The Ten Men That Will Introduce The Antichrist To The World

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the 10 Nations that will bring about the Antichrist these are the people that will plan out the rise of the Antichrist many of us know that a central figure called the Antichrist will come and change everything but what are the things that must occur first the rise of the 10 great Kings the Bible talks about a group of 10 kings that will come together playing a big role in the political events at the end of time it's essential to decide if this has already happened in the past or if it will happen in the future
this question is key to understanding what the Bible says about future events we know this from the great Prophet Daniel in the second chapter of Daniel King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about a huge statue Daniel received a special Vision at night that helped him understand this dream this was the first big explanation of prophecy about Nations that weren't Israel Daniel explained a vision of a statue separated into four nations these nations will proceed after each other so these kingdoms start with Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and then with the Antichrist Nation Daniel then gets a better look at
this Antichrist rise in Daniel 7: 6 7-8 in one of his Visions the Prophet Daniel sees a little horn that comes from a scary Beast Daniel 7:8 the little horn strain shape and actions make Daniel very curious luckily for him and for us the vision is explained in this Vision Daniel sees four beasts that stand for four kingdoms the first three beasts stand for Babylon meow Persia and Greece the fourth and final Beast Daniel sees is the worst of all terrifying and frightening and very powerful Daniel 7:7 this Beast has bronze claws verse 19 and
large iron teeth that Crush its enemies verse 7 Daniel notices that this frightening Beast has 10 horns Daniel sees a little horn grow from the middle of the 10 horns as he thinks about what the horns mean this little horn is very strange when it appears their Roots pull three of the original horns Daniel notices this little horn has eyes like a human's and a mouth that spoke proudly the proud words of the little horn keep going until the day of judgment Daniel feels worried about the vision of the Beast and the little horn so
he asks about it an angel tells him that the 10 horns represent 10 Kings who will come from that Kingdom in the Bible a horn often stands for strength and power the small proud horn with a human mouth and eyes symbolizes a specific King when this King gains power three other kings will fall this wicked King represented by the little horn will speak against the most high and oppress God's holy people he will try to change times and laws and have power over God's people for three and A2 years verse 25 the fourth Beast that
Daniel saw was the Roman Empire the great Kingdom that came after Greece the little horn Daniel saw is a world leader known for his evil words and great power hour since this little horn will be in charge when Judgment day arrives we call it the Antichrist the ruler who will come mentioned in Daniel 9: 27 the 3 and 1/2 years refers to how long the Antichrist will rule as seen in Revelation 11:2 12:14 and chapter 13:5 revelation 11:2 but exclude the outer Court do not measure it because it has been given to the Gentiles they
will trample on the holy city for 42 months the little horn comes from the fourth Beast which means that in the end times we might see a Revival of the old Roman Empire this revival will involve a group of 10 world leaders working together the Antichrist will rise to power by taking out three of these leaders and will eventually have control over the whole world as a true Tyrant the Antichrist will want to control every part of life he will even demand people to worship Him Revelation 13: 16-17 also he compels all the small and
the Great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on on their right hand or on their forehead signifying allegiance to the Beast and that no one will be able to buy or cell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name to make it clear the little horn that Daniel sees represents the Antichrist the leader who will gain power among 10 future kings this little horn will speak against God and hurt God's people during a
difficult time called tribulation right until Jesus comes back at that moment the Antichrist power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever Daniel 7: 26 and Jesus will set up his kingdom that lasts a thousand years the Antichrist rule will only last for 42 months Revelation 13:5 he will not not win against God his bragging and violence are only for a short time in contrast Christ's Reign lasts forever so what will these 10 leaders do how will this affect us in the present age we get an answer to this in the Book of Revelation the
New Testament message from The Book of Revelation comes hundreds of years after Daniel's prophecy it confirms Daniel's words and gives us new information about God's plan this shows us that Daniel and Revelation are connected and help us better understand God's purpose in Revelation 13: 1-2 John saw a vicious Beast coming up out of the sea with 10 horns and seven heads and on his horns were 10 Royal Crowns diadems and on his heads were Blasphemous names and the Beast that I saw resembled a leopard but his feet were like those of a bear and his
mouth was like that of a lion and the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great Authority in Revelation 17 the Antichrist and the 10 Nation Confederacy support a new religion the Babylonian religion the Bible speaks of a prophecy in the Book of Revelation it describes a religion that will rise to to power in the last days how will this religion come to power and who will promote it this religion is referred to as the religion of Babylon and is mentioned in the Book of Revelation right from the start babylon's judgment is unquestionable
there was never any doubt regarding babylon's fate and ultimate failure the evil entity of Babylon an angel invites on to witness the Judgment of this evil woman Revelation 17: 1-2 then one of the Seven Angels who had the seven bowls came and spoke with me saying come here I will show you the Judgment of the great prostitute who sits on many Waters with whom the kings of the earth committed acts of sexual immorality and those who live in the earth became drunk with the wine of her sexual immorality Babylon came into being as a religious
