Hallmark Movies 2024 / Best Hallmark Romance 2024 Full Movie #102

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Hallmark Movies 2024 / Best Hallmark Romance 2024 Full Movie #102
Video Transcript:
[Music] Tri Helen will you grab the ham please honey I got it I'll get it okay thank you so much um okay anybody seen Alice I hear him coming coming downstair sure hey boys you been good yeah don't break anything right give me that okay hey boys hey Charlie Mickey would you mind just grabbing those last two dishes over there and bringing them over please where will two more dishes F she'll make [Music] room next thing you know he's doing the laundry well just because the holidays are busy doesn't mean you have to do all
the work your husband has to chip in that's what I said this is the first Christmas you're spending with your new daughter-in-law right yeah and I don't know how that's going to go nervous a little we haven't exactly seen eye to eye well loving your son is common ground right true but we've barely seen them since the wedding and and I don't know you are a wonderful loving mother and you have raised a great kid it's natural that they want to spend time by themselves and maybe you don't quite know where you fit in anymore
maybe I'm sure that she's nervous too just uh be open with her and that way you'll find out why your son loves her and she'll find out why her husband loves you thanks Alice I'll give it a try I have total faith in you okay Brook karaoke of course you did my favorite nephew fil this house up with music okay hey have you seen Al I thought she was staying a close up shop I heard she was closing early it's 3 weeks till Christmas we can't close a retail shop early you know what I'd like
you to do sir I'd like you to go help those children untangle some lights thank you told you she'd be mad I'm not mad hey I just closed up now oh good sweetheart okay get here quickly okay we're having so much fun already you do remember what tonight is right yes I know and I'm on my way I just don't want you to miss anything see you soon love you love you too bye hi Miss Laura hi I try to leaste the place myself if I didn't want to retire soon you always say you're going
to retire and you never do and what would we do without your amazing cookies and cakes you guys going for it yeah we'd love to expand I just need a crunch of numbers I heard the beans in brw chain when I rented well no matter how much I love coffee I mean this is a mom and pop street with stores that have been here for decades like ours your family's lucky to have you keep up the tradition yeah well if I don't go to the tree trimming they're going to throw me out of the family
Merry Christmas Merry Christmas [Music] Alice and those are my fourth quarter numbers I think that covers your end great job Jack your sales have almost doubled from last year well you know what they say do what you love have a working day in your life and I am not the only one who's notice either and I didn't come all the way up here just to year and the regional sales books it hasn't been officially announced but I will be moving to the Chicago office first quarter next year oh congratulations oh you know you're going to
be missed here thanks John and I want to be closer to the kids while they're at college so it's a win-win and the board is thinking of promoting someone from within they want to approve the replacement by the end of December would they consider hiring outside of headquarters why you know somebody interested well maybe I'm heading back to Minneapolis tonight for by monthly sales calls and I need to finally close that University Hospital deal great so you can attend the corporate holiday party you can talk more about it then sure are you driving straight there
now uh no I need to finish up a few things here first and then a tree trimming stop on the way say hello to to be for me and Jack remember my secret find the balance see you in [Music] Minneapolis christas Christmas oh there's my girl hey everyone sorry I'm late we had last minute customers tell your mother a retail store needs to stay open in December a retail store needs to stay open in December enough about that just tell your mother what you want to eat oh I ate before I left what kidding you
think I'd come here not starving works every now you're both on light duty let's go I want to feed you wa do you see Liz says hello Uncle ni yeah sounds like she's predicting big things yeah what let's hope so you could finally move back to Minneapolis which would leave you here by yourself Pokemon it's been 2 years your parents a Statesman settled it's time yeah but you have to come back for every Christmas oh you know I'm not missing Christmas I'm going to put some christms music on yeah they're not going to let some
big Coffee Company take over the empty store well if a chain with a proven track record brings some reliable traffic maybe the stores will support it and if one chain comes in what's stopping others next thing we know we got a glorified strip mall everything we built over the last decade's gone when I tell you what your father and I wethered putting that store together oh yeah trudging through the snow every day uphill both directions my go-getter son climbing the corporate accounting ladder instead of coming into the family business every bit of ambition I have
I got directly from you thank you and you keep it up okay as for me as soon as we get this store expansion resolved I am finally going to retire No One Believes you when you say that you know that right well if anyone can make him retire it's my favorite cousin well don't let the other cousins hear you oh yeah they're not my favorites you've been the rightful a to the store since you were what 17 16 would you start working there 15 see R you no fair you got a head start hey hey
no running in the house you cuties those Cuties just tried to shove the rest of the reindeer cookies into their pockets yum should we get them home soon uh yeah can you I promise the office i' go back and finish that proposal you have to go back to the office tonight yeah I mean we're gone all weekend for the wedding so look those Cuties boys hey uh maybe you two can uh squeeze a little karaoke doep for youo if only ages okay everybody the ornaments are sorted so who's ready to trim a tree huh so
