Bishop T.D. Jakes | This Is A Game Changer

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🌟 Are You Ready to Transform Your Relationships and Unlock New Possibilities? What if the people y...
Video Transcript:
good morning everybody morning pre in jesus' name father let our time together be fruitful today let it be extraordinary let it be lifechanging let it be all the things that you have predestined and ordained for it to be I give you the praise and the glory for what you're going to do have your way in this place in Jesus name amen say Amen somebody do you mind standing for just a moment as we read the text just just for a moment um I'm going to be in fiman 1 verse 10-19 fimon if you can't find
it it's in there somewhere if you see Exodus you're going in the wrong direction as loud as you can shout this is a game changer this is a game changer oh holler like you're hollering at your kids this is a game [Music] changer yeah that's a little better one more time yeah yeah yeah that's good I honor the Lord I honor your apostle his wife all the clergymen that have gone before me you've had a smorgus board this week of some of the finest preaching and teaching and Ministry and you ought to give God a
praise for all that your ears have [Applause] heard I'm going to jump right into this to be honest with you uh I had this in my spirit last night but I thought it was for today so I would share it today phimon 1: 10 through 19 when you have it say amen amen I beseech the for my son onimus whom I have begotten in my bonds which in times past was to thee unprofitable but now profitable to thee and to me whom I have sent again thou therefore receive him that is mine own bows whom
I would have retained with me that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the Gospel but without th mind would I do nothing that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity but willingly in other words I could have done it without you but I wanted you to be in agreement with it for perhaps he therefore departed for a season that thou should us receive him forever have you ever had God put you away for a season yeah put you on hold for a season that through the
waiting process you would come back better than you were before not now as a servant but above a servant this is C this is something I want you to look at real good not now as a servant but above a servant a brother belov especially to me but how much more unto thee both both in the flesh and in the Lord if thou count me therefore a partner receive him as myself if he have wronged thee or orth thee art put that on mine account I Paul have written it with my own hand I will
repay it allbe it I do not say to thee how thou owest unto me even thine own self besides pay pay attention to that I going to read that again I Paul have written it with my own hand and I will repay you but by the way do not say to thee how thou owest unto me me even thine own self besides so I will pay the debt that onimus owes but don't forget you still owe me isn't it funny how people treat the people that owe them differently than the people they owe that we
often have a different standard that we have a different problem process that we have a different way of looking at things but ultimately God is going to get some Glory out of this because this is a game Cher before you sit down and tell somebody this is a game changer this is a game Cher you may be seated in the presence of the Lord perhaps it would be needful this small tiny minute book in the Bible is seldom referred to in any graphic or dactic way because it is so brief and because it is a
bit ous in its thought process and a little bit concerning because it is such an unusual story it comes toward the end of the Apostle Paul's Journey and oh what a journey he had had he is introduced in the scriptures as the little boy who held the coats while stepan got stoned he is later recognized as a person who gathered up the early Church Believers and brought them to Jerusalem to be persecuted he was in fact an enemy of the church I would venture to say he was a terrorist of the church he did things
simply to terrify other believers to keep them from believing he was on his way to continue his mission now he didn't do it because he was evil one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter he did it because he thought he was right just like a lot of people try to kill you and think they're right they think they are doing God's service to take you out he thought he was working for God when in fact he was working against God he makes up in his mind that he's going to go down Damascus road to
continue to harass and terrorize and anate the early movement of the first century church called the way later called Believers and at Antioch called Christians he didn't care what you call them he wanted them moved out of the way because anything that comes against our traditional ideas is about God rather than to contemplate that they might be right we tend to criticize and want them moved out of the way in spite of all of our harping about God will do a new thing in you when he tries to do a new thing we are in
love with the old thing and we terrorize progress I'm going let that marinate we terrorize progress we say we want to go to the next level but when it's time to go to the next level we don't want to go to the next level because the next level is unfamiliar and there's a certain angst and anxiety and stress and Trauma that goes along with doing anything you have never done before most of us sa become satisfied to do one thing continually the rest of our lives to the shagrin of the God who created you with
a multiplicity of gifts you are sitting on gifts you haven't touched largely because we allow other people to put guard rails around who we are and we live in the guard rail of their expectations afraid to break the pattern and get out the mold and be a designer's original rather than a cheap copy Paul has an encounter with God then called Saul because he was uh of a Jewish descent named after King Saul later called Paul because he was a Roman citizen he was in the awkward position that many times they would have killed him
in Jerusalem but when he reminded them that he was a Roman citizen out of fear of Caesar they wouldn't kill him he's on the road to Damascus and you know this story well and the Bible said he saw a great light and the light knocked him off his beast and when he fell off off his Beast he lost his sight but he gained his vision it is possible to have your sight and not have your vision a vision has nothing to do with eyesight he lost his eyesight that he might gain Insight sometimes in order
to gain Insight you have to close your eyes to eyesight because eyesight contradicts Insight you get it tomorrow yeah what you see with your eyes contradicts what you see with your spirit and if you walk by sight and not by faith you won't fulfill your vision because what you see with your eyes doesn't always support what you see with your spirit your spirit can show you going into business your pocketbook can show you that you don't have groceries and to walk by faith you have to believe what you see in your spirit in the midst
of the controversy now watch this closely Paul is Leading Men down the Damascus Road who end up leading him the Bible says when he got back up off his Beast he was blind and he had to be led by the men to the house of ananas to discover God in a way that he had never known him before but just because you see God in a way you've never known him before doesn't mean it's not [Applause] God I'm going to say that again for the people in the back just because you see God in a
way you've never seen him before doesn't mean it's not God but most religious people we we we boycott protest fight try to stop anything that that's new because we love to dwell in the familiar there was nothing in Paul's life that was going to be familiar from this day forward God sends him ultimately to serve the Gentiles which must you must understand what a degrading position that was for somebody who was a Pharisee from The Tribe of Benjamin who was zous concerning the law they wouldn't even eat with a gentile and now Paul who esteems
himself as an intellect amongst the Jews is now sent to serve what the Jews would call dogs God has a way of humbling [Applause] you but when he humbles you don't mistake that for punishment sometimes humbling is a promotion yeah you see in the Kingdom the quickest way to go up is go down so if you humble yourself God will exalt you and if you exalt yourself it's only a matter of time before God will humble you the actual first book that the Apostle Paul wrote was first Thessalonians he is educated he is intellectual he
