The Secrets of Self-Made Billionaires By Brian Tracy

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Selling with Love
We are honored to have Brian Tracy as our guest once again on the Selling with Love podcast. Brian i...
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Brian welcome back what a pleasure well thank you so much you know I was reading the Wall Street Journal today and there's a lot of controversy and politics and economics and it all comes down in my estimation to telling the truth telling the truth what is the truth and whatever the truth is tell the truth don't try to change it or minimize it and so on and the same thing in America when I began studying we had 5 000 self-made millionaires five thousand back in 1980. today we have millions of self-made millionaire somebody becomes a
self-made millionaire 80 or 90 percent in sales every eight minutes I mean the the statistics are phenomenal so if you don't become a self-made millionaire in your entrepreneurial business you should be taken out in the back and beaten with a stick because because the fact is it has never been easier there have never been more opportunities for you to do well in life is if if you tell yourself the truth and the truth is there's nothing replaces hard hard work from a long period of Time start earlier self-made Millionaires and now I've done a whole
several years of research on self-made billionaires self-made billionaires had specific habits I've got them all here written down and laid out and and number one as they get up early they get up before 6 a.m number two is they get started they exercise get their body going and then they study the average self-made millionaire billionaire jillionaire reads two hours a day in order to become better one of the richest men in the world Bill Gates reads a book a week and then what he does is he takes and he underlines all the key points and
then he goes back and he puts all the key points on his website so if you want to know what Bill Gates is reading then what you do is you go to and there's his latest book and what he thought were the most important points in that book now if you're not doing that then you're really not serious about becoming wealthy because this is free information by the richest self-made multi-billionaire in the world and he just gives it to you and people say oh I think I'll just go have drinks after work you know
you know what I find fascinating is you know if we go back to the 1980s it seemed like the majority of the people were not aware of what needed to be done to become a millionaire now that information is available yet there's also often many people saying slightly different things and some people are paralyzed from doing anything because they don't know what they should prioritize what how do we overcome this inertia from overwhelm well let me tell you my my own story when I when I do a seminar and I design a seminar in the
margin I write MOS My Own Story which is the example of what happened to me so I never talk about anything that I have not proven to work and that I don't have hundreds if not thousands of people who have proven it to work I was in Washington at a big conference three weeks ago and this man came up to me out of the crowd and he recognized me I didn't know who he was and he said you changed my life you made me Rich and I have heard that surprise surprise a thousand times all
over the world every day emails and and and and and and letters and Communications you changed my life you made me Rich and every conceivable language why and I always ask them why and you know what they do they smile like a pumpkin on on Halloween and they say it was the goals it was the goals before I listened to you or read your stuff I didn't know how important goals were so many years ago I started off and I had been broke all my life I was 35 36 years old and I decided to
give seminars and one day my businessman called me he had a large multi-level organization Nationwide he had 800 people who were small business people entrepreneurs and they're having an annual conference and he said all of these people have one common goal which is to become millionaires in the course of their working life son can you do a seminar on how to become a millionaire I still remember that and I said absolutely because when you're starting off as a speaker you agree to speak on any subject that they will pay you for you know there's there's
a funny little story that I I think of and it's the story about the priest who has two parrots and they sit on the stand and they pray all the time brother Matthew and brother Paul and they sit there with a rosary and they pray all the time one day another priest is visiting them and there they are praying away praying away doing their rosaries and uh he said I'm you know I'm really concerned about my two parents because they're so Pious that all they do is pray and he said well as a matter of
fact my son came back from sailing working on a ship and he brought me a parrot that had been on the ship and the parrot had learned a lot of foul language from the other Sailors and so if he talks all the time never stops talking why don't we bring my son's parrot put him on the stand between the two Pious parrots and maybe that will loosen them up so they brought the parrot over they put them there and the powered from the ship says I'm a I'm a I'm a and the police was paralyzed
but one of the parrots brother Matthew leaned over to brother Paul and said brother Paul our prayers have been answered so I so I always think of that I tell this to my audiences all over the world I say I say whenever you go out there remember you're a you're a what does that mean it means that you sell your job is to go out there and generate revenues and money your job is not to drink coffee and talk to your friends and go to movies in the afternoon then I know you do it because
