The Hidden Entities That Hide In Our Reality

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as Christians it is crucial that we understand the full scope of the world we live in we do not live in a world full of humanity alone we live in a world full of humanity and spirit beings if there is any group of people who should fully understand and acknowledge the spirit world it is Christians why because our God is a spirit and he interacts with us through the Holy Spirit angels and even in spiritual warfare against forces of Darkness the Bible time and time again reveals to us that Spirit beings interact with our world
in more ways than we can even begin to know or acknowledge the spiritual world is woven into the very fabric of our faith from Genesis to revelation we see a consistent revelation of the interaction between God his angels and the forces of evil with Humanity whether it's Angels bringing messages from God to his people or demons attempting to hinder the work of God the Bible is clear the spiritual realm is real and active this spiritual battle is not something that exists on the fringes of our faith it is Central to the Christian worldview and ignoring
it leaves us vulnerable to deception and spiritual attack consider how the Bible describes the world we live in in Ephesians 6:12 Paul reminds us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places this means that there is a spiritual hierarchy at work in the Unseen realm and much of what we see happening in the world today is influenced by forces we cannot see these are the hidden entities that hide in our reality they work behind the scenes
influencing governments cultures and even individual lives sadly many Christians in today's world do not acknowledge the reality of demons Angels or spiritual warfare it is almost as if we have become scared to the supernatural aspects of our Faith preferring to focus on the tangible and material instead but make no mistake just because we choose to ignore or downplay the reality of the spiritual world does not mean it ceases to exist ironically many non-christians are more willing to acknowledge the existence of spiritual entities than we are throughout history countless individuals have attributed their ideas Inspirations and
even inventions to interactions with Spiritual Beings these accounts are Not Mere super superstitions or the products of overactive imaginations many come from some of the most influential people in history whose contributions have shaped the world in profound ways take for instance Socrates the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates claimed to have a damonian or a Divine spirit that guided him particularly in making moral decisions he was one of the most influential thinkers of all time and yet he openly acknowledged that much of his wisdom and insight came from a supernatural Source similarly William Blake the famous English
poet and artist believed that he received Visions from angels and Spirits these Supernatural experiences influenced much of his poetry and artwork which continue to inspire people to this day then we have Nicola Tesla the brilliant inventor known for his contributions to electricity and electromagnetism Tesla often mentioned that many of his ideas and inventions came to him in flashes of insight moments that he attributed to external sources of inspiration beyond the material world Johan wulfgang ferta the German writer and philosopher spoke of a guiding spirit that influenced his writing especially his famous work fa Mozart one
of the greatest composers of all time believed that his music was inspired by Divine sources he often described himself as a mere vessel through which the music flowed acknowledging that much of his genius Came From Beyond himself and then there's Alistair Crowley the British occultist and Mystic who claimed to have received many of his teachings from a spiritual being named iwas Crowley is known for his influence on Modern occult practices and his writings continue to have a profound impact on those who dabble in the occult he claimed that the book of the law one of
his most famous works was dictated to him by iwas these are not obscure or irrelevant figures they are some of the most influential minds and creators in history and they have openly admitted to interactions with spiritual entities the question we must ask ourselves is this if these individuals who have shaped the course of history acknowledge the influence of the spirit world in their lives why are we as Christians so hesitant to do the same these are only a few examples there are countless others great Kings politicians businessmen and inventors whose contributions to the world may
have been influenced by Spirit beings we may never know the full extent of spiritual influence behind some of the most significant events in human history but we can be sure that it is there do not be a naive Christian the spiritual realm is real and interacts with our world far more often than you might realize ancient cultures understood the reality of the spirit world in ways that modern society often ignores or dismisses the ancient Romans like the Greeks believed in the concept of good demons or Spirits the term demon from the Latin demon referred to
a spirit or supernatural being which could be either good or bad in Roman belief each person had a personal protective Spirit called a genius for men or Juno for women which watched over their Destiny these Spirits were often associated with good fortune and inspiration the Romans also believed in household gods and Spirits such as the lares and penates who were thought to protect the home and family the lares were believed to guard Crossroads fields and homes while the penates were responsible for the pantry and the prosperity of the family while these beliefs may seem quaint
or superstitious to Modern sensibilities they reveal an important truth ancient cultures understood that the spirit world had a direct impact on their everyday lives however the Bible makes it clear that there is no such thing as a good Demon any spiritual being that is not aligned with God's purposes is ultimately working for evil even if it appears benevolent on the surface in John 10:10 Jesus tells us that the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy demons may mascarade as beings of light or guidance but their ultimate goal is to lead people away from the truth