system a considerable time before Christianity did but in satanic imitation it anticipated the coming of the genuine Messiah we see Babylon as a seducing spirit that is why the Bible says Made drunk with the wine of her fornication throughout the entirety of the Bible the concept of fornication is frequently and strongly associated with acts of idolatry this religious system may appear appealing and spiritual though not necessarily moral Babylon signifies a powerful and corrupt entity leading people away from God through deceitful practices the term Babylon Bears significant biblical implications symbolizing religious infidelity and Corruption to fully
understand this term we must explore both the biblical text and historical events related to Babylon Babylon is used to symbolize a system of false religion that diverts people from the true worship of God embodying spiritual adultery and moral Decay this imagery is depicted in the Book of Revelation where Babylon is portrayed as a mysterious woman engaging in elicit relationships with the kings of the Earth this emphasizes the moral Decline and Corruption of societies entangled with false religions Babylon is mentioned 287 times in the Bible making it the city most frequently mentioned after Jerusalem in the
Old Testament Babylon is associated with organized forms of worship blasphemy and the oppression of the people of God this refers to the religious significance of Babylon and he carried me away in the spirit into a Wilderness and I saw a woman sitting on a Scarlet Beast full of Blasphemous names having seven heads and 10 horns the woman was clothed in purple and Scarlet and adorned with gold precious stones and Pearls holding in her hand a gold cup full of Abominations and of the unclean things of her sexual immorality and on her forehead a name was
written a mystery Babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the Abominations of the earth and I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus when I saw her I wondered greatly Revelation 17: 3-6 here we see babylon's relationship with this strange figure called called the beast you see this is not the first time we meet the Beast the Beast has already been shown in Revelation if we open Revelation 13:1 we see this beast in Greater detail we know this Beast has seven heads
and 10 horns this confirms that this Beast represents the strange men called the Antichrist and the Great rule he will establish you see this Antichrist is so great that not even Christians will be able to extinguish him that is why the Antichrist is shown as a monstrosity who has power and authority but we also learn something else about this Antichrist the Bible tells us that one of the heads of this Beast will be mortally wounded and then healed not only that the Bible also tells us that the Beast also speaks blasphemies against God and aggressively
oppresses the people of God wherever they may be found on Earth this lets us know that the Antichrist not only rules the world but receives the worship of its inhabitants this is why Babylon needs the Beast the title mystery Babylon the great does not refer to the Physical City of Babylon but instead to the spiritual representation of Babylon which is the origin of all forms of spiritual adultery and idolatry for this strange Babylon prophecy to be fulfilled she must Encompass more territory than a single Department of a religious organization she has to be the personification
of Satan's very own movement this is what we call the religion of the global order Babylon seems more ready than ever to seduce our world because it is built on the solid notion that it doesn't matter what you believe as long as you believe in something but Babylon will not simply stop at seducing the Nations she will also persecute that is why this strange entity gets drunk with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus we can see that Babylon takes pleasure in the fact that she is persecuting The
Godly much like a drunk person takes pleasure in alcohol Babylon is going to need a lot of help to destroy the people of God she will require not only the Antichrist but other rulers the 10 horns which you saw are 10 Kings who have not yet received a kingdom but they receive Authority as kings with the Beast for one hour these have one purpose and they give their power and authority to the Beast these will wage war against the lamb and the lamb will over overcome them because he is Lord of lords and king of
kings and those who are with them are the called and chosen and faithful and he said to me the waters which you saw where the prostitute sits are peoples and multitudes and Nations and languages Revelation 17: 12-15 this cohort of babylon's friends is likely referring to a 10national who are these 10 Nations we do not know however regardless of their specific identity their actions are obvious to any serious Christian who understands prophecy this mysterious figure rules over all the world's people crowds Nations and languages this shows that the impact of this strange woman can be
felt worldwide due to her connection with the Beast this will indeed be a one world religion babylon's relationships identify her her significance revolves around her relationship with the Beast and the government he leads however the allies of the Antichrist turned against the strange woman Revelation 17:16 and the 10 horns which you saw and the Beast these will hate The Prostitute and will make her desolate and naked stripped of her power and influence and will eat her flesh and completely consume her with fire we read these will hate the Harlot make her desolate and naked eat
her flesh and burn her with fire in the end the Antichrist will not tolerate any form of worship other than that of himself the son of Destruction exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped to the point that he sits in the temple of God demonstrating to himself that he is God Revelation 17:1 17 for God has put it into their hearts to fulfill his purpose to be of one mind and to give their Kingdom to the Beast until the words of God are fulfilled we read God has put it into
their hearts the Judgment that was sent against religious Babylon was ordered by God sometimes God will use one Wicked group in this case the 10 Kings as an instrument of his judgment against another Wicked group in this case religious Babylon this happens rather frequently in the Bible but Babylon in the sense of the global order has always been that great Metropolis that rules over the rulle rulers of the globe this has been the case since the beginning of time for Christians the question that needs to be asked is does it rain over me or am