you're driving all the way to the wedding it's a long ride yeah well I'll be able to get all my calls done uninterrupted it' be great all work and no play H when was the last time you had a girlfriend that's the guy who hasn't been with anyone since a ray hey I had my great love you haven't had yours yet it wouldn't be fair to connect with someone right now work being so hectic and I don't even know where I'm going to live it's just an excuse Jack your dad loved this one take it
I have tree and I'm not going home tonight well I think you should have it as a reminder [Music] how you get going um meetings in the morning why didn't you just drive from the office could miss this besids promise not a promise is a promise come here come here don't worry I'll get there by 11: all right all right drive carefully all right we'll do oh no no honey leave that edar and I'll get all that and take some food mom look it was dad's favorite yeah should I put up on the tree no
baby you keep it put it on your tree okay hey I had a thought Friday night you and I should go out on the town put on a pretty dress high heel I don't know we have to drive to the wedding in the morning the Christmas Schooner Gala remember you used to love it you haven't been in years okay this isn't one of those surprise Alice with a charity gala that's really a way for her to meet a man and settle down things is it what kind of a mother does that you every 3 or
four months well I'm right on schedule aren't I listen honey I know Neil hurt you so bad when he moved away he took a job yeah but it's been over a year you need to get yourself out there again she's been on one or two dates and I have enough things keeping me busy so so perfect Friday night cuz I already bought the tickets [Music] EX [Music] [Music] hey girls how was your night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't get enough last night huh well are there enough decorations when it comes to your family so
we might try to lease the space next door oh if we can put together a strong proposal that the owner is a real estate conglomerate so it's not like when Dad and Charlie bought our space with a handshake 40 years ago well if I can do anything to help more are you kidding me you working here this past year has been a huge help well I do have an accounting degree I could dust off if it helps the expansion it's all really exciting right yeah absolutely Alice oh we have that big delivery later today do
you think you can stay longer tonight oh I'll check but I think Mickey's working late as usual is everything okay sure oh you know you need to pick out a dress for that Schooner thing tonight I'm just going to wear the navy blue one again hey what good is having a family store if you don't go shopping in it I've got the perfect dress and finally if we combine these territories we'll streamline deliveries and cut costs by 10% I like it Jack I think the board will too you think so definitely but you need to
show them that you are ready to take this on think about spending the better part of December here in miniapolis be my pleasure good now enough Shop dog I'll see you at the party tonight right absolutely and thanks again Liz don't thank me I just want to make sure the best person for the job has a Fighting Chance [Music] maybe I should just go oh no no absolutely not no Sean's mother's having trouble with the caterer for the rehearsal dinner but I'm on my way wait wait that's probably her okay go go meet people I'll
be there soon bye bye yes I'm just heading into my company holiday party now why don't we uh set up a show and tell for later this week oh I'm sorry no I'm sorry I'm Jack uh I'm Alice you're still holding my hands oh yes yes I am you headed inside uh yeah yeah oh [Music] okay thank you sure wow some party yeah I love the Christmas Schooner story not familiar a ship captain transported for down the Great Lakes on a schooner for homesick immigrants during the 18 and 1900s never heard that before they usually
have stations with crafts and wreath making I think there's an ugly sweater contest too wow how good are you at uh wrapping present well uh not my strong suit but uh how hard can it be so uh what's apartment are you in oh I didn't have anything to do with this I'm just visiting oh from out of town not just here in Minneapolis I work in retail that's why we haven't met I'm in sales oh what kind of sales digital imaging technology for hospitals oh no I've blown [Music] it it was definitely about the patient
care aspect when they G lately it's probably more about the logistics and I've been talking non-stop for way too long haven't I no not at all I love hearing about what people do especially when they're as good at it as you are it helps to have a good listener so uh we should probably go mingle I haven't met with half the people I'm supposed to who are you supposed to meet Cameron Bill and Jackie company board members what company M medical is that who you work for yeah don't you nope you said you work retail
at at my family store and what are you doing at the Willis office party we're not at the Willis office party yeah we are we're at the we're at the Christmas Schooner Gala that raises money for the Lakes Minneapolis the line of 10,000 but really 15,000 Lakes the ship okay so you're saying I've been at the wrong party this entire time does your company usually host gift wrapping and wreath making at its Christmas parties I keep suggesting it but you know what this is all your fault mine yes you're too distracted well I think you're
really just talking about your phone um guilty is charged well I don't I don't want to keep you you should probably get to your party and see Cameron and Bill and uh Jackie I really should probably go yeah it was really nice meeting you nice meeting you too Jack merry mer Christmas oh no oh no what oh uh I just I lost my ride for Iowa tomorrow what's in Iowa I'm going to a wedding at the silver Center Resort I have a wedding to go to a silver Center Resort my cousin Sean is marrying a
doctor my second cousin Regina is a doctor what uh do you need a ride to the wedding oh that's that's kind but I don't I don't want to put you out I was just going to make some calls but maybe a different kind of distraction is exactly what I need okay I don't even know your last name oh uh it's Marina Alice Marina Jack Jack TOA well Alice I'll uh see you tomorrow looks like we've got a plan had your hand there [Music] again this was a terrible idea I don't know what I was thinking
