Musk Gives Away $1M Then Destroys Trump Hater

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I have two specific questions for you but I was curious because I looked all over on X today and I didn't see anybody who won the million-dollar prize was that given out today um well let's see we all we all going to give it out tonight in fact so let's is it is should we go ahead and do it yeah okay let's do it good timing all right Judy kamora wow [Applause] yeah uh Judy has no idea by the way she just learning now so well I think Judy's on our way here uh like said
Judy had learned when you [Laughter] learned all right oh thank you all right I mean we're we're trying to trying to get attention for this very important petition to support the Constitution and uh it's uh so you know it's it's like if if we you know we need the the right to free speech we need the right to bear arms otherwise there is no right to free speech and um and yeah and and it's you know people sort of wonder why why didn't why what's up with the million dollar prizes I'm like well we needed
to get the Legacy Media to talk about it and and I I just knew that they would be like complaining like hell about it that like for sure complaining on every every newspaper and every TV station are complaining like like crazy and I was like great that's going to get the word out most welcome yes hi Kaden and Kaye hi all right so yeah so we're going to be uh giving out a million dollars every day through November 5th and and all Al all you have to do is signing the petition in support of the
poting Second Amendment uh that's it uh you don't you don't even have to vote we nice if you voted but you don't have to and that to support the basically sign something you already believe in and you get a chance to win a million dollars every day from now through the election yeah hello Mr musk it's an honor to meet you so my question is this and I ask this as a firsttime voter as we know Trump did not and has not accepted the results of the 2020 election one which has been called the most
secure in the nation's history by the former president's own Department of Homeland Security similarly similarly I saw the violent disruption of the electoral vote count on the news during January 6 so my and I asked this as a first-time voter who wants to discern the truth sure what would you say to comfort the concerns of young voters like me who are worried that voting for a second Trump presidency will lead to democratic backsliding well I think that's a fair question honestly the I think it it it is it is a it is a fair question
I mean the the thing is that yeah like I'm I'm I want to frame this correctly and obviously anything I say the the Legacy Media is going to take a sound bite out of what I say and and and Mis and misconstrue what I'm saying which is something they've done with President Trump many times it is very important if you if you heard something bad about President Trump listen to his whole speech that's actually very important you know and you know on January 6 I mean his statements on that day he told people to back
down I mean he said he said do not do violence and then people were like saying well that's actually some sort of dog whistle about doing violence I'm like what are you supposed to say you know he he did actually tell people to to not not be violent he recommended that the National Guard be deployed Nancy Pelosi said no I don't so he didn't call for any violence exactly and if you look at like while it's obviously you know I think it was you know an like the level of disruption was was high and I
I don't I don't know APPL any any kind of damage to public property of course that you know but it's you know the media tries to characterize January 6th as some some some sort of violent Insurrection which is simply not the case I mean that is false so you know I I I I would take I think probably what I think is the reasonable Middle Ground which is I I disagree with the level of protest but it's it is is in was in no way a violent Insurrection you know that so there's got to be
a lot of guns for the Tob a violent Insurrection and and and there were there were a lot of strange things from a vot in terms of voting irregularities that are hard to explain so what what what it's yeah I mean there were things that are statistically unlikely let me put it that way and and so it it's not as though the J January 6 protesters had that their protests had no merit they had some Merit I disagree with the the magnitude of what they did but I I I I but it's it's not as
though there were no issues they were actually they were issues and and we have this weird situation in America where it is almost impossible to prove fraud and it because if you've got no voter ID and mailing ballots how do you how do you prove fraud and you know and and it it does seem more than a little odd that we don't have vo ID and and then you look at say States like California which is super majority Democrat they passed a law Banning voter ID in any election whatsoever now how is that supporting democracy
that's not supporting democracy I mean that's insane almost every country on Earth has voter ID requirements but we don't why and why do the same people that demanded vaccine IDs for you to do anything are the same ones who say no ID for voting uh some does that up it doesn't add up you know so I I I actually think I I mean my my my fir opinion is that those who who say Trump is a threat to democracy are themselves the threat to democracy Make Some Noise yeah I'll tell you what that was awesome
conspiracy was Theory and now it's the truth I mean honestly you at this point at this point we're running out of conspiracy theory because there's so many of them have come true right that that that we need we we actually need can someone please come up with some new conspiracies the government's here to help government I mean even the frogs might be real you know the Frog situation might be real I don't know right you know the government we're here to help you you probably heard that right right well Elon God bless you it's very
nice to meet you bless you too my name is Andrew morisy Lancaster PA n native I'm a small business owner of a barber shop 10 minutes down the street great called Legacy Barbers love to cut your hair sometime if you will thank you so I wanted to ask you a question and also encourage you with these few words Augustine who was a theologian and a philosopher said you have made us for yourself oh Lord and our heart is restless until it rests in you and uh 2 Chronicles 7:14 says If my people who are called
by my name should humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land so I want to encourage you with that brother yeah those are a great great words great words amen amen and Elon I I'll tell you what been watching you now for a while hearing the stuff you say we need more men like you in this country that do that are not afraid to stand up to the media Legacy yeah uh they're not afraid
to stand up against people who think we're toxic Max masculinity we need more men yeah you know this I've got a great counterargument for toxic masculinity which is if if masculinity is so toxic how come the kids that are messed up don't have dads ridle me that riddle me that and so something that you said earlier and an amen to that yeah and I'm actually going to be a dad February 3rd congratulations I'm having a baby thank you Lord but the tweet that you had not too long ago it said and no one is even
trying to assassinate Biden or Cala yeah because it's pointless I so nobody nobody bother assassinating a puppet right yeah you know when are people gonna start seeing that our country is not when they keep saying democracy it's a constitutional republic would you please make sure if if you don't mind to keep reminding people yeah that we are a republic we're free we're free because of Christ Jesus and we're free because of the men and women who died and shed blood for this country that's absolutely yes Amen brother you're right I mean a lot of people
died to make this country what it is today a lot of people died absolutely amen and man people take it for granted you know so yeah well America pack is kind of the anti sorus pack you know something's got to be done about it so it's like you know I I don't know what's up with that guy but honestly like putting Das in like it's like it's like the Joker in charge you know yeah uh like electing Das that don't prosecute crime is insane that's like literally like Batman Dark Knight I me like you know
