you probably keep seeing websites that are selling your chat GPT prompts and honestly you've probably seen a ton of videos telling you what the best format is for writing great prompts candidly it's tough to get through all the noise so I'm just going to jump in with the methodology that I've been developing for the last several months and assure you that if you hang out with me for a few minutes you're going to learn a ton alright so let's go so I craft a prompt with the acronym craft craft stands for context role action format
and Target or target audience each of these might seem simple but they do warrant explanation because buried in the details is where you find the most value in the description of this video I'll review a few of the key tricks and links that I mentioned and I'll have them in a nice cohesive format for you all right with that let's jump in the C and craft is context imagine that chat GPT has more than a trillion parameters and each time you start a dialogue it has literally no idea where you're coming from are you a
software for engineer a farmer a teenage cat owner a motivational speaker an aspiring actor a car fanatic it has no idea so you need to provide context when you're helping chat to narrow its massive set of parameters down to the specific set of needs that you have for it the results is a much better output from chat but how do I write the best context section tell chat who you are what your larger goals are and any relevant details about your product your website your software program your industry your environment whatever is relevant the key
here is to over share as it relates to the needs of your chat string don't tell The Prompt things that aren't related to your goals because that'll just confuse chat even more the best way to show this is probably through an example like many people I use chat GPT to write content for my websites so what I'm going to be showing you will be specific to chat writing articles as it's probably the best way to demonstrate my point but these Concepts can be applied to just about any area and I'll give you a whole bunch
of examples as move through it alright so right at the start as we jump into my example you can see that I haven't forgotten about priming and I have made a bunch of other videos about priming so you can check them out I start by telling chatgpt that I'm going to feed you with information for it to ingest next I Define the context of my world so in this case I say I'm new owner of a new medical product called icewinder ice winders are cooling gel filled wrap that user can fasten to their arm or
leg to help reduce muscle swelling and soreness I go on and give it a few more details here next I show the key features of my product and this is super helpful to further Define really my world and the context of the product that I'm trying to share lastly I say that ice Winder is a new product it's not well known I would like to include informational and persuasive blogs on my eCommerce site to improve SEO and customer traffic again this is really helpful because it gives chat context as to what we're trying to accomplish
with this particular blog once I finish with the context section of course I just tell it that I needed to ingest this information and to confirm that it's Reddit so now we're moving into roll if you use chat before you probably have an idea of what this means the role is like the actor you'd like chat to embody for the output there is literally no limit to this the more creative you can be the more unique and interesting results you'll get when I'm describing the role I like to provide two types of expertise the first
one is functional capability and the second one is a domain area the functional capability for example is a Content writer or an expert Chef or productivity expert or a world famous coach now a domain area on the other hand can be something like Fitness or Mediterranean food or lean manufacturing or badminton or astronomy or whatever including these functional capabilities and domain areas really helps chat understand how it should act for you and I found it does a really much better job with results than just saying act like a communication expert or something simple like that
to simplify this I've added a list of examples on my website it includes everything from speechwriter and coding assistant to trivia game host and language translator next make sure to State the tone of voice and the writing style I've also added a list of examples of tone of voice and writing style options on my website unfortunately I can only add 5000 characters to this video description and all that won't fit but don't worry none of my stuff is locked you don't need any or login just go to the site and grab it it's there it's
free have at it so now let's see how this works with my article example here I say you are an expert copywriter who writes detailed and thoughtful blog articles that are search engine optimized for our specific target audience you have more than a decade of experience writing unique articles for the health and fitness industry the content you write is seldom considered and not typically discussed by other experts in this industry you have an informational tone of voice and a persuasive writing style you'll note that one of the things I like to say is that chat
is known for a unique perspective as a result Chad is highly regarded by other industry experts I might say something like please provide insights that most experts seldom consider or that are typically not discussed by thought leaders in the industry or I could say right in a way that challenges conventional thinking and may provoke readers to embrace A New Perspective these are all really great ways to get chat to create new and interesting Concepts that are not just run-of-the-mill stuff you see all the time okay so now next we're going to jump into the action
section this is the part where you're actually instructing the work so what am I dropping in here you might tell that it's going to be writing JavaScript creating a financial plan telling me my horoscope creating a travel itinerary advising me on etiquette preparing me for an interview whatever it is these are all the key action elements that you're asking chat to perform on your behalf so let's jump into my example here here are some of my key tricks when I'm talking about the action dialog box if you know the output is going to be lengthy
say 500 words or more tell chat to write it in multiple sections for example if you're writing content or software code or a movie script or recipes or whatever you would say write the first part of this multiple part content once you are done with the first part I'll ask to continue writing the other parts I want to do this honestly because it creates great continuity for longer Form results which oftentimes is what we're trying to go for here next you want to tell chat that you're trying to achieve something theme you have some sort
of an objective so ask it to help you achieve your specific end goal for instance if you're writing a blog or article content make sure you tell chat that you want the output it provides to answer a specific question that prompt will help you focus The Narrative of the output next tell the key elements you want by saying please include the following keywords or ingredients or features or data set or column headers whatever is relevant to your particular query lastly you might want to tell it to do not self-reference and do not explain what you're
