Just do nothing, and it will save your life...

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Rob Mulder
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Video Transcript:
I remember a day quite some years ago where I was feeling really really bad and I had spent the whole day numbing the hell out of my brain basically so I spent the whole day playing video games watching YouTube videos I think I even watched some porn and there was some work tasks that I kind of had to do they were kind of important I really needed to start doing them but I felt so bad that I reached this point that I told myself okay you know what screw it I'm not going to do these
tasks right now maybe I'll do them tomorrow The Day After Tomorrow who knows but I feel so bad I'm not going to worry about it right now I'm just going to give up going to throw the towel into the ring and I'm going to start up a video game or just do whatever I feel like doing I'm giving up okay I'm giving in to how bad I'm feeling at this moment but at the same time that I was thinking about giving up I was also sort of growing tired of the thing that I was doing
at that time now I don't know if you guys can relate to this but I've definitely had these moments where I had such a shitty day basically and I just went from one YouTube video to another YouTube video so I'd watch a video for one minute and then I'd skip to the next video and then the next video and I just endlessly browse around and I start up a video game but then I'd get bored after 5 minutes so it start up another video video game and eventually I kind of just got to this point
where I got so tired of what I was doing trying to chase some fun but not really knowing what to do and not really having some fun and you you just get tired right I don't know if you guys can relate to this but I've definitely had these moments and I had one of these moments right there so at the same time that I allowed myself to give up I also got kind of tired of of giving up if you know what I mean so I told my of this I said okay this is what
I'm going to do I'll allow myself to give up and do whatever I want to do but first i'm going to have a little break I'm just going to go away from the computer and I'm going to just sit somewhere and do absolutely nothing for a moment to just give my mind a little break right to give my mind a little rest a little reset or something and I'll do that for like 10 or 15 minutes and then I'll come back to the computer and then I'll do whatever I want to do so then I'll
start up a video game and just you know have fun the rest of the day and hopefully I'll actually get to have some fun there so I removed myself from the computer and I went into another room where there was no computer and I didn't bring my phone so there was no form of stimulation and I just sat down on a chair and I stared in front of myself at like a wall or something and I did absolutely nothing for a couple of minutes and I'm not exaggerating when I say this but we within 5
minutes literally within 5 minutes I sat there and I started to feel a little bit of restlessness inside of me and I thought you know what that work task that I have been procrastinating on that I should be doing I actually feel kind of ready to do that thing right now I actually feel a little bit of motivation to start up that task 5 minutes before that I told myself that I was giving up I allowed myself to give up right but within literally minutes of doing absolutely nothing I started to feel a little bit
of motivation that I hadn't felt before in a long time I had I had completely changed my mindset within 5 minutes of doing absolutely nothing and it wasn't just the work that I started to think about and I started to find some motivation for but I also started to think about a lot of other things in my life that I always wanted I started to think things like why have I been eating so unhealthy the last couple of days why have I been overeating I really want to get a better body I should be getting
more serious about going to the gym I should be talking to more girls I should be working towards my other goals I started to feel some sort of a restlessness some sort of a hype on life that I hadn't felt before in a very very long time and as started to sort of realize from this point on now I'm not saying that it all came to me in that one very moment that I had an epiphany and poof then it suddenly came to me obviously I had a bunch more moments like this and it's it's
over time that I started to think about it but I think it was like from this point that I started to think about it and that I slowly started to realize that most of the time that I was let's call it wasting away my life and struggling to find the the mod ation and the passion to actually do the things that I wanted to do somewhere deep down it wasn't it wasn't necessarily the fact that the things that I had to do were so hard or that they were so uncomfortable or that I didn't know
where to start or whatever but it was probably due to the fact that I was always as a default distracting myself doing things that were very fun doing things were very stimulating that give you a lot of dopamine and so I had probably raised my dopamine levels my dopamine Baseline if you want to call it that all the way up here I was doing the things that give me the most stimulation right the things that give me the most dopamine and so now the things that I had to do and the things that I wanted
