Prisma Brasil - A CANÇÃO DE NATAL - DVD Completo Feat.(Coral Jovem UNASP HT & Coral Canto Livre)

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Prisma Brasil
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Video Transcript:
Glory to God in the highest echoes across the night angels from heaven announcing the birth of redemption’s Light Bringing good news Hallelujah, Messiah is Here To The World hope has been given ev’ry nation and tribe will be blessed Ev’ry heartbroken and searching come behold the almighty made flesh No more waiting anticipating The Promise Has come The Promise Has come so Sing the Christmas song “Glory to God” is still ringing O hear the song replay. Darkness cannot overcome it for Jesus is here today And it’s good news Hallelujah salvation is ours To The World hope has been given ev’ry nation and tribe will be blessed Ev’ry heartbroken and searching come behold the almighty made flesh No more waiting anticipating The Promise Has come The Promise Has come so Sing the Christmas song Glory, glory, gloria! Let the people sing Glory, glory, gloria!
Let the earth sing Glory, gloria! To The World hope has been given ev’ry nation and tribe will be blessed Ev’ry heartbroken and searching come be hold the almighty made flesh No more waiting anticipating The Promise Has come The Promise Has come so Sing the Christmas song Gloria Sing The Christmas Song Gloria 1500 years, 1500 years trying to follow the law of Moses. Not just one law, but 500.
My parents, my grandparents, and over fifteen generations before them tried in vain to be perfect. Fifteen generations suffering under the bondage of the law. Everytime we sin, we have to sacrifice a lamb.
Again, and again. So much sacrifice! So much blood!
Now it's my turn. Now my soul is imprisoned. Now it's my turn to offer a sacrifice.
Hundreds of years ago, the prophet Isaiah said that one day a Savior would come to deliver us. I need that savior. Please, God.
I need my savior to come. . .
now. O Come, O Come Emmanuel, and ransom captive israel that mourns in lonely exile here, until the Son of God appear. Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel, shall come to the O Israel.
O Come Thou Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits Thine advent here. Disperse the gloomy clouds ofnigth and death’s dark shadows put to fligth. Rejoice, Rejoice Emmanuel, shall come to the O Israel.
Emmanuel (Ruth): Mary, ​Did you find Joseph? (Mary) ​He was at the temple, offering a sacrifice. The never-ending sacrifice.
It is impossible to follow the law! (Ruth) I know. So, did you tell him what you told me?
(Mary)​ He said he would also love to have a "boy" first. (Ruth)​ I am certain that every carpenter would like to have ten sons. (Mary)​ Then he said that it doesn't matter how many kids we have, as long as one of them has my eyes.
(Ruteh) He must have heard that line somewhere! (Mary) Or maybe he just loves my eyes. (Ruth) It must be because your eyes are deep, and pure.
And they show your devotion to our God. (Mary)​ Thank you, Ruth. (Ruth)​ You're welcome.
Be not afraid! I Have good news: the power of the Most High God will overshadow you And you will be, and you will be, and you will be with Child If He has my eyes, would that be another favor? Would that make this more or less a dream?
Words are slow to come by this stirring revelation. All I know is I can hardly breathe. Will it be alright if Has my eyes?
Who am I that heaven even knows my name? Who am I to hear angels proclaim that God would choose me, that He would use me, to bear His Holy One my Savior and my Son? Be not afraid!
Be not disturbed! The power of the Most High God has come over her, And she will be, and she will be, and she will be with child. Can I call Him son, or would that be too familiar?
How am I to Know how things should be? Do I speak His name, or whisper quiet “ Hallelujahs”! !
when I fin’lly see this tiny King? Let your will be done, but can I call Him son? I am just a simple man, I may never understand.
But it’s an honor to be a father so let Your kingdom come, my savior and my son All these things the angel tells me spin like circles in my mind Oh, and it is all so overwhelming, yet so divine so divine (Mary) Who am I that heaven even knows my name? (Joseph) I may never understand. (Mary) Who am I to hear angels proclaim that God would choose me (Joseph) I am just a simple man , (Mary) that He would use me, to bear His Holy One (Joseph) But it’s an honor to be a father so let Your kingdom come, my Savior and my Son my Savior and my Son (Oficial Romano) ​Hear ye, all citizens of the Roman Empire .
(Oficial Romano) ​I bring you an official decree from your King, Cesar Augustus. A Census shall take place through out roman state, an ev’ry man shall take his family to city of his birth. "There you will register, and if you don't concur, then you have to serve as prisoner.
Now which would you prefer? " (Mary) What are we to do? The baby’s coming soon.
I don’t know if I can make this journey (Joseph) It’s not ours to decide, we simply must rely on the promise that Lord is with us. (Mary) God with us (Choral) A journey shall take place across this dusty clay; the long and winding road will lead the way to the chosen place. The town of Bethlehem is now awaiting them.
