Always Pray First Before You Start Your Day Start Your Day | Morning Prayer

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Grace Oasis
Start your day with prayer and watch how God blesses the rest of it! In this video, we explore the p...
Video Transcript:
before we pray let's listen to God's word and then we'll pray together in the gospel of Mark 1:35 says very early in the morning while it was still dark Jesus got up left the house and went to a solitary place where he prayed even Jesus the son of God understood the need for private prayer especially in the morning he sought Solitude in the wilderness for 40 days fasting and praying later he prayed alone in the Garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion Jesus gave us a clear example of the importance of spending time alone with God
and this is something we should follow when you make time for God first thing in the morning He blesses the rest of your day you'll find that you move through the day with a sense of Peace strength and focus but if you push prayer aside thinking I'll pray later you often never get to it the day takes over and soon you realize that you haven't spent any real time with God days can go by and before you know it you're filled with worldly thoughts instead of his word that's when you need to be careful because
you're letting the world into your heart instead of Allowing God to fill you up Colossians 3: 1 and 2 reminds us since then you have been raised with Christ set your hearts on things above where Christ is set your minds on things above not on Earthly things Jesus calls you to seek his kingdom first and that begins with how you start your day if you begin your day in prayer with your heart focused on God you open yourself to bearing fruit for his kingdom now let's pray together dear Lord I give this day completely into
your hands you are the one who holds my future and I trust you with every detail of my life as I begin this day I humbly ask for your grace to surround me I know that your grace is a gift something I don't deserve but you freely give because of your deep love for me fill my heart with peace Lord a peace that goes beyond what I can understand the kind of peace that calms my mind when I feel anxious that quiets my soul when life feels overwhelming protect me today father from anything that would
try to harm me whether it's danger Temptation or even the doubts that sometimes creep into my mind I place my full trust in you lead me father so that I don't stray into temptation help me to keep my heart pure free from things that pull me away from you and strengthen me to turn away from anything that doesn't honor you Lord I ask you to take the Throne of my heart today to be the ruler of my emotions and my thoughts may I not be swayed by fear or worry but instead be filled with faith
that you the god of Heaven and Earth see me and are with me let me feel your presence so clearly today that I can't help but walk in peace knowing you are near nothing in this world can set separate me from your love and I want to walk each moment today knowing that truth teach me Lord to choose your way in every situation so that each decision I make brings me closer to you and deepens my relationship with you I want to walk in your love not just in the big moments but in every small
detail of my day help me to be aware of your presence your peace and your guidance Wherever I Go Lord Jesus I ask for the powerful protection of your blood to cover me and my family surround us with your love and keep us safe just as you surrounded your people with a pillar of fire in the desert may your holy presence guard our home each night I pray that your Divine fire would form a hedge of protection around us shielding us from all harm both seen and unseen be with us in our home at work
and everywhere we go father I pray for your protection as I go about my day whether I'm at my job driving or anywhere else I trust you to watch over me and my loved ones thank you for your faithfulness in keeping us safe even in ways we don't always notice Lord I don't know what today will bring but you do I don't know what challenges I will face but you are already there ahead of me making a way so I ask you to give me the strength to face this day with courage be my guide
and help me walk the path that leads to peace strengthen my heart to follow your Commandments to choose what is right even when it's difficult I ask for an extra measure of your grace and mercy to lead me and guide me Father be my provider my Jehovah jir when I'm in need you are the one who supplies be my way maker opening doors that no one else can be my strong tower where I can run for safety and find peace fill my heart and mind with your peace a peace that calms every worry and removes
every fear father I believe with all my heart that you are working all things together for my good even when I can't see it sometimes I don't understand why things happen the way they do but I trust in your perfect plan you are always working even in the background in ways that I may never see or comprehend silence every voice of Doubt Lord Every Lie from the enemy that tries to confuse me I know that you are a god of love and that you have good plans for me even when I can't see what you
are doing I choose to trust you I choose to have faith because your ways are higher than mine your wisdom far exceeds what I could ever imagine protect me Lord from selfish thoughts or careless words that don't bring you glory keep me from acting in ways that dishonor you and help me to stay focused on what is true and right lord it's easy to get distracted or discouraged especially when others around me are negative or when life doesn't go as planned but I ask that you help me to stay centered in you keep me from
being discouraged by the voices of others or from for falling into doubt I rejoice in the gift of this new day and I thank you for giving me another opportunity to love you and serve you let the light of your presence set my heart on fire for you may I be filled with a Burning Love For You Jesus and may that love guide everything I do today heavenly father I also pray that you would open doors for me today doors of opportunity that will lead to breakthroughs you are the one who opens doors that no
one can shut and I trust you to make a way for me where there seems to be no way keep me Lord even from my own desires or thoughts that don't glorify you sometimes I want things that are not in line with your will but I ask you to help me surrender those things to you let me walk by faith and not by sight trusting in your promises even when I can't see the outcome help me to live by your word and not by my feelings which can sometimes mislead me Lord I commit myself and
my family into your hands I trust you with our future our needs and our hearts thank you for being so faithful for being a loving father who never leaves us I bless your Holy Name Lord and give you all the praise and honor in the name of Jesus I pray amen if this prayer has touched your heart please type amen I pray that every blessing in this prayer is now upon you in the name of Jesus and please let us know in the comments section if you would like us to pray for you specifically May
the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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