a six-month plan to build a million dooll business I am going to read your mind and I think you're thinking cool another nonsense get-rich quick video and that's a very understandable thought process especially given how much information is out there on YouTube but what I'm sharing in this video is actually backed by a decade of making millionaires so there's Jeffrey who started his business four years ago no audience and no revenue and has gone on to generate $10 million since then or there Katie a veterinarian who went from completely burnt out to helping pet parents
around the globe with her business that is now done over a million dollars in sales so no this isn't some random oneoff Theory it's actually backed by a strategy that actually works if you do the work and most importantly how to do it without burning yourself out and to take this a step further I want you to comment give me the guide below and we'll send you our free guide on the 10 steps to scale your skill set and 10x your impact without trading time for money and that includes a very powerful free tool that
will unlock your most profitable niche in a matter of minutes just comment give me the guide below and we'll send the link over burnout that place where you work so hard and the stress is so overwhelming that you literally shut down physically mentally and emotionally is a very real thing thing and there was a fascinating 2023 Harvard study that revealed that 72% of the most successful entrepreneurs measured by revenue and growth reported the highest rates of burnouts let that sink in for a second the most successful entrepreneurs are the most likely to feel burnt out
to feel pressure never to stop to never admit that they're struggling in this endless success trap and believe me I know this all too well I've been there and it landed me in the hospital so on August 31st 2017 after running my business Non-Stop and working crazy hours every single day finally decided I was just going to give myself a little break a day off and that evening everything started to spiral I got so dizzy and disoriented that I was rushed to the hospital and what did they tell me that I was showing every symptom
of a stroke a stroke at 29 years old deeming myself healthy by all measures and there I was surrounded by concerned nurses and doctors asking myself how did I get here how is this possible what have I done to myself so I had been running myself ragged turning out endless social media posts juggling a very overwhelming calendar and bending over backward for super demanding clients who all wanted custom treatment so the hamster wheel had finally caught up with me and looking back I realized I wasn't really building a business I was building a trap and
I didn't deserve it and you don't either lying in that hospital bed I made myself a promise I was going to change everything about how I did business and that's exactly what I did and while I wouldn't wish that August 31st on anyone I love sharing the lessons it taught me so I de you can avoid it and here's what I discovered taking on more and more doesn't grow a business faster it just burns you out faster the real secret to success it's building a strategic system that grows like compound interest organically and exponentially over
time a process that delivers value whether you're there or not and today I'm going to show you exactly how to build that system around something you already have your knowledge and if you want to take action on what you learned today be sure to comment give me the guide below and we will send you the link to our free ebook with the 10 steps to scale your skill set and 10x your impact without trading time for money and like I said this isn't just Theory this method helped me build an 8 fig business and it's
not just me we've seen it work for over 600 different niches with countless experts and in order to create this kind of sustainable success you need to understand what I call the business bus flywheel it has four crucial components let's dig in and the first key component here is your audience and what I mean by that is attracting those perfect clients that you can serve best and a big big hint here is that's not everyone so you are not here to serve everyone and if you do you can only serve at a surface level and
ultimately that doesn't build long- lasting success because you need results and in order to get results you have to work with the right people and the next piece of this is what we call your unique transformation and what that ultimately means is it's the results that you can get for your clients when they use your system to go from what we call Zero to Hero and from there comes your offer and your offer ultimately is how you package your unique expertise into a step by-step curriculum that actually gets your clients results and finally from there
the biggest piece of this F will which I think is hands down the most important because this is really going to build that long lasting success ultimately is referrals because referrals are a way for your program to be marketed without you having to put in more effort and where do referrals come from well it comes from Happy clients how do you get happy clients you know you're serving the right people with the right transformation with the right offer that they actually need they get results from your offer and then ultimately they're so excited we see
this time and time again they're so excited to go and tell other people that you are the authority on this topic that people need to work with you and naturally it just starts to bring in more of your ideal client create more Transformations through your offer which leads to even more referrals and this is where this flywheel just starts to work for you without you having to do the work but the key piece here is this if you don't have a great program in trans information this is never going to happen and that is going
to kill your business so when these four pieces flow together and support each other you've got this self-reinforcing growth machine that works purposefully and peacefully so now that you understand the flywheel as a whole and this concept I'm going to show you how to implement each of these steps in a step-by-step fashion over a six-month time period so this will be at a sustainable Pace that gives you time for all the things that matter to you family health all the things that serve your well-being so will you have your first million in the bank in