I a resident of a more incredible City but Babylon is doomed she and they will fall their days will be numbered the incredible manner in which this is accomplished is plausible in today's environment ambitious politicians hungry for power resent this financial clout they are even prepared to bring about economic disaster if that will enable them to take over God will ordain the political support that these 10 rulers would provide for the Antichrist the world will get exactly what it asks for which is a Godless religion and Godless government Revelation 17: 18 and the woman whom
you saw is that great city which Reigns over the kings of the Earth the Kings will be jealous of the woman who rides them and resolve to destroy her the city will be engulfed in flames it will be the world's worst economic disaster in history many many people will weep and mourn over the ruins when you hear about world leaders uniting you might think of secret meetings or powerful alliances but in the Book of Revelation this Gathering of political leaders and Beast Kings holds a much deeper more profound truth let us look into what the
Bible has to say in the Book of Revelation context world leaders refers to the political and governmental figures who play unique roles during the end times these leaders often symbolized as Beast kings are depicted as powerful rulers who align themselves with the Beast a central figure representing ultimate Rebellion against God to understand their roles it is crucial to look into the descriptive language of Revelation and draw parallels with contemporary global politics in today's world Global Leadership and alliances are not far-fetched we see numerous examples of International coalitions however the beast king in Revelation are characterized
by their opposition to God implying that these leaders will enforce policies and ideologies fundamentally at odds with Biblical teachings like the Beast Kings political leaders wield considerable influence over their populations today they can enact laws control resources and shape public opinion in the context of Revelation these leaders actions would collect collectively steer Humanity towards a secular anti-god stance for example policies promoting secularism and marginalizing religious beliefs can be seen in various parts of the world governments might push for ideologies that elevate human reasoning above Divine wisdom but how does this idea align with Biblical perspectives
the Bible warns us about a future Global government dominated by a powerful Le this leader supported by a coalition of rulers will establish a regime that demands absolute loyalty and suppresses religious freedom and he was given authority over every tribe and people and language and Nation Revelation 13:7 another area of concern is the development of digital currencies and cashless societies as transactions become increasingly governments and corporations gain more power to Monitor and control economic activities this shift aligns with the biblical Prophecy of the mark of the beast where buying and selling are controlled by Central
Authority the idea that no one can participate in the economy without a specific Mark reflects the potential future where digital currencies are controlled by a global power limiting economic freedom for those who do not comply and one of the antichrist's most notable characteristics is his ability to unite the world under his rule he will establish a global government this unification will seem beneficial at first as it promises peace and stability in a world often plagued by conflict and chaos but this peace will be fake hiding the Antichrist true bad intentions the Antichrist will also seek
to control the economy effectively controlling people's livelihoods this control will be used to force people to worship him those who refuse to comply face severe consequences including economic isolation and persecution the Antichrist regime will be characterized by tyranny and oppression as it demands absolute loyalty and worship from everyone along with the an Christ there's also another evil character known as the false prophet the false prophet is crucial in supporting the Antichrist rise to power he acts as a religious leader influencing people to follow and worship the Antichrist the false prophet will perform Miracles and signs
that will appear to authenticate the Antichrist claims deceiving many into believing that the Antichrist is divine or chosen by God the false prophet's primary task is to promote the worship of the Antichrist he will establish a religious system centered around the Antichrist convincing people he is the savior this deception will be so powerful that even those knowledgeable about the truth will be at risk of being misled the false prophet will utilize his Charisma and the miraculous signs he performs to lead people away from genuine in faith in God then I saw another Beast rising up
out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence when the two are together and he makes the Earth and those who inhabit it worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed he performs Great Signs awe inspiring Acts even making fire fall from the sky to the Earth right before people's eyes and he deceives those unconverted ones who inhabit the earth into believing him because of the signs which he is given by Satan to perform in
the presence of the first Beast telling those who inhabit the Earth to make an image to the Beast who was wounded fatally By The Sword and has come back to life revelation ation 13: 11-15 have you ever thought about who controls your country we often think of presidents Prime Ministers and other leaders as the ones who guide and Lead our Nations but what if I told you these individuals might not be the real decision makers this is not a conspiracy theory but a spiritual reality that has existed since Biblical times throughout history there have been
leaders who made decisions that were influenced by evil or demonic forces for instance King Herod ordered the killing of children who were born around the time of Jesus and similarly Pharaoh took the lives of many children who were born around the time of Moses King Ahab and his wife Jezebel attempted to lead the nation into worshiping Idols these are a few examples of leaders who were influenced by evil forces many leaders in the past have made poor decisions often because spiritual forces influenced their choices unfortunately the same thing is happening today with many of our
