[Music] [Applause] we're coming into a place to reap where we have bestowed no labor these people have labored and these people are coming to grips with God and they're believing that something is going to happen to their town into their state into their country they were so excited about the crusade that they rented the buses they paid for the buses the church paid for the buses so every Christian have the share of his part some of the favelas twelve cruisers some fifteen reserve some even twenty percent the Christians paid for the unchristian trend and the
unchristian friend was very happy to come back or they have the right free you just imagine a ride free to Moroccan I say and that's the secret [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I intend to continue preaching the gospel as long as I have strengthened breath but I must recognize I'm getting older and when you preach in a big stadium it's an exhausting experience there's something about a big stadium and evangelism and the great spiritual battle involved that causes all of us on the platform to be a little bit more weary than we
were 20 years ago so they may come a day when we'll have to take smaller stadiums [Music] [Applause] I did not think that more people could get in this stadium than were here last night when he was filled to capacity shakin on podium austere magenta no Estadio de que nós vivemos auntie annoyed when disturb a lot that was just odd you but there are more people here today somehow then got here last night mine thousands are outside Moscow ma parmitt hemos oído mais en TT o educative Amazon ter muita general áfourá this has been a
great time for us in Brazil nós temos Chitra Chioma vaca maravilla Zanna Brazil here is the one of the highlights of my entire life yell possibly share calendars pontus come in on tiptoe Dominica hey and I say God bless Brazil LD go do something so you Brazil god bless Brazil girls that they saw you Brazil god bless Brazil [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as you come into real one of the first things you see is the statue of Jesus Christ
it is a landmark not only of real but also Brazil it took seven years to build it was paid for but the sacrificial donations of Christian it is one of the most famous sketches in the world Jesus Christ and his cross are intertwined in the history of Brazil I read today before I came to this stadium the story of the death of Jesus Christ in the gospel of mark iliyan Chavira we study I stariha die Marty dishes loose crease to Segundo Marcos so he had been arrested and it can see the presume he had been
tried can see those who God he had been beaten genius into castigado and then he'd been turned over to the Roman soldiers to execute yeah chorus - yoseob entry also Davos hermanos para serious it with God they made a crown of thorns and put on his brow color karma karoti used a swap Ron Jim I beat him again yeah what about their own a Latino they had a leather thong with steel and lead pellets that cut into the bone en Talbot Aaron Thomas OG d pontus ya soo chaos God moussaka and then they put this
heavy cross upon his back yeah Guarico la cara y que la cruz pasado so Brazil's home and they took him a long way through the streets of Jerusalem so everybody could see ya Guadalajara fellas who was dear Sally Ellison tries para que todos possessing fear it was carrying that heavy cross el estaba con egg and mikela crew Spezza Jerusalem was filled with tens of thousands of people and it was a carnival-like atmosphere here she released a machine edition chips de Sena similarity resource theorem atmosphere a carnival Eska and then when they got to the place
called Golgotha he cuando cigarro lugar Shama to Golgotha they laid Jesus down on the cross in town de carros de Souza Cruz and they put nails in his hand he call of Karen car was thus was mouse and then they tied his feet with thongs Guevara Omar are also spares our crews and then they hung the cross up you're gonna live on taru and he hung there ya leil if you cope and with reading suffering dying more into console sangee there tend but the big crowd was cheering and laughing and toning and machi Muhammad al-mustafa
green with zone boundary ridiculous and oh he saved others himself he cannot save any self also truce I got a non-party solve RCC merciful oh I feel the Son of God why don't you come down RC also feel your details working on glasses naive buddy didn't come down Marcelino this sale i'm thank god he stayed there it grasses at dales l if you call ally if he had come down from the cross no one could ever be saved no one could have their sins forgiven CLE tiva c de serie de cruz ninguém for radiator sido
