10 STOIC traits of MASCULINITY that your FATHER NEVER Taught YOU (Unlock masculine energy NOW)
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Casey Zander
Learn, Understand and Master the LANGUAGE of WOMEN 😘 below ⬇️
Video Transcript:
okay so this is 10 stoic traits of masculinity that your father never taught you this video is going to go way deeper than dating okay in fact I would say this most of the men who I see who are constantly focused on dating they don't have any aspects of their life together and specifically there's a big issue with competency like as a man you have to be competent now I understand that throughout every guy's 20s right you want to be the bad boy right and get all the ladies or you want be the guy in the club who you know has the bottle service or whatever but you got to understand eventually real life is going to come at you okay and eventually everybody grows up okay your 30s are going to come your 40s are going to come your 50s are going to come you have to think about this right because I understand all you can see is the present moment but these 10 traits are going to be needed so that way you don't become a man with no direction in life and that hurts your dating life way more as you age okay because what you got to remember is as you age women are going to expect you to have something going on for yourself or they expect you to be established in some way shape and form okay so the very first thing or the very first stoic trait of masculinity that every man has to internalize is emotional control and emotional fortitude okay when bad things happen you don't get reactive and freak out and go all over the place with your emotions you can't do that you have to have some kind of control of your own emotions so most men are volatile okay they get mad really quickly and easily they get sad really quickly and easily they have so much sympathy and empathy so quickly they're constantly pouring their heart out this doesn't work okay because now your emotional state is up and down and you can't make good calculated thoughts and good calculated decisions so I understand this is hard like it's not easy to have emotional control it's not easy to be stoic these things are really hard because even me right I'm going to be going against you know my internal emotion but I have the strength to be able to control and harness that so I don't make bad decisions so the way that I can always tell if a guy is in more of like an emotional mindset is it's always based on his vocal Tone If he starts off the story like this yeah man Casey bro so like there was this girl I was seeing and bro like she pulled away and like let's say at this point I give him some advice the rebuttal is always this and it always sounds like this no no no man but like bro you don't get it man this time it's different like bro like you just you don't get it man bro like this girl like we kicked it off like we everything was good okay you see the tonality you you see me being constantly locked in my emotions with how I'm even speaking okay I'm going to tell you this that Vibe and that energy that will get you laid okay A lot of times the same energy though that gets you laid is the exact energy that gets you completely heartbroken because she sees that you have no stability so this is really important a lot of the guys that I know over the years who were the best players right great at you know uh attracting a hot girl or going to a party and then ending up getting laid or whatever these guys typically struggle the most to retain interest or end up getting heartbroken the quickest because they're volatile with their emotions so that's number one okay the second stoic trait that your dad probably never taught you was some form of financial prioritization my whole life I have gained zero confidence in my dating life from money I will say that okay I've been an entrepreneur for many years everybody who says oh money helps make a man more confident with women I completely disagree with this from my own experience this has not helped my confidence at all I believe that true confidence as a man when you're interacting with women comes from prior experience and prior proof that other women have been interested in you in the first place that's what gives a man confidence right if you've had multiple women over the years let's say be head over heels in love with you well you have proof now that you're an attractive man in my experience that's what actually brings confidence to a man man's dating life not money however I will tell you this I have gained all of my confidence in life through business because I've proven to myself that I can grow so Financial prioritization is huge you don't want to be a guy who's 40 years old and you get a medical bill for 500 bucks in the mail and you're sitting there with high anxiety because of that you don't want to you know have your car go out and all of a sudden you got to change out your engine or something like that you know and the $2,000 uh Bill gives you anxiety you want to really strive to have six figures you know saved up at least okay because you need that cushion that cushion helps you sleep well at night that cushion allows you to know that hey even if I lost my job guess what it's Saturday morning if I want to sleep till 10:00 in the morning just because and then I'm going to get my day together afterwards and I'm going to find a new job I'm good well how do you do that you have to have money saved up that's number two okay number three persistence at your craft this is something that I see almost every single guy struggle with who is like 25 and Below or even a lot of times AG is 30 and Below it's just zero grit they're not able to sck anything through every single day they're indecisive with the direction of their career they can't stick to a decision for more than 12 hours without wanting to change CH their mind or doing something different um and they can't stand to do one thing they can't stick to one thing long enough to see the fruits of their labor pay off well this is a huge issue I see this with almost every single guy that I talk to is they have no Direction one day they want to you know go to a medical school the next day they want to be a police officer the next day they want to be a firefighter the next day they want to be a stock broker and then all of a sudden they're 28 years old and and they still have the job that they had when they were 20 that's not going to work very good okay so you got to understand this your purpose as a man is built this is the thing that every guy doesn't understand is they think your purpose is found you think that you wake up and you find your calling that is not how life Works your purpose is built Brick by Brick every day and it's really hard now the only way it becomes your purpose is if you have the skill set to make it your purpose which takes a lot of trial and error and failing okay at 18 I was a real estate agent okay in my early 20s I was a fitness coach right I had my own Fitness business you know nowadays I do what I do with you guys I've had transitions I had to build myself I had to learn skills so number three persistence at one craft this is so important now number four the fourth thing that your dad probably did not teach you is self- prioritization I was lucky enough to see this okay from my own parents both of my parents prioritize Health they prioritize Fitness they prioritize taking care of themselves so what is self- prioritization self- prioritization means at all times you are taking care of these three things first and foremost your Fitness and your strength your financial circumstance and your self-care and your hygiene okay so number three when it comes to self-care and hygiene that means fix your deficits if you