Scary Stories For A Freezing, Eerie, And Dark Night

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Be. Busta
This video features true scary horror stories sure to scare you. The scary stories that feature on t...
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at the start of Co during the twoe lockdown my dad very concerned said Frank please don't think that I'm crazy but I swear that I saw three gray aliens walking across the street and then they went into the woods I asked him how tall he said very skinny creatures about 4T tall 2 days later as well and I'm not joking a military person Sky died d d into their Community I witnessed it while we were driving back into the neighborhood and we were like what the actual heck white Vans running in and out of the
neighborhood nonstop you would see them at least 20 to 30 times per day which made me believe that something happened that was Far Beyond Co to add to all of this about a month later my dad randomly leaves the house while I'm visiting says that he wants to go and be with God he's completely at peace acting totally normal leaves the house and walks down the street the cops pick him up though the cops call me and when I'm on the phone with the cop he says hang on real quick then I hear oh no
oh no then a loud gunshot at this point obviously I'm panicking thinking that my dad was shot a totally different cop gets on the phone I hadn't talked to this guy before says sorry that was unrelated your dad is fine and we'll bring him home now in that moment I literally thought to myself was the original cop that I talked to shot and replaced or something did he see one of those Grays and had to shoot it he was in complete Panic with his voice but the next cop on the phone was completely fine as
if nothing had happened anyway that was weird and dad comes home with them and instead says that he wants to go and check himself into a hotel for a few days so they offered to drive him to the hotel dad turns off his phone won't let anybody come and visit him has no communication with us during this time says that he just wants to be alone eventually he comes back home after the few days like nothing happened whatsoever and to this day says I don't want to talk about what happened that night and I'm like
yeah but it was we weird like can you explain what happened and why you felt that way and he's just like no I don't want to get into that personally I think that he saw something or something serious happened and he's concerned that if he says something that he'll be labeled insane but what do you guys think about this I legit got scared thinking that they replace my dad or something the gray alien thing was super weird too and it was really weird to hear a gunshot on the phone and then suddenly I'm speaking to
a different cop I remember when the cops came by the house to drop him off as well and their demeanor was just incredibly weird I dare say almost like they were not human they just they just didn't act right my fiance and I went for a 3-day trip to Gatlinburg and we've spent our days in the mountains hiking and spending time in and around the national park tonight at around midnight trying to get all the time in the mountains that we can we decided to take an hour drive from our hotel room up the mountain
to an overview or Lookout type of spot right on top of said Mountain to see if we can catch an awesome look at the stars because there's a lot of lights in Gatlinburg at night driving up there neither of us noticed literally anything off other than that the mountain in the winds are a little spooky at night I'm from Florida so it's just unfamiliar I guess but as soon as we got to where we were going and she and I got out of the car I'm almost overwhelmed with just a a vile oppressive feeling outside
with me but not wanting to make the lady uncomfortable I don't react too much just yet the wind is absolutely roaring and unfortunately we couldn't see any stars due to cloud cover so I tell her that I'm going to step to the side and pee and then we can get back to the hotel room now as soon as I get like 10 ft away I get a very strange feeling of extreme vulnerability and Detachment from everything around me almost as though I'm miles away from the nearest person though obviously I'm feet away from my fiance
I turn around to walk back to the car and that was when I heard something off to my right and in instinctively looked over to see something roughly human size go down to Coyote size and kind of just hop over a rail from about 200 ft maybe more feet away I quickly get back to the car and Usher my fiance in still not trying to scare her or at least show her that I'm scared but she asked if I was all right and my reaction was a dead giveaway but we jumped in and we sped
off never in my life have I ever experienced anything like this and never in my life have I ever really had a reason to be made uncomfortable of just being outside but I truly believe that I saw something weird that night in those woods with us one evening I was out in Lacy wa to pick up a handgun that I had recently purchased for protection contrary to the pickup status both online and sent to my mail the store didn't have it in stock yet and told me to come back in another week I lived about
an hour from Lacy at the time and when I had gotten there evening Rush Hour was just beginning to become unbearable I didn't want to drive all the way back home just yet as it would add an additional hour to my already long commute anyway side note too is that the car that I was driving belonged to my dad and I was borrowing it until I had enough Mone saved up for a new car after my beloved Honda had broken down the previous year but I killed some time buming around the store and I purchased
my firearm from then decided to drive over to the nearest coffee shop it was a newly built cabin Style Cafe with a modern twist the Barista handed me my 16 o dirty chai and I walked back out to my car I then drove to a gas station around the corner still trying to kill some time until traffic thinned out the car didn't need any gas or anything so I pulled into a parking spot right at the corner of the four-way Street the block that the gas station was on I turned off the engine and stepped
outside and lit up a smoke leaning against the driver's side door so as to not stink up the interior the weather was overcast and drizzly but not overly cold it was now Dusk and most daylight had disappeared the stop lights in the intersection were diffused by the late Autumn Mist and I I watched them flicker from green to Yellow to red and again as the traffic was orchestrated accordingly zoned out by the lights and being generally lost in thought while enjoying my coffee and smoke I didn't notice the man walking toward me until he was
already halfway across the street he was white average height strawberry blonde maybe in his mid 20s he definitely hadn't changed his clothes in a good while and carried a backpack that I assumed to be full of the few belongings that he had he didn't smell but he looked raggedy and unkempt for sure I immediate thought was that drugs were likely a part of his habitual lifestyle I didn't want to jump to conclusions though but I'm always cautious having grown up in the suburbs of Seattle the man finished crossing the street awkwardly limping toward my car
maintaining eye contact and a winced grin I locked my car out of caution but remained outside smoking casually normally I'm not a social person but I don't go out of my way to be unpleasant either he approached me and stood about 10 ft away when he said hello and asked if I had a light I complied hesitantly but saw no harm in meeting his simple request taking two steps forward I lit his cigarette which he was holding out toward me while approaching he attempted to make small talk weaving in hints that he had just gotten
off the bus and still needed to get down the road another block somewhere in this poorly crafted so story he stopped himself mid-sentence like a bad actor and pretended to be struck by an epiphany hey uh would you mind just dropping me off down the road it's not very far I apologized and said that I couldn't because it was my dad's car and not my own and I didn't feel comfortable without my father's permission I admit it was a stupid yet plausible excuse I came up with on the spot Mr unkempt did not like my
answer and his smile immediately turned tense and flatlined clearly upset he became more insistent but it's just down the road he whed my leg is killing me and it wouldn't even be far for you I'll give you a cigarette his persistence and sudden burst of hostility made my hair stand up I firmly said no I'm sorry I can't help you it's my dad's car and he has set the rules with 10 years of hospitality under my belt I immediately offered him alternate logical ideas of what he could do to get where he needed to be
I even mentioned maybe someone in the gas station that we outside of maybe they could help him out or call him a riot or something each word that I said made him increasingly IR rate and he began curling his fingers into fists not in a threatening way but like a toddler about to scream blood blood murder for not getting their way he seemed to pause and size me up in a fleeting moment I'm small and I'm not at all intimidating physically so I told him that I hope he makes it home safe quickly unlocked my
car jumped in and locked myself inside when looking up from locking the car door I saw him speed walking back across the street from the direction that he originally came from no limp no awkward walk whatsoever no distress or pain showing even slightly just a normal speed walk of a physically well person a rageful person I knew then that I dodged a bullet and I felt pretty dumb for hanging around the city after dark alone like that at that point I didn't care about traffic anymore so I turned over my engine and high tailed at
home in what ended up being an hour and 45-minute drive but this time the traffic was 100% worth the inconvenience so if you haven't heard it enough already be careful who you give your attention to especially when you're alone like this stay aware always and ER on the side of caution even when strangers seem harmless at [Music] first a couple of months ago my friend and I had a spontaneous idea to hike at Sunset and eat Subway on the beach we went to a place called Mor Mountain we walked the trail for about an hour
and right when we got to the beach it was just about Pitch Black outside we hadn't thought to bring anything but some weed and some Subway no flashlights or headlamps or hiking shoes or anything dumb idea I know but anyway all was well for about the 2 hours that we laid on the beach smoking and eating and talking about life it was beautiful hearing the waves and seeing A Sky Full of stars that night I started getting tired so I decided that we should probably head back we gathered our stuff and started walking and both
turned on our phone flashlights to guide our way not even a minute into the trail we hear something moving in the forest to our left I told my friend to stop and the sound suddenly stops too immediately when we start walking again the swishing is there and it's matching the exact Pace that we walking so we stop again to test if this sound is really matching our Pace I was hoping that it was an animal just curious about who we were and would walk away but the sound once again stops when we stop my heart
starts pounding because well there's no animal that I know of that is intelligent enough to match the exact pace and the exact steps that we are making at least not where we live and my friend and I turned our flashlights to the left where the sound was coming from and it was then that I make eye contact with something in the distance that was pale and had dead black eyes and looked like it was standing on its high legs with terrible posture my friend and I quickly turn our flashlight to point directly in front of
us and say please tell me that was an animal was it and my friend in a very monotone voice says no we need to leave now keep your eyes forward for the rest of the hike the trees and branches they look like symbols and some even look like nooses I felt like the forest was telling us to leave or at least communicating some danger to us or something maybe it was just my imagination In the Heat of the Moment I'm not sure but I could have swore that I saw things after about an hour we
finally made it back to the car and I asked my friend if they noticed anything about the trees and they also described the symbol my friend called their mom on the drive home and she said I'm just happy that you weren't in the Appalachians the next morning my friend calls me and says we're idiots we were in the Appalachians last night I haven't been able to stop thinking about what we saw that night I also want to add that my friend and I we didn't smoke much and are both Stoners so we don't chalk it
up to the weed or anything in any case if you have any ideas of as to what I experienced that night then I would genuinely love to hear it this happened about 6 years ago when I was 20 so I came home after sleeping at my boyfriend's place it was like 8:00 a.m. super early because my boyfriend started to shift that early and my parents were already gone like an hour earlier on their holiday so I was alone at home and I knew it I came home and I directly went to my bedroom to continue
my night but before climbing the stairs there's two floors I saw the kitchen door or window was wide open I was surprised by this but I just thought that maybe my parents accidentally left it open you have to know that my father is super paranoid though and really there was no way that he would have forgot to close it especially the windows before leaving the house for like 2 weeks plus I was sleeping at my boyfriend's place so there was definitely nobody home and he would have known that anyway I was barely awake so I
just closed the door I checked the kitchen and the living room just to be sure and then I went to go to my room there are three rooms on the second floor and I went to change in my room then I went to the bathroom and I go back to my room I close the door to my room and I I didn't know why but I never really did this normally in any case I was scrolling on my phone and like 5 minutes later I heard footsteps right behind my door somebody was definitely there the
whole time while I was doing my life just sort of vulnerably like this I was terrified my heart stopped I couldn't move and I just took the first thing in front of me to defend myself my baby list I stared at my door waiting for the person to open up and kill me or worse I was ready to jump out of the window and die if I saw the door opened minutes ped and I heard the person on the stairs I don't know how long I stayed there umobile but eventually I called my boyfriend and
thankfully he came to the rescue at first I genuinely thought maybe I was going crazy because I mean I didn't see anything and I couldn't believe that it really happened but my boyfriend confirmed later that but they had definitely forced the door or the windows in the kitchen open so they were really there they were silently waiting for me to sleep I guess so that they could get out of my house I was home alone feeling completely safe but the whole time I wasn't it was traumatic and I could barely stay alone somewhere without freaking
out to this day I do live alone and I'm constantly paranoid that someone is trying to break in in but the worst part is that they didn't take anything I mean my mom's MacBook and jewelry were there my PS4 was there my dad's gaming setup everything was so easy to take but they didn't take a thing I can't stop thinking that they were here for well another reason you also have to know that at that time I was very active on Snapchat I used to post every day and I used to tell and put my
story up every day as well so the 5K of unknown followers that I had on social media they knew everything about me at this time and I personally think that it must have been related since then I've have stopped my activities on Snapchat and thankfully nothing else has happened when I was 12 years old in 2007 I was home alone babysitting my two younger siblings while my parents they were out at an event it was summertime so it stayed light out for a while into the evening just as it was starting to get dark though
I went into the kitchen to make a bowl of popcorn to watch a movie with my brother and sister when I looked out the kitchen window I saw that there was a car parked hiding in the tree line of our yard for context we we lived in a fairly rural place and we rarely had people out our Direction unless they live down our Gravel Road and we knew our neighbors car so this was a junky beater and the license plates had been taped over as well it was definitely not one of our neighbors I was
a kid who was pretty aware of my surroundings at the time and I decided to step back from the big kitchen window and go into the dark entryway Hall to get a better look there was just a single man sitting in it staring directly at the house with the lights off immediately upon noticing that I locked the front in the back door I told my little brother and sister calmly to play in their room and not to come out until I came and got them for the movie night I then went back to the kitchen
to get the phone to call my mother but she didn't answer I watched him through the curtains sit in the dark tree line and stare at the house for what felt like ages finally somebody else drove down the road and their headlights reflected off the car he started the engine drove out of the trees and seemed to book it down the gravel I was still pretty nervous and tried calling my mother again but again there was no answer for the rest of the time I just played with my siblings in their room with the door
shut and the curtains pulled until my parents came home later that night when I tried telling my parents what had happened they were convinced that I was making it up and that I was just being a dramatic kid but I swore up and down that I saw this car with blacked out plates and the tree line and they just weren't interested at all I know that I saw it but really I'm the only one who did maybe it was just a random guy who didn't know that there were three young kids home alone hiding for
some other reason but still I'm really glad that I locked all the doors that evening because honestly who knows what could have happened to start this off I need to give some context I'm 23 and I currently live in New York City but I have grandparents who live down in rural West Virginia when I say rural I mean the literal Boonies their closest neighbors are over an hour away in a small town with a few houses and a Walmart Last Summer my grandfather who I just call Robert for privacy reasons had surgery done on his
hip the majority of my family lives on the west coast and my grandmother Muriel is very old and wouldn't have been able to take care of Robert because I was the closest family member I was the one that they asked to come down there and help out my grandfather and being the good grandson that I am I agreed to come down there for two weeks while he recovered from his surgery fast forward a week everything was going fine all I really had to do was help my grandfather up and down the stairs and walk his
dog a blue healer named Rocky normally my grandfather would walk Rocky once in the morning and once at night through the woods behind their property but because of the surgery that responsibility had fallen onto me this was the part that I hated about helping him because ever since I was a kid I never really liked those woods behind the property whenever I'd go down there as a kid me and my cousins would always get creeped out going into that Forest it always just felt off for some reason but anyways for the first week walking Rocky
in the forest at night was fine even if it was a bit creepy that was until one night a week into my stay I was walking him through the forest it was around 8:30 and the sun was setting over the Appalachian Mountains everything was going normal until I heard a strange whistle that sounded like it was only around 20 yards away both me and the dog stopped dead in our tracks and look towards the direction the whistling was coming from I shined my flashlight in that direction but I didn't see anything so I had just
assumed that it was a bird looking back though it definitely wasn't a bird there's no nocturnal bird that chirp and whistle out there and it sounded more musical than than anything a bird could whistle anyway but the dog was spooked he wouldn't stop growling and staring at whatever was back there and he kept trying to back up until whatever or whoever this thing was whistled again to which the dog started barking and going absolutely crazy at this point I decided that I definitely didn't want to stay there so I yanked on the dog's leash and
we both bolted out of the woods and straight back home when we got back I told my grandparents what had happened they both seemed spooked and my grandmother immediately asked if I whistled back I told her that I didn't and she seemed relieved but told me that I didn't hear anything and to just ignore it I asked why and she wouldn't tell me and would instead just tell me that I didn't hear anything I decided not to press it any further and I just went to bed terrified and wondering what she seemed to be so
freaked out about now the next morning she told me that instead of walking Rocky through the woods I could just take him on laps around the house and so that's what I started doing every night I would take Rocky for around 50 laps around the house before going back inside on Friday the third to last day that I would stay there at night I was taking the dog for lapse as usual until I heard that same creepy whistle behind the attached garage this time which was only around 10 yard from the house this time I
immediately took the dog back inside and lock the doors the rest of the night I put my earbuds in and I ignored any more whistling like my grandmother told me to to this day I really still don't know what the whistling in the woods was all about some of my friends said that it was a skin walker but that's a Navajo thing and there's almost no Navajo when W Virginia my girlfriend who stayed back in New York City asked her Muslim parents who are from Yemen and they said that whistling at night is a sign
that a gin is nearby I don't know about any of that and I don't know what it was but whatever it was it had my grandparents legitimately scared I've heard of weird stuff happening in Appalachia but this really is the first time that I've ever had a first end experience with it so that's why I'm here do any of you guys have any idea as to what this could have [Music] been so I've lived in a number of houses and just last night I saw it for the second time and I have no idea what
it is around four or 5 years ago I lived in a house built in the 1920 to 1930s and there was one night that I was sleeping in the basement that I woke up I've always had difficulty sleeping at night and consistently woke up between 1:00 and 4:00 in the morning it was an issue that I had from like ages 8 to 16 in any case I woke up and there was this black mist in the corner of my room weirdly too I wasn't scared but it just felt like it was there it was thick
enough that I couldn't see through it but after a moment I shined a flashlight on it with my phone then turned the light off and it was gone fast forward to now and I just got back home from a 12-day trip my family moved so our current home was constructed in the past 10 years I woke up in the middle of the night I'm 20 now so it's been years since I've done that and looked to my left and there was a black mist right beside my bed probably around 4 to 5 ft in height
again I wasn't scared but I just turned back over and said I'm safe and something else that I can't really recall right now but then I just fell back to sleep this experience has been interesting for me too and I wonder what the Apparition could be if it's an apparition at all my response was unnormal as well right I mean I've been a bit stressed lately but I also feel revitalized since going to see some family on vacation in any case if you've got any ideas as to what this was then please do share and
if you can provide any help with this then I would love to hear from you when we were kids my brother and I slept in the same room in a bunk bed I was always a heavy guy so I'd sleep on the bottom and he slept up top we both remember this night did this day which obviously could just be because we've talked about it so many times over the years and have tricked our brains into treating it as fact but you know still anyway we're both asleep and at the foot of our bed is