The promised Child whit in shall come last to the world. Aaaahhhh The promised Child whit in shall come last to the world. (Joseph): ​Sir, I need a room for the night.
(Host) ​Sorry, there's no vacancy. (Joseph) ​I've already looked everywhere. Please, Sir.
My wife is about to give birth! (Host) ​I already told you, there's no room! No vacancy!
(Joseph) ​She will deliver tonight. Please understand. (Host)​ I understand perfectly.
Now, you must understand, there's no room! (Mary) ​Joseph, let's go. (Joseph) ​But, Sir.
this is a special baby! (Host) ​It doesn't matter. Even if your baby were the Messiah, like I said, there's no room!
No room, no room for Him, no room to let Him in. No room for Jesus in the world He made, no room. No room for the King of kings, room for other and other things.
No room for Jesus in the world He made, no room. Room for houses, lands, and pleasures, room for things that pass away. But for the One who reigns forever, theres no room today.
No room, no room for Him, no room to let Him in. No room for Jesus in the Heart He made, just for Him. No room for the King of kings, room for other and other things.
No room for Jesus in the Heart He made, just for Him. Room for houses, lands, and pleasures, room for things that pass away. But for the One who reigns forever, theres no room today.
room today No room for the Kin of kings, room for other and other things. He just Keeps Knocking; let Him hear you say, “O come to my heart, Lord Jesus. There room in my heart for Thee.
(Ruth) ​ My dear Ruth. I greet you in the name of our Almighty God, who has blessed us . .
. ( Mary) . .
. ​who has blessed us with the birth of our first son, and our Savior, Jesus. My heart jumps for joy when I think that He is the Messiah we've been waiting for to set us free.
Unfortunately there was no vacancy in the inn. But one of the ​innkeepers​ was very kind and offered us a stable to spend the night. The linens you washed before we left served as swaddling cloths for the baby.
Thank you so much! Since there were no beds, the Son of the God Almighty spent His first night in a manger. Can you believe it?
We had many visitors who came to see Him. O, Ruth. He is a gorgeous baby.
I am sure you are wondering if He has my eyes. I'm sorry but you'll have to. .
. (Ruth) ​. .
. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait until you meet Him. Love, Mary.
(Ruth) ​Mary. I would have given anything to have been with you that night. (SHEM) ​What a night that was!
During my shift at 2 a. m. The stars were shining and the air was quiet.
Strangely calm. Then I felt the wind blowing on my face, whispering something wonderful through the olive trees. The sheep heard it, and they looked up.
Then I looked up. And there he was! An angel, blazing like a torch in the sky, saying: "Fear not, for I bring you good news!
"Instantly the entire skies were glowing like fire with angels. Glowing with hundreds of angels singing the Good News from Heaven itself! Gloria!
Gloria ! Gloria! Gloria !
Gloria! Gloria ! Gloria!
Gloria ! Gloria! Gloria !
Glory to God in the highest! Gloria! Gloria !
Glory to God in the highest! On earth peace and good will to men! Good news we bring, glad tidings of joy, for unto you is born a Savior, a Savior Christ the Lord!
Gloria! Gloria ! Gloria!
Gloria ! Gloria! Gloria !
Gloria! Gloria ! Gloria!
Gloria ! Gloria! Gloria !
Gloria! Gloria ! Glory to God in the highest!
Gloria! Gloria ! Glory to God in the highest.
On earth peace and good will to men! to men! Amem (Joseph) For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.
unto us a Son is given. And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Migthy God, the Everlasting Father, the prince of peace (Choral) A way in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head. The stars in the bright sky looked down where He lay.
the little Lord Jesus, a sleep on the hay. (Uuuhhh) Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright round yon virgin mother and Child. round yon virgin mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild, sleep in heavenly peace. sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, holy night, Son od God, love’s pure light radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, sleep in heavenly peace.
(Herodes) "Who can these men be? Why are they here? " Why do they waste King Herod’s time?
Maybe they’ve come here to bring an offering. I’m a king, so they bring all the praise that is mine. So, what brings you here to our land?
Can you please help me understand why you’d bring such a grand caravan to visit the Mighty king of Israel? "We Have come from a far, following the star that will lead us to the newborn King of the Jews. " Can you tell us where He is?
Can you tell us so that we may go and worship Him? How can this be? There’s only one king and it’s me, me, ME!
But wait! If they will tell me the Child’s where-a-bouts, then I can have this “ new born King” taken out! Then there will never be a sliver of doubt that Herod is King!
So, I have spoken to the priests and scribes; they say the Scriptures have identified that Bethlehem is the place where you’ll find the Child that you’ve been looking for. Please, listen before you leave, when you find Him, report back to me so that I may go and worship Him too! .
