The Grace to Make Changes: Part 2 - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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T.D. Jakes
Grace is the very thing we have to warn us of impending danger. It is the divining rod between ignor...
Video Transcript:
[Music] stand with your bibles in your hand let me take you back to where we were last sunday [Applause] genesis 6 1-9 you didn't get to catch part one it's uh on youtube and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and the lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his
days shall be 120 years there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which were of all men of renown and god saw and god saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every every every every every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and it repented the lord that he made man on the earth and he creamed him at his
heart and the lord said i will destroy man whom i have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that i have made them but noah found grace in the eyes of the lord these are the generations of noah noah was a just man and perfect in his generation and noah walked with god the grace to make changes spirit of the living god fell fresh on us right now we are desperate for you we crave your presence we need
your awareness we need your attention we clamor for your affection we need your adoration we bow humbly before you submit it to you asking your kind sir heavenly father daddy if you please speak to us out of the volume of the book oh god that we might hear what the spirit of the lord says to the church i thank you in advance for what you're about to do have your way in this place in the name of jesus we pray somebody who loves him shout amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord
y'all tired or y'all want me to preach [Applause] if you're tired i can bring off a chicken leg we can go we can go at it so we last we we talked about the book of genesis we talked about looking at the the ages and stages of ages from a dispensational perspective is one of the many ways in which we can relegate and thereby determine and understand different eras and ages out of time we understood then that noah was standing at the end of the age of consciousness about to float into human government and that
in spite of all of that he stepped out of his era and found grace it was not that grace found him but he found grace in the eyes of the lord and consequently a revolution evolved in his life because he transcended his error and the dispensation of his time and moved into that which was hidden but revealed unto him and he found it because it was hidden you don't find something that's not hidden he found it because it was hidden grace was hidden and noah found grace in the eyes of the lord and consequently was
able to operate on a level that transcended his time and situation imagine that that we can find things about god that cause us to transcend where we are and operate as if we were translated into something that has been held back imagine that the secret of the lord is with them that fear him and that god would show you things that haven't even happened yet so that you could be ready for them before they happen imagine that you could touch into a vein in the spirit that released something that your circumstances were destitute of and
yet we were able to channel them into this present world because of your closeness to god imagine that while other people were drowning you were floating imagine while other people were dying you were living imagine while other people were going under you were going up imagine while other people were being laid off you were hiring people imagine while other people were committing suicide you were smiling and having abundant life imagine that you had disrupted the culture the order the societal trends of the times in such a profound and didactic way that you turned out to
be on the right side of history and not the wrong side of history that god had allowed you to find somebody shout grace oh my god when you say it hell gets nervous and demons tremble and satan becomes upset somebody say grace when you say it your mind gets better your anxiety dissipates your worry leaves your guilt your shame your anxiety all these somebody shall grace that that i don't deserve i didn't earn i didn't work for it but i just became eligible by the mercy of god somebody shout grace grace is not just mercy
and forgiveness but grace is power grace is the ability grace is the unction to function in things that would have killed somebody else but you got the grace for it and when you got the grace for it you can put up with it that's why you can't always take the advice of your sister girl your girlfriends or your comrades because sometimes their advice is based on gracelessness and yet you have the grace to put up with something that they couldn't stand and they telling you if i was you i would shut up you're not me
i have the grace to be me i have the grace to raise this child i have the grace to be married to this man i have the grace to do this job i have the grace to run for this office i have the grace to move into this position i have found grace power electric intensity force might electricity i got it i got grace i don't care how old i am i don't care what i look like i don't care whether you like me or not if i got the grace i got the grace and
nothing you can do about it oh i feel it i feel it i feel it because i'm walking in it and i'm standing in it and i'm breathing it and i'm living in it i'm standing in the grace of god i'm 65 years standing in the grace of god still god answered still got fire still got glory that's christ [Applause] you can go go ahead get old if you want to quit if you want to sit down if you want to accept defeat if you wanted the devil is a lie i'm not through yet it's
not over till god says it over it's not a calendar it's not a date on the calendar i refuse to act old because i'm supposed to i got grace [Applause] noah found grace in the eyes of the lord and god saved him because noah walked with god because god saw himself in noah because noah was a righteous man he wasn't trying to keep up with the culture the culture was drowning and noah was floating because he did not idolize his associates your problem is you care too much about people and what they think of what
they say and whether they like you or not or whether they like the way you look or they like your hair they like your dress i don't care whether you like it or not i refuse to bow down at the shrine of what is only a man's opinion back up give me some room give me some space because i got grace to do this and god saved noah and his sons and their daughters saved my association saved by relationship so if you're not relational you're in trouble because noah's sons and daughters got saved by relationship
