this video strategy is making people a lot of money and you could apply this to your business your YouTube channel and I promise you that over the next few minutes you're going to get inspired with some new video ideas um that are probably not what you've been thinking before but are going to get a lot of views now this particular strategy any Guru you follow or anybody that's really killing it in business especially online is probably applying this and it comes out of a book called break through advertising that is a $359 purchase price right
now so actually this video is going to be worth over $300 to you um because of the insights that come out of this book but they're just as relevant for today even though this is kind of a classic book on marketing and on psychology and on um really how to get your message across and so let's dive straight into this and so we're looking at here is what's called the five levels of awareness and so it's kind of like a funnel that happens for us when we're creating content when we're um thinking about a customer
Journey so if you've ever aspired to build an online course um be kind of in the info space and so let's go through these one two three four all right so the five levels of awareness the first level is unaware all right and this is what we're talking about here in the five levels of awareness from you Eugene Schwarz Schwarz Eugene Schwarz classic book breakthrough advertising is the different stages a potential customer goes through on their way to becoming a buyer now this is also going to be I would say the different stages a viewer
goes through that doesn't know your channel that eventually becomes a subscriber and maybe eventually a Super Fan so understanding these levels is crucial for I believe developing an effective content strategy and even business strategy so level one is completely unaware they um don't even know they have a problem that you can solve at this level they might even not recognize the underlying desire of the problem that they are thinking about so we'll go through a couple niches of how you could apply this like if we were to think about at the unaware stage maybe you
help somebody in Fitness you help somebody correct chronic pain get strong if they're feeling weak so at this stage maybe all that they know is that they are in pain let's say I'm in pain but I didn't know that there's breathing techniques or I didn't know that there is uh you know medicine or I didn't know that there's something I can do to my diet I I'm I'm completely unaware so that is the first stage now as we're talking about this this could talk about in your product development but this could also talk about for
your videos like what you do on your YouTube channel solves a particular problem you have a particular type of information that you deliver but they might not even be aware of what you do yet like what level of awareness are they at is the big question so then the second level is problem aware so like when I go back if we're talking about pain or winess let's say I've been dealing with chronic pain it's called RSI repetitive strain injury tendinitis tendonosis similar from overwork at a computer and especially with bad ergonomics and things like that
well everything I just mentioned to you at one point all I knew was that I was in pain then I became aware that okay the myof fashion my arms can kind of develop Scar Tissue um the mobility of my shoulder could cause uh cause some nerve in trapment that causes me pain Downstream in my arm so I even thought that maybe I had carpel tunnel and good news is I think I don't what I have is more of like upper stream issues in my neck from posture and things like that so I then became problem
aware now I still don't even really know what to do I just at least know what the issue is and so we'll go back through and how you can apply these but if you know that they're at this place you might in your content almost agitate the issue you might want to say there's you got to get this fixed this will get worse if you don't F fix this now the impact of this you want to highlight the problem highlight the consequences next is solution aware so now you're at the solution aware stage to where
I'm like okay Physical Therapy can help me with pain now let's go through another example like if we're talking about what I help you with on this channel I help you with YouTube and so and not only that we also have like our actual YouTube course and our deeper program but for some people let's say if there were a business owner uh or a Creator so a business owner is maybe like I just don't know why my sales are down my business used to be getting leads it used to be getting sales now it's not
um that's what a business owner might think a Creator might think what's the best way to start making money online I want to start do developing a side hustle so at the unaware phas I could potentially if we were to spin off ideas I might make a video called seven best ways uh to make money online now if I made that video I might say or just make money in general or make or or do a side Hustle and I and I could do some research maybe I interview somebody and I say you could drive
Uber you could try to get money from the Tik Tok Creator fund not a good idea it's gonna get banned you could you know try to do all kinds of things and uh and number seven you could do YouTube because it's better than everything else it's a search engine your content lives forever because maybe you didn't you didn't even know about the solution being YouTube It's levels of awareness YouTube so maybe you're unaware why am I not getting leads my business or why am I not making money online I didn't even know I was supposed
to do a hook at the beginning of videos in fact I just got off a coaching call and I was breaking down um someone's Channel and pointing out flaws in their titles flaws in their thumbnails flaws in the opening of the video flaws they didn't even know and this individual is actually somebody I deeply respect somebody that has been in the game a long time leadership space and has even been in some some of the old school rules of like television and whatnot is trying to adapt that to Media so kind of unaware of what's
even happening now in media and social so then I I next thing was like okay now I've pointed out all the problems and there's massive light Bulba moments of like okay I I you haven't solved the problems yet but now I can actually see the problems clearly and then what's the solution and in this case one is like the product itself it might be saying like because again for you you might eventually have a or something and that could be part of the solution but you also need to help people understand that your way of
doing things like again if it's dealing with pain back on this other side if we were dealing with pain the solution for you it could be like you know again breath work it could be like stress reduction it could be like workout it could be therapy because the bottom line there's many different ways we could solve problems right is just thinking through um what what are the different what is your unique solution and the solution like for me is not just that if you ever want to go deeper with us we've got do-it-yourself program a
