Google Ads Tutorial 2024 (Step by Step) How To Use Google Ads

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Santrel Media
In this video, I'll show you how to set up and run Google ads in 2023 0:00 - Start Here 1:12 - Cre...
Video Transcript:
all right so in today's video I'm going to share everything that you need to know about Google ads how to set up campaigns how to set up ad groups and then run these ads effectively so that you can get customers uh in a very costeffective manner so uh let's get into this video here today I think a lot of people have been very confused with Google ads they always change up their interface it can feel very overwhelming um and so my goal today is to really simplify this as much as possible for you uh and
then help you make some decisions on the types of ads you might want to be running um as well as some other features and you know things that might feel a little bit confusing I want to clear all of that up in today's video so let's go ahead and get into this now um so I'm just on ads. um they have changed up quite a bit of the interface and so if at some point in this video you might say like hey this looks different than my page um that's okay uh but the overall
details and things we'll be discussing today are going to be very similar regardless of what page you end up on okay um and towards the end I will share some of those tactics for getting customers uh for a very good price and and kind of how to optimize ads and some other marketing uh tips as well so uh let's go ahead and click on start now and so uh they're going to throw us into this page here to create our first campaign with Google ads um so let's go through their process a little bit um
and create our first campaign so I'm just going to enter our business name so for this I'm for this video I'm just going to say Central media which is our marketing agency I'm just going to make an ad for our marketing agency for other people who are looking to to Market uh their business um and then I'll put in our site sentral and then we can click on next all right so now what they're going to do is give us an option to link our accounts so we can link our YouTube channel mobile app
uh our Google business profile or our phone number um you know I'm going to skip these for now it will make it a little bit easier for you if you want to run various different types of ads uh in the future but you can always go back and add these later as well but you know if you have some of these feel free to add them in uh right now if you would like to um also you know uh I do recommend either following Along on like another tab for this video or even just take
out a pen and a piece of paper and write some things down as we go through here so that um you can kind of follow along all right so I'm just going to click uh skip here all right so now we're identifying what the goal of our campaign is um and you can set up different goals uh you can create different campaigns so um don't worry as well on this like if if you're stressed out and you don't know which one to click that that's okay uh I'll just kind of break some of these down
here for you so purchases can be anything uh like physical products so if you're selling like you know things on Shopify um you have an e-commerce business that would be the option that You' probably choose um or even like services like I'm going to use uh purchases here even though we're we're selling services for our marketing agency um and then looking at these two here submit lead form and phone call leads this is really useful for people who maybe you have a service-based business in a local area like a landscaping company a plumbing company um
something along those lines you probably just want to collect leads right maybe phone numbers uh emails so that you can go ahead and follow up with them um so if you're in any type of sales this could be really useful for just basically collecting leads um and either having them call you or you call calling them or getting their contact info in some way um and then we have things like page views and brand awareness and we can even click on see more and we have other options that it might be very specific to you
like if you have a mobile app and you want people to download your app you would choose that as the goal for your campaign um and then we have very specific types of leads as well if we're looking for you know people to get directions to our um company to our business then we could click on that um so these are all of our different options here I'm just going to click on purchase purches uh for this one and then I'm going to continue so I'm going to click on next okay and so now we're
out of point where um and I I've set up ads for like many of our clients and stuff and every time I do this it's like a different page pops up so if yours is different from this uh that's all right um but they've done a lot of things they've changed up the interface a lot and it's it's kind of annoying to me so they want us to select themes because they want to make this as simple as possible but when they try to make things simple it also like is hard to run ads effectively
so what I'm going to do is if you see these little three dots up here this is what I'm going to click on and I'm going to view other types of campaigns because right now they have us in what's called their performance Max Campaign which is they want you to run ads on everything they want you to run ads on YouTube they want you to run ads as display ads search ads um like Gmail ads they want you running ads everywhere because Google just wants you to spend tons of money all right um and so
I'm going to click on view other camp campaign types and this is going to give me more flexibility on uh the specific ad that I want to run for my marketing agency so you see here uh if if you can click on those three dots and it takes you to this page you're on the right page okay um and if you have problems leave comments down below and I'll try to respond or feel free to message me on uh Instagram or uh on on Twitter as well and I'll try to help you out but just