lock up the lock up the citizens and free the criminals it's insane it's happening through yeah I mean like what this is total Madness so we need to get stop that yeah thank you so make America great again yeah well I think America is great but we want to be greater we want to do awesome things we we want to do and and you want to you want to look forward to the future and be inspired and excited about the future you know that's what makes life worth living yeah all right have you ever looked
into the sport of arm wrestling oh yeah arm wrestling I I I have looked I not not in depth but I have looked into it and for a while there I I did like actually read up on it and and actually various techniques for how to win at arm wrestling which is like a lot of it is you know get get your angles yeah get you get your whole body into it and and and uh get your angles so you can actually like if if you know the techniques in arm wrestling and somebody doesn't you
can actually uh win against somebody much bigger yeah well yeah no no I mean I I would challenge Biden but that would be ridiculous you know that'd be so unfair so thank you he can use two what if he could use his two hands yeah that' be fine yeah make arm wrting great again absolutely God bless all right hi Elon my name is Molly I just want to thank you for spending so much time in Pennsylvania I think what you're doing is amazing it's making a real impact so God bless you and I think you're
National Treasure thank you my main concern is with the national debt and I know you talked a lot about reducing the spending side but I was wondering what kind of trump policies and industries you think will help grow the revenue side and along those lines do you have any plans to bring more Tesla manufacturing back to the US well Tesla actually is a massive manufacturer in the US in fact the biggest Factory that's been built in recent years is the Tesla Factory in Texas so that's yeah and and then there's another big Factory in Nevada
so there's Giga Nevada and maybe someday Giga tent Pennsylvania that would be that would be super cool I'm I'm a huge believer in manufacturing I love manufacturing I like making things I've spent uh a lot of time in the factory working the floor I lived in the factory for a while literally lived in the factory it was kind of like just kind of like Vegas actually cuz I didn't even see the outside but the lights were always on but we had some tough times in Tesla it's really difficult to make any kind of ufacturing company
work and you know yeah Tesla is actually also the biggest manufacturing employer in California still but the state is not super grateful so but but yeah I'm I'm big so so we we do a ton of manufacturing in the US and we we we we keep investing and increasing our manufacturing activity in the US and and SpaceX also is a massive manufacturer SpaceX is the biggest manufacturer of rockets and satellites in the world and yeah and that's that's that's all in the US so SpaceX manufactur in is all in the US and and Tesla has
massive amounts of manufacturing in the US like giant factories so I'm a big believer in manufacturing I mean I do think uh reform of the tax code would make sense because it's extremely complicated and there are too many loopholes um you know I'm often pitched on these loopholes that's how I know they exist I'm like that sounds pretty shady I don't think we should do that're like well lots of other people are getting away with it we're like yeah but I still don't think we should do it yeah I for what is worth I'm the
the largest individual taxpayer in history so I I paid $10 billion in tax over 10 billion dollar in tax you're welcome like I I I sort of thought maybe the IRS would like you know send me like a little trophy or something you know like one of those like doesn't have to be expensive it could be like you know one of those like like things you get for when kids win a karate competition like little plastic gold trophy or something like that or a cookie or something but I didn't get anything it's like you know
and but I I was happy to pay the taxes I don't mind you know good week this we yeah it's good week this week yeah stock is a wild wild sort of roller coaster you know I think Warren Buffett's got a good good uh a lot of good sayings actually but what one of his sayings I believe is like you know having a publicly traded company is like having someone stand outside your house and yell house prices all day and it's still the same house and you're like why is this person yelling house prices at
me all day long and that's what it's like being a publicly traded company it's just they just yell stock prices at you all day long and it's like well it's actually still pretty much the same company as yesterday so it's it's it's it's kind of weird being in a publicly traded situation but anyway I think we should we should simplify the tax code get rid of a lot of exceptions and loopholes and make it easy to fill out taxes it shouldn't be this like extremely complicated thing yeah but but overall I think the like if
we if we have less federal spending then there's less Taxation and so that and we we we have to reduce federal spending or there there's no way to make up for it other than than reducing the federal spending and as I mentioned earlier like a very important point that I think is important for people to understand is that all federal spending is taxation because what is not what they don't receive what the federal government doesn't receive in direct Revenue they make up for in inflation they just print money so all federal spending is taxation very
important principle almost nobody very few people seem to even like you know somebody like spend their life and economics I'll mention to them hey all spending all federal spending is taxation they're like first they'll argue with me and they're like then they all agree it is because it is either direct tax revenue or it is inflation all federal spending is taxation so we must reduce federal spending or we will go bankrupt as a country all right hey Elan I'm Chad Wick from Westchester Pennsylvania I met you last week week at uh I met you last
week at Harrisburg and since then I've been prouder than ever to wear my Maga hat around you've really inspired me to wear it more and more right and since then I've had my car slashed with a key which is fine yeah it's fine Trump got hit with a bullet in the air and look at him he's doing good so yeah somebody chased me around with a shopping cart one time as well but yeah it happens that's just that's a part of Westchester PA it's well honestly I I mean at at this point it's like flying
the rebel flag man yeah you know yeah for real it's an adventure yeah I've had some people be get get mad at me yeah uh like big time I do have I do have a question this time though I actually I met somebody on X I do podcasting and I met somebody on X directly through the platform I would call him a friend his name is Derek and he has something called spin OFA it is spinabifida month right now so spinabifida awareness month I wanted to put the awareness out there is that it's a a
spinal I born with some spinal kind of like issues and he has never been able to walk and really never wow well I guess not according from what I learned and he's never he hasn't been able to walk like his whole his whole life so my question is like for the disabled community and for people like him will things like will things like neuralink help and also what will the Trump Administration be doing for people who are disabled to help them anything well yeah so I I think I think there actually are a lot of
things that like medical devices and drugs that could be approved that are sort of stuck in regulatory molasses like they're just you know it's like trying to get anything new approved is like running in molasses with lead shoes of it's really slow uh so you know a good friend of mine was was telling me how his mom was diagnosed with with brain cancer and the doctor said like well that's that's pretty much it's game over you know and then he talked to but he's very enterprising guy so he didn't take that for an answer and
he asked every smart person he knew is there anything that that could help cure bra brain cancer it turns out there there's this drug called welli rig that was in Trials at at Harvard I believe and it cured his mom's brain cancer wow so you know I'm like well well like how many Welly rigs are there out there maybe there's a whole bunch of them and and devices and everything and we should you know like I said earlier it's like we need to expedite approval of drugs make sure people you know that people are properly
informed of the pros and the cons and then there also needs to be some after approval followup to say like was something approved that shouldn't have been approved and or where there need to be additional warnings it's pretty common it's common sense I think you know just but like when you're dealing with the government like common sense it doesn't make sense like you know common sense just bounces off the government like water off duck's back you know I mean it's like arguing with the DMV it's impossible they did put the covid vaccine quick yeah that