has sat at the feet of Gil he has been taught he has been instructed when he writes first Thessalonians he writes first Thessalonians talking about the return of the Lord talking about we should not all sleep but we should all be chained in the moment in the twinkling of an eye talking about the end times expecting to see the end times before his time ended but as he continued to walk with God his Revelation expands as the Epistles increase like him or not you wouldn't have a new testament without the Apostle Paul he contributes the
the largest portion of work to our new testament Theology and our understanding of the New Testament Church is largely because of Paul Jesus shed his blood on the cross birth the church on the day of Pentecost the church was originally called a holy thing as Jesus was called a holy thing it went through several iterations of names kind of like we do in our country when I was a little boy we were called colored when my grandmother was a little girl we were called we went from to colors to African-Americans to just black I don't
know what we're going to come up with next but he had all of these names and all of these understandings and all of these realities because God had a purpose for his life and he had to shatter his shell to birth the man that he wanted to use in a mighty way he had to shatter his dogmatic religious attitude as a Pharisee and as a Benjamin as a and being of The Tribe of Benjamin to put him in a position where he surrendered all to God why would we be without Paul without Paul we would
not have scriptures like for we know if this Earthly house or Tabernacle shall be dissolved we have another building Eternal in the heavens whose Builder and maker is god without Paul we would not have text like we know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord who are the called according to his purpose without Paul we would not have scriptures like for we know not what to pray for as we are but the spirit itself make his intercession for us with groanings and moanings that cannot be uttered without Paul
we would not have scriptures like behold I show you a mystery we should not all sleep but we shall all be changed in the moment in the twinkling of an eye without Paul we would not understand the God here we will not understand the mystery of great is the mystery of godliness for God was manifest In the Flesh justified in the spirit seen of the Gentiles believed on in the world and received up to Glory somebody say amen amen without Paul we would not have an understanding of our will pray in the spirit and I
will pray with an understanding also without Paul we would not have an understanding that he gave some Apostles some prophets some pastors some teachers some evangelist for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry until we all come into to the unity of the faith Come on talk to me somebody without Paul we would not understand their having made known unto us the mystery of his own will that God works all things after the counsel of his own will without Paul we will not understand that all things work together for the good
of them that love the Lord who are the call according to his purpose without Paul we would not have the re ations that he said that he was stoned to death at lisra and left lame for dead I knew a man whether in the body or in the spirit I cannot tell who saw things that were not lawful to be uttered without Paul we would not have a book of Romans we would not have first and 2 Thessalonians we would not have First Corinthians and second Corinthians without Paul we would not have a clear understanding
of what church is it was birthed but it was babied it had to be developed by the work of the Apostles Jesus laid the foundation and then the apostles begin to lay foundation on top of that Foundation as I read in my text last night Christ being the Chief Cornerstone but the onus was on us as Apostles to continue the work of the ministry until we all come into the unity of the faith without Paul we would not have the war morning whether men or Angels come unto you and preach any other gospel other than
that which we have preached let him be a curse the Apostle Paul is a great contributor of Truth to our theology to our understanding of God to our Pursuit Of God to our awareness of God and what it meant to be in the New Testament Church he was a significant and prominent figure because he adds continuity development stage shape and form to the formation of the church itself birthed on Calvary but formed through the Epistles we get a clearer and deeper understanding of what it is to be the church we would not have an orthodox
theology we would not have a religion we would not have an under shall we continue in sin that Grace May abound God forbid how can we that are dead to sin live any longer there without Paul there there would not be scriptures like there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk no longer after the flesh but after the Spirit Come on talk to me somebody without Paul we would not know that if you sow sparingly you reap sparingly and if you sow bountifully you will reap bounti without Paul
we would not have scriptures like I have follow a good fight I have kept the faith I have finished my course now laid up for me is a crown of righteousness Eternal in the heaven without Paul we would not have the scriptures that taught us if this Earth a house or Tabernacle shall be dissolved we have another building we're just moving from building to building Eternal laid up in the heavens whose Builder and maker is God Paul gives us formation and Clarity and understand standing in the church and most of what he wrote he wrote
In Chains most of what he wrote he wrote in prison most of what he wrote he wrote being ostracized and being criticized I was talking to a lady the other day who was working with people with a woman had that had been incarcerated she had got pregnant twice while she was in in jail and then got out of jail and had yet another baby and she said to the woman she said my goodness it sure is easier to have a baby without shackles because every child she had had before she had had in Chains I
came to tell you that it's much easier to birth your baby if you get rid of your Shack I'm not saying you can't do it with shackles on you but it's much easier to do it when you are free before you try to give birth to what God wants to do in your life if you walk with God long enough you don't even have to be present to bring about change you can do like Jesus and stop in the middle of the road and the Centurion says I don't even need you to come to my
house just speak the word only and my servant will be healed if you walk with God long enough prayer has no distance it is not intimidated by time zones languages colors of skin when God gets ready to do something he just does it because he's God and he's got it like that he said I'm not a man that I should lie or the son of man that I should repent have I not spoken it shall I not make it good the Bible said it is impossible for God to lie that is to say if I
look at that speaker and I say it's red I lied because I know it's black but if God looks at the speaker and says it's red it'll turn red for anybody who's got that much power in their voice and in their word can't lie because whatever he speaks it becomes whatever he said if he said you're healed you're healed if he said you're loosed you're loosed if he said you're free you're free if he said you're whole you're whole if he said you're better you're better if he said you're coming out you're coming out if
he said you're going to be the head you're going to be the head if he said you're blessed you're going to be blessed if he said you're more than a conqueror you're going to be more than a conqueror if he said I'll make your pathway straight he'll move every crooked thing that's standing in your way so that you can go through a clear path that he has designed for your life I got a happy when I said that cuz somebody's on a clear path after a long time of curvy roads God has put you on