world's leaders their decisions can directly or indirectly impact you even if you're unaware how can we be certain that this is true the answer is simple it's because the policy made by these leaders often align more with the devil's agenda rather than Gods the devil carefully handpick these leaders who influences their decision-making process with all these in mind should Christians be opposed to globalization globalization means spreading influence all around the world it creates a single World Market or less strict rules that allow countries to connect more at first glance globalization might look good it seems
to offer solutions to problems like money issues and other challenges but when we think carefully and look at history we find some worrying signs that show globalization can have negative effects the history of globalization often started with military conquest one of history's most famous stories about globalization is the ATT attempt to build the Tower of Babel around 2100 BC instead of spreading out across the Earth as God had instructed people chose to stay in one place and build a big city this project was led by King Nimrod who was Noah's great-grandson his name means Rebel
which fits because he went against God's plan in response God mixed up their languages making it hard for them to understand understand each other this caused the people to form groups based on their language and move to different areas in a dream King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon so many empires which shows how people have tried to create a One World Government Daniel chapter 2 Daniel explained this dream what is the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel chapter 2 one important part of the dream is that Nebuchadnezzar saw a fifth and final Empire that hasn't happened yet
this last empire will be a real Global government led by the Antichrist 2 Thessalonians 2:8 then the Lawless one the Antichrist will be revealed and the Lord Jesus Will slay him with the breath of his mouth and bring him to an end by the appearance of his coming this leader will power every tribe tribe people language and Nation he and the false prophet will make everyone take his mark this future leader will control all money Revelation 13:1 17 and all religious practices Revelation 13:8 if someone refuses to worship the Antichrist they will face death if
they go along with him they risk Eternal punishment from God the Bible tells us that whenever people try to create globalization it is often controlled by evil ungodly Powers we also know that the whole world is a prisoner of sin Galatians chapter 3:22 and that Believers are called to hate evil Psalm 97:10 we must share the light of goodness in the Dark Places through the message of the Gospel God has a plan for the world under the leadership of Jesus Christ Our King and savior it's clear that Christ will still rule different nations the kingdom
will be a time of fairness and real Justice Isaiah 11: 3-5 and he will Delight in the fear of the Lord and He will not judge by what his eyes see nor make decisions by what his ears hear but with righteousness and Justice he will judge the poor and aside with fairness for the downtrodden of the earth and he shall strike the Earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked and righteousness will be the belt around his loin and faithfulness the belt around his waist
what a peaceful and happy time it will be in Christ's Kingdom Isaiah 12: 3-4 tells us with joy you will draw water from the wells of Salvation in that day you will say give thanks to the Lord call on his name make known among the Nations what he has done and Proclaim that his name is exalted why These Warnings matter today the prophecies and warnings found in the Bible are not just his hisorical or theoretical concerns they are highly irrelevant to the spiritual challenges we face today the rise of the emerging religion with its focus
on relativism personal experiences and syncretism embodies the very issues the Bible warns against by understanding these prophecies and heeding the biblical warnings we can better guard against the spiritual deception that threatens to lead Believers away from the truth remaining faithful to sound Doctrine in light of These Warnings Believers must remain faithful to sound Doctrine and the teachings of the Bible the Apostle Paul in his letters repeatedly emphasizes the importance of holding fast to the truth and not being swayed by false teachings if anyone teaches a different Doctrine and do not agree with the sound words
of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the doctrine and teaching which is is in agreement with godliness personal Integrity upright Behavior he is conceited and willfully ignorant understanding nothing he has a morbid interest in controversial questions and disputes About Words which result in Envy quarrels verbal abuse evil suspicions and Perpetual friction between men who are corrupted in mind and deprived of the truth who think that godliness is a source of profit a lucrative money-making business withdraw from them 1 Timothy chapter 6: 3-5 this passage emphasizes the necessity of adhering to the teachings of Jesus Christ
and avoiding those who promote different doctrines for selfish or misguided reasons it calls for a commitment to personal integrity and upright Behavior grounded in the sound words of the Lord the biblical prophecies about the rise of false religions and the fall of corrupt systems like Babylon serve as powerful reminders of the spiritual challenges we Face the emerging religion emphasizing relativism personal spiritual experiences and syncretism can be seen as fulfilling these prophecies it represents a significant departure from sound Doctrine promoting teachings that cater to personal desires rather than the truth of God's word the warnings from
prophets like Jeremiah and Peter highlight the dangers of following false teachings and emphasize the need for vigilance and Reliance on true biblical teachings as Believers it is essential to remain grounded in the Bible Discerning the truth from falsehood and holding fast to the sound doctrine that leads to Godliness and spiritual Integrity by understanding and applying these prophecies and warnings we can navigate the complex spiritual landscape of today staying true to our faith and avoiding the pitfalls of false religions it is important to be vigilant Discerning and steadfast in our commitment to the truth of God's