no it's good you got somebody to go with except he's a total stranger but she's a total stranger what if we have nothing to talk about for hours on it well talk about the wedding we're not going to talk about the wedding for 6 hours I called Sean's mother who called Regina's mother and she said that Jack's a really sweet guy what if his car smells what if she doesn't like my music what if he doesn't say anything what if she talks nonstop I don't even know why I said yes why I even invite her
I you're going to have a wonderful time you have a wonderful time [Music] so I uh figured cing for the road and I'm slightly codependent well uh great minds oh we'll uh probably get there in about 4 hours uh not accounting for bathroom breaks yeah so I'm going to sto my phone for the ride there is one work call that I I couldn't move hope that's okay oh yeah no problem at all great so uh when me music do you listen to Christmas music I start the day after Halloween you [Music] too you okay with
the heat no it's uh it's comfortable I could have picked you up at your place if it was easier oh no I I wanted to get some work done before we left I've always been on the on the corporate side how do you find the small business world is it exciting it has its ups and downs right now I'm trying to leas the space next door to us and it's just this is probably so boring I no no you kidding I love talking shop oh uh speaking of shop yeah this is the work call I
got to take oh yeah it'll be quick mhm hey Liz I know it's a problem what happened we broke down in the middle of nowhere with uh no caffeine for Miles uh that would be a fate worse than death correct oh I love just getting out of the city and breathing in the country air actually wish I could spend more time in the city because you travel for work so much actually I'm only there twice a month wait what yeah I don't live in Minneapolis I'm up for promotion if I get it I'll be there
more permanently but oh no Oh no you're getting a promotion oh no tires flat what was that thing you said about breaking down could be worse CU we have lots of coffee yeah and tires and bears oh my I am so sorry about this no worries how long did they say 45 minutes they'll text okay want to go exploring great idea okay sure this looks like a cute store oh you okay yeah I think I tripped on nothing too much uh caffeine I bet yeah okay thanks yeah oh look at this you should wear this
to the wedding I'm going to buy it for you only if you wear this H yeah ugly I am so obsessed with chocolate Santa I'm totally getting these my dad were my dad's favorite were uh my dad passed away when I was little oh Alice I'm so sorry my parents both passed in a car accident a couple years ago oh Jack that's awful must have been pretty tough for you being so young yeah but I have a very big family and they were there for us I always had someone to talk to what about you
my uncle we were always really close tell me more about this family h well my mom remarried when me and my sisters were teens my poor stepdad but he really smoothed the rough Seas we're pretty lucky I have a ridiculously large family so do I get to meet this ridiculously large family at the wedding uh well they're they're kind of loud and overbearing sounds perfect to me I've never been to one of those large family gatherings you see in movies it'll be fun uh the tire fixed uh another 30 minutes more chocolate sis actually I
have a better idea what's going on you ready I don't know what you're planning but hey woo snow angels come on what are you waiting for the water is fine it looks a little cold but oh my gosh this is the most fun I've ever had getting a tire change well you definitely have to make the most of every [Music] situation yeah I think I'm just going to turn in thanks Mom I love you too bye hey so we missed the rehearsal dinner but I was able to us up a little something something ooh dessert
for dinner okay I think the elevator is down that way okay huh I am a 302 and I'm 32 this is just going to keep happening isn't it apparently well thanks again for the ride yeah anytime I'll uh see you at the wedding see you then [Music] [Music] hey hey so my crazy mom was afraid I wouldn't have eaten I figured half for you oh well now I have to meet your family to thank them for what preventing me from turning into a sugar cookie okay well uh good night good night again again okay okay
thanks [Music] [Music] the I hope he does that at the C good morning there you are what a day you had huh flat tire miss the rehearsal dinner it was fine actually it was fun really it's not like that I told you well you wouldn't even have met if I hadn't bailed out on that Gala and then this man just happens to walk into the wrong party and then the two of you just happen to figure out that you're going to the exact same place right here which means they could have met here it's not
like that the both of you well we look forward to meeting this young man very soon MH do you have to yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's his name again just tell me what his name is Jack TOA hi be so cute what did we say why did they have to sit him on the bride side during the ceremony nobody got the chance to talk to him mom please I've told you it's not like that like that I know I heard you oh there's Bryce I'll be back I'll be back youing don't worry we won't embarrass
you well I know at least you won't well that's one down only 40 marinas to go so where are we sitting there are Place cards for everyone our table is just over there oh okay okay so I hear you met somebody are you kidding me Mom I thought after Neil you she's ready to move forward now don't we have anything else to talk about as a family thank you he is just a man that I met oh so you admit you did meet someone okay shall we just um move on with the reception now uh
where am I sitting where's my place oh you're at the little kids table with all the little kids the one night that me and S could use the break it's going to be fun Mom did you switch these there he is excuse me aren't you jack I am so happy to meet you I'm Olga I'm Alice's Mom it's nice to meet you um thank you for dinner last night oh my pleasure speaking of which having trouble finding my place card oh you know what you're actually right here oh next to Alice imagine that you kids