a window there's a street light across the road so there was literally always some light coming through the curtains we always sleep with our heads towards the other way so that that window would be at our feet I'm not entirely sure what woke me up up but when I did I just had that overwhelming feeling of somebody watching me I wake up and open my eyes and at the foot of my bed is a literal shadow person and I mean you could very clearly see the person's outline with the lit up curtain behind him like
absolutely pitch black against a white lit up cloth curtain he was definitely wearing a hat but like just a hat like a baseball sort of trucker shaped hat he was also two hand holding what looked like a firefighter's wood cutting axe it was pretty long I recall but I just kind of sat there for a good minute completely Frozen in fear he didn't move at all that I can remember but after a minute or two in the deepest and most Gruff voice that I've ever heard he just says one day at that I flipped and
hid under the covers because as a child I couldn't think of anything else that I could do after another minute passed I just hear my brother's shivering voice say John did you see that too I answered that I had and we just kind of laid there in silence and eventually we both drifted off back to sleep I guess but we both swear that we remember it like 20 years later I'm also wondering if anybody else has heard of an experience or something similar to this as we have no idea what it was that we saw
and haven't seen anyone say that they've experienced something like this theories we've tossed around go from just a straight up demon or evil spirit to a literal home Intruder to a grim reaper type thing that last one always seemed to make sense to me because of what it said to us but it never did show up again for either of us my mom took over that room a while after for a few years then I took it for a few and now my brother still lives back at home and it's his room so we've all
had ample time with nothing happening which is a bit weird right so when I was in kindergarten or first grade about 22 to 23 years ago I saw an apparition that seems well very cliche an old woman in a white dress no lips with snarling teeth black eyes floating and no visible feet at first I heard this woman's footsteps coming down the hallway on the hardwood floor then I saw her come to the end of the hallway my room on the right my mom's on the left this woman stopped at the end of the hallway
and slowly looked back and forth between the rooms her head oscillating like a fan slow but consistent she then turned around and walked away slowly footsteps Fading Into nothing at this time I shared a room with my brother 4 years older than me who was also awake and saw the woman too I called his name quietly and he said shut up I see her too put your blanket over your head I've asked him multiple times throughout our lives about this happening and he has zero recollection of it so I assumed in the end that it
was just an extremely Vivid dream that was stuck with me for my whole life I never brought this story up with anybody else well until recently you see my mother and I were talking about some paranormal experiences that we' had throughout our lives I said something about the carel house but never went into detail and she proceeded to explain to me the exact same woman that I saw wearing a white dress at the end of the hallway looking back and forth between our rooms honestly I felt sick this Apparition was no longer a vivid dream
I mean that actually happened she was real she was there and she was looking at me but how many times did she actually do that while I was asleep and I never saw her I have a lot of questions that really I don't have answers to but I will say that without a question I am a believer now several years ago I was living in College Station Texas the job market there is really rough for anyone outside of Academia but I landed a job as a sales consultant for a digital marketing company or at least
that's what I was told after I started I found out my job would really be in door-to-door sales trying to sell digital marketing packages and well phone book ads to small businesses the company was terrible the managers were Pure Evil and the product was awful I was looking for a new job but I needed a paycheck now one day they sprang something on us from now on we would only spend half of the year in college station the other half we would be living in a hotel in abene selling phone book ads there my wife
was so understanding about this I'd be able to come back home on the weekends and I had a few promising leads for work too I figured that I'd only need to spend a month or so there now the first time I'm heading out I actually quite enjoy the view on the trip lots of small towns and interesting Landscapes but even better I look down at my phone as I'm partway through my trip and I'm making way better time than expected like way better an hour ahead of schedule in fact I was certain that I had
checked my phone before and that hadn't been the case but the clock on the dash confirmed it and that was when I was just pulling through a town called rising star I'm a big horror and a cult fan and immediately made a mental connection to Lucifer since it means Morning Star and gave myself a bit of a chuckle it was a a small small town but despite it being broad daylight I was surprised to see well really no one I mean I didn't see a single person I slowed down looking into the windows but nothing
it was summer and I mean there weren't even any kids around playing in the yards or anything I saw parked cars but no one driving or sitting in one that's when I passed what I seem to recall being an old brick drugstore there on the side of the building was a mural of a man with a bunch of snakes dangling from his mouth it really creeped me out especially with my previous Lucifer connection part of me was tempted to stop somewhere just to see if I could find a human being at some point but that
mural something about it changed my mind and as soon as I left that town I looked at my phone and my cast clock again they were both an hour ahead of where they had been before I did research later and there was an innocent explanation about the mural involving a local celebrity who participated in a lot of rattlesnake roundups and I think had a Guinness record for doing something like this I can look up his name again later if anybody's curious but still that time fluctuation and the Eerie absence of people something about it just
didn't feel right and it still haunts me I also regularly have nightmares about that place to this day which is strange in any case I took a different route from then on on and soon found a new job as well but I always joke with my friends that I have a feeling that I'll be back there one day and I won't come back really though it's only half a joke I suppose because that's always what happens in my nightmares when I was 19 about 20 years ago now I was renting a flat and lived alone
on the first night there I was laying in bed trying to sleep when all of a sudden I heard loud footsteps running up my hallway and stopping just outside of my bedroom door instantly I sat up expecting the door to swing open but then there was silence and nothing else happened as I sat there a few nights later I was trying to sleep and then I could hear someone breathing it sounded like they was standing to the side of the bed near my head but I couldn't see anyone there after that every few nights I
would hear the breathing right behind me as well regardless of what room I was in at various times during the day but mostly at night what really freaked me out though and confirm things was that one time I had a friend staying over we were watching TV in the living room and the breathing started he looked at me and goes is that you breathing and the only thing that I could think to answer was no that just happens sometimes I only stayed there until my six-month lease ran out because I was way too freaked out
and tried to sleep at friend's houses as much as I could the day that I was moving out I noticed footprints on the ceiling of all places the ceiling was also way too high up for anyone to be able to put their bare feet on it it was a freaky place to live and I was glad to leave it behind this story is from about 5 years ago when I work security for a large office or furniture manufacturer in Michigan I did mainly foot and vehicle patrols of primarily the three Factory plants but occasionally the
corporate office buildings and an older home that the company bought and refurbished the company would use the home for tours for the public and they would use it for some like wow factor for potential buyers they flew in to make a sale for more reference this home was designed by a famous architect and is known for its style and large bay windows and painted glass the home it was built in the early 1900s and as far as I'm aware no one ever died in the home or anything like that now I worked midnight shifts 11:00
p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and we had a a bit of a storm rolling in the night of my shift at about 1:30 a.m. the control operator received a fire alarm fault from the fire panel at the home and when compared to Prior alarms that night and the weather that we were experiencing it was presumed that the power had gone out and when I came back on set off the fire alarm fault so I was dispatched as a precaution to ensure everything was okay and to reset the fire alarm panel I got to the home at
around4 5: in the morning and made my way into the home I had been there a handful of other times and fellow security guards had told me about weird occurrences that had happened around the house over the years the main story was about them seeing the light on upstairs and a black silhouette of a figure standing in the window just watching them there were also stories from the tour guides of the home that stated that the dolls in the nursery would be found in different locations from when they last saw them when nobody else was
entering that room anyways I made my way to the basement which is where the fire alarm panel was located I reset the panel and attempted to radio to the control operator to see if the fault had reset at this time it was around 2:00 a.m. and my radio was completely just refusing to operate it was making weird noises when I tried to key it up and kept losing signal I didn't think too much of it and pulled my phone out and called them instead I was able to establish a a phone call but it kept
cutting out and had a lot of feedback until the call finally dropped and my phone went into SOS in any case I decided to do a bit of a walk through of the house since I was already there and wanted to kill some time anyway I went back upstairs walked through the kitchen into the dining room and into the living room the large Windows noted earlier are primarily in the living room the lights were old in the home and they were operated by buttons on the walls and not switches but I elected to just use
my flashlight instead I walked into the living room and did a quick once over of the room with my flashlight and for a split second in the reflection of the bay window I could have sworn that I saw an old man seated in the chair sitting less than 5 ft away from me he was staring at me through the reflection with an eerily emotionless face I sort of doubled back while questioning what I just saw but the image was now burned into my mind when I looked back there there was nothing I immediately felt uneasy
though and I paused momentarily but elected to continue my walkthrough of the home the staircase was beside the living room and went up to a landing maybe about 10 ft long which proceeded to another staircase to the second floor I proceeded up the stairs and stepped into the landing and I cannot describe the feeling that rushed over me into words it was like something out of the movies all of the hair of my body stood up and my face went cold as all the blood just rushed away and I had an immediate sense of danger
needless to say I sprinted out of that home to my patrol vehicle and sped off without looking back they eventually pulled the video footage of me sprinting out of the house and it was a bit of a joke for a while but I I know what I saw and I know what I felt sometimes I wonder if the people working there now are told of my weird and interesting story I wonder if any of them ever had their own encounters or experiences really though who knows I personally really don't have much experience with the supernatural
however my late best friend who passed away over 20 years ago when we were 19 once told me about the following enounter that she had and I would like to see if anybody else has had any similar experiences or sightings to this so she told me that when she was seven or eight she and her dad were napping on a big pallet after watching a movie in their living room it was the middle of the day on a weekend their living room in which her dad still lives has big glass paines on one wall overlooking
the back patio the house sits on some significant acreage in the Brushy Woods of Central Texas no neighbors within at least half a mile likely more but my friend said that she woke up from a nap to see a woman standing right outside the big window covered in rags possibly pelts even with leaves and twigs in her hair I think she described her as old but I can't remember with absolute certainty as my friend looked at though the woman started opening her mouth and apparently it just kept getting wider and wider well beyond normal human
capabilities she shook her dad awake and screamed for him to look out at the window and when they both looked she was gone she swore up and down that it wasn't a dream though her dad didn't believe her of course but I did and I still do she was my soul sister and I knew when she was being truthful so does anyone have any ideas I've looked into Baraga and various Forest hags Etc but the widening mouth never seems to be a distinct feature of anything I've come across over the years so is there anything
else like this that sounds familiar I cannot pinpoint exactly when I first began to experience this best that I can remember is I was around the age of 10 to 11 although it's possible the occurrences began a little earlier than this however I vividly remember being scared of my bedroom window once it got dark outside because of what I regularly saw on numerous occasions I would see the same face in the bottom leftand corner on the outside of the window just looking in at me for context my bedroom at the time was on the second
floor of the house so no possibility this was just somebody walking by the window unless they were like over 15 ft tall that is despite this occurring over 20 years ago now for context I'm in my mid-30s I can still recall that face too it was distinctly male with thin unkempt hair the skin pulled in as though the figure was starved if I had to age the figure my best guess would be in its 30s maybe 40s oddly though the one detail I can't remember are the eyes the reason that I can remember this much
detail though is because it was always the same face always in the same position seeing this figure always gave me a sense of dread and I would do whatever I could to pretend that it wasn't there watching me I would suddenly glue my eyes to my TV or pick up a book and start reading hoping that it would leave me alone I didn't have curtains in my bed bedroom so I didn't have that as an option back then and whenever I called my parents to check they never saw anything and simply passed it off as
my mind playing tricks on me that dread that I felt whenever I saw the figure would stay with me for the rest of the night until I eventually managed to fall asleep when I did sleep I would have these really upsetting dreams almost every night dreams of being chased and in a lot of cases even being being killed I remember speaking to my therapist about a reoccurring dream that I would have where I was chased and thrown off a bridge that I had to cross on my walk to school with but they didn't read much
into it to this day in fact I have issues sleeping my partner has mentioned several times that I have a tendency to whimper in my sleep as if frightened I can never sleep through a full night either waking up at least two or three times for no reason I also still try to avoid going past windows at night unless the windows are drawn first and even then I still feel slightly uneasy and it wasn't just seeing the figure in the window either there would be occasions I would go and turn on the light in my
room but it just wouldn't work it would turn on and the bulb would do something but the light was just very dim just a a dark orange glow barely lighting anything up the first time this happened happened I instinctively knew something was wrong and every subsequent time instilled that same anxiety the bit that I never got to understand was why it happened every time it did I would quickly turn the light back off and call my parents they would come up and turn the light on for me and everything worked fine for some unexplainable reason
it was only ever when I was alone that the light played up like this just as it was only ever when I was alone that I would see the figure in the window as if it was trying to mess with my mind or just didn't want to make its presence known to anyone else after several years of this my sister started to become frightened of a gray figure stalking my father around the house which only she could ever see on one occasion she started screaming and crying for apparently no reason when we managed to calm
her down enough to speak she told us that she saw the figure reaching out trying to stab my father in the back it was at this point that I definitely knew that something wasn't right and confided in the School Chaplain it was at that point that I definitely knew something wasn't right and confided in the School Chaplain we weren't a religious family in any sense but I attended a Catholic High School and at this point I didn't really know who else to turn to the School Chaplain came over to the house and blessed the the
premises whilst it wasn't a full exorcism or anything he made sure to bless every room anointing the doorways with holy water and whatever it was that we experienced in all those strange occurrences it all just stopped following the visit from the chaplain that day we moved house roughly 18 months after that I've lived in several houses since then and have never experienced the figure again but as mentioned I'm still anxious about going near windows at night so its effects upon me are still very real whatever it was I did experience what my family experienced I
can't say for sure perhaps a ghost or some sort of malevolent entity I really have no idea but I wanted to share my experience nonetheless and see what you guys think [Music] 25 plus years ago I was friends with a married couple that lived in a raised Ranch on the mountain in a modestly populated area the door was always open and I was a frequent visitor since the first time that I was at that house I always felt uneasy like there was some type of a presence there quietly observing quick backstory too is that the
land the house was built on was Native American territory back in the day and I later came to learn and experience many phenomenon but I'll focus on this one story so I was to meet my friends at the house for an evening out but they were both working and probably not home yet but I decided to wait for them there I drove there and took the corner on their street pitch black not unusual no street lights as I near the house I notice all the lights are on inside outside postl and I think that they
must be home chills run through me though and I decided to pull into the driveway because neither of their cars are there I sat in the driveway for a minute looking around listening with a heavy type of feeling coming over me yet decided to turn my car off and go in anyway I get to the front door gently turn the knob and slowly open their door peeking inside I see nothing and hear nothing but all of the light are still on I hesitated to go any further I call out hello still standing in the doorway
looking up the stairs and in one moment all the lights suddenly went out including the ones outside I immediately Frozen fear total darkness and total silence my arm felt heavy shutting the door and attempting to get back to my car while Guided by Moonlight it was weird because it was as if weights were on my ankles and I struggled to make it inside of my car my hands were shaking so bad that I barely was able to get the key in the ignition I felt tightness in my chest and I was shaking and I couldn't
breathe just a a total feeling of hopeless dread engulfed me I parked on the road by the mailbox sat there staring at the house and darkness trying to compose myself for I don't even know how long eventually the the wife pulled up and I put the window down you could have gone in you know she says before looking at my face and asking what was wrong I just pointed at her house she parked in the driveway and she walked back to my car while her husband was pulling in he comes down and asks why we're
outside and I told him that I'll wait here while they get ready the wife then asks though something happened didn't it I nodded yes to this still shaking the wife looked at the husband and says it's starting up again I was close friends with them for many years even staying there temporarily and their house let's just say that it had quite the history in 1999 we lived in a badly possessed or haunted house house for about 8 years in Beaver Creek Oregon and genuinely I really don't like talking about it it's honestly very cliche Horror
Story or textbook sort of stuff and people think that I'm just bull spitting so I prefer to just keep it simple but literally the house was at a deal with weirdly boarded up rooms the family had been sleeping in just one area together the whole Affair was an Awakening and a sort of you get what you pay for sometimes go with your gut type lesson it all started pretty benign though we immediately took down all the boards to open the rooms and couldn't figure out their purpose as the rooms were bare but fine we were
doing construction which is pretty typical right the house wasn't terribly old like maybe 1950s but then there was just like small stuff one of the first instances I remember is we had the holding stacked on the right side of the hall labeled to be put back up and at about 2:00 a.m. we could hear it sort of clanking when we checked it had been rolled and moved to the left we thought that maybe we misremembered the direction but the next night it moved back my husband and I were suddenly always arguing for no good reason
and we'd have dread about coming home without knowing why also instant relief to leave them it progressed from there over months to full on getting scratched hit terrorized for me I'll leave some personal details out here but it was a rough couple of years eventually it was bad enough that my husband had his guns missing when he'd been cleaning them only to have them reappear loaded and pointed at him off the back of the couch it had finally decided messing with him would be fun as well it previously really just picked on me and he
honestly considered that I was having a mental health crisis but he kept hearing me Weeping at night when I wasn't we had called multiple churches none of them would help I was raised Catholic and that was especially disappointing but not surprising I suppose the Pentecostal Church did eventually try to help us and they didn't like what they found I don't like the labels but I'm sure you can guess what they called it and said that they'd need the whole congregation to get rid of it wanted me to get baptized to move forward and all that
long story short they still couldn't get rid of it and it just came back more ticked off than ever it seemed we had to learn to just not feed it any fear or stress or anger and we had to cleanse every couple of days for the rest of the years that we lived there I also had a crash course in Ault stuff to deal with it myself because it was pretty obvious that there was no easy access to help I did manage it at home much better from then on though and I took control of
my own space but we had such bad luck too those whole 8 years that we were there but my husband is a vet and he was struggling to get his disability to 100% even though he was forced out on medical because he couldn't work like he used to eventually that house caused us bankruptcy and we let the bank take it willingly too to get out I just couldn't bring myself to sell it to someone after well all of that when we moved I was really afraid too that it was going to follow us my husband
went back up one last time to grab some furniture and stuff that we'd left the power had been turned off with the electric company the week before and when you came in all the lights were on the AC was blowing water was running in the faucet he just backed out and called me you mind if we just leave the rest is what he said I didn't make him go back in so in the end we left a sofa set and a bunch of other stuff behind I swear though that the first night in the new