Yes. “Worship Him” Come to Bethlehem and see; come adore on bended Knee, Christ the Lord, the newborn King! Star of wonder, star of night, star with royal beauty bright, west ward leading, still proceeding, guide us to Thy perfect light We three kings of orient are, bearing gifts we traverse a far field and fountain, moor and mountain following yonder star Glorious now be hold Him a rise: King and God and Sacrifice.
Alleluia! Aleluia! Heaven an earth replies.
We Bring Him frank incense, gold and myrrh. Come, peasant King own Him. The King of Kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone Him.
This, This is Christ the King, whom shepherds guard and angels sing. Haste, haste to bring Him Laud, the Babe, the Son of Mary Fall on your knees, O Hear the angel voices! Angels from the realms of glory, wing your flight o’er all the earth.
Ye who sang creation’s story, now proclaim Messiah’s birth. Come and worship, come and worship, come and worship the newborn King Come and worship, come and worship, come and worship Christ, the newborn Kin O Come, all ye faithful , Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him, born the King of angels, O come, let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O Come Let us Adore Him, Christh the Lord. Yea Lord, we greet Thee, born this happy morning.
Jesus, to be Thee be all glory giv’n. Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing. O come, let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him, O Come Let us Adore Him, Christh.
Christh the Lord. the Lord. (Mary): ​Did you hear that, little one?
The wisemen, kings who came from far away to adore you. Shepherds were here, too. And angels!
The rich and the poor, the heavenly and the human, all celebrate this moment God chose to give you to us. God has chosen this moment, right now, to give you to me. Who am I to be the mother of my Savior?
That I would give birth to the Messiah, who would deliver me from sacrificing lambs for my sin? How will you do that, my little lamb? Only a king would be capable of paying the price for a prisoner like me, and set me free.
Because You are a King - The King of Heavens. I always imagined I would have a son, but never imagined a King. (Mary) Mommies and daddies always believe that their little angels are special indeed And you could grow up to be anything but who would imagine a King?
A shepherd or teacher is what You could be, or maybe a fisherman out on the sea, or maybe a carpenter building things, but who would imagine a King? (Choral) It was so clear when the wise men arrived, and the angels were sing Your name, that the world would be different ‘cause You are a live (Mary) Tha’s why heaven stood still to proclaim. One day an angel said quietly that soon he would bring something special to me, and of all of the wonderful gifts He could bring, who would imagine who would imagine, who would imagine a King Uuuuhhhh (Joseph) ​He is THE King!
(Ruth) ​King of Kings, and Lord of Lords! (Mary) Born to set me free. (SHEM:)​Born to set me free.
(Joseph) ​Born to set me free. All: ​Born to set us free. (Joseph) ​Free from shame.
(Mary):​ Free from guilt. (Shem) ​Free from death! (Joseph) ​The same God who said "Let There Be Light" in the beginning, has revealed His divine plan already in motion!
Mary): ​His plan to save us! (Joseph) His plan to redeem us! Everybody: ​For good!
(Mary) ​I prayed that My Savior would come. Shem: ​We all prayed. (Everybody) ​For 1500 years.
(Ruth) ​ And now our God has answered. (Joseph) ​He is here. (Mary) ​He is here.
Everybody: ​Jesus. . .
Is here. Like a drama unfolded, the curtain was opened while an audience of angels was holding his breath. A census , a manger, two travel worn strangers, the stage was finally set.
Angels folded their wings at the throne worshiping as God whispered, “ I love You, My Son. ” Jesus took off His crown, and laying it down said; “Father, Thy will be done” The time had now come for God’s only Son to be born as a light in a dark, lonely place. So He stepped from heaven’s hall to Bethlehem’s stall.
where a star lit His newborn face. Then God called to Gabriel with gladness and cheer: “Play the trumpet, the horns and the strings. Tell the shepherds, and wise men and all who will hear.
Command all of the angels to sing. Fill the sky with your voices and sing ! ” Joy!
Joy to the world, praise to the King! Oh, let it ring! Joy!
Joy to the world, worship and sing! Joy! Joy to the world, Joy!
Joy to the world! Joy! Joy to the world, worship and sing!
Oh, let it ring! Joy! Joy to the world, worship and sing!
Joy! Joy to the world, Joy! Joy to the world, Joy!
Joy! Joy to the world, worship and sing! Oh, let it ring!
Joy! Joy to the world, worship and sing! Joy to the world!
Gloria! Joy to the world! Gloria!
Joy to the world! Gloria! Joy to the world!
Gloria! Joy to the world! Gloria!
Joy! Joy to the world, Joy! Joy to the world, Joy!
Joy to the world! Joy to the world! To The World hope has been given; ev’ry nation and tribe will be blessed.
Ev’ry heartbroken and searching, come be hold the almighty made flesh. No more waiting, anticipating, The Promise Has come. the Promises has come, so Sing the Christmas song.
Gloria, Gloria, Sing The Christmas Song, Gloria! Gloria!
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