Euphrates River is completely drying up and Something Prophetical Will Happen

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as a result of the Euphrates River drying up several ancient ruins and caves have become accessible over the course of the last several years the water level of the Euphrates River has dropped significantly some people are quick to point to the drying up of the riverbed as a fulfillment of the predictions about the end of times found in the Bible watch this video to the end and find out the worst event on it that will occur at this location and the final war in the the Bible the Euphrates River a part of the Fertile Crescent
area is a significant landmark in scripture and a valuable resource in the Middle East as it runs through turkey Syria and Iraq the Bible refers to this River more than 50 times the Book of Genesis is where we are introduced to this particular River for the very first time in the Bible in Genesis 2 it is stated that the Euphrates River was one of the four rivers that flowed out of the garden of Eden the Bible says that one day the Euphrates river will dry up to make way for a king the Euphrates river is
discussed in Revelation 16 which is considered the near future section of the book the river Euphrates appears in the near future two passages in the Bible predict the drying up of the Euphrates River the first prediction is part of a lengthy Oracle against Babylon God pronounces judgment against babylon's officials wise men false prophets Warriors horses chariots and treasures then God says a drought on her Waters they will dry up for it is a land of Idols Idols that will go mad with Terror Jeremiah 5038 the reference to the Waters of Babylon in this context is
regarding the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers both of which are currently drying up the question raised is whether we are witnessing the Fulfillment of Jeremiah's prophecy the second prediction of the Euphrates River drying up is part of the seven bold judgments in Revelation these judgments occur during the 7-year tribulation and are divided into Seven Seals seven trumpets and finally the seven Bowls the Bold judgments Mark the end of the tribulation and are extremely destructive posing a threat to all human life if they were to continue mark 13: 19-20 for for in those days there will be
tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time nor ever shall be and unless the Lord had shortened those days no flesh would be saved but for the elect's sake whom he chose he shortened the days the sixth bold judgment the penultimate Judgment of the tribulation is the drying up of the Euphrates River Revelation 16:12 says the sixth Angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the Kings from the East this prophecy not only
identifies the Judgment but also gives the reason for it so a great Army from the East can cross the Euphrates unimpeded next the kings of the earth gather to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon Revelation 16:16 at that point Jesus returns and the battle fought at Armageddon will result in all God enemies being destroyed Revelation 16: 17-20 19: 11-21 a significant event that leads to Armageddon is the dry up of the Euphrates are we witnessing the setup for the Fulfillment of a major end times prophecy concerning Jeremiah's prophecy that the Euphrates will dry
up there are several possibilities the prophecy was fulfilled through military action in 539 BC when the Persian king Cyrus conquered Babylon according to the Greek historian Herodotus Cyrus diverted the Waters of the Euphrates enough to allow his army to enter through the channels under the city walls second the prophecy was fulfilled by a drought at an unspecified time third the prophecy is coming true as the tigress and Euphrates rivers are running dry fourth the prophecy will be fulfilled during the Great Tribulation as described in Revelation 16 Fifth the prophecy has a dual fulfillment once in
the past and again in the future during the end times concerning John's vision of the Euphrates dry up it will have a future fulfillment the current dry up of the Euphrates is not related to the prophecy of Revelation 16:12 for these reasons first the sixth bold judgment occurs near the end of the tribulation prior to the sixth Bowl the Antichrist will rise to power two Miracle working prophets will preach and many terrible judgments will occur it is important to note that we are not currently in the tribulation second according to Revelation 18: 17-9 Babylon will
engage in extensive Commerce by ship in the end times indicating that the rivers in the area will be freely flowing during the tribulation at least for a while third the dry up of the Euphrates in Revelation 1612 supernaturally allows an army from the East to March Westward at present there is no such Army threatening Israel when the battle of Armageddon occurs the Euphrates river will dry up as mentioned in Revelation 16:12 the current water level of the Euphrates the revealing of ruins and caves Etc are not related to this prophecy as it has not occurred