word ensuring that we remain faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ amidst the rise of deceptive and harmful doctrines this man took the mark of the beast and everything changed what happens to those who refuse to take the mark of the beast picture the future where everyone is following the Antichrist Fred a normal guy with a simple life struggles to buy or sell anything because he hasn't accepted the mark doesn't want to be like the outcasts who refuse the mark in the Antichrist they have to hide away and have have a really hard time after
thinking it over Fred decides to get the Mark it's a quick and easy process the antichrist's profit has made it simple once Fred gets the mark he knows he's turned his back on the god of the outcasts the Jesus they believe in now he's ready to enjoy the perks of his choice but something strange starts to happen the world is hit with all sorts of disasters like floods and earthquakes then something even stranger happens the mark on Fred's hand starts to hurt and smell awful it turns into a terrible SAR no one can help and
everyone with the Mark is suffering a lot some people are confused but others know the truth they understand what's really going on the people on the outside see these events too they know this isn't because of a global attack or a war these people who are left out understand the real truth and have picked their side even though they faced a lot of pain they see what's happening they know that the Antichrist is a leader who wants to take Jesus's place he was almost killed but somehow healed and everyone was tricked by him so many
people followed him without thinking they also understand that the sores Fred and others are dealing with aren't from this world but come from a distant place these troubles come from the temple of God way up in heaven the temple of God in heaven is a mysterious Place many people don't even know there is a temple in heaven this Temple is mentioned in the Book of Revelation 11 when the temple is closed it means a huge warning in judgment for the whole world the worst ever seen or that will ever be seen it would be the
final judgment for the world when the temple is first opened many strange things happen first the Ark of the Covenant is found again but everything is about to change seven angels appear in the temple and change everything after these things I looked in the temple sanctuary of the Tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened and the Seven Angels who had the seven plagues Affliction calamities came out of the temple array in linen pure and gleaming and wrapped around their chests were golden sashes then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels
seven golden bowls full of the Wrath and indignation of God who lives forever and ever and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory and Radiance and Splendor of God and from his power and no one was able to enter the temple until the seven plagues of the Seven Angels were finished Revelation 15: 5-8 this judgment is very serious for heaven in the last chapter we saw how important it was to prepare for the pouring of the bowls these angels are bringing God's judgment they came straight from the Heavenly Temple right from God's presence
and Throne they're not doing this by themselves they wear special clothes pure bright linen with golden sashes around their chests this shows us that even though judgments might seem harsh they come from a fair and good place it's easy to think that bad judgments Come From Evil sources but this shows us something different a big judgment is coming to the Earth and no one can stop it because it comes from a just and righteous God yes the Bible talks about evil angels who cause chaos and destruction but that's not what's Happening Here the Bible clearly
says these angels are righteous and not Fallen the angels are given bowls and God's glory fills the temple with the cloud out it's important to understand that people who don't believe might not see the coming judgment this means that things happen in the spiritual world because they show up in our physical world people can predict the weather like when it will rain or which way the wind will blow God's ways are different we can't figure out how God's Temple Works using science we only know these secrets because God has told us and this knowledge can
give us Comfort many Christians Chans need to realize they already have answers to the world's big questions including how everything will end Heaven's order is perfect one of the four living creatures near God's Throne gives these bowls to the seven angels Jon sees these four living creatures with many eyes and different shapes a lion an ox a human and an eagle this shows that these judgments come directly from God's Throne when this judge Jud starts no one is even allowed to enter the temple of God it shows that heaven does not take this judgment lightly
once this judgment starts nothing can stop it Heaven is all set the temple doors are shut the seven angels are ready and people are all set to take these bowls then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the Wrath and indignation of God so the first Angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and loathsome and malignant sores came on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His Image Revelation 16: 1-2 a
voice comes from the temple could this be Jesus speaking in Revelation Voices From Heaven often represent Christ but not always because people have wronged the Earthly Temple now the Judgment comes from the Heavenly Temple Temple these bowls deal more with human rebellion and cover more areas than other judgments did most of the bowls like the trumpets remind us of the plagues from The Exodus painful sores turning water into blood and darkness by reminding us of these plagues these judgments show that just as God protected his people in Goan during the plagues he will also protect
them from his judgment the last two bowls show the final battle and the completion of God's promises the first Bowl brings really painful and nasty source to people who worship the image of the Beast and have its Mark those who follow God are not affected by this bowl it's just for those who follow the Antichrist this shows God's anger being poured out on people who were made on the sixth day Genesis 1 Revelation 13:8 says this is like the six Egyptian plague of boil s it hits people with the 666 mark of the beast those
