While everyone else is gossiping, while everyone else is comparing themselves to everybody else, I dare you to block out the world. And focus on yourself. It is time to get focused.
It is time to decide I'm going to work on myself and develop myself and see what I can become. Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. And you can go further than you think you in three and you got six gears.
But you accustomed to three, you're accustomed to four. I challenge you to push it to all the gears you got. Give it everything you got.
I want to see how far I can go. I want to see what I can accomplish. I want to see what I can do, what I can be, what I can have.
I want to see. I don't want to see what I think I can do. I don't want to see what I think is possible.
I want to see what my life would look like if I didn't count the cost. It takes a lot of guts. You don't have nothing but lint in the corner of your pockets, you're out here talking about living your dream.
And people laughing at you. And they're doubting you. When you're uncommon, get ready for the criticism.
Get ready for the opposition. Get ready for the common people not to understand you. Get ready for people to try and block you and conspire against you.
If you want something, you can get it, it only takes will. You can do it. Why not?
Because somebody said it is impossible? It can't be done? I'll tell you this, there's never been a statue erected for a critic.
Everybody tell you how to do it, they never did it. Moral of the story is, do you, be you. Stop obsessing over these celebrities.
Live your life. Step into your greatness. And those who don't understand is none of your spiritual business.
You. You are what's gonna blow you up. You are what's gonna change your situation.
You. You are what's gonna take you to the next level. So stop looking at them and start focusing on the greatness in you.
There are some people who believe it's their personal business to stop you from living your dream. If you want to make your dream come true, you got to stay focused. Some people rather get even than get ahead.
Stay focused on where you want to go. I just kept on doing what I was supposed to do. You can learn all the techniques in the world.
If you don't believe in yourself, it won't happen for you. You've got to focus on you. Telling yourself every day, here I go again.
And I got what it takes. This is my day. And nothing out here is going to stop me.
You cannot have a positive life with a negative mindset. Because as long as we own that negativity is going to produce negativity. Don't complain.
Don't talk negative. Average people use their time to whine and complain. Average people talk problems.
The greats talk solutions. You got a better chance to be successful if you can govern yourself. If you can block out the negative talk, if you can block out the negative thoughts, and if you can block out the negative people.
If we were all only made up of atoms, then why don't you become the bigger energy? The stronger energy? The superior one?
Stop waiting for others to do it first and break through. And go do it yourself. If you can break through for yourself, you will break through for others.
And others will be in awe of you. Increase your energy and let others thrive off it. When living life, try new things.
Jump, fall, fight, create love. Live extreme and push your boundaries. Why?
Simply because there will be no other time for you to do this. You can dream of these things, but understand you can also achieve them. The moments that take your breath away are the ones that count.
You need the downs to make the ups. You need the ups to create the downs. You need to feel the opposites to truly understand the full reality of the life you are living.
It's your dream. Nobody's gonna see it like you do. Nobody's gonna be as dedicated to it as you are.
It's your dream and they don't have to understand. And they don't have to like it. It doesn't make a difference, it's your dream.
And you, my friend, have been given the task to make it happen, and you can't let anything stop you from doing what you were called to do. Everybody won't see it. Everybody won't join you.
Everybody won't have the vision. It's necessary to know that. That a lot of people like to complain, but they don't want to do anything about their situation.
That you are an uncommon breed. You have to know within yourself that I can do this. Even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself.
There's the people that win and there's the people that lose. And the people that win have something in common when it comes to this level of criticism. Every single bit of negativity, every single bit of doubt, every single negative comment, every single person that says you can't do this, this could never happen, those go into a bank.
And every time you're tired, every time you're frustrated, every time you want to quit, you remember what these people say. And winners understand that this is some of the most valuable fuel that you could ever have. The only way that you can lose on this journey is by giving up.
There are no failures. There's only quitting. Every single failure, every single hardship, every single obstacle is going to serve you if you allow yourself to let it serve you.
Because if you're executing day in and day out, day in and day out, day in and day out, over the course of time, regardless of what anybody says, if you are executing day in and day out, no matter what, there is not a single thing that can stop you.