want and you then you don't do that and at the same time you're telling the public in Parliament that you are um working with big business behind the scenes already to frighten the public into staying in even though you R negotiations not not finished that is a conspiracy to mislead the public what other conspiracy
should we worry about well what um we're looking at all the time are conspiracy after conspiracy coming to light while the idea of conspiracy and that the very word conspiracy is demonized for instance we have a situation with this chilcott inquiry where um we're going to see indeed the information has already come out that the prime minister of the time Tony Blair and George Bush and and and and the administrations lied to us to justify an invasion um of Iraq and that is a conspiracy that has cost the lives of Staggering numbers of people and
created uh an ongoing catastrophe that's still going on and let's not forget this the very same people not just the same agencies the same people that uh told us there were weapons of of mass destruction in Iraq when they knew they weren't those very same people gave us the official story of 9/11 and what the mainstream media is doing 911 a conspiracy of course it was who was behind it well what was behind it was well who was behind it well again in the time we've got here it's very difficult but there is a network
that works through um government agencies through organizations like the CIA Etc to push an agenda on the world which is unfolding by the day my books in the 1990s laid out what this agenda was and those books are now being read on the television news in changes in in in society and laws coming in okay and and the thing is this is the point the mainstream media has accepted that those characters those same characters lied about Iraq but will not question in any way the same people's version of 9/11 they're journalists it's their job but
do you still think the royal family were shap shifting lizards yes I do you do yes and you also want us to believe 91 is a conspiracy yes but the does that rather under I mean it I can see the point that you might have some question 911 but if you also think that Buckingham Palace is inhabited by lizards it kind of but it's not that it's not that simple it's a whole big backstory before you you get to to um uh what what I'm saying if you if you deliver it in one line oh
you know the world's run by reptiles it you you meet it on one level oh that's crazy immediate reflex action but when you see the when you see the backstory and the evidence to support this ancient and modern you you see that uh one line throwaway line um in a completely different context all right let me bring in that that have you ever believed in a conspiracy theory Liz no I haven't but um I think David aronovich is really interesting on this because he he says that sort of paradoxically we kind of we keep obsessing
about conspiracies because somehow it's it's actually reassuring to think that there's some great Network or some purpose when in fact the world is chaotic and random and terrible things happen was just a hor horrible foreign policy mistake and we can't get our heads around it you see as a journalist I would love to believe in conspiracy theorists because they're much better stories but almost everything I've ever investigated it turns out up is a better explanation than conspiracy yes I know people put a lot of work into conspiracy theories but I I still think they're actually
intellectually lazy um I I think you know people just don't want to get their head around the way things really work that having been said I mean let me say firstly that you know a lot of people are gullible about conspiracies I mean I think the police were extremely gullible about the Downing Street pedophile ring as it turns out and on the other hand let's May I'll just end my comment with this point there clearly was a conspiracy over Hillsboro and over 28 years or whatever it was people denied there was a conspiracy but there
was my last book before the present one is thousand Pages have you read any of my books no I how do you know that it's intellectually lazy I wasn't talking about you actually you were talking about me because that that's what I do how do you know I meant me members of the public who immediately latch on to a conspiracy as being the most reasonable explanation of a perfectly simple situation I think intellectually lazy how do we know you're not a conspiracy to make us all believe in conspiracies people must believe what they like see
this is the simple thing it's ever so simple you look at information and you make a decision on what you think of it but if no one is investigating what um governments and authorities are saying with a view to whether it's true or not then what chance have people got to to see information um that they can then make a decision on all they're getting is the mainstream uh repeat repeat repeat version of everything well I mean in my career everything I know has been investigated and we go by the facts just very briefly what
are you up to these days um uh just got a new book out called Phantom self and I'm going on a world tour um all over the world and that's that that that how many people this as in before you go in that world to
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