who worship the creature instead of the Creator this is why many are Googling the Seal of the Beast this event takes place after God has given two major warnings the six seals and the six trumpets have already been Unleashed now the worst disaster ever are about to happen evil Powers will take over Society like never before Revelation 16 which talks about what's coming soon mentions the mark of the beast Revelation 1-5 talks about what's happening now Revelation 6-6 is about the near future Revelation 20-22 is about the far future the mark of the beast is
mentioned as coming soon what or who is the Beast of Revelation the mark of the beast is called the mark of the beast because it comes from a man known as the beast in the Book of Revelation there are three main figures who work together to rule the world the first is a powerful Angelic being called Satan or the devil the other two are human and are called beasts also known as the Antichrist and the false prophet these three make up a sort of Unholy Trinity trying to copy God Christ and the Holy Spirit but
in a very evil way in chapter 13 we see the two beasts the first is a powerful leader a dictator who controls all the nations he is the Antichrist the man of lawlessness who follows no laws but his own the word Antichrist comes from the Greek word anti Christos in Greek anti- means against or in place of and Christos means Christ so the Antichrist is someone or something that is against Christ or tries to take his place this idea comes from the Bible especially from John's letters the term Antichrist is used in the books of
First John and 2 John children it is the last hour and as you have heard the Antichrist is coming so now many antichrists have come therefore we know that it is the last hour 1 John chap 2:8 in Revelation 13: 1-3 it says and the dragon stood on the sand of the seashore then I saw beast coming out of the sea having 10 horns and seven heads and on his horns were 10 crowns and on his heads were Blasphemous names and the Beast that I saw was like a leopard and his feet were like those
of a bear and his mouth like the mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power in his throne and great Authority I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded and his fatal wound was healed and the whole earth was amazed and followed after the Beast the Beast is a person who accepts the bad offer that Jesus refused but he is also anti-christian in another way his rise to power will start slowly and not be noticed at first even people close to him won't see it coming he will
come from regular people according to John the sea in the Bible stands for the general population or more specifically Al the non-jewish Nations many people wonder how one person could control everyone in the world here we see that he has given a lot of power he can make war against the Saints and defeat them he seems to come from a mix of political leaders and grabs the world's attention by miraculously recovering from a serious injury probably from an assassination attempt his proud and disrespectful actions will be shown for 42 months the word Antichrist comes from
the Greek word Antichrist in Greek anti- means against or instead of and Christos means Christ so the Antichrist is someone or something that is against Christ or tries to replace him the idea comes from the Bible especially in the letters written by John you can find the term Antichrist in the book of First John and 2 John children it is the last hour and as you have heard that Antichrist is coming so now many antichrists have come therefore we know that it is the last hour 1 John 2:8 a second beast causes people to receive
the mark of the beast just like the Kings from long ago the Antichrist King will have a helper called the second beast or the false prophet this false prophet will have special powers and will use them to make people worship the Antichrist he will trick people by doing Miracles like making Fire come down from the sky and making statues of the leader talk he will look like a young sheep with two horns Revelation 13: 11-15 then I saw another Beast rising up out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke
like a dragon he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence when the two are together and he makes the Earth and those who inhabit it worship the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed he performs Great Signs a inspiring acts even making fire fall from the sky to the Earth right before people's eyes and he deceives those unconverted ones who inhabit the earth into believing him because of the signs which he has given by Satan to perform in the presence of the first Beast telling those who inhabit the Earth to make
image to the Beast who is wounded fatally By The Sword and has come back to life and he has given power to give breath to the image of the Beast so that the image of the Beast will even appear to speak and cause those who do not Bow Down and Worship the image of the Beast to be put to death this false prophet causes the world to take the mark of the beast which shows that this event is connected to religion revelation 13: 16-17 says and he causes all the small and the great the rich
and the poor and the free and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads and he decrees that no one will be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark either the name of the Beast or the number of his name in the future everyone who follows the Beast and his partner will need a special mark this Mark will be required to buy or sell anything so people without it won't be able to trade only those who have a certain number on their hand
or forehead will be allowed to do business this number will be given to people who follow the beast's false worship getting a mark to buy or sell might seem unusual but it could actually be very useful today we already have technology that can give people a mark to use in a digital world there are many ways this could happen an ongoing program s and studies are looking into these possibilities the number of the Beast Revelation 13:8 says here is wisdom let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast for the number is that