a straight path and it feels good and you want to shout about it but you're scared to tell people about it cuz some people don't want you to have a straight path but I don't care whether they want you to have a straight path or not you need to celebrate the fact After all you've been through he's finally made the Crooked path straight he's finally opened up a door he's finally made a way and the great thing about God is that sometimes God will fix it and you don't even know when he fixed it he'll
heal you and you can't even tell what day heal you you just look around and the pain has gone away you just look around and you can do something you couldn't do before you look around and you got courage where you used to have fear you look around and you're sleeping good at night you look around and you don't have anxiety you look around and the depression is gone you don't know what time it left you don't know what window it left out of you don't know what it went through the back door of the
garage but when God says go it's got to go I said it's got to go I said it's got to go I said it's got to go I said it's got to go what's amazing to me Paul went through was suffering he was stoned to death left laying for dead but after they walked off and decided he was dead he got up shook the dust off his fants and kept on going oh I wish I had some dust throwers in here I wish I had some people that had been left for dead and everybody was
sure you weren't going to come out of that and they walked away and left you and all of a sudden you just kind of and got up and kept walking to God be the glory for the things he's done you made it through grief you made it through pain you made it through Agony you made it through the curses of men who spoke all manner of evil but if God before you he's more than the world against you are you hearing what I'm saying say to you Paul had such power that his shadow could fall
on people and they would be healed Paul had such power that he didn't have to come in the flesh he could write a letter send a text send a email send a postcard send a greeting card and people get delivered by his writing he was profound he was prolific he was aidite he was charismatic he was powerful he was called for such a time as this and God used the least likely to do the almighty he didn't get a good man he got a bad man with a ugly pass and a dirty record and he
said my strength is made perfect in weakness the more ridiculous your story The Closer you are to God being able to use you the more you feel disqualified it's a short your sign that God has qualified you to do things that you couldn't do before cuz he wants you to know that it is not by might nor by power but by my spirit sayith the Lord I don't care if you don't know who your mama was and you don't know who your daddy was God ordained you to be here for such a time as this
and he's still going to do it he's going to do it with a pH D he's going to do it with a masters of divinity he's going to do it with a college degree he's going to do it with a high school diploma I don't care what you got to work with God will do it God will do it if you got an eighth grade education when God gets ready to use you your strength has nothing to do with his power you can stutter like Moses but if God gets ready to use you he can
use You by his power and no witch and no hex and no dust thrower and no demon can stop you from being used I wish I had about 10 Witnesses in this place right now and I came to tell you you're on the verge of a gamechanging situation it will not be business as usual it will not be ordinary now for some of you it will still be ordinary because you don't have the faith to believe in change but there are a few radical folks in this church right now who believe that God can do
something absolutely amazing and if you're one of those radical people make some noise let me hear you my God my God my God let me get this mic I feel like something is going to happen in here today I said I feel like something is going to happen in here today I feel like some bounds some bondages are going to be loosed in here today I feel like somebody's going to get a new identity I feel like somebody's going to get a fresh start I feel like God's getting ready to do a new thing in
you I said he's going to do a new thing the former things have passed away and God is going to do a new thing in your life and it's going to be a scary thing and it's going to be uncertain and you're not going to be sure of yourself cuz youve never pass this way before but keep on walking by faith keep on walking by faith knowing that he that have began a good work in you shall perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ and it don't matter who don't believe it if God be
for you he's more than the world against you in my text today I better get to this text in my text today Paul has written a letter to his servant phimon phiman is one of Paul's uh proteges he was a Believer he was a wealthy man he allowed them to have church in his house he was affluent he was a person of significance he has a slave named onimus now having a slave was a symbol of wealth in the Bible days it added to your portfolio the slave had value if the slave ran away it's
like your car running away it decreases your value onimus was a runaway slave the text is a Trilogy of three stories cohabitating in one text there is the story of the Apostle Paul there is the story of phiman the Rich Young Ruler who allowed people to have church in his house and then there is the story of onimus who is living on the Run hiding in the bushes traveling in the night avoiding crowds dodging people always looking over his shoulder uncertain about the future not knowing what was going to happen knowing that if he was
captured he might be killed knowing that if he was captured he would at least be tortured knowing if he was captured he was going to be punished knowing if he was captured he could get sold because he was a commodity he was a commodity they didn't see him as a person they saw him as a commodity some people don't see you as a person they see you as a commodity that's why they treat you like they treat you that's why they have no regards for your emotions because they don't see you as a person they
see you as an opportunity and whenever they come up to you you got to be a little bit careful cuz they're not talking to you as a person you think they're talking to you no they're not talking to you they're talking to an opportunity and they're trying to find a way that they can get closer to you so that they can then snare you and drag you back so that your gifts can go to build their Kingdom but the gift God gave you is not for any man's Kingdom it is for the kingdom of God
stop letting people use you for their own agenda make up in your mind for God I'll live and for God I'll die I'll serve him the rest of my life I'll serve him in Good Times I'll serve him in bad times I'll serve him in plenty I'll serve him in like I'll serve him when things are going well I'll serve him when things are not going well I'll serve him when people love me I'll serve him when people hate me I'll serve him when I'm on the run I'll serve him when I'm hiding in the
bushes I'm sering him when I got to move in the night time I'll serve him in shackles I'll serve him in Chains I'll serve him with an empty belly I'll serve him in sickness I'll serve him while I'm sick single I'll serve him while I'm married I'll serve him when I'm Unhappily Married I'll serve him when I'm misunderstood I'll serve him when I don't feel appreciated I'll serve him when nobody acknowledges my labor I'll serve him when nobody calls my name I'll serve him when I never get on program I'll serve him when I never
get recognized I'll serve him when I train people who get promoted over top of me I'll serve him in season out of season I'll serve him in the storm in the rain in the flood in the snow in the fire in the test in the storm in the trial in the tribul I made up my [Applause] mind I'm going to serve the Lord Paul writes to phiman his son in the gospel and he says to him I know you are upset because you have have lost onimus the runaway slave and it's one of the few
times that the text talks openly about a runaway slave we have not really seen runaway slaves until we go back to Exodus the last time we saw runaway slaves they were running from pharaoh and Pharaoh was trying to follow them but God made a way for them and when God makes a way for you you don't have to worry about nobody trying to follow you in the way when God makes a way for you you'll go across on dry land but their chariots will get stuck in the mud when God makes a way for you