house I saw what some would call an angel I'm not a Christian so I just say light and felt such peace and relief a strong knowing that it was done and we wouldn't be followed I couldn't remember ever sleeping so well up until that time as well and genuinely I loved that rental now here's the thing we found out a bunch of weird stuff after this as well the last three people who had owned it before us had also fired bankruptcy and they had been foreclosed on as well which I found interesting also once you've
lived with the Paranormal like that you're more open whether you'd like to be or not so there's always something knocking around our homes now I no longer fear it I'm kind of numb to it to be honest it's really just normal for us but never again has it been something like that either I had a Healer for a while and she called it a forced calini from overexposure to a strong entity but again I don't know about any of that and I'm just glad that we're out of there and we never had to go back
when I was 13 or 14 I had a nightmare that woke me up at the time I slept on the bottom bunk bed that I shared with my brother feeling relieved that it was just a dream I opened my eyes a little bit more and see a 6 tall thin silhouette standing next to my bed squinting I looked at its face and it looked like my older brother smiling at me I wondered what on Earth he was doing in my room in the middle of the night like this he slept in the room across the
hall but then I saw my brother's face morph into an androgynous stranger with long blonde hair and a menacing smile it extended its hands and in one of its hands I saw an axe with a half moon Blade the figure began to raise the axe above its head both hands on the hilt ready to strike and it jumped toward me at a speed probably half the speed of what you'd expect I shouted as loudly as I could while yanking my covers over my face and turning away from the figure my scream woke up my whole
family and I can't prove that it was a dream within a dream but honestly it felt real to me I also experienced a strange phenomena in that room like an RC car turning its Wheels randomly in the quiet hours of the early morning its only controller though was resting on my dresser empty of batteries my question for all of you guys though is was this a mimic and the mimic scare young kids like this I mean I don't think it was sleep paralysis because I was awake moving I don't think it was a dream because
I felt like I was awake so what could this be and what other being could this have [Music] been when I was in elementary school I was also attending music school that morning I was heading towards the bus stop where I waited for the bus every day I remember that it was raining that morning everything everything was still wet and I was carrying my umbrella folded in my hand now there was a place to sit at the bus stop so I sat down put my umbrella between my legs and since it was the time without
mobile phones I was just looking at the ground occasionally I would look up towards the street to see if my bus was coming I looked up glanced to the left and saw a mailman with a big heavy bag holding an umbrella with a wooden handle shaped like a duck's head I followed him with my eyes and focused on that umbrella as he passed by me I saw him from behind and noticed that his pant legs were muddy and wet from the rain I didn't pay too much attention though and I looked down for about another
10 seconds when I looked up again I looked to the left and that was when I saw the same mailman coming towards me but it was again with the same bag and the same umbrella with a wooden handle shaped like a duck's head at that moment I was sort of startled the bus arrived I got on the bus through the front door and watched the mailman until he turned into a yard and to this day I really still don't understand what the heck happened there and how it was even possible to see the same person
twice within about 10 seconds coming from the same direction [Music] before I begin I should probably establish some background this happened during my senior year of high school so about six or so years ago I've always struggled and suffered with sleeping issues insomnia nightmares lucid dreams and even some sleep paralysis these things run throughout my family quite frequently in fact now due to my negative association with my own bed and by extension my bedroom as a whole I would often sleep on a spare mattress in the middle of the living room this night was no
different until I would feel myself slowly slipping into Consciousness but only due to an unusual feeling that being my limp body being gently and slowly lifted up towards the ceiling I distinctly recall the feeling of my long hair dangling below me too as I floated there above my bed I would feel this overwhelming sense of like danger doom and plain evilness my heart was beating intensely and my mind was racing but I couldn't move I tried to scream and talk but I couldn't get anything out it felt like an eternity until some noise from the
apartment would force whatever was going on to finally release me I would feel myself hit my mattress before pouncing up petrified the time was 3 something in the morning and it took me a couple of hours just to calm down I didn't sleep that night and for a week after that I slept with the lights on too what do you guys think actually happened though personally I don't think it was something normal like sleep paralysis or whatever I mean I hit the mattress quite hard and I remember even seeing some things moved around that just
didn't make sense unless I actually fell from that height [Music] so I work in a medical office and my coworker said that she came in one morning to open up but when she got there the door was already unlocked all of the lights were on the radio was on in fact it looked like somebody had already opened yet the building appeared empty no cars in the parking lot either thing is she and I were the only ones with a key and our boss was out of town at the time so who opened that morning it
was around 4:00 a.m. whoever it was but we all closed the office together the day before like usual it was usually three of us that collaboratively did it which we all remembered doing so it's not that we left everything on and the door unlocked or anything scared and shaky she said that she didn't know what else to do but to walk in and timidly go hello and when she told me the story I was like you didn't did you after that we had a running joke about how she would be the first to die in
a horror movie she would bring it up sometimes and we would laugh about it on another occasion my coworker the one who walked in and shakily went hello said that she would be there by herself in the morning hours and feel someone walk behind her as she had her back turned like you know how the air moves when somebody walks past you real close she genuinely thought that somebody had come in but when she turned around obviously nobody was there when she left later and a new girl took her place the new girl reported the
same thing happening from time to time too on other occasions I used to come in on the weekends to use our gym the first time I did this I saw a dark shadowy head peek out at me from the corner of the hallway then sort of dart back it was as if if someone was there and I had surprised or scared them maybe I knew that it was our ghost at that point so I would say hey it's just me when I arrived so they didn't freak out it happened the first few times and then
eventually it stopped I guess after it got used to me arriving on Sunday mornings I was there by myself on a Sunday too when I saw a tall man standing in the gym as I past the hallway he was looking at me he seemed different than the hallway peeking GES to was shorter and not as clear but I sort of did a double take but when I went back to check the gym nobody was there our new Filipino PT saw the same tall man standing in the back office area as in the section where our
desks and computers were and went back there quickly because he thought that it was a patient that needed something but obviously there was no one he came out and asked if a patient had just gone into the back office we said no and the secretary got really scared and the new PT brushed it off saying that it must have just been a spirit they see those all the time in the Philippines apparently and it's allegedly nothing to worry about that certainly didn't help us though and made all of us really feel a bit more unsettled
I guess in any case I was closing up one day and I was the last person to leave I had to stay late to finish paperwork and the activity always ramped up past 5:00 p.m. if there was anybody still in the building or sometimes I'm weekends to when we weren't supposed to be there I heard an elderly man say help me as if he were right beside me and I knew that nobody was there but I went around to every room to make sure that there wasn't a patient still hanging out anyway and confirm that
I was the only one there on another occasion I was the last person in the building again a patient needed to get his car towed out of the parking lot and the tow truck was blocking my car so I couldn't get out that day I opted to just wait inside for them to finish when all of a sudden I heard dishes crashing in the kitchen we had this tiny kitchen or laundry room area at work and it was as if someone was violently throwing them that day I didn't even bother checking it out because I
knew what it was instead I decided to just get out of there as quickly as I could and to just wait outside personally I think the ghosts or whatever they were just didn't like it when we were in ating their personal time after office hours seem to be the worst the incidences were less frequent during the middle of the day or work week unless we just notice them less perhaps these are only my own accounts but my co-workers had other things happened to them too and I didn't get all of their stories one minor one
though was that the secretary said that she was working later at night with our billing lady to set something up on the computer and the radio turned on by itself it was all static which it was never like that before it started flipping through channels she got really scared by that and in the end they just left anyway if you have any questions then feel free to ask about pretty much anything but I don't work there anymore and to be honest I'm actually grateful for [Music] that not long ago my my mom and I were
talking about ghosts and scary stuff since the house she has now is also haunted and she told me a very frightening story so that day she needed to do the laundry for that you needed to go downstairs in the basement she got downstairs and while on her way down she started to feel anxious or watched a little bit scared you know that weird sort of bad feeling that tells yourself that you should not stay there that's what she had like I said though she needed to do the laundry so that's what she did so there
she was putting the clothes in the washing machine this feeling was still there and was growing she tried to not give it attention and to just keep doing what she was doing but the sensation of being watched was now more menacing than before so it was becoming harder and harder for her to just ignore it and then while she was still putting the clothes in the washing machine she heard something growl a low long menacing growl but it was coming from far from her my courageous mother decided to stay there just going faster because now
she truly was scared which is understandable a couple of seconds later she heard it again a bit closer to her this time and a lot more menacing she finally started that washing machine but now she needed to take the clean clothes and bring them upstairs while she was taking them to transfer F them into a basket she heard it again and it was closer so close that she felt its breath this time caressing her neck in panic she finally decided to just get upstairs getting out of the basement not even after she got like the
third step though she felt something grabbing her foot not exactly but you know what I mean perhaps she almost fell at the hold and again she heard this growl luckily she didn't fall so she kept going faster and scared now then not even at the halfway point she suddenly lost her breath she described it like someone was strangling her just without the feeling of hands around her neck she also says that she felt like a hold on her making it harder for her to get up the stairs it was like somebody was pushing her forcing
her to get back into the basement she fell at that all of a sudden and without any air she literally needed to crawl up the stairs plus she was pregnant at the time so just imagine how much harder it was to crawl and get out of this situation she finally reached the door though and she said that as soon as she passed that door and closed it her breath came back immediately and she was no longer feeling this weird feeling and this sensation of being watched now she felt safe now I have slept in that
basement for quite some time and I have never felt or experienced anything like this I really don't know why but maybe since she's religious something bad tried tried to do something to her or hurt her or something if somebody has an explanation or questions and it would be great to read it and to reach out and I would be glad to try and answer what I can I can also ask her for some more stories if you'd like as she's experienced a lot of paranormal stuff maybe not as scary as that one but they are
for sure still pretty creepy anyway thanks for listening and well wish me luck in this basement this happened in early February of 2005 in Concord VA I wasn't a True Believer until well I saw what I saw even though it was almost 20 years ago now it's something that I think about often it literally changed my whole life in the matter of 5 Seconds since then I have also become somewhat sensitive to things that I can only explain as Supernatural so let me set the scene I was a super young mother to my first daughter
who would turn one later that month but we used to live on this old curvy Road where one end brings you to Lynchberg and the other to a pometo like every morning back then I was heading to Lynchberg but of course I was speeding to make it on time to work for 5: in the morning there was this part of the trip where it had super sharp curves that were snake like with an uphill at the end of the snake there would always always be huge packs of deer in this area so you literally go
5 m an hour with all the curviness plus the deers this strip of road didn't have any houses for at least 3 miles each way as well now even though it was 20 years ago I still remember every single little detail of this moment like the outside temperature was 17° to Usher's Confessions Part Two was on the radio with the time being 4:43 in the morning I remember the vanilla tree car freshener I even remember what underwear I had on maybe that's too much information but it's just kind of crazy that I even remember that
stuff in any case I was speeding until I got to the stop of the snake and slowed to a basic crawl but as I was entering the top of the snake Usher started coming in and out of the speakers while my whole dash was slowly sort of dimming of course I had a bit of a mini panic attack thinking that my car was dying but was confused because I still had plenty of power when I stepped on the gas but by the second curve I got the most intense feeling that I have ever had I
can only explain it as pain sadness fear coldness and just the feeling of being utterly lost all I could do was ball my eyes out like a full-grown woman crying like a baby and as I reached my last curve before the uphill I saw him I saw him leaning against the hill that was right next to the road I first noticed his bare feet with his gray tattered pants my first thought was wait it's the middle of winter where are this guy's shoes but then I see his gray thin strange jacket one that I'd never
seen something like that before in my life as I slowly made my gaze to his face I realized suddenly that he didn't have a face but rather just a shadow I literally could make out every other detail but his face it was just gone now you know if you're going slow enough and you sort of hit your brakes the red glow can see what's behind you in the mirrors well this guy was just gone and so were all those emotions that I had two seconds ago I got out of there and drove on and I
made it to work with only being 2 minutes late that day after work I decided to walk around downtown his historical buildings something I've never really done in the 5 months that I've worked there that was the day that I learned what the Civil War soldiers actually look like and discovered my road was apparently used as a trail back in the day I also had no clue that when a soldier would die that they would steal anything useful off of the Fallen Soldiers now I know what I saw that day and I can't tell who
or what side that Soldier came from but because even though I thought that I'd seen the color gray it was really just a ghost and I mean do they even really have [Music] colors this is a story from what a friend and I saw seven years ago it was the week of my birthday November 2nd 2017 and as I shared a birth date with one of my gamer friends we decided to have a weekend birthday party that would take place from the 3rd to the 5th one of my friends had to go to work that
Friday and work for a couple of hours before he could come back but he didn't arrive I offered to drive him there and back as he was a very good friend and I didn't want him to miss the first night of TTR rpging also since I had reached an age where I wasn't drinking as much as I did in my early 20s it felt like a good time to get get together he worked as a floor cleaner in a chain store in our home state of Michigan that was 20 M away from my house so
I was fine with just waiting in my car with my book now I work in the criminal justice field and am trained to observe and retain details about notable events I'm still able to recall critical events from 12 years ago with great detail also my friend was present and confirmed everything that I saw he may not work in the criminal justice field but he did go to college focused on it and he is a great Observer after noticing things that all our friends Miss anyway it was 2: in the morning when we drove to this
job being The Gamers and the sci-fi fantasy fans that we are our conversations were filled with our geekiness the whole way up driving north along this Michigan Highway we didn't see anything other than some white tail deer movement which in the rural area of Michigan is not out of the ordinary and it seemed to be another fall night with a relatively open sky as well my friend went into work while I read my book with nothing abnormal happening while I sat there he came out a couple of hours later and we set off back to
my place we had been driving and talking further about various geeky topics until we began driving up this hill we just seemed to have an awkward silence between us in the middle of our conversation and I specifically remember thinking something was just off as we reached the crest of the hill at the crest of the hill is a house on the passenger side of the road with a mailbox and a guard rail which leads from the base of the Hill up to the driveway because there's a crazy sort of ditch on the other side of
the rail as we're about 50 yard from the driveway I saw it standing there by the side of the road I could see the brown legs torso and antlers I specifically remember thinking that the deer looked absolutely huge and in the back of my mind thinking that I should find out who owned the property near there that would let me go hunting near the area but as we reached the crest of the hill I realized that this was not a white tail deer this thing was standing on two legs with what would have been its
front legs hanging at its sides as a human would have their arms the head was also wrong as it just didn't seem to have a snout and it face was covered by hide with its green glowing eyes facing toward us its antlers were sitting at the top of a sort of human shaped skull almost which is not where they sit on a deer's head this thing though was absolutely massive standing between 6 and 1/2 and 7 ft tall and very broad which I'm gauging off of the scale against my car as I drove by it
in comparison to my size I drove a 2008 Chevy imp paror and I'm 6' tall my abdominals were aligned with the window when I was standing outside and when we were right next to this thing I saw its legs at knee level I managed to keep driving onward without any issue and my friend and I continued in silence for well nearly a mile when he finally turned to me and said did you just he asked before I cut him off saying yeah and as he brought it up I felt a knot forming in my stomach
he continued you know that could be a I cut him off again and said I really don't want to talk about it okay we stopped talking about it and continued for the next 10 miles in silence till we reached my house we went to bed even though some of our friends were still up but I didn't sleep well the rest of the night it should be said that I grew up in this 4 County area and I've been traveling these roads at all hours of the day and night my entire life especially the one that
we had taken which I traveled at least twice a week at roughly the same time frame I have extensive experience with Michigan wildlife and have acted as the nighttime dear spotter for my family since I was old enough to see over the dash I've hunted since I was 10 years old and have killed many deer and as is common in my area I have been the victim of a car deer accident more than once in my life if anyone thinks it was a person doing a prank you could factor that percentage down to pretty much
zero it's near the end of bow hunting season at that time and no one outside of the towns and cities would dare dress as a deer much less by a road I also discussed this with my friend before sharing this and our descriptions of the events matched we don't talk about this much and we really don't see each other often at all anymore also I was used to staying up till Dawn so it wasn't me being tired or anything weirdly though why did it seem we had entered a sort of trance like that I've seen
blood spurting out of someone's open neck and I've not missed a beat as I applied pressure waiting for an ambulance so why did this bother me so much what was it a wendigo a a skin walker a not deer or something else the questions still haunt me along with the anxiety that I feel every time might walk into the woods I haven't seen anything like this since then and really I hope that I never [Music] do this happened over a decade ago my ex and I decided to hitchike across California because we were bored and
homeless and really we had nothing better to do we stopped in a small town and found a little little stream underneath a bridge my feet were hurting really bad so I took my shoes off to cool them in the water and that's when I noticed movement in the bushes to my left then a strange man walked out staring at me wide-eyed he made a movement with his finger as if he wanted me to go into the bushes with him I froze and I yelled for my axe who was on the bridge waiting for me he
came running but by the time that he got there the man was was gone it was a really creepy experience but I'm used to weird things happening to me because I look much younger than my actual age I know he must have thought that I was a kid at that time which that makes it even worse I suppose it's unnerving though to think that someone could be comfortable enough to do that in the daytime and that is why these days I never go exploring by myself I am a respiratory therapist that works at a local
hospital I was on my way to work about less than a mile away from my occupation when the car in front of me quickly merged into one of the emergency lanes as if something sudden had just happened then he just sat there no hazards going off nothing to indicate that he planned on moving I still had 20 minutes minutes before I had to be at work assuming this individual may be in distress or have car problems I decided to be a Good Samaritan I parked on the shoulder of the road and turned on my hazards
we exchanged eye contact and I gested away rolled down my window and asked are you okay he seemed to have either not heard me or ignored me but he did seem to realize that I wanted to help him he gets out of his car at this point keep keep in mind we're on an extremely busy road I'm also in my work scrubs which tends to help people relax knowing that they are with a healthcare professional however this was different when he got out of his vehicle I assumed that he would have told me that he