yet the Four Angels at the river Euphrates the Four Angels at the river Euphrates talks about an important event from the Bible in the Book of Revelation it's about a special message found in Revelation 9: 14-5 this message tells us about four evil angels who were tied up at the river Euphrates these angels are set free to carry out an important task from God to bring his judgment to the world this event takes during the tribulation the tribulation is a future 7-year period when God will finalize his Judgment of the unbelieving world throughout the word
of God the tribulation is associated with the day of the Lord which refers to the period of time when God will directly intervene in the course of history to bring about the Fulfillment of his plan that day will be a day of Wrath it will be a day of agony and anguish it will be a day of trouble and Devastation it will be a day of darkness and Gloom it will be a day of clouds and darkness it will be a day of trumpet and battlecry a variety of divine judgments turmoil in the Heavenly sphere
natural calamities and horrific plagues will characterize the tribulation period this event takes place at the Euphrates River the Euphrates river is a significant River mentioned in the bible it's known as a place where early human civilization started and has always been seen as a symbol of life and limits when Euphrates is talked about in The Book of Revelation it takes on a new meaning it becomes a key symbol in the events that the Bible predicts will happen in the future The Narrative is part of a series of Visions seen by John the author of Revelation
which depict the events leading up to the end of the world and the final judgment the vision begins with the sound of the sixth trumpet which is a signal for significant events to unfold it is written the sixth Angel sounded his trumpet and I Heard a Voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar that is before God Revelation 9:13 can consider the words from Revelation 9: 14-15 saying to the sixth Angel who had the trumpet release the Four Angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates so the Four Angels who had been
prepared for the appointed hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind this part of the Bible is both fascinating and a bit scary it shows a time when God steps in and the normal world we know meets the spiritual World in a big way leading to Serious effects for all people this prophecy is like a reminder for us to think deeply and be more aware it reminds us about God's judgment Redemption and dominion over everything that happens in history the story about the Four Angels who were tied up
but were free marks a big change in the story of the end of the world it shows how God's fairness as we explore this subject we're encouraged to think deeply about the predictions of Revelation God's judgment and understanding human history in Destiny it's like going on a journey into one of the most puzzling and interesting parts of the Bible encouraging us to explore our beliefs fears and hopes about the future the purpose of releasing these angels is to bring about great destruction as they are permitted to kill a third of mankind but the question is
why would God allow the killing of one-third of mankind there is no necessary relationship between these four angels and the four angels that are mentioned in Revelation 71 they could be the same for Angels but it's also possible that they're not whoever they are they are prepared for the hour and day and month and year of the unleashing of this judgment we're released this assumes these are bad Angels while this might not be the case it is likely that they are evil angels in spite of everything they are trumpets of Divine Purpose the Demonic locusts
that were detailed earlier in Revelation were only capable of wreaking havoc on human beings however these four angels have the power to execute a massacre on an unprecedented scale these angels are only awakened when God deems it to be the appropriate time to do so and their area of action is limited to a specific portion of humanity they carry out the will of God at the appointed time the Euphrates River was a prominent geographical feature in ancient Babylon it served as the edge of the ancient Roman Empire description of the army led by these angels
Revelation 9: 16-9 Amplified Bible the number of the troops of Cavalry was twice 10,000 * 10,000 200 million I heard the number of them and this is how I saw the horses and their riders in my vision the Riders had breast plates the color of fire and of hin sapphire blue and of Brimstone yellow and the heads of the horses looked like the heads of lies and from out of their mouths came fire and smoke and brimstone burning sulfur a third of mankind was killed by these three plagues by the fire and the smoke in
the brimstone that came from the mouths of the horses for the power of the horses to do harm is in their mouths and in their tails for their tails are like serpents and have heads and it is with them that they do harm we read the number of the army of the horsemen was 200 million is this number figurative or literal in nature is it possible that the number is not to be taken literally but rather that it simply suggests an army that is impossible to count and is greater than anything that mankind has ever