nobody's watching you and so your job is to work and there's a direct relationship between how long and how hard you work relative to others that determines how much you earn relative to others and this is a truth just like gravity is a truth Things fall down they don't fall up your job is to be always doing things to generate money like that joke anyway so uh he called me and asked me if I would speak about how to become a self-made millionaire and I said of course and I hung up the phone and I
realized I have been dreaming as that's what we in America to do is from the time we're teens we start to fantasize about becoming Millionaires and we look at rich people who have beautiful cars and homes and they're in the newspapers and stories and movies and everything else and we fantasize about becoming wealthy so here I was I started fantasizing at the age of 15 or so and now I'm 36 years old and I'm still in debt in fact when I got into speaking I used to joke I learned how to sell again I sold
my house I sold my car I sold my furniture and sold everything that I own and moved into a rented house and just basically worked 16 hours a day for the next two or three years however so I said okay so I began to study I'd call a full court press they did a full court press on self-made millionaires what I found was that there's lots of great research on self-made millionaires because it's an interesting subject people wrote books and articles and they did University studies and so on but they found that they had certain
characteristics in common so what I did is I began to write them down and I came up with a talk called the 21 success secrets of self-made Millionaires and two months later I stood up in front of the audience I had one hour to speak and I went through the the talk very quickly 21 success secrets and they're very simple ideas one is Dream Big Dreams that's the first one Dream Big Dreams start dreaming about yourself as being a millionaire think about it fantasize about it when you see other people who are rich set I
could do that that person ninety percent of people who have money today were broke when they started the 80 20 rule is one of the other principles that the top 20 percent of people in our society earn 80 percent of the money paid out in our society every person in the top 20 percent started where where did they start they started in the bottom 20 and then they started doing things differently like climbing stairs and a week a month a year a few years later they were in the top 20 percent then the top ten
percent then the top five percent but virtually everybody starts at the bottom so no problem if you're broke good that's where all the thought people started they started broke but they made a decision I'm not going to stay here so anyway I gave this talk and it was so well received standard Ovation I was asked to give it again and again and again I started giving it all over the world I stretched it from 60 Minutes to 90 minutes to three hours to a full day I recorded an audio video I wrote a book on
the subject which is one of the best-selling books in the world on the 21 success secrets of self-made millionaires so what I want to do with us and the time that we have together Jason is I'm just going to give you a couple of ideas and if you follow these ideas these were the turning points in my life and as I studied the life stories of people gone from Rags to Riches I find that virtually everyone had these three stories and if you look at Bill Gates why are you rich one two three if you
look at Elon Musk if you look at Jeff Bezos you look at the richest people in the world they say well these were the things that changed my life when I was young so here there number one and and I call this the Golden Triangle of success the Golden Triangle has three points the top point is mental and it is the acceptance of complete responsibility for yourself and your life refusal to make excuses refusal to blame other people refusal to be depressed or negative just simply say them magic words I am responsible I'm responsible if
I'm not happy with any part of my life I'm responsible did somebody do you dirty did somebody treat you badly did you have a lousy childhood is your boss teacher did you have a bad marriage and so on and so forth so life sucks and then you die okay we see we used to say life's a and then you die so therefore what you do is you just take a deep breath and you say oh shoot well I am responsible and the interesting thing is blaming is the number one reason for unhappiness and failure in
life and as soon as you stay I am responsible you cancel all blame so whenever you start to become angry about anything you say wait a minute I'm responsible and it just stops it like a like one of those crash dummies going against a wall walk is all your blaming subs and when you're blaming stops which is the source of all negative emotions all negative emotions with the negative emotions go since nature abhors a vacuum what comes into your mind and the answer is positive emotions and what are the positive emotions ambition uh excitement Happiness
joy energy all the good things but if you're blaming somebody for something that they did or didn't do to you uh then and people people you know one of the things in America which is a great tragedy is as Millions maybe tens of millions of people who blame successful people for their failure they say oh rich people are the reason I'm poor well I've got a news for you rich people have never seen you or heard about you in their whole life and they have nothing to do with your being poor the reason you're poor
is because you're yourself so here's the most important thing is accept responsibility just say I am responsible I am responsible and you instantly cancel all negative emotions and suddenly you're in complete control of your life and your thought so I've read stories and biographies and autobiographies of rich people and you want you read their stories and there was a certain point in their life where they reach the line and the line is between childhood and adulthood and when you cross the line you become an adult because when you stop blaming and criticizing other people you