be warned I'm I'm pretty busy so I'll I'll do my best um but anyway so the default that Google re recommends is performance Max and where they'll basically like create an ad for you and then run it on Google on YouTube on Gmail display ads and also discover uh this is overwhelming all right and I think look I've been running ads on Google for over 10 years now um and what I suggest doing is focusing on one type of AD becoming really good at that one type of AD and then from there you can Branch
out and try to run other types of ads so um let's just click on see more here and these are all the different types of ads we can run through Google's Network we can do search ads which is the one that I want to do and what I'm going to show you here right now uh because I think these are really effective um a search ad is basically like let's say someone looks up marketing agency Philadelphia right and so these uh that pop up here uh are search ads on Google so this one here this
one here this one here these are all search ads even this one as well um are search ads on Google this is one that I think most people like when you think of Google ads this is what you think of um this is the one that I'm going to show you right now how to create um but then also we have display ads so these could pop up like say you're on like CNN's website and an ad pops up on the side that would be a display ad uh we have video ads that can pop
up in YouTube videos um and then also um app ads Discovery ads smart ads they're really kind of going all out on different types of ads but I'm going to just select search here all right and if you're looking for something different that's okay you can add things in later but trust me when I say this um it's very important to just identify one type of AD and get good at that before trying to do every various different type of AD so I'm not sure why they push everyone to do performance Max I think they
just want to make a ton of money off of people um so I'm going to click on search and then I'm going to continue here so let's click on next all right and now we're going to select keywords for our uh Google ads okay and so um they've just actually pulled all of these different keywords uh from our website so I'm going to go ahead and delete pretty much all of these here because the ad that I want to create is for um uh marketing like uh services in the local Philadelphia area so hopefully you've
gotten to this page and if you have this is really important so when we're entering keywords this is what people search and this is how we pop up in those search results so there's three different types if you click on this or you just hover over this question mark here you'll see um if we just type in a word it's going to be a broad match so like if we type in marketing agency Philadelphia um basically people who search anything somewhat related to this uh your ad might pop up for that so like if they
search up inste a marketing agency Philadelphia maybe they look up like um Ad Agency Philadelphia or they look up uh digital ads in Philly it might still show up your ad could still pop up when they search for that term now if we do something we go back up to this question mark we use this as a guide here uh if we put it in parentheses or sorry in in uh quotation marks uh then it's going to be an exact phrase match so a phrase match would be let's say we want to do um digital
ads agency and when we put it in these quotation marks it basically means that the phrase has to match it can be out of order but these words have to be in there when someone searches so when someone searches digital ads Agency on Google our ad might pop up in the sponsored section there um if we if someone types in ads digital agency or Agency for digital ads we might still pop up when it has that phrase match um so it doesn't matter on the order as long as those words are there uh your ad
can still pop up and then we have exact match which is what we would use uh using brackets okay so if we add in these brackets here so let's say that we want to do marketing agency Philly and we put it inside of these brackets um now someone this is an exact match okay so someone has to literally type in marketing agency Philly for our ad to show up if they type in marketing agency Philadelphia our ad's not going to show up because we put it inside of these brackets so these options of just having
it plain putting quotation marks or adding brackets is going to determine uh exactly you know who is seeing this ad um if it's you know something broad or if you want an exact phrase so I would go ahead and fill out a bunch of these here you can go back and edit these later on uh basically we're just selecting these keywords here so let me just add in a couple more um let's say that we want to do maybe like um okay so I I added in a bunch of others there um and I probably
will like if I do decide to run this actually as an ad I we'll go back and tweak some of these and put more thought into it but I'm just making this tutorial here today for you okay so as you can see over on the left hand side uh we're currently selecting keywords then we're going to create our ad next we'll set our bid strategy and then also set our budget um so let's scroll down here and uh I want to talk about locations and audiences uh briefly here all right so for locations something to
know as a marketer is that the broader the potential Market the cheaper it's going to be for ads and it goes vice versa there right so if if you are uh selling a product and you can sell this anywhere in the world it's going to be cheaper per conversion or per click whatever you're basing this off of it's going to be cheaper uh than if you're trying to like Target very specific people like if you want to run ads only in New York City it's going to be more expensive because the group of people is