was weird and it made everyone take it which is messed up so I don't think people should be forced to take vaccine unless that against their will hi Elon my name is Alex Gamble from Lebanon County I first want to thank you sincerely for what you're doing I I think you're an American Patriot I really do I love America I really do I mean I I I listen I I I love America and and like sometimes people say like that's just jingoistic propaganda I'm like I don't care I love the jingoistic propaganda it's awesome you
know it's like God Bless America I freaking it's it's it's amazing yeah I agree yeah W with the recent news from Lancaster um discovering 2500 potentially fraudulent voter registration forms what what's your opinion on mail and ballots and if we should get rid of them in the future I ALS I also want to we should get rid of them in the future I mean like mail and ballots are are a strange anomaly that got popularized during covid but but really like you you you have a an obvious recipe for fraud and and and an inability
to prove fraud if you've got no idea no voter ID and you got mailing ballots right like you can't even put a you can't even like you like like like many years ago a friend of mine was telling me how his his dad actually helped improve democracy in Mexico and and it was by organizing a whole bunch of citizens to just stand outside the the the polling stations or the voting stations with a counter just to count the number of people that went in because obviously if you have more votes Than People something's wrong yeah
and and it turned out they had a lot more votes than people they're like H this is a little strange so anyway that that but that that actually helped fix the situation in Mexico big time but but but if you don't if you got mailin ballots you where you can't count there like you don't even know what's going on I also wanted to ask you a a favor my my son is named Elon really we named him after you wow thanks uh he's three you're an inspiration and I was hoping to get an autograph from
you to give to him when he's older just the further can't say not of that mean from one El on to another you know actually you know I was actually I was named after my American great-grandfather I guess uh it's so I'm like kind of the opposite of Obama I'm I'm from Africa named after named African-American so but yeah Johnny Elan halan was my my great-grandfather and that's I was named after his middle name so I think it was like from Minnesota I believe so yeah hey Elon yeah my name is Jennifer Lucas as you
can tell I do not have a Pennsylvania accent but I do live here I'm I'm voting legally I promise sure I believe you I'm from Southern West Virginia okay and honestly I've had a lot of questions on my mind from education to drug epidemic it's hit really hard but one thing that I would really like to ask you about right now is lobbyists if I buy vote I go to jail they buy votes on the floor on the voting floor in DC and that's okay right that is affecting our voice as American citizens that's right
so what can we do lobbyists in DC so we can take our power back America pack yeah I mean you know so I was actually part of making a movie uh called Thank You for Smoking I don't know if anyone's seen that movie but it's it's a movie about uh political corruption and and L about lobbyists and pol political corruption I you know it's worth watching Thank You for Smoking and you know that was I'm actually the the pilot in the movie in that plane so it's very small role but uh that movie explores the
the corruption that exists in DC due to all the lobbying that takes place and the the legislation is primarily written by lobbyists in fact and then you know Congress basically rubber stamps the what what lobbyists right I think I think we probably do need to take a look at what rules make sense we because obviously the the the point of the elected uh legislators is to legislate in the interest of the people right and so if there's legislation happening which is often the case that is not in the interest of the people something's wrong so
and you do get these like regulatory capture situations where the you know the companies in an industry end up controlling the regulators and preventing new entrance from from coming into a market making it difficult you know for new companies come in anyway I I you know I wanted to make that movie for a reason which is to highlight that there is a lot of corruption in in DC and like to have less of it at least and it's it's tough and you know this is also why I think the the big government machine is so
against Trump because he he doesn't he's not beholden to all of these interests you know so he's he's not he's not captured essentially he's not a puppet so the sort of the big government machine is very worried about electing someone who's who's not a puppet so yeah I mean I I suddenly advocate for you know better rules that limit the the power of companies to Lobby in in DC or at the state level for that matter yeah I mean like I for for Mars like people sometimes ask me like well what what kind of system
of governance do I think make sense for Mars and I'm like well that's going to be up to the Martians you know but but but I would recommend direct democracy not representative democracy where the people vote directly and you know in the past before there was before you had like the internet and electronics you had to have representative democracy because you couldn't you couldn't you had to just like with the Legacy Media you had to collect people's opinion by mail or literally by voice or VI letters written with a quill on you know and a
scroll type of thing you know like slow so you had to have representative democracy you couldn't have direct democracy but my recommendation for Mars would be that the people vote directly for anything and that any given piece of legislation must be short enough to understand so like if if it's you know not not more than a th words maybe 300 the longer the legislation is the worse it gets and and we've got legislation that's longer than Lord of the Rings and like nobody's read it you know and really quick I just wanted to say thank
you for everything that you're doing I see you and I see your heart and I know that you love Humanity not just America I do everything that you do it shows you care for everyone deeply thank you for that thank you I have a lot of ideas and if you want to hear them sometime we can sit down for dinner thank you thank you all right hello uh Elon my name is Steven Marsh so I live in lanter County it's nice to meet you you once said in a job interview that when when when asked
what is your biggest weakness you said honesty which I find really interesting and the guy said well that's not a weakness and what I find fascinating is the way you stand up to anybody and speaker mind and my question is there's a cost to telling the truth there's a cost of being honest yes and you're not afraid to pay that well hopefully it's not like fatal you know yeah and I think that I'm wondering like where that came from in your life because you know you're an amazing inspiration with everything I can I totally tell
you so like what it's I mean first of all you know like I think I I I aspire to be honest but I I'm also sometimes wrong so obviously you know can be right all the time so and I I I do believe in in like you know one should stand to be corrected and the the the reason I believe in sort of Truth and honesty is because I'm like I'm trying to understand the universe I'm trying to understand reality you know trying to understand like what's the meaning of life like what are we here
for like what's what's going on and if you don't aspire to to truth if you're not like rigorous about truth and honesty then you're obviously going to live in a diluted world you won't understand you w understand the nature of reality you w understand so I just I'm just curious and I want to understand the nature of reality so and that's requires rigorous adherence to the truth also add thank you what I find fascinating too is like you know for you to stand up and speak the truth about what you feel about Trump I there's
so many celebrities that the other side has and yeah it's weird that there's so many celebrities you know I'm like like what are they what's up with that yeah exactly you're you're the only guy with a serious amount of influence that's able to really stand up for Trump and I really think that I know people that are like on the fence that are going to Trump because of you so I think great you are making a massive difference in this election like you single-handedly and that's an amazing Legacy amongst all the other things that you