salvo ninguém for the DA is bracel there is no death in all the world like the death on the cross no Anna Yuma Marty Casey pasa con Pardesh mundo a marquise de cruz it is the worst of all death fer de todas as marches but Jesus not only died physically nauseous was done so more real physical meant he died spiritually anymore very spirit moment he had never committed a single sin and in nunca es la vida committing picado he became sin for you illicit or no picardy Silva and his deepest suffering came when he said
my God why hast thou forsaken me yourself so framel to my spirit of bond over you Pinellas Club all male tails who came it is embarass the scripture says he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief a beard is celeritas Prasad you reject are do do zombies or indeed or is experiment are to know so free Memphis people ask me everywhere I go is there any hope for me especially to the party of ami / going to my spellin separa being alcoholics they source alcohol actress prostitutes rusty tutors
rubbles Latroy murderers asesinos prisoners free Gennaro Spiritist a Spiritist as they say is any hope for me and he spare going to always pero separa me I had a person asked me two days ago right here did I believe there was a devil a boy HTS Miccosukee me / juntos your credit avinasi station - Yahoo yes the Bible says there is a devil say ah daisuki on yahoo and this is the kingdom of darkness yeah any a birthday serve a notice Travis he can perform false miracles le party realizar belong responses he can create false
spiritual experience le party create experiences is penalized false and he promises freedom and liberty in life yellow met their daddy he loose but he produces sorrow and death and destruction mas le trusts wrist is a emoji he destroy sound if you want to see how much God hates sin go to the cross Shiva second saber cuanto del sol de o picado var Cruz because Christ was dying for your sin forget Chris we start above him to fellow cells pecados you say will forests in Moscow Sadie rakia picado sin is missing the mark it's coming short
of what God requires o picado and a charge at eg Volvo they start Akane lucky lucky they'll scare for a North God says you'll be holy tales disk in ASDA famous air Santos right you cannot be wholly Mossville say no party sir Sir you fall short it down vasilica King we are supposed to be like Jesus nos vemos el comercio sauce but none of us can live like Jesus master you didn't ask but if you fear commotion we all fail daughter's nasstrac assemble become sure na systems a quinoa but God requires righteousness to get into
heaven mas del z CJ you should see see ready down for a little cell you see you look at yourself what's they all your privacy Mears and you say I'm not so bad if I say there's no Soto mouth I'm better than most people I know L so many are became without shame to keep going yes but God looks at you through his righteous holy eyes and he says you're a sinner mas del Sol EOC otra vez los soldados de justice a son she died it is for some Picador you say to you soon is
not so bad Tobias para vos EO pecados Asia quercetin serie a lie mommy cheater well everybody lies I still don't want a man G to steal a little something Robottom poking you most people steal some time in their life I'm are Podesta sore about McCoys and avi commits sexual sin and be unfaithful to your wife commit their picado sex while sitting fee l I suppose well almost everybody does that as it totem on the vices so not much - that no I'm when turquoise and you sweat in the sight of God it's terrible Moscow's are
you Steve Dilsey sweater leave them and we do not know the depth of our own sin Enel sabemos de profundis that does not so scrupulous picado all have sinned and come short of the glory of God toward the speaker and we district leaders astounded lurid details sin is also a breaking of the law of God something of the cardiac care bra the lady deuce now what is the law I've got Oh ple I hear people today say this is moral and that's immoral what is their criteria Vasia person's descent we spend more now we stay
more out well L could he tell you it's the ten commandments someone's - fundamentals this is the expression of a moral law that God is put in the universe a kiss thy space sound Aleman al Kabeer school of gonna pursue the law of Moses I'll lady Moyes s have you ever broken it I'll say Shao Qi Saleh even one time on my face tell this just a little bit tell vessel Pocoyo the Bible says if you break it in one point you've broken the whole law a bi discus Masuka bro uma dese's lace Gabriel told
us well I confess to you today okay to confess our vows a sausage I've broken it L tell you can't progress how many times Montes vases and the Bible says if you've broken that law you're a sinner yeah people a discus misaki bro es la época door so I have to say to God today I am a sinner the entire day Ikeda Sara del Sol she L so Picador and that very fact drives me to the mercy of God in town esti Pato I got a mere laugh on your hasta amis a record the details