you go past and never drown they'll get in it and drown in what you went through in fact there are a group of people here that went through some stuff that should have killed you but you're still here you should have lost your mind but you're still here you should have had a nervous breakdown but you're still here you should be an alcoholic but you're still here you should have thrown in the towel but you're still here because God made a way for you and brought you out by his right hand and His holy arm
has got you the victory and yes you get on people's nerves cuz you shout too loud you jump too high you holler too often you make too much noise you clap your hands you sing your song you do your dance you dance in the balcony you dance on the steps you dance on the wall you'll dance in the parking lot you'll dance in the grocery store because every time you think of the goodness of Jesus and all that is done for you your soul Cries [Applause] Out Hallelujah I thank you for saving me f is
getting a letter a letter from an inmate named Paul the inmate is writing for onimus Freedom thank you Lord for the 10 people who heard me the oximoron of it all is that Paul is in Chains himself and pleading for somebody else's Freedom which tells me what kind of man Paul was that he did not allow the temporary circumstances that he found himself in to stop the eternal mission that God had given to him we need more people like that today we got people today if it rains it stops them if somebody talks about them
it stops them if somebody sits in their seat it stops them if they don't get called on the program it stops them but we need some oldfashioned Sanctified Holy Ghost fi fire baptized people who will serve God in season and out of season serve God when your Bell's hungry serve God when you're backed against the wall serve God when you don't have a place to stay serve God when you're wondering how you're going to get through school but God's going to make a way for you if you dare to serve him if you keep on
doing what he told you to do when you're under attack just do what he told you to do you don't have to get even you don't have to get spite you don't have to get revenge just keep on doing what God told you to do if you do what God told you to do you can get what God told you you can have oh y'all don't hear what I'm saying I'm going to tell them if you do what God told you to do you can get what God told you you can have Hallelujah hell has
not made a demon that's strong enough to stop the purpose of God in your life what God Said you can have you can have what God said you can do you can do what God said you can accomplish you can accomplish don't wait on everybody to agree with you don't wait on everybody to accept you don't wait on everybody to like you the moment God gives you the green light hit the gas and go forward put it in drive and keep moving you can do the impossible you can scale walls you can run through troops
you can swim with sharks and not get bit you can tread on serpents and not get bit when God is on your side they can get a lock of your hair and can't curse you they can mix up Voodoo and can't hurt you when God is on your side he keeps on doing great things for you and the more He blesses you the more you ought to praise him see it's time out for those church people that get blessings and take it for granted like spoiled children God is raising up a new generation of people
that every time God does something they will give him the praise they'll Praise Him in church they'll Praise Him in the house they'll Praise Him in the post office they'll Praise Him in the market they'll praise him anywhere is there anybody in this building that feels like that onimus onimus name means useful but his time has not yet come and he does not look particularly useful I was having fellowship with the preachers back in the back room last night and I told them if you would have met me in my teenage years you would have
never Associated TD Jake with who you saw back then God has a way of snatching the most unlikely people to do the most amazing things I say that to the young people in this room you might think you've been ruled out you might think you've been disqualified you might think you made so many mistakes that God can't use you but God Specializes in uses using unlikely people hallelujah he used a harlot to liberate his people to let down the red cord and to bring them through he used an idolatrous like Ruth to start the lineage
of Jesus Christ he used a woman like Tamar who dressed up like a prostitute to sleep with her father-in-law just so she could hang around in the family God has a way of using people that other people scorn at that other people have odd against that other people want to fight you got to stop making other people's opinion your Battleground it's none of my business what you think about me you can think whatever you want to think about me whatever you think about me won't add to my height it won't diminish my growth it won't
take away my anointing it won't empty out my wallet you got to take back your power from people who are trying to take your power from you because they don't think it's h till they say it's h they don't think it's going to happen till they say it's going to happen but when God says something is going to happen it's going to happen and hell can't do nothing about it I feel the anointing coming up in this room I feel something creeping up and down my spine I feel go spres on my bike I fear
the hair follicles on my chin standing at attention God's going to give somebody a breakr today God's getting ready to change some things this is going to be a game Cher you thought you were coming to Sunday morning service this is not Sunday morning service this is going to be a game changer service when you walk out of here you going to walk out of here new you're going to walk out of here on fire you're going to walk out of here in power you're going to walk out of here r [Music] onimus onimus has
spent his life in hiding hiding a runaway slave in hiding eating on the Run eating out of trash cans catching whatever he could some kind of way he ran into Paul and Paul changed his life he introduced him to Jesus he had an encounter with God he became a son of the Apostle Paul considers him a son as if he had come out of his own bowels he had come out of his own body he is fond of him he says to phimon I started to keep him here for myself in your place wait a
minute you you going to put a slave in the pace of the master who owned him see they didn't get it but you got it I'm talking about promotion I'm talking about God can raise you up that you can go to bed a slave and wake up in charge that God can turn everything around in your life quick fast and in a hurry and all of a sudden he has an encounter with Paul and Paul says to him and this is the hard part he says go back to femon it is the hardest thing it's
easy to obey God when he sending you places you already want to go but when God sends you back to face somebody that you know hates you that you know seeks to kill you that you know wants to destroy you and God says I want you to go back there and meet them it's kind of like Moses go down there and tell Pharaoh wait excuse me Lord uh last time I saw Pharaoh he was trying to kill me the reason I'm in the mountain with Jethro is to avoid being killed see see see Moses was
on the run but God still send him back to confront who he was running from I don't know who this is for but the Holy Ghost said stop running I'mma try it on y'all stop running stop ducking stop hiding God is about to do something amazing in your life and Paul gives him a letter to give to phiman and he says to him I think it is profitable unto you to receive onimus back into your fold not as a servant but as a brother now oh wait wait it's one thing to let me come back
it's another thing to to give me all the rights of a family member it's another thing to bring me in as an equal the challenge of the text is not just can onimus go back home it's not just can Paul write a letter from jail the real challenge of the text is does fiman have the grace to see somebody that you have experienced in one dimension and have the liquidity of thought and the nimbleness of mind to be able to see them in a dimension you never saw them before the problem in the church today