do so thank you well I I I'm trying I'm trying my best to to you know I I want to I'm trying to make as big a difference as possible and yeah I mean I I do think like we we we're at a like I said a fork in the road of Destiny where you know like it's yeah like it's not clear to me that that that there will be elections after this if Trump Is Not Elected you know so the I mean there's basically in my opinion there's massive voter importation to swing states that
is happening right now if you look at the actual numbers as reported by the Democrat Administration there are triple digit increases in the number of illegals in each swing state it's 240% was the number I saw in Pennsylvania in three years and like that's you know if if the margin of Victory is like was 880,000 votes last time well what happens if you bring in like 300,000 illegals who are beholden to the Democrat machine and get a whole bunch of handouts and the that even though they may socially not be in agreement with the Democrats
the their first order of priority is bringing friends and family into the country which will be supported by the Democrats but not by the rep Republicans so it's it's voter importation is what's going on and it doesn't take much to have the swing States be a permanent deep blue that's what happened in California so like like I love Reagan he did sign in 1986 an amnesty that you know sort of illegal alien amnesty that thereafter California which had been red or a swing state but primarily red was went blue and then deep blue and now
California passed the law Banning voter ID in any election whatsoever even in a Town Council that's what they will do to the whole country they the The Playbook is obvious because we can just look at what they did in California they're going to do the same thing in Pennsylvania same thing the whole rest of the country if they can and Trump is the only chance to have that not be the case and I I'll tell you it's I'll tell you it's even it's because people like I think it's going to be worse in California because
the one thing that keeps California from being even more crazy than it currently is is that people can move to other states and still be in America but what if you can't move to any other states it's going to be way worse in California so it's profound what's your favorite baseball team ask Yankees okay listen I like the name okay it's a great name sorry sorry sorry ah what have I done hi Elon uh my name is David and I am an uh founder of an e-commerce company here in Lancaster Pennsylvania and I appreciate the
one thing that you saying about being bullish the American citizens instead of enforcing our border we're doing that and I found one problem being a business owner is I have been the subject of recent harassment by the IRS and I find that being a huge discouragement to entrepreneurship which is the American backbone sure and I wanted to know what you what would be one of the number one things you would recommend to the Trump Administration about encouraging entrepreneurship and getting young people especially encouraged into starting small businesses to keep our econom economy flourishing and to
keep creating wonderful things like you have done yeah well I mean I it's really I think you know if we can just get the government off people's backs then you can you can get a tremendous amount done and you know it's like just we're over regulating six way of Sunday as you've experienced yourself and then even when there's like a little bit of success then the government comes along takes the money so it's crazy you know so just when when if the founders of the country could see like where we are now they' it' blow
their mind you know like there was a a revolt against the British for I think it was like a 2% tax on te like say a 3% tax on te I'm like they were like no way and now it's like you know 40% I mean it's just like there's new taxes every day and there's a lot of hidden taxes that you experience as a as a small business owner that people don't even realize exist you know you sort of come to realize that because IRS comes after you but there's there's a ton of taxes they
try to sort of mask from the consumers so we just need smaller government and and allow people to produce useful goods and services for their fellow human beings yeah it's straightforward hi Elon my name is Will King it's nice to meet you welcome to Lancaster thank you I'm a young mechanical engineer I'm excited to work on new problems one of my dreams would be to work for one of your companies so we'll see where that goes but question I have is what are your thoughts on tariffs and how do you see tariffs impacting consumer spending
or increasing inflation and what problems need to be solved for us production to reach a scale and efficiency that would match current outsourced production like obviously it's it's no first princip it's not a first princip principes problem we can do it but what needs to happen to in order for that to well what are you thought on the subject so I think what you were what you were touching on before a lot of government regulation and taxes well taxes you know I don't know where we need to go with that but I think I love
your philosophy of surges in in in the employment and going hardcore you know I was reading your autobiography the other or not your biography the other biography yeah yeah to be clear this it's it's it's a pretty good biography but it's not it's not actually what I would have written right but what really stood out to me I was reading uh about how you wanted to move the servers from uh Twitter up to is it in Oregon and well yeah actually there was yeah there there were three data centers but only two were needed right
um and I was being told it would take like nine months to right and you showed up with your guys and you were like hey let's just do this overnight like Christmas so I think yeah Christmas Eve yeah cutting cutting down some of those regulations and all this crazy stuff that goes that extends the timeline for a bunch of stuff would really would really help and that that worth wor eth work ethic I agree with your 80 hour work principle work week principle and the hardcore it's it's not for everyone you know it's not for
everyone but I think the the principle is really cool and I think we should bring that culture and that mindset down to the 40-hour work week or the 50 I do 50 but you know work life balance potentially but I love where you're taking your companies and it's it's really cool to see well thanks thank you yeah go ahead hello Lon nice to see you here tonight uh so recently I was reading an article on medium uh where a Italian researcher named and Andrea Rossi was able to demonstrate a new technology that he invented that
was able to extend the range of an electric vehicle it was a uh technically like a quadricycle so a very low power electric vehicle by four times and after the the full test it had actually increased the battery life of the electric vehicle and obviously you know we don't it's only been demonstrated once we don't know if this technology could be replicated but if it was able to be replicated would you be interest in implementing this kind of Technology into your Tesla vehicles and even possibly the Starship well I I wish such a thing were
were real but I do not think that such a thing is real that there is you know every industry has a certain amount of of BS but the the battery industry I think might is a candidate for industry with the most amount of BS so it's it's just there's like electrochemistry is very difficult in fact one of the ways that I will test like the intelligence of an AI system is ask it battery electrochemistry questions and Rocket questions and usually comes back with terrible answers so it's it's it's extremely difficult to increase the range but
but the range is already sufficient to fully Electrify everything on Earth so you know Teslas have over 300 miles of range and some of them have like 400 miles of range we we could actually make it go further it's just that that's like an unnecessary amount of battery for most people because the amount the amount of range that you need in a battery is about uh the same amount of range that your bladder has essentially so if you know if you start a trip at say 9:00 a.m. around noon you want to probably hit the
restroom take a break you know have a bite to eat and you know so you drive for 3 hours maybe four hours and then charge the car as long as the car is charged by the time you come back from the bathroom and had lunch or whatever then it it long distance trips are no problem it we're already we already there at this point so yeah but but there there is no magical breakthrough the would you also be willing if other Technologies are discovered over the next few years into the near future would you also