was in some type of pain or something that caused him to pull over abruptly I mean he'd been driving fine the entire time that I was behind him so I casually get out of my vehicle and walk over to the back end of his car and this is when I officially start a conversation asking if he's hurt or if something is wrong just all the basics but the thing is his eyes were so cold he had this body language to him that almost made him seem a little unhinged or skittish he hadn't answered any of
my questions so I tried once more asking hey man we're in the middle of a busy road is there something wrong with your car or something going on with you he simply replied no I started to feel the sensation of discomfort like he wanted to do something to me but was restraining himself so I just continued to play it off he didn't seem drunk or high but he had these black beady eyes that I just couldn't stop looking at it was as if he was just a vessel to something dark I tried to continue the
convers ation well why did you stop man you don't want to get hit out here do you he replies I don't know I don't know where to go I didn't know what he meant by this so I questioned further by saying do you know what city you're in right now if you're lost I can tell you where the nearest highway is which was also less than a mile away his reply was a little chilling Anywhere But Here I was now really confused he didn't know where he was but he felt this urge to get out
of the area as quick as possible so I asked well what direction are you wanting to go the 75 North will take you to Dayton you could also take 75 South and you'll head to Cincinnati he then asks what would you do on my position now I have no idea what he meant by this I simply said oh I don't know what kind of position you're in man can you drive the hospital I work for is within View and we don't have to go in I just want to make sure that you don't get hit
he agrees to follow me but once I turned on my blinker to turn into the hospital he completely stopped following me pulled a U-turn and just sped off now I know that this isn't like the creepiest thing in the world but you really have to try to understand just how foreign and strange this guy's Behavior was each time he engaged in conversation it was as if he was contemplating to tell me something but ultimately remained silent from the looks of it he drove a red Toyota a Rav 4 hybrid maybe so I mean he didn't
have a broken down car or looked like he was a substance abuser or anything he just seemed incredibly nervous and his fast motion gestures and Twitches of all his body language has left me puzzled and still gives me shutters when I think about how he moved talked and the lack of response declining any help not explaining a single reason as to why he just decided to park on the side of the road in the highway like that I mean a simple oh I'm lost would have been enough for me to feel better about the entire
situation he just seemed incredibly paranoid and hesitant on top of that too the entire conversation LED nowhere to his situation or why he was acting so strange I just wanted to make sure that he didn't need help or get hit by a car or something anyway I'll update you guys if I hear anything about a patient coming in later he also has a face that has burned into my memory now that I will not forget I just got this gut feeling to leave but to be as polite as possible I guess but what do you
guys think do you have any thoughts as to what this all could have been about and if you do please do share them with me because I'm still lost so this started about 2 to 3 years back I had just experienced a terrible breakup and I started receiving these really disturbing phone calls it started simple the first call I answered and the person on the other end said how much they missed me now I have a very small circle of friends and I'm not on Facebook or any social site where I update my photos or
daily activities or anything this is important too and I know that the ex that I just split up with had nothing to do with the following as well the first call like I said was simple they said that they missed me I I asked who it was and they said it's me don't you remember so I just hung up and they immediately called back crying and upset that I was being mean the caller clearly was an adult male but they were talking as though they were a very young child around six I hung up again
and they didn't call back looking back I should have blocked the number but as I mentioned I just got blindsided by breakup and I wasn't thinking straight then they kept calling they would call and if I didn't answer they left messages saying how pretty I looked with my blue sweater that day or that they knew how I took my coffee now and said that they would remember it for when we finally went out for a drink together at that I blocked the numbers but they would call from another I answered one day yelling at them
to leave me alone and hung up again when they called back it wasn't the boy this time but his mother she was very upset saying that I was hurting a Boy by not wanting to play and you could very clearly hear the boy crying and screaming in the background at this point it dawned on me that this actually wasn't a joke a prank or something like this there was something seriously wrong with these people and there were were obviously watching me for a few weeks following my breakup I had to live in my car the
entire time I hardly slept I was terrified thinking that I would wake up one day and see him standing outside of my windows when I finally got a place he called to congratulate me and he couldn't wait to come and play with me I haven't heard from the people for a year now but I checked my phone after a very busy workday and I noticed 10 Miss calls and to be honest I'm terrified to check my voicemail I've reached out to the cops but they won't do anything since I haven't been explicitly threatened and have
been advised to just block calls I'm going to change my number but I'm terrified that the calls will continue even after that and that it will upset them further I'm sharing this because I'm hoping that people might have some kind of advice for me if I reach out to them or tips or something because right now I honestly feel like I'm living in a horror movie this happened when I was around the age of 11 to 13 I'm 20 now so growing up we had it rough our family lived off of minimum wage my dad
was an alcoholic my siblings were banned from our neighbors houses because they were accused of stealing one of our neighbors that lived right next to us was actually a teacher I'll call him a he was a teacher at our local high school he lived with his wife and we'll call her B and his two kids we were friends with his kids and occasionally spent afternoons at their house with our other friends the husband he had a brother that had mental problems caused by drug addiction we'll call him C and he lived just beside their house
as well it was like a duplex but with c's door facing our fence and A and B's door facing the road now there are times when we were watering down plants that c would come up to our fence and show his tongue at us as if trying to lick the air in front of me while making eye contact we don't usually hang out at our garden because of this and if we had to go to A and B's house either had to come out and watch us go in so C wouldn't touch us especially me
because I was just really terrified of him but still this was our only house that we were welcome to and we were dumb little kids and just wanted to play now one day I was coming home from school as I unlocked our gate and went in I saw C picking our doorknob with a flattened spoon he ran when he saw me and climbed up the fence back to his house and to say that I was mortified is a massive understatement I told his brother about it but they didn't do anything we had to add wires
to our fence so that he couldn't climb our fence again honestly I just thought that he was a bit of a creep I also thought that he was just struggling with his mental state and drugs and all that but a few months passed by and my dad was away by the way I had two siblings all of us are girls so when my dad left for something the only ones left in the house were all females one night though I heard a discreet sort of while I was filling our water containers I ignored it but
then I heard it the second time and I looked around and saw that it was a calling me from the other side of our fence he signaled that I should go outside because he's going to give me something it was a 20 peso bill rolled really tight this was weird because when he handed me the bill his other hand was inside of his shorts it happened again after a few days and this time he was wearing only a towel on his lower half and his hand is again inside the towel clearly doing something under there
because I can see his forearms moving this time I was really creeped out and went inside immediately I never told my parents about this I noticed he also started calling my other sister and I told her to stop going when he calls and she did after that too we never went to their house again we transferred after that but since I attended the high school he was teaching at and some of my friends are his students I still heard some pretty disturbing stories he was apparently really into the female students mostly sarcastic to males years
after he was discovered that yeah you can guess the rest and I don't know what happened after that but I still haven't told my parents my story and I'm wondering if maybe I [Music] should I live about a 10 to 15 minute walk away from the beach and I made a point to walk to the beach more since it's been so hot lately anyway I was with my sister and we had just come back from the beach we passed this weird looking guy he had scruffy hair and was wearing no shirt and giving a bit
of a weird vibe my dog large German Shepherd started going crazy though barking and growling and I had to get my sister to help hold my dog back from this guy he said to me there's a big snake in the bush over there you know and pointed to it I sort of nodded and we kept walking he walked in the direction of the beach and we kept going on our way but we started going a fair bit faster at this point because that guy was pretty creepy and we wanted to get out of there we
made it to this point where we have to wait a couple of minutes across the road because of cars and that guy I kid you not comes out of the bushes like emerges from nowhere that means that he must have seen us pretended to walk away and then immediately cut through the bushes and started following us we then started walking home and he kept following us sticking a few meters to the left I then said in a loud voice I think that weird guy is following us and he immediately turns around walks up to this
path that he already passed and goes up it we were pretty sure that he was still watching us and following us so we made a plan to go a different direction so as not to let him know where we live we did circles for a bit and then we went to our house and told our parents about what had happened they were obvious viously pretty concerned about the whole thing and we did circles for a bit and when we were confident that he was gone we then went to our house and told their parents about
what had happened I was sleeping in my dorm room and I was alone and suddenly I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't move I've had sleep paralysis a few times before so I didn't didn't really care too much and I tried to fall back to sleep again also I have my bed against the wall after almost 20 or so seconds I then started hearing footsteps which were coming from the other side of the wall they were not normal footsteps though they sounded like someone was jumping aggressively or walking in a
a very weird manner I was still sort of paralyzed throughout the experience but I tried to bang on the wall as I thought that the girl from the other room is doing intentionally so I tried moving my hand but I failed then I could hear those Footsteps in the front of my bed in my Feet's Direction and they were ascending towards my heads side I could hear loud breathing now and at that I started to get scared I had another bed on my right side which was empty I looked through the side of my eye
and I could see the mattress which had dents on it as if someone was standing on the bed and and suddenly I could feel that someone had just started jumping on that bed aggressively I was absolutely terrified and I was about to have a heart attack then and there it felt but slowly I got released from well the paralysis I guess you could say and I could still see those feet jumping on that bed though I suddenly started chanting some mantras and it then disappeared and the curtains moved I checked the time and it was
3:45 in the morning I sat there for a bit rubbing my eyes and wondering if I had just seen what I had seen I still get Shivers when I share this I'm a religious person and I didn't really believe in the Paranormal but I am a th% sure that there was something very bad and very negative there that day jumping on that bed I could sense the negativity around me for the entire time and I have never felt this sort of negativity ever in my entire life long ago on a pretty terrifying night I had
the most chilling experience that I ever had I was 15 years old living in a small quiet town where everybody knew each other it was a a peaceful place or so I thought at least until that night my parents were away for the weekend leaving me in the care of my older sister Emma she was 16 and loved the idea of being in charge that night we decided to watch a movie and halfway through there was a knock at the door Emma paused the movie we thought that it was just a neighbor or a friend
perhaps but when she open the door there was nobody there we Shrugged it off and went back to watch our movie we weren't too bothered because we thought that it was just some of the other kids playing pranks or whatever later that night I woke up to a weird tapping sound on my window I must admit that I was a bit scared because of the dark but I must up the courage to peek through the blinds and there in the dim Moonlight I saw someone or some thing in all black standing in our backyard just
staring at the house a upon seeing the figure my heart began to race I ran to Emma's room and I woke her up when we both looked again the figure was gone the next day we told our parents about the incident but they said that it was probably just a lost traveler or maybe a neighbor's guest or whatever but I couldn't shake off the feeling that something just wasn't right the following night the tapping it returned more persistent this time it sounded like someone was intentionally trying to scare us at this point I told Emma
and she called our parents but there was no answer we were alone again and we were scared Emma decided to call the police but as soon as she picked up the phone the tapping stopped we felt relieved but still a bit uneasy we tried to sleep but a sudden loud bang from downstairs jolted us both awake Emma quickly grabbed a flashlight and we tiptoed downstairs to see what the noise was the living room was just a mess books from the shelves were thrown onto the floor the couch cushions were scattered everywhere and then then we
heard a whisper a faint Eerie voice coming from the kitchen it was singing a slow sort of Haunting tune Emma signaled for us to sneak back upstairs but as we turned the kitchen light flicked on by itself upon seeing that we bolted upstairs locked ourselves in my room and pushed my dresser against the door we huddled together listening as footsteps started coming up the stairs slow and heavy they stopped right outside of my room the door knob rattled gently then more violently we were trembling holding each other tightly the house then went silent for a
moment then a voice soft and raspy spoke from the other side of the door I know you're in there it said we did not dare to respond then the sound of footsteps receded we stayed awake the whole night we were scared to even breathe to be honest in the morning our parents came back and found us asleep in my room the dresser still blocking the door we explained everything and they called the police the officers found no sign of forced entry but they did find Footprints outside beneath my window and around the house after that
incident my parents installed security cameras and an alarm system the police Patrols in our area increased as well but the scariest part was that they never really caught anyone sometimes when I'm alone I still hear a faint tapping and I freeze wondering if it's just my imagination or if whatever that was has returned this was during the pandemic in San Francisco the streets were a lot more bare than usual that day I had recently moved to my new apartment in Knob Hill from the notorious tenderloin District which actually wasn't as terrible as it said but
I was still very happy to leave nevertheless one night though I was feeling a little bit nostalgic and missing the beer prices so I wandered the street down to TL I always wear headphones while walking but this evening there was an inner voice that told me to turn them down and keep my eyes out it was about 10: p.m. and I listened to that voice but with little Caution I got down to my old hood deep within the craziness where the only sign of the pandemic was masks on everybody's faces I buy my 40 oz
of St Ides and I head back up the Steve Hill to California Street to get home lo and behold a few blocks out of the hood I feel this dude behind me first even though the sidewalk is completely empty I move to the side to let him pass but guess what he doesn't I turned to see well his junk in his hand trying to rub it all up on me I scream at him and he scares a roach into the Shadows mind you the streets are getting real steep at this point he's a bit chubby
so I'm like let's book it up these Hills I get a few blocks up and like 30 floors later and no one is behind me I breathe a sigh of relief and maybe I can just walk home now when all of a sudden like the Terminator I swear he appears from beneath the street light and starts coming after me faster than ever I pick up my Pace feeling like like I'm in the worst dream ever or some horror movie but then realize that what I'm doing is the wrong move so I stop and I start
screaming but look around and there's not a soul the streets were completely dead and that really scared me he started cornering me into this wall with his junk still out and suddenly I remember to act like I saw a bear like be big and yell make them afraid of you so I made myself as big as I could and crazy and pulled out my 40 o bottle and I said I'm going to kill you I did end up with a few scratches and bruises but it worked that creep eventually ran off even still I ran
off scared as well looking behind me every other moment until I got to my favorite place I in a cool breath Park and I waited shaking until I was sure that thaty wasn't following me before I went home moral of the story I suppose treat your aggressor like a bear if you can so this happened 7 and 1/2 years ago June 23rd 2016 while I was cleaning out my house I was renting at a house for a year and the year was almost up at this point I wasn't going to be living there the next
year so it was time for me to start cleaning out and moving my stuff to my next place the house that I had at the time was fairly small but it was plenty of space just for me I lived there by myself and I just finished cleaning out the living room other than some basic furniture and I had moved on to clean the kitchen at this point there were quite a few cabinets in this kitchen so many that I didn't use a good number of them I was looking through some of the ones that I
didn't use to make sure that there was nothing that I had in them one of them I opened up and I saw something in the back corner it looked like some type of shirt or rag or something I grabbed it and saw that I didn't think that it was mine but when I moved it it revealed a small white lever that I could just barely see the cabinet was in the corner sort of by the sink and halfway block by the stove I honestly thought that it was just another pipe but it just looked a
little bit different to me I suppose I got inside and had to crawl inside the cabinet which was pretty large once I got inside I saw there was a small trap door to the side leading into the wall I couldn't believe what I was seeing I mean you had to be completely inside in order to see the detail of it and I decided to open the door which led to an extremely narrow hallway with a sort of crawl space but when I got further inside I was horrified I saw that there was food as well
as several blankets as if someone had been living inside of there the good news at least to me is that whoever was in there was obviously gone I tried to make sense of it and figure out how long the person had been there and how I didn't know about it I was gone from the house a lot with work I suppose and other stuff but I just didn't know how it was possible for someone to live in there without me knowing in any case I continued cleaning until it got pretty late and the next day
after work I continued I was still kind of in shock with finding a secret room in my house then decided to look at it once again I opened the cabinet and went inside then I pulled the lever open just like I had the previous day but this time as soon as I opened it I saw movement and then saw a person for a split second they slammed the door back shut on me and I immediately turned and ran all the way out of my house to my car and then called the police I was so
scared that I started driving away as well I opened up my phone and told the police the whole situation they came to my house a short time later to find that whoever had been in there was now gone I was absolutely disgusted knowing that that this random person had access to my house for who knows how long it felt like a vivid nightmare that I needed to wake up from when I opened my phone to call the police it showed the date was June 23rd 2016 and I still remember this date 7 years later it
stayed with me like a scar a scar that I don't know if I will ever really heal from luckily for me I moved out the next week I really don't know how long the person was living in my secret room but thankfully it never gave me a problem so about 5 years ago now I lived in a flat I'm from the UK so a flat is basically an apartment it was just me and my dad that lived there and my dad has always been a workaholic so he was away for weeks at a time weeks
alone which I'd have to defend for myself at 13 I didn't have any issue with this to be honest as I love the independence and I loved feeling like I had my own place as well but I'll admit that I was a little bit lonely I mean I didn't have any friends at the time my parents had just separated and my mom didn't want much to do with either of us so I never really saw her anyway uh couple of months after moving in I was home alone my dad had just gone away for work
for whatever reasons and he wouldn't be back until the weekend everything was going fine there were no issues at all until I got tired and I went to bed that night I wasn't deliriously tired or anything I am an insomniac though so sleep just sort of evades me most of the time what I mean is that I feel tired until my head hits the pillow and then my brain comes to life and just will not shut off but I shut all the lights off got into bed and I looked over at the foot of it
and when I did that's when I noticed that something was stood there it wasn't a person and there were no features it was just some sort of like Shadow stood not moving at the end of my bed I freaked out obviously and tried the whole thing ofo closing my eyes and opening them Etc he disappeared when I opened them again but I could still feel eyes on me naturally I assumed that I was just paranoid about being home alone even though I was completely used to it at this point and never freaked out or worried
about it before so I put the light back on and I went to sleep I tried not to think about it went to school the next day just got on with life stuff like that I mean I've always had a strong imagination anyway so it was probably all just in my head but he was there the next night too stood at the foot of my bed looking at me I could feel his eyes on me before I saw him he had no face just some sort of silhouette but I could feel it I don't know
how else to describe the way it felt but the way I knew something was there was weird even if I wasn't looking at it at first it was terrifying but I was I don't know I felt comforted maybe almost by him being there it didn't feel like this Shadow wanted to kill me or whatever more like he was watching over me perhaps I don't know it's weird and I've never been able to properly explain it I've always brushed this off as just some kind of sleep paralysis but I was never asleep when I saw him