and when I stand before God I do not want justice it won't be approximately del Sol Don Bosco's listen if I get justice I'm lost Co produced is a stopper Dido if I get just as I'm going to hell Co alcanzar justice a doper inferno I want mercy el kerim is a record yeah I want trace el carro grass I want forgiveness you can tear down and that's what God offers me from the cross he is he tells me fer a seed that grows and I see on the cross have beat my sins are your
version a cruise control fondest male speaker ooh sell this sin is a flaw and a defect and a disease in the human heart ye in town st picado and fa to elm afonya the chorus alma it affects my mind are fair turning a mangy it affects my will Evette and Yvonne toddy it affects my conscience after that I negotiate affects my emotions have that time yes mo sewing my whole life is affected by sin and I become a bond slave to sin Jordana feeder Fatah develop a cargo meet our newest kravid avocado sin says you
do this and I do it okay Carter this fuss is who you're fast and sin cracks the whip and says do this other thing and I do ya got avocado vein amigas DVDs fossa is real fast I don't want to do it I don't care if I see her I do it anyway myself a sturdy qualcare for I because sin is my master por que por que o o picado will sing old how can I break this bondage go Mario Puzo Cabrera strikes kravid ah how can I get free oh my capacity reliever dad come
to the cross Veracruz he will break you free here in town pharmacy livery he will cut the bandage a little by quebrado screams he will break the chain le by Cabrera told us impose impediment you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free God is saying I love you they'll see studies and they will move us say I don't care how bad your sins are no mean portico Malwa setting a CD I love you oh mama I love you a wobble I love you he'll wobble that's what God is saying from the
cross hey Sookie daily stuff I learned with a cruise but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us ah steals Provo su amor para conozco Enki Cristo more real pornos cuando era Messiah in Deepika Doris for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life porque el amor mundo de taüll manera que el sofá initially to parakeet avec le canary cray no Parisa mustang a happy that they're so when you look at
the cross realize that God loves you in tom hollie our para cruise company at residue far to the kiddos wama for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves not of works any man should boast the Bible says porque Ella Grasso I saw was pervaded affair eastern of a divorce if those details don't vendors or breast is Olivia and the cross condemns every other way of salvation yeah cruise container tortoises ultras may use this Salva sound many people say there are many roads to God into heaven I'm witness etiquette is I'm
going to scumming us but ideals about herself the Bible says there's a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof are the ways of death a bi discount coming you keep our sed rate the warming was a selfie now they're coming to the margin here's the way that looks very good it's John coming you can party buddy said with the ball it looks reasonable but STS waffle I can believe that apostle creators and it looks very glamorous and very easy compared to the disciplines of Christ if I receive we plug revival he went
to faster Posadas Association says decreased but jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh to the Father but by me Masha so special so Camino of a dodgy Evita in engaging a bison on for being he said energy and at the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and few there be that go in led sent rifle a party strata pork a larger parties passes Camille que conduce appeared Esau he moving to South Qian Trump or le because narrow is the
gate and hard the way which leadeth to light and he said few there be that find it Orchestrator a park apartado Kamioka conducive Salva so if beaucoup some Acadian Trump or ele he said not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven in addition in total Calicut is arcing or sing or in Tehran or a new two cells many of you are going to say lord save me winters bounties Araki Senor Salva me Lord help me sing or eschewed I mean you say that the judgment will be too late
Oh survivors Arizona shoe is uma Sara tardy demise come now Venga agora to the narrow game I got a part a straight walk the narrow road yonder Pelican English straight only a few will go down that road some ancient spoke wasn't at home for a Kelly coming you dumbass humanity have taken the wrong turn am i urea Dom anybody think tomahto coming we're had taken the wrong road and it is telling the village Strada harder and that's why the world is in the mess that it's in at this hour yeah por eso c'mon Whiston esta