seen these Horsemen are described in weird grotesque terms this is an extremely potent image of Terror destruction and the connotation of demons we read the army of the horsemen does this speak of an army that is normal or one that is Supernatural is this a legion of human soldiers or an army of demonic hordes if what is being described is a natural Army of men then the strange description may be referring to Modern mechanized Warfare it's possible that John just uses the words at his disposal to depict Modern Machinery which is why the story he
gives is so bizarre and horrifying perhaps the safest interpretation is not to see this as a 200 million strong Army but a demonic Army invading Earth this further develops the concept of the Demonic Army that resembles locusts which was introduced earlier in the Revelation Revelation 9: 20- 21 the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent even then of the works of their hands so as to cease worshiping and paying homage to the demons and the idols of golden of silver and of bronze and of stone and of wood which
can neither see nor hear nor watch and they did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries drugs intoxications nor of their sexual immorality nor of their thefts we read but the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues did not repent in spite of the appearance of some rather overpowering signs and miracles the majority of mankind did not demonstrate any evidence of remorse instead man persisted in the worship of his Idols in a manner that was more or less business as usual they did not stop their worship of demons whether their
worship is witting or unwitting it is incredible to observe how rapidly things may get back to what is considered to be normal following a disaster such as an earthquake we have a tendency to forget God's lessons especially those that are presented to us in the form of judgment we read and they did not repent of their murders their sorceries their ual immorality or their thefts this Litany of sins is a powerful allegation against the age in which we currently live sexual immorality and thefts are certainly some of the defining characteristics of our contemporary civilization the
connection to Demons comes from the interpretation that these angels could be fallen angels or demonic beings due to their destructive Mission demons are shown as evil spirits they are usually linked with the worship of false gods and Idols in the New Testament it's clear that demons know who Jesus is and are afraid of him they are described in the Bible as evil and rebellious spirits who are against God in people their role is part of the end of the world events and prophecies described in the Book of Revelation the Four Angels at the river Euphrates
are part of an apocalyptic prophecy in Revelation and their connection to Demons is more interpretive than explicit their depiction as malicious Spiritual Beings is consistent throughout the biblical narrative the Four Angels at the river Euphrates the passage about the four angels can be seen as a depiction of God's judgment in the Bible God's judgments are often portrayed as a means to bring about repentance and to demonstrate his power and justice for example Revelation 9: 20- 21 mentions that the remaining people did not repent of their sins despite the plagues this suggests that the judgments serve
as a call for repentance this part of Revelation is a representation of the consequences of turning away from God and the importance of repentance it's a way of illustrating the seriousness of sin and the need for Humanity to seek reconciliation with God connection to other biblical prophecies and themes the theme of judgment is consistent throughout the Bible the least of the Angels at the Euphrates can be seen as part of the broader Narrative of God's final judgment upon the [Music] world can God use demons the idea that God has power over everything including demons is
fascinating it deals with how God is all powerful and how evil exists in the world God is omnipotent meaning he has complete power over everything in the universe this includes all Spiritual Beings such as Angels and Demons the Bible teaches that God created everything and nothing exists outside his control or authority Colossians 1: 16-17 this implies that even demonic entities are under God's Sovereign control in the Book of Job job 1: 6-12 Satan presents himself before God and God allow Satan to test job even though there are certain limits this indicates that even when demon
forces act they do so under God's ultimate Authority and permission King Saul in the book of Samuel is tormented by an evil spirit sent by God after he disobeys God this incident shows that God can allow demonic influence as a form of judgment in the New Testament Jesus encounters and casts out demons demonstrating his power over them this also shows that God can use demonic activities to highlight his power and authority the Bible sets clear boundaries on the influence of demons for instance in the Book of Job God allows Satan to test job but sets