of a man and his number is 666 the Number 666 is really interesting because it's made up of three sixes the number six shows that humans are close to being perfect but not quite right there since seven represents Perfection many believe that 666 hints at who the last evil leader will be before Jesus comes to rule for a thousand years it's also interesting to know that 666 is the total of all Roman numerals except one but figuring out who this evil leader is from just this number is hard until we see them clearly people like
Napoleon Stalin and other have been suggested as possible antichrists the word Mark doesn't have a special meaning in the Bible other than being linked to the Beast the Greek word shagma was usually used for stamps on coins or official papers it is known that shagma was a seal used by the Roman Empire on important documents in the 1 and 2nd centuries in the New Testament shagma shows up only two times in Revelation and acts 17: 29 and it refers to an artistic image why do people accept the beast in his Mark the Antichrist will be
a man who stands out from everyone else he will be very Charming a great speaker and goodlooking John one of Jesus's followers adds to what Daniel said about the Antichrist he tells us that everyone will have to worship Him the Antichrist will start as a local leader but will become a powerful ruler R ER over the whole world ruling harshly and will eventually be treated like a God when he shows up people will eagerly follow him and do whatever he says he will bring the Nations together Daniel says that the next world leader will be
known for how well he speaks and will draw a lot of attention Daniel also warns that this leader will speak proudly and against God John describes a similar figure in the Book of Revelation the Beast was given a mouth to speak proud and insulting words and authority to act for 42 months Revelation 13:5 says a mouth was given to him speaking arrogant words and blasphemies and authority to act for 42 months was given to him who will worship the Antichrist according to Revelation 13:8 all who live on the earth will worship Him Daniel 7:25 says
describes the Antichrist as a leader who wants people to follow him he will speak proud words against the most high and he will try to change times and laws he will speak against the true God and act like he is on the same level as God making big statements from there also Thessalonians 2:4 says the Antichrist opposes and puts himself above everything called God or that is worshiped so he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God he will want people all over the world to worship Him is the
mark of the beast here today in Revelation 13 people sometimes think the mark of the beast is a trendy new tattoo or some rich person scheme but the Bible is clear about what this Mark is and when it will happen first there is a certain time when the Mark will show up the Bible says that the mark of the beast will come at a specific moment in history and we haven't reached that time yet the Mark is called the mark of the beast because it's linked to a figure named the Beast this Mark won't appear
until the Antichrist is in charge of the whole world the Bible tells us that the Beast and its Mark won't be here until halfway through the 7-year tribulation so the mark cannot happen before then the mark of the beast mentioned in the bible does not appear until the middle of the seven-year tribulation when the Antichrist is in charge of the world World until then any mention of the Mark is a warning of what is to come the number 666 is said to be a secret code for a dictator will be revealed in the future at
that time it will be clear who this dictator is and the number 666 will represent him the dictator will be imperfect in contrast to the number seven which symbolizes Perfection what happens to those who take the mark of the beast Doom for those who worship the Beast we read if anyone worships the beast in His image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand because of this we can see that there is a clear link between worshiping the beast in His image and getting the mark on your forehead or hand the mark
won't be given out by mistake or without reason there will be a clear connection between worshiping the Beast and receiving the mark even though getting the mark might seem harmless to people on earth they might think it's just a simple way of showing loyalty to the Antichrist and his rule in the early days of Christianity saying Caesar is Lord was seen by ancient pagans as just a normal Duty we read he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation people
who worship the Antichrist will have to drink the wine of God's strong anger this wine is like the strongest kind you can get with no water mixed in and extra spices to make it even stronger God is very angry with those who take the mark the Bible mentions God's Cup of Wrath more than 13 times psalm 75:8 for a cup is in the hand of the Lord and the wine Foams It is Well mixed and pours out of this certainly all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink its drgs here's what the the
cup Jesus wanted to avoid means Matthew 26:39 unlike Jesus who willingly faced the punishment we deserve his enemies have no choice but to drink from that cup we read the wine of the wrath of God the cup of his indignation the wine in the cup stands for anger or thymos which is an old Greek word another Greek word or means angry with a settled attitude ude and is connected to this cup in the New Testament the usual word for God's anger is oray also from Greek The Book of Revelation uses the word thymos 10 out
of 11 times unlike a sudden Outburst God's anger against sin is a steady unchanging reaction to evil and sin but in Revelation the word for intense anger appears much more often we read he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone this shows that the pain in hell is real and extremely awful it's both very painful and disgusting The Book of Revelation doesn't have any verses that match today's trend of avoiding the topic of hell this verse reveals several important truths about hell and the forever fate of those who are lost we also read the smoke
of their torment ascends forever and ever and they have no rest day or night people who worship the Antichrist and get his Mark will spend forever in Hell there they will face endless anger and Punishment it shows us that Eternal pain is real when we say forever and ever it really means forever and ever in Greek this phrase means into the ages of Ages which is the strongest way to say something lasts forever these marks are now sores the Apostle Paul wrote to the Romans for the wages of sin is death but the gift of