is once we know something about you we will always see you through the lens of how we knew you and no matter how much good you do there's always somebody bringing up your past saying I knew you when I know what he did have you heard about her do you know what he did oh he might be up there preaching now but do you know what she did do you know what they said there's always somebody who's ready to bring up something in your path even if it's a lie they'll bring it up they it
doesn't have to be true they'll kill you with a lie they'll kill you with a rumor they'll do anything they can because the problem is it's not you it's not you it's not you the problem is they you have to be real mature to be able to change your perspective on an EV on an individual with whom you have had a bad experience I didn't expect you to shout I no I didn't expect you to shout I expected that to rub a little deep I expected that to kind of get down in there a little
bit I expected that to come up against unforgiveness and jealousy and anger and Spite and envy I expected that to rub the nerves of people who have been mad at people for 20 years and 10 years some of the people you hate Are [Applause] Dead God has a way of blessing people without your permission God has a way blessing people without your approval God has a way of blessing people you don't like God has a way of blessing people that you're talking about God has a way of blessing people that you despise and you might
as well get over it this is your Sunday to get over it because God isn't asking them to change he's asking you to change because you are operating on your experience with them and now they've had an exper experience with God and you're talking about where they used to be and God is talking about where they are right now and the reason you have to release him is that God often uses unlikely people to bless you he'll make your enemies your foot stools he'll make people who broke your heart in one season feed need you
in the next season your bread is not coming from the place you thought it was going to come from it's going to come from the person who had odd against you Strife against you scandalized your name but God is going to use them because he's going to turn their heart around the question isn't can God changed them the question that is left before us that fiman was grappling with is can God change you can God change your attitude about them yeah when whenever I get to this point right here it always gets quiet and that's
not a bad thing the quiet is a good thing cuz it means you're introspective it means you're looking down in your heart trying to see where does this message fit a relationship I have in my life it could be something your mother said it could be something your father said to you it could be something that broke your heart it could be something that your first boyfriend said to you it could be something that your neighbor said to you and it left a bitter place in your heart and God circles back around and he wants
to use them to bless you but you don't want them to bless you because you have not matured Beyond on your experience to change your perspective of what God can do in another person and the worst part about it is you believe that God can change you I'mma I'mma try that again I don't guess I should make you mad on the last service you believe that God can change you you don't believe that the same Grace that change you could change somebody else too when are you going to give the grace you got the mercy
you receive the kindness you receive because often God sends them back to be useful to you but they can't be useful to you if you don't on my phone on my phone they get they send a uh I got a Apple phone and they they send updates and you can always tell when an update has come cuz your phone starts acting crazy and if you don't download the update you won't be able to move forward effectively and a lot of Christians need an update they need a update in the most personal areas of their lives
sometimes it's with their own children sometimes it's with their own parents just because you told yourself a story does not mean that it is the only story the story that you told yourself is not guaranteed to be the true story it is your perspective on the story and until you divorce your perspective you are not eligible to grow in God because God God is looking for people who can be liquid God is looking for people who can pivot God is looking for people who can change God is looking for people who can shift God is
looking for people who can move and the real test is not on onimus I know it took courage to go back I know it took courage to walk back over to Fan's house not being sure whether he was going to kill you or not I know it took courage because it took courage for the prodal son to come back to his father he was practicing all the way down the road I will arise and go to my father's house and I am no more worthy to be called thy son make me as one of their
hired service and he said to himself over and over again he was rehearsing to face his father imagine not being sure of your Father's Love imagine that you wonder did your father have the capacity to see you beyond how he left you I'm wondering if there's any people in your life that are afraid to approach you with who they are now because you keep bringing up who they were I wonder if they're rehearsing trying to get their speech right to convince a sinner to believe that a sinner can change you are not without spot fan
onimus is not the only one who owes see everybody in the trilogy is in debt the Apostle Paul is in debt to the law phiman is in debt to the Apostle Paul onimus is in debt to phimon so Paul says to uh phimon he says fimon he says if he owes you anything charge it to my account he said I won't even bring up the fact that you owe me your life isn't it funny how the people who have the most debt have the most judgment I'm going say that for y'all up there cuz I
don't think they can handle it down here isn't it funny how the people who have the most debt have the most judgment they can turn up their nose and look funny at you and talk about what God can't forgive in you all the while they talking they knowing all the filthy stuff that God delivered them from and brought them through but they won't let the grace run up and reach you and touch you and this is a gamechanging moment because if the church was going to be successful they needed onimus to do it onimus was
was was not just a runaway slave he was so awesome that Paul wanted to keep him himself he said onimus is so good he could take phan's place you're treating him like a slave but I see him as a son the question in the text is can you meet me as a slave and and still have the agility to accept me as a son because if you can't do that I may be the very carrier that God used to bring you your next blessing and if you have a preconceived attitude it will stop you from
being able to receive the blessing that really doesn't hurt hurt me it hurts you it hurts you when you are too narrow-minded to open up to the fact that God uses Ordinary People from ordinary places and he he uses people that at one stage you look down on they didn't hear me let me try you at one stage you look down on him he was the tail now he's become the head he was last now he's become first he was the Caboose now he's become the engine God do you not know you're just one shift
away you're just one shift away you're just one shift away of the big change you have ever seen in your life if you knew how close you were to a change you would shout out of your hair you tell somebody say this is a game changer this is a gameer it might be a church service for you but it's a game Cher for me I'm gonna take this word and I'm G to do something with this word that's going to change my status that's going to change my situation that's going to change my life God
is getting ready to change the whole game I'm getting ready to make a move I'm getting ready to make some big moves I'm getting ready to step into a brand new Arena you keep on talking about me being a slave but now I'm a son I know who I am I'm a child of the king let me tell you how quick God can S turn you from a slave to a son the Hebrew children went into the Red Sea as a slave but by the time they went through the sea they came up as a