become an adult and from then on you're in charge of your life but as long as you're blaming your mother and your father and your boss and your spouse and everything else you remain a child you remain a whimpering crying little child and you get together and you drink and you whine and complain about your life no from no one you say I'm responsible so that's the first part of the triangle without that nothing is possible I love that we're starting with such a powerful intervention moment and it's interesting how there seems to be a
culture being nurtured in society today that's talking about how it's you're not responsible for this you're not responsible for that and the blame seems to be Amplified but at the same time when I look at what changes happen in my life when I took that 100 responsibility is you would think you're taking on extra burden but it was actually a Liberation it was almost like giving myself freedom and because the culture is encouraging the opposite it feels like the pathways open up so easily when you make that one decision of being responsible so to go
back to the point you made earlier how it's easier than ever to be a millionaire I feel like wow this is probably the one that everyone should probably listen to again it changes everything right right now here's the triangle again the second point of the triangle is if you're now responsible what are you responsible for and the answer is you're responsible for being clear about your goals and then achieving those goals that's what you're responsible for you're not responsible for being happy you're responsible for setting goals things that you really want to be and have
and do now I discovered this I guess 30 or 40 years ago and what it simply said is that if you want to achieve goals write them down so what I did was this and I've got this here from you this is a spiral notebook this costs less than two dollars probably a dollar and a half if you are serious about becoming wealthy this is your Millionaire Maker and this is so powerful it is scary so what it said was basically write down your goals and what I did is I made a habit from that
day onward I put today's date and I wrote down my ten goals now what I learned is that your subconscious mind can only accept a command when it is couched in the present tense so you don't say I will earn I will weigh I will do I will achieve you always say I am a self-made millionaire buy and give yourself a reasonable date remember this you can always change the date no problem you can always change the date and move it forward so you write down your goals and what I do is putting it down
the days date and then write down your 10 most important goals in life right now now tomorrow you do it again without without reference to the previous list you don't copy this is not copying from one page value what was it open it up and write your 10 goals again surprise surprise your goals are going to change their order you're going to be because you're not remembering and the description of your goals and the timing of your goals will change and then you do it again now in 2000 there was dot bomb bust and
thousands and thousands of small entrepreneurs were driven to the verge of bankruptcy so I started a group coaching program where I charged five thousand dollars a year to come and spend one day with me every three months and I would work with 20 or 30 people at a time so that it was economically sensible for me and they would come down and I would put them through a series of exercise the first thing I would do is I'd say ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming and I want to introduce you to your new best
friend here is your new best friend and I would hand them out and I would say I want you to write down your goals write them do do them now and then discuss them with the people at your table I put five people at a round table facing forward and so they'd all write down their ten goals and they would discuss them I say good now from the next three months I want you to write down your goals over and over just like we just talked about without reference to the previous page I said if
you'll do this you'll double your income and you'll become wealthy I used to get they say well you're going to charge five thousand dollars that's what they do they include five thousand dollars to to come and sit in a room with you four times a year and uh how can I justify that amount I said I'll tell you what if you do not double your income and double your time off with your family within the next 12 months I'll give you your money back no charge unconditionally guaranteed no you're interested to say anything just say
I didn't get my money's worth Bank have your money back I gave that program for seven years to more than a thousand entrepreneurs I never had a refund request many people doubled their income in the first week most of them in in a month but all of the doubles and tripled their income they couldn't believe it when they came back to the second session three months later that whole room was full of shining faces everybody was happy and they were laughing and they were joking because I've also taught them ports of personal responsibility importance of
managing your time setting priorities starting early working harder staying later those things and they were hungry that's the most wonderful characteristic of successful people is they're hungry they want it they want to be successful anybody who's heard speakers has probably heard my friend Les Brown and Les Brown has a book and he's going to go to talk in a seminar and uh you know Les has told me many times that he cut his teeth on my materials years and all this and all his children have been brought up on my materials but his name of
his talk is you gotta be hungry you gotta be hungry and he says it beautifully he says it gets on the stage and he's a big black guy and he says you've got to be hungry if you want to be successful have you heard that I haven't heard him speak actually so I haven't but I know of Les Brown and I could imagine what kind of energy he brings to a room for sure he is just great I think he's the best motivational speaker in America and uh why and you're right because he's right you
