you going to do this okay fine that's all I needed that's all I needed for him to do that and it it became personal with me for me anger was good anger was good because it was motivating the more I could create an enemy the more I wanted to go and kill those guys I've been listening to them laugh my whole career an Irish man win a fight in the UFC hell no laugh laughs all around hell no he's all talk he's all hype he's a joke the sound of laughter and the sound of Doubt
motivate me I saw you celebrate my lwes like I wasn't going to win again you got to want to be successful so bad that you forget to eat that's how bad you got to war it I'm just wondering if you are bold enough Dearing enough if you can believe in your dream again if you can get committed if you can make it personal it's personal cuz it's about you it's personal it's personal person it's person it's person it's person it's person person personal I going talk to C and cuss talk to me over and over
again over and over and over again every night and every night for hours and hours I just never had to worry about nobody ever bullying me again cuz I know I would kill them if they me you've got to create a lot of different emotion to to to heighten your sense of awareness and focus it's about you ultimately actively moving through your emotions rather than being stopped by them towards a goal I think when change hits and it's personal that's when the perspective shift comes get into something that's really personal that means something to you
I I think that's the the key to what we to what we do it's got to be it's got to be personal it's up to you to carry on remember you owe you something continue to believe that we all have desires and dreams make your dream a reality I'm talking concrete commitment the commitment that says can I stay true to what I said I would do got to the mood that I've set it in has left see when you get personal when you make it personal Everything Changes don't make it personal what a joke it
has been personal when week after week I'm choked up fighting back tears with every sentence it's personal I have waited my whole life I will wait no more that's why they say many of call you were chosen oo it's it's about it's about you having a vision of POS posibility for yourself that that has to do with being great because I'm going to make it personal because it's always been personal to me so you found out that the secret sauce in your life is the guy in your mirror that it's not some outside variable that's
going to come and save you the calvar is not coming it's up to you baby get up off the couch I got to go leave the cave kill something and drag it home you found that truth in that moment despite my doubts and all of those sort of things I'm going to put my trust in that and try and then go for things and not be scared to fail and not be driven by fear and all those sort of things because it's personal it's about your journey your goals listen to me you got it you
have to eat the dream you have to sleep the dream you have have to dream the dream you have to see it when nobody else sees it you have to feel it when it's not tangible you have to believe it when you cannot see it do they do they have what it takes are they willing to do whatever it takes um a lot of people give up that's just the you know that's just the truth come on there are too many people riding on you you got a mother she's been doing everything she can to
put food on the table you got to do it for her you got a father that's counting on you you got to do it for him you got some siblings that are watching you right now you got to do it for them but guess what else you got to do it for you because deep down in every human being they want to see the greatest version of themselves but most people quit most people stop believing it's personal it's personal you got to make it personal no matter what challenges I face no matter what the statistics
are I will maintain unwavering faith that I can achieve the outcome that I want and if I don't I'll be at peace with it that was my why it's I'm willing to do everything in my power to fulfill my potential and become the best version of myself it's an unwavering faith and possibility that's it you got to get fueled on the inside and say now is my time and it's about you it's it's personal yes it's about your core it's about your mindset what do you actually want how do you want all of your life
to go I believe everything happens for a reason but I think we get to choose the reason and I decide my faith nothing that you want will manifest itself unless you aim for it and you won't aim for it unless you know what it is and you won't know what it is unless you ask yourself and then you might say well why don't you ask yourself and the answer is well maybe no one ever explained to you that you needed to which is a crucial issue and then maybe you don't also trust yourself if you
had the job or career track that would motivate you just hypothetically what might that look like this is dreams we're talking about we're talking about dreams this is is just really rigid if you become the best of you you have to almost become fanatical you know this is my life this is all I live for this is my air this is everything dreams require sacrifices people don't want to sacrifice following your dreams is a lonely solitary scary dangerous Pursuit you can't wait for somebody to think you can do it and when you get to the
point where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and I'm here to tell you number one that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad you just kind of want it you don't want it bad than you want a party you don't want it as much as you want to be cool you most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep nobody knows but you you can't get advice on what you should do
with your life you take control of the circumstances you take control of the outcome you take control of your life it's in our hands it's on us and nobody can make that decision for us it does doesn't start with them and they it starts with me whatever the [ __ ] you're doing just prove to yourself it's the [ __ ] that you want to be doing build around that this is the only life that I have and I'm going to take the leap of faith I'm going to jump in it I must live what's
in me and all of us have something in us that we must live and if we don't know what it is right now we must create it or we must find it all of us have this whatever this this something is that gives our life that meaning that value that power and that happiness see when you get married to purpose married to Destiny married to who you've been destined to be everything changes it's not about external validation it's about your relationship to yourself you know and you know when your head hits the pillow at night
and when you wake up in the morning what that relationship looks like it's not about them it's about you [Music] [Music] [Music]