what do I say about running Jack it's nice to meet you likewise uh shall we all sit down yes okay prepare yourself got so Jack tell us whatever you want to tell us about yourself well he's in the medical sales field he loves his job he has an uncle who he's close with and he Ador Minneapolis and can he speak well everything Alice said is true I I come from a small family I love my job and my uncle is very special uncles are the best they are the best green sprinkles oo I got some
red want's here oh oh give me some hey guys can I get a picture um yeah lean in um come on get closer all right beautiful so uh you didn't want to bring a A plus one no I uh you mean oh yeah but it um you know if it's a a thing because I didn't it it not a thing there was someone but it ended a year ago he moved away for a job and I uh What uh what about you well work's been so crazy these days I hasn't been someone for a while
hey um do you want to dance [Music] okay I love Christmas trees me too it's a shame I can't have one this year no way this is the guy who listens to Christmas music the day after Halloween I know I know but I'm spending so much time in Minneapolis I just won't be home much it's fair enough hey you know where your tie yeah I thought I'd save it for a special occasion like when we get a flat on the way home wait you're going to give me a ride back do you not want a
ride back oh no oh thank you that sounds good um will you excuse me for a moment sure okay [Music] haven't seen you dance for a while uh-huh so you think the two of you are going to see each other again you know usually when I get into the range of do you think you're going to date this guy I'd get a little push back from you it's okay uh no he's a nice guy I just don't think I'm ready for something right now maybe in the New Year what's going on here there's nothing going
on but I'm you're a terrible liar tell me I've just I've been having some weird numbness in my fingers and I've been tripping a lot I thought I was tired I I am tired or you need to go to the doctor I will I mean as soon as we get back you need to make an appointment I've just been doing too much but you're right what you're right I'm I know you said three words that mothers love to hear you are right jack offered to drive me back that's good right why he doesn't live there
he lives in Dublin Wisconsin that's 90 minutes away so he he comes into town yeah twice a month I did the longdistance thing with Neil we all know how that worked out honey that's not the only reason that didn't work out but this connection that you and Jack have so many coincidences like that just don't happen all right I I feel like there are God wings of foot okay I have to admit there are some unlikely coincidences yes and you need to listen listen to them when they happen you need to open up your heart
again ring your bell out loud listen to your mother for once love you I love you thank you oh yeah and the Little Flower Girl the father daughter dance was a highlight so cute I had a really nice time with you tonight so um head back after breakfast yeah well uh good night [Music] Jack living in a hotel must not be the most festive of location no no it is definitely not although I did stop my uncles in the way through got a little tree de GR in oh yeah why did you leave Minneapolis don't
answer if if it's too personal no no I just never really talk about it as all I went back to Dublin to settle my parents estate I was the only the only child who could do it that's a lot of responsibility well that was never really the question I would have done anything for them Willis let me transfer to a nearby local office and the plan was to move back to Minneapolis out for that you don't want to stay in Dublin it was a beautiful place to grow up but I love living in the city
oh we need to make one last stop you can't want another coffee you know I don't think my residents Hotel will appreciate me having a full-size tream room not fulls siiz they had them last year I swear maybe this should have been your family business you know every time I mention the story you get quiet no I do I how do you feel about all this you know taking over the store well I'm the heir that's not what I asked my dad and my uncle started the store when they were just off the boat from
Italy literally they were teens and I started working for them at 15 and my sister one of them is in Germany with her Lieutenant husband and my others in Texas with her career is there something else you dreamed of doing what I I didn't say that I work with a lot of business people it's clear who wants to be there and who belongs somewhere else I can't think about that even if I did I've never done any other job when my sisters were gone it was just assumed that I would do this so I never
thought of your own dream close your eyes for a second there's one thing you could do in this world what would it be Jack no I'm serious close your eyes what's the one thing in the world you like more than anything else connecting with people listening to them walking people through tough times being someone that they come to for advice but what does that even mean your family is so loving and don't you think they'd support you through figuring out what it is yeah [Music] maybe there it is what wait a second [Music] Alice T
wow it's portable it's the perfect solution for my mobile situation so we're actually really close to my apartment do you mind dropping me off sure what's your address 2632 Pauline Street seriously seriously so 2635 is where my company puts me up every time I'm in town you're joking no you know my mom would say that this is a godwink a godwink it's a coincidence that isn't really a coincidence huh so um maybe you and I could you know run into each other again on purpose do something Christmasy sounds great see you then I'll be over
here okay and I'll be here okay okay Merry Christmas Merry Christmas there you are Mom what have I told you about doing this I knew you'd be getting home late I knew you wouldn't have any food and I knew you wouldn't have any to sh okay you have got to stop doing this I also brought Christmas treats you have got to stop doing this unless it's Christmas treats good go sit eat okay I want to hear everything oh and I also brought some more Christmas decorations cuz you just don't have enough in [Music] here hey