doing for my example again I'm using a priming approach so I say please provide content based on the context and role I've previously defined then I'm telling you to write an 800 plus word blog in two parts next I tell the data I wanted to include in the action so the Articles topic the question the answer and the keywords to include I also say that I don't want the article to read like an advertisement because candidly chat sometimes has a way of doing that so then you can see here that I've said that the blog
article is the benefits of cold packs for sore muscles the question the blog should answer is how does a coal pack reduce inflammation and muscle soreness and the keywords for this blog are ice pack compression wrap sore muscles and inflammation lastly you can see here that I say that I don't want it to write this like an advertisement next we describe the format we'd like for the output why should we even bother with format if we're just asking chat to write text most people don't even realize there are a ton of options here and your
formatting can make a big difference in the type and quality of your output from chat for instance if you're asking for coaching instructions you might want to say write this in a sequentially numbered steps to ensure the reader can follow along if you're brainstorming ideas you might want to ask chat to create a table for you side note I've done a totally different YouTube on this so you can check that out for website content try the format of the Aida marketing formula or ask it to write the awareness iteration conversion and loyalty funnel format or
ask it to write content based on the book build a story brand by Donald Miller lots of options for the purposes of my article you can see that I ask it to write the content in markdown format including headings and subheadings so why do we use markdown format the quick overview is that markdown is a text markup language that adds formatting elements to plain text this will make the copy paste exercise much easier when you're dropping content to your final posting location because you'll already have the headings and subheadings formatted and in place then I
ask it for bullet points a quote and an external link this will give my article a much more professional look and feel as well as improve its SEO regarding the external link what's the best way to go about doing that the first thing I tried was to have chat do this by itself unfortunately because chat is not currently web enabled it didn't do a great job you can see I tried this in an earlier draft and the outcome was awful it took me to an hour article about the effects of caffeine on golf performance if
you're wondering a moderate dose of caffeine helped golfers performance slightly so this result was irrelevant I think until chat becomes web enabled you're just going to have to use other research options fortunately there are a ton of research options out there ultimately I went with an app called which is a new tool for me and so far I really like it it provided some quick link options here as well as the final result with a summary that I ended up using then I dropped that link into my format section along with the article summary
that I pasted as well as a side note if you have chat GPT premium there is a plugin called link reader that does a nice job of reading the content on a website even though chat GPT isn't web enabled so try that out if you want to pull the article summary into your dialogue without leaving chat oh and by the way in case you're looking for a list of AI resources that can help a more specific set of needs I like using and no I don't have any affiliation with them I'll just show you
quickly it has a ton of AI tools and a nice set of sorting categories at the top so for instance we're looking here for results for the AI video category and it just gives me a nice list of options here that you can use so as far as formatting tips go here are a few I prefer to say do not use single quotes double quotes or any other enclosing characters because Chad for some reason has a way of doing that particularly when it's doing titles also don't bother with language like intersperse long and short senses
I just don't find it's necessary for articles ask it to write a markdown format including heading and subheading notation as I've done in this one also ask it to include bullet points and then include a relevant and specific quote lastly let's talk about Target your target audience could range anywhere from a coding platform to people you're planning to feed dinner with a new recipe Chachi PT has literally no idea who it's writing this for so Define it for it make sure your target audience is defined according to the level of expertise you want conveyed in
the content for instance if you're writing instructional content your audience might be novices who are totally new to your lesson or they could be experts who have been working in your field for years and this really matters and how chat produces the content you can see in my target section I discuss the target Persona I'm trying to reach in this case it's recreational and professional athletes these are men and women age 25 to 60. if you state that your target audience is well informed and stays current with industry news and information chat will typically work
to write more unique and interesting results for that target audience not just boring typical stuff that everyone already knows of course I've been using priming so for this last piece I'm going to tell Chad to execute and I've included a few remind first one is that I wanted to write the first half of this article then I will tell it to continue writing we're doing this because as I said earlier we want the content to be longer than 500 words in my case 800 words and it creates a nice bit of continuity from one section
to the next Once I tell it to please continue all right so let's check out these really cool output results here it's done a really nice job of creating headings and subheadings that are loaded with my keywords so I get great SEO from them I like the paragraph structures down here you can see that it's got a link to the article that I suggested as well as a quote to that article so it's done a really nice job of including everything that I've requested then we can jump down to the end of this section and
you can see that it's done a nice job of creating a segue into the following section at this point I say please continue writing the second half of the blog and it does a really nice job of continuing the block again more diverse mixture of language and paragraph sizes Etc another set of bullet points and a reference to the link and a quote and then we get to the very bottom here you can see that I've asked it to tell me the exact word count for the article and we're at 814 words so it's done
more than 800 as I requested so if you want demonstrated proof that the craft approach actually works you can see that my Ecommerce site ranks at the top of the first page for just about all of my keywords including gel pack acupressure ice pack acupressure and cold wrap acupressure so Shameless plug I know but if you go to the site you can see it is not a great site it's just a very basic Shopify site and I'm still ranking at the top of the Google search page for the keywords that I'm promoting mostly I attribute
this to the quality of the content that I'm able to produce and that's all thanks to chatgpt and the craft format so thanks for joining me on the craft methodology and approach I hope it's been useful for you again you can see all the tips and tricks listed in the description below so please check those out as well as the links to my site which includes the rolls writing styles and writing tone on my website which again is free please take the opportunity to go and collect those for yourselves and use them in the future