group coaching program a one-on-one program that is our solution but if you've been here for any length of time you also know that like YouTube itself is uh is our solution like we we are trying to let you know like listen YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world YouTube is the only place where your content lists forever it pays better than any platform okay I think you're right so that's level three then the next level is going to be uh solution aware then you have product aware now the prospect the viewer is
familiar with various Solutions including yours and they might compare the options and features and why your product is superior to other competitors so now we're getting into how eventually you might educate people like I just mentioned we could talk about like listen not only do you want to master YouTube but what level do you want to do it do you want to do it yourself do you want to do it in in a group that's called our V Elite program do you want to do accelerator um that's our uh one-on-one program so group DIY one-on-one
that would be product awareness again similarly maybe it's solution but even if you weren't talking about selling a product you you go deeper with us just on our podcast and you're like okay what should I do should I do long form should I do short form should I do a podcast should I do and earlier today on the coaching call that was some of the stuff we were talking about was um should I do daily short videos should I do one longer video a week how much time so interesting enough again just applying this to
two sides you could apply the the product level to just various ways to apply again your solution and then finally the last one is most aware and that's going to be now your inner circle your tribe your super fans and on a business level there maybe on your email list maybe they already done business with you they already know you're good for it they know that man when I work with them they're awesome and so they have a new thing I'd love to do that as well well let's G apply this as we land the
plane the a couple ways you might think about this framework is one videos so I think one of the biggest missing opportunity for a lot of creators is they might they're making too many videos and you might be falling into this trap that is kind of like at this level of of the funnel so you're may be making you're making videos assuming people know like another way to put it would be this okay so we do tech reviews we do camera reviews um on fake media and so if you are familiar with the product level
think about how deep you are down that is going to be the the Sony zv E10 we love that camera well you're already familiar with the product now let's go the way all the way up to unaware it's like what camera should I buy right and I've done that video at that level it's a good video to make what camera should I buy I don't even know the cameras I don't know the brands I don't even know how cameras work so your understanding of where people are and what information where they are in their psychology
then problem aware is like well I bought a camera but I bought this camcorder and it doesn't have the cool blurry background like why does it not have the blurry background oh well because the lens aperture and the sensor size is not you know sufficient to get the look that you want oh I didn't even understand like features of a camera now I understand that if I want that particular look all I know is the problems so you you still haven't really given me the solution but I know the problems are okay I need a
a larger sensor um and I could do apsc sensor which is the zve E10 I need a I want that Sigma that Sigma 16 mimer 1.4 which would be low aperture and think about this too this stuff is complet like you're sitting at the dinner table with your family like what do they know about like aperture what who says that word at your normal sensor like does your mom know about your camera sensor you know so understanding the levels of awareness it affects everything the videos your marketing your messaging so then again you get to
the solution which is going to be okay that's the problem and the solution is going to be that and then the actual product could be zve E10 but it also might be like oh actually a7c uh 2 if you want to go fullframe there could be other reasons so you understand that your options there and then again most aware you also start thinking that now you're talking to insiders that's a mistake people make is sometimes you're only talking to insiders because you have the co curse of knowledge so this is sort of like Insider talk
I think the key here if we're talking about videos is are you making videos at every level and can you and should you be making some more broad appeal videos at level one here so maybe problem aware if you think about search-based content search based content is going to be you might search for the zv E10 but not if you don't know the product name so you might search for best Sony camera it's a little bit broader of what you might know then you might just be like best camera or it could be best camera
for blurry background because you're sort of like well I know my problem is I don't like the look of the shot and again applying that to uh how what we would do and thinking about okay I could apply this to again my videos now secondly is I would apply this to your business your um your business so and even if at this point you would say that I don't really have like a business or a product yet this is kind of the Creator economy influencer business model especially on the education side is that a lot
of free content might be helping people at these earlier stages go down this funnel so let's talk through it really quick so again completely unaware the prospect isn't aware that there's a problem I can solve like what problem can I solve for you I can help you make money through YouTube but you might not even be that that far down the road I can help you make money online I can help you make money from home these are all like different positionings that's like that level one um and they also at this unaware stage might
not recognize the underlying desire that your product fulfills so I also might be saying listen don't you like I can help you achieve more freedom because you might feel caged because you work for a boss and you're at a toxic culture you don't like and you want to get off you want to get off the road because your commute sucks so even the type of content at the unaware phase is that initial stage of introducing people into you know did you even know that ice baths um can give you the same effect as cocaine for
two and a half hours is a lot better for you though and not illegal and so um you know you were unaware that ice baths could do that and then you're were like oh and not only that you have more energy and then so my solution is I have a program or you could order my physical product like so you're sort of think about the levels of content that you're creating and also completely unaware stage one is the most challenging stage because your marketing needs to spark their interest and introduce the problem so sometimes the