I thought you were going to check in with me during the ride is everything all right everything's fine uh they asked me to stay over for a meeting in the the morning oh well that's good news right it is and how'd it go with Alice actually she turns out to be pretty great yeah I'm not sure I mean it's not a definite but I think I might be working too much and maybe should be doing a little more Christmasy things really she got me a mini tree so um and we're just going to start small
and see where things go you know what anybody can convince you to do that I have to meet her well hopefully we'll be seeing a lot more of her soon I hope so see you [Music] jack hey your shift is until 11: it's the last few days before the boys are on Christmas break so want to use the time while I still have it is that the loan application from the bank I need your help so if the property management company is looking for a strong on bottom line it's because they're trying to mitigate risk
so we have to show them why we are a better risk coffee shops open and closed multiple times but you've lasted 40 years so what's a bigger risk that's a good way to frame it hey um I have to run to a doctor's appointment and FYI I told Mrs Marx no more credit extensions I know she's going to try with you because she know she can't with me anymore hi Alice hey Mrs Hart I just wanted to bring these for you thanks for our chat the other day I spent the whole morning on the phone
with Stacy and it went so well well I'm sure it's onward and upward thanks again bye thank you oh you're so good with people what's your secret um just be curious listen that's most of it um I'll at least finish up these documents and then we'll tackle the rest together okay thank [Music] [Music] you Alice Marina so numbness in your fingers only numbness uh well I've kind of had like these Tremors like I can't quite get them to work right sometimes anywhere else uh and my legs sometimes too I've been having these spasms like I've
been quite clumsy lately okay well I want to take some blood and run a few tests and if you're okay with it let's take an I to rule some things out okay [Music] okay so I think I'm just going to get back to the lease documents and and make dinner with the groceries you're carrying hi hey what are you doing here I was hoping you want to chat you know the oldfashioned way face to face you busy right now no [Music] I didn't know that you were still here don't you have to be in Dublin
in the morning 8: a.m. but I just getting early starts pastry dinner it's for my mom's cookie exchange night I can't bake so it's torture and then nobody wants mine lucky for you I can bake of course you can okay so you only need a little flour on the pin and then if it's still sticky just add a little more to the mix so you're saying I can't just roll with it W how's the family uh well Selanne Mickey's wife has some great ideas for the expansion Alice yeah and we're slammed right now because the
deadline to submit the paperwork Al is just around the corner you still haven't talked to anybody about this have you I can't have that conversation I told you the conversation where you talk about what you should be doing that I'm not sure of somewhere deep inside you know when you do I'm all yours [Music] hey Charlie what are you still doing here Alice and I were talking expansion issues earlier I'm just trying to focus our strategy and finish the loan application what are you doing I've come to look at the loan application may I join
yeah of course oh almost done so tell me how did you wind up in the medical field oh changing the subject no I just want to know what inspires you to do what you do well uh I had an older brother named Eddie he died when he was 13 I'm I'm so sorry Jack it was a brain tumor he was an athlete the funniest guy I ever knew and when things started to go downhill I was the only one that could get him to take his medicine eat even tell a joke I'm sure he appreciated
you so much caring for him changed my entire life there's not a single day that goes by that I don't miss him that's why you push yourself at your job so hard to give people the resources so that they can care for their loved ones it certainly started out that way yeah he you know if I could make things easier just for one person all of it would be worth it that is an amazing tribute he did also make me promise one thing that I wouldn't just live a big life but a full one [Music]
cookies all right what's the other so there is one option we haven't thought of for leveraging against the chain and guaranteeing the loan putting the store up as collateral I didn't want to say it I've been thinking it too you know maybe what Skyway Properties is looking for is Variety in the neighborhood is there a way that we can expand and diversify what we sell what does your husband know you're some kind of a [Music] genius Le are not pretty great huh I don't know how I'll pay you back for this but I promise you
I will oh my it's uh it's 2: a.m. I should no no way yeah what got to be in Dublin in 6 hours oh well go on go to your home across the street and back to Dublin you know every time I say that it sounds like you're going to Ireland well maybe we could arrange for you to see Dublin sometime maybe we could good night good night [Music] oh hey hey so I thought you might want some caffeine this morning well thank you I thought you were supposed to work I decided to take a
personal day you did say I should visit Dublin right I did say that well should we visit Dublin let's do it I'll follow [Music] you so uh a lot of great shopping on this street uh oh my favorite lunch box right over there oh there's Uncle na to escort you around will I go to two hopefully quick meetings before I play hookie for the rest of the day I know that this was last minute so if you can't fit it in no come on you're in Dublin let's live it up Uncle na thanks for coming
uh this is Alice hello Alice I heard so much about you you don't mind spending some time with a total stranger this afternoon well We Were Strangers not too long ago I guess that's right we were so uh start this way and then work your way back it shouldn't take you long thank you again okay byebye all right let's go she didn't say where she was going no just asked me to cover for the day I'm going to go see if she's home all right you sure you're going to be okay here all day alone
