Full Super Moon Angel Messages 🌕 November 15, 2024

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Sarah Hall
We are crossing the threshold from one era into the next. 🙏 Despite any challenges or intensity y...
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We’re in the middle of energetic shifts that are simultaneously shattering the old paradigm while reforging a new one. To be in the middle of these shifting energies is like passing through the constriction and intensity of a birth canal. However, your Angels want you to know that it is SAFE to hold faith, hope, and love no matter the seeming uncertainties.
Let’s unpack these shifts together now! Tune in with me for Angel messages on the Full Super Moon cycle spanning from November 15th through 30th, 2024. On November 15th, we have a Full Super Moon in the sign of Taurus.
This is the fourth full supermoon we’ve had in a row! Super Moons are when the Moon is at its closest to the Earth in its orbit, intensifying its pull not only on the physical realm but also upon our psyches and spiritual energy bodies. Four supermoons in a row signify a time of intense change, awakening, and inner realization.
And that is exactly what we’re getting during this moon cycle: a powerful, medicinal dose of awakening and change. This energy has the potential to feel highly emotional, to trigger big psychic awakening, and to shatter our old sense of reality in favor of helping us to claim our power to build a new one! You may find that there is a big part of you reaching for stability at this time; however, know that your stability is NOW going to be BUILT upon the new, not the old.
Keep that in mind, and remember that it is safe to have faith in the new and to ALLOW the old to dissolve. According to the Angels, despite any uncertainty, chaos, or fear that you either experience directly or see in the world around you, we are currently being GUIDED by an incredibly high and powerful harmony. That harmony is holding us all, now and always.
Through every free-will choice we make, both individually and collectively, reality is being guided by and co-created with a higher source consciousness that is more powerful, truth-embodying, and SAFE, WHOLE, and LOVING than we may currently be capable of imagining. With that in mind, let’s dive into the Angels’ top three messages for this intense supermoon cycle ahead. All three of the messages I’m about to share will likely apply to you and your path in some way, but if you’d like to get a sense of which message will be your leading theme or spiritual lesson, then pick a number in your head right now: one, two, or three.
Whichever number you’re drawn to first will represent YOUR leading Angel message. Ready? Let’s dive in.
The Angels’ first message for this full supermoon cycle is that we’re about to GLIMPSE and SEED the future. We are, RIGHT NOW, moving into a roughly six-month period of time that has a huge potential to determine the years ahead. Energies that are both powerfully destructive AND creative are flooding our collective, helping us to not only break down the old but also to glimpse the new and take the first crucial steps toward the new.
One way in which this energy is affecting us is through profound psychic activation. Human consciousness is currently being pulled into a state of harmony and activation with the higher dimensions of spiritual consciousness. These higher-dimensional states of consciousness transcend the constructs of time and space.
When we are guided into harmonic alignment with them, as we are right now, this illuminates OUR consciousness and helps US to see and understand reality in ways that transcend our current grasping of time and space. There is a particular cosmic alignment that mirrors this shift. Currently, Mercury, which is a planet that symbolizes not only communication but also consciousness itself—the understanding that lends to our sense of reality—is conjunct to the Great Attractor.
Now, “What is the Great Attractor? ” you might be wondering… The Great Attractor is a region of immense gravitational attraction in intergalactic space. It is a massive anomaly in space that is sucking galaxies into its wake, including our galaxy, the Milky Way.
The Great Attractor bends both space and time. At the level of consciousness and spirit, its energy can PULL our consciousness into heightened states of psychic sensitivity and precognition, giving us a MUCH bigger picture of reality. As such, there is a huge potential in our collective right now to shatter old paradigms by GLIMPING the world from a bigger viewpoint.
For some, this might even express itself in the form of big, visionary, prophetic insights and information entering your conscious awareness through the SPIRITUAL dimension of being. According to the Angels, much of this insight has the potential to illuminate something that can be helpful in very realistic, pragmatic, strategic ways, activating lightworkers to fulfill their soul purposes. This pragmatic, helpful dose of higher-reality truth ALSO has a huge potential to flood us with information or FUTURE CONSCIOUS CODES related to regeneration, transformational medicine, healing for the environment, and the incredible potential of our manifestation power.
You see, on this full moon, there will be a square between Pluto, the planet of transformation, and the dwarf planet Haumea, named for the Hawaiian Goddess of fertility, who symbolizes powerful, paradigm-shifting creation and regeneration. This influx of divine information, light codes, and conscious seeds has a huge potential to upgrade those who have a soul purpose in healing, especially healing for the physical body, wherein we’re preparing for a future age of new discoveries around stem cell medicine and anti-aging. This will also upgrade those who have a soul purpose related to environmentalism, farming, wildlife, or directly working with Mother Earth in some way—especially including powerful divine seeds of information related to geomagnetic energy and charging WATER with consciousness that can help us physically build and support a New Earth.