be willing to that theoretically could revolutionize electrical Vehicles space travel you know exotic propulsion exotic energy generation techniques are you interested in researching those and potentially funding them and contributing to this kind of research I do think there is a lot of Technology out there that is not really mainstream that it has potential although it's in a very infantile stage I think there is potential I mean not only I mean I'm both Tesla and SpaceX are desperately interested in anything that works we're not like barring the door we're like please if you got something at
Works tell us about it unfortunately it's rarely the case that it actually works is the issue so you know for a while there at Tesla I guess we maybe still do like we're just would rate any given you know proposed new technology out of 10 where 10 is is incredible and you know one is total total nonsense and really nothing got above a four so it's it's just very difficult to do um but if if and I would encourage anyone to say prove me wrong please do that I would like to be proven wrong that
would be awesome yeah but just just compete with Tesla that sounds like a great you know if if there's a some technology that has much greater range I would strongly recommend they just kick our ass you know [Applause] yeah Elon do you believe that Jesus the Christ is a real person who was crucified and died and is risen and that God is Jesus what do you mean by a real person that he was alive back 2,000 years ago and he was the guy who was crucified okay cool yeah no I think those yeah I do
think that's that's true yeah okay yeah yeah I mean you get into like these you know critical debates of the Trinity and but what you know but yeah yeah I think it's real so hi Elon that feels very weird to say but hi my name is Chris Michaelson I'm a Lancaster County resident we're really happy to have you here's go baby thank you everybody look I like many of us here feel that the very construct the constitution of our country is at stake during this election I agree I'm a firm believer that those who can
should and I just want to say thank you for being one of the very few powerful members outside of the construct who have the balls to stand up here every day and do what you're doing thank you thank you all right there's a Macho Man's here look president Trump has announced you or has announced that he will appoint you as the head of the efficiency commission right right that's obviously a perfect spot for you given your historical success running lean and exceptionally profitable businesses one of my big concerns that extends Beyond the disarray of our
financial Constitution here is the technology attacks that have happened on our country 2021 the colonial pipeline ransomware attack yeah 2021 Robin Hood 7 million users data stolen their money held for ransom 2023 T-Mobile goes down overnight airport attacks Airline attacks have you spoken to Trump at all regarding your expertise around cyber security are you going to have any involvement there if not do you know who is and do you trust them and I have one more question well I I I definitely I certainly don't have all the answers here and and I don't I don't
want to tempt fate but like nobody has successfully hacked uh SpaceX or starlink there've been every day there are thousands of attempts uh to hack starlink and no one has succeeded again I don't want to tempt fate here so this is not a tempt I'm not saying to hacker groups out there please hack Starling like please don't hack starlink but but thus far there have been many attempts by individuals and State actors to hack into starlink and none of them have been successful so track record thus far is pretty good no one has successfully hacked
into yeah so far so good you know don't want to be complacent or anything no no one has hacked into the Tesla Mothership like the the the Tesla core database many people have tried to hack into the Tesla core database zero successes yeah I I can certainly say like now government computers are not super secure because the government you know so it's like if you say like what is an easy H thing to hack I say well govern computers are easy thing to hack so it's not good no I agree this why I like I
I I'm you know I'm like as a hardcore technology guy I'm saying we should not have voting machines we should not have computers because they're too subject to to being hacked by by and it's like they're subject to being hacked by you know and the people protecting these machines don't understand technology and and they could easily be Bamboozled so even with the best of intentions so but it's really hard to bamboozle paper ballots in person with ID which is obviously how it should be we've talked about baseball a couple times tonight my brother's handicapped Ryan
I love you I'm sorry that you couldn't be here tonight he's a white socks fan and he is just wants to know if you would consider buying them and turning them into a reputable business thank you well I I I'm a technology guy so I'm I'm just you know I got got to pick my battles here so I'm I'm just I try to make technologies that people find useful thank you Elon thank you all right my name is Vladimir I'm an entrepreneur from Reading Pennsylvania I came all the way here to see you because I'm
not sure if you're going to make it to R in Pennsylvania I couldn't wait thank you so much for your contributions to the world thank you for Tesla neuralink SpaceX X everything that you're doing is incredible and thank you for stepping up with your leadership to once again try to take her country back thank you it's kind of yourself my question to you is regarding artificial intelligence probably your greatest invention hopefully not our last invention yeah you were really on the you were really advocating for basically regulating the advances that we're making on artificial intelligence
how long do you think it would be before we actually reach AGI or artificial general intelligence and artificial super intelligence and are you still up for regulating this amazing invention that we've summoned here yes I mean I I I do think there should be some regulatory oversight for AI so yeah I mean it's it's I kind of view Regulators as kind of like the referees in a sports game you know if you whether it's baseball basketball any any given sport all the teams want to have referees so that you know that teams don't break the
rules and and there's fair play so I I I think there there is a sort of a right number of regulators for any given industry but there shouldn't be there shouldn't be too many or too few now there's basically no Regulators in AI right now so it's like having a game with no referees that's that's you know subject to something bad happening so my recommendation would be to have yeah to have have an AI regulatory agency at the federal level it should be you know not not heavy-handed it should be but there shouldn't be nothing
in contrast in other industry where there's excess regulation because these Regulatory Agencies have just sort of grown over time to the point where there are too many referees on the field I think the sports analogy makes a lot of sense like you want to have enough referees to have a fair game but not so many referees that people can't can't throw a pass on the football field without hitting a ref you know that's that's the situation we got right now it's like you're trying to run downfield bam you just run bumping into refs everywhere so
that's that you know we got to take some corrective action there so thank you all right Elon Musk it's a pleasure to meet you this should be sponsored by Dr scholes I don't know how your feet are doing it right now I just want to say thank you for being here tonight it's an honor to be here with you I actually have been waiting for almost a decade to talk with you and ask you a few questions all right uh first one I want to just break right into business uh a friend of mine is
building the world's brightest light in the world powered completely by renewable and Tesla solar panels and we want to know if you'll turn it on for us it's been cleared it's in Texas the FAA approved it will you turn it on for us possibly okay when you say brightest light like what do you mean brighter than the luxer it'll hit the International Space Station and you can and illuminate it at night okay yes yeah it can light up the whole Grand Canyon as well that's what the engineers say Okay a hell of a light okay