yeah I got this okay see you later bye it's just so lovely here do you know my wife Ray she used to run that uh candy store right there oh she could hardly wait every year to dress it up for the holidays Jack said she was very special so is someone who could convince him to take half a day off work so what do you do here I'm retired mostly still got a handful of clients oh what kind of clients I'm a family therapist what's that like what's up mick hey the uh school called Mario's
sick can you get him would you excuse me for just one second Mickey I always change my schedule for you now I just found out that someone from the property management company is coming today instead of tomorrow to do the evaluation of the store so this time I think you're just going to have to make it work for me now you can bring Mario here he can lie in the back if you've got to go back to work but I got to [Music] go sweetie I'm here Ally [Music] where are you a that is so
cute I came over on a both yeah I left my family and moved to America and then when I was able I I got my brother and his wife that's Jack's parents to join me I think ships are are lucky charm you know my dad and his family came from Italy the same way really yeah and bells were his favorite you know what I think your family and my family built Something Beautiful we'll take them both on me okay thank you oh Liz what are you doing here I came to tell you we need you
back in Minneapolis right away why what's wrong nothing we just can't have our new VP living so far away now can we are you serious I came to take you to lunch to celebrate let's talk about the transition thank you so much for going to B for me Liz and I ready for this I can't go to lunch today I have another lunch that I need to go to I can call you tonight if that's okay of course okay fine thank you congratulations [Music] yes so the cookies are a bad sign honey she's never made
cookies this pretty in her life maybe she bought them there was flower residue in her sink should we call the FBI stop it she she doesn't bake you know that she had help Santa or one of his elves Jack so so then she took a day off from the store edar honey she's getting herself alive is that a bad thing no it's just she loves the store unless she's finally admitting to herself that she doesn't want it come here these will look really cute on you ah you said your friend's a fan of the wild
right what about this red green and gold hi do you need help finding anything I'm with Skyway Properties oh hi um usually Alice Marina I just want to say that the owners are entertaining one other offer but your financials are in order and I've seen everything that I need to see today Alice and Charlie sure have a great nose for store managers thanks Hey where's Mario uh he's in the car he's lying down he didn't want to move for once is that the property manager mhm that's a pretty big deal right yeah kind of was
congratulations hun thanks Mick H I have to get back to everyone but you can bring Mario to the I'm going to going take him home put him in bed you're not going back to work no [Music] your uncle is amazing and this town is so wonderful see the summer times in the Tuesday is jazz night they have well I can't always play hookie from work and drive the long round trip or have you drive the yes you and the sweater there's another op option they just offer me the promotion what Jack that's incredible in Minneapolis
I mean how do you feel about that oh about what difference does it make how I feel well maybe not how do you feel but is it interesting to you Alice I have been wanting to move back to Minneapolis for a while on this job and now with you there it just makes take the job that is I am not the person to blurt things out or ask for what she wants except you seem like this person I am with you with you I got into a car with a stranger drove 6 hours and then
6 hours back and then I played hookie and went to Wisconsin to meet a guy all good though right yeah you inspire me to take risk and do things that I never dared to do you've opened my eyes to new things did you figure something out I talked to your uncle about being a therapist and I think it's something that I could do if oh [Music] thanks if say it if I could tell my family I don't want to run the store I'm going to tell them tonight that isn't crazy is it no crazier than
us being in the wrong place at the right time over and over again over maybe maybe this is how you find your life [Music] my mom figured out I played hookie will you excuse me for a moment okay sure hey Mom I am fine I'm in Dublin Dublin you just picked up and went you're the one who told me I should take a risk yeah but can you maybe just check in with your mother first I'm not sure that's how risk works but I'll be home tonight in time for the carolling and the exchange I
saw your cookies by the way Mom serious iously stop breaking into my apartment I I have a key remember and cookies were incredible so I took them I'll see you tonight okay love you love you hi Alice it's Dr Draper we got your test back and we need to schedule a time for you to come in will you call us back as soon as possible thank you I think I'm putting on weight just looking yeah yeah it's too bad she have to stay at home with Mario tonight I feel terrible about today I left Selanne
in the Lurch no no she was amazing she had everything under control and then some that's great yeah isn't that great I'm to dropped the ball with S no I did I I dropped the ball tell me we both graduated with the accounting degrees when we got pregnant with twins we agreed that she'd step back and be the more Hands-On parent supposed to be temporary but then my career took over and I never she should be tearing up the world how do I prove to her that I want that for her say that all of
that well you think that's enough surprise her you two met doing karaoke yeah and a Christmas night at the bar and we're going caroling tonight we'll be around the corner from your house you are a genius okay everybody grab your cocoa and start warming up those vocal cords jingle bell jingle bell [Music] and Helen and David are toned de you don't hear them going Stone silent no worries play back up play it Loud Hey where's Mickey let's slipped off a few houses back said he'd meet us at the last house this is the last house
