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In this serene and inspiring video, discover the power of maintaining peace and trusting in God's di...
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those who have despised you those who have confronted you and those who have underestimated you have no idea what awaits them pay attention to what I'm about to say when we are harmed we cannot let it corrupt our Essence it's unhealthy for resentment to turn into bitterness in our heart nor should we nurture feelings of retaliation it is vital to place such grievances in the hands of God entrusting these challenges to him in Proverbs 24: 29 we find do not say I'll do to them as they have done to me I'll pay back each according
to their deeds this verse underlines the importance of entrusting matters of Vengeance to God believing that he will deal justly with those who causes pain this motivates us to release any feelings of bitterness or intent for Revenge maintaining our inner peace and focusing on conduct that is pleasing to God in contemporary narratives of the scriptures we see a god of love whereas in older accounts we observe a God who is not only merciful or Stern but above all just Justice is the foundation no one attacks the anointed and goes unpunished they failed when they challenged
a chosen one of God if you weren't chosen you wouldn't be hearing this now though Those Who Rose against you will have to answer to God for example consider what happened with the Prophet Daniel he was thrown into the lion's den because of the Envy of other leaders Daniel instead of despairing placed his situation in God's hands declaring God will send his Angel and he will shut the Lion's mouths and so it was God acted and Daniel emerged unscathed none of those who accused him escaped without facing consequences do you see no one goes without
receiving the due response for this is a Divine Law the scriptures also tell of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his own Brothers instead of taking Revenge when he had the opportunity Joseph chose to maintain peace aware that it was merely a test of his faith he forgave and affirmed that God had a purpose for all that had happened what I mean is maintain peace and trust that God will take care of all things God will fight your battles against those who mocked you who belittled you and who acted unjustly God's justice is certain
and it will manifest whether you expect it or not listen carefully God has prepared a time of conquests for you even if it sometimes seems that everything is at a standstill and that you are at a disadvantage in the spirit spiritual realm the pieces are already moving a Biblical example that illustrates this truth that God will fight your battles is the story of Joseph of Egypt found in the Book of Genesis starting with chapter 37 Joseph was the most beloved Son of his father Jacob but this generated envy and resentment among his brothers they plotted
against him selling him as a slave to a caravan heading to Egypt in Egypt Joseph faced false accusations and was unjustly imprisoned despite his situation seeming hopeless Joseph never stopped trusting in God while in prison Joseph interpreted dreams that foretold the future which led him to the presence of pharaoh where he interpreted a dream that saved Egypt from a Great Famine Pharaoh seeing God's wisdom in Joseph El inv ated him to the governor of Egypt placing him in a position of great power when his brothers who had sold him came to Egypt in search of
food Joseph had the opportunity for Revenge however he chose to forgive and provide for their needs revealing a deep understanding of divine sovereignty and Justice Joseph said to his brothers do not be afraid am I in the place of God you intended to harm me but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done the saving of many lives this story highlights that even under the most adverse and humiliating conditions God will fight the battles of his chosen ones Joseph's rise from captivity to leadership is a powerful symbol of how faith and
trust in God overcome human adversities and oppression it shows that God's justice is inevitable and that he has a designated time for the victory of those who trust in him no matter how stagnant or unfavorable the circumstances may seem therefore take hold of this Revelation that is touching your heart today this challenge this affront in your life will not bring you down stay alert for God instructed me to change everything I had planned to say because he wanted to use my voice to deliver precisely this message not a single drop of rain touches the Earth
without God's consent and and if you are hearing these words it is because God knew your heart needed this encouragement today the Lord declares that he will finalize this conflict this battle for this fight does not belong to you but to him he will resolve these matters for you you have been pleading for justice to the heavens for a long time and God has made sure you receive this message now to show you that he is aware of everything that has been happening he will free you from this disgrace God is using me today to
prophesy in your life that the period Of Dishonor is ending and he is taking the Reigns of this battle when offense occurs the natural desire to take justice into our own hands to react harshly arises however pay attention God asks you to remain silent you must take a deep breath and not utter a word for it will be he who vindicates you ignore do not complain do not lament because in silence God will justify you furthermore prepare yourself for he also announces that he will vindicate and compensate you the doors that God will open in