they they didn't have covenant their father did and they became a recipient for that that they did not have because they were connected with somebody that did connections is what got the woman with the issue of blood healed it wasn't attention it was connections she touched him of his garment he wasn't even looking at her but just because she was connected she got blessed are you connected with people that have the ability to change your destiny because you honor your connection then don't let no devil tear up your connection once god has given you a
connection it will save your life one of my fondest memories uh of my youngest son's childhood is watching him in the mirror watching me shave when i was shaving that he was a little boy he was a wee little boy and i'm shaving in the mirror and he's looking at the in the mirror at me you remember this and oh i can't i can't look at you and tell it i'll turn my back to you and he said he looked in the mirror and i'm looking at him through the mirror and he said daddy you're
everything i want to be and i thought listen wait i thought and that's why i came look at him uh i said to myself i said that's nice but you don't know everything i am you haven't seen me scared you haven't seen me tired you haven't seen me fail you haven't seen me be human you see me as this superhero and you love my superhero and i smiled and i patted him and i thought to myself it'll mean more if when you grow up and you still think that and i can't i can't look at
him when i when i tell you that as a grown man i brought it up and i brought it up with some anxiety because i braced myself for him to say that he changed his mind and he said daddy you're still everything i ever wanted to be i ain't gonna be able to do it with him in the room now what what what i brought it up about this personal conversation between me and my youngest child this personal conversation was had through a mirror i can look at you now we we we never looked at
each other yeah we just looked through the mirror so i'm standing there looking at his reflection and he is looking at mine and we are talking to the reflections about each other are you watching what i'm saying in this little personal private story is some mystery of theology it will change the way you see a mirror every time you see a mirror you will see it differently how many people got a mirror on them right now you got a mirror in your pocketbook somewhere on you sit somewhere you got a mirror right now your mirror
will teach you the purpose of god you don't need your bible i want to preach from your mirror for you see when god made man from the dust of the earth he made him a mirror of reflection what god liked about man was he was created in his likeness and in his image so when god looked at man he saw himself [Applause] and what god has always wanted for humanity is reflection that's why when jesus came he told us to pray after this manner thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven he
said i want you to be a reflection of heaven behold i give you power whatever you bind on earth have been bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth have been loosened that's near talk this mirror talk this mirror talk the smear talk that's mirror talk that's miranda when moses said god show me your glory and he looked at the glory of god until the molecules of his face begin to change into what he beheld because you always become what you look up to and when moses when moses began to look up at god he
became the god he was looking at so much so that the bible says in hebrew his face shone in the hebrew it means glory beings were shooting out of his face when he came down off the mountain it looked like beams were shooting out his face because his face had molecularly changed into what he was looking at [Applause] whatever you look at is what you [Applause] become you cannot be it if you don't see it and the more you see it you can be it and moses was staring at god and turning into god without
death transforming into divinity without death before the cross required a veil [Music] because it wasn't time for it to be revealed what god looked like and so when moses comes down off of the mountain he veils his face so that the glory of god does not yet appear because it wasn't supposed to appear to moses the law was supposed to appear through moses but not the glory the glory was supposed to come through jesus and the bible said we beheld the wonder of his glory the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth
that means that jesus is to god what i was to dexter they're having a reflective conversation jesus is god talking to us through his mirror no man have seen the father at any time save the son who have revealed him if you have seen me come on you have seen the father because i am in the father and the father is in me this is a reflective analysis because god has always wanted to see himself in his likeness and in his image and the reason satan hated man is because he looked like his daddy and
if you're in rebellion against the father you're going to be in rebellion against the sun so when satan slithers up on eve in the garden he's trying to break the mirror he couldn't break the father so he tries to break the mirror the reflection of his glory the express image of his person divinity wrapped up in humanity and we beheld the wonder of his glory the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth i was looking at dexter i was looking at what i was he was looking at me as an older man
at what he would become he represented my past i represented his future and we were staring through time and when i looked at him i looked at where i was and when he looked at me he looked at what he would become so when you see the sun you are seeing god expressing himself through the sun in his likeness and in his image what does that have to do with the text i'm glad you asked it has everything to do with the flood because this mutated being that had started to be created out of the
lust of the sons of god and the daughters of men had created a mutated being that had destroyed the reflection of who god was and he said before i'll have my image disrupted i'll drown them because they are not reflecting me and i created them to be in my image and in my likeness and i am seeing a mutation oh how much of god does he see [Music] in you in the way you talk in the way you walk in the way you handle people and the way you respond to people and the way you
interact with people how much of it is a reflection of your father or are you just showing yourself because this determines whether the flood hits you [Applause] the purpose of god is not the titles of men we have confused purpose with titles so so when we ask people about purpose they tell you what they do i'm a preacher that's a title don't confuse titles with purpose i am the express image of his person i am the personification of his praise i am the o'hell mohed the tent of meeting where divinity meets humanity i am an