of God the Bible also warns us in second Corinthians 11:14 that Satan himself masquerades as an angel of Light this is why we must be Discerning and rooted in the word of God even in more recent history we see examples of people acknowledging their interactions with the spirit world Robert Johnson the legendary Blues musician is famously associated with the story of having sold his soul to the devil at a Crossroads in exchange for musical Talent while this is more folklore than a direct Claim by Johnson himself it highlights a widespread belief that Supernatural forces can
grant People Extraordinary abilities or success similarly John Lennon one of the co-founders of the Beatles once claimed that many of his songs just came through him as though he were channeling something Beyond his conscious control in a 1980 interview Lennon admitted that his music often seemed to flow from a source outside of himself suggesting a supernatural or spiritual influence this phenomenon is not limited to a few individuals in history many modern-day artists and celebrities openly acknowledge that their creative abilities are influenced by spiritual entities for example Beyonce has spoken publicly about her Alter Ego Sasha
Fierce a Persona she used to channel confidence and boldness during her performances while it may seem like a harmless stage Persona Beyonce herself has admitted that she feels as though she becomes someone else when she performs this is a prime example of how spiritual influence can manifest in the entertainment industry people see this happening right before their eyes yet they fail to pay attention to the deeper implications there is a real Spirit realm and it is not limited to ancient times or far away places the influence of the spirit world is present in our Modern
Age affecting music art politics and even personal lives the Bible is clear that we are engaged in a spiritual battle and if we do not acknowledge this reality we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to the enemy's schemes as we delve further into the influence of the spirit world in modern society it is important to discuss the growing fascination with the occult the occult is not just a passing Trend or harmless curiosity it is a dangerous doorway into the world of Darkness many people today including young people are drawn to occult practices like Ouija boards tarot cards
and Witchcraft thinking it is just a game but these practices are not games they are real and dangerous Pathways to the spirit world and those who engage in them are opening themselves up to spiritual attack there are countless stories of people who have experienced supernatural phenomena after playing with ou boards or engaging in occult practices people have reported objects moving on their own hearing voices or even feeling as though they were being chased or tormented by unseen forces these are not isolated incidents or urban legends they are real accounts of people who have opened doors
to the spirit world and experienced the consequences the Bible warns us against engaging in occult practices in Deuteronomy 181012 we are told that witchcraft divination and sorcery are detestable to the Lord yet despite these clear warnings many people today are drawn to the occult thinking they can control or manipulate spiritual forces for their own benefit this is a dangerous deception when we engage in occult practices we are not controlling Spirits they are controlling us however as Christians we can take comfort in knowing that we are protected by God the Bible tells us that no weapon
formed against us shall prosper and that there is a hedge of protection around those who fear the lord if we are walking in obedience to God and living under his protection the forces of Darkness cannot harm us in numbers 23:23 we are reminded that there is no enchantment against Jacob no divination against Israel this means that as God's people we are beyond the reach of curses and spells when we are under his protection in this spiritual battle we must remember that while the spirit world is real and demons do exist we are not let defenseless
God has given us everything we need to stand firm against the enemy's schemes Ephesians 6:1 13-17 instructs us to put on the full armor of God which includes the belt of Truth the breastplate of righteousness the shoes of the gospel of peace The Shield of Faith the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God with this Spiritual armor we are equipped to stand against any attack from the forces of Darkness furthermore we are not fighting for victory we are fighting from Victory Jesus Christ has already triumphed over the
powers of Darkness through his death and Resurrection Colossians 2:15 tells us that Christ has disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross this means that the enemy has already been defeated and we as Believers share in Christ's Victory we must also remember the power of the name of Jesus Philippians 2:10 tells us that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on Earth and under the Earth this means that the forces of Darkness have no choice but to submit to the authority
of Jesus Christ when we are in Christ we have been given authority over the enemy as Jesus himself said in Luke 10:19 behold I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you you in conclusion the hidden entities that hide in our reality are very real and they interact with our world in ways we cannot always see or comprehend as Christians we must not be naive or ignorant of the spiritual realm the Bible clearly teaches that we are in the midst of
a spiritual battle and our enemy is not flesh and blood but the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly Realms we must be vigilant Discerning and fully equipped with the armor of God at the same time we must not live in fear God has given us everything we need to stand firm against the enemy's attacks through the power of Jesus Christ we have authority over the forces of darkness and we can rest in the assurance that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world so let us live with an
awareness of the spiritual realm but also with the confidence that comes from knowing we are protected and empowered by the Living God the spirit world is real but so is our victory in Christ let us stand firm in that truth trusting in God's protection and living in the victory he has already secured for us
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