son and God said behold Israel is my son my firstborn son you can go in one way and come out another way I need about 10 people who went through something and when you came out of it you came out of it another way I I need about 20 people that went through something you went in one way and you came out another way I need about a 100 people that went in a slave and came out a son I need about 50 people that went in in Chained and came out Loose I need a
bunch of people who were trying to give birth in shackles but now that you're free you can give birth in another capacity I need some people who tried to start a business and the business fell but if you tried now you can do it because the chains just fell up off of you I don't know who I'm preaching to but I think I'm in a Harari for a reason I believe God brought me here to talk to somebody's head this is a game changer for you this is a shift for you this is a status
upgrade an upgrade just came in your phone an upgrade just came in your finances an upgrade just came in your life and upgrade just came in your family you can't afford to be bad at your mama you got to get over what she said because you can't let the small Fox destroy your Vine an upgrade is coming in your life I don't know who this is for but this message is bearing witness to something that God already spoke in your spirit that said soon and very soon A change is going to come you don't know
how it's going to come you don't know who it's going to come through you don't know where the money is coming from you you don't know how God is going to use them but God said he's going to send it the reason he couldn't tell you who is that sometimes God sends it through somebody you didn't like yesterday and you got to be able to open up your heart and open up the door and let them come in I don't know who I'm talking to but I feel like I'm talking to some business people that
God's going to use the wealth of the unjust to be laid up for the just that God is going to set before you and open door that no man can close and if you have the faith to believe and change your perception uh everything in your life is going to have to change when the prodical son was in the hog pin that he didn't have to change his location he didn't have to change the Hogs he didn't have to change the mud he didn't have to change the slop all he had to do was change
his mind I'm talking to somebody in here today all you got to do is change your mind if you change your mind things are going to shift in your life uh if you change your attitude a breakthrough is coming in your life uh if you change your attitude and stop being so stubborn God is going to do a new thing in your life uh lay hands on your head and say Lord change my mind Lord change my mind change my mind change my capacity change my way of thinking change my attitude change my arguing back
change me from getting smart change me from telling folks off cuz I don't know who you going to use to bless me but whoever you choose to bless me through I'm ready to receive the blessing uh if you send the bread in the mouth of a raven I'll still eat the bread I know the Raven is a dirty bird but the bread ain't dirty and I'm ready to give us this day uh our daily bread I don't know who I'm talking to but I'm talking to somebody that's in this building today you're on the verge
of a massive change this is going to be a game changer I want the people that got f to shake hands with 10 people and tell them I'm getting ready for a game changer I'm getting ready for a game changer I don't know what you're getting ready for but I'm getting ready for a game changer I'm getting ready to go to the next level I'm getting ready to go to the next level I've comp passed about this mountain long enough uh I'm getting ready to spread my wings uh like an eagle and begin to fly
I'm getting ready to take on new territory I'm getting ready to possess some land I'm claiming land uh I'm claiming property I'm claiming abundance uh I'm claiming wisdom I'm claiming knowledge uh I'm claiming strength uh and ain't no devil in hell going to be able to stop me from what God has for me God's got a bless listen for me I waited for it I cried for it I swe for it I did without for it and now I'm going to praise him for it cuz I know the blessing is on the way I want
some radical people that don't care what nobody thinks uh I want some radical people that's on the verge of a game changer I want some radical people that will give God a Radical Praise give God a Radical [Applause] Praise a Radical Praise a Radical Praise a Radical Praise a Radical Praise a Radical Praise the enemies that you see today you shall see them no more you're not going to be the same woman you're not going to be the same man this is a game changer when you go home tell your children mama just had a
game change uh when you go home tell your wife uh Dy just had a game change uh when you go home tell your parents uh your son just had a game change I'm starting to think that I can walk on water I'm starting to think that I can take the wings of the morning and sail into the air I'm starting to think that no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper I'm starting to think that my body is healed I'm starting to think that my mind is healed I'm starting to think that my
nervousness is healed my anxiety is healed my depression is healed my fear is healed I feel my trouble about to go away I feel God about to release a glory in this place uh I want to fill this room with praise I want to feel it to the rooftop I want to feel it to the light Shake I want to feel it to the ground trembles I want to feel it till it feels like an earthquake something is about to happen in this place today open your mouth and [Applause] Shout yes yes yes yes slap
your neighbor and tell them I'm not who I used to be I'm not who I used to be I'm not the same man man I'm not the same woman I got a brand new attitude I got a brand new fight I got a brand new determination uh I got a brand new Joy this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away this power that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take get away I dare you to praise him I
double dog dare you to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] God's getting ready to show you in a brand new light some of the people that been talking about you all of your life God is getting ready to change their mind God is getting ready to make a shift uh God is about to give you your name back uh God is about to give you your reputation back uh God is about to raise you up uh and the Lord told me to tell you don't be afraid of them I know they were hunting you down yesterday but
God is going to turn it completely around somebody shout yes and so it occurred to me that maybe Paul has this conviction about onimus because Paul knew what it was to be hated you see when Paul got saved nobody believed he was saved either when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus they didn't believe that he had had a real legitimate experience with the Lord either it took the Lord talking to ananas to even let him in the house the disciples didn't like his gospel they didn't like his message in fact they almost got
into a fight at Antioch they almost came to blows cuz they they didn't understand Paul see sometimes God calls you because you weren't one of [Applause] them I'm about to mess around and feel like preaching don't y'all push me cuz I'll preach this place down I'll preach this place down to the ground I'll preach it down to the floor cuz God is getting ready to change some things around some of the people that meant it for evil God's going to make it good some of the people that tried to throw you down in the pit
God's getting ready to put you in the palace some of the people that thought they had power over you you're going to have power over them and the reason God's going to bless you is because he can trust you not to be vindictive uh not to be spiteful uh not to be unwise not to be Petty God's going to bless you because you have grown enough to do good to them that despitefully use you and the next time they get smart you get nice the next time they get nasty you get powerful the next time
they get rude you get Relentless because where God is going to take you they're not worth tripping over your blessing to miss your blessing for slap somebody and say I'm going get this one I missed my last one but I'm going to get this one I missed the one before that but I'm going to get this one I made some mistakes last year but I'm going to get this one I had a setback three years ago but I'm going to get this one I've been through the fire but I'm going to get this one I've