ALL of us are also going to receive new coding related to our manifestation abilities. According to the Angels, we hold the same consciousness as that of the creator source. As such, we all have the ability to create as the creator creates: with CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF.
Many of us are receiving powerful wake-up calls regarding just how powerful our beliefs, thoughts, and mental focus can be, particularly helping us to realize that our reality is much more malleable and fluid than we may have thought before. As we realize the power of. .
. Our consciousness, we’re being helped to shed density—to shed any limiting thoughts, beliefs, or patterns that have made it seem as if reality is fixed, fated, or can only flow down our current grasping of “logical” cause and effect. In order to step fully into this new awareness of the power of our consciousness, we’re being invited to hold strong spiritual discipline and to take responsibility for our emotional state of being.
This is being powerfully underscored by the fact that Saturn, the planet of lessons, karma, and responsibility, is moving DIRECT on this full moon in the sign of Pisces. Saturn has been retrograde since June, so any intense or challenging karmic lessons you’ve been going through since then now have the potential to soften. With this shift, you may receive a strong inner nudge to deepen or structure your spiritual practice and take back your personal power by taking responsibility for how you feel.
You are powerful, and you have a say in the world with regards to how you experience emotional reality. You may find yourself receiving a big lesson or opportunity from the universe on stepping into that power, fully claiming responsibility for your inner and outer life choices, and glimpsing whatever it is that you might now be able to change in order to OPTIMIZE and heal your emotional state. Speaking of power, know that KARMIC LESSONS on power, reflected by the intense opposition between Mars and Pluto—which was exact on November third—are not quite finished yet.
That same alignment will be coming back on January 3rd and April 26th of 2025. These karmic lessons on power are rooted in CONFLICT: invidious power vs. top-down power, emotional volatility, issues and lessons on safety and security, and an intense desire to PROTECT, especially with regards to anything related to the root chakra such as home, family, and finances.
These karmic lessons are essentially helping us to step into a higher level of self-sovereignty—to realize our inner authority and express our self-empowerment. Overall, the lesson is that you have the power to create your own reality by broadcasting the vibration of your own choosing. We’ll likely continue to see individualized, personal lessons on this theme, AND collective social lessons on this theme on the world stage well into the New Year.
Which brings us to the Angels’ second message for this Full Super Moon cycle, which is to have faith as we undergo a crucible of change. There is a huge potential to feel instability and uncertainty right now… However, remember that in the big picture sense, we’re in the birth canal for creating a new world. From roughly the 1960s through the 2040s, humanity is giving birth to something entirely new.
The birth canal of this new way of life may feel constricting, painful, uncertain, or overwhelming at times, but the Angels want you to know that it is safe to have faith and trust in the flow. It is safe to release strong emotional attachments to the things in our world that you’re currently seeing IN this state of flux. You have a choice as to whether or not you let yourself get caught up in the drama, or let go and allow.
Allowing doesn’t mean going into a state of apathy. You can certainly be proactive in the world with regards to expressing, sharing, and creating around the values you deem the most important. Allowing means trusting that the light you shine matters and is purposeful, despite any tides of change and uncertainty you see around you that may make you feel small or overwhelmed.
Allowing is about anchoring into the higher spiritual truth that all is held in perfect divine order, and that you have the power to be a beacon for the consciousness of that higher order when you align with it intentionally. That faith and alignment will be important to remember this moon cycle, as Uranus, the planet of transformation, is tightly conjunct this full supermoon. This translates to a higher potential for shocks, awakening, explosive energy, or sudden changes.
This energy may express on the world stage at the level of social change, where it is possible to see some rebellious or revolutionary sentiments expressed, or at a personal level, especially in highlighting personal lessons on letting go. Overall, a bright light is shining on what we have already outgrown. This intense energy of change is SERVING us because it is helping us to get out of stagnancy, break free of limiting patterns, and TEACHING us how to change and evolve for our higher good.
The energies of higher potential for tension and conflict, by the way, may continue during the weekend after this Full Moon, leading up to the powerful November 19th shift wherein Pluto will be entering Aquarius. Let’s back up and talk about what’s coming up. On the day after the full supermoon, Venus is making an exact ninety-degree angle with the nodal axis.
This symbolizes profound potential for tension and release! Specifically, it’s about facing FEAR: the tension of facing it, giving way to a huge opportunity to break free and release it! Then on November seventeenth, the Sun will be opposite Uranus, further emphasizing the rough waters of change.