smaller and so you're just competing against a lot more people for that one specific area um so for me you know because we have an ad agency and um we want to maybe only target people in Pennsylvania and like the tri-state area uh what we can do here is let's say we want to do Pennsylvania and let's say we want to do New York but for some reason maybe we don't want New Jersey and no offense I I love my jersey people okay but I'm just using this as an example here um let's say that
for some reason you can't do business in a state or an area and you want want to avoid it and you don't want to run ads there um you can actually exclude that area and like I know I have friends who are tow truck drivers and they don't have like a a business license in New Jersey for some reason um and so they they don't do business there and so you would exclude that uh from from your uh list here of of people that you're looking to Target um and so once you figure out your
location and like I said try to make this as broad as possible if you can um because it's going to make your ads cheaper um and it's to get more expensive as you Whittle down and get very Niche down into a specific area and then we do have other options as well like do we want this person to actually be there or they just interested in that area um so you can mess around with that as well and then languages I only want to Target English at the moment um and then audience segments is pretty
cool I've seen them label this as other terms as well in the past but um this can be really cool like if you want maybe parents or uh let's let's go over to browse here and we can see like basically this is who the person is right so if we click on here we can see like parental status are they parents yeah maybe we want parents of like uh people who are teenagers right uh I'm not actually going to do that for this one because I'm doing an ad agency that doesn't make any sense um
but you can go through and say like maybe education right we want people who uh maybe have a bachelor's degree right or we want homeowners for some reason this is really useful for like if you're doing like ads for a landscaping company you don't want to be doing this for renters cuz what type of renter is you know hiring a landscaper right so um this is really cool having the ability to have audience segments um and then even like employment company size industry you can go really in depth here on these um so that's pretty
cool and uh you can really go and uh find some things here for the sake of this though I'm not going to do this because once again if you kind of get more Niche down you start to select a lot of things here it can end up driving up the cost of your ads um so I'm going to keep it pretty broad for now and I can always add these in uh later on okay um and so then they're going to give us options here we want search Network or also Display Network um I don't
want display ads this is like you know when you are uh searching for something and like an ad pops up on the side I don't really want that um I'm going to stick with just search Network ads and keep it very simple for now so once I have that figured out I'm going to click on done okay and now I'm going to click on next and the next step here is actually creating an ad all right and so now we are creating our search ad um and so you'll see this is going to look pretty
similar like if you ended up taking a different route and you did like the Power Max thing that they wanted you to do um you'll probably still have a similar setup here for when you create your ad I just like it when you Whittle it down and just do specifically search ads um so let's go ahead and fill some of this stuff out here so uh first of all we just have our URL for our website that we're sending them to this doesn't have to be a website this could be like a specific specific landing
page that you want them to go to um that's totally cool and then also the display path so this is basically what shows up on the ad and they have it here on the sidebar here that we can see so let's say that we want it to show up as sentral marketing right and you'll see down here it'll pop up on the side there we go see it just popped up down here okay so that's what the display path is there it's what people see when they're clicking on the ad of what domain it's
taking them to um and now we're just going to fill out some different headlines so the headlines are this blue text here so uh let me just change these up because they're pulling this from our website which has a lot of like tutorials and stuff um but let's change it up and thanks to like all this Google AI they do give us uh different um options right for like different things we can do but let me just fill out some keywords here and if you're kind of stuck on this and you don't know like what
words to use or what phrases to use then I'm going to give you a big pointer here and it's to not try to reinvent the wheel okay now what I do and I always recommend this to any of our clients and people that we work with um and viewers here watching this video is don't try to reinvent the wheel if you want to come up with some different terms for ads um you can go and you can like look up things on chatut to get some ideas but what I actually found to be really effective
is just look up who's already running ads in like a different market and then kind of use some of their words or phrases as inspiration don't copy them but use it as inspiration so like we have a marketing agency in Philadelphia right maybe I will look up marketing agency um Texas right and let's take a look at some of the ads that people are running there right and sometimes we can see things like hey these are like decent ads right and maybe uh we want to use like a word that we think is interesting like