been through the flood but I'm going to get this one I've been through the tribulation but I'm going to get this this one I had to walk by myself uh but I'm going to get this one I'm desperate I'm desperate I'm desperate for a blessing you just came to church but I'm desperate for a blessing you just came cuz it's Sunday but I'm desperate for a blessing where my desperate people atth I want to talk to the desperate people I want to talk to the radical people I want to talk to the wild people somebody
jump out in the aisle and holler I'm [Applause] desperate I'm desperate I'm desperate I'm desperate I'm desperate the game is about to change uh the game is about to change the game is about to change uh you thought I was lost uh but now I'm found uh you thought I was in the hog pin uh but now I'm in the palace uh you thought I would never get up uh but here I come again you thought I was a slave but now I'm a son if you feel a change uh coming on in your life
uh if you feel a change uh coming in your spirit uh if you feel a change coming in your heart Make some noise and let the devil [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] know this is a game changer this is a Game Changer this ain't a Sunday this is a game changer this ain't a worship service this is a game changer this ain't a regular meeting this is a game changer Somebody's Baby is leaping in their womb somebody's dream is leaping in their wom somebody's book is leaving in their womb somebody's recording is leaving in their
womb somebody's house is sleeping in their womb somebody's job is leaving in their womb somebody's business uh is leaving in their womb if you are the somebody take over this place take over this building take over this service take over this church take over this church take over this church take over this chur take over this chch take over your Pew take over your eye take over your section take over your cre I can hear you [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] I can't hear you I can't hear you the Bible said that you overcome by the
blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony that means you can't have it until you say it uh you need to speak it uh into the atmosphere this is my game changer this is my Sunday for a game change uh God wants to hear it come out of your mouth huh preach this message preach this message preach this message preach this Mage preach this preach this message preach this message preach it till demons tremble preach it until hell backs up preach it till your feet get loose pre it till your hands start preach
this word preach that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] y'all keep praising him like that and I'm going to have to come back to Zimbabwe again cuz y'all know how to have church y'all know how to give him the praise y'all know how to give him the glory y'all know how to get loose in the spirit y'all know how to receive something from the Lord y'all know how to receive it y'all know how to receive it in the balcony somebody is getting it right now in the top row somebody's getting it right now in the back of
the church uh somebody's get it right now in the Cho Stand somebody's getting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey a game changer a game changer a game changer a Game Changer a game changer a game a game a game changer a game changer for you for you for you for you for you for you for you it's a game changer it's a game changer it's a game changer it's a game changer it's the game changer a change a change [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on boys
let's go to [Music] church [Music] hey I feel a victory B I feel a victory B I feel a victory I feel a victory I feel a victory I feel a victory I feel a victory I feel a victory I feel a victory I feel a victory I where is the victory where is the victory who got the victory who got the victory who got the victory who got the victory let me see you let me hear you wave your hands stomp your feet clap your hands Le for joy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
[Music] [Applause] [Music] you see you see [Applause] see I see what this is y'all don't want me to go back to America it started with the oxtail they feeded me last night and now yall going to have this country Church in here today this old school Holy Ghost Church in here today uhhuh I I see the plan I see the plan I see the plan I see the plan I ow I see the ow I ow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo I got to walk this off I got to walk this off off cuz I
feel the Holy Ghost I'm not drunken as she supposed but this is that which the prophet Joel spoke of that in the last days God said I'll pour out my spirit upon All Flesh I'm going to say this and then I'm going to close [Music] [Applause] [Music] onimus was useful he was useful to fiman history not scripture history says that onimus went on to become the bishop of a church in that area hear me good Harari it does not matter where you start it matters where you [Applause] finish it does not matter where you start
it does not matter where you start it matters where you finish my father ran a janitor service started out with a mop in a bucket ended up with 52 employees on Sundays he would drive us through the nice neighborhoods we couldn't go in but we could look out the window and all my life as a 8-year-old little boy I wondered what success looked like in my color my father would lock us up in grocery stores and as a little boy I was supposed to scrub the corners where the buffers didn't hit scrub them with Brill
pads to get them clean and strip the floor I never thought when I was down on my knees scrubbing the floor that I would ever get to go to Zimbabwe that I would preach in Cape Town that I would preach in johannisburg that I would preach in Lagos and Acra I never thought that I would preach in France and Italy I never thought that I would preach in New Zealand and Australia all I saw at the time was the brill pads and the suds and my knees were tired and I scraped my knees and they
were bleeding but it does not matter where you start it matters where you finish I never thought that I would have 14 books on the New York Times bestsellers list not when I was scrubbing the floor not when I couldn't keep the gas on in my house after I got married not when it was Cal in my house I never thought that I would be here there to dream dream something too big for you if you got a dream you can do yourself is too small uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh that's what I want
to hear some labor pains some labor pains some labor pains my wife got ready to have my son my youngest son he was 11 lb and 3 oz he was 22 in [Applause] long she had no epidural girl they had to cut her open when she came home from the hospital with the baby she couldn't hold the baby cuz she was on a walker we brought the baby into the house two years later I moved from West Virginia to Dallas when I got to Dallas she looked at me and said I had my baby now
you have yours [Music] a prophet came to our city when she was pregnant and says as it goes with the baby so shall It Go with the ministry when dester was born he moved all her pelvic bones out of place because he was so big he was three weeks early and he was still that big had he gone full term he would have killed her they put him in the preey section and he looked like the other baby's daddy I want to show you something her pelvic bones moving was a signed to me in order
for me to go to the next level my structure had to change you can't have a big baby in a small [Applause] structure she had dilated 9 cm but he was bigger than that I don't know it may only be one person in this room but what God has for you is bigger than your structure will [Applause] accommodate when onimus comes to phiman phiman receives him as a brother it is an immediate status upgrade one minute the householder Jesus tells the story about the householder who went away and gave the care of his property to
his servants King James servants better translation slaves who leaves your property in the hands of slaves to one he gave five talents to another one he gave two and another one he gave one the one who had five turned it into 10 what are you going to turn your blessing into the one who had two turned it into four now the one who had four looks like he had less than 10 but he didn't they both produced a 100 fold from what they had been given the only one who didn't go anywhere is the one