limits on how far Satan can go job 1:12 26 James 4:7 advises Believers to submit yourselves then to God resist the devil and he will flee from you this implies that while demonic forces can influence Believers have the power through God to resist them also a Ephesians 6: 11-2 encourages Christians to put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes this suggests that although demonic forces are at work God provides means for protection and resistance the Bible acknowledges the existence and influence of demonic entities it emphasizes
that they operate under God's Rule and are subject to his authority Believers are advised to rely on God's power and the spiritual resource he provides to resist and overcome demonic influences why does God do this the Bible suggests that God allows the existence of evil including demonic forces to fulfill a greater purpose in the Book of Job for instance God permits Satan to test job which ultimately leads to God's deeper understanding and faith in God this can be interpreted as God using evil or suffering for a greater good though not necessarily endorsing or creating the
evil itself it's a complex topic that often leads to discussions about Free Will and the nature of God's sovereignty the reconciliation of the existence of evil and suffering with God's nature as loving and just is often referred to as the problem of evil in the Bible the Bible addresses it in various ways for example Romans 8:28 says and we we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose this suggests that God can bring good out of evil or suffering furthermore the
concept of Free Will as seen in Genesis with the story of Adam and Eve implies that evil and suffering are often the result of human choices rather than direct acts of God the existence of a loving and just God with evil and suffering is one of the most debated topics [Music] the story about the four angels from the river Euphrates is a very important part of John's Vision about the Future these Angels were specially Chosen and ready for a specific time to carry out a big task this part of the story is quite intense and
makes us feel a bit uneasy it really shows how strong and severe God's decisions can be key points to consider in this narrative include the symbolic significance of the river Euphrates traditionally seen as a boundary between nations and often associated with conflict and War the freeing of the Angels marks the time of big changes and Chaos a common theme in the Book of Revelation reflecting on this passage we are confronted with the mystery and depth of God's plan as revealed in the scriptures the vision of the Four Angels serves as a reminder of the omnipotence
and sovereignty of God who is in charge of even the strongest powers in the universe this narrative encourages us to ponder the larger themes of divine judgment judgement Redemption and the ultimate Triumph of good over evil it is a call to personal reflection on our own lives and our own place in God's plan as Revelation 139 says if anyone has an ear let him hear this is an invitation to listen understand and respond to the profound truths found in God's word overall the Four Angels at the river Euphrates is not just a story from the
past it's a living message relevant for today this invites us to keep learning and to study the Bible carefully so we can better understand it by doing this we can learn more about God's teachings and find help for our everyday life let's be eager and open to learn more and strengthen our faith three facts about the Euphrates river that many do not know number one the river as a scary symbol in Isaiah 8 the prophet Isaiah uses the Euphrates as a symbol of the Assyrian Empire which threatened to invade Israel Isaiah 8:7 Amplified Bible now
therefore listen carefully the Lord is about to bring on them the Waters of the Euphrates River strong and abundant the king of Assyria and All His glory and it will rise over all its channels and canals and go far beyond its banks because the people of the northern kingdom had refused the Waters of shilowa that flow softly they will be inundated by the river Euphrates Assyria the nation that will ultimately triumph over Israel and Syria is symbolized by the Euphrates River it will also invade Judah covering the all of Emmanuel's land but not with complete
success only up to the neck judah's enemies will eventually be shattered in spite of their plans and preparations number two the Dr drying of the Euphrates and the end of the Antichrist after the drying of the Euphrates what will happen to the Antichrist while he leads the Armageddon battle the people will become more dissatisfied with the leadership of This Global dictator who has broken every promise he has made throughout the battle of Armageddon significant parts of the world will begin to build their own military forces in an attempt to overthrow him major world segments will
begin to assemble their military forces and rebel against him if the river is no longer there the rulers of the Eastern lands will have an easier time attacking the Antichrist the moment they arrive the greatest conflict in the annals of human conflict will get underway number three are we in the Revelation Euphrates prophecy concerning John's Vision that the Euphrates will dry up that will have a future fulfillment there is no connection between the current drying up of the Euphrates River and the prophecy found in Revelation 16:12 for the following reasons first the sixth and last