to do somewhere deep down were no longer attractive to me because these things don't give you as much dopamine they give you some dopamine but they don't give you as much dopamine as the things that I was doing the video games the YouTube videos the the porn all the things that I was doing all the time and because I was up here all the time the things that I really had to do the things that I really wanted to do no longer were things that I wanted to do because I didn't want to go down
here my dopamine wanted to stay up here because we are designed to always want to get the much most doping that we can get right and if we're all already up here we don't want to go back down here and as soon as I started to do nothing for just a couple of minutes I moved down my dopamine levels again and now compared to the dopamine levels that I was having down here the things that were up here suddenly started to become a little bit attractive I actually started to think hey wait a second I
kind of feel like doing these things because I allowed myself to feel like doing do these things because I was down here and not up here anymore and this is probably also the reason why if you go on like a vacation and you just spend a couple of days or a couple of weeks in nature with no technology at all you usually start to feel a certain hype that you normally don't feel right you get creative ideas you start to think oh I should really start to do this I should start to do that I
should really learn to break my comfort bu and overcome my fears it should really start to work towards my goals you start to feel this passion that you normally don't feel but then whenever you come back home again within a couple of days usually poof the passion's gone again right and then you ask yourself why is it that I felt that motivation while I was on a vacation but now that I come back home the motivation is gone again well it's probably because you were out there in nature not over stimulating your brain your dopamine
levels were down here and so now you started to think o these things I want to do these things I really want to do them but as soon as you came back home what happened your dopamine levels you put yourself back up here and now you're no longer wanted to do these things you didn't want to come down I even noticed this on a day-to-day basis if I start my day by distracting myself so I open up some YouTube videos or I pick up my phone or I even start up a video game which is
one of the dangers if you work for yourself at home you can start up a video game before you can get to work I noticed that 99% of the time I'm probably closer to 100% of the time I had a tough day a tough tough day now some of these days I might have actually brought up the discipline to do some work anyway eventually right but even then it was tough it took me a lot of effort to start up the things that I had to do while I was doing them I felt the urge
to constantly open up uh a browser like YouTube or something or start up a video game or pick up my phone and start distracting myself and I was I was constantly thinking I can't wait until I'm done with these work things and then I can watch a YouTube video or start up a video game again right it was a tough day and every time I did the opposite so I started today by not distracting myself but I just woke up I did my morning ritual and I got straight to work and then I forced myself
to work for a couple of hours without any distraction at all I ended up having a great day at least those initial few hours were very productive when I started to work I actually thought I I kind of feel like doing this work task right now I didn't feel as much temptation to distract myself as I normally feel and a lot of the time when I was done working I actually felt motivated to do other things in my life like going to the gym or something there were days where I was done working and I
would have expected okay now I'm done so now I can finally play the video game right but there were days where I was done working and I didn't even really feel like playing the game anymore but I actually felt motivated to do some other things in my life that were better for me right things that were really aligned with the goals that I have in life I started to think things like I should really bring up the courage to talk to that girl I should really become more serious about the things that I eat and
going to the gym Etc all these things that I normally didn't really think about I mean they were there they existed in the back of my mind I I wanted them they were my goals right but I wasn't really how do you put it connected to them I wasn't really thinking about them passionately on a day-to-day basis do you know what I mean these things started to come back to me now these things were things that I started to think about really passionately and I actually started to feel an urge to put them into practice
and actually start working on them and so I started to realize that most of the time that people waste away their lives and struggle to build the life of their dreams that is somewhere back there down there in the in the back of their brain it's not because of the fact that the things that they have to do are that hard or that they don't know what to do but it's simply due to the fact that we have these Lifestyles where we always by the fault distract ourselves and put ourselves in that high dopamine Comfort