I was never tired or unable to move never fresh from a nap or something like that I'd be fully conscious and he would just suddenly be there like I said he wasn't threatening and I learned to live with it seeing him whenever the lights went out and I was home alone was always a bit of a fright but I got used to it but then the second one appeared the second one was smaller and the only way that I can describe it is by saying that he reminded me vividly of the mom from hereditary when
she's crouched on the ceiling he stayed in my peripheral at all times as well which was very unnerving and he first started showing up in the bathroom I'd be using the toilet and he would be there waiting for me he felt threatening like he was ready to pounce at any given moment and it panicked me so badly that I often refused to use the bathroom wash myself or brush my teeth because he was always in there even when the light was on the worst part though was that I could hear his feet against the ceiling
as he sort of chased me whenever I ran out of the bathroom like the sound of someone running after you but his hands and feet were against the ceiling so it was more like an animal chasing you I was absolutely terrified of him and I never got used to it I lost a lot of sleep over that period of time and continued for about 6 months until suddenly they just stopped I didn't see either of the Shadow things anymore and to this day have never been able to explain what the heck it was I've spoken
with counselors about it and their only response is that it's some way of my brain coping with neglect or something like that but I just cannot help but feel like it really wasn't pure Ely my imagination who knows maybe I am crazy or maybe there is some sort of psychological reason behind it but I will never be able to forget the sound of Rapid footsteps behind me like that or the feeling of eyes crawling all over me like a thousand bugs as I slept I've since stopped talking to friends about it because they think that
I'm an undiagnosed schizophrenic or something but there's something inside of me that just cannot accept my imagination curating all of that so am I crazy and if I'm not well what the heck were [Music] they I'm a girl living in northern Europe I won't go into too much detail as to way this happen because I don't want people to recognize me from this story this story though takes place in October when I had a part-time job in this Research Center this was in a bigger city not like in the middle of it but it was
a 30-minute bus ride from where I lived at the time keep in mind too that the workplace was in an industrial estate so the only people that really spent time in the area were the workers from these companies I worked all three shifts morning evenings and nights but I did mostly night shifts because none of my co-workers really wanted them and I'm a bit of a night ow anyway so that 10: p.m. to 6:00 a.m. shift worked really well for me now this happened on one of those night shifts it was a Thursday night and
I was one of the three workers there that night we didn't work together we all were in our own sort of departments doing different kinds of work also far from each other in the building I worked at a cam lab doing Water Analysis so it was not any kind of customer service job we were basically all alone and it got but usually really quiet and rather peaceful we had no security guards but it was pretty much impossible to enter the building without an identification card all doors were locked and everyone that worked there had these
cards where you hold it in the sensor on the door and it opens you also got to use the card when leaving the building as well these lock doors were not only on the outside but also on the inside of the building as well so if anyone somehow managed to get through the first door without the card they couldn't really get any further into the building to the labs for example the door locks again immediately after you get in or out as well considering all of that we never really had to worry about someone Uninvited
getting in even in the nighttime this particular night I took a bus and headed to work I greeted my co-workers that were leaving as their shifts had just ended they met the other night shifters in the women's dressing room all normal I was in a good mood and so were my two co-workers when our shift started we parted our ways and went to different Labs I was 3 hours into my shift at 1:00 a.m. when I decided that I needed to take a 20-minute break the two co-workers had went to their break earlier than me
so I had to go alone this time our break room was this sort of Lounge area where there was a couple of long tables chairs mini kitchen and a bathroom I'm not going to lie this big Hall with old flickering ceiling lights was not my favorite place to be alone at 1:00 in the morning when the whole building is almost empty and it pitch black outside there were big windows in the lounge but I couldn't see anything out of them just darkness pretty much but there was always this same Eerie Vibe at night so I
was used to it I guess 5 minutes into my break I decided that I was going to go outside to smoke a cigarette I put on a jacket took my stuff with me and opened the door with the card now we had this sort of smoking place in the back of the parking lot about 1 minute walk from the door if I said I wasn't scared to be alone in an empty parking lot at night as a young girl I definitely would be lying this was the only thing I really did not like about the
night shifts but I really needed that cigarette nothing bad had ever happened before and I live in a generally safe country so I basically just hope for the best but there was this really nasty looking white plastic chair in the smoking place I sat in it and I L my cigarette from the smoking place I could see clearly to the entrance of the building there were bright lights above the door usually I just stared at that door without even noticing it I mean it was a night in the industrial estate area and there were not
many interesting things to really look at when all of a sudden I noticed a person person walking up to the door it was a man in a trench coat and a top hat holding a briefcase I had never seen this man before in my work or anywhere near this place this man stood still in front of the door not moving at all facing the door even though nothing seemingly bad had happened yet just a weird man standing by the door I cannot even explain in words how scared I suddenly become I had to somehow get
past that man to get back inside he doesn't know that I'm here he didn't see me but what if he does something to me when I'm trying to get inside is he trying to get inside what does he want and who is he this was the only door where I could enter the building from outside so really I had no choice but to try and ignore that man on the door and get inside but what on Earth is this weirdly Dressed Man doing in this area at 1:00 in the morning of all times there is
clearly something that he wanted from us and I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know what that was I started walking towards the man in the door while he was still standing not knowing that I'm here in the parking lot the closer that I got though the more scared I got I had to stop and think again I knew that it was part of my job to confront unwanted people trying to get get in and tell them how to contact our customer services but keep in mind this is 1: in the morning a weird
man who appeared out of thin air and an 18-year-old girl alone I had this gut feeling that I should not go to that door I decided to call my coworker that was there that night and ask if she could meet me at the door and let me in so I didn't need to face this man alone so I went and hid behind my coworkers car that was in a parking lot to make a call I was hiding behind the car in this position where I could still see this man through the car windows I wanted
to see if he would leave and if he did where he would go my coworker answers the call and when I start whispering in the phone and explaining the situation I watch in horror as the man turns around and stares right at the car that I was now hiding behind I don't know if he actually saw me I don't think that he did but he for sure heard that there was a woman talking behind this car and what happened next was honestly straight out of a horror film when this man found out that there was
someone behind the car he started slowly and quietly approaching me not knowing that I could see him through the window but here's the thing he didn't walk he didn't run instead he was on all fours CW crawling towards the car I couldn't even scream I mean I just froze from fear and the phone dropped from my hand when this man was getting closer to the car I see both of my co-workers opening the door waving and screaming at me to run and come in and they did not need to tell me twice I ran inside
quickly so fast the man didn't even have time to react and when he got up and started running after me the door was suddenly closed the second that he heard the door lock itself he then just suddenly turned around and started speed walking away eventually disappearing into the darkness we called the cops immediately and they came not long after they didn't find anything or anyone that man just disappeared as fast as he had appeared and no one has seen him since after the shift my co-workers walked me to the bus stop and they waited with
me till the bus arrived making sure that I got home safely I am forever thankful though to these lovely women for opening the door for me before that man got me here and who knows what he would have done to me I haven't done any night shifts after that and for sure I never will ever again [Music] I've lived on this property since I was 2 years old and when I was little I thought that it was normal to play with people who weren't really there I thought that it was normal to play with people
who weren't really there I guess I chalked it up to being what imaginary friends meant as I got older I stopped playing so much I got tired and was a typical Moody teen but I never mentally stopped thinking of the people that I played with as spirits and ghosts I also never told anyone about this but here's where things got weirder I'm mentally ill and I experience hallucinations I also have a form of disassociative identity disorder at the time I was the only personality and I just started recovering memory of being a system trauma reasons
so when I started hallucinating figures and feeling people in my my head I thought it was just the system reforming around the same time my older brother's life partner came to visit she actually sees an FBI psychic fairly often apparently and for years the psychic had been asking if she knew of a specific property you may see where this is going but sure enough the property that they've been talking about for years is the same one that I grew up on and live on still a fun fact about the area that we live we're only
a few miles away from the old Asylum it is appropriately spooky feeling even if it looks normal but the FBI psychic and my sister-in-law asked to do a cleansing on the property so the whole family ends up working out there where the corners of our property are and bringing containers of salt there sister-in-law warns us that we might feel weird that night as they do the cleansing that night I get really really sick as well I sleep poor have hot flushes and Nightmares and when I wake up in the morning I suddenly feel lighter and
emptier than I've ever felt before I also no longer from that point on felt or hallucinated ever again I spent the entire morning trying to wrap my head around the idea that my brain was apparently haunted or something we later heard from the psychic and my sister-in-law that our property became a place of Solace for spirits from the Asylum apparently and they helped the spirits move on to heal later my sister-in-law came and found me she told me that the spirits I played with as a kid wanted me to know that they'd apparently come back
one day to say goodbye properly she also told me that my biological maternal grandma was watching over me but she also tried to kidnap me when she was alive so I mostly ignored that part but the weird thing is that like I said I'd never told any of this to anyone it was really nice to know though that the people that I played with were actually real that they came here to feel safe that they cared about me as much as I adored them as a kid also I now have the best wild story to
tell at parties I suppose no one can beat yeah my brain was haunted for a bit [Music] so I will start by saying that even though these experiences have happened to me I've always been a skeptic my mother who passed away 9 years ago was towards the end of her life a deep believer as well as both of my sisters though after my mother's passing they have not spoken much on the subject unless asked about it but they can verify three of the four stories that I'm about to lay out here as well well the
first three of these stories take place in my childhood Home in a Trailer Park that always seemed to have an odd Vibe around it in general never found anything weird out about it but we always had this Theory like maybe an Indian burial ground or something was there though I doubt it but it was just a weird little rural area of Southwest Michigan the fourth story takes place at my father and Stepmother's house about 8 mil north of the house the first three stories take place in but I'll start with what I feel is the
least intense moving to the ones that still spark great fear for me so Story number one I'll start this story at my father and Stepmother's house as it's pretty simple I lived there in my early 20s and had the classic downstairs basement room I was the black sheep of sorts so it was only fitting to put me there anyway we had a dog that always stayed with me especially when was doing whatever this happened multiple times but I'll share the last time that I remember this happening so I'm sitting downstairs hanging out youtubing or whatever
I was doing when my dog like he normally does when people come home starts going absolutely nuts barking and pacing for me to let him upstairs so that he can greet whoever he believes came through the door and as I get out of my chair to let him do so I hear the classic footsteps of what I believe is my little brother as they're too fast to be my mother or stepmom I hear them go all the way to the back back end of the house and stay there so I led the dog out I
follow suit thinking maybe my folks need help grabbing something they may have brought home I get upstairs nothing at all the lights are off nobody's home the dog even seems to be thinking what the heck now at this point this is the fourth or fifth time that this has happened in the few years that I'd been living there mostly starting in the latter part of those years so this time I felt ballsy about it I decided like an idiot to just ask if anybody was there there was no answer so I go further into the
house facing the hallway leading to the back of the house to a couple of bedrooms I put myself in a bathroom so that when I yell at it I won't see down the hallway when it comes to kill me but I get in the bathroom and like an idiot I somewhat angrily yelled who was in my house and at this point I hear something fall in the back bathroom between the two bedrooms I Pok my head out to verify that nobody is there I checked the garage nobody's there either and then went back downstairs where
I waited for people to actually come home it was a a really eerie evening for me and I don't know the house just didn't feel right that day so the Second Story this is where to me these things started to amp up a bit and they really get a bit freaky just something about this trailer park and the trailer that I lived in this was after living in the same trailer with my mom who my dad then took over after their divorce and was now living there with my stepmom so I remember that this was
maybe 2006 I think I was probably 13 or so and at the time loved being up late as it was summer vacation from school and this summer I liked smoking with my sister late at night in the backyard with the neighbor boy and this night we weren't smoking anything elicit just us three hanging out smoking cigarettes and talking for some reason or another my sister takes her phone out and I kid you not for some reason starts recording an audio file this I think was on one of those unbreakable Nokia phones back in the day
and the quality is really terrible on these things but it was recording nonetheless not for anything paranormal but thinking about it now I don't remember for the life of me what she was trying to record the point is is that she was recording all three of us standing there when all of a sudden about 2 ft to my right we all hear the most unsettling blood curdling just nasty woman scream for a solid two seconds immediately being like what the heck was that even getting so worked up that we called the police who didn't find
anything after showing up 20 minutes later but the best part my sister the next day realized that she had recorded this audio file naturally she goes into her phone to review it realizing that she had never thought to stop the recording but there it was on her phone so we listened back to it everything's normal you can hear us talking walking right up until you then hear this scream which when this happens in the recording you hear us go sort of quiet then a very sort of static type silence and then you hear us all
go what was that and then the recording cuts off a few seconds later back then too I always said it must have been a fox but with how loud it was and how close it was there was no Fox anywhere near us so that explanation just didn't make much sense I must admit that I have a bit of a hard time with these two stories as they're the only two that have sort of like visual or auditory experiences and to me are the absolute hardest to explain which kind of leaves me feeling out of my
wids even thinking about them let alone about sharing them here but anyway I digress so the third story to start my mom was always a bit of a night hour no exception even when we lived with her until 2005 and I think that this was somewhere around 2002 or 2003 the bedroom that I was in was right next to where the kitchen was you could in fact see right out but you couldn't really see the table where we sat from here is the angle cut off that view but it would have been to the right
of the bedroom door looking out now I remember waking up at about 3:00 or 4: in the morning or so and looking out and seeing the D din room light on and hearing my mom using a sewing machine at the table so I yelled for her to come in here I hear the Machine Stop and she comes to the doorway and what I remember was just the most menacing horrifying mean look on her face as she just stood there staring right at me no words no nothing just this look like why are you talking to
me right now I don't really remember at this point if I said or did anything while she stood there doing this but just as quick as she was standing there she just as quickly still with no words at all turned first her head away then her body followed suit and then she just walked away this as most would assume is very much unlike most anyone's mom but I very much remember as soon as she was out of sight I started screaming and crying and yet again I hear her getting up from her sewing machine this
time a little more frantic she comes in asking what's wrong with the classic mom calming down horrified kid going on so I told her what I had literally just seen and she said very plainly that she had not just been in here and that she had been sewing the whole time and it is not like my mom to just come in and stare at me down menacingly like that especially at 3: in the morning to scare me so to be honest I believed her now the fourth story is my least favorite of these I don't
even really like thinking about this one but it's the one that I wanted to bring here most is I just want to know what other people may think about this so again much like the last story it's 3:00 or 4 in the morning I'm in the same exact bedroom bottom bunk sister is on the top bunk this time everybody is asleep all the lights in the house are off and it's pretty quiet when suddenly I hear what I believe is a slightly heavy load in our dryer or maybe the washer washing a little off balance
or something this sound wakes me all the way up because it just seems a bit weird so I roll over to get comfy and I open my eyes a bit as I'm looking around I see what is some movement toward the kitchen now again you can see from this room out into the kitchen but not the dining area what you saw from my perspective is the island in the kitchen where the sink was and you could see a little far sort of side off of our living room behind that but I'm just kind of scanning
the kitchen listening to this weird sound that I keep hearing and that was when I see it I can't say that it was standing as I saw no legs but standing or stood behind the island but extremely tall is this very very plain almost 2D looking man all white no features whatsoever no face no nothing as you look down his body it appeared to be more faint too but still a definite white figure or person just stood there to be honest too at first I'm thinking that there must be headlights hitting the window from a
car outside or something but then I realized that this thing has sort of like a cowboy type hat on and not only that it seems like it's taking its hat off and like tipping its hat in my direction like it's tipping its hated me almost now at this point I'm genuinely trying to make sure that I'm a 100% awake and as far as I could tell I was so I go back to looking because naturally I just cannot look away now and it just sort of repeats the same exact movements over and over again pulls
the Hat down puts it back on pulls it down then back on all the while this weird sound is still happening so I'm trying to justify it in My Mind by thinking somehow the neighbor's kid is playing a prank on me and somehow is outside the window that's a bit behind this thing using some sort of a puppet or something but then I realize how stupid a thought that this is and that was the moment that I started screaming my sister wakes up and asks what's going on I tell her exactly what I see and
I ask her if she sees it too but oddly no she doesn't see it at all this makes me scream even more though this time waking up my mom who as she comes into the kitchen turns on the light and as soon as she did that it just disappeared though I still hear the strange sound so I ask my mom what the sound is and if the washer is going and she goes and looks and now the machine is running and for whatever reason this woman takes one look at me feels my head to see
if I have a fever which I didn't and then tells me that I have a fever and that's why I'm seeing stuff like that so I try and calm myself she leaves the room and turns the kitchen light off again and sure enough there is this guy again still tipping that hat over and over eventually I just convinced myself I guess that I was having a fever illusion or something I managed to roll over and I fell asleep somehow afterward I still mentioned this story to my sister and she still very vividly remembers every bit
of it the way that she saw it anyway years later too and after some study on this subject I have always said that it was the hatman but the thing is is that what I've read and heard on the hatman is nothing like this my mother later also recounted this story and later told me that though she didn't see or hear what I did she only told me that I had a fever and stuff to calm me down and she knew that it wasn't a fever causing it so I guess the question is what did
I see that [Music] night so let me start by saying that my brother and I are extremely experienced desert campers and we have lived near deserts pretty much our whole lives I have never in my 20 years of life ever for one second believed in anything paranormal or anything to do with evil spirits unlike my brother who has always sensed presences and been able to see mostly what we call Jin also known as demons that is until last night which is safe to say marks the last time that we will be camping alone in the
desert we always have the same place that we like to go when we want to camp with minimum effort and our day started as normal but as we got closer and closer to our destination I saw my brother's mood completely shift and when I asked what was wrong he just sort of shrugged me off and told me to just keep driving but when we arrived I felt completely fine but my brother was still unusually quiet it it was around 1:00 p.m. at that point and we were planning on leaving at around 12: or 1:00 a.m.