expression of god's ability to inhabit that which is human i am the wind of god in flesh the breath of god the zoey god my purpose is to reflect him in the earth so i try to tell you what he would tell you speak to you like he would speak to you handle you like he would handle you whether i like you or not that's beside the point i am supposed to express him in the earth and as long as i express him no weapon formed against me shall be able to prosper and every tongue
that rises against me god will condemn and i don't care how high the flood gets it'll never get me if i express his glory that's why you clap your hands that's why you give him praise that's why you lift him up so that you can express glory the lord told me to tell you that he created you to be a glory machine a glory machine like you squeezed toothpaste and toothpaste comes out when i squeeze you glory ought to come out glory ought to come out of your praise out of your talk out of your
walk somebody let glory loose [Applause] because if you secrete glory god will protect you god is not worried about your humanity he's worried about his glory as long as you express his glory the flux won't drown you [Music] i got to praise him i got to praise him sometimes that's the only thing i get right is praising him and i throw myself on the mercy of the court because god inhabits praise and if i want god to inhabit me i've got to praise him because there's nothing else about me that god would want but if
i praise him he will come in he will come in and sit with me and make his abode with me if i praise him somebody just tried right now and praise him right now [Applause] it'll work in your car give me more it'll work in your living room it'll work on your couch you don't even have to be in this building whenever praises go up blessings will come down your glory machine if you're watching me online your glory machine produce it in the hospital produce it in the courtroom produce it in the bank wherever you
need glory to show up it's not going to come down it's going to come out out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water and glory beings were coming out of his face and god said i'm seeing some on earth that doesn't look like me and i will destroy it because that that i'm seeing coming out of your house that ain't me that mutated thing that you birthed for your pleasure that big giant thing that's walking around in your life that's a hybrid of your spirituality and your carnality your sons of god have seen
the daughters of men and produced a strange thing a mutation that does not reflect my glory and dexter and i were talking through the reflection we never turned our heads to look at each other because i could see him through his reflection i could see my yesterday in the reflection and he could see his tomorrow if he wondered what he would look like with grey beard here it is time could not deter reflection so when god wanted reflection he created man now in the era of noah this that god did not create is now growing
and god said that's not mine so i'm going to drown everything that does not reflect my glory that's why you got to be cool when god drowns certain people out of your life it must have been hard to be on the ark and hear those people screaming outside and yet you could not say them and you could not help them because it was their decision and i am learning i had a certain arrogance i didn't know i had that i thought being anointed meant that i could reach anybody i am learning that you cannot help
certain people i don't care how anointed you are i don't care how gifted you are you cannot help people who have decided to go with the giants type on the line get rid of the giants all those things that grew up in your life that god didn't send in your life get rid of them things because that is what is going to bring the flood i wish i had time i think it's interesting that in noah's day they created giants and our date we've created technology i think it is interesting that we cannot talk to
each other for technology and we are more intimate with machinery than we are humanity i think it's interesting that we can all sit down at a dinner table and be preoccupied with our phones and have we made something that mocks who we are and does not give us this the satiety of real relationship because you really think they're friends because they follow you are you kidding me you really think that they like you because they liked your picture are you serious have you become that cheap that you'll do anything for touch you didn't even get
to feel they touched their phone and you felt better have you become so cheap that you walk past the people who can touch you to have contact with the people that can't touch you have we not created giants that are replacing us that are taking our jobs and taking our positions and taking our places can you call anybody now and not talk to a machine i can't get a real person on the phone that can answer aqua if you want this punch 5 if you want that punch 7 if you want this punch 3 hit
the pound button when you're complete if you don't want to hit the star i want that passion i want to talk to a person who thinks and breathes and can respond and answer my question i don't want to talk to a robot i don't want to kiss a robot i don't want to hold a robot i don't want to make love to a robot i don't want you to create something that looks sexy that i cannot feel i am tired of machines because no machine can reflect the glory of god no meme can recreate it
can create the glory of god no hologram can create the glory of god only you even the angels can't do it only you can reflect the glory of god and there you sit with your lips first and you won't praise the lord with your stingy self when it's the one thing that makes you unique in all the earth let everything that have breath praise somebody shout grace [Applause] i told you last week intellect does not produce nor deny grace you don't get grace because you're smart because then god would not be just because somebody with
lesser iqs would not be eligible so it is not dispensed according to your intellectualism it is not dispensed according to your aesthetics because then ugly people would be out ugly people can be just as anointed as fine folks because god does not dispense glory by appearance for man looketh on there but god look it's on the oh you're getting it you're getting it you're getting you're getting it i can produce glory and be poor i know y'all don't believe that in america but you can be anointed and be broke i was anointed with food stamps
hallelujah i would preach you into a coma feeding my daughter witch and putting back stuff that the food stamps wouldn't cover but it didn't stop the glory from saturating my life and i got up because i am anointed and i went further because i am anointed but even poverty could not stop anointing from getting to me you can be in prison and be anointed the glory will get in between the bars the glory that need the war and its permission the glory cannot be stopped by the sheriff's department if you're watching me in a prison