who had won because he didn't grow it he hid it as I close with you it sure has been fun as I close with you I want to pray for people who have hidden talent maybe behind your shyness your vulnerability you hurt the things that happened to you the people who said things to you have made you bury your talent Jesus cursed a man into outer Darkness because he didn't use what God gave him I don't want that to happen to you if you're in this room and you got talents inside of you that you
know God gave you but because of people because of phiman because of how they see you because of what they said about you or maybe deeper still because of how you see yourself you play it safe and you hadde your [Music] talent God wants a h hundredfold return over what he's given you and I only want serious people I want serious people who are ready to take what God gave them hundredfold and if you're one of them come to the altar right now I'm not going to beg you if you got to think about it
stay where you at if you know that you've been sitting on stuff dreams and visions and plans and ideas and Concepts if you know that there's something inside of you that's greater than your situation looks like if you know deep down in your heart God is watching you to see what you do with what he gave you you are asking him for more but you have not used what he gave gave you why should God give you more when you're sitting on what you got come on this is serious cuz this is a game changer
this is a game Cher this is a game Cher I know I'm wreaking havoc but can I do it can I wreak havoc can I have chaos I want them to come closer can they come closer let them come let them come let them come move now you that standing back there come on come on come move now not next week now move move move like you want something from God move like you want something from God move like you're desperate there are engineers in here there are scientists in here there are authors in here
there are leaders in here there are elected officials in here there are business people in here there are entrepreneurs in here and if you're not careful you abide to a myth I can't do it because of where I'm at it don't matter where you at if God get ready to bless you he will bless you there are millionaires coming out of Zimbabwe I know some of them there are authors and doctors and scientists and chemists and AI experts coming out of Zimbabwe I know cuz I've met them they're at the G Summits they're traveling around
the world you're in the Olympics you're on the center stage your music is going abroad stop telling yourself that you can't do it because of where you're at because somebody don't like you because somebody sees you a certain way onimus you ain't no slave no more onimus onimus you're a child of the king you're a child of the king those of you that can't get to me hold your hands up wherever you are if you're in the balcony and you can't get down here hold your hand up where wherever you are this prayer goes out
to you I have not quite been in ministry as long as your pastor has but I'm right behind him he celebrating his 50 year in Ministry next year will be my 49th I've been married for 43 years I've been preaching for 40 n I've been preaching longer than I knew my mother I've been preaching this gospel in season out of season storms rains floods I am not telling you it's going to be easy I'm not telling you that the angels are going to clear the path and there's not going to be people who absolutely hate
you I'm I'm not telling you that I'm not telling you that every phiman can see you as a son because they experience you as a slave but I'm telling you you can let nothing separate you from the love of God neither height nor depth nor powers nor principalities one more thing you believe in God I can tell you do but the question is do you believe in what God put in you do you believe that youve got something you really got something in order for it to work you have to believe it you have to
believe it the book of fiman was a declaration of independence for animus this is a declaration of independence for your gift now I'm going to challenge you all of you that got your hands raised I'm going to challenge you I want to hear about you I want to hear about you all the way in Texas it's only fair here that if you could hear about me in Harari I want you to make so much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] noise this is not a play on a checker board this is not a play in a game this
is not a strike in a soccer game this is not a touchdown in a football game this is not a home run in a baseball game no no no no no no we're changing the game I'm going to have a summit in America collecting people from the diaspora to ask us why are we not doing business with each other nothing wrong with Asian people I love I just can't understand why they're making our hair care products when you get hair bumps like I get hair bumps when your hair comes out curly like mine comes out
curly when sometimes it grows Under the Skin like mine grows Under the Skin I don't care what country you from I don't care what language you speak I don't care what tribe you in we got the same nappy hair we got the same big lips we got the same wide nose we got the same characteristics we can dance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can sing We are family I can text you from my house and you can get it in a minute in in Zimbabwe how come we not doing nothing together if American Jews and
Israel can do business together what are we thinking about why don't we shake this world we don't have to replace nobody else else but we can stand shoulder toos shoulder with anybody else are you with me lift your hands I am part what I spoke last night I impart increase one man has sown another man has w watered now God everywhere you see a hand in the air I speak increase I speak increase I speak increase over their Vision increase over their dreams increase over their goals I speak it right now in the name of
Jesus father I'm so bold that I am going to pray that nobody under the sound of my voice would leave here like they came that there would be a change inside of them that they start making plans and making arrangements I don't care whether they got the money or not they can write the vision and make it plain and start planning and moving things around so that they can focus some of us have spent half our lives playing roles for other people now it's time for us to do what you created us to do and
we got to do it now and we got to do it in the name of Jesus we got to do it in the name of Jesus I rebuke the words that have been spoken over you that said you couldn't do it that said you weren't worth it they said you couldn't make it they said you couldn't succeed I rebuke those words I rebuke those words that have haunted you and held you back and they have been ghosts living in your house for years but I'm a Ghostbuster and I'm rebuking those ghosts right now in the
name of Jesus you will do it you will do it you will do it now I want you to praise him like you know it's already done [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I want to hear from you I want to hear from you I want to hear from you I want to hear from you I want to hear from you I want to hear from you on the plane I want to hear from you at the airport I want to hear from you on Instagram I want to hear from you on YouTube I want to
hear from you on television I want to hear from you the next cure for cancer the next cure for AIDS the next cure for diseases is coming out of this place somebody's about to do something amazing there is an investment that you want to make God's going to clear the path I don't know who this is for God's going to clear the path for you to make this investment and out of this investment is going to come a great abundance of rain we are the people people we have been waiting on we are the people
we're waiting on nobody's coming to save us but us we can do this harar can you hear me Harari can you hear me I said Harari can you hear me if you're glad you came to church this morning take the roof off the place oh
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Lakewood Church
T.D. Jakes: Give Your Needs to God and He WILL Provide | Full Sermons on TBN
T.D. Jakes: Give Your Needs to God and He ...
TBN: Full Sermons & Teachings
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