because of the heat we made the terrible decision though to set up under a few trees and a source of water which in Middle Eastern culture is where the Gins live at night not that I believed that at the time of course however we still set up our camp and we continued on as normal now my brother always says that when he feels a presence or several in this case he gets extremely unlucky first he almost dropped a box of coals on his foot then he spilled an entire bottle of coke on his phone then
he dropped it into the sand then proceeded to smash his elbow on the edge of a chair that he was sitting on which is now very swollen and last but certainly not least when he was looking through one of our boxes he felt something cold and sharp press against his arm and he realized that it was an un sheathed knife which he packed with with its case the previous night before and he later said that it felt like something pushed his hand into it right where his veins are all of these events consecutively within a
matter of a few hours was certainly making us both uneasy and I for the life of me couldn't figure out why he was suddenly so unlucky but as I was starting to question his clumsiness a random couple appeared out of nowhere informing us that they were stuck in the sand and needed some help we drive a Land Cruiser and they had a Nissen ultimar so we didn't expect to encounter as many issues as we did but we first dug them out without any issues but as we pushed them out of the sand they got stuck
again if you know anything about June bashing or desert camping then you understand the physics behind How Wheels get stuck in the sand and the way that this Nissen was stuck was incredibly unusual it was literally stuck somewhere with plenty of space available for grip and later on my brother said that as we were digging them out of the sand that's when he really started feeling like an evil presence around us but didn't want to say anything as not to ruin the trip and freak me out all these people so we ended up having to
tow them out of the sand which again was Far harder than it had to be first our tow strap broke off from the bumper the tow strap cost $200 and was fine but their bumper was slightly damaged then we almost got stuck ourselves and a 20-minute job took more like 90 which again was extremely unusual and with hindsight just the beginning of everything that was to come so when we got back to our camp we noticed how everything around us had suddenly got really unusually quiet the area that we were in has hundreds of birds
around and as far as we have seen three cats who sometimes pay us a visit but there wasn't a single noise at all other than our fire that is which was dying out really quickly it had gotten pretty dark quickly so we had scrambled to build a fire to cook our dinner before we were asked to help the couple and I noticed the silence but it didn't bother me however my brother suddenly grabbed my hand as we were sitting down to eat and said with clear fear in his voice that we should go as quickly
as possible and that he didn't feel safe to ease both of our minds we prayed we're Christians so of course we thought that it would help us but I think it may have actually accelerated everything that happened that night and just made whatever was out there with us very angry so we quickly finished our dinner and me being the skeptic I was completely fine and pretty much humoring my brother until I started getting this really nagging feeling that it was time to pack up and leave it hit me like a wave too and I was
quite taken aback by the feeling so I voiced it to my brother and he agreed that we should pack up right away and that we should leave so we started packing up at a normal Pace like we were just tired and wanted to leave and that's when we heard a sound very close to us on the opposite side of the pond which wasn't that big that I could only describe as the sound of I don't know like death itself and it seemed to go on for several minutes and when I say that we looked at
each other in absolute fear I genuinely mean that I was about to have a heart attack I think right there and then at that point after being frozen for a few minutes and quite reasonably so after hearing that bellowing Screech so close to us we turned on the car drove it back so that we could see better with the headlamps and just started throwing everything into the car without much care but with a whole lot of urgency and it was like after the screaming that's when everything hit the fan first it was the sound of
twig snapping and footsteps all around us then it was the Shadows behind the trees and I tried everything to try and get those Shadows to change shape walking around the trees and moving the lights but nothing it looked like they were people just staring at us the whole time and you could sort of feel it too we really felt like we weren't alone and that whatever was out there wasn't friendly we also noticed all three cats were huddled right behind our car away from the tree so they were not the ones snapping the Twigs but
literally did not care if they were not going to move as I was still getting out of there thankfully they left when we started reversing but they too looked absolutely terrified and we just staring at the trees too it also felt like whatever was there was getting closer as well and I have never felt anything like that it's hard to explain but it was sort of like I don't know like a gut feeling and you just know it's one of those Natural Instincts that you should not ignore thankfully we were able to back up quickly
our tent was very close to the trees though so that was nerve-wracking and whilst we were packing it was still very eerily silent it's very normal for birds around that area to continue making sounds until like 2:00 or 3: in the morning and at this point it was about 8:00 p.m. so it was highly unusual in any case I personally think that it was the most terrifying thing as I was driving away back onto the main dirt path to leave the desert I know cars very well I know how they drive in the sand and
I know our car especially well because we've had it for so long and I could instantly tell that the steering was off and completely fighting against me which eventually fixed itself the second that we were on the highway the sound of twe spping was still all around us and it was loud enough to be heard over the sounds of the car even and on the path was what seemed to be like every bird that was in the area just standing there and staring at us until we got close enough to force them to walk away
not even fly at one point my brother just grabbed my shoulder and told me very sternly to just keep looking in front of me and under no circumstances to look through his window it was his tone of voice that told me that but I needed to listen to him we were in a part of the desert where we had to pretty much drive through the whole of the accessible areas to get onto the highway and there wasn't a single person around us the only thing that we saw was a very clearly abandoned Toyota hilock positioned
behind a small June and hidden behind the trees but was Far Enough from our campsite to easily be ruled out as the source of the original Screech but the worst thing that I saw was when we were closing in on the exit now we know these deserts very well we've both grown up here and have been riding dirt bikes and quad bikes in these desert since we moved here and we know what Wildlife to expect cats birds spiders goats even camels mice foxes sometimes maybe even the occasional Scorpion or if you're really unlucky a snake
but that is pretty much yet there's really not much else in these deserts and we saw standing in the middle of the path staring directly at us a deer of all things a deer I've only ever seen one deer in 16 years of living here and that was in someone's Garden as a pet it's safe to say though that I was in complete shock and the deer was not moving as well until I got so close that we could practically smell that thing before it just slowly walked off the path whilst looking right at us
we quickly moved past the deer and again my brother with a gasp and then very sternly said to keep my eyes right on the road I asked him as we got on the highway what it was that he kept seeing and he very reluctantly told me that he kept seeing large figures around us anytime that we went through a bend and that they were all either pointing right at us or ahead of us to be honest too I'm pretty glad that he didn't tell me at the time because I don't know how I would have
reacted while I was driving and well we still were yet to encounter anyone but we could still very clearly hear sounds all around us and again not the usual bird or cat but very clearly big and unrelenting as well when I saw the exit though I was as happy as I'd ever been but that quickly faded when once again we saw another deer standing right in the middle of the road slowly walking away and looking right right at us except this time it didn't really look like a deer I don't know what it was to
be honest but it sort of looked more like a a kangaroo mixed with a deer and its eyes were really milky and it sort of looked I don't know like rotten and really horrible to be honest I really didn't care much at this point I just stepped on the gas and fortunately it had gotten out of the way just in time now when you exit the desert here you can either turn right onto a long stretch of highway or you can go left and go through a small town and take the back streets to a
parallel Highway and as I was about to turn right my brother once again with that same tone of voice said go to the town and go to the right later he once again said that he saw a line of fingers pointing ahead of us so if we would have gone that way we wouldn't have made it home in one piece thankfully as we made it further and further away and closer to our home the gut feeling of being watched was going away and of course having never experienced something like this before I was distraught and
I wanted to talk about it my brother told me as we were going home that because we were alone the Gin wanted to mess with us that they wanted to scare us and most likely causes harm and that the way they get to you in such rural places is to force you to stop and then do whatever they want which makes sense as to why there were so many animals on our path he also said that they caused bad luck and he could feel them the second that we entered the desert that day which explains
his clumsiness all day as well and that the car got stuck in such an unusual manner this is also my younger brother by 3 years and naturally anytime he would have ever told me about this sort of thing I always just dismissed it as him just scaring himself or a delusion or whatever but I can excuse the sounds that we heard even the Shadows that we saw last night I can excuse the gut feeling as just being scared but I cannot excuse those two deer that we saw staring right at us and I can not
excuse the car just randomly fighting against me as I was driving like that the deer though completely freaked me out as did the tone of my brother's voice and it's safe to say that we are not going camping there ever again it's also safe to say that I won't ever be dismissing my brother when it comes to things like this ever again I'm really thankful that we made it home safely that [Music] day so allow me to briefly explain the main characters of The Story So as not to confuse you the story involves me and
my dad and two interactions involving attempted abuse by my dad's older sister's stepson one story takes place at his aunt's home and the second one and worse of the two stories takes place at my dad's younger sister's home during a family gathering so my dad's older sister will be Aunt a my dad's younger sister will be Aunt B Aunt A's stepson is a 24-year-old step cousin at the time of encounter number one I was in kindergarten at the time of encounter number two I was in first grade so to be clear although I was very
young when these two encounters happened I still have very Vivid memories of them both however that being said I do have a better recollection of the second encounter as a first grader better than the first now at the time of the first encounter I had only ever met this older step cousin once maybe twice prior I don't remember specifically why my dad and I had been my aunt's house and I also don't remember exactly how the situation came about but if I am remembering it correctly I believe my dad had gone to the restroom and
I went off wandering around a large home looking for him this went unnoticed by the rest of the adults in the house because they were drinking something that my dad was never into and all I remember next is that the older step cousin had been tickling me and wouldn't stop now when I say I was being tickled that's all that I really recall perhaps it was more than that and my limited understanding of such had me remember that it was tickling or perhaps it was just that tickling either way I really don't think any of
us would disagree that an adult man should be alone with a little girl tickling her and touching her like that but I remember suddenly my dad came flying in the room I remember my dad said very loudly to the step cousin what are you doing my step cousin jolted and then something along the line of Uncle so and so you're overreacting I was just my dad cut him off and stated very coldly I'm not your uncle I don't know you get up and put your coat and shoes on because we're leaving by this time his
dad or step uncle aunt a and other relatives had begun gathering around the door where my dad had been standing I can't really remember if I was alone in a room with him like a bedroom or what but I was on some sort of surface higher up that he was tickling me on Looking Back Now I can clearly see the look of my dad's face while all of his family was trying to convince him to calm down and stay it's obvious to me that he was doing everything in his power not to blow up and
traumatize me he just kept looking at them with his lips pressed and shaking his head saying I don't want to hear it I briefly remember my dad asking me questions about the step cousin and the car on the way home I also remember him explaining to me that I should not be alone with any adult especially a male adult no matter if their family or not but also making sure that I knew that I didn't do anything wrong nor was what just happened in any way my fault my dad did not talk to his family
for a year or so after that give or take I was too young to know or understand why just that they had a falling out so now to the next encounter my dad had slowly started to speak with family again it was summer and Aunt be's oldest child had just graduated from high school thus my dad and I had been invited to the graduation party initially my dad was not going to go when he found out that my step cousin would be there but his dad had called my dad and had an hour or two
for conversations on the phone about my dad being mistaken by his interpretation of what had happened I don't think that my dad believed him but surely he felt that we would be at a big family event and this step cousin would have to be literally out of his damn mind to try something in the same house as my dad for a second time but for the first 2 or 3 hours at the graduation party my dad kept me glued to his hip there was a group of about maybe 13 other kids of varying ages all
running through Aunt B's house backyard front yard and basement and I remember staring longingly at them my dad noticed and so did a couple of other family members I don't really remember who though but I do remember my step uncle and then my dad's older brother kind of busting him up about being overprotective and not letting me play with the other kids and all that my dad tried to stick up for himself when one of them turned to look at me and said baby girl do you want to go and play with the other kids
of course I said yes and then looked at my dad for approval now that I'm older and that I'm a parent myself I understand the kind of face that my dad was making he had a look of contemplation he he surely felt uneasy and wanted to protect me and keep me by his side but I could also see the Dilemma that he was having in my mind now that I voice my desire to do so some lady inter Jackson says something along the lines of oh my gosh you're not going to be able to keep
her locked up forever you know let the girl play look how many of us are here what's going to happen so finally I was given the okay by my dad who showed me where he would be and how much time I had to play freely for the first 20 minutes or so we were all running in a group all through the different doors of the house I think this made my dad feel better because he could see me every few minutes too finally though some of the older kids suggested that we go down to the
basement to see what Aunt be had done to it it was unfinished the last time that I had seen it beforehand and apparently it now had carpet the walls are painted there was a game room and then a living room that shaped into a sort of private Wing to the right hand side of the other end of the stairs where the bedroom was there was no wall or door separating the bedroom from the living room section however it still provided some privacy once we saw the new setup we all began going back upstairs me being
the last in the line as we were walking up the stairs though I see my 24-year-old step cousin who was now walking down the stairs he grabbed me by my shoulder and said oh hey I hope you're not leaving I was just coming down to show you something really cool that a b put down here his voice had a high and exciting pitch it was a tone of voice that I would find highly unsettling today should I hear a man talk this way to a kid that he hardly Knew by the time that he had
finished making that comment to me about the cool thing that he wanted to show me all the other kids were already gone I remember looking up towards the top of the stairs and then back at him and he grabbed me by my hand to Lead Me Down come on you'll love it I recall feeling very put off by this but also feeling too small and too little to say or do otherwise I also think that a part of me may have felt kind of cool that someone so much older wanted to show me something a
little kid after all this is the first time that I can remember being allowed to go off on my own for any length of time and so I was on that high of Independence I guess he immediately walks me down down past the couch and the TV set up and towards the bedroom part of the basement I remember him using his hand to Pat on the bed while teasing so do you want to try it out see how good of a bed it is go on I climbed on the bed and immediately started jumping and
bouncing as high as I could looking back I remember his face getting frustrated because I was not doing what he was expecting me to do he tried sitting on the bed and he tried laying down but I wouldn't stop jumping and once he laid I got down he kept picking me up though with his hands under my armpits and placing me back on the bed and saying that he wanted to lay with me and take a nap which I responded by saying that no I don't take naps with boys he then starts asking me questions
about my dad do you ever sleep in bed with your daddy only if I ever had a bad dream I replied what kind of things do you and your dad do or where do you guys lay together because I know how close you and him are oh yes I love Daddy Daddy and I like to lay on the couch together and watch movies this statement from me clearly went off like a light bulb in his head because that's when he leads me from the bed back towards the couch in the living room section he then
lays down on his side prompting me to lay down with him and pull me closer to him he would lay me down on my side in front of him and tried to unbuckle my jeans when I would jump up he had at some point unfastened his own jeans and zi to zipper I was too young to understand what was going on but I knew something was wrong and I remember saying something about my daddy not being happy about this to him he was in the middle of trying to tell me that he had asked my
dad if he could do this with me and my dad said that it was okay when suddenly I hear my dad yelling and stomping down the stairs and man was he absolutely Furious none of you know where she is he was was saying last time any of you kids saw her was in the basement with that guy I jumped off the couch one more time as my dad was making an appearance in the stairway he took one look at me and one look at this 24-year-old man who had been alone with me for who knows
how long and just said calmly you and expletives before charging at him punching him in the face dragging him back up from the floor by his neck my dad had one arm around his throat while he used the other to point in his face while screaming at him he was screaming I knew it I knew it over and over again he was also screaming that's my daughter over and over again when suddenly my dad had his two older brothers and my step cousin's dad on his back pulling him off of this guy I remember that
they ended up ripping my dad's shirt off of him because my dad just wouldn't let go and he wouldn't stop screaming that he was going to kill him finally he looked around the room and said said I'm done with you all of you how dare you and he then said let's go baby before scooping me up and taking me to my car seat we drove off and we quickly stopped at the gas station I remember my dad wiping something from his eyes I remember him apologizing to me for letting me go off on my own
and asking me if he scared me although Aunt a stayed with his creepy father and remains married to him today the step cousin was never invited to another family function again my dad and I did not see or speak to that side of my family for 6 years and it was never the same again remember guys it's not always strangers you have to look out for it's actually the people that are closest to you that are sometimes the most dangerous several years ago a friend and I went on a multi-day hiking trip during winter while
preparing for the trip I found a forum dedicated to the trail that we'd be hiking and several threads about people going missing on it most of the members blame the hikers themselves saying they were most likely inexperienced wouldbe adventurers who had went off Trail and gotten lost there was one old man on the Forum who claimed that he completed the trail once a year for the past 50 or so years and he believed that there was something more Sinister Behind These disappearances naturally the other members laughed at him but we set off Before Sunrise to
get as many miles in as possible on the first day that entire day we only met one other person a friendly middle-aged man who lived somewhat locally he seemed impressed though that we were taking on the trail in Winter and even invited us to camp near his property but we declined and pressed on that night we were surprised surprised by some pretty dangerous terrain around the edge of a lake and took the decision to sleep in our bivy sacks under an overhanging Rock not exactly ideal camping conditions but given the potential hazards we felt that
this was the smartest choice now I don't sleep well at the best of times in a bivy sack and if you've ever been zipped into one you'll know how claustrophobic it can feel the rock hanging over my head didn't help either but a few hours after I did eventually manage to fall asleep but I woke suddenly to the sound of my friend shouting and swearing at me I popped my head out of my bivvy and saw that he was still sipped inside of his and had somehow gotten off the relatively level ground that we had
been sleeping on and was slowly sliding down towards the lake I quickly got up and dragged him with great effort back up to the level ground he was absolutely furious with me claiming that he' felt me drag him but soon calmed down and accepted that he'd most likely roll over repeatedly in his sleep we didn't go back to sleep that night and instead had some coffee and breakfast while waiting for the sun to come up when we did set off it started to rain heavily and didn't stop for almost the whole day I was also
having some trouble with an old injury in my leg which slowed us down considerably the sun seemed to disappear rather suddenly near the top of a deceptively Steep Hill as well so we set up camp there and then this time in a tent after the rough couple of days we were grateful to be inside of a tent and the ground underneath us was actually not too bad as well we talked and joked about the trip so far and for some reason I remember my friend expressing his disappointment that he'd forgotten to pack his iPad and
then we tried to sleep soon after though I began to hear what sounded like human footsteps I thought to myself surely there isn't anybody else out here climbing this hill at night the sound continued and the more intently I listened the more I became certain of what I was hearing I poked my head out of the tent and the sound suddenly stopped I got out to pee and I looked around but there wasn't a soul ins sight shortly after getting back into my sleeping bag the footsteps St it again but this time they started circling
our tent by this point I must admit that I was pretty frightened and I asked my friend are you hearing this and he responded Yes I am knowing that he'd been hearing them the entire time and sounded as freaked out as I did it genuinely terrified me we got out of the tent again and asked if anybody was there but again there was no one around and the sound had stopped instantly the footsteps around the tent continued for quite some time and we didn't sleep as soon as the sun came up we packed up our
things got off the trail and hiked to the nearest Village got a cab to the nearest town and we made our way home we've never been able to find a convincing explanation of what could have been causing the sound of the footsteps that night and my friend has since become a full-fledged missing person paranormal and conspiracy [Music] Enthusiast this was a few years ago in my old house around Halloween one day I a 43-year-old male was home alone in my house I have a wife three kids and a dog I'm in my basement cutting wood