yeah we just have uh one more last stop hey kiddo why are we stopping at your house just one last [Music] Carol I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day they're old familiar carols of peace on Earth Good Will [Music] [Music] to had rolled Along The Unbroken Song of Peace on Earth Good Will to you remember this of course I [Music] remember I put you behind the eightball with the kids in my job and that is on me and that's going to change I don't want to be the guy who hold you back I want to
be the guy who helps you sore I love you so much so [Music] Alice your report of numbness and tingling spasms and clumsiness they're common signs of a particular condition I'm afraid you're in the early stages of multiple slor ois I what well Ms is a progressive disease of the central nervous system it occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the healthy nerves of the brain and spinal cord but how did I no one knows how it comes on or or why certain people are affected the good news is you've got an early diagnosis
there are therapies and treatments to help you manage and slow its progression we'll connect you with neurologist specializing in MS and people living with it there will be challenges but there are reasons to be optimistic [Music] hi hey I got called into town for another last minute meeting you want to grab dinner or are you still full from all those cookies I am but um sure I'd love to grab dinner great well see you tonight [Music] table will be ready in five this is a nice place yeah I'm glad you like it the food is
incredible blow your mind everything okay yeah fine so excited to be back here for good I've been so busy with work I haven't thought about what part of town I want to live in I know the holidays have kept my whole family busy have you told him yet no uh but I will soon I know I have to I can't keep putting it off forever well you speak from the heart don't understand uh speaking of telling people things yeah I uh wanted to say thanks again for just making me realize that I need a change
I know know that it's for the best all of it no matter what happens we helped each other yeah oh oh I am so sorry it's okay I'll just grab a napkin get we'll be all good I I think I need to go home no hey it's all right really she just comes right out are you okay I'm sorry Jack I just can't be here right now Alice Alice [Music] Alice hi Jack so good to hear your voice it's uh is everything okay I I know it's busy inis um I need to tell you something
maybe we move too fast maybe um oh well we can slow things down if no I think we should um stop seeing each other I was wrong to think that I was ready for a relationship right now with everything going on at the store the store I thought you said if this is about the long distance thing I'm going to be moving there in a couple weeks no no it's it's not that um you should take the job I know it's your dream what about your dream Alice look this doesn't this doesn't make any sense
can I at least see you in person I'm going to be in Minneapolis I'm going to be really busy um I got to get to the store so uh I'm sorry I'm really uh you're by Jack [Music] [Music] seriously mom we talked about this you haven't answered your phone you playing Cookie again did you hear from the doctor oh oh baby I'm here oh we're going to get you the best doctors the best support system possible anywhere anything you need whenever we're going to get it we are here for you just don't cry I'm just
crying because I'm so grateful well did you think we'd ever let you go through this alone just tell me you're going to tell Jack I was about to tell him but I don't want to put him through this he doesn't want this well you don't know that he's moving here for you for a job no and for the promise of you too you are still the same person am I yes yes you have challenges ahead but we'll get through them together but you are the same beautiful wonderful person you've always been and you are worthy
of love just tell him the truth so honey give the man a chance he had a brother that died when he was a kid and his parents par died 2 years ago I don't want to put him through that again he deserves better honey what happened the people from Skyway Properties just called they're signing with Beans and Brew at the end of the week by the end of the week we need to figure out something ASAP yeah I'll keep thinking too thank you selan okay bye [Music] [Music] [Music] Uncle Charlie what are you doing right
now an espresso and coffee are in the expansion that's brilliant coffee goes with everything we have to tell Skyway before they sign with beans and brew that way they get what they want it was sallyanne that started it her idea to diversify yeah and we can get Mrs lauron to provide her amazing pastries too and maybe she can retire and you can too I know you've been trying to do it for a while I can hang around as long as you you have put 40 plus years into the store I know it was your dream
and I will make sure that it stays exactly the way that you and Dad hoped your dad and I when uh we came over from Italy we met another teenager on the boat he had escaped a pretty bad circumstance in Lebanon and didn't know what was ahead of him yeah the three of us became really good friends and your father made us all promise that we would chase our dreams here and whatever we achieved we would share it with friends we met with families we built and with each other and that's where a promisees a
promise came from mhm and what did the boy on the boat end up doing I don't know we got separated at immigration and never saw each other again but your father never backed down from that promise to chase his dreams you did too Uncle Charlie Al I'm telling you this because if you're doing something out of an obligation and not because it's your dream that's not what your father or me or any of us want and between the two of us I think sallyanne is more than capable of running the store and I think it's
her dream to do just that but first things first um we have to get hold of that property manager ASAP okay and I texted I I left m mes she knows I'm going to be in Minneapolis tomorrow I me do I just let it go forget about her you know when I lost your Aunt Ray I closed my heart I know I'm hearing you talk about it all a sudden I'm thinking maybe I made a mistake hey no Uncle an well no no listen to me I've been afraid to love again because I don't want