reason if you're like my views I'm not getting views I'm not having success with my messaging it could be because again you're packaging it wrong you're positioning it wrong and you're talking to the wrong level so is the problem even introduced yet do they understand the problem and then what are are their desires underneath the problem because again it's like yeah I've thought about wanting to start a YouTube channel well why well because I want extra money okay I want more freedom I want more significance I want to change people's lives and and so so
it's been interesting sometimes one of our videos of like 10 reasons why you should start a YouTube channel is a very popular video because you might even be like I'm actually really not sure like I know I kind of want to but it's like I never even thought about those different reasons then you get to the problem aware level okay this level two right here and at this level now they recognize the issue okay I see that YouTube is a great solution I see that your approach to Fitness I see that your solution for marriage
I I get I see the problems um but they still don't understand the impact or urgency so now even more so you can crank it up you want to crank up the heat a little bit here and so in good marketing it's like did you see what's happening in the economy like in with inflation going up that's hitting you at the grocery store I know you feel it we all feel it so even if you're just looking for ways to earn extra money like and what did I do I'm tying into a step tying into
what's happening at the economy and so even at this level you still want to create urgency you're highlighting the problem maybe highlighting the consequences it also could be like listen I know you've been thinking about launching this new thing or starting that diet or starting that side hustle or starting that business do you understand the cost of regret like the pain of regret is way bigger than the pain of short-term failure okay like listen don't wait another day to take your dream seriously okay so different and if you were doing what you could do a
video podcast again you could do what video could you make at the unaware phas and what would the title be what video could you make at this phase to kind of help move people along what could you make at this phase once you get to the solution they know they have a problem they understand there are solutions available but they're also maybe researching different options so at now you're already at the solution but you're like okay wait a minute though should I be like going for Trends or search-based content well let's talk about it pros
and cons okay well should I be going for um a video podcast or you know a should I go all in on short form long form or short form should I do an education Channel or more entertainment should I do a hybrid of both what could I do they maybe researching different options and again we could take this over to your business and be thinking that by this stage you might be thinking man I'm thinking about doing business with you I'm thinking about doing business with somebody else what's the different what's the pros and cons
and then again product aware now they're familiar with your product and this might be somebody that they start googling like is V worth it or is which would be another thoughtful video not just that other people make reviews we have a lot of positive reviews out there about our program you could make your own explain ler videos to be at that level now this might this is less like get views on YouTube and this is more like bring people into your world because they're aware of your product but do they fully understand it do they
fully understand what it does how it helps them how it can help them Advance okay and so then you're going to focus on highlighting why your product is a superior Choice compared to other competitors and then at the most aware they know exactly what they want they might be res researching specific uh models again you get down to this level like if I'm looking at red light therapy lights or something I've narrowed it down to three brands I'm trying to figure out based on price based on cost uh price values features reading between and so
this also is probably customers that might make a repeat purchase and so your marketing here should address address objections so it also might be like well hey they might ask us what's the difference between your uh your do- it yourself your group or your one-on-one explain that and and even on like theoretically the unaware could be your most broad appeal because if you even said like how to make uh money on YouTube that's already pretty niched because it means they know they want to make money on YouTube broader appeal is what of the seven best
ways to make money from a side hustle all I know is I want to you know that's broader appeal you that's maybe the big idea from this video is that doing more broad appeal top topics to bring people into your world because the other thing is I'm maybe we'll do this is I could upload a podcast wouldn't get very many views a video on this channel that just explains our programs it's going to get a couple hundred views not thousands but what's the purpose of that it's like well you're kind of aware but you were
just looking for like practical brickby brick information so this is called the five levels of awareness and listen anyone who's like really really good at marketing or really good at building an online business or really good at uh that that that you're observing that's really having significant and consistent success online understands this and the best creators are tapping into this as well with their content strategy thinking about which videos should I make next and perhaps how could I better serve lower down to this could be why your products are not selling it could be why
your course is not converting because you haven't thought about these layers of messaging yet and really brought those in but then furthermore it could be why your views are suffering or you're making content in a way that's too Niche I'm actually not against any particular form of content you're making I just think that sometimes you get stuck in a rut like if all you do is make content at this level of oh you understand YouTube is the problem in my case like then you're you're missing out on all of this upside but then further more
sometimes if you're only playing the broad appeal game you're missing out on helping people down the customer Journey if you enjoyed this content and want to take your YouTube channel to the next level go to think where you can get access to a 1-hour YouTube strategy class where I break down the exact system that we use at think media to generate hundreds of thousands of views per day just go to think or click the link in the description