and working when all of a sudden I hear thumping on the ceiling above me the first level floor it's rhythmic and almost perfectly in beat I'm a handyman and do a lot of my own fixing and know the usual sound houses make this was not usual I start to follow the thumping around the first floor it's as if someone or something is walking around I call out my wife's name no answer my kids no answer just soft moaning that is getting louder with the thumb thumps my dog is with me in the basement and following
the sound with me with his tail straight up completely silent this was weird too because I have a very loud and sort of jumpy dog I then slowly follow the thumping to the steps and I hear a weak old woman's voice calling for Jimmy not my name but my name does start with a j over and over ignoring my hellos she keeps walking around around my first floor calling out moaning and thumping I grab my dog by the collar and leave out the basement door and walk around the outside of my house it's worth noting
too that I've had a lot of weird Supernatural things happen in my life especially around Halloween for some weird reason but I could feel that this was different very different I go up the street and there's a younger couple calling out for someone let's say Nancy for the the sake of this I go up to them and say are you Jimmy the young guy looks at me with simultaneous relief and confusion across his face he tells me that that's his dad's name but he passed years ago turns out Nancy was his mom with some kind
of mental issue she snuck out of her house up the road her family lived in my house before we did didn't know that and she was having some kind of an episode went looking for her husband in her home home oh and um also she had a wooden leg I don't know the story but that was the thumping we got her home safely and I also double checked my doors from that point on but I'm actually really glad that I didn't go up there because who knows how she might have reacted with me a stranger
allegedly being in her house [Music] so I genuinely have no clue why I haven't said anything about this yet considering so much weird stuff happens in my life but this was probably one of the creepiest encounters that I've ever had and I feel lucky that I walked away so One Summer Night a few years ago I was out for a drive with a friend we decided to make a little late night stop in a nearby waterfall for a little bit of a smoke sesh since it was always super dead and really peaceful in the evenings
this specific time I didn't make it anywhere near the waterfall but as we were getting out of the car I a 19-year-old female at the time really had to pee now I used to go to this waterfall very often and I know that area like the back of my hand even in the dark so I went and found a spot where it was too dark for me to see more than maybe 2 feet in front of me I tried to stay as close to the Forest exit as possible without being seen by a semi busy
road the entire time I was up there I absolutely know that I was being watched but very closely I ended up getting out of there as fast as I possibly could jumping in the car and locking the doors that entire time I could feel someone's eyes digging into me like daggers though I was genuinely ready to be grabbed what confirmed I was definitely being watched happened when I got back to the car and I saw a kid run across the street directly up to where I was he came from nowhere too a literal cliff on
one side and hence the waterfall and I could genuinely only describe him as the little boy from The Jungle Book clothing and all I get majorly weird Vibes every time that I go there now that I've never ever got before it still has a weird feeling in the day and I genuinely don't know how this happened so quickly here a kid would have had to have scaled a large cliff and mve moved at a super super high speed I'm going with the most logical explanation in my city which is people living in the woods with
possible ulterior motives but at this point I'm not ruling anything out this was by far the weirdest and creepiest encounter that I've had in a long time that I recall and it has honestly just kind of stuck with me I hate going to this waterfall now which absolutely sucks because it's so close to my house and it's it's really gorgeous but I don't know I just get the weirdest Vibes when I go there now also just before anything else is said I know how stupid this was but I was 19 and I'm stubborn and all
and so nothing would have talked me out of peeing in a place where I need a flashlight safe to say though that I have not been back to that part of the park since it has taken me many years to tell this story out of both fear and embarrassment but I share this today as more than simple therapy for myself but also as a warning to all people be careful who you might meet on social media so in 2018 my ex-husband and I were at the end of a very tumultuous marriage he and I had
been polyamorous for about 3 years before before I met this guy his name was jez I met jez on OK cubert I was 28 and he was 42 we hit it off very quickly after a few weeks of talking I agreed to meet up with him at a restaurant close to my house we sat and talked for a few hours before I invited him over to meet my husband things went very well too and they seemed to get along so jez and I started dating this guy too completely swept me off my feet jez was
sweet and caring he enthusiastically listened to every little thing of my mind engaged and validated me over and over again he absolutely revered me for my strength and wisdom he practically worshiped me for all that I was and all that I was becoming he showered me with gifts flowers and random Good Deeds just to make me feel safe wanted and cared for I had never been in a relationship that felt quite like that it was wonderful it was as though we had been looking for each other for years after the first few weeks we had
a meltdown over my polyamorous nature he pulled the plug because he said that he was already falling for me and couldn't handle sharing me I stood my ground and accepted this boundary and the fact that I would have to let him go I left that night sad but confident that I had done the right thing for the both of us that next week he sent me flowers and a card to my workplace begging for another chance and reassuring me that he would rather try than not and end up regretting it and even though it was
scary he wanted to take his journey with me so we continued dating and it was really wonderful long nights we spent awake talking sharing laughing love making and planning we went places and did things that I'd always wanted to do then in the deepest most intimate moments when we would just sit in silence he would grip my hand to his face and solidarity and astonishment asking where I've been all this time our time together was effortless we fit together like puzzle pieces by August of 2018 my marriage had ended and by no fault of jazzers
and by October my husband had moved out I was an Elise at the time and knew that I couldn't afford the place on my own so finding a roommate was essential I had no support system to fall back on nor did anyone else that I know need a place at the time so jez offered to move in even then I was hesitant I mean we'd only been together about 4 months and I knew everything always changes when you move in with a partner but despite my hesitation I agreed I mean he was wonderful to me
so how bad could it be but boy I was not prepared for the change that was to come it was literally like night and day jez suddenly became a different person he was extremely controlling jealous and lazy nothing like the person that I thought I'd met and the way that he treated me progressively got worse and worse hanging out with friends became a burden if not impossible because he would blow up my phone guilting me about leaving him alone or not involving him in some way yet when I tried to it was also treated as
a burden and inconvenience is he would huff and puff his way through even the concept of leaving space for anyone but ourselves in December of 2018 we intended my work Christmas party I'd given him the option whether he wanted to go or not it was really neither here nor there for me especially because I had already learned that he really didn't do well if he felt pressured into social situations but I opened the invitation to him because he had expressed to me over and over that it was important for him that he was involved in
my social life for the full month he knew about it he insisted that he wasn't going I took it as him being introverted and didn't push the issue I let him know that I would make sure that he felt welcomed if he decided to go but not to feel obligated so I was surprised when he changed his mind at the last minute and insisted on going and even more stunned when we went and he actively acted as though he didn't want to be there everyone there was incredibly welcoming and included him in the festivities and
conversation however he still practically grumbled the entire night about the whole thing mumbling insults and critiquing every little part of the party under his breath as though being there was absolutely awful to have to endure no one really seemed to notice the low- whispering insults and gripes at one point after a couple of glasses of wine my direct manager leaned into JZ and started started praising him she and I were very close therefore she was intimately familiar with what I had gone through with my ex-husband I'm so so happy she's with you she bleeded through
wine happy you have been absolutely transformative for her it's so nice to see her finally happy and appreciate it without missing a beat jez grimaced at the comment and quickly snapped back you don't know me I honestly didn't believe my ears it was one of of those moments where time sort of stops and you just know that you couldn't have heard that correctly I sat Brewing on it for a minute before another light-hearted interaction with jez prompted him to suddenly snap at me through gritted teeth stop it this triggered me and I lost it I
pulled him outside and asked him what the problem was I called out his behavior and told him that if he was going to act that way then he could just leave that if he didn't want to be there he should have stayed home he ended up sort of giving a half apology and we went back inside and finished the party I remember the drive home that night staring out of the dark window at nothing in particular in worried silence I might have messed up was my only thought through the entire drive this all started out
slow of course like waving me away or invalidating my experiences and ideas due due to my age that I was just dramatizing my experiences because I was young Etc the man who 6 months prior had validated me my trauma and experiences to the ends of the Earth now every time I started a story or tried to share anything even trying to plan out meals for the week he would openly show annoyance as though I was violating his time and attention before I knew it he was snapping at me over every little thing if I asked
how his day was or talked about my day he would aggressively shut it down why do you always ask me that I don't want to talk shop at home I really don't care about your work it's work before I knew it I couldn't even bring him a plate of breakfast without being snapped at it was almost as though he was sort of I don't know like testing me when jez and I first started dating he flat out refused to talk about most of all of his exes he refused to name them or discuss any of
the issues or Lessons Learned they didn't matter he claimed they weren't in his life for a reason it was the same reasoning he also used in reference to my more recent exes talking about them including my own ex-husband may as well have become off limits anytime I brought up either of our exes he would become incredibly agitated belittling and just overall very aggressive I took this as both an age Gap issue as I have a tendency to dwell as well as insecurity and a threat to the life that we were trying to build however after
he moved in and this hot button topic had been established several times he would bring up his exes and how they looked telling me on more than one occasion that he would have never dated me back in the day and that I was lucky he lowered his standards I didn't even really know what to say to this to be honest I would laugh it off and shove it in my back pocket noted I guess he then started bringing up my looks and accusing me of catfishing him I had stopped taking care of myself due to
the isolation and had also put on some weight so most of the clothes that I had once felt great in no longer fit and since jez had also been dishonest with me about his financial position he was always needing extra money here and there leaving me broke almost all of the time a horrible tragedy happened that following summer while jez and I were together I received notice that a good friend I went to art school with actually deleted himself while tripping on LSD that whole class was devastated he was without contest the best photographer of
our class and one of the most kind-hearted individuals that I'd ever had the pleasure of knowing also as someone who was familiar with LSD I was rocked jez however was far from supportive he pretty much immediately Shrugged it off as that's life I guess that's what you get when you mess around with LSD I was baffled at such an unsympathetic response and even more later when jez started to interrogate me about my relationship with this guy asking the last time it was that I had even talked to this friend you don't even know this guy
anymore who cares I broke up with him the first time after he called me at work raging I was busy so I wasn't able to answer right away but once I was finally able to answer I was met with intense anger it was storming and one of my dogs was having an anxiety attack due to the storm and separation anxiety this wasn't the first time and he was well aware of what she needed in those moments why aren't you answering my calls you answer when I call you I don't care where you are he went
on for a few minutes calling me a terrible girlfriend and laying into me over my sudden distance and lack of communication while I was at work at this point though I was done and I just lost it I tore into him over everything especially causing problems for me at work that being in my life is a privilege and that if he's going to wake up every day acting like he hates me then I don't know what on Earth he's even doing with me I told him that I expected him to get his things and leave
he was always threatening to go back to his old roommates where there was still a room I didn't want him there anymore when I got home and we could coordinate times for him to come and get the rest he flatly refused suddenly victimizing himself claiming that he had nowhere to go how dare you make me fall in love with you how dare you take me to your father and then dump me my manager and her husband ended up following me home that evening because she was actually concerned for my safety and had offered to let
me stay with her for a few days I will never forget the scene that I walked into though it was like Theon gr Joy begging for his life my boss stood next to me watching as this 42-year-old man crawled on his knees before me begging for mercy and communication at one point wrapping his arms around my legs crying into them I can't believe this is happening she's the love of my life you know that he cried to my boss I couldn't believe what I was witnessing this was the antithesis of the heartless person that I'd
been spending my days with I shook him off and went to the back of the House gathering enough of my things to get me through the next few days as well as any and all valuables that I could think of it did take a few days but after about a week jez started blowing up my phone apology after apology suddenly he was the man that I met Again full of humility and self-awareness he acknowledged the awful way that he had treated me and sent me walls and walls of wellth thought out messages psychoanalyzing his own
behavior where it comes from and the ways that he knows it needs to be changed and so I took him back like a dumb and desperate girl I took him back it wasn't long into the second round though that he started to guilt me over the breakup my Panic had damaged his relationship with people in my life and he made sure that I knew that it was my responsibility to fix it it wasn't long after this that my car ended up breaking down at a gas station close to home there was a very nice couple
in the vehicle next to me that came to my rescue and checked things out under my hood the gentleman turned out to be a mechanic for a living so he had a pretty good theory about what could potentially be going on by this time I had already attempted to contact jez to let him know what was going on and where I was and it wasn't long until he got off work and so he told me to sit tight and he would be there shortly meanwhile this sweet couple stayed put and kept me company while I
waited jez barreled in about maybe 15 minutes later completely ignoring the couple that had helped me touching Bass the gentleman handed me a slip of paper with a name and a phone number on it reviewing what he thought was going on with my car before jez buted in cutting him off saying I said she's fine he snapped I could see the woman out of the corner of my eye slink away at this comment and get into the passenger seat of their car I could feel the sudden tension like maybe she's been there before the gentleman
didn't move and shifted his attention to me as jez walked into the store I could see that he was clearly concerned uh you okay he asked in a low almost whisper you don't have to answer that but if if you need anything he looked down at the number in my hand and nodded to it seriously with that he got into the driver's seat of his car and he drove away I've thought about that couple countless times since that night but everything went right back to the way that it was before as though the initial breakup
never even happened the same eggshells the same belittling if anything it was worse in fact because I had permanently damaged our relationship if I had just not been so dramatic if I didn't run away from everything then maybe he wouldn't have to work so hard for respect in my life one night we got into an argument I don't really even remember what it was about but I had to be up early for work the next morning so I paused the argument in order to get some sleep when I went to lay down I heard the
TV on I have a sound bar so the volume can get pretty loud Jazz proceeded to turn the volume volume up and up and up far past any volume that I ever pushed those same speakers to even for parties the very walls were reverberating with the sound of the TV at astronomical volumes jez then started laughing hysterically it was a a laughter manic with anger as though something might be funny on TV but he might also jump through a window right now I remember laying in bed absolutely horrified at what was happening I mean I
knew things had gotten bad but this now I was scared I got out of bed and asked him to turn it down to which he responded scoffing I'll watch TV if I want to and turned it up even louder to be honest it was at this point that it suddenly felt a bit like a horror movie I started crying begging him to please please just let me sleep and he started mocking me and calling me names for crying like poor baby is crying again that your hard isn't it crying this caused the fight to start
again and he started screaming at me followed me to my bedroom where he suddenly punched a door not 2 Ines from my head his eyes were suddenly black too and he looked me in the eye sending the clear unsympathetic and hostile message that that was a warning and next time he wouldn't miss my whole system had shut down at this point and I sunk to the floor in a panic attack my ex-husband had issues with violence jez knew that all of our rentals prior to that one had holes and walls and doors peppered throughout our
unit due to my ex-husband's inability to handle his emotions but he never hit me or even came close to it I crumbled to the ground feeling powerless trapped and Afraid as my thoughts continued to race he continued to berate and mock my panicked State most of our argument from that night was a blur to be honest but ended abruptly once he threatened to put my social security number on the dark web at this point all that was left for me to do was fight and I blacked out went ballistic screaming at him to get out
I felt rabid dangerous as I screamed like a banshee for him to leave my home it was over and I was ending it that second I contacted my landlord and explained what had been going on jez would also end up contacting her weaving his own tail that I was moving out and tried to have the lease transferred into his name luckily since I was several steps ahead of him my landlord didn't fall for it and contacted me immediately she even personally came and changed my locks for me gave me the personal contact of a police
officer close by in case he showed up again and took half off my rent for the next month I am forever grateful to her for these simple acts of kindness that were above and beyond anything that I would ever expect from a landlord it truly was a kind thing to do but it took weeks for him to stop messaging me the only reason why I didn't block him was out of fear that he would show up at my house although I had contacts for protection I knew that I would r rather get a daily apology
video than have to deal with him on my doorstep so they persisted for a while the same act from before the love buming the promises grasping its straws trying to find the weak spot where I would let him back in but this time I ignored it it continued for weeks before he finally gave up he bowed out gracefully stating boldly that he will always love me I LIF him on read the illusion was destroyed at this point it took me several years to pick up the pieces if my divorce wasn't enough then this definitely made
me lose trust in myself but to be honest I still don't really understand what the end game was in fact in one of our last discussions I asked him desperately what happened to the guy that I fell in love with jez looked me dead in the eye smirked really creepily and said that guy doesn't exist I told you what I had to tell you in order to get you away from your husband you're just stupid and fell for it so before I start retelling this particular experience I want to preface it by giving my reason
for sharing it so this happened some years back and I've always been quick to just kind of push it off and try to forget about it but a conversation that I had recently inspired me to write my story out so people with more experience of the Paranormal or supernatural phenomena might tell me what I witnessed if anything this all takes place in Northwestern Montana during the late Autumn of 2009 when I was 17 I moved out of my parents and in with a coworker who I'll call John in his trailer we got along well at
work and we'd been part of the same weekly D and group for a while it was actually one of the better roommate situations I've ever had in terms of compatibility and we became close friends during this time as well we were roommates until shortly after I turned 18 and some personal stuff happened with my family and I ended up moving back in with them for a while at least so I could help them cover some bills it took about 3 months for that situation to stabilize and I called this friend up about moving back out
there and this was the first time I remember feeling like something was off though it has been so long that I can't remember the details of the conversation just a sense of wrongness that lingered for a while after I'd hung up the phone the end result though was that I was welcome to move back in which I expected I waited for a day off and another friend who alcal Dave came to help me move Dave was another D and D power from a different group and we were figuring that we'd show up and talk on
into my on- shot session or something so we loaded up all my stuff and we drove out there and it was such a nightmare but from the very moment that John opened that door everything was just wrong I won't say John was a clean freak but he tried to maintain his space and he'd always insisted that we clean up for company when I was living with him and I stood there open mouth to see the thick layer of dust that just coated nearly everything and the longer I looked around the worse it got there was
a half-eaten plate of food turned to mold just sitting on the table both things in the kitchen were similarly moldy and the air in the trailer just stank even beyond what I'd expect for some moldy dishes I was extremely taken back by the state of the trailer but the state of my friend was even more shocking he worked at a bank and he'd always kept himself clean but now he just looked like a complete wreck he' lost weight his skin had unhealthy waxy looks to it his hair was overgrown and greasy and his body odor
was just terrible his smell was the first thing that made me think that there's something really off about this situation I've been playing DND D and doing other nerd stuff for a long time and I'm sorry to say that a lot of nerds don't have the best hygiene practices but short story is that I've been in the presence of some pretty pungent body odor in my life and this was not like that it was almost the sickly sweet smell of something dead but not quite I've never really smelled anything exactly like it before or even
since at this point during the encounter I'm at a general level of unease and I didn't have any desire to go into the trailer but John invites us and not wanting to be rude I go in at this point I'm thinking that something crazy happened while I was away John wasn't dating anyone so I'd figured that this was a depression resulting from heartbreak or something and we kept in touch okay after I first moved out and even when that fell off a bit I still heard from our mutual friends about the D and sessions that
he was attending so this was all just really weird regardless though despite having not heard anything about it obviously something had happened so standing there in this Dusty living room with Dave who was shooting me sideways looks the entire time I asked John if everything is all right after a full three seconds of Silence he assures me that everything is fine just that he doesn't try to explain the the state of his house or anything and we a yet he goes you guys can crash out here and just heads off to the back of the