cell the glory of god will walk right through the bars and touch you like you've never been touched [Music] human conscious finds grace when it matures enough to discover its own wretchedness you what let me break this down you will never get better until you find out how sick you are as long as you deny your own illness and you become professional at blaming other people for what's wrong with you you will never be on the road to recovery when you begin to own it when you become consciously aware that i need the grace of
god i need the power of god i need the blood of jesus i need the anointing of god i am a wretch undone you would like me if i didn't take my medication i need a fix every day i need glory in the morning i need glory in the email i need glory to shut my mouth i need glory to stop me from telling you what i'm thinking i need glory from flipping out like i can flip out i can flip out i don't have to pop my neck i will pop your neck i will
go off on you i need glory to keep my flesh in check i need glory to hold my peace and not show you that i could have cuss you in my sleep somebody show glory now genesis tells us what noah did that noah built an arc a certain amount of furlongs or furlong is from the elbow to the fingertip so it was not a specific length because the distance from elbow to fingertip varies from hand to hand what i build is measured by my length i measure by my own arm that's why comparing yourselves with
one another and so doing it is not wise because my sister's furlong might be shorter than my furlong but that doesn't make her any less successful because a furlong is determined by your own length your capacity how much capacity do you have don't walk in my capacity my arm might be longer nor built the ark i'm gonna move on no i built the ark according to his length the book of genesis tells us what he did but the book of hebrews tells us why he did it i don't want to pastor a bunch of people
who are stuck on what because as long as you're stuck on what you will never love like god because men always want to know what you did somebody can call you and tell you so and so die what they doubt child is that going to make them any less dead but but but we want to know what i ain't gonna bother you i'm cancelling all the additions i can add to that genesis tells us what hebrews tells us why hebrews 11 7 says by faith noah when warned about things not yet seen in in king
james said move with fear and the niv says in holy fear built an ark to save his family by faith he condemned the world and became the heir of righteousness that is in keeping with faith good god man can i spend a few minutes here and i will stop the thing that got me about this text is that i always hear church people preaching top bottom north south east west faith fear as if fear were the opposite of faith and we had all these t-shirts to make people with mass feel funny faith over fear like
if i had real faith i wouldn't have a mask on it i said no if you had real faith you wouldn't lock your cargo if you want to show me your faith leave your door open and go to sleep your pocketbook on the dashboard and leave the car unlockless let's really show them sometimes if you're gonna attempt god let's really just go off i got faith i got faith no you got copied you must understand what i'm saying people don't get kobe to not get covered because they had faith and didn't have faith you can
have faith and still catch covet you can have a mask and still catch coverage you can have no masking filter let's let's let's let's let's challenge now i'm going to be disruptive okay this is a warning so if you want to hop offline hop off right now because i'm getting ready to be disrupted i'm gonna mess with your theology just a little bit i'm gonna mess with you just a little bit you run around talking about that if i had faith i wouldn't have fear and then you quote this creature a perfect love cast out
fear and then you tell me that that god hath not given us the spirit of fear but the truth of the matter is this scripture brings faith and fear into the same sentence without contradiction noah's faith is proven by his fear [Applause] so the text starts out oh i feel like teaching this thing now come on i dare you to push me i'll teach this thing by faith by faith nor being warned of god of things not yet seen now he had faith god wanted you as grace if god warned you that's grace if i
told you to stop that's grace if i gave you a chance to get out that's grace if i gave you the plan for the tabernacle that's grace if i gave you the plan for the heart that's great so so so we see by faith noah being warned of god look at your neighbor and say god warned you if you get in trouble don't blame god if you go bankrupt don't blame god if they take all your money and run don't blame god if you lose your self respect don't blame god if you end up hiv
positive don't blame god once god warns you grace has done what it was supposed to do it has warned you of things not yet seen it has warned you of things not yet seen is there anybody in here that don't want to be warned i want to be warned if you want to be warm put your hand up i want to be warned i want to be warned when i'm going too far i want to be warned when i'm talking too much i want to be warned when i'm in the presence of an enemy i
want to be warned when i befriended a witch i want to be warned when there's somebody out to sabotage me i want to be warned when i'm on the brink of discretion i want to be warned when i talk too much i don't want to be warned when i need to hold my peace i want to be warned when i'm about to mess up my future that's the grace of god look at your neighbor and say he warned me i would have been dead but he warned me i would have been destroyed but he warned
me i would have drowned but he warned me i would have been with trump's body that was abuser but he warned me i would have been with somebody that was hitting me over the head with a frying pan but he warned me is there anybody in here that can shout because god warned you [Applause] he warned me he warned me he warned me he warned me the devil body had me but god warned me the witch tried to hex me but god warned me my enemies tried to deceive me but god warned me they act
like they were my friends but god warned me they tried to put me in a trap but god warned me to god be the glory he brought me out he brought me out he brought me out he brought me out because i believed him and you know how you know i believed him because i moved with fear come on come on come on noah be warned of god of things not yet seen move with fear it doesn't say he moved with faith he said he moved with fear because if you really believe god that it's
going to rain it ought to produce fear because god is not looking for somebody in this season who will gradually build a boat we are too close to judgment for you to be casual about building an escape route the enemy is right over your shoulder if you don't move with fear you won't move quick enough to stop the enemy from doing what he's trying to do because fear is a favor from god it releases your adrenaline it gives you power to move it gives you agility it gives you strength it causes your body to function