This may bring forward a big push towards a new direction, a life-shifting realization, or a massive inflation of new ideas. During this time, know that your WORDS will be very powerful. What you speak, you birth into reality.
Your words have the power to heal and create in a huge way right now, so choose them wisely. Now, remember, this is all leading up to the highly anticipated shift wherein Pluto will be moving out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on November 19th. This is ending a cycle of transformation that began in 2008, and we won’t see another one like it for another two centuries.
When Pluto moves signs, it can sometimes symbolize a transformative “crises” occurring in the areas of life ruled by that sign. For example, when Pluto moved into Capricorn during 2008, it coincided with a financial crisis. Aquarius rules things like science, technology, humanitarian issues, and progressive causes, so it is possible that we could see some paradigm-shattering shifts in these areas of life, making way for big social and conscious awakening.
Despite the potential for intensity around this shift, know that there is also a very bright light flowing. Into our collective during this time, too, helping us to plant seeds for the new! So, again, keep the faith, trust in higher order and harmony, and know that the current transformations are part of the constricting birth canal of deliverance into a brand new way of life and expanded, higher modes of consciousness.
Know that with all of the intensity building up around this time, you may REALLY need to sleep, rest, retreat, and reset. Give yourself everything you need to be at peace! This will help to smooth the energies of change for you and ground you into harmony and well-being through it all.
The Angels’ third message for this full supermoon cycle is all about building, boundaries, and pragmatism. With this consciousness awakening and intense change in the air, we are also being guided to GROUND all of this new energy realistically. The Angels are inviting us to affirm that we are welcoming in the higher spiritual consciousness of love with each of our thoughts, words, choices, and action steps.
As we do so, little by little, we are rooting that higher consciousness into our reality permanently! During the final week of this moon cycle, leading up to the December first New Moon, the collective energy will be shifting to bring in reality checks, stability, and opportunities to envision the real-world action steps needed to make your dreams come true. This is paired with the fact that the full supermoon is reacting to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of April 21st, which was all about truth and awakening.
This truth and awakening has been shining an especially bright light on our relationship with the physical, earthly world, and all things connected to the root chakra. This includes food supply, natural resources, banking, economy, and our overall relationship with physical security. According to the Angels, many souls who are being guided to take a role of leadership in uplifting these areas of human life will be given the pragmatic, realistic ideas and steps they need to fulfill their soul purposes.
The Angels also want to add that HEALING will be coming up in a big way during this moon cycle. One of the most pragmatic, grounded ways that we can sustain and hold a higher consciousness of love is to heal that which blocked it out in the past. Whatever you need to heal most in your life may really come into the spotlight, especially towards the end of this moon cycle.
It will be important to implement new BOUNDARIES around yourself so that you have a properly safe, grounded, and protected space in which to complete that healing. Don’t hesitate to say NO to demands on your time and energy that do not support your healing or peace. Say YES to retreat, simplification, and rest, as this will best prepare you for the next chapter of life ahead.
Now, one more noteworthy cosmic shift will be coming up on November 26th when Mercury goes retrograde in the sign of Sagittarius until December 15th. This shift, TOO, is helping us with GROUNDING the new into reality through healthy boundaries and pragmatic, functional choices. According to the Angels, some healing collective lessons will be arising during this Mercury retrograde, helping us to uplift three important things: Number 1, communicating directly in order to clear out past confusion; Number 2, thinking independently in order to heal from the effects of any false or incomplete information that may have disrupted your trust in the past; and Number 3, making UNBIASED, sound, and grounded judgments based on holding a higher vision of your ultimate highest divine good.
The Angels want to really drive home the message that it is SAFE and healing for you to set boundaries in your life. Set boundaries that support you in holding your sovereignty, listening to your intuition, and prioritizing your highest values and truth. All of this is going to support you immensely in preparing to transform your life at the practical, physical, realistic level that best ALIGNS with the new consciousness, values, and soul calling you feel in your heart.
Thank you so much for tuning into these messages today, and for liking, commenting, subscribing, and hitting the notification bell. It is my honor to be connected with you! If you’d like to work closely with me on your spiritual path and receive coaching and mentorship on awakening your spiritual gifts and healing from within, then do check out the link I left for you in the description below to apply for my Angelic Ascension program!
This is my best offering for those who are strongly called to SERVE the light and prioritize spiritual work, as it contains all the healing steps and spiritual training needed to prepare you to fulfill your soul purpose. I hope you’ll enjoy learning more about that via the link below! Thank you so much again for tuning in, and know, as always, that you are so loved and so very blessed.
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