bowl of judgment takes place quite close to the end of the tribulation the Antichrist will Ascend to the power prior to the sixth Bowl being opened we are not in the tribulation now according to Revelation 18 vers 17- 19 Babylon will do a significant amount of business through ship in the end times this indicates that the rivers in the region will be unobstructed in their flow during the tribulation at least for a while the entire sermon of Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives builds to a final judgment throughout the sermon there are themes of
judgment concerning the separation of Believers and unbelievers all three of the parables in the discourse contain graphic symbols of coming judgment in the great overriding theme of the whole discourse the sudden appearing of Jesus Christ is continually portrayed as the ultimate event that will precipitate and Signal the arrival of a massive catastrophic judgment now Christ paints a vivid picture of the judgment no one had more to say about judgment in scripture than Jesus he often warned of looming Doom for the unrepentant he spoke about hell a lot more than he talked about heaven and he
did it in the most Vivid and disturbing terms possible the majority of what we know about sinner Eternal punishment comes from the savior's mouth and none of the descriptions of judgment in the Bible are more severe or powerful than those offered by Jesus yet he always spoke of such things in the most tender and compassionate tones he pleaded with Sinners to repent of their sins reconcile with God and seek Refuge to him from God's Wrath he knew the tremendous cost of sin and the severity of divine anger Against The Sinner better than anybody since he
would bear the brunt of that wrath on behalf of those he redeemed as a result whenever he addressed such issues he did it with the utmost empathy and not the least hostility he even sobbed as he gazed upon Jerusalem knowing that the city is well as the entire country of Israel would reject him as their Messiah and would soon be destroyed when he saw the city he cried and said thus the same compassionate one who wept and pleaded with Sinners to be reconciled to God will one day be their Sovereign judge and he will judge
with a rod of iron he will Dash them the pieces like a Potter's vessel the day of God's final ultimate judgment on sinful Society is known as Judgment Day a number of passages in the Bible refer to the final judgment after death when everyone will stand before God and he will render final judgment on their lives the Bible forewarns us about the day of judgment several times in the Bible God passes judgment on individuals and Nations Isaiah 17 verse 23 for example is a series of judgments pronounced against Damascus Egypt Babylon Arabia Jerusalem and tire
additionally it is clear that this evaluation is all encompassing this this includes everyone who has ever passed away both great and Tiny insignificant as well as significant on the day of judgment no one will be spared on the day of judgment people will be judged based on what they have done throughout their lives in other words they'll be judged according to the works they have produced One will not be judged based on the actions or inactions of others rather each individual will be held solely accountable for his or her own deeds in the eyes of
the law even if the evaluation is based on one's works it is not a contest in which Good Deeds are compared against evil whether or not our names are written down in the Book of Life determines in the end whether or not we are allowed admittance into Paradise or hell those who do not have their names written in the book of life will be tormented in the lake that burns with fire forever in Revelation 21: 27 it is stated once again that the only people who will be able to enter the new Heaven and new
earth are those whose names are written in the book of life of the Lamb it would behoove one to make sure that he or she is prepared for the final judgment in advance in view of the huge Stakes involved Eternal Destiny how is it possible for a person who has sinned and we all have to have his or her name inscribed in The Book of Life of the lamb and for that person to thereafter be able to appear before God in the last judgment and be found not guilty how is it possible for a sinner
to be justified in the eyes of a holy and righteous God while still escaping his wrath the Bible provides us with an unmistakable response having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Romans 5:1 everyone who puts their trust in Christ will have their sins forgiven and their names will be recorded in the book that records the names of the righteous they have nothing to worry about on the day of judgment since Christ has already paid the price for their sins by bearing their punishment on the cross Romans 8:
1 says this there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit judgment day will be the day of final salvation for those people who have trust in Christ because on that day they will be saved from all of the negative effects that sin has had on them [Music] oh
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