are not confident about your teeth go get braces okay or find money to afford braces if you don't like your hair find ways that you can maybe afford to help your hair find ways you can fix your skin if you have acne or bad skin figure this stuff out okay this is very important self- prioritization is huge now for me Fitness is always number one for me Fitness is always even above uh my financial prioritization why is that because I believe a strong mind only comes from a strong body and I believe that in order for me to make competent decisions with my business life I have to be healthy first if I'm not healthy I'm going to make poor decisions so that is how I leverage these things okay self- prioritization number five is mental strength most guys just give up I'm going to tell you this I'm going to make this very easy for you you cannot give up don't give up if you don't give up at whatever your goal is you'll literally L never lose let me give you an example look how many videos are on this YouTube channel that I have for you guys thousands of videos right between short form and long form now nobody sees this because they're not on my channel anymore but I used to have a bunch of Fitness Vlogs when I had my fitness coaching business in my early 20s I had a bunch of Fitness Vlogs okay I can't remember the exact number that I had but if I could guess it was probably a couple hundred or more and these were Vlogs of my entire day taking the tripod to the gym filming the foods that I'm eating filming my day of eating editing uploading and none of them worked out like I still had under a th000 subscribers at the time but I stuck with this for years I didn't give up okay and eventually through trial and error and through building different things over the years I'm I was able to grow so what does that tell you that tells you that mental strength is important you have to have mental strength to not give up because if you give up Life's going to get really hard right and you're going to hit a point in life where something happens either emotionally or financially and you're going to wish you would have gave life more effort okay that's what I'm telling you the effort you put in you will be rewarded if you do not give up now number six most fathers did not teach their sons lust control okay this is this is the sixth stoic trait you have to understand lust control most fathers don't touch on this at all you have to understand that lust destroys men doesn't matter if that lust is you towards women in your dating life or even you towards just self- pleure when it comes to dirty websites and bad habits you cannot go down this road in my experience as I've gotten older I've realized this if you indulge in pleasure on the back end it's always met with pain okay like the saying Opposites Attract right or the saying highs and lows right that's what I have found right there's no good without bad so every time you indulge in pleasure The Good the feeling that's good you're typically going to be met with some kind of pain especially emotionally afterwards sometimes that pain takes a week to sink in sometimes a month but eventually it comes okay if you're out partying a lot sometimes the pain with the hangover is the next day okay so you can't live like that you don't want to basically be tied to your pleasures because while it will feel good it's going to affect you in the long run number seven okay the seventh stoic trait you have to internalize is just how to win okay and specifically how to win without excuses so here's what that means what that means is when your head hits the pillow at night you either got done what you needed to get done or you didn't so like you have to remove the word because yeah I was supposed to do chest and triceps at the gym but I wasn't able to do it because of this right because I had this birthday party to go to because uh my girlfriend wanted to go eat lasagna right because uh I had to go do this okay you have to understand that at the end of the day if you want a result it doesn't matter what your excuse is and see this is what a lot of guys don't understand is they claim that they want results but the truth is their self- prioritization is off because as soon as it comes down to family or friends okay who truthfully probably wouldn't even have your back or wouldn't pay a bill for you if bad things happened in your life anyways as soon as a family member or a friend says Hey I want you to do this their instant default answer is okay well see this is the issue because yeah you're going to have a great relationship with them sure but what does that mean does that mean you guys say nice words back and forth to each other does that mean you're not lonely well what does it actually mean right if you want to actually have results okay like you want to actually have results I either like I want to be more physically fit or I want to have better finances or I want to um succeed in business or I want to grow something for myself right you have to cut the excuses Modern Men today are way too okay with excuses the second they don't feel like doing something for whatever reason they will typically just give up okay and this is not good now number eight the eighth thing that your dad probably never taught you is getting your life together so this also stems into wanting your 20s to be full of pleasure okay I'm going to tell you this the time in life where you're probably going to have the most energy and the most Drve is in your early 20s because you're younger you're full of energy okay and you're young still as you get older life feels different okay me personally I feel way different today at 28 than I did at 22 way different no comparison okay so getting your life together right this is what guys say oh well I need to go to the party and I need to go to the club because she wants the bad boy and I need to be that guy that's a social butterfly that has all these things going on okay cool here's the thing man this is what you got to understand every guy 18 to 27 usually wants the party but I'm going to tell you this your 30s hit and most guys have less energy and motivation drops okay and this is what I'm trying to tell you is you will get old okay you don't want to be 45 years old with only five grand in your bank account and you're struggling every month with bills and you have no savings this is the road that most people are in and these are the same men who are still saying why can't I have unconditional love from a woman why doesn't she like me you know why did my girlfriend leave me that means if you look at who you are as a man all of your decisions start to stack up together where the woman is either able to look at you and say yes he's competent or no he's not okay so even you asking these questions oh why did she leave me why doesn't she love me unconditionally that right there is showing low competency in and of itself just by you asking it because it shows you don't understand what it means to be a man okay it shows you're still prioritizing your own emotions now at number nine a stoic man does what's right in a relationship and he knows what's right because he's masculine so he makes the right decisions okay regardless of what she claims that she wants to see out of you let me give you an example with that let's say your girlfriend calls you okay or let's say this let's say let's say your girlfriend tells you that she wants you to communicate more even while you're at work because it makes her happier that she gets to hear from you okay and let's say that you believe her okay and let's say that you believe what she's saying and you start to do that so now here's what happens you answer her phone call at 8:00 a. m. or at 9:00 a.
m. on a Monday morning right you answer her phone call at 8:00 a. m.