six months unlikely but will you build a foundation that will allow you to scale to your first million on your terms in a way that doesn't work you into the ground that's a hard yes okay so let's dig into phase one so month one is all about building a strong foundation so laying the groundwork for everything else and this is where we use what I call the pop method which is a profitable offer prototype so the pop is a preliminary model of your course that isn't fancy or perfect and here's what it does it helps
you find your ideal audience your ideal clients understand exactly what transformation they're needing and looking for and map out the clear steps to deliver that transformation as quickly as possible to get real feedback from the market so the beauty of the pop process is that it will shave off months maybe even years of research and mistakes and by simultaneously building your audience and your course content you're essentially co-creating a winning curriculum for your ideal clients that's going to get tons of results so the pop removes all the guess work you'll know exactly what works and
have the confidence to move forward with an offer that you know your ideal clients actually really really really want and will pay for so this method has three core components that make it work so Step One is Define your audience so let's start with that and let's kind of dig into how do we do this in a way that is really really efficient so you've got a unique expertise right so it's that unique knowledge that's authentically yours and it's built from experience and it's that thing that your friends or your family or the people around
you tend to come to you for help with and that's a huge clue as to what you can build around so you're good at what you do but but are you crystal clear about exactly who you can serve best and probably not is the answer so the biggest mistake we can make is thinking our audience is everyone and the truth is when you mark it to everyone you mark it to no one so you need to remember this broad equals broke precise equals profit so getting laser focused makes everything easier you'll know exactly where to
find your audience understand their pain points and deliver the transformation that they're looking for and that Precision makes it so much easier to stand out you want to think about it this way you can either be a big fish in a small pond or a tiny minnow lost in the ocean and the choice is ultimately yours we want to be a big fish in a small pond ideally so the Second Step here is write your transformation statement now what do I mean by that let me explain so the second piece is critical uh it's your
transformation statement as I said and here's why it's so important your ideal audience isn't looking for more information they want what I call a Zero to Hero transformation clear guidance to move from where they are now to ultimately where they want to go so let me share some real life transformation statement examples from our clients a health coach helping overwhelmed practitioners transform scattered onetoone clients into profitable group programs working just 20 hours a week or a business coach guiding burnt out executive Ives to build sustainable sixf figure Consulting businesses without sacrificing family time or a
yoga instructor helping teachers turn their local Studio practices into Global online communities while tripling their income so right now let's take a little reality check does any of this feel intimidating I'm sure it kind of does and I promise I get it a lot of people get stuck when it comes to identifying their ideal audience and the transformation they look for so we've created a free and very powerful tool that will do this for you in a matter of minutes it's kind of like magic and you can find it in our free guide that I
mentioned so comment give me the guide to give it a try and you'll get to the root of all of this in like I said just a matter of minutes so the third step is create your curriculum outline so what I mean by this and why I am saying not to create your entire curriculum start to finish is really important to understand because that is a huge mistake that a lot of people make so this is where you start to map out the exact steps your clients need to achieve that ultimate transformation so this is
the good news you don't need endless videos or anything fancy you just need a simple two to three page outline of their Journey so let me show you exactly what mine looked like when I started so module one was on Clarity and foundation and that took about a two we span of identifying your unique expertise in week one one and your ideal client in week two was creating your transformation statement and offer which is ultimately going to be your curriculum outline and then step three was content and connection and that was all about you know
lead generation through what we call on demand strategies and then understanding how to build genuine connections and starting conversations to get those paying clients in the door and from there it was enrollment and delivery so that was authentic sales conversations and delivering amazing results for the first set of clients those clients can then go and become your first set of social proof to say hey I have a great offer that actually works that makes it much easier to sell in the long run so that's it those are the three components and they're all needed to
create this profitable offer prototype so your audience your transformation and your curriculum outline and before we move on let's just break down exactly how powerful this pop method truly can be so I'm going to share a few examples with you when Nikki left her career as an attorney to become an animal Communicator Yes actually an animal Communicator she generated an incredible $86,000 in just two months using the pop method and Mike who teaches independent restaurant owners how to run their businesses successfully made $89,000 in just three weeks with his pop strategy so that kind of
shows you that when you do this right when you do it kind of messy and imperfect and just get it to Market it is so effective to prove your business and to be able to grow from which brings us into phase two so phase two is what we call the no friction sales funnel and this brings us to month two and three where we focus on this exact concept and you might be thinking to yourself uh sales funnel sounds intimidating I understand but here's the thing it's called a no friction sales funnel for a reason