your life from now on will compensate you for all the adversities confrontations and losses you have faced it may seem that you are falling behind due to disappointments injustices and losses but let me tell tell you when God speaks to someone it is because something is happening or is about to happen God has affirmed that the humiliations confrontations and injustices will be rewarded with a period of double honor the doors that God will open in your journey will compensate you for all the hardships faced you will meet the right people and the opportunities you have
been waiting for will also arise on your path you will notice everything flowing more smoothly finally God will reward you and this reward will be greater and more Splendid than you can imagine I believe and declare that at this very moment as you hear my voice circumstances are already changing in your favor the weight of the negativities will lessen compared to the weight of Glory what God will do in your life will be much better than you thought or imagined it will be something incredible Supernatural and it is already on its way you are being
touched by the word of God at this moment so receive take possession because you are also about to be blessed by Divine goodness and witness in your life the Justice of the almighty against all those who confronted you humiliated you and harmed you amen now raise your hand and glorify God you are feeling it this is powerful I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit here today like never before I want you to write in the comments of this video your name so that I can present it to God I also want you to write
today's phrase to invoke the power of Faith write a period of justice and reward begins today in my life write this to formalize our prayer in the spiritual realm a period of justice and reward that is starting now it begins today in your life now leave a like if you enjoyed this video it's important you see I don't ask this out of vanity but because it will help the message reach more people I have a purpose and so do you mine is to pray preach and Minister yours is to be a light in people's lives
you are a warrior of light an angel disguised as a human being and you have this mission to spread the word of God so share this now with with three people copy the link of this video send it to three friends via WhatsApp also add it to your WhatsApp status these people will be blessed through you and you will receive double honor for each share for each send now I want to pray for you for your life every adversity will be overcome because we are here to offer you support let us listen to the inspiring
Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength an everpresent help in trouble therefore we will not fear though the Earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea though its Waters Roar and foam and the mountains Quake with their surging there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God the holy place where the most high dwells God is within her she will not fall God will help her at the the break of day the Nations rage the kingdoms totter he utters his voice the Earth melts the Lord of
hosts is with us the god of Jacob is our Fortress he will lift you up with his hands so that your feet will not strike against a stone you will have strength to overcome great challenges you will tread upon obstacles and difficulties because you love God he will rescue you he will keep you safe because you know his name when you call on him he will answer he will be with you in trouble he will deliver you and honor you he will give you a long life and show you his salvation now I pray for
your life father you have revealed to me that there is a Divine Purpose for this person may where this prayer reaches your Providence also reach Lord take possession of this environment this house this home you are The Sovereign over over all you hold all power and authority and when you act no one can interrupt you are my father the Lord of all answers who can challenge you no one can stand before you you are the god Invincible in battles your word says that before the day began you were already at work who can stop you
I feel your presence here father I am interceding now for this person facing adversities please share in the comments what difficulty you are facing whether it be unemployment debt illness family challenges or any other situation I intercede for you now my god father enter this battle may this trial be overcome now my God grant Victory to this person father position my God at this very moment the right people those who caused pain who harmed who caused suffering God allow them now to feel your Divine Justice and let this person who hears me be rewarded with
a period of double honor that begins today in their life Prevail my God With Victory open doors in the love life professional life finances health of this person and the health of those they love in the family relationships and Endeavors may all barriers fall now at this moment without delay in the life of this person in the name of Jesus pray with me like this Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory Glory forever amen you say thanks be to God take a deep breath your blessing your Miracle your Victory is coming of everything that was prophesied today here today was a powerful day don't interrupt this spiritual routine you have of praying here with me every day I want you to share this prayer now there are three people who need this blessing and will receive it through
you share this prayer copy the link send it to three of your contacts by WhatsApp everything around you may seem distant but know that Jesus is ready to save you now your life is about to transform just trust in Divine Providence don't doubt everything will work out I am Paul Davis a messenger of God on the screen now a specially chosen video for you watch it may God bless your life abundantly
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