top product marketing agency um or results driven right or uh B2B marketing agency so we can kind of just use some of these uh words that they are using as inspiration this is one of the ways that I think is really great for coming up with types of ads to run right smallish agency big clients 450 clients um that's that's actually pretty good ad I think so um chances are if people are running ads they they probably you know are renting them for a reason because they're working so um like I said don't try to
totally reinvent the wheel maybe we can borrow some ideas there um as long as it's like don't copy someone else's ad if they're in the same Market as you that would be not advised and that's also not cool um so looking like other markets outside of where you are all right so let me just fill out some random headlines and then we'll move on to uh some other sections here okay so I I just filled out three here I would recommend Ying about five um but for this I'm just going to keep it simple here
and move on to the description section which is going to be this small text down here so let me just fill some things out here as well um I'm going to delete what they have autofilled for us because this is pulling from our website which is a lot of like web tutorials and things all right and now I just filled out some uh descriptions here and yeah these aren't great ones I I just did them right now because uh I want to just show you for like the purpose of this here so uh feel free
to fill out a better description than what I did and make it more lengthy and wordy um this doesn't have to be absolutely perfect though like the thing you have to realize with running ads is that you're never going to create the perfect first ad I've seen people spend thousands of dollars to make an ad and then they put it out and it flops and it's like okay well you probably should have just put something out even if you don't think it's great and then run the ad learn from it and then start to make
little 10% improvements every time and you do something called AB testing or split testing uh basically where you run the old ad against like a new version of the ad you see which one does better the new version does better you stick with that and then you tweak it a little bit again right and you add something 10% better every single time uh until you have the perfect ad that is how you run ads okay um so it's okay if your ad is not absolutely perfect in this first time all right we can also add
site links as well like maybe we want uh various different like options for people to click on down here we can have those on there so I'm not going to do that for the purpose of this ad you can do that later if you'd like to um and then we can also change up our campaign uh URLs as well if we want to send them to a specific page so I'm going to click on next here and move on okay and so now uh we're setting a bid strategy we're getting towards the end here almost
in the uh campaign dashboard which is going to be really important I want to show you some cool things inside of there um but we have to decide what type of bid strategy we want so um Google tends to push people to go for conversions and you can set up like this Google tag thing uh to see like what's converting for you that can be pretty effective um the old school strategy here has been just like clicks or um uh Impressions um for this I'm actually going to go for clicks on my ad uh that's
just the one that I want like if you're doing Google search ads specifically then clicks is going to be the option that I would go for um but you can go for conversions it just depends how you build out your funnel and the type of product that you're selling um but I want to just do a cost per click uh setup here and so what we also probably want to do um is set a Max cost per click bid limit um because I already know like how much I'm going to be spending for new customers
and like the ad rates right now at the moment I know that I can probably get clicks for less than $5 um but if you're not really sure on this you can leave this blank and you don't have to fill this out uh if you go with conversions you can also set a Target cost per action which is a a CPA cost per acquisition of acquiring a new customer what's like the Target right for marketing agency for us like I want to acquire customers for $100 or less and so that's going to be my target
um for this though I'm going for clicks and so I'm just going to set $5 um but as I said you can leave this blank you don't have to put this in right now um so I'm going to click on next here and it's going to take us to the budget page um where they're going to try to get us to spend a lot of money but what I want you to do see look they're saying that they recommend our average daily budget is $432 uh don't do this okay um because the thing with ads
is that you have to start small okay you have to start small so you can learn over time what ad is effective otherwise you're just lighting money on fire cuz your first ad is not going to be the best ad of all time you want to set a custom budget and I'm going to do something very small you know my daily budget I might just want $20 a day right and so I want $20 a day this still going to be $140 per week um but I'm going to do this for a week two three
weeks until I find out what ad is working the best once I find the right horse once I find the one that is like a really good ad that's when you start dumping in a lot of money to run that ad quite a bit but until you have that really good ad built out um just spend enough money so that you have enough data points um but don't spend so much that you're just lighting money on fire okay so I'm going to go for $20 a day you know you can go for a little bit
