The Hermetic Principles - Ancient Wisdom for a Better Life - The Alchemist

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The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back...
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foreign we are currently in the midst of a hermetic Revival and at the heart of this return of ancient knowledge is the seven hermetic principles the seven hermetic principles are laws that govern this reality these governing principles are most well known in modern times through the book The kybalion however their Origins are as obscure and ancient as the mystical figure that they are attributed to Hermes Trismegistus there is vivid dispute as to the true identity of Hermes Trismegistus contemporary Academia believes this character to be entirely fictitious a compilation of Hellenistic viewpoints that was compiled by
what you would call an ancient Think Tank while modern Mystics and the more spiritually inclined alike know him to be dated way further back than the Hellenistic period for he is the transmitter and teacher of ancient knowledge to the prophet Moses if not Moses himself for he has been affirmed by early Kybalists as Moses suffice it to say that these principles although best preserved and transmitted through the vehicle of hermeticism are of such a universal and Timeless origin that they truly belong to time immemorial for they are indeed Timeless and ancient wisdom that belongs to
no one's school of thought the principles are seven first we have the law of mentalism then the law of Correspondence then the law of vibration then the law of polarity after that we have the law of rhythm cause and effect and gender the principle of mentalism the all is mind the universe is mental this principle embodies the truth that all is mind it explains that the all which is the substantial reality underlying all outward manifestations and appearances which we call the material universe is in short spirit and spirit although undefinable is likened unto the infinite
living mind for Mind and Spirit are truly one and the same interchangeable terms to the Hermetic being aware of this first Universal principle of mentalism can directly improve our lives by understanding that before anything gets drawn into the manifested physical outward world it is first harnessed through the creative intelligence of the energy that we know as mind so applying our mental faculties to our Creations is how we first draw them in to the physical world the principle of Correspondence As Above So Below as within so without as the universe so the soul the truth that
is embodied within this principle is that there is always a correspondence between the laws and the phenomena of the various planes of being and life the old hermetic Axiom ran in these words as above so below as below so above and the grasping of this principle gives one of the means of solving many a dark Paradox now I personally find this law to be the most helpful when seeking Clarity because what it is saying is is that by us knowing our own Nature by us knowing our own mind and by us knowing the world around
us it is reflecting what is happening and taking place in the worlds and the planes of Consciousness above us so the more we study the below we are able to understand and comprehend the above this is vital to be aware of as a seeker of truth because now we are able to tell what's happening in the cosmos and what's taking place in the higher planes of Consciousness by simply observing the world around us and most importantly our internal landscape the principle of vibration nothing rests everything moves everything vibrates this principle embodies the truth that everything
is in motion everything vibrates and nothing is ever truly at rest this principle explains that the differences between different manifestations of matter energy mind and even Spirit result largely just from varying rates of vibration it has been said that one who truly understands this law of vibration is one who has grasped the scepter of power because within this law we are able to understand that everything in existence is expressed through vibration and that there are just simply different rates of vibration and within these different rates of vibration are entirely different Realms of experience and of
creation so when we know that all is truly vibration then we also know that by raising the vibration of our Consciousness that now we unlock access to the manifestations that we wish to create which are vibrating at that level of reality the principle of polarity everything is dual everything has pulls everything has its pair of opposites like and unlike are the same opposites are identical in nature but different in degree extremes meet all truths are but half truths all paradoxes may be reconciled this principle embodies the truth that everything is dual everything has two poles
everything has its pair of opposites all of which were old hermetic axioms everything is and is not at the same time all truths are but half truths every truth is half false there are two sides of everything it explains that in everything there are two poles or opposite aspects and that opposites are really only the two extremes of the same thing the example the Kybalion gives us is that there is no such thing as absolute heat or absolute cold the two terms heat and cold simply indicate varying degrees of the same thing and that same
thing which manifests as heat and cold is merely a form a rate of vibration so heat and cold are simply the two poles of that which we call Heat the same principle manifests in the case of light and darkness which are the same thing the difference consisting of varying degrees between these two poles of the same phenomena so what you really have is the absence of light or the presence of light and when there is an absence of light that is what we call Darkness although they are just two poles of that one thing that
