ADHD is not an attention disorder it's a blindness to the Future it is a myopia to the impending future events you are nearsighted in time which means that the child and adult with ADHD are going to wait until the future is imminent and then they will try to deal with it but as long as the future stays out there I don't have to deal with that The Closer it gets the more I'm going to organize toward it but I can't really do much about it until it's the 11th hour and then I will race around
try to slap things together in a half Dash manner to get it done ADHD creates a nearsightedness to time so that the person with the disorder cannot organize to the delayed future but only to the imminent future and so everything in life becomes a crisis but the crisis was avoidable and no one has any patience with this because they see this as a moral failing you could have chosen to get ready but you didn't it is phrased as a form of laziness this layabout Nero well Carefree careless attitude that you could change if you wanted
to right but we know it as the executive failure it really is this disorder precludes you from organizing across time so you live in the moment and you cannot organize very large hierarchically sequenced Behavior across time it means that future directed behavior is intentional Behavior which means add is actually ID intention deficit disorder I don't seem to be able to accomplish most of the things I intended to do you can call that a short attention span but I think intention deficit disorder captures it much better now the frontal loes the executive system is where you
take what you know and you apply it in your daily life it is not where you know something it is where you use what you know the back part of the brain acquire knowledge the front front part of the brain puts it in play ADHD has separated these two like a meat cleaver so it really doesn't matter what you know you can't use it as effectively as other people can ADHD is a performance disorder you can't perform the things you know how to do it is not a knowledge disorder most people with ADHD know about
as much as anybody else from their neighborhood with their education in that school at that age but they can't use it not to any near the degree of effectiveness of others so people with ADHD know what to do but they can't do what they know one of the things we have known in [Music] and if it's not it won't work no amount of treatment done away from that place will solve that problem only changing that place will solve that problem you have to restructure the environment to help them show what they know so what does
this mean it means that teaching skills is a waste of time because they won't be used skills are knowledge and these people already have most of the skills anyway but even if you teach them new ones the likelihood that they will get implemented is pretty slim I can hand any adult a list of time management recommendations and I can guarantee you that most of them will never get used in fact the paper will be lost on the way home because it will blow up under the front seat of the car and then you'll forget that
it's there or if you do remember that it's there you'll tape it to the refrigerator but you won't look at it and if you do you'll say you know I really should be doing those things these are really cool things this is what I really need help with and then you'll just go about behaving impulsively anyway and you'll come back in and say you know Dr Barkley those were great ideas did you do them well I'm working on it boy I find that hard to you see what I'm talking about this is not a knowledge
disorder it never was it's a problem with using what you know and no sheet of paper corrects her performance disorder