house I'd always known him to be a diligent host so this was odd to say the least and although basically nothing was going as I expected or remembered up to this point him ditching Us in the living room of his nasty house was probably the least weird thing and now comes the part where I'm pretty glad that Dave was there to me this nasty trailer was my home I'd lived there for more than a year before my 3-month visit to my parents and I had a sense of belonging in the place which I think made
me oblivious to things that were obvious to Dave despite the state of things and being left alone by my friend I hadn't made any changes to the plan of living there i' had set my stuff down and started getting ready to do some cleaning but Dave stopped me and started pointing out things that I hadn't noticed up to this point the layer of dust was even and undisturbed across the entire living room and kitchen area except for the thin track from the front door to the hallway leading to the back of the trailer whispering to
me Dave says nothing in here has been used for a long time and really looking around I begin to realize that he's right the TV the computer the couch and the chairs the dining table with its rotten food he hasn't so much as laid a hand on any of it for a month or possibly longer Dave almost as if he's sneaking walks quietly into the kitchen to inspect the fridge he points out a few thick patches of dust on the flatter surfaces of the fridge but it's harder to tell here the frid's metal handle did
have some dust but it wasn't collected stepping past Dave I reach out with one finger and I po the fridge open and was gagging before I'd even open the door enough to trigger the interior light throwing my arm across my face and burying my nose in the crook of my elbow I open the fridge about halfway and it's just top to bottom with rotten food I step back after a second turning away and trying to suppress my urge to vomit after I take a moment to collect myself Dave draws my attention to a half gallon
of milk that he pulled out of the fridge indicating that it had expired 3 weeks prior personally I just wanted him to put everything back and close the fridge more or less done playing dust detective I basically Shug off everything up to this point clear some dust from the couch and get my laptop out and connect to the Wi-Fi but we'd always paid for the best Internet available but after a while Dave joins me and we played World of Warcraft for a bit eventually he tells me that he'll hang out for tonight because I'm his
right and taking him back to his place and driving back to the trailer was a 90minut round trip to be clear I would have taken him home anyway I wouldn't blame anyone for wanting to hang out in a room with a giant stack of moldy dishes in the sink and a fridge full of rotten food but we play games on the computer for the next few hours and John just never made a noise at one point Dave asked me where the bathroom was and I told him that it was at the far end of the
hallway next to John's bedroom a low level of unease had been present since John first entered the door and was becoming more apparent the longer that we stayed normally I don't walk with my friends to the bathroom but it seemed like the right thing to do at the time so away let Dave down the hall way flipping on the hallway light as we go and covering my fingers in the dust from the switch at this point I must admit that I was actually starting to get annoyed with everything I don't normally have bad seasonal allergies
but all the dust that we've been stirring up had my nose itchy and half plugged so on my way back down the hallway I think to myself that I'm going to point Dave into the bathroom and knock on John's bedroom door and confront him about the condition of the house but halfway down the hallway I realized that a hole in the floor outside the bathroom door a jagged edge hole through which you can clearly see the dirt and the cobwebs and shredded black plastic that used to cover insulation I sigh exasperated now with the weirdness
I point Dave into the bathroom and I walk to the end of the hallway where John's room is I wonder briefly if he's actually asleep as there's no light coming from under his door the sun was setting but it's getting dark pretty early this time of year annoyed I knocked loudly and after a few seconds I heard a grunt from inside the room I pop the door open and flip on the light and this is the point in time where it really starts to sink in for me how wrong this experience felt I take in
the room at a glance and it's much the same state as the rest of the house dust everywhere except for the track from the door to the nearest side of the bed the bed itself was terrible the blankets and pillows were stained a deep yellow almost black in places and John just laid on his bed with a thousand yard stair turned on the ceiling I instantly forget entirely why I even came to talk to John because looking directly at him I felt the beginnings of what I can only describe as a profound fear which even
at the time seemed like an odd feeling to have in that situation my sickly looking clearly depressed friend laying on his disgusting bed paying no attention to me at all I mean it was weird that I felt so scared John was not an intimidating guy short kind of chubby and babyfaced but in my gut I was just terrified of him I mumbled something about how I'd come to say good night and turned off the light and I shut the door I turned around to find Dave kneeling by the hole in the floor which as I
write this makes me wonder how long I stood in the doorway to John's room for if I had to estimate from where I left Dave to say good night to John only 15 seconds or so collapsed but he was already out of the bathroom which was weird as I approached Dave points at the edge of the hall and tells me the wood along the edge is Twisted upward as if the hole was made from below this part I wish I could confirm to be true I'm including it in my retelling of events because Dave did
say it to me but I did not take the time to inspect the edge of the hall myself because right then I was just at war with my own sense of fear that being in Jon's presence had sparked I just nodded to Dave and I said we should get back to the living room fast forwarding a bit now I kind of came to my senses once we were back in the living room area and I had reopened my laptop my sudden intense fear of John eased off and we played a few games for a few
more hours before Dave said that he wanted to rest his eyes but we shut everything down I chilled out in a recliner and Dave laid down on the couch positioned so that he could look down the hallway I was just too uneasy to sleep over all that night and after looking into John's room I had determined that I wouldn't be living here after all as much as I didn't really like living with my parents anymore it was preferable to whatever John had going on here quietly I told Dave that everything was just all wrong and
explained a bit how Jon as I knew him would never let anything get to this point we weighed out the possibilities a psychotic break or maybe drugs it occurred to me more recently that I should have considered the fact that he might have been seriously ill even these are all still possible explanations to this strange Behavior but my gut tells me that none of these are the answer after a while we laps into silence and at this point I'm just waiting for the sun to come up really starting to wonder why we haven't left already
when Dave motions with his hand to get my attention he kind of points towards the hallway and I turned my head slowly in the recliner to look and after perhaps 15 or so seconds of just staring hard into the darken hallway I hear a slight Creek from the darkness a little while and a few Creeks later I see Jon's dark and silhouette just standing just inside the hallway at the edge of the kitchen and that deep sense of fear just started to build in me again the only thing I can compare it to is once
when out hiking alone I ran right into a fairly decent sized bear going the opposite way on the trail I had bear spray on me which I didn't end up using at the time but it was a terrifying experience and if I'm being honest I've never really enjoyed hiking much since then just standing across from that monster of a bear with nothing between us awakened a terror in me so deep-seated that recalling the memory still gives me goosebumps alternatively I've been face to face with a lot of crazy people and felt no such Terror before
I wasn't Fearless when trying to avoid a knife wielding transient shouting gibberish at me but it was a human threat if that makes sense I realized that I've segue pretty hard for my retelling of events but I feel making this clear as Paramount because seeing John just lurking in the darkness of that hallway inspired in me a state of fear so powerful that I feel I have no choice but to look for unconventional answers as to what happened to my friend because the only thing comparable to that God feeling of dread that my short chubby
Babyface friend created in me was the time that I ran into one of the largest terrestrial Predators on the planet by myself on his home turf far and away from any help armed with nothing but a can of be spray there was something wrong and dangerous going on that I can't justify analytically but my instincts told me that I was in danger in a way that I'd never been prepared for but to fast forward to the end of this story but we lay there in silence while he looked in the hallway for hours when I
questioned Dave recently he tells me that it was at least 2 hours that JN just stood there allegedly just staring right at us eventually he crept back down the hallway to his bedroom and quietly and quickly we just got our stuff together and We snuck out to my car and we left I did a little bit of a followup with their mutual friends afterwards but got the same story from all of them one day he just stopped coming around and later I heard from someone who spoke to his parents that he called them and said
that he was leaving town and no one that I know has seen or heard from him since I've mostly tried to forget that it all happened for a while I'd have panic attacks when I thought about it I realized that nothing overtly paranormal took place but my gut tells me that something well out of the ordinary was taking place in that spot if any anyone has any insights I'd be happy to hear it and if you need any more details too I'll answer questions to the best of my ability and if you don't believe me
I don't blame [Music] you this morning at around 5 or 6 I woke up because I heard what sounded like feet shuffling on my carpet and I thought that it was my cat but when I opened my eyes I could vaguely see a a that was moving really unnaturally like its arms were kind of dangling in its sides and it had a a bounciness in its step it walked in front of me and then leaned to the side and tilted its head sideways like it was observing me I was a little scared but my room
was really dark so I just figured my eyes were playing tricks on me so I closed my eyes and I told myself that I'm fine and don't open them but I did and the figure was still there I quickly closed them again and this time I didn't open them but I kind of felt a weight on my mess like it was getting on my bed to get a closer look at me I freaked out and I pulled my blanket over my face then I felt the way to leave my bed but I still didn't remove
my blanket eventually I heard my mom leave her room to use the toilet and I finally got brave enough to look back at the figure but by then it was gone I know for a fact that it wasn't a dream because I could feel my heart beating and my mind was conscious and I was aware of my surroundings I would not have been alarmed by this at all if it weren't for the fact that I could actually hear feet moving across my carpet and I could feel some sort of weight on my bed like my
eyes trick me all the time I'll admit that but not my ears and never my sense of weight and definitely never all three together I couldn't see much of the figure but I could tell that it had long arms grayish skin and large black eyes it had a really tiny mouth that hung open almost as if it was dumbfounded by what it was seeing like it had never seen a person before or something I don't directly believe in the Supernatural but I do believe that there's a lot about our world that we as humans just
don't know and who knows somewhere in that vast expanse of abstract ideas that we're not aware of just yet there could be an explanation for what I saw and heard and felt but boy I wish I hadn't heard or felt anything because then I could have just passed this off as my eyes and brain just making things up anyway I'm sleeping with all my lights on tonight and I hope that it doesn't come [Music] back when I was in high school rumors flattered out clicks I mean first of all it's Louisiana so we have a
cultural tendency to be a bit more superstitious second of all I'm from an area in town where many tragedies have taken place we had a serial killer who used the RR tracks in our town to stalk his victims I live in the cotton fields and well we all know what took place there a young lady was murdered up the street by the swampy Lake that I enjoyed fishing at I'm youngish and a female by the way so I kind of kept an eye out but I never saw anything until this so I grew up with
guys as they were very few females in our area and my friend Kyle and I were going down a very secluded highway but we had a strange feeling because this particular Highway had a bit of a past it ran parallel to the tracks used by said serial killer Raphael Ramirez many people use the stretch of road to race completely isolated it's dark a bit spooky and on a stretch that leads to Nowhere really it had a history though of bad road conditions and tragic accidents as well Kyle and I had a weird feeling that night
and there was nothing to See For Miles just a two-lane Highway in the boonies we're jamming out and going along really not trying to focus on this strange feeling when a car approaches and it's almost as if it was in slow motion the dome light was on so we were curious I mean why is someone d driving down this road at this time of night with their dome light on strange but I have a look and huh when the car gets close and is about to pass us G the opposite way we realize that it's
a classic 1970s I think a a Nova it surely wasn't from our day and age and this picked our interest even more as we were really into cars as the car passed the female in the passenger side was leaning towards the male driver she was smiling and I actually commented about how cute that was they looked like they were really enjoying themselves maybe flirting and when I went to look back there was just nothing no tail lights no car no people there was nowhere to turn it was just a a straight highway but they had
just vanished it happened just so quickly and my friend and I said nothing for quite some time after my initial reaction that is but then we started talking and there have been quite a few fatal wrecks on that stretch of road I say to him did you notice a hairstyle because it looked way outdated I don't really know what to make of this I don't want to admit that we saw a couple who maybe passed away following a crash in the 70s but it seems like that's what the hell happened I've done my research too
and I can't find a thing about anything specific at least no details on the car or a young couple all I have is hearsay from locals and I will say this though they were smiling so I guess I can take some comfort in [Music] that I forgot that this ever happened to me until a few weeks ago when a few friends and I were talking about scary things from our childhoods one of my friends mentioned feeling like she was about to be kidnapped and this joged my memory and reminded me of an event that happened
when I was around 7 or 8 here's a little backstory though so I grew up in a very small town with virtually no crime everyone knew everyone my neighborhood was far away from any major roads or highways and my town was never very busy except for on the weekends due to it being a kind of small tourist attraction as a result even my protective parents felt comfortable letting me ride my bike over to my friend's house which was only about a block away one day I was coming back from my friend's house after spending nearly
the entire day there and I was directly next to my driveway when I saw a car driving towards me from the end of the road I noticed that it was on the wrong side of the street and as a result I stopped my bike and I stood with it unsure of what to do I mean I didn't want to get hit but I also didn't think that I had enough time to get onto my driveway so I'm just stopped then the car stopped directly next to me and a flustered looking woman got out under any
other circumstances I would have thought that she looked kind and trustworthy but I was already getting a bad feeling in my stomach so I was sort of freaking out internally she then told me something along the lines of oh my goodness I lost my dog can you help me find him as I already mentioned my parents were protective so I had definitely been taught about certain things that people might tell you if they want you to come with them by now I had also noticed the man who was driving the car who definitely looked less
nice and trustworthy than the woman did as I mentioned too everyone in my town knew everyone and I didn't recognize either of these people I had the feeling that something was just very wrong so I got onto my bike and I just rode like hell up the driveway but the woman followed me up about halfway but then she turned and ran back to the car and said something to the guy they both drove away and I was just left in my garage I never told my parents about this because I was afraid that they wouldn't
let me go over to my friend's house anymore because it was too dangerous or something like that but I had to tell more people about this besides just two friends so I thought that I would share it here with you [Music] guys this happened in the year 2000 I was 21 living with my best friend in a two-bedroom apartment in a pretty rundown area fortunately there was no crime as it was all to broke kids just getting started could afford I spent my days juggling classes at the local community college and just working retail I
was single at the time and would often spend my time online all night just on chat rooms and usset I had met this girl too in a local area chat room and we'd been hitting it off well so it seemed might email her and we chat on IQ she had sent me a few pictures and I was really into her she was pretty with a thick curvy body which was pretty much my type her name was Beth and she had told me Beth by KISS was her favorite song so this one R night in February
we were talking and she had asked me to come over she lived a few Towns over maybe an hour away like I said earlier we were hitting it off and honestly I found myself liking Beth a lot and so I jumped at the chance to actually meet her in person we made plans for me to pick her up and go to the Waffle House I showered and got dressed nothing too fancy one of those long sleeve shirts with a stripe across the chest jeans hoodie I didn't want to overdo it but still looked decent by
the time that I left it was almost 11: and my roommate was asleep in his room I headed out excited and kind of nervous in hindsight though I really should have just stayed home it took a lot longer to get there than I thought it would probably thanks to the rain but sure enough her directions took me right to her place it was a double wide trailer in a rural area trailer park I walked up the stairs at the front porch and I knocked on the door I've always been pretty shy when talking to girls
that I liked and I was still nervous when she opened the door the door opened just a little and a little voice told me to come in I walked in apologizing for taking so long in a little bit of a nervous days she said that was okay and to have a seat so I sat on the couch and then for the first time as I looked up and at her I noticed that that was not Beth this much older woman maybe in her 40s wearing only a bathrobe sat down across from me now I don't
want a body shame but I need to point out that she was huge I'm a big guy over 6ot with a big hos type body and she was much bigger than me me I'm a big guy over 6ot with a big hos type body and she was much bigger than me I glanced around trying to figure out what was going on I saw pictures of the Beth that I knew on the wall the same pictures that I'd seen during IQ and hey who's that guy in the pictures with this older woman I looked back at
her and instantly noticed that she was staring at the clock nervously I asked what was going on and she started mumbling nervously actually imagine a child telling you what they done when in trouble that's how she was talking like a child caught red-handed I piece together that she used the other pictures of a girl around my age I'm assuming the girl was a niece or something and in her mumbling she said that it was later than she realized and he'd be home soon my mind instantly raised to a friend telling me that his uncle caught
his wife using pictures of their daughter to lure younger guys over for anonymous sex I quickly realized too that the guy in the pictures was her husband and I was in that very same situation I fully respect others relationships and at this point I was instantly ready to go I was no longer nervous and I just told her straight up that I wasn't going to mess around with a married woman I told her to no longer contact me and that I was leaving I was pretty pissed I mean not only had I been lied to
but I'd been cheated on before and I know exactly what that felt like and refused to have a part in doing that to another person as I walked out the door onto the porch she yelled wait I turned around instinctively to see her coming towards me and she grabbed me and started trying to kiss me I pushed her away and I told her to stop and then her face just turned into a mask of pure Insanity as she rushed towards me once again trying to kiss me I tried to hold her back but in a
second she tackled me knocking me over with her falling on top of me she kept grabbing at me grabbing at my private parts kissing me and crying like a baby she kept screaming for me to do her and I was trying to push her off but the fall had knocked the wind out of me not to mention like I said she was huge I kept wrestling with her trying my best and somehow worked my legs in between us I pushed them up as hard as I could knocking her off me and she stumbled up and
fell over on her porch furniture adrenaline took over and I just ran as fast as I could down the stairs and straight to my car as I was sliding into my seat I saw her picking herself up at the bottom of the stairs she must have fallen down them trying to get me still and I backed down the driveway and as I looked back before driving away she was coming down the driveway too her bathrobe was hanging half off of her her naked body was exposed and covered with scratches and dirt from her Falls and
whatnot I just drove off as fast as my Ford Escort would take me to this day I still don't know how I didn't get into a wreck from constantly looking in the rearview mirror hoping that she wasn't following me but I found my way back to the main road and before long realized that I had went the wrong way I pulled into the first gas station intending to turn around I noticed that nobody was following me and the gas station was well lit and had a few cars in it I felt safe and so I
parked trying to get myself together after that insane scuffle and honestly I still find it hard to believe just how scared I was if you would have seen that face and been through that tackle you'd understand but I collected myself and I got out of the car to use the bathroom and make sure that I wasn't hurt the adrenaline was wearing off and random pain started creeping in and it was then that I noticed that the gas station was uphill overlooking that trailer park I could still see her standing at the bottom of the driveway
and it looked like she was holding her head just crying at first I kind of felt bad for her I mean I'm a nice person to a fault I've often let myself get sucked into bad situations by feeling bad for a person that I shouldn't have and I saw this crazy person crying and I just felt bad but then I remembered all of her crazy stuff and the pain creeping in making me wonder if she seriously hurt me so I used the bathroom and I left as I was getting back in my car I looked
back one more time and I saw a car in the driveway way and a man was yelling in the front yard I guess that he must have got home while I was peeing I can't imagine what it would be like coming home to your wife standing naked in the driveway just crying like that judging by her mumbling before the insanity I figure that she wasn't a good liar either I got home the next day and told my roommate what happened I didn't want to At first I felt ashamed for some reason though like I said
he was my best friend and he knew immediately when something was was wrong not to mention that I was limping around anyway and my entire body was killing me and he figured that she was just unhappy in a marriage and maybe her screwing around made her a little crazy or maybe she already was crazy and the situation just set her off maybe she was on drugs or something I don't know but I cut off all contact and it's been almost 20 years since that night I've never seen or heard from Beth again and I'm 41
now and I'm happily married my best friend is still my best friend even though he no longer lives in the state we never really talk about it though outside of this I've only talked about it to a therapist that I visited during a particular hard time in my life as well my wife doesn't know and I still feel pretty ashamed about it the therapist told me that it was probably a form of a little bit of PTSD type thing or something not to mention the guilt from perceived gender roles maybe but who knows in the
end I got away and I'm thankful for that but it certainly could have gone a whole lot different
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