it is sure Tesla solar panels too so okay great that sounds good secondly we we've heard a lot of prayers tonight I just want to say a quick prayer for you and ask everybody to join me and just put your hands up and let's pray that God protects this man here he's risking his life his family and his future for people here in a country who he believes in and we believe in you Elon and thank you thank you for everything you're doing we ask God that he protects you and keeps you safe in your
journey in protecting us in our country thank you okay so my question my real question is you've done a ton of things you've literally enabled mankind to live amongst the Stars well not yet but we're we're getting there yes and I can I want to nerd out with you all day on this the NASA has been you know touted that the fuel of the stars is hydrogen I know I know before you kill me you're not a huge fan of hydrogen and I I understand it has its flaws but we do have some incredible successes
and my question is for you if I were able to help you and provide you with the right people and resources would you be down to basically involve yourself with us and help save our planet well I I do have 17 jobs and and with the Department of government efficiency 18 so I you know I have to be cautious about taking on additional responsibility because it's just physically impossible but yeah I mean the the biggest source of energy by far is the Sun so nothing even comes close to the Sun in terms of energy output
the sun converts over 4 million tons of Master energy per second and it's been doing that for a very long time and we'll do that for many many billions of years to come um so one of the ways you can think of of the progress of Any Given civilization is on the cev scale and so just a simple way of thinking about it is you're C of level one if you've harnessed all the power of a of a planet you're two if you've harnessed all the power of a solar system and you're three if you've
harnessed the power of a galaxy we're very far from three it's safe to say but even from one so when when you think in C of terms it becomes very obvious that the sun is overwhelmingly the source of energy and everything else is Tiny potatoes tiny tiny tiny potatoes but hey well we tiny potatoes are fine for now but but the sun is overwhelmingly the Big Potato the the humongous potato so it's really hesting the power of the Sun that uh will lead us to the Stars hi Elon da from Lancaster County first thank you
so much for all the Insight this evening thought-provoking conversation two questions one with slightly more than 9 days until the election what would you recommend as a 30second pitch to convince somebody not to believe what they're seeing on CBS NBC and ABC oh I've got a a great solution for that which is send them links to videos and information on the xplatform so if they say that you know Trump loves Nazis for example like well actually here's the whole speech where he categorically condemns Nazis and yet the Democrats keep claiming that he loves Nazis even
though he specifically said he condemns them in the strongest possible terms they still perpetuate the fine people hoax it's pretty insane so for any given thing that somebody says well Trump is this or that just send them the actual speech that's the that's the antidote send them what he actually said Thank you and then the second part xplatform actually has that so you know that's that's the best way hey Elon John Scott your old classmate from upen says hi okay cool thanks for a great earnings call on Wednesday today welcome my name is Raphael Aziz
I'm a Coptic Orthodox Christian immigrant from Alexandria Egypt I have lived through religious persecution before and I believe that the liberal and the woke movement is a religious persecution today it is anti-christian and quite honestly anti-religion you have posted on X that unless there is more bravery to stand up for what is fair and right Christianity will perish my question to you Elon Musk is very simple will you stand with the Coptic Christian Community our brothers and sister sisters the Catholic and Christians and the Protestant evangelicals against the liberal movement that is trying to destroy
Christianity and religion in America yeah I mean I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm against I'm against the the the the the W work religion is is is fundamentally an extinctionist belief system it's an extinctionist belief system and I think we we want to have we want to be expansionists we want to expand to the Stars we want to grow as a civilization we don't want to go extinct and so yeah I absolutely support Copic Christians and and like I mean really anyone who's like expansionist who's who's believes in in in a a future that is
better than the past that in a future where we grow I'm I massively support that so all right hi Elon I'm Jeremy and I'm from Earth more more specifically Bowmanville but my question is address one astronomical unit can you give some insight into your decision making process and worldview I mean I have a lot of respect for what you've been able to accomplish so far and you have a huge vision for what you want to accomplish so yet and in that way there's a crossover between the areas that you're a subject expert in and politics
so if you have some insight into how you make decisions in your worldview then that enables us all to trust you across a large larger amount of issues sure well you know I'm a big believer in physics you know which is like basically if if you like I mean I sort of say like you know everything everything else is a recommendation pretty much but physics is the law like if you break physics you're going to it's not going to the rocket will explode and the car will not work so you have to adhere to physics
in order to make cars that work and to make rockets that work in order to make space internet that works you you because if you're wrong then reality is a very harsh judge it reality is merciless if you make advice that doesn't work that that violates physics it simply doesn't work and then you think rocket blows up and the satellites don't work and the cars break so you either you either if you make technology you either have a rigorous you you you you you have to in order to make technology work you must have extreme
rigorous pursuit of the truth because otherwise reality will bite you on the ass big time yeah so all right hi thank you for taking the time to be with us today my name is Justin Henson also Lancaster County native uh my generation is inheriting housing shortage and we're statistically less likely to take blueco collar jobs obviously declining birth rat's been discussed there's not going to be as many people to even fill blueco collar jobs what do you think the solution is to the current housing crisis that we're having in this country in terms of pricing
it seems like my generation is getting priced out of homes but also balancing the equity that people who currently own their homes have and obviously not wanting to destroy that as well what do you see there to be a solution to that problem well I mean the risk of being repetitive I think regulation is uh Strangling progress I there's so many regulations you know you can't even like modify your kitchen or you know add add something to your house without getting ailan permits so if we get if we reduce regulation you reduce the cost of
of new houses so yeah I mean it's it's you know if I know there's like many small business owners and and builders in this audience and and who are listening and anyone who has tried to build things whether it's you know build build build a house or do anything build a business you you you realize just how much of a government burden there is it's it's m massive and there's a state burden as well as a federal burden but we can at least do something about the federal burden and then you know that that's you
know at least we we don't have to have like 400 and however many agencies there are this is so crazy you know more like I'd like to know if this is there I bet there's not a single member of Congress that can name 200 agencies i' be surprised so how many agencies do we need 99 that sounds like a lot that sounds planning to cover the bases how many bases do we need to cover anyway 99 bases sounds like a lot so anyway I think we we we could just get the Govern of people's backs
would be a big Improvement in quality of life and cost of housing and everything else yes Elon what's going on Big Dog hey how's it going it's it's a pleasure to meet you my name is Nathan I'm from Columbia anyways so I was going to ask how's it feel be the richest man in the world and also kind of get a picture with you real quick well we're on TV right now so I think I think actually the we're we're both uh live streaming right now I think probably the millions of people actually so yeah