got to be hungry if you're not hungry in a world where everybody's hungry uh you haven't got a chance you haven't got a chance I'd be curious to know your opinion on how there is a lot of advertising marketing that gets sent to people and it seems like for the hungry people they're offering what is called fast food I'm talking about the shortcuts the get rich quick and all of these things that get taunted for a lot of us that are hungry for that millionaire paycheck and I'd be curious to know what is your opinion
on the fact that that exists and I know it has always existed and how do you discern well I've got a very good opinion on that I have taken advantage of some of these super offers low priced low entry price guaranteed uh stories of people that went from Rags to Riches went from being overweight to thin developing sexual prowess that would stun an Olympic Athlete and so on and just to take the pills and everything else and what I found is that nothing works my friend Charlie Jones who's no longer with us he he said
in part of his speech one of his funny marks he said now I'm going to tell you the secret of life this is the secret life write it down you have a journal pad write it down you hold up a pen write this down this is the secret of life are you ready he's a such a funny guy he said are you ready and everybody's leaning forward everything and he said here it is you ready here it is nothing wins and everybody would just rack up he said nothing works at least it doesn't work the
first time or the second time or the third time so recently there was a study and they looked at all the offers online and you and I followed this stuff because we're always looking for something that will give us an edge something that will help us to achieve our goals maybe a little faster than before and cost effectively so it costs 59.95 to try this or that or something anyway what they found they looked at 570 offers online and 100 of them were bogus 100 of the offers online turned out to be bogus none of
them work as Charlie said nothing works and what they do is they try to con You by offering you substantial improvements in your life at a very low price and you've got to be very careful because these people have only one ghost it's to get your credit card number and pretty soon you find yourself stuff being delivered to your door and you try to stop it and they and you can't stop it you call them up cancel it the only thing that you can do if you go to the credit card companies is I'm canceling
my credit card now they won't they won't do it they won't credit cancel the credit card so what you have to do is you have to submit it as lost or stolen lost or stolen credit card and the only then will they destroy it internally so that nobody can ever use it but you're gonna spend half your life getting credit cards lost or stolen because none of these things online work because if you want to accomplish anything worthwhile you have to work hard for a long period of time so what I would do is I
would say all right this is what we're going to do and every single time that we come to our uh session here three months every three months I want you to um review these every single day and then I want you to discuss with us what happened to you well they would arrive and I would say okay now how many people worked on their goals every single day for the last three months everybody looks down you know um well um so when so when did you review your goals on the airplane on the way out
here wasn't that true and everybody says yeah I said and how many of your goals did you achieve and then they all brighten up the whole room right these are all entrepreneurs business owners people who make at least two hundred thousand dollars a year sometimes five sometimes more and they would all brighten up and they said well they read their goal list on the plane on the way out here to the second or third session and they had achieved all their goals every single not not nine out of ten ten out of 10. how much
are you earning today people said look I'm running three times what I was earning when I first came to this meeting and and they were and they were all happy you had a room full of happy people does anybody want their money back no no no I want more more to so it's the same thing if you just if you just did this every day for 30 days write down your 10 goals in the present tense as though they are already a reality do it again next day without reference to the last to the previous
day just keep doing this for 30 or 31 days and I don't just reading something about success decades ago and it changed my life forever and I've taught this all over the world and people come up to me and say you changed my life you made me Rich it changed my life you made me Rich and it was the goals you see if you don't write a goal down it's very much like blowing cigarette smoke in a large room it just disappears it has no energy behind it they say a goal that is not written
is go is a goal that has no energy in other words this has no power to move you it has no power to drive you you forget it completely you just yet easily distracted but if you write it down everything that you write down in the present tense is automatically recorded by your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind then goes to work on it 24 hours a day and it'll give you insights and ideas and you'll see stuff in the newspaper and a friend you'll meet somebody in a bus stop you know I read I
wrote a book called The Power of luck and I did a whole bunch of research on look and one of the things that I found and one of the research studies was that um luck many people had great breakthroughs by any by a accidental bumping into a stranger on a bus stop in other words they're just banging into someone and they chatting away and they're the person said have you ever read this book or have you ever did this or in it they said no I haven't done that and so they do that and that