confident a river interesting controversial this is Tom Loschiavo strata follow me Sigyn e join an energy and entropy report a stray come to the cross in our crews and be saved you Setia solvers you see you were made in the image of God but caviar daddy keep us safe by faith like margin GD you were made for God but if I say to parody and without God you cannot find complete satisfaction is st. Dale's was an important contrast such as for some complain and so you have what scientists call a cosmic loneliness Ian Thomas a
stay icky Lucas she called us channel this solid own cosmic are you can be with a crowd of friends and all of a sudden feel lonely that's a loneliness that only God can fill well step artists animated momochi domicile in desmos SNT are solely down as a solid on so many Dale's body pressure many of you are suffering from depression going to distance of friend OD depressed sound many of you have emptiness going to system disease many of you are feeling that life is not worth living going to start this you being a villain on
Valley Opena V they come to Christ then you are Chris to because at the cross there is power to change your whole life vocational accrues a poder para transform our sua vida entera mention the Bible says if any man be in Christ he is a new creation abilities he shall gain aceite Crist Romanova crea Torah he can make you a totally new person any party possible Selma crea to the completamente different he can take the loneliness away any particular toda slowly down he can give you joy and peace and happiness that you've never known le
pas de trois Errol agree I party felicidade como nunca persective what Jesus Christ come into your life there she says Christ when darkness Waheeda you see Jesus died on the cross for tech innovations ooze Mariana crews they buried him in a tomb le su support our own career in Schneider Mozilla No Fee Cola he rolls from Ellie's 11 toda Sepultura price today is alive Christophe evil Christ is alive Christmas tough evil Christ is alive Christmas top evil and the Bible says he's coming back yeah be plenty scary 5-volt are nova mean there is the future
like Alma Vida Futuna there is eternity out there oh mighty need Angela jianchi how long is eternity well err I stay sound I turn it on and ever and ever and ever but a saintly if our a simply if our assembly and the decision that you make today about Jesus Christ may decide where you are a thousand years from today yeah this is on cables officially realest or crystal virus over on diversify star a Milano's ducky now this may sound very narrow to you his support aparecer mudra straight to para vos and areas yeah there
is only one way so I'm coming you I've been preaching this gospel now for many many years everything start up rigorously vangelia chloroforming to zero in Tucson on every continent they taught to continue throughout Africa Pella Africa toda throughout Asia LRC data throughout Latin America Villa America latina throughout North America el America do not throughout Europe la grappa and I've seen people by the thousands on every continent come to this Christ and find new life your day you bestow this soy sauce PDR is been raised decreased in contra una vida it can happen to you
today is support acontecer for about say oh she the church cannot do it for you I aggression on party faster for racialism cannot do it for you or hit while Lisbon on party for sale process has to come about when you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a party circle seguida mirela so peace while suicune Jesus Christ will you come to him for sista pronto fira le you say but what must I do Rasmus if you're going to get your pretty sofas briefing trace courses listen Oh sobbing because you'll never be able to
stand before God and say that I never knew what to do for cable Sonam Kapoor did I hear John tdd asparagus zero no sabe o Keeffe hacia first tomato you must repent of your sin what's that he sees us and have been there to see us pick up you say I don't even know what repentance is how can I repent I said it I own a say okay I'll hit Pentimento como possum your help in there jesus said except you repent you'll perish Jesus Christ to descend on circumcision append a period set up now what
does repentance mean okay can you say that rependa man it means that you change your mind about God yes Tokido sir give us a Moodle so what we face are anticipated it means you are willing to turn from your sins and turn to Christ yes - que decir que no se vaya bandoleros picados e savolta para Christi it means you willing to turn from all your sins and turn to Christ esto que hacer cosas by abandon our todos Usos picados evil tarsi para Christ that's repentance yes Larry Pentimento have you ever done that Malaysia faces