we're not talking about paid ads or complicated funnels or Tech Stacks or buying expensive tools that is not necessary right now and it's actually kind of a silly move because you you just don't need it in order to grow and to scale in this stage so we're not doing any of that high pressure you know manipulative sales stuff we're doing something very simple so the no friction sales funnel is all about building genuine connections with real human beings I know it's really a simple concept so how simple is it all you need to do is
create valuable content that shows your expertise and then invite people to Simply get onto a consultation call with you a free consultation call with you that's it no fancy automation no expensive tools no complex email sequences for creating content for this to drive people into this no friction sales funnel I use something called the expert framework so I'm going to break it down for you so e is for probably not a shocker but education and that means sharing valuable valuable valuable valuable and relevant insights with your most ideal audience which will turn into your most
ideal clients and the x is for we got a little creative here but experience and what this means is salt and peppering in the lessons from your own journey to prove that you actually know what you're talking about and you've lived this or you've helped other people achieve the outcome that your ideal audience would want to achieve and then P is for problem solving so the reason that this is so important is because this is ultimately if we can solve problems for people we create a sense of trust and we show them that we can
actually help them that's the first step to them believing that it's a possibility to achieve the transformation so problem solving means offering actionable tips and steps for their most painful challenges that they're experiencing right now and then e is for engagement this might not be what you're thinking it is though so I want to kind of dive into this one a little bit this means connecting with your ideal client emotionally by discussing their struggles and pain points so it's not all about getting virality or likes or subscribers or any of those things it's about making
content and um creating messages that actually touch the person at the pain point that they're in right now to show that you get it you see them you hear them and you actually genuinely want to help them and then the r is so important I really can't harp on this enough and it stands for relevance now this might seem simple but always creating content that speaks to your specific ideal client not to everybody and to their very specific pain points is crucial to actually having content or messaging that turns into consistent clients so you're not
speaking into a void and you're not going broad which what equals broke and then the final piece if we miss this piece we're not going to get anything out of this so the final piece is taking action and what does that mean giving people giving anyone who sees your message or your content a clear action to take clear next steps to follow so where do you actually share this content and where are you ultimately taking people you're wanting them to take the action to get on to that Consulting call with you to get onto your
email list so that you can actually capture an ideal audience and then nurture them into becoming great clients inside your program so again where are you sharing all this content well here is my advice pick one platform that's it that's all so just one whether that is LinkedIn or Instagram or email Etc and you want to do two things so one platform do two things connect directly and show up there consistently with value quality is much more important than quantity so this creates a natural progression of generating leads without burning yourself out how does that
happen well you kind of create this system where you're ultimately attracting a cold audience people who don't know know you yet then they turn into a warm Audience by being warmed up through your content being sent messages being on your email list and then you can actually create this expert content which we call magnetic messaging because it magnetizes your most ideal people and that allows you to really start generating these leads without having to put in as much effort because you're building sort of a pipeline of folks that are actually really interested in working with
you and you're not sort of screaming like I said into the void just constantly creating content that's not getting you anywhere which is a really frustrating process and a fast track to burnout I see so many people burnout trying to be everywhere all at once you don't want to fall into that trap it is far better to do one thing really really well than five things poorly so remember the audience you defined and the transformation statement that you wrote that is ultimately going to be your Lighthouse when creating any kind of content so as you
connect directly and create content consistently on your platform of choice you will figure out exactly what works and what doesn't this is why we call this sort of like the test phase you're going to try different approaches within the expert framework and the amazing thing is this in two months you will have created a targeted list of potential clients and you'll start getting eyeballs on your content having meaningful conversations and ultimately connecting with people who want to work with you in a really effective effective way that doesn't require you to be everywhere all at once
and doing all the things all at once so does that feel doable could you make five new direct connections through a message a day by asking simple questions like hey what's your reg struggle right now with whatever the topic is that your program is going to be on or post valuable content every other day even just once every 3 days all you need is that content that actually shares your experiences it helps your ideal client tackle challenges or it shows them the steps to re their goals okay so that brings us into phase three and
this is where we enter into months four and five and this is really important so phase three is all about creating systems to scale so as we enter into this phase and into months four and five this is where we're really going to focus on those systems but we're not going to do it just for the sake of scaling we're actually creating them intentionally to give you back your time and mental space because let's be honest a truly successful business shouldn't need you to be on 24/7 you should be running your business your business should