so Millions people I think millions of people will actually see us we're now on screen four millions of people in terms of how does it feel I mean it's kind of a strange thing CU I guess like I'm still very much like a technologist who like you know I just work a lot you know and then my recreational activity is hanging out with friends and family and playing video games which is yeah exactly I play video G Diablo or other video games so you know it's like I don't I don't have like any Yachts or
Holiday Homes or anything so I I guess if I was to maybe live a more hedonistic life and and you know had like yachts and Islands or something like that then would make more I I maybe that would be more I don't know but that's not my idea of fun though because I like I'm like you know I'm sitting if I got and sit on the beach then I'm like this is boring now what I'm supposed to do now you know so I I I just like building things and I like being being productive and
doing useful things and making cool products and that's it pretty much I mean I also do like hanging out with friends and family and stuff but you know I'm not like saying how can I sort of build a bigger yard or anything like I don't have a boat or anything like that so of course I still love it yeah you're right I do have boats what are you talking course yes there's a boat we SpaceX has these ships that are for the rocket lands on you know so I guess technically I do own boats yeah
so I stand corrected thank you yeah maybe I should like go sort of sailing around in one of them or something yeah yeah all right hi Elon my name is Bruce I'm a voter here in Pennsylvania and it's really it is an honor to meet you you've been a very strong inspiration for me and my family and all my friends so God bless you for that have a question right now about Latin America you've obviously met president na Salvador who has done an inredible job he's a very smart guy oh absolutely absolutely like it's it's
like we like you know we had a long conversation about many subjects I think yeah he's really sharp guy absolutely so following on that what would you advocate for in a second Trump Administration to incentivize States like Mexico Ecuador and others into strengthening their policies on policing and economic opportunities to stem the tide of illegal migration to the US Southern border thank you yeah well I mean if those prosperity in in those countries then I think there would obviously be less of a forcing function for IL legal migration it's it's pretty tough you know I
mean and there's some lessons to be learned there like when when Chavez came to power in Venezuela one of the first things he did was take the guns away from people so he he basically banned private gun ownership under the guise of you know safety and and then Maduro when he had the election recently he lost by a landslide and just ignored the election and people protested when they got sh they couldn't defend themselves that's why I need the Second Amendment it's a critical thing so so I I I I think I think it's worth
looking at US policies and saying you know which of these policies are actually helping other countries and you know like we send a lot of money to various countries but I'm like does it do any good I don't know I think we should just do a thorough review of of like you know do our actions actually help these countries and why are we sending them our money again and and and do the American people like if we're sending people's tax money to other countries is it actually make sense like are we Act is it doing
good can it be defended to the American public or or not and if it can't then I think we should probably stop sending money or send less and and then we should like if we are we should try not to interfere with other countries activities I think generally yeah yeah you know we it's like we tend to mess mess get in other countries business a bit too much I think so I'm bit more of a fan of the sort of Monro doctrine of like let let other countries do their thing and we'll just be you
know we'll be cool here you know yeah so hey my name is Cole and this is my friend Jay from PA we are both 11 and our question is what impact will happen into SpaceX Tesla Starlet and X if KLA goes back into office well they're probably going to come from me big time I mean I'm like I might be Public Enemy Number two or three something like that from their standpoint pretty high on the list so yeah I think it's going to be rough yeah I so I don't know I mean man I think
we just got to make sure Trump wins so one way or another just it's just got to happen you know it's essential like I said I really think you know I I've not been politically active before so it's not like you know I I don't want to be in politics I I I like to be in technology and like build products you know and manufacture things so it's just that I I really feel like this time we're we're at a Crossroads that could be was probably irreversible if Trump doesn't win so you know to people
out there i' you know I'd say you know you know where the wear the mega hat and put the Trump fans signs on the loan you know and even if people give you a hard time just just keep at it all right yeah heyan my name is Alex gan from York Pennsylvania across the river and all right I wanted to shout out and thank the Tesla FSD team uh many don't realize that for people ages 5 to 29 the number one cause of death is car accidents yeah and yet today my Tesla drove me for
4 hours out to a Tesla shop out in Devon Pennsylvania I didn't touch the wheel once it took me from driveway to parking lot and then after trading in and transferring FSD today my new model 3 drove me here to Lancaster that's cool from driveway to parallel park on the street that's I don't think people realize that the cars are there most people don't realize that that the Tesla are capable of that because yeah I mean the Cyber truck obviously looks unusual right but but the the other Tesla cars like the model 3 and Y
and the S and X they they I think they're they're they look great but they they look they look somewhat conventional they're like good-look but they're not like radically different on the outside so this it's kind of like if let's say you've got a a magic cat that can actually sing and dance and talk but it's just sitting on the couch and it looks like a cat but it's actually pussing boots you know and it's like a swashbuckling talking cat that you know but that's a that's what what Teslas are they look like a normal
car but they're not they're like an intelligent car that can drive anywhere pretty much yeah so this why I you got talking cat I was like but unless cat talks people think it's a cat you know so I I just wanted to say just you know to make that aware about the the national Safety thing and actually a global you know this is a actual superum good obviously autonomy is going to have economic benefits but um but I just wanted to drive home and thank you and uh just make others aware uh try it out
because it's awesome it's it's around the corner and I don't think people realize it's around it's like do you want a dancing talking cat I'm like sure that sounds great yeah uh but that's a good point there there's about a million people die every year in the world from car accidents and that number could be um you know 90% lower I think yeah we should advertise I suppose we we do advertise a little bit but yeah I don't know like I guess like sure I do get asked about advertising a lot all right I think
probably we'll just do have a few more questions and then call it a night but please go ahead good evening sir I just had a quick question about liquid fluide thorum reactors or any kind of molten salt reactors okay and if you were interested in perhaps pursuing that technology because they're restarting Three Mile Island soon Microsoft is for training AI so it could be a potential solution for the power crisis in this country I do think nuclear power is underrated and people like that there the actual risk of of nuclear power is very low um
so in fact it's possible with with modern designs to make a reactor that simply cannot melt down no matter what you do even if you went in there with like uh explosives and a flamethrower you still couldn't make it melt down so you can make nuclear super safe and I think we should we should have more nuclear power yeah um but like I said the the actual long-term thing is that giant Fusion reactor in the in the sky called the Sun you can't that that is so overwhelmingly the the biggest source of energy that everything
else is small by comparison you know fishion is is good and I'm I'm actually not not against fossil fuels or oil and gas I think it's that's fine for now but overwhelming you just you just do the math it's pretty straightforward you know the sun is converting over 4 million tons of Mass to energy every second it's like 1,1 bam that was 4 million tons of Mass to energy that is a staggering amount so that's that's when you try to get some sort of cter scale stuff it's really all about the sun y yeah hi