was the key to their wealth key to their riches it was like like how on Earth did you bump into this person so that's that's the second thing is write down your goals now we can talk lots more about how your right goals well what first off I am super excited about you know the practicality of what we can do right now and again for anybody listening we're not talking about doing you know three hours a day this is writing your goals but doing it let's see five minutes become rich five minutes to become rich
so what it takes I'll have one clarification because I've had these synchronicity happen all the time like the moment the goal is there then it's the same as like if you start you buy a certain car now you start seeing it everywhere when you set a certain goal then the opportunities seem to flood my way but I wanted to get your opinion on one aspect of goal setting which I've heard two sides of opinions here one is that when you set your goals you keep them to yourself another one is you set goals and you
declare it or you share it with someone so you're publicly accountable do you find there's some difference in either of these methods my my opinion and this is purely opinion is of course share your goals but only people who want you to be successful in achieving those goals every goal that my wife has she tells me every goal I have I tell my wife but I don't tell people on the bus stop or people at work these people have no interest in me being successful so therefore share your goals with people who want you to
be successful and it makes you happy it gives you energy and they will will encourage you and they'll ask you how is it going and they'll congratulate you and so on so that's the key difference don't talk about it oh my goal is this my goal is that a shut that you know what up who cares but but but your friends your children have your children share their goals with you have your best friends talk to your best friends and this motivates both of you so that if you're telling me your goals and I'm going
to tell you my goals and we're both going to work on our goals and every so often somebody will give you a call and they'll say you know you were telling me you had that goal I spoke to somebody yesterday who just from out of town and he says this about that have you ever thought of that now let me give you a great story okay great story one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world is Steve Jobs God God bless him I'm sorry he's not here but and I just read a book by
uh Elon Musk and uh actually a story by Elon Musk he said there's seven books that had an enormous impact on his life and Steve Jobs life story by Isaac the purp author yeah it's like Isaac Wharton it'll come to you he said that's the number one book that that influenced him anyway here's Steve Jobs he starts Apple he's a very difficult personality and the company is growing and he owns a lot of shares but uh finally they got mad at him and the board of directors threw him out and fired him so he went
off and he started Pixar and Pixar it became a multi-billion dollar company and he was invited to come in sort of like as a as a consultant just come in walk around see if he sees anything but he wasn't on the on the payroll so he came in and walked around and got some sense of the market and finally they came to and said look the company's uh not doing that well we're going to give it back to you and um uh so here it is so long you're you're a major shareholder it's yours so
he said well call the accountants and said what is our situation he found that they had only two months of money left and then the company would be bankrupt two months and they were of course are hiding it and shuffling it around and so he set his managers down and he said how many products do we have surprise surprise 104 products how many of these products are making money four the other hundred are just keeping people employed and they're not and that and they're just marginal they're losing money and so the company's going bust so
he looks at it he's got two months left to live and he's got to have several million dollars to stay alive and he only knows one person who has that kind of money Bill Gates and and Bill Gates and he had been at loggerheads for years and he had been Steve Jobs been attacking Bill Gates for being Antiquated and old and uh unimaginative and everything else but Bill Gates had a very simple idea a laptop on every desk a laptop on every desk and he be and it's interesting because the head of IBM when Bill
Gates started said there's a market worldwide for no more than 300 laptops and uh Bill Gates said no if you make it easy to use you could have every single person will have a laptop now every if you didn't have a laptop today people would look at you like you lived under a rock somewhere everybody has a laptop and multiple laptops and desktops and everything anyway so he calls Steve he's been beating up Bill Gates for years on public stages and everything else and uh so he calls up Bill Gates and he said Bill he
said um I'm in trouble he said if I don't have some money I'm going to die the apple is going to go broke and uh I wonder if I could borrow some money from you and Bill Gates said this and it brings tears to my eyes when I think about it he said Steve he said apple is too important to company to go broke he said I'll give you all the money you need he said but I'm not going to give you a loan he said I'm going to buy stock in Apple so I'm going
to be in the same with same row vote with you and um I'm gonna I'm gonna gamble that you're going to make it a success and so that was the turning point he now had the money to survive he called all of his managers together and he said I want each person here to recommend 10 products that we need to cut off discontinue and they all cried and wept and no no we can't do that and we worked so hard to bring these up 10 each so we eventually brought the meeting after meeting after meeting
and they all came down to finally four products they got rid of a hundred products then the next thing they said is we've got to have a new product is is the market for laptops and every Japanese company uh in the world has got laptops that are cheaper than ours and sometimes oops better and so on so he said what do we do and they came up with this idea of a phone and a phone would have everything in it it would have it would have recording and video and audio and music and and and
