How I Ranked #1 in 5 Hours with Bolt.New 😱

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Julian Goldie SEO
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SEO has never been this easy so what you can see here is a brand new website that I built with bolt. new I'll show you exactly how I did it I filmed the whole process this was one shot one one Drke and it's already ranking number one so what you can see here is we targeted the keyword Enterprise SEO Roi calculator we ranked number one on a brand new domain dr0 and it literally ranked within 5 hours this was the easiest fastest smoothest process I've ever seen in my life and I'm going to show you exactly how it works how I built this whole page how I automated it using b. new SEO is back baby let's get into it all right so first place that we're going to start is with the keyword research now the way that we're going to do this is basically look for keywords where we could create an exact match domain that would match the keyword people are looking for and then we're going to create a tool directly on exact match domain that we can easily rank for so for example let's say you're in the SEO space like I we got an SEO agency so if I go on to HS and you can do this on Google or to complete if you trying to do it for free but we can type something like for example SEO calculator SEO tool Etc we're basically trying to find exact match domain ideas that we could create a tool around with Bol and then rank for on Google for that particular keyword so as an example of that we've got a bunch of ideas in the terms match over here be you're not going to go after SEO calculator directly because it's super hard to rank for you need a lot of back links as you can see right here we got all sorts of websites ranking with ridiculous amounts of back links here we're never going to beat that right especially if we're starting a brand new domain this is like a DrZ hasn't got much power to it and so we need to find something easier so if we look through the list and a cheeky Gander right we can see for example SEO calculator no thanks SEO Roi calculator that actually looks pretty promising so it's a KD7 which is going to be easy search volume 150 Global search volume 700 Etc right you're looking through this you like I actually want to find something with a decent traffic potential as well and bear in mind as well like when you're doing this you would go after keywords with a higher search volume depending on how much traffic you need to monetize that keyword now we'll talk more about how to monetize these tools later in the video but just bear that in mind right so for example if you got an SEO agency or you're selling some sort of service you might get high ticket clients that would generate thousands of dollars if you land them from this tool which means that you can afford to go for lower search phone stuff whereas if for example you're going after keywords where it requires low ticket purchases or you're not selling something very expensive like a SAS or a book Etc then you would need a lot more volume particularly if you're trying to monetize with ads as well so anyway once you've done that then we're going to find a keyword so we'll go after Enterprise SEO Roi calculator it's longtail it's easy to rank for and it doesn't have a massive amount of traffic potential but I'm sure it's higher than that additionally if you look at the first page of Google over here you can see a Drzero rank in so we know potentially we could rank with our brand new dr02 Additionally you got like a dr6 kd12 dr12 etc and not many backings pointed to each of these sites as well which is a really good sign and very promising if we're trying to rank for our particular keyword additionally if we look at the keyword which is Enterprise SEO y calculator and we scroll down to the first page of Google over here you can see that actually a few of these keywords for example like organic search Roi opportunity calculator or measuring the ROI of SEO these are not really matching the search intent but it's still ranking on the first page of Google which means that if we create a page that actually matches the search intent perfectly we've probably got a much higher chance of ranking our website for that keyword particularly if it's exact match domain and it matches to search intent perfectly all right so we've got that in the bag we're ready to go now what we're going to do is we're going to head over to bolt.