in supernatural ways god gave you fear so that when the lion roared you would outrun him when the baboon beat his chest you would outstep him god gave you fear so that when the snake rattled you would move your foot i need me some fear to help me escape when the enemy came in like a flood the spirit of the lord will lift up a standing against it slap your neighbor and say run run run run run i can see the signs of the judgment you better run i can see the signs of the times
you better run before we can cure one disease here comes another disease while we're getting over this disease here comes another disease flap your neighbor and say run you better run you better run you're not safe in ukraine you're not safe in russia but you're not safe in alabama you're not safe in jamaica you can't find anybody saying any place that's safe you got to be prepared to run hit your name and say i'm gonna run if you're going with me you gotta run if you're gonna move with me you gotta run i can't stand
slow folks they make me itch they get on my nerves cause when i got to go i got to go and you got to move at my pace or you can't walk with me if you don't move with me somebody open your mouth and shout yes [Applause] fist bump three people say i gotta make changes i gotta make changes i gotta make changes i got to make changes god's given me a grace to make changes i've got the grace to change my circumstance i've got the grace to change my situation i've got the grace to
come out of my nature i got the grace to escape the wrath to come somebody shout grace grace is what i'm gonna use to change my situation for the next 30 seconds everybody that's got grace give god a praise [Applause] yes yes yes yes yes touch seven people and say make changes make changes god's gonna give you grace to make changes god's gonna give you grace to change your reality god's gonna give you grace to change your situation somebody shout yes yes yes i'm not waiting on nobody to change my life i've got the grace
to change my life if you're a change agent give god some praise right now praise him praise him till hell gets nervous pray them till demons tremble praise him till you break your norm pray them till you break the spell praise it to your creative disruption somebody shout out a disrupter i'm a disruptor i'm a disrupter i'm gonna disrupt the whole house i'm gonna disrupt the whole city i'm gonna disrupt the whole nation somebody help me holler [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it was not what i was running to that made me speed it was what i
was running if i hadn't seen the giants behind me i wouldn't have been in such a hairy building my ark but in order for me to protect my generations i gotta build it hear me now god won't protect what you won't build my text is the grace to build the grace to make changes which is the grace to build which means come on stay with me just a minute there is a grace [Music] to be a disrupter in order to have the strength to disrupt the situation you have to have the ability to take the
pain of the critics who say you look like a fool you're building a boat why are you building a boat there's not a cloud in the sky but because god warned you of things that they can't even see help me help me help me help me somebody shall build it there's something that god wants you to build that's going to protect you from what's coming and if you don't build it it won't happen grace won't do it without you you gotta build it if you build it it's gonna happen somebody shall build it you've been
hanging around people that are so busy having fun that you haven't been around people who were busy building now building feels like punishment because fun feels like normal but if you change your crowd [Music] [Applause] and get with people that are building then you won't need rest from building because building will become your normal look at your neighbor and say i'm a builder that's what i do if i get in this marriage i'm gonna build it if i have a child i'm gonna build it if i have a job i'm gonna build it if i
start a business i'm gonna build it because i got the grace to make changes look at somebody and say make changes this is your year this is your time this is your season to make changes and you're trying to not make waves but if you don't make waves you can't make change if you don't get on somebody's nerves you can't make change look at somebody say i got the grace for it now close i'm across because i feel a preaching fit coming on i feel a fit coming on there must be some builders in the
house if you're a building the house makes some noise i said if you're a builder in the house make some noise i said if you're building the house make some noise if you're building a house make some noise anything i get in i'm gonna change it i guarantee you if i join the choir you're gonna hear me i guarantee you if i start pushing the wall it's gonna move i guarantee you if i kick a door it's gonna fly open i will knock a door off his hinges at 65 if i want in there you
can't lock me out if i get ready to come in then baby i'm coming in and no devil in hell can keep me out cause i got the grace to make changes shout in this place holla in this place make noise in this place if you're gonna make some changes i want to hear from you [Applause] [Applause] oh whatever tormented you the most in your life you have the most grace to build in the area where you had the most pain i'm trying to tell you your enemies are your best friends because if it wasn't
for them you wouldn't move with fear [Music] and god sent pain in your life to motivate you because you were too complacent and now he wants you out of your comfort zone because he needs you to be scared [Music] because he's looking for somebody that will move with fears he got too many people this is walking along he wants somebody that's gonna move with fear i want somebody in this building i don't care whether you move north south east or west i don't care if you jump up and down a climb up a step but
i want 3 000 people in this place to just bust a move any kind of move [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i'm about to close [Music] that's my third time saying that i'm about to close let me tell you when david got ready to bring back the ark of the covenant he was bringing back the glory of god but he didn't know how to bring back the glory like some of you are standing here watching us but you don't know how to bring back the glory so the bible says that he tried to bring
back the glory on a new court but when he brought the glory hannah the ox stumbled the ark of the covenant slid other gravity and he died and for three months david gave up and put the glory in the house of obed edom but when the glory got it over at eden's house the glory said i don't care what house i'm in anywhere i get in i'm gonna produce glory and the house of all that eater god bless somebody shout give me the glory pastor brady david got tired of seeing omad edom's house get blessed