and it would be one single phone and everything else and they kept bringing him different versions and he kept saying I don't like it I don't like but here was the greatest thing is the biggest phone manufacturers in the world at that time were Nokia and blackberry they each had 49 of the World Market and Nokia had developed the technology of the iPhone but decided not to use it because they were very happy with their Market domination already and so it was a patented everybody when they when you when you have applied for a patent
it becomes public knowledge everybody knows about it so they were looking and they found that Nokia had this new technology for an iPhone and they weren't doing anything with it so they called them up and said would you sell that technology and they said sure we have no intention of using it it'll to help us to to uh recover some of our costs so they bought the entire Nokia package which is today's iPhone and they said you you can take it because it won't do you any good within five years Apple was the dominant phone
supplier in the world and Nokia was broke their their markets chairs went from 49 to 1. Blackberry went from 49 to 1 and that five years later they sold a billion iPhones and made it and they say now that the way it's going it's going to be the first trillion dollar company be the first trillion dollar company because because they they this is one of the most important things you ever learn in business is that there's three keys to business success number one make a sale number two make a second sale to the customer because
they're so happy with what you gave them in the first sale number three is bring your friends Phil Phil again bring your friends because you're so happy you want your friends to have it as well my son my son my staff everybody that I knew I had I had I had a Nokia I know I sort of I had a Blackberry and everybody around me was all using the iPhones they said Brian you gotta have an iPhone you gotta have a knife my son was telling me dad you've got to invest in Apple this iPhone
is going to go crazy he's 16 years old I said my son you don't know these things you're a child I'm an adult I'm going to keep up with my little blackberry and I had a good friend one of my clients who was about 60 at that time and he decided he's going to go all in like in Los Las Vegas he went all in on Apple took all the money he had in his life and bought Apple stock within five years he was so rich he never had to work again and so anyway so
so so so what happened with this with this iPhone is that it just exploded and and they after been out for about five or eight years they had made a billion sales then they interviewed their clients and they asked them watch um oh do you feel about buying another iPhone when they come out with something you know more modern ninety percent of iPhone clients said we'll buy a new one as soon as it comes out this was the point where the famous Warren Buffett Warren Buffett said I don't invest in technology because I don't understand
it and I don't interest in anything I don't understand but he saw that I'm just guessing I this is not a fact when he saw that ninety percent of their customers were going to buy another iPhone he just bought billions of dollars worth of uh Apple stock and he was interviewed just two weeks ago at their annual meeting in Omaha said was the best one of the best investment decisions he made in his whole life and he isn't he's achieved a return on investment with Berkshire Hathaway of 1 million 246 percent return on investment if
you had bought with him at the very beginning you'd have had a more than a million times return on on your money and he said and apple was one of the best so therefore this is so exciting the opportunities are all around you you just have to keep looking reading studying reading studying sometimes people when I was starting to give seminars one of the things I found is that when you go to foreign countries 95 of the products that are really popular in a foreign country are never sold outside that country they never sold outside
that country so sometimes you will find a product a franchise opportunity a a mechanical device something that nobody's using back home and you go to them and you say can I have that can I enter into an agreement with you and pay your royalty and they say sure we have no plans to go outside of our country and some of the richest people in the world just walk down the street you remember ever remember the story of Krispy Kreme Donuts Krispy Kreme Donuts became the most popular donut franchise in the world and what happened was
a little baker who baked in New York who baked bread and cakes and desserts and so on he was on vacation with his wife in Paris and they were walking around and there was this great lineup in front of this little Bakery and they all line up in line so they said well that's what we do Bakery is instantly Bakery and it must be good so they got in line and they got up there and they brought a couple of donuts and they went and sat outside and ate the donuts and they said cheese these
are good cheese these are good wow holy smokes and so we went in and got in line again and went all the way up to the front and said could I speak to the person who runs this shop just a small shop and um fortunately he or he had somebody there who could speak English he said could I get the recipe for these Donuts and he said sure these people are always asking for the recipe for the donuts he said sure So he gave him the recipe he had all printed out and everything so he
went back home to his little uh Bakery in New York and he began to produce these Donuts these Krispy Kreme Donuts so what he called it and the lineup started all the way down the streets of people coming from everywhere and they didn't buy a donut or two Donuts they bought dozens of donuts and they said and they sat outside on the curbs and they sat on the streets and they just ate these Donuts because they were so delicious and this was this was the phenomena that took place and this guy became Rich these these