not be running you and that's exactly what good systems do they serve your life they don't consume It ultimately so by this point in your journey you have really core pieces in place you have three things that are actually crucial to this process in place in order to get to the systems aspect you truly understand your ideal client and there's zero toh hero transformation you've had the conversations worked with clients seen what content clicks and you've got that clarity now you've also got a curriculum outline that actually gets results you have a stepbystep proven process
that really really works and you've got those first happy clients who will prove the method and your program and ultimately delivers them real transformation so with those three ingredients in place we then can turn your program your Live program into an evergreen digital program through what I call minimum viable automation so instead of trying to automate everything just focus on the pieces that give you back the most time so what are those pieces number one is pre-recorded training modules so you're going to record the content in your curriculum so you can set it and people
can watch it on their own pace without you needing to be involved then an automated application process which usually consists of an application that can be built into a calendar scheduling platform like calendly so people can just book on your calendar whenever they see fit so you can have that free consultation with them to see if they're actually a fit to be a part of your program and enroll them into it and then simple email sequences for common questions that are set up and just run without you needing to send them or anything like that
it's all done in the background and then simple systems for client onboarding and support so that process can all be automated so when you record your program you want to make sure that you're breaking it down into digestable steps so that your clients can really experience clear outcomes and wins after each lesson and I found this is incredibly important in getting real real results and momentum it helps them really stick with it and builds that sort of Snowball Effect so you want to share stories share examples make it personal and record it as if you're
talking to just one person it creates that really intimate oneon-one feeling even in an evergreen format you want to also add exercises and action item so your audience isn't just passively watching they're actually implementing what they learn and here's the best part you don't need fancy equipment I started with just an iPhone and basic editing software so all you need is clear audio and good lighting you want to grab a $20 Laval your mic and record near a window and that covers it and truly screencasting is the best way to build a curriculum we actually
use Google Docs and Screen flow and that's it and you want to just keep it that simple because it allows you to make tweaks as maybe updates happen in a much more effective way rather than having to re-record the entire thing so again serves the ultimate per purpose of serving your clients in the best way possible and giving them what they need in the most efficient way possible and now we're moving on to phase four all right so in phase four it's all about revving the referral engine so what does that mean well in month
six this is honestly my favorite part because now the flywheel release starts to work for you you're creating sustainable predictable growth everything becomes effortless as these pieces fall into place so those happy clients from earlier they they become your greatest assets through what we call revving the referral engine ultimately this means you're turning your best client results and your best case studies into this steady stream of really organic marketing to get more folks to trust and believe in the process and become a part of the program so the four key pieces that really make this
system work are ultimately having a case study collection system so you're constantly collecting the proof that the program works a referral incentives proc process so that if people are referring new clients to the program and organically marketing It ultimately they would get a commission on that and that encourages them to yes tell people about it but also you can get something in return for that which is really great and then client success celebration rituals so in our program we've created this culture of hashtag winning and we see wins shared every single day and what that
does is it just motivates the rest of the clients and shows them this is doable and I'm in a community of people doing the same thing and it holds people accountable and accelerates their results and then finally Community Building initiative so what I mean by that is really making sure that you're taking the time to celebrate the folks inside of your community connect the folks inside of your community they're connecting organically on their own to root for each other to create accountability groups Etc that builds a really really beautiful community space that feels safe and
where people feel seen and able and equipped to do their best work to ultimately get the results of the program and when they get the results of the program what are they going to do they're probably going to tell even more people about it which is where this whole flywheel really start to work for you so when these pieces start to work together something really magical happens your business starts growing organically like I said through word of mouth it's simple but it's the most effective way to Market you don't have to scream as much or
fight for space or attention on social media because if it works it works and people will talk about it so this isn't about Gathering typical testimonials that nobody believes anymore it's about documenting real Transformations and this is using things like Milestone check-ins throughout their Journey before and after metrics to show the results of your program documentation of specific wins or video testimonials capturing these Peak moments and celebrations of their success and results all throughout the journey it's not just about the end but what are the wins along the way making sure that you're capturing those