and he said i want the glory back somebody say i want the glory back so he got the ark of the covenant and he put it on the shoulders of the priests and in the king james version it said that they brought their glory back with paces and when i said paces i thought rhythm but when i looked up paces in hebrew is not so much about rhythm it's about big steps and the only way the glory will rest on your shoulder it's that you're prepared to take i don't know who i'm preaching to but
before this year is out you're about to take a big step step out on the promises of god step out of the power of god do it like this take a big step take a big step god's kind of your baby step take a big step take a big step and watch god bless you give me some praise music take me back to the storefront take me back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can y'all hear me as about connect can you hear me in the balcony if you're sitting in the balcony take some big steps take
some big steps can you hear me in chicago can you hear me in charlotte can you hear me in los angeles can you hear me in london god said [Applause] here's the takeaway [Music] you think that because you feel fear you shouldn't move but if i let fear stop me i would never move nor move with fear but it was by faith being warned of god of things not yet seen built an ark to the saving of his house [Music] this text is jeremiah 18 the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the
hand of the potter means the vessel that looked like what he had in his mind what he had imagined it to look like so he made it again another how can it be it's and another because god can make changes that turns it into another wait a minute don't clap if you ain't a big stepper [Music] i don't want to pass to nobody that's not prepared to make some big steps log off if you're not a big stepper this is a big step of conversation the grace to make changes is for people who can feel
the fear and move with it move with it move with it i'm afraid but i'm gonna move with it i'm gonna make it work for me i'm gonna hit you harder because i'm scared of you i was in the street i ran into a guy he said i'm bad you don't know who you're fully with i said you bad i said i'm scared i said scared trump's bad cause bad is cool scared will do anything i will bite your finger off i will poke you in your eye i will bite your lip off cause scared
is crazy now you bad i'm crazy let's see what happens cause you're moving we're cool i'm moving with fear i will drive the car over you i will burn you up and eat marshmallows in your front yard cause i'm crazy i'm scared of you because if you hit me it might hurt but if you're on fire you're gonna be busy i will keep you busy jump me expect crazy noah moved with fear the worst person to fight is somebody who's scared of you because they ain't gonna give you a chance they'll catch you sleep my
mama you say i pour hot grease in your ear she said hot chicken prime grease and pour it in your ear and let you run out the underside while you sleep that's moving with fear my daddy was 280 and six foot tall he didn't mess with her because he was bad she was crazy crazy trump's bad all in the head what will you go crazy about what will you go crazy to build what will you go crazy to accomplish you got this last thrust what you gonna do with it some of you got five more
thrusts some of you just got one what you gonna do you gonna waste your last thrust on a little baby's dip polka poke a little bad in you you ain't got time to take a little step the weirdest thing when david brought the ark of the covenant back the only way the ark rested is that it rested on the shoulders of priests who would make big steps this is a big stepper message who am i preaching to today [Applause] noah built something it wasn't a yacht it wasn't a fishing boat it saved his whole house
it saved everything that reflected god's glory god made a new heaven and a new earth out of what a man built i'm telling you that god wants you to build something that causes your great great grandchildren to blow kisses at your picture i don't care about if it's cake powder i don't care if it's pancake batter i don't care if it's waffle batter i don't care if it's syrup i don't care if it's onion soup make some out of it god gives you the grace to make changes not excuses there is no grace to make
excuses there's grace to make changes everything you've been crying about and fussing about and complaining about and asking god to do something about you do something about it [Applause] [Music] you want to make it better make it better you can't make it better making it worse make it better shut up and make it better stop complaining about it make it better you don't like the garage make it better you don't like the car make it better you don't like the marriage make it better you don't like the ministry make it better i don't need nobody
else telling me what's wrong fix it change it make it better you got the grace to make changes i don't go to the tailor for him to tell me what's wrong with the suit i've brought it to you to fix it god said i brought you that problem to fix it and i gave you the grace to make changes type it on the line i got the grace to make changes your excuses are going to not want you to do it because if you write this it will kill your excuses say i've got the grace
to make changes say to yourself i got the grace to make changes this is my year to make changes i'm anointed to make changes i'm gifted to make changes i got the grace to make changes it's not up to my husband it's not up to my wife it's not up to my mama it's not up to my boss i've got the grace to make changes say it with me i got the grace to make changes in a moment i'm going to pray for change agents i'm going to pray for change agents that does not necessarily
mean bishops and elders it could but it doesn't have to mean them naaman was the captain of the host of syria but his change agent was making the bed the maid turned the whole story upside down while she was making the bed she said there's a prophet in israel i don't care what your socioeconomic level is in life the color of your skin your ethnicity what country you're from whether you're young or you're so old you can't see the screen the reason you still breathe is to make changes [Applause] in a moment i'm going to
pray for change agents i particularly am drawn to people who have chaos and trauma who have been drowning in stuff that you're supposed to build in don't you see sir noah's ark made no sense without a flood his life's work meant nothing without trouble the flood is what made the art work if you stop the flood the ark makes no sense it's just decoration in his backyard without the flood stop praying about the flood and build your ark [Applause] you've been praying god stop the brain god separate oh god stop the rain oh god stop
