Evolution of Open World Games 1984-2023

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Evolution of Open World Games 1984-2023 1984 Elite 1985 Mercenary 1986 Turbo Esprit 1987 Sid M...
Video Transcript:
1984 elite 1985 mercenary 1986 turbo e-spirit 1987 sid meier's pirates 1989 vet 1990 terminator [Music] 1991 hunter [Music] 1993 frontier elite two [Music] 1994 quarantined [Music] 1996 the elder scrolls ii daggerfall [Music] [Music] 1997 grand theft auto [Music] 1998 missourino falls 1999 urban chaos situation under control rookie get that gun back here 2 000 uh are you all right i'm just fine and dandy are you sure i'm okay 2001 grand theft auto 3. [Music] [Applause] 2002 mafia [Music] 2003 lineage 2. [Music] 2004 grand theft auto san andreas come on cj you can't keep up with the fact man moving cj you're embarrassing us [ __ ] 2004 world of warcraft 2005 need for speed most wonderful 2006 the elder scrolls iv oblivion [Music] 2007 stalker shadow of chernobyl 2008 grand theft auto 4.
[Music] 2008 fallout 3. [Music] 2009 prototype [Music] 2010 just cause two 2010 red dead redemption 2010 mafia 2. [Music] [Music] take me to my place vito i need a [ __ ] drink that was uh it was [ __ ] up huh yeah i don't want to talk about it just get me back to my place would you all right 2011 minecraft [Music] [Music] [Music] 2011 l.
a noire but [Music] 2011 the elder scrolls 5 skyrim 2012 sleeping dogs 2012 far cry 3. 2013 saints row 4. 2013 grand theft auto 5.
[Music] nice ride 2013 assassin's creed iv black flag 2014 infamous second son 2014 sunset overdrive you got it wrong the whole thing was an accident the fiscal execs were so worried about competition they rushed overcharged through government testing they [ __ ] up and now they'll do whatever they can to protect their stock price we're not getting out of this city alive are we 2015 the witcher 3 wild hunt [Applause] 2015 dying light [Music] 2016 tom clancy's the division 2016 no man's sky 2016 watch dogs too i'm in trouble here [Music] [Music] 2017 horizon zero dawn 2017 the legend of zelda breath of the wild [Music] 2017 tom clancy's ghost recon wildlands sniper out there that's a kill 2018 assassin's creed odyssey [Applause] 2018 forza horizon 4. [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 2018 red dead redemption 2. come here hey hey morgan over here you got it well done 2019 days gone 2019 death stranding 2020 ghosts of tsushima 2020 microsoft flight simulator [Music] [Music] 2020 cyberpunk 2077 [Music] 2021 riders republic 2021 forza horizon 5.
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