to lose again we lost your parents and Ry and Eddie but we had them and I think the best way of honoring their memory is to say loving them was worth it even if we didn't have them for that long got to grab love when you get the chance you know what why don't we drive to Minneapolis tonight what you can look at Alice face to face maybe get some answers you need all right all right let do it the day before Christmas and all Hills the reindeer were playing enjoying the spills of skating and
coasting and climbing the Willows and Hopscotch and Lea frog protected by pillows look fellas the kids settled down enough for some hot chocolate uh they may be passed out already yeah let me help with this it's okay no just in case mom told you okay look don't be mad I'm fine I can carry things I won't trip or drop I'm not saying you're going to drop I'm sorry I should have started with I love you I'm sorry you're up against this whatever you need me and S and the kids and every single person in this
family you got your back I know thank you I mean it [Music] [Music] wait hold [Music] up I don't know what we're doing here this is this is a mistake I'm going to do my meeting tomorrow we'll head back so you can pack for the move no no I'm not going to take the job oh Jack Jack let's just talk about this it's okay this way we'll always have Christmas together you and me well there's lots of ways we can work that out but if it's something I've done or if there's any reason you can't
move back for the last few years everything I worked for was getting back to Minneapolis then Alice came along and she she made me realize just how much more I wanted not just a big life but full one but I promised ddy that's what Minneapolis represents now and if I can't have that with Alice I'm going to do the sales call come back and pick you up in a bit all right [Music] hey are you my 3:30 yeah I supposed to meet with Rachel Mickey Jack Yeah Yeah Yeah from the wedding how you doing uh
I'm I'm good thanks uh well Rachel went on attorney leave two weeks early but she filled me in before she left so take a seat we can talk they went for it Skyway guys coffee bar inside the shop Best of Both Worlds they're going to Le the space to us great we'll get the paperwork done by January 15th renovate and we'll be up and running by Spring yes with sallyanne in charge yeah wait wait what with sallyanne in charge I'll stay on as long as needed and tell you everything I know and once we get
everything running smoothly Uncle Charlie retires you take over and I bow out [Music] this is your dream it's not mine so ring it out [Music] loud yes I mean if you really like if and if you if you both then yeah yes I have I have to call me and you'll be whoever you want to be we're all here for you Mom told you of course that's not why I'm saying it you deserve to love whatever you do with your whole heart the way your father and I did no way s and does thank you
that sounds terrific I'll coordinate with Rachel but I think we can fit a new Imaging machine Suite into our budget thanks that's amazing oh and uh tell Alice merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and the family wait Jack she didn't call you I don't think she's interested in me anymore you got to know she is nuts about you I'm nuts about her but she won't return my calls and I saw her with someone else last night last night I was I was just trying to get her to at least talk to me last night
she was at this Christmas Eve Eve movie watching thing at her place with me and S and the kids that was you of course it was outside her house why did she Jack Alice May kill me for this but you need to hear what's going on with her [Music] [Music] hey Mickey yeah I'm just here with your Dad we're dropping off some dinner at Alice's Place perfect stay there I just called s and told her to send Alice home for a madeup emergency what's going on Marina family all hands on deck Olga we've got a
plan [Music] Mom oh hey hey what's going on uh your landlord called me and said that you had a you had an emergency an emergency yeah uh gas leak a gas leak gas leak hey uh I wasn't expecting you that is everything all right I'm not sure yet what's going on a Hail Mary Hail Mary all right okay [Music] okay okay so here's what's going to happen okay he's he's not picking up and I don't smell any gas seriously my landlord called you both who is that Mickey hey how you doing have you seen the
snow it is beautiful you should come check it out what what are you okay Mickey what's going on I think there's a message for you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't believe that you please don't say anything Alice Marina from the moment we met my heart was yours Ms doesn't change the way I feel about you it just doesn't you shouldn't be obligated to take care of me we've only known each other for a few weeks the best weeks of my life and I'm not obligated I want to take care of you you're going
to take care of me that's just how it works caring for my brother made me a better human being he showed me that being there for someone loving someone is about all the things you do for them not just the easy ones whenever you're going through I want to be there for you with you to help you through it to help you no matter what happens Jack Eddie wanted my life to be full and Rich and matter and it does when I'm with you I don't want to lose you Alex I don't want to lose
you jack but if you're standing in front of me who was holding up the signs it would have been me everyone this is Jack's Uncle na na hello this is my mother Olga and my cousin Mickey did you say Nai NAB Tona Charlie Charlie no no no no na Charlie so good to see you all this time you're you're Alice's Uncle you're Jack's Uncle you two know each other na be is the boy on the boat I told you about else no there is so much god- winking going on around here right now now if
you will excuse this we have a few things to catch up up we do nice to meet you we're going to get out of here okay love you you wore the tie I did are you um going to answer that no [Music] we're almost underneath of it [Music] yeah I love you Alice I love you too Jack [Music]
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