so have you ever done that Malaysia faces so are you sure of it was that a sentence that is so if I were you today and I had a doubt about it I would not leave this great Stadium today unless you had repented so for civil safety basic welcome to video so brizel known they shaadi is T star you say me certificate Emir happened there this is certainly the largest crowd that has ever gathered to hear the gospel in either north or south america and one of the largest in the history of the world esta
mi are multi donkey siruni Peru fear wave on shall you not merica do not in America to sue in qualcare otra parte de mundo millions of Christians around the world are praying for this moment Malloy's declaim Jesus tower under por este momento but God does not look upon this as a great crowd mas girls don't wanna para los Akiko makrand emoji down God looks upon you as an individual Dale systole Ando para nós Cardona individual men and you stand before God today as just one person before him Yvonne Chaka restante details como uma pessoa jaunty
daily and he calls upon you to repent yes - Amanda boasts a best Swamiji our Heavenly memory commands you to repent a least our the nun do chemotherapy have you repented possession happened the second thing you must do a segunda Kawasaki master precise opposite receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and your Savior yes semi-chisel screech - come on cell seniority Salvador now here's how you receive Christ a key Stockholm over Sarah Sarah crystal suppose I hand this book to mr. Kashyap vamos support you in trieste libera Cora our interpreter now it is not gears until
he receives him no a daily effectively receiver he must receive a priest is Kelly receiver God offers you Jesus Christ deals of irascible serious crystal you must receive him mercy precedes a recipe just as you receive any other gear that mesmo and Eric a mysterious and equal kurata affair God offers you the gift of salvation Gayle's of Arecibo sailed on the Salva sound the third day there's a turquoise on you must be willing to follow him and serve Him and obey Him Vasudeva start pronto segi Lou objc Lou he serve you well you do that
what says the front of a series will you make that commitment today what say stuff pronto fuzzy nesting tracker washing will you make that decision today what safer is that this is our G if you will I want you to take your program in waving savasana pronto para su your past okay Peggy you programa y agua Rafiki a Bernardo programa right now just waited on this town party near and say this and say today I want Jesus in my heart you didn't wash your keratosis to be up for herself I want my sin forgiven he'll
care Oh smells picado stay blonde I want to know I'm going to heaven hell carol sevier give up yourself just wave your program on this town party simplest Banshee a Banaras el programa many hundreds of people st. Dennis de personas and usual watching by television yeah Guara Oscar Stone assistindo Nutella bees you can bow your head right now most a party lobbyist money stock or virus wocka beers and say Lord Jesus I come in it is your senior Jesus you just say keep your program up in the air maintain yourself programa Levantado and some people
will come to you right now in this stadium and give you some literature to help you in your Christian life yes mrs. Castel IOSCO Solaris bound Aramis easily there are two the parachute darkness Lavina phase will give you a Bible today that is valid our own dog Testament for she they'll give you a Bible study today founded our wish to the biblical just hold your program up and keep it there Montaigne when are you live on top and people will try to get to you with it in Douma school say they just procure I don't
sugar after one people say squirrel the choir sings a go ahead a coast area g20 Nepal available says there are four things that are very important for all of you a quadric ways as Wendy importantest battles to read your Bible every day later swampy be a todos dias started a forum a co she helped you to grow is fashionable secrecy secondly prime a segundo lugar re God will hear an answer your prayer deals bio beer a tenderness or a serious child process you feel you and then thirdly witness for Christ by the way you live
in tears a lugar testimony decreased honesty bad blood people say see a new person in you he has seniors ultra special special people see manometry attitude and then go to church in Tampa on migration and serve Christ in the church where Christ is proclaimed here bottles to migration decreased we broke lemon [Music] you [Music]