more if it fits the budget um just don't go too small like if you do a dollar a day you're probably not going to like like no ads are going to get run and you're not even going to have enough data points to see what's working and what's not um all right and now we are uh just have to enter in our payment information and then we will get into the Google ads dashboard finally uh and then I can show you around inside of there okay so I entered my credit card info um and then
they're also going to ask if you uh want someone from Google to call you about Google ads uh I personally don't want that I haven't talked to anyone from Google in a long time uh you you can I'm assuming that they're going to try to upsell you on some stuff so I don't really want any more phone calls and I'm going to click on submit all right and so now uh we have to wait for our ads to get approved by Google they're just making sure you're not doing any anything really stupid and like do
something illegal so it might take a day or two usually takes less like usually it's day of um even though they say one to two days um and then they're going to ask us to uh basically connect to our website so that we can track our conversions and see what's working so uh because our site is using Wordpress we're going to do that you can also set it up now with code if you know how to do that um so we're going to click on next here and then we're going to have to copy our
tracking tag uh and then place it into our site Um this can be a little bit confusing as well and I understand that um but they do walk you through showing you how to do this on WordPress and if you're using a different uh website like a website builder they should show you based on the type of website builder that you use to create your website um but if you want to get past this because it's annoying like they don't let you just like skip past this part um if you just click on test connection
and then it'll show up red and then let's go down and then click on I'll do this later which I do recommend doing this but like if for some reason you just can't um then just say that you'll do this later and then um agree and continue to your account and set up your Google tag later um like I said I I would recommend doing it like now um but you can do it whenever and then also sometimes accounts will get flagged for suspicious activity I don't know why they just flagged me for suspicious activity
the first time this has happened um so if that happens you can fix it and go through that um but this is the Google ads dashboard sometimes it can look different as well um they have so many different features and things available but this is where you will see your ads being run so right now we will go through policy review once we fix our our suspended account um and then it will run those ads for us on campaign number one so I want to show you some cool things here uh like if we go
over to tools um and then we go up to planning and we go to something like the Keyword Planner I really like the Keyword Planner I think it's really effective um so let me show you how to use this like let's say that you want to see what are people searching for um they'll actually show you uh search volumes and then also you can discover new keywords as well so let's say like let's say we want to discover new keywords uh and I want to say marketing agency Philadelphia right and let's see some keywords related
to this and what working all right so they will show us basically the average monthly searches for all these different terms right so like for this term um they'll show us the different searches for that for Creative agencies all these different ones they will show us um basically the amount of um traffic that each one of these different Search terms are getting so that's pretty useful um let's click back here and let's go and get uh maybe search volume uh for certain terms right so let's say we want search volume for um Google how about
how to run Google ads and then check that out and we can see that on average about a th000 to 10,000 people per month are searching for exactly how to run Google ads and then also uh how much people are paying to be on the top of the page for the search term is about $153 on the low range up to $11,000 which doesn't really seem right but okay um and so this Keyword Planner overall is pretty cool you can mess around with it to uh find out various different search traffic and then also get
new ideas um and and new keywords that could be pretty useful so um that's what you can do with that tool there's a lot of other tools on here as well uh that you can set up um but let's go back to campaigns here and you can always create new campaigns so I just showed you how to do that with the search ad maybe once you graduate from search ads you say you know I want to start doing other things I want to start uh maybe running ads on YouTube well good thing you can do
that um so let's see you want to get sales and then you can do that right so uh that is the basics of running Google ads um let me go ahead and get my account fixed here so that it's not uh uh suspended for uh suspicious payments um but yeah that's the basics of running Google ads if you have any questions any concerns any problems leave some comments down I'll do my best to get back to you um I hope this video was valuable to you I know Google makes it pretty confusing and pretty complicated
so uh I'm here to help you uh also I'm not sure if we're going to have like time to run ads for other people but I will leave a link below maybe to like a form or something that you can fill out um because we work with some other agencies that might have some bandwidth to help people run Google ads or other types of ads as well um can't promise on that but if there is anything that we can offer I will leave a link to that down below in the description of this video so
thanks for watching I hope you found some value in this if you did make sure you subscribe to the channel uh drop a like on this video and I'll see everybody sometime in a future video
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