the rain let me tell you something you need every problem you got to give you buoyancy because you can ride on the wave of trouble [Music] the trouble is going to give you buoyancy you're going to want to thank all your haters because your haters made you hurry up i told some friends of mine we were doing the deal i said hurry up and close the deal hurry up and close it cause we got enemies when i see enemies i get in a hurry i don't draw back when i see you won't fight me i'm
gonna shut it down shut it down shut it down stop arguing with them and shut it down i don't i don't have grace to argue i got grace to build i got grace to make changes you've got grace to make changes and god wanted me to talk to your head because you're approaching the storm the wrong way you think victory is stopping the water if you stop the water the boat won't work the water is your friend it's gonna lift you up you're gonna sail on it you are not called to stop the rain you're
called to build the ark noah your kids are counting on you to build something that's bigger than you that's more important than you this right here this right here is bigger than td jake's i don't need this much room this is about you and your children and your future this is about the ability for you to sit wherever you're sitting in the world and hear me in whatever language you speak this was about you because god wanted you to hear today [Applause] it's a day for you to make big steps i'm not quite i'm not
talking about crazy steps i'm not talking about just doing something to be stupid there are specific guidelines that noah had to follow but they were big steps and the ark only rests on the backs of men who will make big steps i don't want no children that won't make big steps big steps big steps i'd rather help you get out of trouble in a big step than put up with watching you make little steps and waste your life do something do something that scares you do something that makes you pray do something that keeps you
up at night do something put some gleam in your eye do something that you got fear and faith living in the same apartment building i'm so fast i'm so faced up about it i can't stand it and then turn over and say lord i'm scared to death jesus if you don't give me this you know i don't know what i'm doing i can't get up in the morning say i believe god though he's slain me yes who am i talking to what my schizo saint said i need some skits off things i need some schizophrenics
online some skits don't say depend on what time you talk to me which way i'm talking one day i'm talking like i'm crazy one day i'm talking like i'm scared to death but leave my fear alone because my fear won't let me be lazy my fear won't let me be late my fear won't let me take you for granted my fear of what you might do has saved me from your attack my fear of what could happen made me careful leave my fear alone leave my fear my fear and my faith are roommates in this
text if my faith is a hammer my fear is the nail the reason i'm going to invade the space because i know you won't let me in on your own i'm sharp to penetrate you because i know you don't like me i'm good with it i ain't gonna spend my life trying to get you to change your mind cause you're changing your mind is not my goal my goal is to make changes your goal is to do what your goal is to do what your goal is to do what your goal is to do what
so the stuff you're praying about god left if god didn't move it he left you there so your ark would have something to ride on so your testimony would have buoyancy so they could see that if it wasn't for god you wouldn't have made it he didn't mean for mom and him to get you out because then you'd have to praise mom and then he meant for them to hurt your feelings to wean you from depending on other people to get you out this is a job for god [Applause] i believe you're online i can't
see you all i see is a red dot but in my spirit i see you [Music] and i see you you got big dreams and big ideas and some of the ideas you have people wouldn't believe that somebody like you in a situation like you would ever have an idea like you don't have the resources and you don't have the relationships and you don't have the money you don't understand anything but you got the dream god said he's going to bring you into big rooms he's going to bring you into big settings he's going to
bring you into big atmospheres he's going to give you put you in a land of big ideas the lord said you're closer to it than you've ever been in your life if you give up now you're going to miss your moment the reason god had you online is to get this word god wants you to pick up your pace he wants you to move with fear what you're doing is not about you it's about your daughter it's about your son it's about your grandson it's about the generations that are coming out to you this ain't
even about you they gonna walk into a ark they didn't even build they just gonna walk on in the door and sit down cause you're gonna have it all built when they come [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i want everybody in this room that's got a hundred dollars to get it in your hand get it in your hand i don't care if it's online i don't care if it's in the phone get it get it get it everybody's got a hundred dollars i want you to get it if you don't have it don't worry about it
don't worry about i'm not gonna embarrass you if you've got a hundred dollars you've got access to a hundred dollars if you're online you got access to a hundred dollars this is not just about an offering i want to prove a point the reason there's nothing after 100 there's nothing after 100. after you go to 100 you got to go back to one because there's nothing beyond 100 the young people say keep it 100 because that means that 85 won't do it is there anything that you have ever put your all into if you are
going to make this change god wants a hundred percent out of you not 85 faith 15 complaints not 15 of guilt and rage and anger you've never been healed enough to be whole there's a difference between being healed and being whole all the lepers got healed one of them was made whole a whole means there's nothing left fraction it's a hundred percent this is for 100 people this is for 100 people whether you're online or in the building i don't just want you to sow a hundred if you're not gonna give a hundred to the
thing you believe god for in your life i want this to be a commitment that today i realize i'm not giving 100 to my kids or my wife or my ministry or my job they have all got a little slice today i realize that maybe i don't know what it's like to really give all of me to anything and i've had success but i've had it off of fragments and pieces but i've never given a hundred percent to anything and i just realized how can i be discouraged when i haven't been fully committed how can
i expect a hundredfold return while i got 30 investment i haven't consistently shot a hundred percent at anything before i die help me lord i owe it to myself to see what would happen if i showed up 100. somebody shot 100. [Applause] don't play with me this is for people who are going to show up 100 in your own dream in your own reality and what god has spoken to you to give it 100 because god said 80 won't do it 80 will not do it once a month we'll not do it sometimes when you