bubble that that that Comfort bubble where we feel like we're having a lot of fun where we feel good and we don't want to come down again I mean think about it it's the default mode for so many people right when we are even considering if we should do something so if we're even considering whether we should do our homework or a work task it's not like we are sitting there doing nothing contemplating if we should do our homework or not right but we are already starting up that video game we are already watching the
YouTube video or we are already playing the video game and then while we are playing the video game then we start thinking oh yeah uh maybe I should do my homework we are already up here right it's the default mode for us and so it makes absolute sense that so many people including me in the past struggle to move down here again if we are always trapped up here in that high dopamine Comfort bubble then obviously we are not going to want to go down here maybe you've even experienced this to a certain extent yourself
maybe you've had these days in your life where you had to do some homework but you started up a game first and you had a tough day like the example I just described before you struggled to start up your homework while you were doing your homework you kept thinking oh man I can't wait until I'm done with my homework so I can play the video game again and maybe not everyone's this lucky but maybe you've also had some days in your life where for whatever reason you started up the homework first right so you you
hadn't watched any YouTube videos yet played no video games yet but you just started up your homework first and you just did your homework and you noticed that it was a lot easier to do your homework right it was a lot easier and maybe you even felt some motivation to do some other things as well you started to feel proud of yourself you started to think ah maybe I should do these things as well and when you were done with your homework and you started up that video video game you also had a lot more
fun playing that video game didn't you it's because now your dopamine went like this it went up up it only went up throughout the entire day so you felt great but normally what you normally do isof you start here and then you have to go down so then you feel like you're not having a lot of fun you're not even having a lot of fun playing the video game because you feel kind of guilty and you can't really relax and immerse into the game and all that happens is that you have to go down but
if you switch it around if you start by doing the serious things first you allow your dopamine system to go up up and you only feel better and you allow yourself to actually start to feel some motivation to do the things that you've always wanted to do in life so I am not saying that you can never do the fun things again that you can never ever play a video game again but I am saying that the problem that we're having is that we are doing these fun things by default fault we're doing to we're
doing them too much and we do them before we do the things that we should be doing right and that is sort of numbing our dopamine system and that is killing our motivation that is preventing us from connecting to the things that we truly want in life and if you get into the habit of doing the work first and waking up in the morning and not distracting yourself but doing the work first allowing your do M system to go up up throughout the day your life is going to become so so so much better because
of it you get more motivation to work you become more productive it allows you to focus more on the work that you do it allows you to feel passion towards the things that you've always wanted to do and it even makes the fun things in your life more fun I also started to notice that when I had evenings where I didn't distract myself so normally I'd spent the whole evening just playing games and watching some porn and maybe maybe some YouTube videos right but if I started to have evenings where I didn't do any form
of over stimulation at all so i' just you know I did something productive or maybe exercise and then I go for like a long walk after something right just go for a long walk and then maybe make a a plan of what I was going to do the next day and then I'd go to sleep I woke up the next day feeling like a completely different person I felt an amount of motivation and passion to do the things that I always wanted to do that I hadn't felt before in literally years literally years I was
a completely different person and even in the moments itself where you were already distracting yourself like I told you in the beginning of this video in the lowest lows of your life where you have the most overstimulated brain that you've ever had and you're already playing the video game and watching the porn and doing everything even then if you just remove yourself from the over stimulation and you allow ow yourself to do absolutely nothing for a couple of minutes you will start to feel a little bit of motivation to actually work towards your goals that
you haven't felt before in a long time so guys hey I hope that you can relate to this video I hope it actually add some value to your life and that it wasn't all for nothing and I think that's all I have to say for now I think that's sort of the point that I wanted to make as you might know by now I have a free community on school in this community you can ask for advice and there's also a free dopamine reset mini course so a uh if you're interested in learning more about
how to actually reset your dopamine system or if you struggle with it head over to the community and you can watch that free course hope it helps guys see you in the next video
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