one phenomena this law of polarity can best improve our lives by giving us the clarity to view the world around us how many times have we seen opposing forces act identical in nature how many times have we loved so much that it turned into its polar opposite hate and how many times have we cared so much that it traveled all the way over to its polar opposite numbness these are all different examples of the law of polarity and how one energy gets split into Polar Opposites along a spectrum the principle of rhythm everything flows out
and in everything has its tides all things rise and fall the pendulum swing manifests in everything the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left rhythm compensates this principle embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion to and from a flow and inflow a swing backward and forward a pendulum-like movement this law is so important because when we are interpreting what we see inside this age if we don't have knowledge of the law of Rhythm we won't understand that this is actually a Redemption
Arc there is some sort of return that is happening meaning that if there was ever a group of people or let's just call it a movement some sort of thought form even if it's ancient knowledge whatever it is that was once suppressed it will now come in to its complete opposite its hero Redemption Arc so when we are using the law of Rhythm we are actually understanding the larger context of what's Happening inside this age because we're viewing it now through its proper lens we can better understand that all of the overarching themes that we
see taking place within this age are actually coming from a larger cycle when we possess the knowledge of this law of Rhythm we are able to perceive an inevitable pendulum-like swing that takes place within movements and within consciousness and however strong of a degree that was pushed to one side of the pendulum will be the exact intensity that that pendulum swing carries out to its opposite knowing this is how the Alchemists extract themselves from this momentum of karma and then we consciously position ourselves wherever we want to in this pendulum swing and by consciously choosing
our position there then we neutralize ourselves there and that's how we avoid the karmic momentum that's taking place to and from the cycles of nature the principle of cause and effect every cause has its effect every effect has its cause everything happens according to law chances but a name for law not recognized there are many planes of causation but nothing escapes the law this principle embodies the fact that there is a cause for every effect and an effect for every cause it explains that everything happens according to law and that nothing is ever merely by
chance this love cause and effect goes by an even more popular term known as karma and what this law also contains within it is the knowledge that Karma can reside on higher planes of Consciousness which means that the cause of whatever we're experiencing as the effect is not always coming from the material realm knowing that there is always a cause and an effect at play can vastly improve our lives if we use that knowledge the way that the ancient Alchemist did by Shifting the way that we are affected by that cause when we shift the
way that we react to any response or stimulus now we are able to transcend that karmic thread this is first done by doing our best to understand what originated that cause what was the first action that caused that reaction and then from there choosing with our own conscious free will to respond in a different manner rather than react from an automated state of unconsciousness The Alchemist applies their own Consciousness and their own free will in order to shift cause from effect and to shift the effect from its cause the principle of gender states that gender
isn't everything everything has its masculine and feminine principles gender manifests on all planes this principle embodies the truth that there is gender manifested in everything on the physical plane the principle manifests as sex on the higher planes it takes higher forms but the principle is always the same everything and every person contains the two elements every male thing has the female element within it and every female thing contains the male element within it the principle of gender is profoundly valuable because once we understand that we contain both masculine and feminine elements to varying degrees and
ratios we can use that for mental creation the same way on the physical plane that the masculine and feminine energies create life on the mental plane we can use our masculine and feminine energies and the elements within us to create and to regenerate we can apply this law to our mental Creations by drawing them towards us with our magnetism our magnetism is a part of our emotional body and the emotional body is our feminine elements so when we combined our masculine energies such as thought and action with our feminine energies of magnetism coming from the
emotional body and the emotional experience that we're calling forward through the sensations of our emotions what we're doing is amplifying our ability to be magnetic and just like a magnet our Creations get drawn forward and called to us so unifying these two energies is how we call forward our manifestations now what I'm about to tell you about these seven hermetic principles has never been taught anywhere before it has never been written of and it has never been told and that is these seven laws are actually one principle and one law that gets emanated into seven
different rays and into seven different laws and principles so they're actually all the same law and the reason we see them as seven is because there are seven different expressions and ways that they are conveyed you will most likely have to meditate upon what I have just said in order to deeply and truly understand it I recommend that you recognize these laws for yourself don't take my word for it go out into your lives and notice how these seven principles play out and interact with one another in everything small or large within or without thank
you for tuning in to this episode of after skool if you enjoyed this video and would like to see more of this content you could check out my Channel The Alchemist there I cover topics like spirituality Consciousness and esoteric knowledge infinite love and gratitude
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