feel like being in a good mood won't do it god said he wants you to move with fear like this is important because the enemy is trying to sabotage your destiny you can't just casually fight this you got to move with fear because of your faith your faith is exemplified in your fear the fact that that nor believed god is what made him scared of things not yet seen so don't tell me that you can't have faith and fear because this text makes a liar out of you faith and fear are roommates in the same
apartment and everybody up here knows it you have never done anything in your life we're talking about that you wasn't a little bit scared of where my preachers that made some noise [Applause] you have never been mighty at anything unless you was a little bit scared of it you have never really prayed your guts out until you had somebody hating on you and you was a little bit afraid they might be right and they said you didn't have it they said you wasn't good enough and they said you couldn't do it and you thought they
might be writing you was a little bit scared of them and you were a little bit mad at them and you was believing god and praying god to make a lie out of it if you haven't had that conflict you ain't alive you dead [Music] this is a commitment that i'm going to stop chasing ghosts worrying about things that don't matter i'm going to be 100 engaged i want you to sow it it's not the money it's what it represents in fact if you're 100 person and you only got ten dollars it's so bad listen
it's what it represents what it represents is i've never been fully engaged i could be 40 years old and never ever gave 100 to anything and the things that i'm complaining about not working no wonder they don't work i haven't given you 100 i wish for it [Music] i'm not saying that they went wrong but i own some responsibility i'm complicit because i never showed up in my own dream it's all right when i don't show up in your dream but when i don't show up in my own dream you're online i want to join
my faith with yours here's the good news all you need is a hundred you don't need to be anybody else a hundred percent of you is enough to build the ark that could change the world you don't have to wish you were first lady or wish who were pastor phillips i wish you were pastor tubman if i could only be messed up god is not asking you to be a hundred percent of somebody else he is only asking noah to be noah to measure the wood and work on it every with day hundred percent of
himself and god says i'll hold back the rain till you drive the last nail and as soon as you hit the last nail the sky will go black and i'll send the storm to lift you up and the storm will make sense out of what you gave 100 of yourself to lift your hands if i'm praying for for you if i'm talking to you if there's a little voice in your head that says i'm really not giving a hundred percent or maybe i'm spread so thin that i can't give a hundred and i need to
let some things go so that i can be good faithful over a few things means maybe cutting back on some things so that i can be 100 present for the things that matter most in my life and i hear god talking to me today that i'm praying for stuff that i wasn't present in i'm asking god to be present while i'm absent that i have the grace to make changes god find every raised hand who really hears you talking to them we stand here and we admit that we put in 30 and 1-70 out we
put in 25 into the kids we wanted 65 back we put in 25 into the job and we wanted 100 back and we have not yet resisted under blood and we have not moved with fear and we have not focused on it we have spent too much time playing with the phone playing with toys playing with gadgets playing with people who don't want nothing burning up our time and our energy and now i'm at a deficit i don't have a hundred percent because i have given 25 to people who just use me for entertainment they
called me because they was bored today i commit 100 of myself this is not about my offering my offering is symbolic of me i am saying to you god i'm going to give a hundred percent of myself to make changes if you're god enough to give me the grace and the mercy to warn me that i'm man enough and woman enough to take 100 opportunity to make changes and nobody knows but me and you what my it is and i'm gonna keep it that way i'm not gonna write it on the envelope i'm not gonna
send it on a text but you know what it is that i have withdrawn myself from sometimes to protect myself from being disappointed i withdrew myself from it and if noah would have withdrawn himself he would have drowned in the flood i didn't know that you let me see it so i could build and make changes i have the grace to make changes i silence every voice that has ever told you you were not enough that has ever made you feel insufficient and incapable and unloved and unwanted enough where they are silenced every voice that
would stand up against the knowledge of god in this text you have the grace to make changes and i believe it right now i believe god to give you strategy i believe god to give you temperance i believe god to give you partnerships and relationships and connections and bring you into places with people that have your rhythm that have your pace that are ready to make big steps that are not dragging you backwards who are ready to move into the things of god and they don't care who gets the credit i pray right now against
all the people who want your titles but not your task [Applause] they want your company but they do not have any collaboration to offer to you they're just taking up space draining your 100 i pray you get your 100 back and i'm not talking about the dollars i'm talking about your 100 focus you're 100 you're 100 attention you're 100 vitality you're 100 creativity you're 100 of innovative concepts that the ark was innovative nobody had a boat nobody nobody had an ark nobody had an art when they they got in one what nora built had never
been built before and you're getting ready to build something that's unlike anything you've ever seen before and don't worry about the resources my god shall supply everyday whether the need is people or connections or companies or relationships or finances whatever you stand in need of architects whatever it is i thank you for being supplied right now in the name of jesus i thank you because lord you just spoke to me and said there will be immediate testimonies off of this word [Applause] this could very well be the most important message i've ever preached in my
life because you are at an inflection point where you have got to see change and now you understand in order to see change you have to make change my soul says yes to the task in jesus name amen this is two things i want give him a praise give him a phrase [Music] you
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