Krispy Kreme donut franchises became the most expensive and most popular franchises in the world and whenever something opened up there would be hundreds of cars coming from everywhere dropping their cars off running across the sidewalks to get up and line up um all day long to buy these donuts and where did it come from is this this is this nice little guy little baker walking down the street saw the opportunity and asked him for the recipe and he said sure it's a great the opportunities for you to become wealthy are greater today there's more opportunities
than I've ever existed in human history and your job is to make a decision to become wealthy and if you make a decision to become wealthy you're going to set up a force field of energy and you're going to start to attract Law of Attraction into your life you're going to ideas and Inspirations and meetings unexpected meetings with strangers sitting next to somebody on an airplane and what will happen is the information that you need and the resources you need will come to you they'll gravitate towards you as soon as you're ready so your job
is to make yourself ready which leads us to the last part of my triangle and that is continuous learning and personal development the average wealthy person will tell you Bill Gates will tell you Warren Warren Buffett reads five hours a day five hours a day Bill Gates two to three hours a day all wealthy people read two to three hours a day constantly upgrading their knowledge and skill and you need to do the same thing you need to do the same thing if you'll do that accept responsibility write down your goals every single day to
keep your mind churning and then continue to learn and grow and become better and better your success is guaranteed it's literally I've I've taught this for years I went from earning fourteen thousand four hundred dollars a year when I stumbled across these ideas in five years I was earning a hundred and forty five thousand dollars a year 10 times but then I developed a 10 times formula which we will maybe talk about at a later time and I kept using this formula and teaching it five years later it was actually increase your income ten times
every 10 years but it worked for me every five years so in the 10 years I earned 1 million four hundred and forty five thousand dollars it's very funny is 14 400 104 and and I mean made one million four hundred thousand that year and uh I went literally from Rags I say to non-rags and I have countless people who've been in my seminars done the same thing they come up here they drive beautiful cars and it's just wonderful and it's if you just write your goals down every day then what you need to achieve
those goals will come to you from all sides Brian that was beautiful that was amazing I personally am very anchored to the fact that you shared that your story started at 35 which is the age that I am right now I feel like I'm on that journey and what I received was a powerful reminder of some of the basics that need to be done and one of the questions I was planning on asking which I don't need to ask because I have the answer is what happens when you're not so sure or clear on the
goals if you write that 365 times in a year you will find that Clarity you will start getting clearer and you will start making more purposeful actions and honestly it was such a powerful conversation that I'm so glad we got to have again always an incredible pleasure and I don't remember if I've asked this question but I'll ask it again anyways because I know it'll be a beautiful answer being on the selling with love podcast what does selling with love mean to Brian Tracy well I uh only sell products that I really really believe in
and I only sell to people but I really care about and I think that's probably the thing that's been most helpful to me when I stand up in front of an audience might talk to people from my heart and they know it they know that this isn't an act and and performance art and things like that is I talk to them because I care about them and I want them to be successful and whenever anybody asks me a question sends me an email does anything I always respond personally uh always even though I'm good you
know I've done very well in life let me put it that way but I have so much respect and regard for for our people these are the people who listen to us and learn from us and and attribute some of their success to us that's really good that's really good and they know it the person knows instantly if what you're saying is the truth if it's coming from your heart or not and that's been that's been your success and that's been my success that's the reason I'm here by the way I don't uh the amount
that you pay which is in the zero range is which is of no value because I charge a lot from for for a talk like this but I know that you speak and work from your heart and so we both we both do Brian I much appreciate it very grateful and honestly you've given so much to my audience which I'm very grateful for as well ladies and gentlemen this was Brian Tracy we will have some show notes that will include tons of links so you can discover his programs if you are not currently a student
of Brian's material you can change that by getting a book signing up to his programs and doing something wonderful involved with him because as you know this is over here delivers this moment if it's none of it get the notebook uh again take responsibility set those goals and of course continue to learn and grow by being listeners of this podcast I know at least we got the third of the pyramid setup but there's more to be done and it's not that much but it's just enough to be above the mediocrity line which is not set
that high the opportunities are there let's be hungry for them but don't consume the fast food we're gonna go over the quality stuff and with that I will encourage you all to go out there and keep selling with love thank you Jason we'll talk to you again foreign [Music]
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