so one of our clients came up with something brilliant she calls them transformation tracking sessions so every 30 days she meets with her clients specifically to document their progress and not only does this give her amazing cont content to share but it helps our clients actually see how far they've come you got to celebrate your wins and that builds more momentum so for this referral process you want to keep it super simple and when I talk about incentives think maybe you know a certain percentage on the amount of the program that becomes a kickback commission
to them that can be anywhere depending on the price of your program from 10 to 50% so remember you're spending zero on Advertising so this is really an incredible organic marketing strategy and plus these referral clients really are your best clients they trust you from day one because they trust the person who referred them and that means they're going to get better results and there's going to be less friction in the process for them so let's talk about celebrating client success this is about creating moments where your clients feel seen so this might mean that
you feature wins in your email list or on your social media platforms to share their success which feels like a big kudos to them and it's exciting and it's something people work towards it could be special recognition it could be celebration on your weekly support calls so every support call that we have inside our program we start them with wins and it's such an amazing way to set the tone for the call maybe it's live client case studies whatever it is it's important to make sure you're celebrating the progress of your clients because it helps
them believe that this is doable and it helps them stick with the process and ultimately that's a win-win-win for everybody and finally that brings us to the community building so this takes everything to the next level when your clients connect with each other share their wins and support each other the energy is incredible so the more they feel part of this special Community the more they want to tell others about it and for managing all this you don't need anything fancy you just want to start with the basic tools so for your actual program itself
you have thinkific or kajabi or teachable for your course the platform really doesn't matter nearly as much as actually having great content curriculum inside your program then you have you know Facebook or Circle or other platforms for hosting your community whatever platform feels best for you then you have cly for scheduling and then you can use loom for quick video feedback that feels very personalized or simple Google forms or sheets for tracking metrics and success of your clients to know when you can celebrate their wins but remember the tools matter so much less than the
intention behind them so start simple and you can upgrade as you grow even just a zoom account Google Docs and a Facebook group can work wonders at first and when all of these pieces work together you create this beautiful Snowball Effect so your community of happy clients become your biggest Advocates bringing in more aligned clients who then also become Advocates themselves once they get the results from the program which is what this is all about so it's really not about pushing or forcing growth and honestly if you have to Market so hard to get people
to believe in your program I would go back to the basics and make sure the program actually works because if you have to Market that hard maybe there's an issue with the program itself it's about creating the conditions for natural expansion and letting a community of like-minded people come together and the rest truly truly truly with time takes care of itself so you know as I wrap up this video I want to share something really personal so that day in the hospital it wasn't just a wakeup call about my business it was really a wakeup
call about how I'd lost sight of what actually matters real human connection and I'd completely bought into the that success meant hustle push harder focus on metrics and profits above everything else that somehow the more stressed and overwhelmed I was the more successful I was but that's just not true and it's a losing battle so what I've discovered both through building my own business and also helping thousands of others build theirs Is that real sustainable success happens when we stop asking how can I make more money and start asking how can I truly help more
people and when we build businesses around connection and Community growth happens naturally and I used to think building a business meant following some strict formula but now I realize it's really about creating spaces where people feel totally seen heard and supported where transformation happens not because you're pushing hard but because you actually care about the people that you serve it's a pretty simple concept so here's what's really beautiful about that when you build a business this way you don't just make a bigger impact that's an amazing aspect of it but you end up doing better
financially than if you'd focused on profit alone I've seen it happen over and over with our clients the ones who build the strongest communities always end up with the most sustainable profitable businesses is it easy no building anything meaningful takes dedication and persistence but it's so much more possible and enjoyable when you're building from a place of real connection instead of constant hustle so despite the title of this video we're not just here to build a million-dollar business in six months we're here to build something that really matters something that serves both you and your
community something that lets you make an impact well still having time for morning walks family dinners or whatever it is that fills your cup and is individual to you so at the end of the day success isn't measured in dollars it's measured in lives changed in communities built in the ripple effect you create while living a life that you actually enjoy if this resonates with you and if you're ready to build a business that's both profitable and centered on true connection your best first step is to comment give me the guide below or click the
Link in the description to get total Clarity on how you can turn your skill set or expertise into a real sustainable and scalable business and we send you the free guide so thank you so so much for watching and remember you don't have to choose between impact and well-being between profit and purpose when you build from a place of actual connection you can have it all it won't happen overnight but nothing worth doing does so be sure to watch this next video on how I I built an online program that generates $5 million a year
and I'll see you in the next video thanks for watching bye