God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord Romans chapter 6: 23 now these wages were showing up clearly as painful sores people had to make a choice would they see this as a sign from God and return to him or would they ignore it and keep going their own way as more judgment came it would become more clear who is following God and who is not the s ist's words were especially true now it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God Hebrews 10:31 referring to the Old Testament even
in his anchor God's mercy was still visible this judgment like the plagues in Egypt was meant as a warning the events we're talking about aren't just to scare us but to show how serious it is when people ignore their creator in the story there are seven bowls that show God's anger the seven bowls are important because they have big meanings and tell us what will happen a display of God's anger and judgment against evil the seven bowls show how God is very upset with the bad things people do and their refusal to follow him each
Bowl being poured out causes big problems on earth like painful sores on people Revelation 16:2 and the sun burning the Earth with intense Heat Revelation 16:8 the bows are a direct result of what people do wrong showing that continuous sin in Rebellion leads to Serious consequences a called to change even with all these scary things happening God still wants people to come back to him and make things right it's sad to see how stubborn people can be even when they see God's power in judgment many still don't change God doesn't want to destroy people for
no reason his judgments are meant to show people they need him the seven bowls in Revelation aren't just about judgment they are messages they show how serious God is about Sin how much he wants people to come back to him and his promise to defeat evil and set up his eternal Kingdom for believers these bowls remind us that no matter how dark things get God's light and truth will always win as you think about the seven Bulls remember that Revelation is isn't just about endings it's about New Beginnings after the Bulls there is hope for
a new creation where pain suffering and death will be gone for those who listen and turn to God a fresh start is waiting so why is all this important because the Bible indicates that these events are like pieces of a puzzle that fit into a bigger picture they will occur as part of God's grand plan reminding us that God is in control of everything the second bowl Revelation 16:3 the second Angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it became blood like that of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died
earlier a third of the Sea's life was gone and now with this bowl the rest is gone the oceans are lifeless God's anger is shown in the ocean fish were a fantastic food source when God made the waters on on the fifth day but now with the second bowl the ocean's blessing is destroyed just like in the sixth plague where Egypt's Waters turned to blood and caused death for the Egyptians the ocean now brings death with the third Bowl the rivers and springs turned to blood Revelation 16: 4-7 then the third Angel poured out his
bowl into the rivers and the Springs of waters and they became blood and I heard the angel of the water saying righteous are you the one who is and who was oh holy one because you judge these things for they poured out the blood of saints and Prophets and you have given them blood to drink they deserve it and I heard the altar saying yes Lord God the almighty true and righteous are your judgments the third Bowl turns all the fresh water into blood it shows God's judgment because the wicked people on earth have killed
believer Bel ver and now they will have to drink this Blood themselves this third bowl is similar to the first plague in Egypt when the Nile river turned to blood the water turning to blood happens again to make a strong point about God's right judgment the Jewish people believe that different Angels were in charge of different parts of nature while the Greeks thought gods or Spirits were in charge in this case the angel in charge of the waters Praises God's fairness because the waters have turned to blood the praise from the angels in the altar
is important here adding to what we've already heard from the trumpet judgments they talk about God's fairness and Holiness which connects back to the song of Moses about God's judgments you recognize God's fairness and Holiness because you have so judged the altar shows that God is fair and just it's clear because it holds the prayers of the faithful whether it's the altar where sacrifices are made or the altar of incense that's why it plays a part in God's judgments the scorching Sun Revelation 16: 8-9 and the fourth Angel poured out his bowl upon the sun
and it was given power to Scorch people with fire and the people were scorched with Fierce heat and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues and they did not repent so as to give him glory in the fourth Bowl the sun gets so hot that it burns people and they start to curse God even though they are in so much pain they still refuse to change their ways or thank God not many people who Curse God during this time actually start to turn back to him and give him praise
the sun was supposed to brighten up the day and the Moon and Stars Were Meant to light up the night but now the son which used to give life is being used to break death Darkness Revelation 16: 10-11 and the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom became darkened and they noded their tongues because of pain and they blaspheme the god of Heaven because of their pain and their sores and they did not repent of their deeds this bowl makes the antichrist's world go dark but even though
it's dark people still Curse God and won't change their bad ways the darkness surrounds the bad people instead of burning them like the sun would it's like the last plague in Egypt where Darkness covered everything for 3 days and no one could see or move Jesus calls hell the outer Darkness where people will cry and grind their teeth in pain Matthew 25:30 the plague of burning Sun in darkness remind us of the Old Testament plague on Egypt's son God Amon re and other events from The Exodus the darkness even causes pain instead of seeing this
as God's justice and changing their ways people just get angrier at God and keep cursing him
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