if you're between 17 and 25 this is for you I'm in your age group and I see firsthand what we're dealing with every day this stage of life is rough you're bombarded with pressure you're lost unsure of your purpose and have little experience you're hit with responsibilities while trying to figure out who you are what you want and how to make life meaningful the pressure is real and the decisions we make now can shape the rest of our lives for better or worse I get it you're responsible for yourself now no longer a kid but
despite all of this you need to be kind to yourself here's some advice I wish someone gave me during this rough time period first get out of your house or home for rest don't lock yourself away there I used to do it barely leaving except for school getting groceries or emergencies I spent hours and hours playing video games scrolling through social media or binge watching TV I was wasting time neglecting my health and not really living sure video games were fun for a minute but that feeling didn't last it became an addiction a cycle of
doing the same thing over and over chasing that temporary happiness I wasn't making memories learning anything new or doing anything productive it was like time just flew by and I had nothing to show for it you scroll through Instagram and see people living what looks like the perfect life making money traveling looking happy it's easy to compare yourself to them and it can make you feel like a failure I know I've felt that way procrastination has been my biggest enemy I put things off not because I'm lazy but because it's easier to avoid doing hard
things isolation is another thing we struggle with many of us move away from our hometowns leaving family and friends behind to chase New Opportunities we find our ourselves in new places surrounded by new faces and it can feel lonely people come and go from our lives and sometimes close friends become strangers when I was going through my first betrayal it was like so many emotions were going wild inside me some days I'm okay other days I don't even want to leave my room being stuck in the same routine makes you feel like you're losing years
without realizing it get out there meet people talk to them hang out travel it's these moments that will stick with you and make life worth living if you sit at home all the time you're just feeding anxiety and overthinking socializing hitting the gym or traveling will lift you out of that funk life's way better when you're outliving it but guess what that's normal it's okay to feel lost this is the time of self-discovery and growth you're not supposed to have everything figured out yet you need to give yourself Time explore new things learn new skills
take risks and meet new people each experience teaches you more about yourself and helps you figure out what you really want if you procrastinate like I do think about how much you could achieve if you just started something and stuck with it you've got time on your side now is the best time to take risks there's not much to lose but a lot to gain as for relationship ships yeah people will come and go that's part of life everyone is dealing with their own stuff just like you but every time someone leaves it opens up
space for someone new to come in everything happens for a reason and each person you meet teaches you something I'm starting to realize that these experiences shape who I am the truth is no one has everything figured out no matter how old they are everyone is just trying to make it through life learning as they go stop comparing yourself to others and stop expecting everything to be perfect life is messy there will be heartbreaks and losses but there will also be joy and growth take things one day at a time and let go of the
pressure to have it all together number two make exercise a priority I'm not saying you need to live at the gym but you should make working out a priority the benefits are endless it builds confidence gets you in great shape and slows down aging plus it keeps stress under control cardio especially is key run or bike for at least 30 minutes a day trust me your body will thank you later and don't sleep on martial arts it builds character reduces stress and makes you feel like a total boss your early 20s shape the rest of
your life what you do now decides if you're going to be healthy or out of shape Now's the Time to build a strong body eat well sleep enough and take care of yourself I want to see you all at your best because I know exactly what you're going through number three get a hobby hobbies are essential they break up the monotony and give you something to look forward to whether it's learning a new skill or gaming within reason Hobbies make you a more well-rounded person there are three types of hobbies you should focus on one
for your mind one for your body and one that can make you money mental Hobbies like chess or reading are great for sharpening your brain I like training my body and training in martial arts I know it's painful but it's worth it writing or reading is another hobby I recommend it helps you express your thoughts and improve your communication skills plus reading for just 30 minutes a day will add up to 182 hours a year tons of knowledge you'll gain for physical Hobbies calisthenics swimming skating or hiking are all great options they build strength and
keep you fit and when it comes to hobbies that make money content creation is a great start you can build a YouTube channel Tik Tok or offer freelancing services start now and watch how your path becomes clearer number four stop expecting things from others here's a harsh truth stop expecting others to treat you the way you treat them life doesn't work like that let's say you help a friend out when they're in the hospital naturally you'd expect them to check on you if the roles were reversed right but when that doesn't happen you feel hurt
this kind of thinking sets you up for disappointment you've got to learn to do things without expecting anything in return when you stop expecting you stop getting hurt most people are too wrapped up in their own problems to care about returning favors they might not appreciate what you do for them and that's okay don't let it affect you just do good for the sake of doing it if something comes back to you great if not move on expectations will only set you up for resentment and frustration number five be kind to your parents and your
loved ones this one's simple respect your parents yeah they might not always be right and they might drive you crazy but they're still the ones who raised you kept you safe and put food on on your table don't take them for granted one argument could be the last thing you ever say to them and if something happened to them your world would flip upside down so go apologize for that fight you had be good to them while you still have time in the end we are all just trying to make life a little better for
ourselves even when things feel dark there's always a light at the end of the tunnel focus on the small winds let go of unrealistic expectations and just live your life and try to make your life better I wanted to keep this brutally honest because no one tells you these things straight up stop wasting your life locked away start moving your body find hobbies that make you better and stop expecting people to be perfect most importantly appreciate your parents while they're still here this is your time don't waste it keep pushing forward and I'll see you
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