Mr musk it's an honor to be before you you like the real life Tony Stark so that's pretty cool make a a flying suit of armor yeah so my question is since you bought Twitter and transformed it into X much has changed on the platform like little censorship social media plays an integral role in American society do you have any plans any more plans for X to expand its use and influence if so what are they also do you have future plans on buying other large platforms like YouTube well it's not possible to buy YouTube
as controlled by I guess they call it alphabet these days Google essentially and then alphabet this the super voting stock of Al alphabet so it's controlled by Larry Page so Brun and Eric Schmidt if if two out of three control allall of alphabet which is you know Google YouTube bunch of other things you know so and then Marx aqu controls meta which is you know Facebook Instagram and WhatsApp so now I think the fact that the xplatform is is a free speech platform has caused the others to move more in that direction because and they're
like you know it's like well they're not all everyone's just not singing the same tune and people can find out the truth on the xplatform it actually forces them yeah so you you only you only need one platform to step out of line and and and and stop censoring and then all the others will and have censored much less so it is it the the influence is much greater than just what we do on xplatform because it it it drives the rest of the systems to also also do less censorship and and all the rule
is simple for X is we we want to follow the law of the land and if the people want different laws they should pass different laws but other than otherwise we will not put our thumb on the scale we'll simply obey the will of the people so all let do do a couple more questions and then call it a night good evening Elon my name is Claire malfaro I'm a mental health professional in Burks County which is a neighboring County I do live here in Lancaster often when I diagnose children with Asperger syndrome I want
you to know that I tell families about you okay because it's a difficult diagnosis for families to receive sometimes and when they recognize that there are successful individuals who are diagnosed it gives them hope I'm curious to know if you're willing and if you are currently speaking in advocacy for neurode Divergent people because if you look at the statistics in the United States unemployment and underemployment even in gifted individuals who are college graduates is very significant with people with Asperger syndrome well I'd like to be helpful um so you know I think there's perhaps having
some sort of you know neurod Divergent element like that does result in an increased adherence to the truth or try to understand the nature of reality and and perhaps to some degree also being willing to suffer criticism and not you know simply want to fit in is important as well so yeah yeah so yeah I mean yeah yeah so I'm not sure what quite would say but I mean is there anything that you think like like what would be helpful for example in King of preia we have an A agency that's called the neurodivergent employment
Network okay there are businesses in Pennsylvania Wawa is one of them Aramark and they're specifically working to employ people with Autism there are many companies that are unwilling at this point to even consider because they're afraid that it's going to cost a lot of money for them for accommodations which is really not true and the research tells us that individuals are much less likely to steal they're very conscientious about their work but there's ignorance and as a result of that ignorance and part of the reason not just you but other individuals who have successful Lives
who were able to say to these families like your children will grow up and have successful lives as we're able to better Implement change and re relieve some of the ignorance in this Society I I feel like if you would speak up more more for example and say look at me and look at what I've been able to do and you know and again you are an entrepreneur so you have yourself to answer to but when somebody has their boss to answer to and they start saying you know nobody in this company is really working
40 hours a week or begin to truth tell about things they lose their jobs right yeah all right well yeah not quite sure what to say I I do think that as we create robots like the Optimus robot this will help a lot of people who are because they will have a friend that will be their you that is infinitely patient and have a son who's got a much more severe case of whatever I have you know he's it's a tough sledding you know so it's not it's hard to make friends hard for him to
make friends and he doesn't quite quite know what to do you know so yeah probably do I mean I don't get something you know something but but yeah know so so I I certainly see you know have a case in my among my older boys where it's it's like quite a you know it's quite a serious situation I just I just would love to figure out how to how you can live a happy life you know and it's not an easy thing to figure out but I I think if there is a like a humanoid
robot like Optimus that can be like your own personal R2-D2 C3 view you know then they they would have a friend and someone who could like kind of help through your life I think that would be a good thing all right so I call this the the last question but so thank you my name is Josh I'm from here in Lancaster and uh uh FSD 12.5 actually does navigate around the Amish buggies now so thank you for that all right it's part of the training data my question is Elon as someone deeply committed to uncovering
truth could you share the methods you rely on to identify objective truth in addition to the crowdsource community notes on X in other words can you describe your preferred epistemological framework and perhaps hint at how these philosophical underpinnings will continue to enable AI X aai as well as informed policy for our country yeah I mean so like I I really would recommend people study Physics honestly you know if you're trying to understand how the physical world works that's what physics is physics is simply an attempt to understand the rules that govern reality like like and
what rules are good predictors of the future and what rules are not so you know that's that's it's and I try to I try to learn as much as possible and then evaluate what I've learned against what I believe to be the most fundamental truths of reality and and then change my conclusions based on new data it's like as I learned something new it's it's just like I I I try to change my mind if if there is a reason to change my mind you it's like whereas I think this kind of a natural instinct
to want to be set for people to want to be set in their ways and to be convinced that they're right whereas you know I think we should actually just strive to be less wrong be less wrong yeah exactly so I think that that that is sort of how things operate in physics like you strive to be less wrong yeah it's it's not the most you know gung-ho sort of slogan be less wrong you know it's like is it but it's but if you want to be less wrong then you should that's a good operating
principle is yeah seek the truth and and um and and like let the conclusions blead where the data you know takes you you know um like this is like so it's very it's very important to operate on this principle if you're building electric cars or space internet or you know Rockets because if you don't if you're not if there's not r a rigorous understanding of how reality works the Rockets blow up and the cars don't work and FSD wouldn't be able to navigate You full self- driving wouldn't wouldn't work so that the problem is that's
not like an easy answer I think just in general again it's it's like not the most you know yeah be less wrong is is it's it's not like the SL kind of it doesn't quite roll off the tongue qu it's not like you know but it but but if you if you want to be less wrong you should aspire to be less wrong it's like anyway so thank you everyone for coming and v v v vote for Trump and it's incredibly important and get everyone else you know to vote and remember what I said at
the beginning which is is that there are actually 40,000 ballots that people have that have actually not been mailed in or not been submitted and you can actually people can go in person on Monday and Tuesday and vote and please do and please encourage everyone you know to do the same
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