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JoutJout Prazer
não sei quanto a você, mas sempre falta um trocinho. às vezes falta muita coisa, às vezes só uma coi...
Video Transcript:
Jout Jout family. I've received a book. This one here.
I'd like to read it for you. The book's name is "The Missing Piece", psychoanalysts cry, right? By Shel Silverstein And so I would like to read it, because if you haven't read it yet I don't even know what to say So, as I don't know what to say, I'm gonna read and then we see what we say Let's go inside of it.
The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein. He illustrated and wrote this book. It seems.
Translation by Alípio Correia de Franca Neto. Publishing house: Companhia das Letras. It's a children's book, right?
As we can see Cataloging sheet. I know this because I've worked on a publisher house for a while. Here, it says: 'It was missing a piece.
And he wasn't happy. ' 'So it set off in a search for its missing piece. ' 'And as it rolled sang this song-' "Oh, I'm looking for my missing piece I'm looking for my missing piece Hi-dee-hoo, here I go, Looking for my missing piece.
" 'Sometimes it baked in the sun' Here we can see a. . .
a sweat. 'But then the cool rain would come down' 'And sometimes it was frozen by the snow' 'But then the sun would come and warm it again' What a life, huh? Life is like this.
'And because it was missing a piece' 'It couldn't roll very fast, so it would stop to talk to a worm' 'Or smell a flower' 'And sometimes it would pass a beetle' Can you guys see here a beetle? Can they see the things? 'And sometimes the beetle could pass it' Right?
Sometimes the beetle pass you. 'And this was the best time of all' Butterfly. Can you see a butterfly here?
And this was. . Look, look how happy it was.
This was the best time of all. 'And on it went, over oceans. ' "Oh, I'm looking for my missing piece, Over land and over seas.
So grease my knees and fleece my bees, I'm looking for my missing piece. " He sang. 'Through swamps and jungles, up mountains' 'And down mountains' Are you recognizing things from this book?
'Until one day, lo and behold' ' "I've found my missing piece", it sang' Here, look. ' "I've found my missing piece, So grease my knees and fleece my bees, I've found the missing p- "Wait a minute" said the piece. "Before you go greasing your knees and fleecing your bees.
. . " "I'm not your missing piece" "I'm nobody's piece.
I'm my own piece. "And even if I was somebody's missing piece, I don't think I'd be yours'' This little f*ck here. This tiny f*ck said this.
Look at its -_- face "Oh! " it said sadly, "I'm sorry to have bothered you" 'And rolled on' Caio (the guy who is filming the video and interacting to her) is tense. You can't see but he is there like this And the missing piece, that it thought it was the right one said "I'm no one's part.
I'm great here by myself. '' And it stayed there. 'It found another piece' 'But this one was too small' See?
Too small. 'And this one was too big' 'This one a little too sharp' 'And this one was too square' 'One time it seemed to have found the perfect piece' 'But it didn't hold it tightly enough' then what happened? 'And lost it.
' Lost it. It didn't hold it tightly enough. 'Another time it held too tightly' 'And it broke' Look.
'So on and on it rolled' 'Having adventures, falling into holes' That hole you don't even know how to get out of. How do you get outta here? Sometimes we don't know.
It's on the rock bottom drinking in glut gluts 'And bumping into stone walls' 'And one day it came upon another piece that seemed to be just right' Look here. Look at its face. F*ck, the last time wasn't too good.
But let's go. ' "Hi," it said. "Hi" said the piece.
' "Are you anybody else's missing piece? " "Not that I know of" "Well, maybe you want to be your own piece? " Pay attention to this dialogue.
I'll read it again. "Well, maybe you want to be your own piece? " "I can be someone's and still be mine" Look.
"Well, maybe you don't want to be mine" "Maybe I do" "Maybe we won't fit. . .
" "Well" they testing it. Maybe it won't fit. Really?
Let's see. "Hummm? Ummmm!
" "It fit! It fit perfectly! " "At last!
At last! " 'And away it rolled and because it was now complete, it rolled faster and faster. Faster than it had ever rolled before!
' 'So fast that it could not stop to talk to a worm, or smell a flower ' 'Too fast for a butterfly to land' I feel like crying. 'But it could sing its song' Wait a minute. I need some time.
(Caio) Imagine if it was the teacher reading for the kids 'But it could sing its happy song, at last it could sing' 'I've found my missing piece' I guess I've never cried in front of a camera before. 'And it began to sing- "I've frown my nizzin' geez" it's written like this "I've frown my nizzin' geez, Uf vroun my mitzin' brees" "So krease ny meas, an bleez ny drees. .
'' He can't sing, understand? Because its mouth is full. 'Oh my, now that it was complete it could not sing at all' ' "Aha," it thought.
"So that's how it is! " 'So it stopped rolling. .
. ' 'And it set the piece down gently' 'And slowly rolled away' 'And as it rolled it softly sang-' "Oh I'm lookin' for my missin' piece" "I'm lookin' for my missin' piece. Hi-dee-ho" "Here I go, lookin' for my missin' piece" (Caio): What is that thing flying over there?
A butterfly. See? The butterfly.
That he thought It was the best part I'm gonna give you some time to digest it. Did you hear it? Could they see the illustrations, Caio?
(Caio) Yes, yes. I don't know what to do with this book. I wanna give this book to all people I know.
With a special dedication for each one. Guys, seriously. Do you wanna take a decision Do you wanna move on with something that you've already decided and yo're not sure about it Do you want.
. . .
to live Do you want to live? Anyhow? Like this 'I wanna live, with joy.
' It's read. I read the full book. I don't even know if it's forbidden.
Is it? Is it like showing a full song? Ok.
Companhia das Letrinhas (publisher house) I hope that, I don't know, everyone buy the book I don't know if I'm infringing laws here. But, there's always something missing. And you find it, and then it's missing again.
Then it breaks. Then it let go. Loses it.
Then find it. Then it goes missing. Then find and miss it.
Then miss and find it. Find and doesn't miss. But after that, miss it.
And then miss, and doesn't find it. And can't find it and find it. And miss.
And that's it. It will missing. And the it won't anymore.
And it does again. And that's it. My previous psychologist, He used to say that I had a problem with the missing.
Because I always had a little empty hole that I had to fill and fill all of them 'Oh, there's always something missing, I have to fill it' And unfill here, I was like "No I have to fill all the little holes'' And the you don't fill the lil holes. And you have to. .
, said that you're a human being, You have to know how to deal with the missings. Because there's always something missing Sometime, it will miss. It will, you know?
Sometimes you can fill it, but, then it lacks later. Or sometimes other thing is missing, you filled that but this one is missing This one was filled, then unfilled it You know? Then, life is this big filling and not filling littles holes that are missing.
The it miss, then it doesn't. So, my psychologist said I had a problem with missing. And then, indeed, he's right, And then, this book hit me so hard.
I'll get this tattooed (Caio) The thing? Alone? Or with the butterfly?
Or with what? I don't know. Now it's gonna be more 3 years deciding.
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