new and we're going to say create a onepage website targeting the keyword SE Enterprise seoi calculator so that'll be the first part of the prompt and I'll give you access to all the prompts at the end of this video plus a whole step-by-step sap so that if you want to steal it copy and paste it from me Etc you can but essentially that's what we're going to do and then we're going to keyword in the heading the title subheadings Etc in addition we need to write the content on the page as well so we want to have like an explanation of how to use the tool so embed the Enterprise SEO r calculator and I'm just going to drum up a little prompt that will get us somewhere near where we need to be when creating this one page website right so create a one page website targeting the keyword Enterprise s calculator keyword equals Enterprise s calculator insert the keyword into the headline sub headlines some the title content Etc embed the Enterprise SE calculator explanation of how to use the all with the tool embedded at the top match the search intent of of the keyword perfectly the other thing I would say here is like some people would say oh you creating spam or whatever but the thing is right if you creating a tool the matches a search intent better than what's already ranking on the first page of Google then you're actually creating something of value now if you create some content alongside that that actually helps people use the all helps people understand how to use it Etc then you're actually creating something very very valuable that you can't already find on Google and that is shown by the sub so for example if you see pages that don't match the search inent already ranking like most of these as you can see they're all targeting SEO Roi calculator but they're not targeting Enterprise SC calculator then you know you get the idea and then also make sure the tool works perfectly for calculating Enterprise SE calculator now I know some people will be watching this be like why would you want to R for that keyword like how are you going to make money from it and I'll come on to that in a minute and how you can monetize it and the sort of prompts you can insert into that but at the minute we're just going to create the page and then I'll show you some other cool stuff in a minute so now we're actually going to generate the information around the toour and how it works right so I'm actually going to say right for writing the actual content use this so I'm going to take this prompt for creating the content as you can see and then I'm going to put domain name plus branding Etc Enterprise SEO Ry calculator now that is the first draft and what I'm actually going to do is to just to show you how easy and simple this is right we're going to hit the stopwatch and then I'm going to hit enter and we'll see how long it takes to generate and deploy this calculator as an example now obviously if you creating this yourself you wouldn't be trying to optimize for Speed but it's very very quick and much faster and easier than just creating a website from scratch on say WordPress and then installing all the plugins and then also figuring out how to code at all or going onto Claude and trying to get Claude to actually generate that tool bear in mind as well like if you using something like claw or chat gbt you can't really deploy it on an exact match domain I see Bolt is kind of like the next generation of AI SEO tools I think the last year Everything feels very old school compared to what we're seeing now because this is like a totally different game a totally different level of quality like even the UI which I'll show you in a second looks pretty nice on both and so it's got the design it's got the tool creation it's got the deployment it's got the coding everything is just in one single place now there's many many other use cases to bolt I've created quite a few videos on it now but this is something that I'm excited about to test as we can see so it's going to generate the preview and sometimes this can just take a minute or two to upload right so can take a minute or so to show but now you can see it's popping off right now and you can just edit the details right so we got the Enterprise Sr calculator it's got a nice little logo created right there the UI of it is super nice as well it's also answered some FAQs and how to use this and explained it in a very simple way and you can see the content is not spam like for example how accurate is this Enterprise SEO RI calculator since the calculator provides estimates based on your inputs right so for example is quite reasonable it's not promising the world here and it's also saying actual results May Vary depending on factors like market conditions competition execution quality that's probably something that most SEO agencies won't tell you on a phone call but this tool tells you straight up front right so it even answers like for example how accurate is it Etc and yeah super simple and easy right you can even change Lo for example if you click on this button it will take you back up to the calculator and then people can just plug in their details so easy and simple so if we change some of these metrics like that for example the numbers change straight away what you can do that I'm excited about when it comes to conversion rate optimization is very very interesting but you know I'm on a timer here and I'll show you that in a second so from here what we're going to do is we're going to hit deploy and you can see it's deploying to netlify as you can see so basically this is where the tool will be hosted now bear in mind it's just going to give you like a stag in test domain that's not what you actually want to try and rank on Google so once we wait for this to be deployed what we can do is claim this site as our own over here and then we can click on ADD projects to notifi dashboard you can see this was another website deployed pretty quickly just in a few hours and that took a whole grand total of 3 minutes 20 seconds right it's just ridiculous how easy it is to get these set up now from here what we can do is we can click on that tool we click set up then we're going to type in whatever you want to try and rank for now bear in mind when you're doing this right like you might not get the exact domain name that you want but let's give that a go right so Enterprise SEO Roi calculator we'll hit verify we'll type in. com see if we can get that we might not be able to get it it is available so I'm going to just register the domain right here and now we've got an exact match ready to go for the tool that we created in the grand total 3 minutes along with all the content the UI the tool actually works we've tested that Etc you can also set up an SSL certificate over here so if we go on verify DNS configuration the SSL certificate Cate is ready to go so if we click on provision certificate over here we've just got to wait for the netify DNS to go and it might take a little while for that to launch but you can see how easy that was right now over here you can actually check out your site analytics for the website you can check out the metrics how many people are using it Etc you've got some logs and yeah beautiful so easy to do so for example if we go into that website now continue to site I think the SSL is not completely set up yet but that was easy wasn't it people can now use that and we've got a super useful tool that we created in a few minutes it's all deployed it's all hosted on the website the other thing that I used to find with chat GPT and when you were creating like one click SEO tools directly on chat GPT is that it was quite easy to generate but it was hard to test it was hard to test in real time and it was hard to deploy bolt. new solves all of those problems and the fact that you can just do the hosting on the same website that you create the tool is again name changer now just to be 100% transparent with you it seems like it can't provision an SSL certificate yeah it might be because the website is still deploying so it's still awaiting DNS confirmation right there but I'll come back to that and if I figure it out I'll also share with you on YouTube exactly how to do that but yeah super easy so now what I'm going to do with the legendary Enterprise SE y calculator.
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